1 Complex Numbers: I vs. J
1 Complex Numbers: I vs. J
1 Complex Numbers: I vs. J
1.1 i vs. j
In some fields (and in high school), the imaginary unit is written as i. However, in electrical√ engineering,
the symbol i is also used for electric current, so to prevent confusion, we write j to represent −1. We will
use this notation throughout.
z = x + jy. (1.1)
We can extract the real part x and imaginary part y of z using the operations
x = Re{z} (1.2)
y = Im{z}. (1.3)
1 jθ
cos θ = (e + e−jθ ) (1.5)
1 jθ
sin θ = (e − e−jθ ) (1.6)
Writing sines and cosines in this form will be very helpful for us later on, especially when we deal with
Fourier series and Fourier transforms.
z = rejθ . (1.7)
We can extract the magnitude (or absolute value or modulus) r and angle (or phase or argument) θ of z
using the operations
r = |z| (1.8)
θ = ∠z = arg{z}. (1.9)
r = x2 + y 2 (1.10)
tan θ = . (1.11)
The following diagram shows the complex number z = a + jb = rejθ in the complex plane:
The complex conjugate of a complex number z is the complex number z ∗ (also written z) whose imaginary
part is the opposite of the imaginary part of z. So, if
z = x + jy = ejθ (1.12)
z∗ = x − jy = e−jθ (1.13)
An easy way to take the conjugate of a complicated arithmetic expression containing complex numbers
is to replace all the j’s with −j’s. The conjugate is an alternative method for determining the magnitude of
a complex number:
We can use the complex conjugate to extract the real and imaginary parts of a complex number z:
Re{z} = (z + z ∗ ) (1.15)
Im{z} = (z − z ∗ ) (1.16)
where xi , yi , ri and θi are real numbers. Then, we define the sum of z1 and z2 to be the sum of the real
and imaginary parts independently:
This motivates us to picture complex numbers as vectors: individual components of vectors add indepen-
dent, just like the real and imaginary components of complex numbers. However, multiplication is a bit
harder to interpret in rectangular form:
A recurrent problem-solving technique is to switch forms or representations when one becomes difficult to
use. So, let’s try this in polar form:
z1 z2 = r1 ejθ1 r2 ejθ2 (1.25)
= (r1 r2 )ej(θ1 +θ2 ) . (1.26)
Thus, the magnitude of the product of two complex numbers is the product of the magnitude of the factors,
and the angle is the sum of the angles of the factors:
To summarize:
When we divide complex numbers in rectangular form, we multiply the top and bottom by the conjugate
of the denominator. Likewise, exponentiation is usually done most easily when polar notation is used.
In 6.003, we will be dealing with complex numbers all the time. So, it will be important for you to
be comfortable with switching between rectangular and polar forms as appropriate for a given concept or