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Experimental Stress Analysis of Trapezoidal Corrugated Steel Web Beam - A Review

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-6, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Experimental Stress Analysis of

Trapezoidal Corrugated Steel Web
Beam – A Review
Akshay Bankar1 & Pallavi Pasnur 2
PG Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, ICOER Wagholi, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, ICOER Wagholi, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: The objective of the project is to show welded I-sections. Buckling failure of the web is
efficiency of the corrugated web beam as compare to avoided by the corrugation. In development
I-beam. Now a day’s weight optimization is very application, the web for the most part in load
efficient tool for obtain maximum efficiency, some of conveying application, the web as a rule bears the
failure modes of the I-section beam are Bending vast majority of the compressive stress and transmits
failure by yielding, Bending failure by lateral shear in the shaft while the flanges bolster the
torsional buckling, Bending failure by local buckling, significant external loads. The web resists shear
Shear failure, Vibration. There are various shapes forces, while the flanges resist most of the bending
vertical direction, one arc and two arc sinusoidal moment experienced by the beam. I-molded section
along vertical direction and horizontal direction, is an exceptionally effective shape for transferring
trapezoidal corrugated shape for horizon direction of both bending and shear loads in the plane of the web.
web. Strength of the beam can be increased by using On the other hand, the cross-section has a reduced
different shapes of corrugation for beam which also capacity in the transverse direction, and is also
optimize the material of web and is useful for the inefficient in carrying torsion, thus, by using greater
application for many construction. There are various part of the material for the flanges and thinner web,
methods of fabrication such bending and welding, materials saving could be achieved without
hot rolling and cold rolling. Experimental analysis weakening the load-carrying capability of the beam.
will be carry out by using UTM to find the failure Nevertheless, as the compressive stress in the web
modes of corrugated web beam. Verification of has exceeded the critical point prior to the occurrence
testing will be carry out by using various software’s of yielding, the flat web loses its stability and
such as ANSYS. deforms transversely. This could be enhanced by
. utilizing corrugated web, a contrasting option to the
Introduction plane web, which produces higher dependability and
quality without extra stiffener and utilization of
Now a day’s building and civil infrastructures are bigger thickness. The tallest structures today
becoming larger and higher, the demand for (commonly called "skyscrapers" or high-rise) are
horizontal structure members, which are suitable for constructed using structural steel due to its
long spans so structural steel require high strength constructability, as well as its high strength-to-
but steel member also have many weaknesses, such weight ratio. In comparison, concrete, while being
as less resistance to bucking, excessive deflection, less dense than steel, has a much lower strength-to-
fatigue strength, vibration. To overcome these weight ratio. This is due to the much larger volume
disadvantages various types corrugated web beam required for a structural concrete member to support
are developed. Some of points of interest to utilize the same load; steel, though denser, does not require
creased web bar are solidness against asymmetrical as much material to carry a load. However, this
loads in light of the fact that the shear buckling advantage becomes insignificant for low-rise
quality in-plane and Out-of-plane load is more buildings, or those with several stories or less. Low-
prominent than I-section beam. Especially for the rise buildings distribute much smaller loads
main frames of single-storey steel buildings the use than high-rise structures, making concrete the
of corrugated web beams, mainly with sinusoidal economical choice. This is especially true for simple
corrugation, has been increased very much during the structures, such as parking garages, or any building
last years. On account of the thin web of 2 or 3 mm, that is a simple, rectilinear shape. Structural steel
diminishment in weight of corrugated web is and reinforced concrete are not always chosen solely
conceivable as contrasted and hot moved profiles or because they are the most ideal material for the

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 621

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-6, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

structure. Companies rely on the ability to turn a 1. Literature Review

profit for any construction project, as do the
designers. The price of raw materials (steel, cement, The project deals with experimentation and
coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, lumber for form- analysis of trapezoidal corrugated web beam and I-
work, etc.) is constantly changing. If a structure section beam so number of papers are available
could be constructed using either material, the which describes the limitations of using I section
cheapest of the two will likely control. Another beams, benefits of built up section, accordion effect,
significant variable is the location of the project. The various shapes that can be used as web, design
closest steel fabrication facility may be much further consideration in trapezoidal corrugated web and also
from the construction site than the nearest concrete effect of corrugation angle into strength of beam.
supplier. The high cost of energy and transportation Siva Prakash V et. al. (2015), The objective of
will control the selection of the material as well. All this paper is study the behaviour of cold formed built
of these costs will be taken into consideration before up I –section with different corrugation web. The
the conceptual design of a construction project is effect of web corrugation on the bending strength or
begun. Typically, under gravity loads, the original flexural strength of cold formed steel (CFS) I section
length of the beam is slightly reduced to enclose a is presented in this paper. Totally three specimens
smaller radius arc at the top of the beam, resulting in are experimented with flat, trapezoidal, triangular
compression, while the same original beam length at corrugation in web. The length of the specimen is
the bottom of the beam is slightly stretched to kept constant for 2000 mm. Similarly keeping all
enclose a larger radius arc, and so is under tension. other parameters constant. All specimens are
The same original length of the middle of the beam, experimented under two point loading with simply
generally halfway between the top and bottom, is the supported condition. The experimental results are
same as the radial arc of bending, and so it is under verified with finite element analysis using ANSYS
neither compression nor tension, and defines the software. Experimental and Analytical results are
neutral axis (dotted line in the beam figure). Above compared with the predicted resistance by code
the supports, the beam is exposed to shear stress. provision of AISI S100-07 Specification. The
There are some reinforced concrete beams in which experimental result shows that the bending capacity
the concrete is entirely in compression with tensile or flexural capacity of the corrugated web
forces taken by steel tendons. These beams are (trapezoidal, triangular) is larger than flat web.
known as pre-stressed concrete beams, and are Within the parametric study the effect corrugation in
fabricated to produce a compression more than the web on the flexural strength capacity or bending
expected tension under loading conditions. High capacity is discussed and presented.
strength steel tendons are stretched while the beam is Qi Cao et.al.(2015), They conducted experiment
cast over them. Then, when the concrete has cured, incorporated with finite element analysis, the
the tendons are slowly released and the beam is stability of H shape beam welded with corrugated
immediately under eccentric axial loads. This webs was tested and three failure modes were
eccentric loading creates an internal moment, and, in observed. Then data related load-deflection, load-
turn, increases the moment carrying capacity of the strain, and shear capacity of tested beam specimens
beam. They are commonly used on highway bridges. were collected and compared with FEM analytical
results by ANSYS software.
The primary tool for structural analysis of beams is
the Euler–Bernoulli beam equation. Other R.Divahar et.al. (2014), Lateral buckling may
mathematical methods for determining occur in an unrestrained beam where its compression
the deflection of beams include "method of virtual flange is free to displace laterally. This paper
work" and the "slope deflection method". Engineers presents the results of the experimental study of the
are interested in determining deflections because the lateral buckling behaviour of cold-formed steel
beam may be in direct contact with a brittle material section with trapezoid web. A total of six cold-
such as glass. Beam deflections are also minimized formed steel beams with plain webs and corrugated
for aesthetic reasons. A visibly sagging beam, even if webs were tested. The moment carrying capacity of
structurally safe, is unsightly and to be avoided. cold-formed steel beam with plain web is studied and
A stiffer beam (high modulus of elasticity and compared with the moment carrying capacity of
high second moment of area) produces less beam with trapezoidal corrugated web having 300
deflection. and 450 corrugations. The specimens were tested
under two point loading for its pure flexural
Mathematical methods for determining the beam behaviour. From the study, it is found that the cold-
forces (internal forces of the beam and the forces that formed steel beam with trapezoidal corrugated web
are imposed on the beam support) include the section have higher resistance to lateral buckling
"moment distribution method", the force compared to that of section with plain web. It is also
or flexibility method and the direct stiffness method. found that the corrugation angles influence the
resistance to lateral buckling.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 622

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-6, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Fatimah De’nan et.al.(2012), This paper point loading by varying H/T ratio of the beam
develops a three-dimensional finite element model specimen. The experimental results of encased
using LUSAS 14.3 to investigate the effects of web trapezoidally corrugated web and that of plane web
corrugation angle on bending behavior of Triangular are compared and the behavior and failure modes are
Web Profile (TRIWP) steel sections. They also discussed. Encasing the corrugated web of steel
checked the flexural strength of corrugated web beam with concrete could improve the resistance to
beam with different angle of bending. It was noted transverse deflections.
that deflection of 450 and 750 web corrugations angle Jae-Yuel oh et.al. (April 2012), Various types of
be the lowest deflection value either in minor or composite members have been developed to utilize
major axis of TRIWP steel section. It means that the the combined advantages of existing reinforced
TRIWP steel section is stiffer when the web concrete and steel structures, and to actively improve
corrugation angle is 450 or 750. In other word, ductility and serviceability of structural members.
TRIWP steel section has a higher resistance to One of them is the hybrid-type steel beam, in which
bending in minor and major axis when the web is the prestressing method is applied to a steel beam.
used in both corrugation angles. Introducing prestress to the existing I-shaped steel
Taware J.P. et.al.(2015), To increase the shear beam, however, results in a very low prestress
capacity of web of large steel plate girders, the web efficiency due to the large axial stiffness of the
with different patterns such as tapered web, section. On the other hand, if corrugated webs are
haunches, corrugation of different shapes are used. used, the prestress introduced to the main flexural-
The corrugated steel plate is widely used structural resistant elements—the upper and lower flanges—
element in many field of application because of its gets larger due to the accordion effect, so that it is
numerous favourable properties. Tapered (varying very advantageous not only in terms of
depth) web is one of the new techniques proposed in serviceability, but also of achieving the improved
design in order to achieve economy and to reduce its flexural strength. Most previous studies on steel
self weight. Present work is focusing on the members with corrugated webs, however, have
determination of buckling strength and economy of focused on the shear buckling strength of the
corrugated web and tapered web. In the present study corrugated webs, and few studies have been
comparison has been carried out between plate girder conducted on the accordion effect of the corrugated
with corrugated web beams and tapered web beams. webbed beam to which prestress is introduced.
The finite element analysis of a plate girder is carried Therefore, this research proposed two rational and
out using ANSYS. The main aim of this project is to theoretical models to quantitatively estimate the
determine the buckling strength of corrugated web accordion effect, which is induced by the
and tapered web subjected to shear for transverse introduction of prestress to corrugated webbed steel
loading at mid span. Also to check the economy and beams, and performed experiments on two steel
compare it with tapered web plate girder. Research beams with corrugated webs and one with typical
work involves the finite element analysis of plate wide flange section. The experimental results
girder for different conditions like, i) Tapered Web showed that the prestressing efficiency of steel
beams ii) Corrugated Web Beams with Rectangular, beams with corrugated webs increased more
Trapezoidal, Web Corrugations. The main significantly than that of the steel beam with a
comparison parameters are i) static behaviour, ii) typical web, and it is verified that the proposed
buckling behaviour. methods are very simple and provide good
Lincy Pabraham et.al.(Oct 2013), Built-up I- agreements with the experimental results..
sections have been extensively used whenever Chan et. al.(Dec 2001), The effect of web
standard I-sections could not satisfy the moment corrugation on the beam’s strength is presented in
carrying and shear capacities required. In these built this paper. Beams with plane web, vertically and
up sections it has been common practice to use more horizontally corrugated webs were investigated using
steel in webs rather flanges. This results in LUSAS finite element package. For the horizontally
uneconomical sections as steel is an expensive corrugated case, one arc and two arcs were studied,
material. So introducing corrugated profile in web while half-circular wave corrugation was used for the
reduced the web instability and also the need for vertical type. Half of circle corrugations of 22.41 mm
providing transverse stiffeners. But, even after in mean radius and 3.44 mm thickness were used
corrugated webs and lateral stiffeners, effects like throughout this study. Non-linear elastic–plastic
lateral torsional buckling were observed. Thus behavior has been considered. Three different
measures other than providing conventional corrugation radii were taken for each type of the
transverse stiffeners and corrugated webs were to be beam to investigate its effect on the beam’s strength.
found. This paper deals with the investigation on Mohammadi et. al. (May 2015), In this paper, an
behavior of encased cold formed built up I section analytical equivalent model for the mechanical
with trapezoidally corrugated web and encased cold properties of the trapezoidal corrugated core is
formed built up I section with plane web, under two presented. A complete set of analytical formulations

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 623

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-6, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

is derived based on energy approach for elastic direction, trapezoidal corrugated shape for horizon
modulus in different directions, transverse and in- direction of web. Strength of the beam can enhance
plane shear modulus, in-plane Poisson’s ratio and by using corrugation of beam which also
mass density of the equivalent model. The proposed optimization the material of web is useful for the
approach is general and is able to model different application for many construction.
corrugation geometry. To validate the precision and
accuracy of the derived formulations, the obtained 3. References
results are compared with the literature and the finite
element simulations. A set of tensile and three-point 1. Jian Jiang et. al. “ Local bucking of compression
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thickness, with constant corrugation amplitude to mathematical modelling 39(25November2014)
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were selected as the base sizes. The plane web 5. Khalid et. al.“Bending behaviour of corrugated
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with both methods to develop the benchmark results. Technology 150(3Feb2004) P242–254
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was noted that the vertical-corrugated web beam beam” International Journal of Engineering
(VCRx) could carry between 13.3 and 32.8% higher science and research technologyISSN-2277-
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808:1989 (Reaffirmed 2004)
2. Conclusion
Realizing the fact, I-section beam have been
extensively used whenever standard I-section could
not satisfy the moment carrying and shear capacities
desired. To built up an I-section it has been common
practice to use more steel in webs rather flanges.
This results in uneconomical sections as steel is an
expensive material. The strength of I-section beam
against lateral-tensional buckling along the length of
the beam, and local buckling of the beam cross-
section can be enhanced by using corrugation along
horizontal direction and vertical direction. Different
shapes of corrugation as like one arc and two arc
sinusoidal along vertical direction and horizontal

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 624

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