Reg 670
Reg 670
Reg 670
Version 001
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 9
72810 - Gomaringen
[email protected]
Format rev. 1, Copyright ©2012, DIgSILENT GmbH. Copyright of this document belongs to DIgSILENT
GmbH. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form, by any means
electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of DIgSILENT GmbH.
List of Figures 5
1 Model information 6
2 General description 6
3 Supported features 7
3.1.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.5.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.6.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.7.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.8.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.9.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.10.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.11.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.12.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.13.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.14.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.15.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6 References 50
7 Change Log 51
List of Figures
1 Model information
Manufacturer ABB
Variants The ABB REG 670 PowerFactory relay model can be used to simulate any version of
the ABB REG 670 relay. However please consider that the model has been implemented with
the features available in the V1.2 firmware version.
2 General description
The ABB REG 670 line distance protection terminal is a protective relay for HV and EHV line
distance protection applications with additional differential functions. Special features to protect
series compensated lines are also available. Additional protection functionality includes phase
overcurrent, residual current, frequency and voltage functions.
The ABB REG 670 PowerFactory relay model consists of a main relay model and the following
eleven sub relays:
The ABB REG 670 PowerFactory relay model has been implemented trying to simulate the most
commonly used protective functions.
The main relay contains the measurement and acquisition units, the starting element, the polariz-
ing elements, the directional element for the distance elements for no distance compensated
lines, the output logic and all other sub relays.
The model implementation has been based on the information available in the relay manual [?] .
3 Supported features
The voltage and the current are measured by six three phase current transformer (”Ct1 W1”, ”Ct2
W1”, ”Ct1 W2”, ”Ct2 W2”, ”Ct1 W3”, and ”Ct2 W3” block), one single phase current transformer
(”Neutral Ct” block) and one three phase voltage transformer (”Vt” block).
Five teen measurement units (”Measure”, ”Delta Measure”, ”Measure Seq”, ”Measurement Ct2
W1”, ”Measurement Ct1 W2”, ”Measurement Ct2 W2”, ”Measurement Ct1 W3”, ”Measurement
Ct2 W3”, ”Measure Seq Ct2 W1”, ”Measure Seq Ct1 W2”, ”Measure Seq Ct2 W2” , ”Measure
Seq Ct1 W3”, ”Measure Seq Ct2 W3”, ”Neutral Measurement” and ”2nd harm Measure” block)
are fed by this CT and this VT.
• Six three phase current transformers (”Ct1 W1”, ”Ct2 W1”, ”Ct1 W2”, ”Ct2 W2”, ”Ct1 W3”,
and ”Ct2 W3” block).
• One single phase current transformer (”Neutral Ct” block).
• One three phase voltage transformer (”Vt” block).
• One three phase measurement elements calculating both the current and voltage values
(”Measure” block).
• One three phase measurement elements calculating the 2n d harmonic current values(”2nd
harm Measure” block).
• One three phase measurement elements calculating the phase to phase currents and the
phase to phase voltages (”Delta Measure” block).
• Five three phase measurement elements calculating the phase currents (”Measurement
Ct2 W1”, ”Measurement Ct1 W2”, ”Measurement Ct2 W2”, ”Measurement Ct1 W3”, ”Mea-
surement Ct2 W3”, and ”Measure Seq Ct2 W1” block)
• Five three phase measurement elements calculating the negative sequence currents
(”Measure Seq Ct2 W1”, ”Measure Seq Ct1 W2”, ”Measure Seq Ct2 W2” , ”Measure Seq
Ct1 W3”, and ”Measure Seq Ct2 W3” block)
3.1.2 Functionality
The input current and voltage values are sampled at 40 samples/cycle; for each signal the
average values are calculated using groups of 2 samples. The average values are processed by
a DFT filter, operating over a cycle, which then calculates the voltage and current values used by
the protective elements.
The ”Delta Measure” block calculates the current and voltage ph-ph values used by the phase-
phase loop distance elements.
The nominal current and the nominal voltage values MUST be entered in all the measurement
The starting element, the polarizing elements, the load encroachment element and the directional
element for the lines without series compensation are working together to simulate the ABB REG
670 distance functionalities.
• One starting unit implementing the phase selection logic (”Phase Selector” block).
• One load encroachment element (”PHS Load Area’ block).
• One directional element (”Dir-Z” block).
• Two polarizing blocks (’Polarizing” and ”Polarizing15” block). Please note that no user input
is usually needed in these blocks.
3.2.2 Functionality
Starting element The ABB REG 670 relay model starting element (”Phase Selector” block)
simulates the relay FDPSPDIS phase selection logic function which follows the impedance fault
detection criteria. Moreover the phase preference setting is available (’Phase Preference Logic”
tab page).
Load encroachment element The relay model load encroachment element (”PHS Load Area”
block) reproduces the load encroachment characteristics which in the relay are part of the
FDPSPDIS phase selection logic function. Please notice that the relationship between the load
encroachment relay settings and the model load encroachment element parameters is showed
Directional element The directional element (”Dir-Z” block) is based on the use of a positive-
sequence voltage for the respective fault loop. The polarizing voltage is the sum of 80% of the
actual positive sequence voltage and of 20% of the positive voltage calculated 100 ms before. It
simulates the ZDRDIR relay function. This directional characteristic is not used by the distance
elements present inside the ”ZMCPDIS” sub relay but is used by the ”ZMQPDIS’ sub relay
distance elements.
Polarizing elements The polarizing elements are calculating the voltage vectors used by the
directional element. Two elements are available: ”Polarizing” is calculating the actual positive
sequence voltage, a voltage memory buffer long 100 ms is automatically activated when the
voltage drops below 4%Un and deactivated when the voltage is again greater than 10%Un ,
”Polarizing15” is working as a circular buffer storing the positive sequence voltage calculated
during the last 100 ms and returning as output the positive voltage calculated 100 ms before.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following tables (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
Starting element :
Directional element :
Address Relay Setting Model block Model setting Note
ArgDir Dir-Z Directional Angle, alpha (alpha)
ArgNegRes Dir-Z Directional Angle, phi (phi)
Polarizing element :
The ”EF4PTOC” sub relay consists of four inverse and definite time delayed residual over current
functions with directional feature and 2nd harmonic blocking which can be used in solidly earthed
systems to get a sensitive and fast fault clearance of phase to earth faults. This sub relay
simulates the four step residual over current protection EF4PTOC relay function.
• Four directional inverse characteristic zero sequence over current element (”EF4PTOC 1”,
”EF4PTOC 2”, ”EF4PTOC 3” and ”EF4PTOC 4” block).
• One directional element (”Dir EF4PTOC” block).
• One 2nd harmonic current restrain element (”2nd harmonic Stab” block).
• One logic block (”PTOC Output Logic” block).
3.3.2 Functionality
Each inverse time element can be set as non directional, forward directional or reverse directional.
The directional settings are unique and are stored in the ”Dir PTOC N” block which implements
a zero sequence voltage and current phase comparison or a negative sequence voltage and
current phase comparison direction detection logic. The selection between the zero sequence
and the negative sequence quantities is made by the ”U3P” block (”U3P_3U0”, and ”U3P_3U2”
dip setting in the DIP settings tab page). Each inverse time element can be configured to be
controlled by the 2nd harmonic current restrain. The ”EF4PTOC n1 ” blocks include the following
inverse time characteristics:
• Logarithmic inverse.TypChatoc
• RI inverse.TypChatoc
The inverse time element trip characteristic equations comply with the IEC 60255-3 and the ANSI
The output logic block is used only to combine the logic signals and is not operating the breaker.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The inverse time element ability to be blocked by the 2nd harmonic current restrain can be
disabled setting equal to zero the ”Release Blocking Time” setting in the ”Blocking” tab page of
the inverse time element dialog. Set the setting equal to ”oo” to enable the 2nd harmonic current
restrain blocking feature. The harmonic blocking is enabled by default.
2n = 1,2,3,4
The ”GENPDIF” sub relay implements one low impedance two 3 phase windings generator
differential protection (GENPDIF function block).
• One single phase measurement element (”GENPDIF NegSeqDiff H1 Diff Measure” block).
• One single phase timer element (”GENPDIF NegSeqDiff delay” block).
• One logic block (”GENPDIF trip logic” block).
3.4.2 Functionality
Up to 12 current inputs (four 3 phase CT) are supported: the GENPDIF set of elements simulates
a 2 windings differential feature. Each winding can be monitored by one or two CTs.
The elements simulating the GENPDIF features implement two 3 phase (phase segregated)
current magnitude differentials (”GENPDIF” block) each of them with double slope bias current
restraint and with 2nd and 5th harmonic restraint. Two unrestrained high set differential threshold
are also available in the differential block; two differential alarm thresholds can be defined in the
”GENPDIF IdiffAlarm” block.
Two fault discriminators based on the negative sequence current analysis are available to
distinguish between external and internal faults (”GENPDIF NegSeqDiff” block).
If the fault is declared as internal the harmonic restrain is inhibited; it’s means that any harmonic
blocking is then overridden and a trip is declared if the phase differential element has started.
If the fault is declared as internal and the phase differential current is smaller than the user
configurable phase differential threshold (Differential Current setting of the ”GENPDIF” block), an
intern turn internal fault is assumed and a trip is declared if the negative sequence differential
current remains in the starting condition for a time greater than a 1 cycle.
The elements simulating the GENPDIF protection function include four adapters, one for each
winding considering up to two current inputs(CTs) for each winding.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The ”LEXPDIS” sub relay implements two mho characteristics with directional supervision and
independent time delays which are used to detect the loss of excitation condition.
3.5.2 Functionality
The Loss of excitation protection in the ABB REG 670 relay model measures the apparent
impedance seen out from the generator. The measurement loop of apparent impedance is the
positive sequence loop. The LEXPDIS subrelay consists of two mho elements with separate time
delays and underreactance element which acts as directional blinder and creates a restrain area.
The center of both mho elements is set along the negative part of teh X axis in the RX diagram.
When the apparent impedance reaches the zone Z1 this zone will operate, normally with a
short delay. The zone is related to the dynamic stability of the generator. When the apparent
impedance reaches the zone Z2 this zone will operate, normally with a longer delay. The zone
is related to the static stability of the generator. If the directional restrain is set Off in the relay
please set the Reactance setting of the ”Dir Superv” block to the max allowed value.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The ”ZMHPDIS” sub relay simulates the Full-scheme distance measuring, Mho characteristic
(ZMHPDIS) relay function.
• Four phase-phase current and phase current starting elements (”ZMH1 IMinOp”, ”ZMH2
IMinOp”, ”ZMH3 IMinOp”, and ”ZMH4 IMinOp” block).
• Four phase-phase loop mho elements (”ZMH1 PP”, ”ZMH2 PP”, ”ZMH3 PP”, and ”ZMH4
PP” block).
• Four phase-ground loop mho elements (”ZMH1 PE”, ”ZMH2 PE”, ”ZMH3 PE”, and ”ZMH4
PE” block).
• Four polarizing elements (”ZMH1 KN”, ”ZMH2 KN”, ”ZMH3 KN”, and ”ZMH4 KN” block).
• Four timer element for the phase-phase loops mho starting signals (”ZMH1 tPP”, ”ZMH2
tPP”, ”ZMH3 tPP”, and ”ZMH4 tPP” block).
• Four timer element for the phase-ground loops mho starting signals (”ZMH1 tPE”, ”ZMH2
tPE”, ”ZMH3 tPE”, and ”ZMH4 tPE” block).
• Four ancillary logic elements (”ZMH1 logic”, ”ZMH2 logic”, ”ZMH3 logic”, and ”ZMH4 logic”
3.6.2 Functionality
This sub relay simulate the behavior of the mho used to protect transmission and sub-transmission
Separate mho elements are calculating the phase-phase loop and the phase-ground loop
impedances (”ZMHn3 PP” and ”ZMHn3 PP” block). The phase-phase loop and the phase-ground
loop currents are evaluated by over current starting elements ((”ZMHn3 IMinOp” blocks) which
enable the mho elements impedance measurement. Each over current starting element controls
a phase-phase loop mho element and a phase-ground loop mho element. Separated timers are
connected to the phase-phase loops and to the phase-ground loops mho starting signals.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The ”NS4PTOC” sub relay consists of four inverse and definite time delayed negative sequence
over current functions with directional feature and 2nd harmonic blocking which can be used in
solidly earthed systems to get a sensitive and fast fault clearance of phase to earth faults. This
sub relay simulates the four step negative sequence over current protection NS4PTOC relay
• Four directional inverse characteristic negative sequence over current element (”NS4PTOC
1”, ”NS4PTOC 2”, ”NS4PTOC 3” and ”NS4PTOC 4” block).
3.7.2 Functionality
Each inverse time element can be set as non directional, forward directional or reverse directional.
The directional settings are unique and are stored in the ”Dir NS4PTOC” block which implements
a negative sequence voltage and current phase comparison detection logic. Each inverse time
element can be configured to be controlled by the 2nd harmonic current restrain. The ”NS4PTOC
n5 ” blocks include the following inverse time characteristics:
• ANSI Inverse.TypChatoc
• ANSI Long time Extremly Inverse.TypChatoc
• ANSI Long time Inverse.TypChatoc
• ANSI Long time Very Inverse.TypChatoc
• RI inverse.TypChatoc
The inverse time element trip characteristic equations comply with the IEC 60255-3 and the ANSI
The output logic block is used only to combine the logic signals and is not operating the breaker.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The inverse time element ability to be blocked by the 2nd harmonic current restrain can be
disabled setting equal to zero the ”Release Blocking Time” setting in the ”Blocking” tab page of
the inverse time element dialog. Set the setting equal to ”oo” to enable the 2nd harmonic current
restrain blocking feature. The harmonic blocking is enabled by default.
6n = 1,2,3,4
The ”OC4PTOC” sub relay consists of four inverse and definite time delayed residual over current
functions with directional feature and 2nd harmonic blocking which can be used for backup short
circuit protection. The sub relay simulates the four step phase over current protection OC4PTOC
relay function.
• Four directional inverse characteristic 3 phase overcurrent element (”OC4PTOC 1”, ”OC4PTOC
2”, ”OC4PTOC 3” and ”OC4PTOC 4” block).
• One 3 phase directional element (”Dir OC4PTOC” block).
• One 2nd harmonic current restrain element (”2nd harmonic Stab” block).
• One logic block (”OC4PTOC Output Logic” block).
3.8.2 Functionality
Each inverse time element can be set as non directional, forward directional or reverse directional.
The directional settings are unique and are stored in the ”Dir PTOC” block. Each inverse time
element can be configured to be controlled by the 2nd harmonic current restrain. The inverse
time elements trip logic is affected by the StartPhSel parameter (”OC4PTOC Output Logic” block)
value: if the parameter is set to 1 out of 3 any phase trip signal will be activated. If the parameter
is set to 2 out of 3 at least two phase signals must be activated for trip. If the parameter is set to
3 out of 3 all phase signals must be activated for trip.
• ANSI Inverse.TypChatoc
• ANSI Long time Extremely Inverse.TypChatoc
• ANSI Long time Inverse.TypChatoc
• ANSI Long time Very Inverse.TypChatoc
• Logarithmic inverse.TypChatoc
• RI inverse.TypChatoc
The inverse time element trip characteristic equations comply with the IEC 60255-3 and the ANSI
The output logic block is used only to combine the logic signals and is not operating the breaker.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The inverse time element ability to be blocked by the 2nd harmonic current restrain can be
disabled setting equal to zero the ”Release Blocking Time” setting in the ”Blocking” tab page of
the inverse time element dialog. Set the setting equal to ”oo” to enable the 2nd harmonic current
restrain blocking feature. The harmonic blocking is enabled by default.
8n = 1,2,3,4
The ”PIOC” sub relay protective functions operate on the basis of the phase current and of
the residual current. An instantaneous phase overcurrent protection and an instantaneous
residual overcurrent protection can be used to clear close-in faults and for fast back-up earth fault
protection. This sub relay simulates the Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection, PHPIOC
and the Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC relay function.
3.9.2 Functionality
The model is simulating the two instantaneous elements present in the relay protective function.
The instantaneous phase overcurrent element (”PHPIOC” block) trip logic is affected by the
OpMode parameter (”PIOC Output Logic” block) value: if the parameter is set to 1 out of 3 any
phase trip signal will be activated. If the parameter is set to 2 out of 3 at least two phase signals
must be activated for trip.
The output block is collecting the element trip signals but isn’t operating the power breaker.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The ”PSPPPAM” sub relay protective functions simulate the ABB REG 670 Pole slip protection
• Two out of step detection elements (”N1 Limit”, and ”N2 Limit” block).
• Two logic elements making calculations (”Umaxcalc”, and ”Imincalc” block).
• Two logic elements (”Supervision logic”, and ”Zone logic” block).
3.10.2 Functionality
The ”Umaxcalc” block calculates the greater phase voltage, the ”Imincalc” block calculates the
smaller phase current. The greater phase voltage value is then passed to the ”Umax < 92%”
block which evaluates if the value is smaller than 92 % Un. The smaller phase current is passed
to the ”Imin > 10%” block which evaluates if the value is greater than 10% In.
The ”Meas Freq” block calculates the rate of change of the frequency value which is passed to
the ”0.2 hz” and to the ”8 hz” block. The ”Supervision logic” enable the distance elements only if
all the following conditions are satisfied:
The ”Polarizing” block calculates the positive sequence polarizing voltages and operating current
used by the distance mho (”Start Angle”, and ”Trip Angle” block) and blinders (”Impedance ZA
- ZB (1)”, ”Impedance ZA - ZB (2)”, and ”Impedance ZC” block). Both the trip1 and the trip2
distance characteristics are modeled.
The combination of mho and blinders trips is evaluated by the ’Zone logic” block which figure
out the trip signals evaluated by the power swing detection elements (”N1 Limit”, and ”N2 Limit”
block). The power swing detection elements trip the relay when number of detected power loop
is equal to the user defined count limits for trip 1 and trip2. Separated count limits can be set for
for trip 1 and trip2.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The ”SAPTUF SAPTOF SAPFRC” sub relay consists of one under frequency, one over frequency
and one rate of change frequency elements. This sub relay simulates the SAPTUF, the SAPTOF
and the SAPFRC relay function.
• One minimum voltage element controlling the over frequency element(”SAPTOF intBlock-
Level” block).
• One rate of change frequency element (”SAPFRC” block).
• One minimum voltage elements controlling the rate of change frequency element(”SAPFRC
intBlockLevel” block).
• One logic block (”Frequency Output Logic” block).
3.11.2 Functionality
Each frequency and rate of change frequency element is controlled by a minimum voltage
threshold element.
The underfrequency element (”SAPTUF” block) can be set to operate with a definite time operation
characteristic or with a voltage dependent characteristic. The selection of the characteristic is
made by the ”SAPTUF timer operation” block.
The output logic block is used only to combine the logic signals and is not operating the breaker.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The ”T2WPDIF T3WPDIF REFPDIF HZPDIF” sub relay implements one low impedance 2
windings transformer differential protection (T2WPDIF function block), one low impedance 3
windings transformer differential protection (T3WPDIF function block), one restricted earth fault
with directional control (REFPDIF function block), and a 3 phase high impedance differential
protection (HZPDIF function block).
• Four 3 phase adapters (”T2WPDIF Ct1 W1 Adapter”, ”T2WPDIF Ct2 W1 Adapter”, ”T2WPDIF
Ct1 W2 Adapter”, and ”T2WPDIF Ct2 W2 Adapter” block).
• Three 3 phase measurement elements (”T2WPDIF H1 Diff Measure”, ”T2WPDIF H2 Diff
Measure”, and ”T2WPDIF H5 Diff Measure” block).
• One single phase measurement element (”T2WPDIF NegSeqDiff H1 Diff Measure” block).
• One single phase timer element (”T2WPDIF NegSeqDiff delay” block).
• One logic block (”T2WPDIF trip logic” block).
• Two 3 phase definite time overcurrent elements (”T3WPDIF IdiffAlarm”, and ”T3WPDIF
IdiffHSet” block).
• Six 3 phase adapters (”T3WPDIF Ct1 W1 Adapter”, ”T3WPDIF Ct2 W1 Adapter”, ”T3WPDIF
Ct1 W2 Adapter”, ”T3WPDIF Ct2 W2 Adapter”, ”T3WPDIF Ct1 W3 Adapter” and ”T3WPDIF
Ct2 W3 Adapter” block).
• Two three phase overvoltages element (”U> Alarm” and ”U> Trip” block).
• One logic block (”Stabilizing R” block).
3.12.2 Functionality
T2WPDIF and T3WPDIF T2WPDIF and T3WPDIF are identical except for the number of
current inputs and adapters block. Up to 18 current inputs (six 3 phase CT) are supported:
the T2WPDIF set of elements simulates a 2 windings differential feature and the T3WPDIF
set of elements simulates a 3 windings differential feature. In both case each windings can be
monitored by one or two CTs.
The elements simulating the T2WPDIF and T3WPDIF features implement two 3 phase (phase
segregated) current magnitude differentials (”T2WPDIF” and ”T3WPDIF” block) each of them
with double slope bias current restraint and with 2nd and 5th harmonic restraint. Two unrestrained
high set differential threshold are also available in the differential block; two differential alarm
thresholds can be defined in the ”T2WPDIF IdiffAlarm” and in the ”T3WPDIF IdiffAlarm” block.
Two fault discriminators based on the negative sequence current analysis are available to distin-
guish between external and internal faults (”T2WPDIF NegSeqDiff” and ”T3WPDIF NegSeqDiff”
If the fault is declared as internal the harmonic restrain is inhibited; it’s means that any harmonic
blocking is then overridden and a trip is declared if the phase differential element has started.
If the fault is declared as internal and the phase differential current is smaller than the user
configurable phase differential threshold (Differential Current setting of the ”T2WPDIF” and of the
”T3WPDIF” block), an intern turn internal fault is assumed and a trip is declared if the negative
sequence differential current remains in the starting condition for a time greater than a 1 cycle.
The elements simulating the T2WPDIF and the T3WPDIF protection function include four and
six adapters, one for each winding considering up to two current inputs(CTs) for each winding.
REFPDIF The ”REFPDIF” block simulates a restricted earth fault protective function with double
slope bias current restraint and with 2nd harmonic restraint. An additional control regarding the
earth fault direction is performed: a earth fault directional element in each winding compares the
angular position of the earth fault current phasor with the angular position of the neutral current
phasor; the ”REFPDIF” block is enabled only if at least one directional element detects a reverse
current direction condition.
HZPDIF ”U> Trip” block implements the high impedance voltage threshold. The ”U> Alarm”
block is a an additional alarm threshold; please notice that the associated output signal doesn’t
trip the power breaker and is freely available for any control logic.
The ”Stabilizing R” block simulates the series resistor. The external voltage dependent resistor is
not modeled and must be simulated by a separate additional element not part of this relay model.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
Address Relay Setting Model block Model setting Note
Operation T2WPDIF Out of Service (outserv)
IBase T2WPDIF Differential Current (Itapr)
tAlarmDelay T2WPDIF IdiffAlarm Pickup Current (Ipset)
IDiffAlarm T2WPDIF IdiffAlarm Time Setting (Tdelay)
IdMin T2WPDIF Release threshold (Idiffr2)
IdUnre T2WPDIF Unrestrained Differential
Threshold (Idiffunrestr2)
CrossBlockEn T2WPDIF Interblocking (h2interblock) ”Harmonic blocking” tab page
T2WPDIF Interblocking (h5interblock) ”Harmonic blocking” tab page
NegSeqDiffEn T2WPDIF NegSeqDiff Out of Service (outserv)
IMinNegSeq T2WPDIF NegSeqDiff Current Threshold (IM)
NegSeqROA T2WPDIF NegSeqDiff Restraint region Angle (Re- Set RestrAngle = 360 - 2*
strAngle ) NegSeqROA
EndSection1 T2WPDIF Restraint Current 1st thresh-
old (Ipset1r2)
EndSection2 T2WPDIF Restraint Current 2nd
threshold (Ipset2r2)
SlopeSection2 T2WPDIF Restrain percentage 1 (Ire-
SlopeSection3 T2WPDIF Restrain percentage 2 (Ire-
I2/I1Ratio T2WPDIF 2nd Harmonic blocking ”Harmonic blocking” tab page
threshold (H2threshold)
I5/I1Ratio T2WPDIF 5th Harmonic blocking ”Harmonic blocking” tab page
threshold (H5threshold)
RatedVoltageW1 T2WPDIF Ct1 W1 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
T2WPDIF Ct2 W1 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
RatedVoltageW2 T2WPDIF Ct1 W2 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
T2WPDIF Ct2 W2 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
ClockNumberW2 T2WPDIF Ct1 W2 Transformer
Adapter Group(trasfgroup)
ClockNumberW2 T2WPDIF Ct2 W2 Transformer
Adapter Group(trasfgroup)
ZSCurrSubtrW1 Ct1 W1 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW1 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW1)
Ct2 W1 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW1 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW1)
ZSCurrSubtrW2 Ct1 W2 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW2 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW2)
Ct2 W2 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW2 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW2)
CT1RatingW1 T2WPDIF Ct1 W1 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
CT2RatingW1 T2WPDIF Ct2 W1 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
CT1RatingW2 T2WPDIF Ct1 W2 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
CT2RatingW2 T2WPDIF Ct2 W2 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
Address Relay Setting Model block Model setting Note
Operation T3WPDIF Out of Service (outserv)
IBase T3WPDIF Differential tap (Itapr)
tAlarmDelay T3WPDIF IdiffAlarm Pickup Current (Ipset)
IDiffAlarm T3WPDIF IdiffAlarm Time Setting (Tdelay)
IdMin T3WPDIF Differential Current base
threshold (Idiffr)
IdUnre T3WPDIF Unrestrained Differential
threshold (Idiffunrestr)
CrossBlockEn T3WPDIF Interblocking (h2interblock) ”Harmonic blocking” tab
T3WPDIF Interblocking (h5interblock) ”Harmonic blocking” tab
NegSeqDiffEn T3WPDIF NegSeqD- Out of Service (outserv)
IMinNegSeq T3WPDIF NegSeqD- Current Threshold (IM)
NegSeqROA T3WPDIF NegSeqD- Restraint region Angle (Re- Set RestrAngle = 360 - 2*
iff strAngle ) NegSeqROA
EndSection1 T3WPDIF Restraint Current 1st thresh-
old (Ipset1r2)
EndSection2 T3WPDIF Restraint Current 2nd
threshold (Ipset2r2)
SlopeSection2 T3WPDIF Restrain percentage 1 (Ire-
SlopeSection3 T3WPDIF Restrain percentage 2 (Ire-
I2/I1Ratio T3WPDIF 2nd Harmonic blocking ”Harmonic blocking” tab
threshold (H2threshold) page
I5/I1Ratio T3WPDIF 5th Harmonic blocking ”Harmonic blocking” tab
threshold (H5threshold) page
RatedVoltageW1 T3WPDIF Ct1 W1 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
T3WPDIF Ct2 W1 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
RatedVoltageW2 T3WPDIF Ct1 W2 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
T3WPDIF Ct2 W2 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
RatedVoltageW3 T3WPDIF Ct1 W3 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
T3WPDIF Ct2 W3 Nominal Terminal Line-Line
Adapter Voltage (LLVolt)
ClockNumberW2 T3WPDIF Ct1 W2 Transformer
Adapter Group(trasfgroup)
ClockNumberW2 T3WPDIF Ct2 W2 Transformer
Adapter Group(trasfgroup)
ZSCurrSubtrW1 Ct1 W1 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW1 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW1)
Ct2 W1 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW1 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW1)
ZSCurrSubtrW2 Ct1 W2 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW2 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW2)
Ct2 W2 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW2 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW2)
ZSCurrSubtrW3 Ct1 W3 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW2 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW3)
Ct2 W3 Earth Current ZSCurrSubtrW2 (ZS- In the ”Logic” tab page
Filter CurrSubtrW3)
CT1RatingW1 T3WPDIF Ct1 W1 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
CT2RatingW1 T3WPDIF Ct2 W1 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
CT1RatingW2 T3WPDIF Ct1 W2 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
CT2RatingW2 T3WPDIF Ct2 W2 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
CT1RatingW3 T3WPDIF Ct1 W3 Current Transformer Ratio
Adapter (CTRatio)
Address Relay Setting Model block Model setting Note
Operation REFPDIF Out of Service (outserv)
IBase REFPDIF Differential tap (Itapr)
IdMin REFPDIF Differential Current base threshold (Id-
CTFactorPri1 REFPDIF Ct1 W1 Adapter Current Transformer Ratio (CTRatio)
CTFactorPri2 REFPDIF Ct2 W1 Adapter Current Transformer Ratio (CTRatio)
CTFactorSec1 REFPDIF Ct1 W2 Adapter Current Transformer Ratio (CTRatio)
CTFactorSec2 REFPDIF Ct2 W2 Adapter Current Transformer Ratio (CTRatio)
ROA REFPDIF W1 ROA Operating Sector Angle(phisec)
REFPDIF W2 ROA Operating Sector Angle(phisec)
Address Relay Setting Model block Model setting Note
Operation Stabilizing R Out of Service (outserv)
U>Alarm U> Alarm Pickup Voltage (Usetr)
tAlarm U> Alarm Time Delay (Tdel)
U>Trip U> Trip Pickup Voltage (Usetr)
SeriesResistor Stabilizing R R Define the variable in the
”Logic” tab page
Figure 3.10: T2WPDIF T3WPDIF REFPDIF HZPDIF sub relay connection scheme
The ”TRPTTR” sub relay consists of two thermal image elements. A simplified version of the
”TRPTTR” relay feature is modeled.
• Two thermal image elements (”Ith1 >”, and ”Ith2 >” block).
• One interface element which stores the base current (”TRPTTR Ibase” block).
• One logic block (”TRPTTROC Output Logic” block).
3.13.2 Functionality
The thermal image thresholds refers to the Ibase parameter. Each thermal image element
simulate a separate heating time constant with independent trip threshold.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The ”UV2PTUV OV2PTUV ROV2PTOV” sub relay consists of two inverse time 3 phase under
voltage, two inverse time 3 phase over voltage and two inverse time residual overvoltage
• Two inverse time 3 phase under voltage elements (”UV2PTUV1” and ”UV2PTUV2” block).
• Two inverse time 3 phase over voltage elements (”OV2PTOV1” and ”OV2PTOV2” block).
• Two inverse time residual over voltage elements (”ROV2PTOV1” and ”ROV2PTOV2” block).
3.14.2 Functionality
This sub relay is providing the basic features of the relay voltage functions.
The under voltage elements support the following inverse time trip characteristics:
The ”Programmable curve B” is an additional characteristic which can be defined by the user
inserting a set of voltage versus time points. Please notice that an unique user programmable
characteristic is available for the two under voltage elements.
The over voltage elements support the following inverse time trip characteristics:
The ”Programmable curve C” is an additional characteristic which can be defined by the user
inserting a set of voltage versus time points. Please notice that an unique user programmable
characteristic is available for the two over voltage elements.
The output logic block is used only to combine the logic signals and is not operating the breaker.
The relationships between the relay settings and the model parameters can be found in the
following table (the relay model parameter names are listed between brackets):
The output logic is implemented by a set of logic blocks located in the main relay.
3.15.2 Functionality
Each logic block located in the main relay can operate the power breaker.
The output signals which can be used to operate the breaker are ”yout”, ”yout_A”, ”yout_B” and
”yout_C”. Please notice that ”yout_A”, ”yout_B” and ”yout_C” are not connected to any relay
output signals.
The logic blocks implement the three phase, single phase and the two phases trip logic.
Please disable the ”ZMCPDIS Output Logic”, ”ZMHPDIS Output Logic”, ”ZMQPDIS Output Logic”
and ”I & V & f Output Logic” block in the main relay to disable the relay model ability to open the
power circuit.
The ”yout”, ”yout_A”, ”yout_B” and ”yout_C” relay output signals can be set to operate the breaker
using the ”Tripping signal” (”sTripsig”) parameter in the ”Basic Data” tab page of the logic block
dialogs. By default all of them are operating the breaker.
The single phase trip logic can be activated setting equal to ”TRIP” the ”single_pole_trip” param-
eter in the ”Logic” tab page of the logic block dialogs. The two phases trip logic can be activated
setting equal to ”TRIP” the ”two_poles_trip” parameters. By default the three phase trip logic is
• Automatic switch onto fault logic, voltage and current based, ZCVPSOF.
• Breaker failure protection, CCRBRF.
• Scheme communication logic for distance protection, ZCOM.
• Stub protection, STBPTOC.
• Autorecloser, SMBRREC.
• Current circuit supervision, CCSRDIF.
• Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF.
• Interlocking logics.
• Switch On To Fault.
• Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection SDEPSDE.
• Switch On To Fault.
• Thermal overload protection, one time constant LPTTR
6 References
7 Change Log