LC Jumpers Fap 203 Web PDF
LC Jumpers Fap 203 Web PDF
LC Jumpers Fap 203 Web PDF
LC Jumpers
High Preformance Compact Jumpers that Enable More Density and Increased Durability
Jumpers are tested and must meet a maximum insertion loss of 0.25 dB. Jumpers come
in fixed lengths or can be ordered in custom lengths. LC jumpers are available with
angled and reduced length cable support options for unique applications where space
may be a constraint.
LC Jumpers
A Furukawa Company Your Optical Fiber Solutions Partner ®
LC S pec if ic at ions
Fo r A ddit ional Re fe re n c e , p l e a s e c h e c k th e
fo l l owing O F S Do c u me n ta ti o n
LC Adapters (fap-102)
LC Connectors (fap-115)
LC Angle Shielded Adapter (fap-103)
Angled LC Family (fap-118)
SMART Code syntax below has spaces between field sets for visibility.
Actual SMART Code should not include any spacing.
c - Jacket Color
b - Fiber Type B = Blue (Blue Tiger)
B = Blue Tiger™ (Blue Jacket Only) O = Orange (50 µm & 62.5 µm Multimode Fiber)
D = EZ-Bend® (White Jacket Default) S = Slate (Optional color 62.5 Multimode)
F = LaserWave® 550 (Aqua Jacket Default) W = White (EZ-Bend Fiber)
H = LaserWave 150 G+ (Aqua Jacket Default) K = Black (Indoor/Outdoor 4.8 mm Cordage Fiber)
K = 50 µm Bend-Insensitive (Orange Jacket Y = Yellow (AllWave FLEX Fiber)
Default) A = Aqua (LaserWave 150 G+, 300, 550 Fiber)
L = 62.5 µm Multimode (Orange Jacket Default)
M = 50 µm Multimode (Orange Jacket Default)
W = AllWave FLEX (Yellow Jacket Default)
Z = LaserWave 300 (Aqua Jacket Default)
3 = LaserWave 300 Bend-Insensitive
5 = LaserWave 500 Bend-Insensitive
AllWave, EZ-Bend, LaserWave and Unibody are registered trademarks and Blue Tiger is a
trademark of OFS Fitel, Inc.
OFS reserves the right to make changes to the prices and product(s) described in this document
at any time without notice. This document is for informational purposes only and is not intended to
modify or supplement any OFS warranties or specifications relating to any of its products or services.