Bibliography: Primary Sources The Bible
Bibliography: Primary Sources The Bible
Bibliography: Primary Sources The Bible
The Great Texts of the Bible. 23 Vols. Ed. James Hastings, Edinburgh:
TI. Clark, 1911.
The Living Bible. Chicago: John P. Daleiden Co., 1929.
A Catholic Harmony of the Four Gospels. London: Burns, Oates and Washbourne
Ltd., 1930.
New Analytic Index Bible. Chicago: John A. Dickson Co., 1931.
The Dartmouth Bible. Eds.Chamberlain Roy B., and Herman Feldman Boston:
Houghton Muffin Co., 1951.
The Bible, Revised Standard Version. London: Collins, 1952.
The Holy Bible, Ed. John O'Connell. Chicago: The Catholic Press, 1952.
The Modern Readers Bibles Ed. Richard Moulton G. New York: Macmillan Co., 1952.
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Trans. Ronald Knox. New
York: Sheed and Ward, 1953.
The Interpreter's Bible. 12 Vols. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 1951-1957.
The Holy Bible, King James Version, London: The National Publishing Co., 1961.
The Oxford Annotated Bible. Eds. May Herbert G. and Bruce M. Metzger, New York:
Oxford University Press, 1962
The New English Bible, New Testament. London: Oxford University Press, 1964.
The Moffat Translation of the Bible. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1964.
The Thompson Chain Reference Bible Ed. Frank Charles Thomson, lndianopolis:
B.B. Kirk Bride Bible Company, 1964.
The Four Translation New Testament. New York: Worldwide Publications, 1966.
The Jerusalem Bible, Ed. Alexander Jones. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1966.
The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version. Catholic Edition, London: Nelson, 1966.
The New American Bible. Compiled by Members of the Catholic Bible Association.
New York: P.J. Kennedy and Sons, 1968.
The Layman's Parallel Bible. Ed. Gerrit Verkuyl. California, 1969.
The New Testament, Trans. William Barclay. London: Collins and Sons Ltd., 1969.
The Nave's Topical Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1969.
The New English Bible with Apocrypha. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.
The New American Bible. Trans. by Members of the Catholic Biblical Association of
America. Washington: Collins World, 1970.
The Living Bible. Paraphrased. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1971.
The Ryrie Study Bible Testament. Ed. Charles Caldwell Ryrie. Chicago:
Moody Press, 1976.
New American Standard Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1977.
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible. Ed. Finis Jennings Dake. Lawrenceville,
Georgia: Dake Bible Sales, 1979.
The Open Bible. New York: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1980.
The Reader's Digest Bible. Gen. Ed. Bruce M. Metzger. Pleasantville, New York:
The Reader's Digest Association, 1982.
Oxford NIV Scofield Study Bible. Ed. Scofield. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1984,
The NIV Study Bible. Ed. Kenneth Barkes. Michigan: Zondervan Bible
Publishers, 1985.
The Hebrew Greek Key Study Bible. K J V. Compiled and Ed. by Spiros Zodhiates.
Chattanooga: AMG Publishers, 1986.
The Hy Bible, New International Version. Michigan: Zondervan Bible
Publishers, 1987.
The New American Bible. Nashville: Catholic Bible Press, Thomas Nelson, 1987.
The Amplified Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1987.
The Daily Devotional Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1987.
The Way, An Illustrated Edition of the Living Bible. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House
Publishers, 1989.
The Living Bibles Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1989.
The Adventure Bible. NIV Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishers, 1989.
The NIV Topical Study Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Corporation, 1989.
The Students' Bible. Notes by Philip Yancey and Tim Stafford. NIV Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1990.
The Holy Bible. Wheaton, Illionois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1990.
The Christian Character Builder Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992.
The Bible for Children. Bangalore: Bible Society of India, 1993.
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Eisleen, Frederick Carl, Edwin Lewis and David S. Downey. eds. The Abingdon
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Gutherie, D., J.A. Motyer, A.M. Stibbs and D.J. Wiseman. eds. The New Bible
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Laymon, Charles M. ed. The Interpreter's One Volume Commentary. New York:
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Mayo, L. James. ed. Harper's Bible Commentary. San Francisco: Harper and Row
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Neil, William. Bible Commentary. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1962.
Harper's Bible Commentary. London: Harper . and Row, 1962.
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Unger, Merril. The Hodder Bible Hand Book. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1984.
William, Derek. ed. New Concise Bible Dictionary. Illinois: Tyndale House
Publishers, 1989.
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Heinemann, 1971.
Augustine. The Confessions. Trans. Edward B. Pusey. New York: Pocket Books,
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