Umill Series - English - 2019 09

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Umill Series

Vertical milling centre with portal,

versatile, high performances

Umill Series
The Umill range is a 5-axis machining centres with
a portal structure and a swivelling rotary table on

Its modern design and compact size are optimized to guarantee a minimal footprint
without compromising either to the workpiece volume or to the fundamental
characteristic of the HURON machines : enhanced rigidity for high performance
and quality machining.

This range is ideally suited for complex parts in 3 or 5 axes, from roughing to
finishing, for various sectors such as high precision mechanical parts, automotive,
rail, energy, machining of 3D forms, or aerospace.

− Structure with fixed portal in ribbed
cast iron with stiffness walls
attenuate the torsional stresses
− Cast iron with a high mechanical
performance which maximizes
structure rigidity and allows
optimum harmonic stability and
maximum damping during
demanding cutting conditions
− Machine secured on
foundation with weight
equally distributed over
fixing points enabling
extreme rigidity and a very
high geometrical stability
− Modular design allows
maximum flexibility in
machine configurations
Linear axes Table
− Preloaded ballscrews
− Preloaded bearings to remove inversion
backlash and axial stress on ballscrews
enabling a high quality of surfacing
− Roller guideways on the X, Y and Z
permitting high travel speeds, and
excellent stability of the movement
− Automatic grease lubrication of
ballscrews and bearings minimising the
pollution of coolant and the − Swivelling rotary table fixed on cradle
consumption and moving along the X axis for higher
Numerical controller − Travels are optimized to offer an
− Control of up to 5 continuous axes important distance under the spindle
− Great ergonomics, color screen and full nose
alphanumeric keypad − Direct measurement on each rotating
− Integrated and easily accessible axes with absolute encoder
communication interfaces
− High memory and calculation capacity The spindle
− Interactive programming − Powerful spindle
− Graphic simulation before machining with high torque
for optimum safety allowing high metal
removal rates
Environment - Ergonomics − Direct coupling of
− Evacuation channels for chips equipped the motor on
with washing device and spiral spindle for a better
conveyors transmission of the
− Complete safeguard ensuring safety of forces
the machine, the operator and − Direct drive for a
environment higher positioning
− Accessibility to the machining area from accuracy and less
top and side of the machine and maintenance
possibility to load with crane − Ceramic ball bearing guidance
− Opening of the panels is simplified for increases stiffness and spindle life; less
an easy maintenance vibrations and decrease of operating
− Operator panel temperature
− Grease lubrication of bearings requiring
no maintenance
Umill Series
Spindle body designed to facilitate accessibility to the workpiece during the 5-axis machining

Taper ISO 40
Rotating speed 10.000 rpm
Power (S6/S1) 12 / 18 kW
Torque (S6/S1) 115 / 173 Nm
Characteristic speed 1.000 rpm

Spindle alternatives
Electrospindle 15.000 rpm Electrospindle 18.000 rpm
Taper ISO 40 / BT 40 / HSK 63-A Taper HSK 63-A
Rotating speed 15.000 rpm Rotating speed 18.000 rpm
Power (S6/S1) 23,6 / 23,6 kW Power (S6/S1) 26,7 / 26,7 kW
Torque (S6/S1) 110 / 84 Nm Torque (S6/S1) 110 / 84 Nm
Characteristic speed 2.680 rpm Characteristic speed 3.040 rpm

Vibrations monitoring
Vibration monitoring ensures safe operation of the machine components, tool and
workpiece. The system consists of a vibration sensor and an electronic signal
processing unit.
− Excellent approach to the workpiece on its 5 faces thanks to the swivelling of the table

Umill 5 Umill 6
Table dimension mm Ø 500 Ø 630
Admissible load kg 450 600
Rotating speed rpm 45 35
Max. workpiece volume : diameter x height mm Ø 500 x 300 Ø 780 x 510
Height table plane / floor mm 1.010 1.070
Min/max distance spindle nose / table plane mm 140 / 590 200 / 750
(table in vertical position)
Distance portal / table mm 725 725
Qty T-slots 7 7
Distance between slots mm 63 mm 80 mm
Reference slot mm 14H7 18H7
Other slots mm 14H12 18h12
Central bore mm Ø 40H7 - Depth 15 Ø 50H7 - Depth 15

Umill 5 interference diagrams

X-Z plane view Y-Z plane view / Table position 0° Y-Z plane view / Table position 90°

Umill 6 interference diagrams

X-Z plane view Y-Z plane view / Table position 0° Y-Z plane view / Table position 90°
Umill Series
Tools changer
The automatic load/unload of the tool is
30 housings
made vertically.
Type Drum
Loading / Unloading Double arm
Housings 30
Taper ISO 40
Tool dimension :
− Max. Ø adjacent / non adjacent tool 80 mm / 150 mm
− length 300 mm
− weight 7 kg
− total weight in the magazine 150 kg
Tool changing time :
8 sec - 15 sec
tool/tool - chip/chip

The automatic load/unload of the tool is
60 housings
made vertically.
Type Drum
Loading / Unloading Double arm
Housings 60
Taper ISO 40 / BT 40 / HSK 63-A
Tool dimension :
− Max. Ø adjacent / non adjacent tool 75 mm / 125 mm
− length 300 mm
− weight / total weight in the magazine 7 kg / 200 kg
Tool changing time :
8 sec - 15 sec
tool/tool - chip/chip
Technical characteristics
Linear axes X / Y / Z Umill 5 Umill 6
X travel mm 500 700
Y travel mm 560 740
Z travel mm 450 550
Rapid feedrates m/min 40 40
Acceleration per axis (G0) m/s² 6 6
Table - A / C axes Umill 5 Umill 6
A axis : Swivelling ° +20° / -110° +20° / -110°
Swivelling speed rpm 25 20
C axis : Rotation ° 360° 360°
Rotating speed rpm 45 35
Table dimension mm Ø 500 Ø 630
Admissible load kg 450 600
Max. distance spindle nose / top table mm 590 750
Spindle Umill 5 Umill 6
Rotating speed rpm 10.000 10.000
Taper ISO 40 ISO 40
Power - Torque kW - Nm 18 - 173 18 - 173
Characteristic speed rpm 1.000 1.000
Accuracies (VDI DGQ 3441) Umill 5 Umill 6
Linear axes (X/Y/Z)
− Positioning (P) mm 0,015 0,015
− Repeteability (Ps medium) mm 0,005 0,005
with measuring scales (option)
− Positioning (P) mm 0,008 0,008
− Repeteability (Ps medium) mm 0,005 0,005
Rotating axes (A, C)
− Positioning (P) sec 10 10
− Repeteability (Ps medium) sec 5 5
Tool changer Umill 5 Umill 6
Housings 30 30
Tool length mm 300 300
Tool Ø mm 80 80
Tool weight / Total weight in magazine kg 7 / 150 7 / 150
Tool changing time :
sec 5 - 15 5 - 15
tool/tool - chip/chip
Coolant Umill 5 Umill 6
Flow - Pressure l/min - bar 30 - 3 30 - 3
Tank liters 380 380
Over-all measurments Umill 5 Umill 6
Weight of the machine kg 11.000 13.000
Depth mm 3.800 4.170
Width mm 4.200 4.406
Height mm 3.300 3.540

Optional equipments
Spindle alternatives - Tool changers alternatives - Medium pressure coolant 20 bar - High pressure
coolant 70 bar - Coolant by microspraying - Air blast - Piece probe - Tool probe - Linear axes measuring
scales - Oil mist extractor - Oil skimmer - Pressurization of measuring scales - Electrical cabinet
conditioning - Sight glass
The standard description, accessories and technical datas conforms to our pricelist, and not to the photo of machines shown in the
All descriptions, data and photos are supplied for information only. Huron Graffenstaden reserves the right to make changes to the
models described for technical or commercial reasons at any time.


Huron Graffenstaden SAS Huron Fräsmaschinen GmbH
1 rue de l’Artisanat Siemensstrasse 56 67114 Eschau 70839 Gerlingen
 +33 (0)3 88 67 52 52  +49 (0)7156 92836 12
+33 (0)3 88 67 69 00 +49 (0)7156 92836 50
[email protected][email protected]
2019-09 - Umill Series / English / HURON


Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd Huron Canada Huron Graffenstaden Türkiye irtibat bürosu
G-506 & 2839, Lodhika, G.I.D.C., 105-85 rue St-Charles Ouest Merdivenköy Mah. Dikyol Sok. No:2/A
Vill. Metoda, Longueuil, Québec, J4H 1C5 Kat:1 No:101/102
Dist: Rajkot - 360 021  +1 514 448 4873 34387 Kadıköy / Istanbul
 +91-2827 287081/082 +1 514 448 4875  +90 (0)216 463 33 67
[email protected][email protected][email protected]

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