3-A Accepted Practices For Farm Milk Cooling and Storage Systems, Number 611-00
3-A Accepted Practices For Farm Milk Cooling and Storage Systems, Number 611-00
3-A Accepted Practices For Farm Milk Cooling and Storage Systems, Number 611-00
It is the purpose of the IAFIS, IAFP, USPHS, DIC, and FIC in connection with the development of the 3-A Sanitary Standards
Program to allow and encourage full freedom for inventive genius or new developments. Farm milk cooling and storage system
specifications heretofore or hereafter developed which so differ in design, materials, and fabrication or otherwise as not to
conform to the following standards but which, in the fabricator's opinion, are equivalent or better, may be submitted for the
joint consideration of the IAFIS, IAFP, USPHS, DIC and FIC at any time. NOTE: Use current revisions or editions of all
referenced documents cited herein. Standard English is the official language of 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted
B2.2 Nonproduct Contact Surfaces: Shall mean all B5 Milk Transfer Line: A pipe which performs the
other exposed surfaces. single function of transporting milk.
milk enters the cooling tank. Surfaces in Dairy Equipment, Number 18-.
B7 Instant Cooling: Shall be the cooling of milk to C2.3 Plastic materials may be used for drip shields, O-
storage temperature in a plate or tubular heat rings, seals, gaskets and parts having the same
exchanger before the milk enters the storage or functional purpose or for protective caps for
cooling tank. sanitary tubing, fittings or vents. (Also see C1
B8 Coolant (Cooling Media): Shall be the
recirculated cold water which is used in coolers C2.4 Plastic materials when used for the above
and heat exchangers, and shall include those specified applications shall comply with the
systems in which a nontoxic freezing-point applicable provisions of the 3-A Sanitary
depressant is used, is from a safe source and is Standards for Multiple-Use Plastic Materials
protected from contamination. Used as Product Contact Surfaces for Dairy
Equipment, Number 20-.
B9 Simple Hand Tools: Shall mean implements
normally used by operating and cleaning C2.5 Rubber and rubber-like materials and plastic
personnel such as a screwdriver, wrench or materials having product contact surfaces shall
hammer. be of such composition as to retain their surface
and conformational characteristics when exposed
C MATERIALS to the conditions encountered in the environment
of intended use and in cleaning and bactericidal
C1 The materials of product contact surfaces of treatment.
equipment included in the farm milk cooling and
storage systems for which there are 3-A Sanitary C2.6 The final bond and residual adhesive, if used, on
Standards or 3-A Accepted Practices shall bonded rubber and rubber-like materials and
comply with the material criteria of the 4
bonded plastic materials shall be nontoxic .
applicable standards or accepted practices.
C2.7 Bonded rubber and rubber-like materials and
C2 Product contact surfaces shall be of stainless steel bonded plastic materials having product contact
of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) surfaces shall be of such composition as to retain
300 Series or corresponding Alloy Cast their surface and conformation characteristics
3 when exposed to the conditions encountered in
Institute (ACI) types (See Appendix, Section
G.), or metal which under conditions of intended the environment of intended use and in cleaning
use is at least as corrosion resistant as stainless and bactericidal treatment .
steel of the foregoing types, and is nontoxic and
nonabsorbent, except that: C3 All nonproduct contact surfaces shall be of
corrosion-resistant material or material that is
C2.1 Rubber and rubber-like materials may be used for rendered corrosion resistant. If coated, the
sealing applications, O-rings, drip deflectors and coating used shall adhere. All nonproduct
parts having the same functional purposes. (Also contact surfaces shall be relatively nonabsorbent,
see C1 herein.) durable, and cleanable. Parts removable for
cleaning having both product contact and
C2.2 Rubber and rubber-like materials when used for nonproduct contact surfaces shall not be painted.
the above specified application(s) shall comply
with the applicable provisions of the 3-A
Sanitary Standards for Multiple-Use Rubber and
Rubber-Like Materials Used as Product Contact
The data for this series are contained in the AISI Steel
Products Manual, Stainless & Heat Resisting Steels, November 1990,
Table 2-1, pp. 17-20. Available from the American Iron and Steel
Society, 186 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086 (724) 776-1535. 4
Adhesives shall comply with 21 CFR 175 - Indirect Food
3 Additives: Adhesives and Components of Coatings. Document for
Steel Founders Society of America, Cast Metal Federation sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Building, 455 State Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016 (708) 299-9160. Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (202) 512-1800.
D FABRICATION in. (6.35 mm) O-rings shall not be less than 3/32
in. (2.38 mm) .
D1 The fabrication criteria of equipment included in
the farm milk cooling and storage system for D4.1.3 The minimum radii in grooves for standard 1/8
which there are 3-A Sanitary Standards or 3-A in. (3.18 mm) O-rings shall be not less than 1/32
Accepted Practices shall be those of the in. (0.794 mm).
applicable standards or accepted practices. Other
equipment shall conform to the following D4.1.4 Radii smaller than 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) may be used
fabrication criteria. when they are required for essential functional
reasons, such as O-ring grooves. In no case
D2 Surface Texture shall such radii be less than 1/32 in. (0.794 mm).
D2.1 All product contact surfaces shall have a finish at D5 All tubing shall conform with the applicable
least as smooth as a No. 4 ground finish on provisions for welded sanitary product pipelines
stainless steel sheets and be free of imperfections found in the 3-A Accepted Practices for
such as pits, folds and crevices in the final Permanently Installed Product and Solution
fabricated form. (See Appendix, Section H.) Pipelines and Cleaning Systems Used in Milk
The measuring rod of an immersion type and Milk Product Processing Plants, Number
measuring device may have a dull finish to 605- and with the 3-A Sanitary Standards for
facilitate reading. Polished Metal Tubing for Dairy Products,
Number 33-.
D3 Gaskets
D6 All sanitary fittings and connections shall
D3.1 Gaskets having a product contact surface shall be conform with the applicable provisions of the 3-
removable or bonded. A Sanitary Standards for Sanitary Fittings for
Milk and Milk Products, Number 63-. (Also see
D3.2 Bonded rubber and rubber-like materials and D1.)
bonded plastic materials having product contact
surface shall be bonded in a manner that the bond D7 All sensor connections having product contact
is continuous and mechanically sound so that surfaces shall conform to the 3-A Sanitary
when exposed to the conditions encountered in Standards for Sensor and Sensor Fittings and
the environment of intended use and in cleaning Connections Used on Milk and Milk Products
and bactericidal treatment, the rubber and rubber- Equipment, Number 74-. (Also see D1 herein.)
like material or the plastic material does not
separate from the base material to which it is D8 Pressurized air, if used, shall be produced in
bonded. accordance with applicable provisions of the 3-A
Accepted Practices for Supplying Air Under
D3.3 Grooves in gaskets shall be no deeper than their Pressure in Contact with Milk, Milk Products,
width. and Product Contact Surfaces, Number 604-.
D3.4 Gasket grooves or gasket retaining grooves in D9 All permanent joints in metallic product contact
product contact surfaces for removable gaskets surfaces shall be continuously welded.
shall not exceed 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) in depth or be
less than 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) wide except those for D10 Farm milk cooling and storage systems that are to
standard O-rings smaller than 1/4 in. (6.35 mm), be mechanically cleaned shall be designed so that
and those provided for in Sections D5 and D6. the product contact surfaces of the milk system
and all nonremovable appurtenances thereto can
D4 Radii be mechanically cleaned and are accessible for
D4.1 All internal angles of 135° or less on product
contact surfaces, shall have radii of not less than D11 Product contact surfaces not designed to be
1/4 in. (6.35 mm) except: mechanically cleaned shall be easily accessible
for cleaning, and inspection either when in an
D4.1.1 Those provided for in Section D6 and D7. assembled position or when removed.
Demountable parts shall be readily removable
D4.1.2 The minimum radii in grooves for standard 1/4 using simple hand tools.
F1.1 The milk shall be cooled to 50°F (10°C) within F3.2 In determining cooling capacity, the ambient
the first hour after milking and 40°F (4.4°C) temperature shall be 90°F (32°C) and when water
within the second hour after milking, provided cooled condensers are used, the refrigerant
the blend temperature after the first milking does condensing temperature shall be not less than
not exceed 50°F (10°C). 103°F (39°C).
F1.1.1 For every day pickup, the cooling system shall be F3.3 Re-Rating the Precooling System: When the tank
rated to cool at least 50% of maximum tank is part of a farm milk cooling and storage system,
capacity. the maximum rate at which milk may enter the
tank may be increased by the amount given in the
F1.1.2 For every other day pickup, the cooling system following table. NOTE: For every 6°F (3.3°C)
shall be rated to cool at least 25% of maximum that milk drops below 98°F (37°C) before it
tank capacity. enters the tank, the maximum rate milk may enter
the tank may be increased by 10% or the
minimum condensing unit capacity may be
decreased by 10%.
F3.3.1 TABLE - Rerate Factors for Data Plates Surface Texture, is considered to be equivalent to
a No. 4 finish.
Milk Enter FlowrateCondenser
FactorA FactorB I DIAGRAMS
Multiply data plate flowrate by flowrate factor. DRAWING FIGURE 3-A PAGE
Multiply data plate condensing unit capacity
by condenser factor.
Farm Cooling 1 3-A 7
APPENDIX Tank System 611-00-01
Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Phone: (610) 832-9500.
Available from the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2392
(212) 705-7722.
3-A Drawing
Farm Milk Cooling and Storage Systems
3-A 611-00-01
Figure 1
3-A Drawing
Farm Milk Cooling and Storage Systems
3-A 611-00-02
Figure 2
3-A Drawing
Farm Milk Cooling and Storage Systems
3-A 611-00-03
Figure 3
3-A Drawing
Farm Milk Cooling and Storage Systems
3-A 611-00-04
Figure 4