Monster Maid Mistress
Monster Maid Mistress
Monster Maid Mistress
magical diagrams instead of merely helping v AND THE MAIDS ARE... a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
them with math homework. 1. At the beach 4. In the countryside org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/
v WHERE...
Choose a Monster Species for your maid: Dragon, Gorgon, When your maid confronts an obstacle and at least one other 1. A monster 4. A student
Kraken, Minotaur, Mummy, Slime, Tengu, Wyvern... person at the table thinks their actions are important for the Bocartes Fritos
development of the episode, roll dice. 2. The Mistress 5. A neighbor
. Learn as much as you can about the strange humans. you get Doki Doki Time! and overcome the situation in forever transformed into a human.
a way that brings you to reevaluate yourself and grow
l If it reaches 6, the maid returns to her purely monstrous form
Players: Create the Mistress! closer to being more humanlike or more monstrous.
and forever leaves the world of humans.
Increase or decrease your number by 1, then narrate
As a group, choose two Virtues for your Mistress (or Master): how you resolve the situation! Whenever any of these happens, the group must work together
Ambitious, Energetic, Kind, Knowledgeable, Reliable, Wealthy. and roleplay a properly heartwarming or heartbreaking scene.
You may also use this opportunity to end your maid’s
Then, pick two Problems that affect her daily life: Broke, Clumsy, role through irrevocable change (see right column). Then, the character becomes an NPC under the GM’s control
Overworked, Pampered, Terrible Love Life, Unmotivated. and the player creates a new maid.