Transparent Cost Database: Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)
Transparent Cost Database: Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)
Transparent Cost Database: Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)
The data below was downloaded from the Transparent Cost Database at
Levelized cost of electricity in cents / kWh. This is an approximation for the price at which electricity would need to be sold to break even.
LCOE Paramaters
Term Units Description Alternative Sources Database Column
Capital Cost US$/Kw Cost of the plant OnghCptCstDlKwInclCtng will be used first, OnghCptCstDlKwInclCtng,
but if not available, the product of the ContingencyFactor,
Contingency Factor and OnghtCptlCostDolPerKw
OnghtCptlCostDolPerKw will be used,
otherwise just OnghtCptlCostDolPerKw.
CRF calculated
t Tax rate paid (applied after depreciation credits).
DPV The present value of depreciation,
depending on the MACRS schedule
(Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery
Fuel Price fuel cost of the plant in ($/mmBTU) The cost depends on the type of fuel used
Heat Rate The efficiency of the power plant in If the value is not defined in the data, zero HeatRate
converting fuel into electricity is used.
CRF: Capital Recovery Factor
A common element in the levelized cost calculations is capital expenditures. The capital expenditure is turned into annual payments with a
Capital Recovery Factor (CRF) that is defined using a common calculation.
D Discount Rate is the assumed effective rate at which future income streams are discounted. Used to compute the capital recovery
factor. In Normalized mode, a single discount rate is used. In Market and User modes, the discount rate can be different for each
N Lifetime of the Investment. It is the assumed lifetime of a new plant/vehicle and the period over which the investment is computed
(unless specified otherwise)
As noted above, the actual discount rate and investment lifetime parameters may be different depending on the technology and calculation
mode. The descriptions of the different levelized cost calculations define the options.
If the discount rate (D) is zero, then the following formula is used to calculate the CRF.