Systematic Approach To Teaching Worksheet Prof Ed 3

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Discussion Questions:
What is a systematic approach to teaching?
What are the elements of a systematic approach to teaching?

Figure 1. Systematized Instruction

Systematic Approach to Teaching

As depicted in the chart, the focus of systematic instruction is the learner. Instruction
begins with the definition of instructional objectives that consider the learners’ needs, interests
and readiness.
On the basis of these objectives, the teacher selects the appropriate teaching methods to be used
and, in turn, based on the teaching method selected, chooses also the appropriate learning experiences and
appropriate materials, equipment and facilities.

The use of learning materials, equipment and facilities necessitates assigning the appropriate
personnel to assist the teacher and defining the role of any personnel involved in the preparation, setting
and returning of these learning resources.

The effective use of learning resources is dependent on the expertise of the teacher, the
motivation level or the responsiveness, and the involvement of the learners in the learning process.
With the instructional objective in mind, the teacher implements planned instruction with the use
of the selected teaching method, learning activities, and the learning materials with the help of other
personnel whose role has been defined by the teacher.
Will the teacher use direct or indirect instruction? Will he teach using the deductive or inductive
method? It depends on his/her instructional objective, nature of the subject matter, readiness of students
and the facilitating skills of the teacher himself/herself.

Examples of learning activities that the teacher can choose from, depending on his/her
instructional objective, nature of the lesson content, readiness of the students, are
reporting or doing presentation,
and evaluating

Some examples of learning resources for instructional use are

Programmed materials,
Television programs,
Video clips,
Slides and transparencies,
Real objects
And the like.

After the instruction, teacher evaluates the outcome of instruction. From the evaluation results,
teacher comes to know if the instructional objective was attained. If the instructional objective was
attained, teacher proceeds to the next lesson going through the same cycle once more.

If the instructional objective was not attained, then teacher diagnoses what was not learned and
finds out why it was not learned in order to introduce a remedial measure for improved student
performance and attainment of instructional objective. This way no learners will be left behind.

The systems approach views the entire educational system program as a system of closely
interrelated parts. It is an orchestrated learning pattern with all parts harmoniously integrated into the
whole: the school, the teacher, the students, the objectives, the media, the materials, and the assessment
tools and procedures.

The phases or elements are connected to one another. If one element or one phase of the
instructional process fails, the outcome which is learning is adversely affected. The attainment of the
learning objective is dependent on the synergy of all elements and of all actors involved in the process.
The purpose of a system instructional design is “to ensure orderly relationships and interaction of
human, technical, and environmental resources to fulfill the goals which have been established for
instruction” (Brown,1969).

APPLICATION ( Submit Answers Via Google Classroom or Messenger)

Answer the following questions and perform the activities to test your understanding of Systems

A. True or False. Write your answer in the blank space provided. Read carefully if the
statement characterizes system approach or not.
__________1. The function of one part can be performed by another part of the system.
__________2. One element can be substituted by another element in the system.
__________3. There is interaction among parts of the system.

__________4. Elements are independent of each other.

__________5. There is interdependence of elements.

B. Match the questions with the phases/elements of a systematic instructional design given in Figure
1 on Systematized instruction. Number of questions to be matched could be more than one.

PHASES OF SYSTEMATIZED INSTRUCTION Instructional Design Questions (Marzano, 2007)

a. Define Objectives
1. What will I do to establish and
b. Choose Appropriate Methods communicate learning goals, track student
progress, and celebrate success?
c. Choose Appropriate Experiences 2. What will I do to help students effectively
interact with new knowledge?
d. Select materials, equipment, and 3. What will I do to help students practice
facilities and deepen their understanding of new
e. Assign Personnel Roles knowledge?
4. What will I do to help students generate
f. Implement the instruction and test hypotheses about new
g. Evaluate outcomes 5. What will I do to engage students?
6. What will I do to establish or maintain
h. Refine the process classroom rules and procedures?
7. What will I do to recognize and
acknowledge adherence and lack of
adherence to classroom rules and
8. What will I do to establish and maintain
effective relationships with students?
9. What will I do to communicate high
expectations for all students?
10. What will I do to develop effective
lessons organized into a cohesive unit?

C. Make your own graphic representation of the System’s Approach to Instruction

Making The Connection ( Submit Answers Via Google Classroom or Messenger)
1. Review the parts of a lesson plan learned in Principles of Teaching. Find out if the parts of a
lesson plan contain the elements of a system of instruction. Match the PARTS of a LESSON

(For Questions 2 and 3, refer to Figure 2. Model for Facilitating Pupil Learning)

1. Establishing Learning

2. Evaluating Progress Toward

3. Assessing Learner’s Entry
Learning Objectives
4. Designing,
Implementing Learning
Figure 2. Model for
Facilitating Pupil Learning)

2. Does the teaching cycle contain the main elements of a systems approach to instruction?

3. What do the arrows indicate?

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