Activity Parent Interview Budgeting

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The document discusses having students interview their parents about their money habits, views, goals and lessons learned. It provides questions for students to ask their parents about managing money.

Parents may say that budgeting, saving early, and limiting expensive purchases are important lessons. They may wish they learned skills like budgeting earlier in life.

Parents' biggest financial goals often include saving for retirement, paying off debt or a mortgage. They want their children to learn financial responsibility and save for education or a home.

Parent Interview


Tell students that they will be conducting an interview with their parents or
Activity: Individual
guardian about their money habits, views and goals. Please be aware that this
ž ž3 0 M I N U T E S
assignment will be more difficult for some students based on the current financial
Materials: One interview
question handout per realities in their homes. You may want to offer an alternative assignment if a
student student expresses concern about completing this activity. Explain to students that
Objective: The purpose it is important to learn both from the financial successes and the challenges their
of this activity is to allow parents have faced.
students an opportunity to
open communication about Note: Students should be offered the opportunity, but not required, to share and
money management with process what they learned from their interviews.
their parents.
S TA N D A R D Financial
Responsibility and
Decision Making
Standard 5: Develop
communication strategies
for discussing financial

• A nalyze the values and

attitudes of members
of previous generations
from their personal
stories about money.
• E xplain how discussing
important financial
information with
household members can
help reduce conflict.

Foundations in Personal Finance High School Edition


Parent Interview (1/2)

Talk to Your Parents

Let your parents know that you are taking a class on personal finance and ask them the following questions.
You will not be required to share this with the class, but it may help you think about some of the things we
will be discussing during this unit.

What has been the most important thing you’ve learned in your adult life about managing money? What
might have been different if you had learned that skill/information earlier in life?

Do you regularly write a budget? If so, do you budget weekly? Bimonthly? Monthly?

Do you “allow” yourself “play/fun money”? Why or why not?


What is the most important thing that money can do for you?

Do you view money as more of a burden or a help?


What has been your most expensive purchase? How did it make you feel once you made the purchase?

CH A P TER 1 Foundations in Personal Finance High School Edition

Parent Interview (2/2)

What is your most important “tip” or “hint” that you would like to share with me about managing money?

What is your biggest financial goal? What financial goals would you most like to see me achieve?

What would you most like for me to learn from this class?

CH A P TER 1 Foundations in Personal Finance High School Edition

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