Excellence: Soils & Foundations
Excellence: Soils & Foundations
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American Concrete Institute .......................2 Keller - North America ..............................6 Director for Sales, Marketing
& Business Development
ASDIP Structural Software ..........................9 KPFF .....................................................4 Jose E. Mendoza, P.E.
The Citadel – Dept. of CEE ....................26 RISA ...................................................36 Tel: 312-649-4600 ext. 210
[email protected]
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute ............13 Simpson Strong-Tie ................................15
ENERCALC ............................................3 Subsurface Constructors, Inc. ...................35 EDITORIAL STAFF
Geopier Foundation Company.................22 Williams Form Engineering......................27 Executive Editor Alfred Spada
[email protected]
Brian W. Miller
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Excellence in
Structural Engineers Associations, all rights reserved. Subscription services,
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STRUCTURE magazine Circulation, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 750,
4 STRUCTURE magazine
Contents D ECEM BER 2020
By Mark Forman, S.E., Brandon Horton, S.E., and Diana Gonzalez, EIT
Engineering Awards in
November. For 23 years, the 8 Practical Solutions A Practical Guide to
awards highlight work from Soil-Structure Interaction
By Bret Lizundia, S.E.
the best and brightest in the
structural engineering profession.
12 Risk Management Falling Through the Cracks
Read an overview of the award- By Ross J. Smith, P.E.
winning projects.
16 Response to October 2020 STRUCTURE Article
By Jason B. Lloyd, Ph.D., P.E., Robert J. Connor, Ph.D., P.E.,
and Karl H. Frank, Ph.D., P.E.
In Every Issue
4 Advertiser Index
26 Resource Guide – Earth Retention
28 NCSEA News
30 SEI Update
32 CASE in Point
CASE Business Practices Creating a Culture of Recruitment and Retention By Jeff Morrison
InFocus Staying Engaged and Effective While Working Remotely – Part 1 By STRUCTURE’s Editorial Board
Publication of any article, image, or advertisement in STRUCTURE® magazine does not constitute endorsement by NCSEA, CASE, SEI, the Publisher, or the Editorial Board. Authors, contributors, and advertisers retain sole responsibility for the content of their submissions.
Time to Contribute and Make a Difference
By John Tawresey, P.E., F.SEI, Dist.M.ASCE
I t was a beautiful day in Seattle, with the bluest skies you have ever
seen. On that day, I was at my construction site, waiting to pour
the first building foundation. I retired in 2013 and converted my
assets into constructing seven rental units. After 40 years of practic-
ing structural engineering, I was confident that I could be my own
general contractor. It should be easy on a small project.
While waiting, my phone chimed. It was Glenn Bell (Past President
of the SEI Board of Governors). “John, I am calling you about the
foundation.” How did Glenn know about my foundation? He could
2019 SEI Futures Fund Student and Young Professional Recipients of a Scholarship
not know. He was 3000 miles away. I responded, “What foundation?”
to the Structures Congress.
He replied, “The Structural Engineering Institute Futures Fund
(SEIFF). It’s a subset of the ASCE Foundation.” involved in standards meetings, giving them exposure to,
Glenn asked me to join the Futures Fund Board. I did not even know and investment in, this crucial work of our profession.
it existed. Perhaps today you are in the same position, so read on! 3) Pursuing our goal of expanded global professional aware-
I asked Glenn for additional information, and I learned. ness and connection, the formation of the Global Activities
The SEIFF was formed in 2013. A memo of understanding between Division of SEI received funding from the SEIFF and is now
the ASCE Foundation and the SEI Futures Fund was executed. It has active in providing SEI with a more international perspective
interesting provisions favorable to SEI. and involvement.
• The ASCE Foundation will provide administration and 4) SEIFF has sponsored workshops for structural engineers to
support for fundraising activities. gather and discuss important issues facing our profession.
• There will be no fees to the SEI or the SEI Futures Fund for Sponsored events include workshops on the future of struc-
Foundation administration and support of the SEIFF tural engineering education; workshops on sustainability and
fundraising efforts. how structural engineers can meet the challenges of combat-
Wow, a fund with no expenses! All of the contributions are for ting changes to the global environment; and workshops on
projects – what a deal. leadership training.
I learned that funding requests could be submitted to the Futures 5) Sponsored by the SEI Local Activities Division, SEIFF has
Fund by making a proposal within four strategic areas: funded expenses to communicate important codes and stan-
• Promote Student Interest in Structural Engineering, dards changes to our members.
• Support Younger Member Involvement in SEI Activities, Many of these activities are continuing. New activities are funded for
• Enhance Opportunities for Professional Development, and fiscal year 2021, including scholarships for the upcoming Electrical
• Invest in the Future of the Profession. Transmission and Substation Structures Conference (ETS) and seed
Each year the Board receives proposals, with a June 1 deadline. money to develop a database on claims against structural engineers.
Not all submissions are funded. Sometimes the Board will suggest Designing and constructing a resilient foundation is essential to the
modifications to the request and fund accordingly. Realizing that the performance of our structures. Donating to the Futures Fund is criti-
SEI Futures Fund has these strategic, forward-leaning attributes, I cal to provide the foundation materials (growing financial resources)
placed my name for consideration and was subsequently accepted. to support our community.
That was four years ago. In the meantime, my rental foundations I support the work of the Futures Fund, not because I am on the
were completed. I finished the buildings and learned that being a Board but because I am passionate about the future promise of our
general contractor is hard work and challenging. profession. Indeed, that is why I joined the Board to begin with!
Being a structural engineer is not easy, but it is a wonderful profes- I am inviting you to join me and many others who believe our
sion. In what other profession do you have the opportunity to do profession is only just beginning to catch a glimpse of its future.
something different every day? Solving problems is fun, and our Here’s what I would like you to consider – a sacrifice. Would you
architect colleagues provide many opportunities. I am fortunate to take the money you might spend on a good bottle of wine or a
have designed many structures and participated in many professional nice dinner out and instead gift it to support those who will follow
organizations. I recognize the necessity to give back, and, for all of us and one day lead our profession? Would you make that one
us, the SEIFF provides the opportunity. simple investment decision? It is easy; you can contribute by visiting
Being on the Futures Fund Board has been challenging. For me, asking www.asce.org/SEIFuturesFund.
for your support is harder than designing a masonry wall. But my discom- In addition, do you also have some ideas about how we, together,
fort is overcome by the good I know that support will do. Here are some can improve our profession? If so, make a bold proposal to us, and
of the activities previously funded that may help you decide to participate. let’s get to work on it! For submittal requirements, visit the
1) SEIFF provides scholarships for engineering students and website. Thanks for your ongoing commitment to the future
young professionals to attend the Structures Congress. of structural engineering – OUR profession.■
2) Sponsored by the SEI Codes and Standards Division, SEIFF
John G. Tawresey is a retired CFO of KPFF Consulting Engineers in Seattle, WA.
provides expenses for younger members to participate and be
STRUCTURE magazine D E C E M B E R 2 02 0 7
practical SOLUTIONS
A Practical Guide to Soil-Structure Interaction
By Bret Lizundia, S.E.
8 STRUCTURE magazine
Figure 3 shows an example of a concentrated cantilever shear
wall and foundation system, where including soil flexibility will
increase the fundamental period of vibration. The roof displace-
ment of the shear wall itself is shown in the left as Δw. In Figure 3
on the right, the vertical flexibility of the soil is represented by a set
of springs. During lateral displacement of the superstructure, there
will be vertical displacement of the springs and foundation rotation.
The drift from rocking is shown in Figure 3 on the right as Δr. The
increase in displacement correlates with an increase in the fundamental
period for the structure.
Figure 4 shows the potential impact on changing the period in a
response spectrum analysis. The period with the fixed base model is
denoted as T, and the period with soil flexibility is denoted as T˜. Two
cases are shown. In the short period case, the structure is very stiff,
and the increase from T to T˜ results in climbing up the response Figure 4. Significant impacts of period lengthening and foundation damping on
spectrum and an increase in spectral acceleration. In the long period spectral response (from NIST GCR 12-917-21).
case, the structure is more flexible, and the increase in period results
in a reduction in spectral acceleration. Figure 4 also shows the impact
of foundation damping on reducing spectral response.
Foundation Rocking
Structures with concentrated coupled vertical lateral force-resisting
systems can behave much differently when soil flexibility is introduced.
Figure 5 shows a nonlinear static (pushover) analysis example from
the seminar slides that accompanied the FEMA P-2006 design guide.
In the fixed base model, the mechanism is buckling of the compres-
sion brace in the lowest story, and the brace is highly overstressed.
In the flexible base model, where vertical springs are located under
each column, the braced frames rock, and the system has sufficient
capacity to resist the demands. Note that, in the flexible base model,
the ends of the beams linking the frames have higher rotations than
they do in the fixed base model.
• Chapter 4, Base Slab Averaging, addresses how the interconnec-
tivity of the foundation can help reduce the demands into the
structure. It provides examples of common foundation and slab-
on-grade situations, and whether base slab averaging can be used.
• Chapter 5, Embedment Effects, discusses how foundation
embedment can reduce the demands on the structure.
• Chapter 6, Foundation and Soil Flexibility, reviews different
methods for adding vertical and horizontal springs to represent
soil flexibility.
• Chapter 7, Period Lengthening, covers provisions for how soil
flexibility leads to period lengthening in the structural response
Figure 6. Two-story braced frame example in the design guide. and the resulting impact on seismic demands.
• Chapter 8, Foundation Damping, shows how and when to
• Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces SSI terminology; apply two types of foundation damping – radiation damping
covers the purpose, scope, and target audience for the and soil damping – that can reduce demands on the structure.
Guide; and summarizes some key high-level advice on SSI • Chapter 9, How to Model a Basement, discusses different
implementation. accurate but straightforward analytical approaches to mod-
• Chapter 2, Situations Where SSI is Important, provides an eling basements.
expanded discussion of situations that engineers commonly • Chapter 10, Conclusions and Recommendations, summarizes
encounter where SSI can impact the forces used in design key points regarding SSI discussed in the design guide and
and the way the structure responds to earthquake shaking. provides recommendations on revisions needed to code SSI
• Chapter 3, Rule-of-Thumb Test for Inertial SSI Significance, provisions and further SSI studies that should be undertaken.
describes a simple test that can be used at the start of a • Appendix A, Short Building Example, provides a detailed
project when only very limited information is available to help example of applying different SSI techniques for a two-story
determine if using SSI will be likely to make a difference in steel buckling-restrained braced frame building, shown in
results. The rule of thumb is targeted at inertial interaction and Figure 6. The building is founded on spread footings, and
does not provide information about the potential significance the equivalent lateral force method is used for design. SSI
of kinematic interaction. topics include implementation of soil springs, change in
10 STRUCTURE magazine
associated deformation patterns, par-
ticularly for situations where foundation
flexibility would lead to the rocking of
shear walls or braced frames in the super-
structure. This can increase shear and/
or flexural demands in certain structural
elements relative to what would be evalu-
ated from fixed base analyses.
• Effective shear wave velocity, vs , is a key
parameter in several SSI equations and
techniques. The effective shear wave
velocity differs from the low strain shear
wave velocity, vso, used for site classifi-
cation in ASCE/SEI 7-16 Chapter 21.
Modifications are made based on soil type,
site spectral acceleration, and the depth of
importance. The design guide provides
guidance on this subtle, important issue.
• There are several code provisions, both in
ASCE/SEI 7-16 Chapter 12 and Chapter
19, that can limit the extent of SSI reduc-
tions that can be utilized. These restrictions
may be discouraging the application of SSI
Figure 7. Twelve-story concrete building example in the design guide.
and lack a strong technical basis.
response mode, and reduction in seismic demands due to • Although ASCE/SEI 7-16 is the standard that is referenced and
foundation flexibility, soil flexibility and damping, and base used in the design guide examples, ASCE/SEI 41-17 has a similar
slab averaging. set of SSI provisions. In some cases, ASCE/SEI 41-17 has more
• Appendix B, Tall Building Example, provides a detailed relaxed requirements and limitations regarding the use of SSI.
example of applying different SSI techniques for a 12-story The design guide highlights these differences.
concrete building that has a moment frame in one direction
and a dual system with a moment frame and shear wall in
the other direction. It is founded on piles, and the modal
response spectrum method is used for design. It includes FEMA P-2091 will provide a helpful guide to practicing engi-
variations with and without a basement. SSI topics covered neers on demystifying and simplifying the world of SSI.
include reduction in design demands due to base slab averag- The design guide will be available for free on FEMA’s
ing and foundation embedment, adjustments to demands publication website later this year.■
from period elongation and foundation damping, and
impacts of limitations imposed by ASCE/SEI 7-16 provi- An “SSI Terminology” sidebar and references are included in the
sions. Figure 7 shows a plan and a section. Figure 8 shows the PDF version of the article at www.STRUCTUREmag.org.
free-field response spectrum without SSI, the reductions that
base slab averaging and foundation effects provide, and the
Bret Lizundia is a Principal with Rutherford + Chekene in San Francisco.
minimum floor on allowable reductions. ([email protected])
DECEMBER 2020 11
Falling Through the Cracks
Unexpected and Unfortunate Events Leading to Structural Failures
By Ross J. Smith, P.E., LEED AP BD+C, CDT
12 STRUCTURE magazine
Though this review occurred well beyond the original
design timeline, the grasp of the current situation featured
misunderstandings that led to significant problems. In this
scenario, Step 1 of the “Design Procedure” was skipped or
poorly executed and led to incorrect assumptions in Step
2. These assumptions grossly mischaracterized common
masonry problems and led to misinformed decisions. The
actual designer, of course, could not have been consulted,
but grave consequences for a historic structure and the
surrounding community were quickly unfolding.
As structural design professionals, it is critical to ask Figure 2. Left: View from the belfry where bells are observed to be permanently affixed and stationary.
difficult questions, challenge the presented “facts,” and Right: View from the belfry revealing the bell support framing is structurally isolated from the tower
take extra steps to physically verify the actual conditions.
Assuming the provided information is correct can be a mistake. Instead, statement of assumption was both enlightening and concerning,
skeptical review and verification are often appropriate. considering the structure is within two miles of Lake Michigan, a
Fortunately, in this case, the involvement of a structural profes- historically documented heavy snow zone. The designer contended
sional furnished the church with a fact-based assessment and detailed that the fabric surface, structure’s slope, and arch stiffness collectively
explanations regarding typical exposure-related masonry cracking and prevent snow from accumulating. Actual events and structure perfor-
separations due to long-term differential building movements. Armed mance suggested otherwise. Simply, snow accumulated on the roof
with renewed insight, a phased masonry restoration program was caused expected deflection, which ironically allowed for additional
initiated, the carillon restrictions lifted, and the community gathered accumulation and additional deflection (Figure 4 , online).
around the spire once again to hear the bells ring. In this case, the designer applied incorrect assumptions in Step 2 of the
“Design Procedure.” The proprietary design/manufacture/install model
was generically applied in a location susceptible to snow loading contra-
Let It Snow dicting the baseline assumptions. Anticipating the sloped segment of the
An indoor tennis facility on the western fringe of lower Michigan arches would shed the snow before deflections led to improper application
suffered snow-related damage during the unusually heavy winter of of the code-required loading in Step 3 of the “Design Procedure” and,
2013-2014 (Figure 3, online). Averaging 76 inches of snow annually, eventually, poor material selections in Step 4. The flawed assumptions
the region recorded over 132 inches of snow and fewer warming/ were exposed when snow fell and accumulated, liberally selected materials
thawing cycles during this season, thereby leading to more significant plastically deformed, and design parameters were unacceptably violated.
overall snow accumulations. The pre-
engineered structure was comprised of
a fabric shell stretched over a series of
structural steel arches, and was installed
ten years prior. The shell reportedly
The one-of-a-kind design guide
exhibited visible deflections in several
of the arches, causing the owners to close
you’ve been waiting for.
the facility and engage snow removal
Over 990 pages and 140 worked-out examples
services. During the following spring,
a structural engineering professional providing the proper application of the 2019
was engaged to document the extent of Building Code Requirements for Structural
DECEMBER 2020 13
and nuts had completely pulled through their baseplates (Figure 6 ).
Other anchor bolt assemblies where columns were not yet placed were
found with brand new square plate washers installed and corroded
round washers discarded nearby. Clearly, material selection and field
implementation had suffered and contributed to the event. A detailed
review of the joists revealed numerous failed welds at the bearing seat
angles as well as misplaced, oversized holes. Poor weld quality allowed
shearing failures between joist webbing and the seat angle (Figure 7 ),
leaving the entire seat angle perched on top of the column. Fabrication of
the joists, particularly the quality of the welds, was now in question as well.
This case exemplifies the susceptibility of the gaps between steps in the
design process. An extensive series of fabrication, delivery, installation,
Figure 5. Partial view of framing and roof collapse.
and erection problems compounded to cause a large-scale construction
As structural design professionals, it is imperative to revisit assump- failure. Specifically, the flat tire impacted material delivery, which dis-
tions regularly, especially those used repetitively. Different locations rupted the steel erection sequence, which was exacerbated by a rainstorm.
and situations always require renewed attention and verification of All of these occurred somewhere well after Step 5 and before Step 6 and
previous expectations. In the end, this site narrowly avoided a col- were outside the direct supervision and control of the designer. Step
lapse and instead only suffered the arch deformations. All arches 4 may have been poorly executed by the designer, sizing washers that
with permanent deflections out of manufacturer’s strict tolerances were too thin and/or too small. Oversized holes of poor workmanship,
were replaced, operational heating recommendations were refined, coupled with poor erection decisions, created a susceptible condition
and the building management implemented removal instructions for which exposed the washer issue and led to pull-through failures. In Step
any future snow accumulations. 5, the designer checked the shop drawing and expected a competent
weld, and then reviewed the erection plan and expected the sequence
to be completed with all the parts. Actions of others between the design
A Series of Unfortunate Events steps were the letdown. Nearly all of these linked factors occurred out-
A plastic molding and electrostatic plating company touting 50 years side of the purview of the structural design professional and amassed
of manufacturing success and experience decided to support continued to create a significant failure.
growth by adding a new manufacturing facility in Western Michigan. Each of the steps of the design process is critical and requires refined
A 40-foot-tall high-bay structure comprised of steel columns, connect- attention on every project. Missing or poorly executing any step can lead
ing girders, and panelized joist assemblies was selected, designed, and to failures, property damage, and possibly loss of life. Disruptive factors
rapidly constructed to expedite the opening, usage, and profitability or dismissive postures can lead to misunderstanding, misapplications,
of the expanded facility. With over half of the structure and roof deck and improper assumptions. Even a flawless design execution is suscep-
in place, a construction failure occurred. The collapse damaged two tible to hazards of unexpected complications, many outside the designer’s
50- x 60-foot bays of steel framing and one completed bay of roof control. Designers must remain engaged, ask additional questions, be
joists and decking (Figure 5). During post-event interviews, the steel respectfully skeptical, and challenge both assumptions and provided
erector admirably accepted responsibility and provided insight on some information. Whenever possible, designers must regularly verify that
contributing causes leading to the collapse. expectations are met in the shop and the field. While these intentional
After erecting two new columns and girders spanning from the existing engagements may require extra effort and may be perceived as finicky, the
frame to the new columns, the bay frame was not completed with a added value of catching and correcting potential mishaps provides a high
tie joist linking the two columns. Instead, since it was nearing evening return on investment. The structural design industry should embrace
and raining, the work was stopped early for the day, leaving the two and reinforce the vision that additional engagement benefits
girders and their end columns unbraced. Rain evolved into a storm all parties by reducing risks of failure, property damage, and
with high winds causing the unbraced girders and columns to enter a the general occurrence of unfortunate events.■
dynamic cycle of out-of-plane displacements, eventually culminating
Ross J. Smith is a Principal with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc, living
in failure at the column baseplate connections. Felled columns pulled
and working in West Michigan. ([email protected])
down their respective girders, which pulled additional columns and a
progressive, multi-bay failure ensued. “All because
of the rain,” as reported.
An additional detailed account of the events
was found to be equally significant. The erector
later shared that the tie joist was not even on-site
with the other frame components. The delivery
truck with that specific component had suffered
a flat tire, delaying the arrival and leaving the
erection sequence disrupted. In their haste to stay
on schedule, the crew elected to move forward,
planning on a late arrival and a last-minute instal-
lation of the tie joist. The rain soured that plan.
Closer inspections of the debris field found
oversized double holes in the column base- Figure 6. Close-up view of anchor bolt washers and Figure 7. Close-up view of joist seat, which has
plates and cupped round washers. Some washers nuts that pulled through oversized baseplate holes. sheared off at suspect quality weld locations.
14 STRUCTURE magazine
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T he October 2020 STRUCTURE article, Coating Preparations Reduce the Strength of Bridges,
presents information and opinions on potential problems with the fatigue resistance of steel bridges
prepared for coatings using grit blast cleaning methods. Some of the information in this article is misleading with
unsubstantiated claims regarding the safety of existing and future steel bridges. These topics are addressed below.
16 STRUCTURE magazine
the fatigue life of steel bridge welded connection details that are There is an extensive experimental database that was used to develop
used throughout the United States. the AASHTO fatigue design provisions, which are based upon large-
Extensive fatigue studies of bolted connections with blasted and scale test specimens having surface conditions, constraints, residual
blasted-then-painted surfaces have been performed (Brown et al., stresses, random flaw distributions, and welding procedures used for
2007; Frank and Yura, 1981). These studies showed that the coated actual bridges. An extrapolation of rotating-beam fatigue test data
specimens had a slightly higher fatigue resistance due to the reduc- for surface roughening to the fatigue behavior of some industries
tion in fretting caused by slippage of the connection. The uncoated may be acceptable, but it is inappropriate for fabricated steel bridges.
blasted surface fatigue life equaled or exceeded the Category B fatigue Likewise, a claim that bridge designs are “in jeopardy” due to fatigue
design strength for bolted connections. These large-sized bolted con- is egregious. The claimed reduction in fatigue strength has not been
nections, which included both weathering and non-weathering steel found in large-scale fatigue tests of bridge components nor
and realistic surface preparations, confirmed the adequacy of the in the observed excellent in-service fatigue performance of
AASHTO specifications. steel bridges over the past 45 years.■
It must be kept in mind that the current AASHTO fatigue design
specifications are derived from experimental data representing the 95 References are included in the PDF version
percent confidence limit for an approximate 97.5 percent survival for of the article at STRUCTUREmag.org.
each detail type. Extensive fatigue data was accumulated over many
years of testing to develop the AASHTO categories. The fatigue
Jason B. Lloyd is a Bridge Steel Specialist with the National Steel
design curves statistically correspond, therefore, to the shortest lives
Bridge Alliance.
experimentally observed for each category, which, of course, would
have been governed by the most severe discontinuity. What resulted Robert J. Connor is the Jack and Kay Hockema Professor in Civil
are AASHTO fatigue design curves representing the detail with the Engineering and the Director of the Center for Aging Infrastructure and
most severe discontinuity and predicting, with high statistical confi- S-BRITE Center at Purdue University.
dence, that it will survive the desired service life. This also means that Karl H. Frank is a Professor Emeritus at The University of Texas at Austin,
a substantial majority of details in a given category will have longer the Chief Engineer at Hirschfeld Industries, Ret., and a Consultant.
fatigue lives than predicted by a design curve.
H&B Powered by MiTek provides
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DECEMBER 2020 17
T he National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA)
is pleased to publish the winners of the 2020 Excellence in
Structural Engineering Awards. The awards were announced during
on each individual project. The preliminary round was performed
by NCSEA Past Presidents and the final round by NCSEA’s
Northeast Coalition with engineer judges from Connecticut, Rhode
NCSEA’s 28th annual Structural Engineering Summit, which was held Island, and Massachusetts. The judges had an enormous task
virtually this year. A video of the presentation can be found on the of trying to determine winners. The level of challenges requiring
NCSEA website. Given annually since 1998, each year the entries innovation and creativity was impressive. The group of winning
highlight work from the best and brightest in our profession. projects is outstanding.”
Awards were given in eight categories, with one project in each Please join NCSEA and STRUCTURE magazine in congratulat-
category named the Outstanding Project. The 2020 Awards ing all the winners. More in-depth articles on several of the 2020
Committee was chaired by Carrie Johnson (Wallace Engineering winners will appear in the Spotlight section of the magazine
Structural Consultants, Inc., Tulsa OK). Ms. Johnson noted: “We over the 2021 editorial year. Visit the NCSEA website
had two rounds of judging to allow the judges more time to focus (https://bit.ly/2IYbDb8) for more!
Category 1: New Buildings under $30 Million Category 2: New Buildings $30 Million
ICE Block I to $80 Million
Sacramento, CA | Buehler Casa Adelante
San Francisco, CA | Mar Structural Design
ICE Block I is one of the first projects in Northern California to utilize
an exposed mass timber structure. The building blends three structural Casa Adelante is a seismically resil-
materials seamlessly: ient, nine-story affordable housing
mass timber at the project for low income seniors. The
upper floors, concrete specially “tuned” reinforced-con-
podium at the second crete building uses self-centering
floor, and steel Buckling walls on a rocking mat foundation.
Restrained Braced Lead extrusion dampers within
Frames. The fourth the foundation control the seis-
floor “mezzanine” mic response. Th e building has
provides expansive been evaluated to have zero days of
views through a glass downtime for repair after a major
curtainwall. earthquake.
Category 3: New Buildings $80 Million to $200 Million Category 4: New Buildings over $200 Million
International Spy Musuem The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures
Washington, D.C. | SK&A Los Angeles, CA | Buro Happold
The International Spy Museum is a 130,000-square-foot, distinc- The project consisted of a museum plus a soaring spherical addi-
tively designed steel building. The design incorporates exposed, tion housing a 1,000-seat theater. The original steel and concrete
sloping columns along structure required
the south and west seismic strengthen-
faces that are part of ing in addition to its
the building’s gravity major renovation. For
load carrying system the 150-foot-diameter
and support an intri- orb-shaped theater, an
cate series of exposed unusual base-isolation
steel monumental system allows move-
stairs and platforms ment 30 inches in any
and a sixty-foot-tall direction during an
glass “veil.” Courtesy of Alex Nye earthquake.
18 STRUCTURE magazine
Preliminary Round – NCSEA Past Judges
Bill Bast, S.E., LPI, Inc.; Craig Barnes, P.E., CBI Consulting Inc.; Marc Barter, P.E., S.E., SECB, Barter & Associates, Inc.;
Mike Tylk, S.E., TGRWA, LLC; Ron Hamburger, S.E., Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.; Barry Arnold, S.E., P.E., ARW Engineers;
Ben Nelson, P.E., Martin/Martin; Tom DiBlasi, P.E., SECB, DiBlasi Associates, PC; Tom Grogan,P.E., Retired;
Vicki Arbitrio, P.E., Gilsanz Murray Steficek LLP; Carrie Johnson, P.E., Wallace Engineering Structural Consultants, Inc.;
Jim Malley, S.E., Degenkolb Engineers; John Joyce, P.E., Engineering Solutions LLC; Sanjeev Shah, P.E., Esq., Shajeev Shah, Inc.
Final Round – NCSEA’s Northeast Coalition from Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts
Bassem Almuti, P.E., Cannon Design; Bruce Richardson, P.E., The DiSalvo Engineering Group; Craig Barnes, P.E., SECB, CBI Consulting;
Erik Nelson, P.E., S.E., Structures Workshop; Graham Carr, P.E., Vital Structures, LLC; Han Xu, P.E., Thornton Tomasetti;
James Fox, P.E., BVH Integrated Services; Kevin Chamberlain, P.E., S.E., Distefano & Chamberlain;
Mark Rodriguez, DiBlasi Associates; Michael Fillion, P.E., S.E., Fillion Group; Rick Boggs, P.E., S.E., SECB, Fuss & O'Neill;
Robert Kane, EIT, McNamara Salvia; Ben Nelson, P.E., Martin/Martin
Category 5: New Bridges or Transportation Structures Category 6: Forensic / Renovation / Retrofit / Rehabilitation Structures < $20 Million
Dublin Link Pedestrian Bridge West Virginia State Capitol Building
Dublin, OH | Endrestudio Charleston, WV | WDP & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc.
The Dublin Link Pedestrian Bridge was conceived simultaneously Repairs to address the structural deficiencies of the historic inner
as a sculptural form, an efficient structure, and a dramatic expe- dome and interior supporting walls of the West Virginia State
rience for Dublin’s Capitol Building
visitors and residents were designed to
alike. Its features of the strengthen portions of
Eye of the Needle cen- the existing structure.
tral pylon, sinuously Supplemental supports
curving deck, and preserved integrity
unusual single-sided while supporting the
suspension method dome in place as the
create a unique and walls beneath were
structurally innovative completely removed
Courtesy of Cory Klein
bridge. and rebuilt.
Category 7: Forensic / Renovation / Retrofit / Rehabilitation Structures > $20 Million Category 8: Other Structures
Google Spruce Goose Mackinac Bridge Paint Platforms
Los Angeles, CA | Arup Mackinaw City, MI | Ruby + Associates, Inc.
By rehabilitating and seismically upgrading the existing timber Unique platforms allowed for removal and collection of original
Spruce Goose aircraft hangars to current code requirements, the lead-based paint and repainting of the Mackinac Bridge’s towers.
buildings have been Traveling along cables,
transformed into a davit-like “outriggers”
modern office. Retrofits supported two-story
included the use of up movable structures
to 52-inch self-tapping to paint the towers’
wood screws, heavy upper portion. A
steel (multi-tier) braced second platform,
frames, and steel tie consisting of steel box
rods to limit deforma- trusses, was used for
tions under seismic the struts connecting
loads. the tower legs.
DECEMBER 2020 19
Apple Park Visitor Center Cal Poly Pomona Student Services Building
Cupertino, California | Nabih Youssef & Associates Pomona, CA | John A. Martin & Associates, Inc.
A large column-free space dominates the Apple Park Visitor Center. The The 138,400-square-foot Student Services Building is comprised of two
extremely transparent building structures separated by a spacious
is enclosed by a twenty-foot-tall breezeway. A streamlined, undulat-
perimeter glazing system and cov- ing roof serves an essential role in
ered by a thin curved carbon-fiber passive solar design. The engineer’s
roof deck. The building utilizes process decreased costs, increased
a novel post-tensioned steel roof construction speed, and delivered
structure. Courtesy of Bill Timmerman a sustainable campus icon.
20 STRUCTURE magazine
707 Fifth - Manulife Place Pedestrian Bridge LaGuardia Airport Pedestrian Bridge B
Calgary, Canada | Skidmore, Owings & Merrill East Elmhurst, NY | HOK
707 Fifth – Manulife Place Pedestrian Bridge’s elegant Relying on concourse islands to increase efficiency and trim years
structural system, known as a suspended lenticular truss, improves off the construction schedule, and using cutting-edge parametric
connectivity within the down- optimization, 450-foot-long
town core. The new link provides bridge trusses were proposed that
a seamless connection to adja- surpassed vibration requirements.
cent buildings while managing Construction-staging strategies
subgrade conditions, installation minimized cost and facilitated
sequences, and non-structural erection with precise deflection
Courtesy of Tom Harris coordination. predictions.
28 Liberty Street
New York, NY | Shmerykowsky Consulting Engineers
Renovation of the sub-cellar floors included a new inter-floor escalator opening connecting five floors.
This involved the simultaneous removal of two axially-loaded floor framing members on two levels
and the redistribution of their axial loads via a new double truss system.
DECEMBER 2020 21
Geotechnical Engineer: Chung & Vander Doelen Engineering Ltd
Structural Engineer: Stephenson Engineering Ltd
General Contractor: Reid & DeLeye Contractors Ltd
Geopier Installer: GeoSolv Design/Build Inc.
The carbon fiber was less labor-intensive than traditional steel rein- this was only a lightly-used inmate recreational area. The increased load dif-
forcement methods. Although traditional steel reinforcement methods ference between these two occupancies required steel beam reinforcement
were used, a large percentage of reinforcement was achieved by carbon to shorten the span of the existing slab, as well as carbon fiber reinforce-
fiber. DLR Group used special carbon fiber reinforcement at concrete ment for some of the slabs and the columns below the rooftop level.
beam-to-column connections. The reinforcement was used to increase The highest form of true sustainability is to re-purpose an existing
the moment capacity of the connection. Special carbon fibers were facility. The Madison Street Adaptive Reuse project is evi-
bonded together and adhesive-anchored into the column, and then dence of the environmental and societal benefits creativity
splayed about the top of the concrete beam where they were attached and structural ingenuity can provide.■
more conventionally.
The old interior stairs were removed to utilize the entire interior The Project Team for this article is included in the online article.
floor space for usable square footage. The most prominent exterior
feature is the exterior steel braced framed stair towers. The towers All authors are with the DLR Group in Phoenix, AZ.
are supported by a concrete retaining wall and include piers and mat Mark Forman is a Project Manager. ([email protected])
foundation on deep drilled shafts. Brandon Horton is a Project Engineer. ([email protected])
The heaviest load in the new occupancy of the building is a rooftop
Diana Gonzalez is an EIT. ([email protected])
garden consisting of planter areas, large trees, and built-up soil. Previously,
Delivered Ready
to Install
Material Takeoff
Direct from Steel
Engine ™ Model
24 STRUCTURE magazine
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National Council of Structural Engineers Associations
NCSEA Past President Susan A. Jorgensen: Remembered for
Her Dedication to SE Licensure and Her Infectious Smile
NCSEA Past President Susan (Susie) A. Jorgensen, P.E., SECB. F.SEI, F.ASCE, passed away
Saturday, November 14, 2020. Susie served on the NCSEA Board of Directors from 2014
to 2020, assuming the President role from January to April 2020. At the state level, Susie
helped establish the Structural Engineers Association of Nebraska (SEAON) and served as
its president, in addition to serving as a director of the Structural Engineers Association of
Colorado (SEAC). Susie was a past-chair of the NCSEA Structural Licensure Committee
and advocated and supported structural engineering licensure while serving as chair on the
Structural Engineering Licensure Coalition (SELC). In 2014, NCSEA honored Susie with
the NCSEA Service Award for her work for the betterment of NCSEA to a degree that is
beyond the norm of volunteerism, and for making a clear and indisputable contribution
to the organization and therefore to the profession.
“Susie served as my quiet confidant and advocate,” said current NCSEA President
Emily Guglielmo. “Her leadership and vision will guide NCSEA leaders for decades
to come. We will honor her by carrying on her legacy of licensure, leadership, and
passion for structural engineering.”
Susie had 30 years of professional experience and held professional registrations
in 18 states. At the time of her passing, she was the Quality Control Manager
for Studio NYL in Boulder, CO, and a Senior Structural Engineer for Integral
Engineering in Centennial, CO. Prior to these roles, Susie was President
of Prairie Smoke Engineering, LLC, in Highlands Ranch, CO, and Senior Susie in 2019 with fellow BOD members: Jon Schmidt,
Structural Project Engineer, Vice President, Managing Principal, and Director Emily Guglielmo, Bill Warren, Stephanie Young,
Ed Quesenberry, Rick Boggs
of Operations for the Denver office of Leo A. Daly. She had gained structural
engineering design experience working with consulting firms in Colorado, North Dakota, and South Dakota after earning
her degree from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
Susie’s passion for the profession came from a young age as she was introduced to civil engineering by her mother and to her alma
mater through her uncle. She owed her involvement in the profession to the encouragement she received from friends and family,
and believed that encouragement and support needed to be passed on to younger people in order to grow the profession further.
Susie was a vocal advocate for structural engineering licensure and the value that structural engineers provided to the world.
“It was a joy to serve NCSEA with Susie over the years, first on the Structural Licensure
Committee and then later on the Board of Directors,” said current NCSEA Past President
Jon Schmidt. “She was a tireless leader and a good friend, a blessing to me and to all
who knew her.”
In her down time, Susie enjoyed cooking with her husband (who is also a professional
engineer and geologist), quilting, and spending time with her family. Susie was loved
and respected by many and will be remembered for her tremendous dedication to the
Susie with her husband, Steve. industry, her infectious smile, and her affinity to cut a rug on the dance floor.
Courses award 1.5 hours of Diamond Review-approved continuing education after the completion of a quiz.
DECEMBER 2020 29
SEI Update
Learning / Networking
NEW Free Download: Performance-Based Structural
Fire Design: Exemplar Designs of Four Regionally Diverse
Buildings using ASCE 7-16, Appendix E
SEI/ASCE received an exclusive $230,000 research grant from the Charles Pankow Foundation to develop
and publish the state-of-the-art exemplar procedural guidance to properly execute a performance-based
structural fire design (PBSFD), complying with the nationally adopted standard Minimum Design Loads
and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-16, Appendix E – Performance Based
Design Procedures for Fire Effects on Structures, with guidance contained in Structural Fire Engineering,
Manual of Practice 138. Performance-Based Structural Fire Design includes the analysis of four regionally
diverse, protected, steel-framed building designs by design teams from four leading structural engineer-
ing firms: Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH), Magnusson Klemencic Associates (MKA), Thornton
Tomasetti (TT), and Walter P Moore (WPM). The design teams worked closely with a panel of aca-
demic advisors from four institutions: University at Buffalo, Oregon State University, Johns Hopkins
University, and University College London (previously with the University of Maryland).
Part I includes an overview of the methodology, a description of the project’s design procedures, and
summaries of each design team’s analyses, results, and conclusions. Part II includes four design team
reports that further document and detail the evaluation of the design scenarios.
These exemplar designs demonstrate the most significant benefit of PBSFD, which is its explicit process to confirm structural system per-
formance under fire exposure. This is a valuable resource for new building project stakeholders, including building officials, fire marshals,
or the appropriate Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for final approval.
The project would not have been possible without the financial support to the Charles Pankow Foundation from the following project spon-
sors: AISC, ASCE Industry Leaders Council, ArcelorMittal, and MKA Foundation. Access from www.ascelibrary.org, www.asce.org/SEI,
and the Charles Pankow Foundation.
Looking for a smarter news brief? Get the personalized news YOU need!
Our new AI-driven smart newsletter, Civil Engineering Source, delivers an individualized
news brief to your mailbox five days a week. Content is customized to your interests as
the AI-engine learns your preferences. Sign up today for your free subscription at
Errata SEI Standards Supplements and Errata including ASCE 7. See www.asce.org/SEI-Errata.
If you would like to submit errata, contact Kelly Dooley at [email protected].
30 STRUCTURE magazine
News of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Thank you to 2020 SEI Sustaining Organization Members
Alfred Benesch & Company – Elite Member Boswell Engineering Simpson Strong-Tie
International Code Council Walter P Moore
Schnabel Foundation Company
Join SEI as a Sustaining Organization Member to reach SEI members year-round, and show your support for SEI to advance and serve
the structural engineering profession. www.asce.org/SEI
SEI Online
You can purchase these and the other Risk Management Tools at www.acec.org/bookstore.
32 STRUCTURE magazine
News of the Coalition of American Structural Engineers
Structural Engineers Weigh-in!
During the recent ACEC Virtual Fall Conference held over October 28-30,
CASE hosted a structural engineering roundtable that convened people from
firms around the country. Participants tackled issues facing the industry,
such as what role SEs play in creating fabrication drawings, ethical and risk
implications of off-shore work, and dealing with short and long-term outlooks
during the pandemic.
Participants talked about the need for firms to make a conscious decision to get
into this area and have experienced personnel. A firm just having the software
is likely not enough, and the firm should have a robust QA/QC program. In
terms of off-shoring work, several firms say they have had moderate success
with this. However, some only do it for BIM modeling, not for engineering,
since they cannot find local talent that can do the work. Firms with offices
overseas that have this work run it out of those offices and treat it like a regular
office with a full staff. And some firms outsource work to former employees
who have re-located elsewhere. All agreed that it is best to get multiple refer-
ences when trying to choose a firm to outsource to and deciding what sort of
work will be outsourced.
In looking at short/long-term outlooks, participants agreed on the “cultural bank” withdrawal being done and that it will need to be
replenished. Several firms’ commented that it would be sometime in 2021 before all offices are back to near-normal employee levels. Others
commented that they may not ever go back to 100% in the office all the time but may schedule some “mandatory” days in the office with
the rest being at home. Many agreed on the challenges mentoring and collaborating with staff have been, while a few noted that they were
re-writing policies on working at home. In terms of expenses, many said that areas like travel and entertainment within their budgets had
been reallocated to more technology resources for employees to continue being remote.
All participants agreed going forward that there will be some “hybrid” model that will meet all options. Firms will need to look for addi-
tional training on how to facilitate that with more ease.
ACEC Coalitions will be hosting a two-day seminar in late February to further explore some of these areas and more. To get the latest
information, go to www.acec.org/coalitions/upcoming-coalition-events.
DECEMBER 2020 33
structural FORUM
How Much Respect is Enough?
By David L. Pierson, S.E.
with who I am. Call me a simple guy. I
grew up in a small town, and I was happy. Love of Structural Engineering, not fame or
I went to public schools, played little league
baseball, and learned the value of hard work wealth, should be your motivation for choosing
from a dad with a solid work ethic. It was
not until much later in life that I learned this profession for your career. Once that choice
my family lived well below the government’s is made, go earn your fame and wealth.
established “poverty line.” Nobody told me,
so I did not know we were poor. I did not
know I was supposed to be miserable.
Now here I am working at a job I really love.
It is only when I read articles in engineer- an average engineer makes quite a bit more than Structural Engineer in his country. He told
ing magazines or when I listen to speakers an average farmer or truck driver. me that in many areas of Switzerland, they
at engineering conferences that I learn that Which brings me to the most often heard do not have licensing. Stunned, I asked what
I am not adequately respected and that I am topic of discussion at professional society meet- qualifications were required by the Building
not sufficiently compensated for what I do. ings – the inadequacy of compensation for Department when applying for a building
When I hear someone say that Structural Structural Engineers. And then I see some permit. He said little to none. Sometimes
Engineers do not get the respect we deserve, I of these same individuals and organizations you must show evidence of a degree from a
wonder what exactly that means. The statement out lobbying youth to choose engineering as recognized school of Engineering, but often
implies that there is a proper amount of respect a profession. The first question is this – who that is all they want. He thought it was strange
that we should have. Who established that gets to say what the “Right” compensation is that we would rely on the government to regulate
benchmark for “adequate respect,” and how for Structural Engineers? If you do not think this. He said several times, “In Switzerland,
does someone know if the benchmark is or is the free market ought to decide, you probably engineers have the responsibility to do what is
not being met? In our society, there is a perni- should not practice in the United States. And if right. They have the right to do engineering,
cious virus that is attacking the fabric that holds you believe that the free market and capitalism and with that right comes the responsibility
us together, what some call the “Entitlement are the best way for our services to be valued, to only do what they are qualified to do.”
Mentality.” Every time we decide that we are then why in the world would you lament that It seems that, in Switzerland, engineering
entitled to anything beyond that which we are fewer students are choosing engineering as a practice is based substantially on reputation
willing to work for and earn, we promote the profession. Basic Economics was part of the and honor. Owners and Constructors only
growth of this virus. So, are we saying that we core curriculum for us in college, correct? Is hire engineers they trust and, therefore, the
are “Entitled” to more respect? Or ought we the Law of Supply and Demand not suffi- Design Professionals essentially self-regulate.
to simply earn it, as we expect others to earn ciently clear? I know this – when I graduated It seems they embody ethical standards similar
it? Robert Herjavec (of “Shark Tank” fame) from USU, I could have commanded a much to those we espouse – but like the ancient
stated it well to an entrepreneur seeking his higher salary had I been the only graduate that Hebrews, their word is their bond.
investment, “Here’s the truth about life. You year. And some of my smart peers who chose It sounds like the engineers in Switzerland
don’t get what you think you deserve – you Accounting or Computer Science may have have earned quite a bit of respect.
get what you earn.” become Engineers instead. I wish I lived in a country where that worked,
One of the common ideas I hear bantered One positive thing I see happening at the but our culture is obviously much different
about is the concept that Structural Engineers national level of our Engineering Organizations from Switzerland. I would not advocate for
save lives – as if this needs to be recognized by is the push to raise the barriers to entry into no governmental licensing in the U.S.
society so that others will respect us more. I sup- our profession. The push for more education As I tell my students, “Stiffness Attracts Force.”
pose that this idea may help some engineers feel requirements is a straightforward way to keep That, of course, is vitally important but irrel-
better about themselves, but what does it really less-qualified people from becoming licensed evant to this article. I also tell them, “Love of
mean? The reality is – we do not save lives in engineers. Unfortunately, at the same time, Structural Engineering, not fame or wealth,
the same way that Doctors save lives. The way there is a movement in some states to remove should be your motivation for choosing this
we save lives is much more akin to how a Truck professional licensing requirements, which profession for your career. Once that
Driver or a Farmer saves lives. Without food, I would be a step backward for the engineering choice is made, go earn your fame and
would die, and much of the food I need comes profession in the United States. wealth.” Auf Wiedersehen■
from farmers, delivered to the grocery store Ironically, I did just learn some very interest-
David Pierson is a Vice President at ARW
by truck drivers. Farmers and Truck Drivers ing things about Switzerland and Structural
Engineers in Ogden, Utah. He is also an
each provide vital services for our economy, Engineering. During a discussion with an
Adjunct Professor at Utah State University.
and if they do not do their jobs correctly, people Engineering Professor from Switzerland, I
([email protected])
could die. Ditto for Structural Engineers. But asked how hard it was to get licensed as a
For those that had always worked in a traditional office environment, Regardless of personal or political beliefs and circumstances, good
the transition was a leap into the abyss. Most engineers probably had engineers grow and adapt. Learning how to stay engaged and effective
a few thoughts and expectations of what it would be like to work while working remotely, should it be necessary, is critical to personal
remotely for a few weeks, or a month at the longest, during the success and firm success. We hope you find our observations helpful.
“flattening of the curve” phase but, for the most part, perceived it as Please send a message to the Editorial Board if you have any additional
a temporary inconvenience. However, as health officials nationwide lessons to share with our readers.
started worrying about second waves, spikes, and spreads, what started
as a temporary option morphed into a situation with no specific end
in sight and one that required more thought-out plans.
The Editorial Board wanted to share some lessons learned from the Engineering is a business; whether staff is working in an office or
current situation and to provide a few ideas for making firms more working from home, the business needs to find work, execute that
resilient and adaptive when all or most staff is working remotely. work, and get paid. The success of an office is dependent on all
While we hope not to have another pandemic anytime soon, other three of these activities working efficiently and cohesively. Before the
situations, social pressures, or local needs may make some form of COVID-19 lockdown, most of these activities were performed in
remote work a more permanent arrangement in the future. the office where managers, engineers, and administration staff could
STRUCTURE magazine
also affect how comfortable employees feel coming into the office each healthcare, and reduced office/rental expenses from a business per-
morning, how productive they are throughout the day, and how happy spective. Keep an open mind! Engineering will lead our society in
they are in their chosen career. This camaraderie is impacted when this new normal by discovering new ways to work and live, just as
staff works remotely. In a survey of 1,011 full-time workers, Paychex this profession has done for other historical events and challenges.
found that (italic text is from the survey report): The same goes for hiring. Most firms hire locally and recruit from
• Job satisfaction and willingness to ask coworkers for advice or help local universities unless they have the reputation and reach to go farther
on the job is positively correlated to the number of office friends. afield. But if working remotely is acceptable, then maybe new hires
• 70% of respondents felt that office friendships had a positive work remotely, opening recruiting to previously untapped sources.
impact on the work environment and strengthened the workplace Some serious thinking will be required about getting these remote
in terms of teamwork. hires to be part of the team and take on the company culture, but it
While working remotely, it is important to take responsibility to will certainly be worth considering for the right hires.
reach out to coworkers to maintain relationships. “Simple efforts can
increase your sense of camaraderie with peers and how supported you
feel in your role. When appropriate, management should also seek
opportunities to facilitate virtual socialization among staff. Virtual Management must understand the additional stress that staff is expe-
activities can include happy hours, trivia events, or other similar riencing and help them navigate the work-from-home situation.
activities that promote social engagement among staff. These social Remember that an engineering firm is really nothing without its
events should not be mandated but offered for those staff seeking people. Staff with children may need additional help since, besides
such an outlet.” If local health rules permit, try getting together in work, they are serving in the role of an assistant schoolteacher. Burnout
person in small groups just to say hello. is real. Do not get caught blindsided by asking your staff generic ques-
Relationships with clients are just as essential as those with cowork- tions like, “How are you doing?” Probe with more revealing questions
ers. “It is as important as ever to make sure your clients know you are such as “What has been the biggest hurdle for you lately?” Offer help
engaged and still have their interests and projects as priorities. Respond by asking, “What can the business be doing to make your life easier
to emails in a timely manner. Share your cell number with important and less stressful?” Virtual happy hours may sound like a great idea
clients, even if you typically do not like them contacting you directly.” but, after a long day of work with considerable time spent on video
Another alternative is to conferences during working hours, another hour on the computer
have calls to your office may seem more like work than fun.
number forwarded to your Also, recognize the impact of pay reductions, due to furloughs and
cell phone to maintain the other situations, on the lowest-paid employees who are also likely
privacy of your cell phone to have the smallest financial resources. It is easy to forget that the
number. Conversely, it is income and wealth accumulation of senior staff and management often
probably more acceptable exceeds that of hourly staff and younger engineers just getting a start
now than before to contact in the industry. When speaking with staff, particularly hourly staff,
clients on their cell phone put yourself in their shoes. You might want to avoid talking about
if permitted, even when it the new car you bought, the home addition and kitchen remodel you
is not critical or particularly are considering, and leisure activities that the staff cannot partake
important. It is best to ask in because of time or financial restraints. Even in the best of times,
them what they are com- some people may not want to hear about your trip to your cabin in
fortable with. “Don’t forget Montana or a little R&R along the coast to clear your head, but in a
to update your greeting to pandemic, think twice about these discussion topics.
include what you consider
‘work hours,’ so the caller
knows when to expect a
return call.” COVID-19 has severely impacted the engineering profession.
Companies have lost work, employees have been laid off, and our
physical movements have been restricted. Some believe that corporate
Talent – Where Will We Live? performance has not been impacted, others disagree. Society may be
When thinking about working remotely, most people still think about getting used to working-at-home, and voluntary remote-work options
continuing to live in the firm’s geographic area. It has not been long may be deemed useful for some businesses in the future. Time will
enough for people to consider selling their homes and moving far- reveal the impacts of the forced work-from-home model, good and bad.
ther afield. But the natural question will eventually arise about really Society will ultimately rebound, but our lives will be dif-
working remotely, like in another state or country. Once a physical ferent. Until the verdict is in, we need to work remotely
link with the office is broken, what is the limit, or better yet, is there as well as we can.■
a limit on where the staff lives?
“More progressive firms may find that they can retain
key staff by allowing them to locate around the country Watch for Part 2 of this series on working remotely in a future issue
or the world and take advantage of a 24-hour work- of STRUCTURE magazine. In the interim, please send your comments,
day and the consequent benefits.” Making site visits
or meeting in person with clients could be off the observations, and experiences to [email protected].
table. There could be substantial savings in salaries,
WORK Modern, Open, and Unique Varying Work-Stations/Places Outdoor Spaces Lab/Modeling/Virtual Reality/Gaming
ENVIRONMENT Office to Work Within the Office Areas/Onsite Snacks/Food/Drinks
WORK-LIFE Flexible/Remote/Work from Flexible Hours Gym Memberships, Fitness/Health Unlimited/Liberal PTO Policy/Paid Family
BALANCE Home Options Coaching, Financial Planning Leave/Sabbatical Leave
COMPANY SPONSORED Regular Company Socials/ Team Building Activities Company Retreats/Vacations Charity/Volunteer Work, Sponsor Groups of
EVENTS Outings Interest to Employees
SOCIAL MEDIA/ Active Social Media Presence, Modern Website Up to Date Design Software/Tools Laptops/Tablets Provided to All Employees
INTERNET PRESENCE/ Involve All Staff in Posts
TEAM Tools for Collaboration Between Culture of Continuous Culture of Everyone Pitching in Frequent Professional Development
ATMOSPHERE Employees and Clients Coaching, Teaching, When Needed Opportunities, Company Sponsored Team
and Learning Sports (Softball, Basketball, Soccer…)
DIVERSITY Diversity Well Represented Within Accepting and Valuing Truly Open to New Ideas and Encourage/Seek Diversity in Hiring Practices
the Company at All Levels of All People Ways of Working and Thinking