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Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019) 306–315

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Gamification and serious games: A literature meta-analysis and integrative T

Gonçalo Baptista*, Tiago Oliveira
NOVA IMS, Information Management School, New University of Lisbon, Portugal


Keywords: In recent years we have witnessed a growing number of companies and institutions embedding game mechanics
Gamification and game design techniques in all types of information systems, applications, and services. Following this trend,
Serious games it is possible to find an increasing number of publications studying these subjects. With this meta-analysis we
meta-Analysis synthesise and integrate all the earlier literature and information available on gamification and serious games,
assessing the current state-of-the-art in the field, filling a literature gap on this subject. We calculated meta-
analysis effects from a total of 54 studies and 59 datasets collected from the literature. Attitude, enjoyment, and
usefulness are the most relevant predictors of intention to use gamification. Intention, enjoyment, and usefulness
are the most relevant predictors of the brand attitude towards gamification. Our results allow us to present a
theoretical model that will be of value to future gamification studies.

1. Introduction model for future gamification studies. During recent years we have
witnessed a growing number of gamification applications in multi-
Gamification is considered one of the top software trends disciplinary areas such as commerce (Bittner & Schipper, 2014), en-
(Morschheuser et al., 2017) and it is present in our daily lives, although vironment and ecological behaviour (Prestopnik & Tang, 2015), car-
sometimes we do not even recognise it (Dias, 2017). Among several tography (Kapenekakis & Chorianopoulos, 2017), machine learning
distinct definitions available in literature, we acknowledge gamification (Dalmazzo & Ramirez, 2017), software development (Chow & Huang,
as the use of game-design elements in non-gaming contexts (Deterding 2017), innovation (Roth et al., 2015), health and medical issues
et al., 2011), in a process of enhancing a service with game-related (Fleming et al., 2017), politics (Santos et al., 2015), education (Kim
features that support users' overall value creation (Huotari & Hamari, et al., 2018), tourism (Saoud & Jung, 2018), finance and funding
2017). Gamification seeks to unite functionality and engagement (Altmeyer, Lessel, & Krüger, 2016), energy (Nicholson, 2012), mobility
(Morschheuser et al., 2017), to increase usability (Saha et al., 2012), and transportation (Kazhamiakin et al., 2015), accessibility (Prandi
productivity, and satisfaction (Rajanen & Rajanen, 2017), to create et al., 2015), fashion (Insley & Nunan, 2014), usability (Rajanen &
more enjoyable experiences (Liu & Santhanam, 2017), to drive beha- Rajanen, 2017), risk management (Bajdor & Dragolea, 2011), and
viours (Rodrigues et al., 2014), and to produce positive business impact marketing (Church & Iyer, 2018). We intend to complement earlier
(Morschheuser et al., 2015). gamification literature reviews, such as Hamari et al. (2014), and ear-
The context of our study, the starting point, is the extensive range of lier game oriented meta-analysis reviews, such as Hamari & Keronen
often contradictory results present in information systems literature (2017b), providing a straight utilitarian and instrumental perspective
regarding gamification. Although garnering a substantial amount of on the gamification phenomenon.
research attention, gamification results and literature are still scattered, Earlier research suggests that meta-analysis is a better method than
leaving a clear space for additional research to describe, synthesise and just a mere literature review (Hunter & Schmidt, 2014), that it is a
integrate all the information available, reducing the time needed to rigorous and robust method (Zhang et al., 2012), that it is applicable
understand or to study this phenomenon within the literature. even with conflicting results (Dennis et al., 2001), and that it helps to
Our primary research goal is to synthesise earlier gamification reinforce understanding and to provide a more concise view of gami-
findings, identifying the most utilised factors mentioned in the litera- fication factors. For these reasons, it is the method employed in our
ture and their significance, providing a balanced theoretical supporting work.

Corresponding author. NOVA IMS, Campus de Campolide, 1070-312, Lisbon, Portugal.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Baptista), [email protected] (T. Oliveira).
Received 22 May 2018; Received in revised form 28 October 2018; Accepted 15 November 2018
Available online 16 November 2018
0747-5632/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Baptista, T. Oliveira Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019) 306–315

The paper is organised as follows. We start with the research consolidated results (Hunter & Schmidt, 2014). With it, both statisti-
methodology, in section two, followed by the meta-analysis description cally significant and non-significant relationships found in the literature
in section three, where we present the studies, variables, relationships, are analysed and contribute to the final results (Sabherwal et al., 2006),
and results included in our work. We dedicate section four to the dis- reinforcing the overall validity of the meta-analysis findings (Cook,
cussion of the results, and section five to describe the impact of our 1991). Furthermore, analysing a body of literature such as the one
work on research and practice. We continue with the limitations, future before us enables seeing the gamification phenomenon from a broader
research directions in section six, and we finish with the main conclu- perspective, not limited to the narrow scope of individual works,
sions, in section seven. creating the conditions to present more accurate and credible results
(King & He, 2006).
2. Research methodology In our meta-analysis we used a random-effects model following
Hamari & Keronen's (2017b) approach, assuming that the true effect
We undertook a systematic literature review during October and sizes vary from study to study (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, &
November 2017 to ensure that we have collected a list of pertinent Rothstein, 2010). We acknowledge that the samples of the studies we
works that is the most complete possible (Webster & Watson, 2002), used in our work may present different characteristics, differing in such
with the most up-to-date research available in the area. We started divergent aspects such as age, gender, education, experience, income,
identifying and searching in the most known electronic scientific da- health, or culture. The number of studies used in our work, 54, is
tabases available, namely ACM, IEEE, Science Direct, Scopus, Emerald, considered adequate to provide good meta-analysis precision
Springer, ISI Web of Science, Taylor & Francis, and Google Scholar. We (Borenstein et al., 2010), and to allow overall results' generalisation
searched these relevant sources continuously for gamification and in- (King & He, 2006).
terrelated keywords such as serious games, games for a purpose, pro-
ductivity games, behavioural games, pervasive games, augmented 3.1. Studies included in the work
reality games, as well as other grammatically equivalent terms such as
gamified, gamify, gamifying, and gamif < ce:sup > * < /ce:sup > . As described in the methodology section, we conducted the litera-
Following a rigorous inclusion criteria, the search was further limited ture search during October and November 2017. We compared all the
to: (i) studies published or available online within the period between works found against the defined inclusion criteria, allowing the iden-
January 2010 and the end of January 2018, (ii) journals, articles, re- tification and analysis of a total of 54 different studies that were pub-
views, conferences, and books, allowing us to exclude most non-scien- lished or were available online through the period of January 2010 up
tific publications, (iii) quantitative studies with complete correlation to the end of January 2018, as presented in Table 1.
values, removing qualitative works, reviews, conceptual studies, or The studies included in our work were undertaken in different
works that did not present this type of quantitative statistical in- countries, using different sample sizes, as summarised in Fig. 1.
formation, and (iv) independent datasets, removing articles using pre- Of the 22 countries identified, China, the United States of America,
vious datasets already included, and avoiding biasing the study using and Belgium are the ones having the highest sum of respondents, re-
the sample more than once (Wood, 2008). Besides studies already spectively with 4929, 2741, and 1363, shared among five, twelve, and
published until the end of the literature review period, November 2017; two different works.
we also included accepted papers in-press that had a publishing date Additional detail on the studies included in our work is presented in
until the end of January 2018 in our work. Appendix A, namely the technology being used, sample sizes, and the
Conferences, theses, and books were included in our work to ad- country of research for the 54 studies for which the meta-analysis has
dress high effect sizes bias commonly linked with journal articles been performed.
(Pappas & Williams, 2011). We did the same to the studies with mul-
tiple independent datasets (e.g. (Bourgonjon et al., 2013; Darban et al., 3.2. Variables and relationships breakdown
2016; Rodrigues et al., 2016a; Sande et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2017)
each of them contributing with an additional dataset). The final result is From the literature review, for each study included in our work, we
a total of 54 papers and 59 datasets that meet the criteria, comprising identified, aggregated, and ordered the list of variable relationships by
50 journal articles (92.6%), two conference papers (3.7%), one master dependent construct, assuming that a meta-analysis permits a numer-
dissertation (1.9%), and one book section (1.9%). This can be con- ical combination of relationships between two or more factors (Gerow
sidered as a meta-analysis dimension comparable to other earlier stu- et al., 2014). A total of 586 different and interrelated variable re-
dies published in top-tier Journals, such as Lamb et al. (2018), who lationships were found. Intention was identified as the variable most
included 46 studies, Wu & Lederer (2009), with 52, and Baptista and used in gamification literature during the period analysed. The break-
Oliveira (2016), with 57 works. down of this construct by independent variable is reported in Fig. 2.
To visually represent the list of the most important gamification Some of the most important constructs, in terms of the number of
relationships found in the literature we used the IBM Watson Analytics appearances in the literature, are among others: attitude, brand atti-
online tool (available on The tude, continued use, enjoyment, and usefulness. The breakdown of
meta-analysis results were obtained using the Comprehensive Meta- these constructs is presented in Fig. 3.
Analysis software tool (available on In detail, the number of times that the most important variables
Considering those relationships that were used three or more times in appear in literature are presented in Table 2.
the literature, following Hamari & Keronen's (2017a) recommenda-
tions, we reduced the initial number to 21 relationships. 3.3. Meta-analysis results

3. Meta-analysis According to our methodology, the initial number of relationships

was reduced to 21, representing the pair of factors (dependent/in-
Meta-analysis provides a highly accurate method to calculate the dependent) studied at least three times in the literature. Equivalent
factors influencing the use of a technology, allowing us to combine constructs were joined and considered as a single factor, namely: (i)
results from several works that share a similar subject (Hamari & perceived ease of use and ease of use (Venkatesh et al., 2003), (ii)
Keronen, 2017b). This statistical method is considered the best ap- perceived usefulness and usefulness (Choi & Kim, 2012), (iii) perceived
proach to consolidate earlier research on gamification, superseding enjoyment and enjoyment (Venkatesh et al., 2012), (iv) perceived so-
results from literature reviews that were not able to present cial influence and social influence (Venkatesh et al., 2012), and (v)

G. Baptista, T. Oliveira

Table 1
Studies by Journal and year.
Journal 2010–2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Addictive Behaviors Boyle, Earle, LaBrie, and Smith (2017)

Computers & Education (Bourgonjon, Valcke, (Bourgonjon et al., Sande et al. (Buil, Catalán, & Martínez, 2016; Darban et al., Buckley and Doyle (2017)
Soetaert, & Schellens, 2013; Hong et al., (2015) 2016; Hone & El Said, 2016)
2010; Gomez et al., 2013)
Computers in Human Koivisto & (Hamari et al., 2015; (Bachen, Hernández-Ramos, Raphael, & (Chen et al., 2017; Landers et al., 2017; (Feng et al., 2018;
Behavior Hamari Hamari & Koivisto, Waldron, 2016; Baek & Touati, 2016; Beard & Morschheuser et al., 2017; Oleksy & Wnuk, Gan & Li, 2018;
(2014) 2015b; Mekler et al., Wickham, 2016; Bozanta, Kutlu, Nowlan, & 2017; Rodrigues et al., 2017; Yang et al., Macey & Hamari,
2015) Shirmohammadi, 2016; De-Marcos et al., 2016; 2017; Çakıroğlu, Başıbüyük, Güler, Atabay, 2018)
Nelson, Verhagen, & Noordzij, 2016; Rodrigues & Yılmaz Memiş, 2017)
et al., 2016a, 2016b; Su et al., 2016)
Electronic Commerce (Hsiao & Tang, 2016; Rouibah et al., 2016)
Research and
Information & (Kong et al., 2012; Turel Sepehr & Head (2017)
Management et al., 2010)
Interdisciplinary Journal Codish and
of E-learning and Ravid (2014)

Learn. Objects
Intern. Journal of Child- Tan et al. (2016)
Computer Interaction
Intern. Journal of Hamari & Koivisto Chen et al. (2017)
Information (2015a)
Intern. Journal of Ozturk et al. (2016)
Internet Research Baptista and Oliveira (2017)
Journal of Computer Cheng, Wang, and Sankar (2016)
Information Systems
Journal of E-Learning and Galbis-Córdova et al. (2017)
Knowledge Society
Journal of Service Theory Mulcahy et al. (2017)
and Practice
Medical Informatics Lin et al. (2017)
Telematics and Informatics Hsu et al. (2017)
Tourism Management Liang et al. (2017)
Book/Book section Herzig et al. (2015)
Conferences Herzig et al. (2012) Codish and Ravid (2017)
Dissertation Teensma (2016)
Total 5 2 3 5 19 17 3
Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019) 306–315
G. Baptista, T. Oliveira Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019) 306–315

confidence interval (Hamari & Keronen, 2017a). Complementing the

meta-analysis, we also examined the strength of the independent vari-
ables in the relationships identified; presented in column “Weight”,
assuming that this type of analysis combined with a meta-analysis re-
presents one of the most revealing methods of analysis available (Rana
et al., 2015). “Weight” represents the result of the number of times a
relationship is found to be statistically significant divided by the
number of times it appears in the literature. In the column “Type” we
present Jeyaraj et al.’s (2006) best predictors classification, according
to (i) “well-utilised”, if a relationship is explored five or more times in
earlier research, (ii) “experimental”, if examined four or fewer times,
(iii) “best predictors”, if well-utilised with a weight > 0.80 (80%), and
(iv) “promising predictors”, for the experimental relationships with
Fig. 1. Studies' world distribution and sample dimension. weight = 1 (100%).
The meta-analysis results indicate that 19 of the 21 relationships are
statistically significant (p < 0.005). The two exceptions are the re-
lationship ease of use to brand attitude and usefulness to enjoyment,
respectively with p = 0.586 and p = 0.377. Deepening the analysis
from the statistical significant relationships, according to Jeyaraj et al.’s
(2006) variables classification, two additional findings can be high-
lighted from the weight analysis (“Weight” and “Type” columns),
namely: four well-utilised relationships were identified as best pre-
dictors, and six relationships were classified as promising predictors of
gamified technology acceptance. The best predictors identified are: (i)
attitude on intention, (ii) enjoyment on intention, (iii) usefulness on
intention, and (iv) ease of use on usefulness. The promising predictors
identified are: (i) intention on brand attitude, (ii) enjoyment on brand
attitude, (iii) usefulness on brand attitude, (iv) hedonic value on in-
tention, (v) learning opportunities on usefulness, and (vi) socialness on
Fig. 2. Intention relationships breakdown.
usefulness. None of the relationships was considered statistically non-
significant across all works; the minimum weight found was 25% in the
usefulness on enjoyment relation. The summary effect for the random
effects model is an estimate of the average of the effects across the
various studies with different settings and characteristics
(Nikolakopoulou et al., 2014), like the ones used in our work. The
correlation summary effect obtained with the random method is 0.308,
and the 95% confidence interval is between 0.244 and 0.369.

4. Discussion

The present study contributes to the theoretical and empirical dis-

cernment of the impact of gamification and its role in the vast space of
information systems and academic research. Earlier gamification meta-
analysis studies focused on the game perspective examination (Hamari
Fig. 3. Breakdown of some of the most important relationships found in the & Keronen, 2017b), we extend gamification analysis to the use of game-
design elements in non-gaming contexts, in a utilitarian or instrumental
perspective. The burgeoning number of studies, conferences, and books
Table 2 released in recent years has made research on the gamification subject
Number of appearances of the most important variables in literature. more complex and time-consuming, creating the opportunity to update
Dependent Independent the state-of-the-art on the matter, identifying and discussing the most
important collective findings. Our literature review confirms that re-
Intention 91 5 sults are scattered in nature and report more than 580 different re-
Attitude 18 8
Brand attitude 10 0
Continued use 11 2 From the meta-analysis results, we see that of the 21 relationships
Enjoyment 27 11 selected for analysis 19 are statistically significant. All independent
Usefulness 28 6 variables influence the dependent variables positively (average of the
correlation coefficient values > 0). An interesting result is that both
enjoyment and usefulness influence brand attitude and intention to use,
intention to use and continued use (Hamari & Keronen, 2017b). supporting the fact that users expect to have a balance between these
The meta-analysis results are presented in Table 3. Following two factors – fun and utility, either in terms of product acceptance or
Hunter & Schmidt's (2014) guidelines we used the untransformed cor- intention to adopt a technology. These aspects are in line with earlier
relations and original sample sizes of each study. The column “Size” research reporting that a system should have the right amount of uti-
represents the cumulative sample sizes, the column “Average β” the litarian and hedonic dimensions in order to leverage customer en-
average of the correlation coefficient values, “p” the statistical sig- gagement (Hamari & Koivisto, 2015a). In the same manner, attitude
nificant of the estimate (p-value), “Z value” the z-score for correlation was considered a best predictor of intention to use a technology,
estimate, and “Confidence interval” the lower and higher bound of 95% aligned with earlier studies that also supported it (Ajzen, 1991; Davis,

G. Baptista, T. Oliveira Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019) 306–315

Table 3
Weight and meta-analysis results.
Independent Dependent Size Average β p value Z value Confidence interval (95%) Weight (sig/total) Type

Recognition Attitude 560 0.145 0.001 3.446 0.063 0.225 67% (2/3)
Intention Brand attitude 477 0.520 0.000 12.548 0.451 0.583 100% (3/3) Promising predictor
Ease of use 477 0.025 0.586 0.544 −0.065 0.115 33% (1/3)
Enjoyment 477 0.134 0.003 2.935 0.045 0.221 100% (3/3) Promising predictor
Social influence 477 0.179 0.000 3.940 0.091 0.265 33% (1/3)
Usefulness 477 0.132 0.004 2.891 0.043 0.219 100% (3/3) Promising predictor
Ease of use Enjoyment 640 0.497 0.000 13.763 0.436 0.553 75% (3/4)
Socialness 587 0.458 0.000 11.957 0.392 0.520 67% (2/3)
Usefulness 640 0.035 0.377 0.884 −0.043 0.112 25% (1/4)
Attitude Intention 909 0.466 0.000 15.199 0.414 0.515 80% (4/5) Best predictor
Ease of use 1641 0.211 0.000 8.67 0.164 0.257 60% (6/10)
Enjoyment 2270 0.355 0.000 17.672 0.319 0.390 82% (9/11) Best predictor
Flow 612 0.120 0.000 2.976 0.041 0.197 33% (1/3)
Gender 1608 0.110 0.000 4.425 0.061 0.158 75% (3/4)
Hedonic value 1124 0.431 0.000 15.439 0.382 0.477 100% (4/4) Promising predictor
Socialness 1380 0.279 0.000 10.635 0.230 0.327 71% (5/7)
Usefulness 3248 0.355 0.000 21.143 0.325 0.385 82% (9/11) Best predictor
Ease of use Usefulness 1669 0.408 0.000 17.682 0.367 0.447 100% (6/6) Best predictor
Learning opportunities 1868 0.543 0.000 21.095 0.416 0.488 100% (3/3) Promising predictor
Socialness 587 0.472 0.000 12.389 0.407 0.533 100% (3/3) Promising predictor
Attitude Word-of-mouth intention 667 0.476 0.000 13.343 0.415 0.533 67% (2/3)
Summary effect (random) 0.308 0.000 9.064 0.244 0.369
Summary effect (fixed) 0.325 0.000 50.388 0.313 0.337

Note: Sig = number of significant relationships, < ce:sup > * < /ce:sup > p value < 0.005, < ce:sup > * < /ce:sup > < ce:sup > * < /ce:sup > p value <
0.001, < ce:sup > * < /ce:sup > < ce:sup > * < /ce:sup > < ce:sup > * < /ce:sup > p value < 0.000, summary effect = combined effect of all relationships
using a meta-analysis random or fixed method.

1989). Considering that the average β indicates the strength of the re- other relationships to the best predictor level. The best candidates for
lationships between independent variable and dependent variables, this promotion are naturally the relationships explored four times in the
from the list of statistically significant relationships the top five stron- literature with a weight equal to 1, namely hedonic value over intention
gest relations, all above a threshold of 0.470, are: (i) intention on brand which would need only one additional study, even if not statistically
attitude, with 0.520, (ii) ease of use on enjoyment, with 0.497, (iii) significant, to become a best predictor factor. In an equivalent position
learning opportunities on usefulness, with 0.543, (iv) socialness on are two additional relationships that, even not being currently con-
usefulness, with 0.472, and (v) attitude on word-of-mouth intention, sidered as promising predictors, only need one more statistical sig-
with 0.476. Ease of use over brand attitude was found to be not sta- nificant relationship in a future study to become best predictors, namely
tistically significant, aligned with the findings reported by others (Yang ease of use over enjoyment and gender over intention, as they would
et al., 2017). The same result of non-significance is reported in the reach the 80% threshold.
relationship between usefulness and enjoyment, aligned with some Based on the weight and meta-analysis' results it is conceivable to
earlier studies (Rodrigues et al., 2016b), but contradicting others that plan a theoretical model able to support future gamification and serious
did find it significant (Kakar, 2017). Even considering these results, we games works, as shown in Fig. 4. The criteria defined to design the
believe that these two non-significant relationships should still be model was: (i) statistically significant relationships identified in the
considered in future new gamification studies due to the low number of meta-analysis, and (ii) best and promising predictors identified in the
studies in literature (below or equal to four), suggesting that additional weight-analysis. A brief description of each variable included in the
research is needed. All the statistically significant relationships present theoretical model is presented in Table 4.
a narrow 95% confidence interval, below 0.180 (the widest is useful- The meta-analysis made it possible to evaluate the statistical sig-
ness on brand attitude with 0.176). Accepting that the width of these nificance of the relationships between variables. These results com-
intervals directly depends on the precision of the studies used in our bined with the weight analysis allowed the identification of the most
work (Rana et al., 2015), the low width of intervals obtained allows important factors in gamification and serious games literature. In detail,
supporting the significance and robustness of the relationships (Baptista six antecedent variables and three dependent variables were selected,
& Oliveira, 2016). As expected the 95% confidence interval for the respectively: (i) antecedents: ease of use, learning opportunity, social-
random effects method (0.244–0.369) is significantly wider than the ness, hedonic value, attitude, and enjoyment, and (ii) dependent: use-
one obtained with a fixed-effect method (0.313–0.337), aligned with fulness, brand attitude, and intention. Individually all these variables
the findings reported by earlier studies (Hunter & Schmidt, 2000).
The combination of weight analysis with the meta-analysis provides
an additional view on the significance of the relationships, com-
plementing previous information and reinforcing confidence in our
results. From the 21 relationships selected for analysis four were clas-
sified as best predictors according to Jeyaraj et al.’s (2006) classifica-
tion; three variables over intention, namely attitude, enjoyment, and
usefulness, and one over usefulness, namely ease of use. Two of the
well-utilised relationships; ease of use over intention and socialness
over intention, did not reach the minimum weight threshold of 80%
identified by Jeyaraj et al. (2006) as the necessary value of statistically
significant results in literature to be considered as best predictors. Ad-
ditional research is also needed to allow us to promote some of the Fig. 4. Theoretical model based on the results of the weight and meta-analysis.

G. Baptista, T. Oliveira Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019) 306–315

Table 4
Construct definitions and sources.
Variable Description

Ease of use The degree to which a person believes that using an information system would be free of effort (Davis, 1989)
Learning opportunities The degree to which a person believes that using an information system can offer him or her opportunities for learning (Bourgonjon et al., 2010)
Socialness Users' perception of information systems as a social actor (Wakefield et al., 2011)
Hedonic value Users' perception of fun, pleasure and excitement (Holbrook, 1986)
Usefulness The degree to which a person believes that using an information system would enhance his or her job performance (Davis, 1989)
Enjoyment The extent to which the use of the information system is perceived as enjoyable on its own (Davis, 1989)
Brand attitude Users' perception and evaluation of a branded product (Mitchell & Olson, 1981)
Attitude Users' overall evaluation of the systems' use, favourable or unfavourable (Ajzen, 1991)
Intention The degree to which a person has formulated conscious plans to perform or not perform some specific future behaviour (Warshaw & Davis, 1985)

have strong literature support, proved by the large number of studies task; it is an iterative process of continuous functionalities' tuning and
carried out with them. Brand attitude is one of the most important alignment with users' real needs (Baptista & Oliveira, 2017). This study
concepts in marketing research (Mitchell & Olson, 1981), usefulness provides the necessary information to allow system, service, and ap-
and enjoyment together represent a powerful explanation of what in- plications owners, managers, and developers to leverage gamification
fluences intention (Davis et al., 1992), and intention has been applied benefits, brand recognition, intention, and continued use.
across a wide range of domains and is considered an efficient means of Since gamification implies the repetition of desired behaviours
assessing behavioural outcomes (Venkatesh et al., 2016). All these as- (Robson et al., 2015), collecting online user usage information could
pects give substantial theoretical support to the proposed model in provide an additional level of understanding of user needs and wants,
terms of overall reliability and consistency, making it suitable to be reinforcing, even more, gamification positive psychological and beha-
used in future gamification studies. vioural results (Morschheuser et al., 2017). Managers should be able to
Some of the studies used in our work had relatively small sample assess and quantifiably measure the impact that gamification will cause
sizes (< 80), and we should recognise that it may have some non-in- over time - positive and negative ones - complemented with a good
tuitive consequences (Anderson, Kelley, & Maxwell, 2017), possibly feedback mechanism in place, to best position their organisations,
biasing correlation values that feed the meta-analysis. As no minimum systems, or application to capitalise on benefits. Enhancing socialness
threshold of the sample dimension was defined to accept or reject a and the social influence through all available channels, aligned with the
work, it is necessary to analyse each of these cases individually. Starting usefulness of the application, system, or service, adapting marketing
with Chen Hsieh et al.’s (2017) study, which had a sample size of 42, and product campaigns, where and when needed, to the gamification
the authors used a standardized method of means difference, with results and users, should be an area receiving additional attention from
control groups and standard deviation analysis, and for these reasons it service providers and institutions.
was considered adequate to be used in our study, in line with Anderson
et al.’s (2017) guidelines. In the Cheng et al. (2016) study, with a
sample size of 53, of the two relationships considered in our meta- 6. Limitations and future research
analysis one, usefulness over enjoyment, was found to be not statisti-
cally significant, and the other, ease of use over enjoyment, was not Our study has some limitations to be addressed, requiring additional
identified as a promising or best predictor. Neither of those relation- attention and research. First, not all the studies related to gamification
ships was included in the theoretical support model to support future and serious games were included in our work. This is due to the fact
studies, and therefore no additional measures were taken. In the same that they do not present sufficient quantitative information, or because
manner, no additional actions were taken for the remaining studies they used different statistical methods, different statistical test(s) or do
with small samples, namely for Çakıroğlu et al. (2017), Bozanta et al. not present correlation values. Including additional studies and
(2016), and Gomez et al. (2010); the relationships identified in these methods could allow to reinforce results or to provide different one's
studies were initially eliminated from the meta-analysis, according to worth analysing. Second, some of the studies used in our work had
the methodology presented in section 2, due to the fact that those re- relatively small sample sizes, so we recommend additional caution
lationships were not explored a minimum of three times in the litera- when generalising results. Third, hedonic value on intention, gender on
ture. intention, and ease of use on enjoyment relationships invite for addi-
tional attention and future studies, as they can be updated to gamifi-
cation best predictors. Forth, as investigators continue to deliver new
5. Impacts on research and practice gamification studies, it would be interesting to update this study with
the new results, relationships, and values from that research. New re-
This study consolidates earlier gamification studies and offers sev- lationships worthy to analyse may arise, such as hedonic value to en-
eral insights for research and practice. For researchers this work pre- joyment, socialness to brand attitude, or socialness to intention.
sents a complete list of the most important factors used in gamified Longitudinal studies examining how the gamification intention,
systems, services, and business, providing a consolidated and succinct acceptance, and brand attitude evolve over time would probably pro-
theoretical model able to support future studies on this subject. The vide additional insights. Very few cultural variables and relationships
meta-analysis' statistically significant relationships allow researchers to were identified in the gamification and serious games literature.
assess the best gamification related factors to include in their future Considering that culture is increasingly important due to the globali-
studies. sation of business, culture could play a prominent role in future ga-
From a managerial perspective, the findings of this research can be mification works. Much of this research needs to be replicated in non-
beneficial to several different areas and industries. For practitioners, Western cultures before more profound conclusions on gamification are
understanding the key gamification factors and significant relationships drawn. New technologies like wearable or sensory stimulation offer
is of the utmost importance to study, implement, and continuously re- even more opportunities to extend research on affect, emotions (Liu &
fine gamified systems, services, and businesses that reinforce engage- Santhanam, 2017), gamification, and technology acceptance, for future
ment, thereby achieving greater product, service or user acceptance. research.
Balancing the right level of gamification and usefulness is not a simple

G. Baptista, T. Oliveira Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019) 306–315

7. Conclusions January 2010 and the end of January 2018. From these studies we
selected the ones examined at least three times in literature, reducing
Gamification is gaining increasing presence and importance in our the final number of relationships to 21, which we then analysed in
daily lives, applications, services, and business. We applied a meta- detail through a weight and meta-analysis. The meta-analysis proved to
analysis to synthesise and integrate all the earlier literature and in- be exceptionally reliable and consistent in terms of outcomes, with 19
formation available, contributing to knowledge advancement and re- of the 21 relationships being statistically significant. The most im-
ducing the time needed to study this important phenomenon in in- portant influencing factors in literature were identified and presented in
formation systems. A total of 54 studies and 59 datasets meeting the an integrated theoretical model able to support future studies, pro-
defined criteria, and 586 different and interrelated variables relation- viding an update on the current state-of-the-art in gamification and
ships were found in the literature, published in the time-frame between serious games knowledge.

Appendix A. List of studies included in the work

Author Technology/subject Respondents Country

Baptista and Oliveira (2017) Mobile banking 326 Brazil

Hamari and Koivisto (2015b) Information technology 200 USA
Hamari and Koivisto (2015a) Information technology 200 USA
Landers et al. (2017) Internet application 240 USA
Bourgonjon et al. (2010) Multimedia/hypermedia systems 858 Belgium
Hsu et al. (2017) Internet application 307 Taiwan
Yang et al. (2017) Marketing system 132 UK
Buckley and Doyle (2017) E-learning 95 Ireland
Çakıroğlu et al. (2017) E-learning 37 Turkey
Rodrigues et al. (2017) E-banking 219 Portugal
Liang et al. (2017) E-booking 3830 China
Mekler et al. (2015) Information systems 273 Switzerland
Koivisto and Hamari (2014) E-health 195 Finland
Rodrigues et al. (2016b) E-banking 183 Portugal
Sande et al. (2015) Serious e-game 106 Netherlands
Darban et al. (2016) ERP 252 USA
Hamari et al. (2015) E-learning 134 USA
De-Marcos et al. (2016) E-learning 167 Spain
Boyle et al. (2017) Internet application 237 USA
Lin et al. (2017) E-learning 150 Taiwan
Oleksy and Wnuk (2017) Augmented reality 279 Poland
Morschheuser et al. (2017) Augmented reality 206 Germany
Nelson et al. (2016) E-health 210 USA
Bachen et al. (2016) E-learning 146 USA
Bozanta et al. (2016) Virtual system 43 Turkey
Chen et al. (2017) Smartphone use 384 China
Bourgonjon et al. (2013) E-learning 505 Belgium
Beard and Wickham (2016) Internet application 600 USA
Su et al. (2016) Mobile application 394 Taiwan
Baek and Touati (2016) E-learning 164 South Korea
Tan et al. (2016) Information systems 148 Singapore
Hong et al. (2013) Internet application 80 Taiwan
Kong et al. (2012) E-learning 94 China
Rodrigues et al. (2016a) E-banking 183 Portugal
Herzig et al. (2012) ERP system 112 Germany
Galbis-Córdova et al. (2017) E-learning 128 Spain
Mulcahy et al. (2017) Information systems 497 Australia
Codish and Ravid (2014) E-learning 102 Israel
Codish and Ravid (2017) E-learning 235 Israel
Teensma (2016) E-health 160 Holland
Herzig et al. (2015) ERP 112 Germany
Feng et al. (2018) Crowdsourcing system 295 China
Macey & Hamari (2018) Information systems 613 Finland
(Chen Hsieh, Huang, and Wu 2017) E-learning 42 Taiwan
Hone and El Said (2016) E-learning 379 Egypt
Ozturk et al. (2016) E-booking 396 USA
Sepehr and Head (2017) E-learning 114 Canada
Buil et al. (2016) E-learning 207 Spain
Rouibah et al. (2016) E-payments 350 Kuwait
Gomez et al. (2010) E-learning 73 USA
Turel et al. (2010) E-commerce 422 Canada
Hsiao and Tang (2016) E-commerce 388 Taiwan
Gan and Li (2018) Mobile application 326 China

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