How To Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Step 1

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How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table

by Polkilo

HI! Tooday i will show you how i made a Floating Tensegrity Table. It's Floating Co ee Table or you can use it as
bedside table. This post will go step by step of the process i undertook to build this mind bending project. Hope you
will like it!

Step 1:

"Te ns e g rit y, t e ns io na l int e g rit y or o a t ing - Expansion with Round Hook (6 x 30 mm) 10 pieces.
co m pre s s io n is a structural principle based on a
system of isolated components under compression - Paper clips
inside a network of continuous tension, and arranged
in such a way that the compressed members (usually - Glue for wood
bars or struts) do not touch each other while the
prestressed tensioned members (usually cables or Tools that i used:
tendons) delineate the system spatially." - Electric screwdriver

For this project i used: - Grinding machine (from Aliexpress)

- Round wood cutting Board/ Diameter 300 mm - 2 - Japanese saw (from Aliexpress)
- Clamp (from Aliexpress)
- Pine Board 18*30*2000mm - 1 piece.
- Wolfcraft jig
- Steel Wire Rope, Vinyl Coated 2mm.

How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 1

Step 2:

I drew a table in the size of 1:1. It is very convenient to measure the details and make accurate measurements

Step 3:

I used a protractor to set precise angles. I sawed with a Japanese saw. It makes a very precise and accurate cut. then
I applied the part to my drawing and made the next cut

How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 2

Step 4:

To connect the parts, I cut out half the depth of the pine Board, and then glued them together with wood glue.
Pressed with clamps and left the glue to dry for several hours.

Step 5:
How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 3
When the glue dried, I made a marking and drilled holes for mounting on Dowel Pins. I used 8 mm Dowel Pins. I
also added wood glue and left it to dry for a few hours.

Step 6:

When the glue dried, I cut the dowel pins with a Japanese saw. I mixed sawdust and wood glue. I got wood ller. I
lled all the cracks with it, waited for the wood ller to dry, and then sanded it with a grinding tool.

How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 4

Step 7:

To connect the table legs and table top, I drilled holes for dowel pins. Then I added wood glue and glued the table
top and table leg together. Left the glue to dry for several hours.

Step 8:

How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 5

I sanded the table top with sandpaper. I covered it with Watco Danish Oil linseed oil

Step 9:

To connect 2 parts of my table together, I used a steel cable. I have a red cable, but you can take a transparent
cable. Then the e ect of levitation will be stronger. I used paper clips to connect the cable. To do this, I straightened
them, and then wrapped them around the cable.

How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 6

Step 10:

It remains to mark the holes for attaching the steel cable. I will use Expansion with Round Hook.

Step 11:

the table can support a weight of 5 kg. Maybe more, but I didn't dare to check :)

Step 12:

The nal result! This is a fantastic table I got! I hope you liked it. you can nd more information in my video. If you
have any questions, ask them in the comments. I will be happy to answer them!
How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 7
Need to apply a finish. Also deciding if I should keep the rope or go to a wire.

Well done! What you desigion Rope or Wire? :)

Would I be able to use fishing line or do I have to stick to the cables. Also, would increasing the
diameter of the table top affect the suspension.
How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 8
if you want to increase the diameter of the countertop, than you should use cables. but you can use
cables with transparent vinyl film
I made this a while ago but seen this post and added mine#

Nice work is there any glass on the top?

I added a 8mm thick laser cut clear perspex triangle in the center and its made of pressure treated
good i like it.

Really nice job on this table! It's crazy seeing it be held sideways :)

I'm glad you like it thank you!

How to Make Floating Tensegrity Table: Page 9

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