Production and Characterization of Plum Jams With Different Sweeteners
Production and Characterization of Plum Jams With Different Sweeteners
Production and Characterization of Plum Jams With Different Sweeteners
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Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences, University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola,
e-mail: [email protected]
Jam production is one of the oldest food conserving The resulting values for the average content of total dry
methods, where the properties of the raw material are matter in the jams (43.29 - 44.36%) are correlated with
transferred to the finished product. The most frequent- the average values obtained for the soluble solids (42.04
ly used sweetener in jam production is sucrose, howev- - 42.89%). Lower values were obtained for the content
er, other sweeteners may also be used. of vitamin C (11.35 - 11.73 mg/100 g), as well as for the
In order to determine and compare the characteristics content of anthocyanins (5.56 - 28.19 mg CGE / 100 g
of jams produced by using different sweeteners, differ- FW) in jams compared with the established values in
ent types of plum jams were produced and their chem- the fresh fruits (13.93 mg/100 g and 34.81 mg CGE/100
ical properties were determined. Jams were produced g FW, respectively).
by boiling down previously prepared fruits, in open From the results it can be concluded that the obtained
stainless steel vats on direct flame, temperature of ≈ jams possess the necessary quality in compliance with
100 0C, for a period of 15 minutes. The sweeteners used the standards. All jams are according the regulations
include: sucrose (reduced amount), fructose, sorbitol, for microbiological food safety.
and agave syrup. The research was repeated three
times, in a period of three years. Analysis was conduct- Key words: Plum, Sweeteners, Jam, Characteristics.
ed on the fresh plum fruits of the Stanley variety and
on the obtained jams of the following chemical param-
eters: total dry matter (by oven drying, 105 0C), soluble 1. Introduction
solids (with the refractometer), sugars (HPLC method),
total acids (titration with a 0,1 M solution of NaOH), pH The wealth of nutrients, which can be found in differ-
(pH meter), pectin’s (Carre and Haynes method), vita- ent types of fruits, is the reason that a great advantage
min C (iodometric titrimetric method), anthocyanins in the healthy diet is given to fruit and its products.
(spectrophotometric), proteins (Kjeldahl method), fats Different ways of fruit processing allow the fruit to get
(Soxhlet method) and ash (gravimetric determination). processed with preserved nutritional and physiologi-
Microbiological tests of the obtained jams were also cal values, such as: dried fruit, compote, jam, juices,
conducted. The samples were tested for Salmonella marmalades, jellies, candied fruits etc.
spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Enterobacteriaceae, Clos- The jam is in the group of jellied products. It features
tridium perfrigens, yeasts and moulds using tested ISO with jelly consistency, which is created during the pro-
microbial determination methods. cess of boiling fresh, frozen or semi processed fruit or
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
fruit pieces, with a corresponding amount of sugar, pec- The technological process includes the following steps:
tin and acid [1, 2, and 3]. The boiling can be performed receiving and storage, preparation of fruits (washing,
in open vessels (duplicators) at atmospheric pressure, cutting, and inspection), measurement, heat treatment
with vigorous stirring at a temperature around 100 0C (boiling by adding suitable sweetener with constant stir-
or vacuum apparatus under reduced pressure and low- ring, adding pectin, calcium citrate and acid boiling with
er temperature (60 - 75 0C). Processing methods that stirring), packing in jars, closing, cooling and storage. The
differ in the number of steps and techniques, heating, boiling of the mixture is performed in open inox vats on
temperature and processing time can significantly in- direct fire, with manual mixing of the mixture. The heat
fluence the changes that occur in processed products treatment time was 15 min., and the dry matter content
and their quality [3, 4]. in the final product is 42 - 44%. During production the
Traditional jams are produced with an extra amount of temperature is maintained at ≈ 100 0C, and the content
sucrose, which does not allow their consumption by peo- of dry matter is controlled (refractometry).
ple with overweight or obese, people with diabetes, hy- Fresh fruit of plum variety Stanley and the produced
perglycemia and others. According to Parsayee et al., [5] jams are analyzed in terms of the following chemical pa-
traditional jams (65% dry matter) due to high sugar con- rameters: total dry matter (drying of the homogenized
tent contributes to obesity and other health problems. material in a dryer of 105 0C to constant weight [10]), sol-
For customers who want to control the level of sugar uble solids (refractometry, using a handheld refractom-
in the blood or regulate their weight, of great interest eter ATAGO, HSR-500) content of total sugars, sucrose,
is the production of jams in which sucrose is contained fructose and glucose (by HPLC-RI detector), total acid
in a smaller percentage, or it is replaced with another (by titration with a standard solution of NaOH with con-
sweetener. In the world there is a tendency of constant centration of 0.1 mol/L, in the presence of 1% phenol-
increase in the use of various sweeteners to replace phthalein as indicator [10]), pH value (digital pH meter
sucrose [6]. The interest is mostly focused on natural Santorios Basic meter-PB-11) soluble pectic substances
sweeteners (fructose, sorbitol, honey, maple syrup, (the method of Carre and Haynes [10]), the content of
agave-syrup, stevia), which represent an adequate vitamin C (iodometrically titration method) content of
substitute for sucrose [7, 8, and 9]. anthocyanins (spectrophotometrically at pH differential
method with UV-Vis spectrophotometer Helios ome-
In this context, this research has been done, for ob- ga [11]), protein content (according to the standard
taining quality plum jam, where the addition of vari- method of Kjeldahl), fat content (based on the standard
ous sweeteners (natural) would result with processed method of Soxhlet) and content of minerals (ash) (grav-
products that will become part of everyday healthy imetric, putting the material in an oven at 550 0C [10]).
diet of man. This study indicates the quality of the
products obtained by thermal processing of fruit, at Microbiological tests have also been made in order to de-
atmospheric pressure and a temperature of ≈100 0C. termine the microbiological correctness of the jams. The
Considering the knowledge that the quality of raw ma- samples were tested for the presence of: Salmonella spp.
terials is important for obtaining a quality product, the (ISO 6579), Listeria monocytogenes (ISO 11290-1:1996),
quality of the fruit plum is set. Enterobacteriaceae (ISO 21528-2:2004), Clostridium perfri-
gens (ISO 7937), yeasts (ISO 7954) and molds (ISO 7954).
The tests are made in three iterations, for a period of
2. Materials and Methods three years (2011, 2012, and 2013). They were performed
As basic raw material for jam production, fresh fruit from at: laboratory for fruits and vegetables processing at the
the plum variety Stanley from the Polog Region have Faculty for Agricultural Sciences and Food in Skopje, the
been used. Fruits have been picked at their full technolog- USO ,, Dimirija Cupovski “- Veles chemical laboratory, the
ical maturity. Before the process of processing, studies of laboratories of the Institute of Public Health - Skopje, the
the chemical composition of the fruits have been made. laboratory of the Institute of Food at the Faculty of Vet-
erinary medicine - Skopje, laboratories at the Bulgarian
Technological process of fruits processing are per- Academy of Science in Plovdiv, Bulgaria (BAS), and the
formed at the factory “Vitalia Nikola” - LLC, where the laboratories of the Faculty of Technology in Plovdiv, Bul-
traditional way for manufacturing jams with low ener- garia (University of Food Technologies).
gy value is used. During the processing, as sweeteners
have been used: sucrose (reduced amount), fructose,
sorbitol, and agave syrup. To achieve the desired de-
3. Results and Discussion
gree of jelling during the manufacturing process is
added low - esterified pectin GENU pectin type LM As a basic raw material, the fruit during processing must
115AS from the company CPKelco, and calcium ions in meet the conditions of the technological aspect, includ-
the form of calcium citrate, and to provide the neces- ing chemical properties, because the quality of the fruit
sary acidity is used citric acid. used, greatly affects the quality of the final product [12].
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
According Salunkhe et al., cited by Voicu et al., [13], fruits 2011 and 2013 (17.92% and 17.99%). Reference data
intended for industrial processing are considered in the related to the content of soluble solids of fruits from
terms of quality, or more precisely, despite the sensory the variety Stanley plum are different. According to
properties they should have a high content of soluble dry tests carried out by Veličković et al., [16], the content
matters, pectin matters, and retain their color and flavor of dry soluble matters in the same variety ranges from
during processing into compotes, jellies, jams, juices etc. 18.97% up to 22.23%. In these limits are the values pre-
sented by Mitrović et al., [17], Božović and Jaćimović
The results of the analysis of the chemical composition
[14], and Minev and Stoyanova [18]. Lower content of
of the plums from the variety of Stanley in the three
soluble solids is determined by Nenadović-Mratinić et
years of testing are shown in Figures 1 - 5.
al., [19] and Moghaddam et al., [20], who established
Analyzing the data obtained and comparing them with the content of soluble solids of 16.80% and 15.94%.
the reference, it was determined that the values of the Approximate values with ours is ascertained by Mi-
parameters tested were partially identical with refer- lošević and Milošević [21], which for three years exam-
ence data of the plums from the Stanly variety chemical ining the fruits of plum from the variety Stanley found
composition. The difference in the values obtained is the average soluble solids content of 17.95 ± 1.34%.
expected, taking into account that the chemical compo-
Figure 2 presents the results obtained for the content
sition of fruits is specific and depends on the climatic con-
of sugars in the plums from the variety Stanley in the
ditions, technical measures, degree of maturity etc. [2, 14].
three years of testing.
Namely, Miletić et al., [15], examining the same variety Plums from the variety Stanley in the first and third year
of plum from the vicinity of Zaječar in Serbia, found of the survey are characterized by lower content of total
that the content of total dry matter was from 15.00%, sugars (16.93% and 16.99%) compared to the fruit in the
15.50% and 16.40%, which is less than the content of second year (17.22%). Comparing our results for total
total dry matter of our research (18.92% - 2011, 19.07% sugars content with the results of other authors can be
- 2012 and 18.89% - 2013, Figure 1). Earlier Veličković observed that there are certain exceptions. According to
et al., [16] performed research on fruit from the variety tests carried out by Veličković et al., [16], the content of to-
Stanley from four different regions of Serbia and estab- tal sugars in the same variety ranges from 14.44 to 16.02%.
lished higher values for the content of total dry matter: In these limits are the values presented by Mitrović et al.,
24.11% (Kragujevac), 22.47% (Belgrade), 22.51% (Valje- [17] and Božović and Jaćimović [14]. Lower content of
vo), and 21.11% (Aleksandrovac). total sugars of 12.49% is determined by Minev and Stoy-
From the results shown in Figure 1, it can be concluded anova [18]. Dragoyski et al., [22], concluded much lower
that the fruits of the plum from the variety Stanley re- values for the content of total sugars (9.48 - 11.23%) and
searched in 2012 were characterized by higher content approximate to theirs are presented by Nenadović-Mrati-
of soluble solids (18.14%) compared with the fruits in nić et al., [19] and Milošević and Milošević [21].
Figure 1. The results obtained for total dry matter Figure 2. The content of total sugar, sucrose,
and soluble solids in the fresh plum fruits glucose and fructose in the fresh plum fruits
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
Based on the values for the content of sucrose in the equal quantity of acids (2011 - 0.65%; 2012 - 0.67%;
fruits of plum from the variety Stanley, it can be con- 2013 - 0.66%). The obtained results are consistent with
cluded that the fruits from 2011 and 2012 are charac- the results determined by Nenadović-Mratinić et al.,
terized by higher content of sucrose (5.34% and 5.22%) [19], Mitrović et al., [17], and Dragoyski et al., [22]. High-
compared to the fruits of 2013 (4.95%). Lower values for er values (0.74%) are ascertained by Minev and Stoy-
sucrose content in the plum from the variety Stanley in anova [18], and lower (0.43%) by Šic Žlabur et al., [23].
terms of our (5.17 ± 0.02% average for three years) is
Regarding the pH value, it can be concluded that the
found by Milošević and Milošević [21], in which after
fruits in 2011 and 2013 are characterized by the same
the three-year examination of the plums from the va-
pH (3.63%). Higher pH of 3.67 is determined at fruit
riety Stanley found percentage of sucrose representa-
in 2012. Approximate pH-value as observed in our re-
tion of 3.99 ± 0.05%. These results coincide with the
searches, is that one made by Milošević and Milošević
results presented Dragoyski et al., [22], in which the su-
[21], who at the fruits of plum from the variety Stanley
crose content in the fruits of the variety Stanley blends
found the average pH of 3.66 ± 0.04. Higher pH values
ranges from 1.31 to 3.89%. Higher values for the con-
from 3.8 to 4.11 and 3.84 are determined by Mitrović et
tent of sucrose (6.15% and 6.75%) are determined by
al., [17] and Šic Žlabur et al., [23].
Mitrović et al., [17].
From the calculated values for the content of soluble
Based on the results for the presence of fructose and
pectin’s can be concluded that fruits examined in 2011
glucose, in plums from the variety Stanley can be
contain 0.79% soluble pectin’s, in 2012 - 0.80%, and in
found in the first year of studies more fructose (4.16%)
2013 - 0.78%. Lower content of pectin’s from 0.714% is
compared to fruits in the second and third year (4.03%
determined by Ogašanović quoted by Marković [24].
and 3.89% appropriately), while in terms of glucose
fruits in second and third year of studies are character- The obtained results for the content of vitamin C and
ized by greater content of glucose (7.17% and 7.37%) anthocyanins are shown in Figure 4. The fruits of plum
compared to fruit of the first year (6.64%). Lower values form the variety Stanley researched in 2011 were char-
for the content of fructose (2.83%) and glucose (4.17%) acterized by higher content of vitamin C (14.50 mg/100
compared to ours, of this variety is detected by Mi- g) compared with fruits in 2012 and 2013 (13.20
lošević and Milošević [21]. mg/100 g and 14.10 mg/100 g). Obtained values for
the content of vitamin C in fruits are higher than those
Figure 3 presents the values obtained for the content
shown by Walkowiak-Tomczak [25], (4-11 mg/100 g).
of: total acids, soluble pectin’s and pH of the fruits of
plum from the variety Stanley in the three-year research. Based on the values for the content of anthocyanins it
can be concluded that the fruits in 2013 are character-
From Figure 3 it can be concluded that the fruits of the
ized by the lowest content of anthocyanins (33.20 mg
plum from the variety Stanley contain approximately
Figure 3. The values obtained for soluble pectin’s, Figure 4. Amount of vitamin C and anthocyanins
total acids and pH in the fresh plum fruits in the fresh plum fruits
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
gallic acid equivalents/100 g fresh weight (mg CGE/100 According to the values of the parameters tested for
g FW)). More anthocyanins content of the fruits are the fruit of plum variety Stanley in the three years, we
featured in 2011 (35.49 mg CGE/100 g FW) and 2012 can freely say that they fulfilled the conditions laid
(35.74 mg CGE/100 g FW). Miletić et al., [26], performed down in the Regulation for quality of fruit, vegetables
tests on fruits plums from the variety Stanley designat- and mushrooms [27].
ing total anthocyanins, total phenols and anti-oxida-
For the consumer, despite the visual appearance of the
tive capacity over three consecutive years. The total
product that buys, it is important to know what the
content of anthocyanins ranged from 5.01 ± 0.42 to product contains. For processed fruit, and this includes
54.72 ± 3.21 mg CGE/100 g FW. jam, it is good to know its composition and how many
Figure 5 shows the results obtained for the content of of the components of the basic raw material - the fruit,
proteins, fats and minerals (ash) the fruits of the plum is preserved after processing. The results of the analy-
variety Stanley. sis of the chemical characteristics of the plum jam, ob-
tained from the variety Stanley with different sweeten-
The fruits examined in 2012 are characterized by a lower ers (reduced amount of sucrose, fructose, sorbitol and
protein content (0.50%) compared with the fruits in 2011 agave syrup) in the three years of testing are given in
and 2013 (0.68% and 0.65%). The values obtained are Figures 6 - 14. For better visibility, interpretation and
within the limits provided by Walkowiak-Tomczak [25], on discussion of the results from the analyzes carried out,
the protein content of the fruit of plum (from 0.4 to 0.9%). the produced jams are marked with Arabic numbers
In terms of fat content, the fruits in 2011 and 2012 were from 1 to 4, as follows:
characterized with greater content (0.15%) than fruits - Jam plum from the variety Stanley with sucrose - 1.
in 2013 (0.10%). The results coincide with the results
- Jam plum from the variety Stanley with fructose - 2.
presented by several authors who point out that the
fat content in the fruits of plums is 0.1 - 0.3% [10, 25]. - Jam plum from the variety Stanley with sorbitol - 3.
- Jam plum from the variety Stanley with agave syrup - 4.
The content of minerals in the fruits of plum variety Stan-
ley ranges from 0.30 to 0.33%, which is within the limits The content of total dry matter, soluble solids and total
(from 0.3 to 0.4%) presented by Walkowiak-Tomczak [25]. sugars in the jam made from variety Stanley plums (1, 2,
Higher values for the content of mineral substances from 3, 4) according years of production are shown in Figure
0.54% have been found by Božović and Jaćimović [14]. 6 and Figure 7.
Figure 5. The content of proteins, fats and ash Figure 6. The results obtained for total dry matter
in the fresh plum fruits and soluble solids in produced jams
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
According to the data shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7, it In the three years with the highest values of sucrose
can be concluded that in the three years of testing, the content, are featured the jams where is used reduced
jams with fructose are featured with the highest con- amounts of sucrose, which is expected due to the use
tent of total dry matter, soluble solids and total sugars of sucrose as a sweetener. In the jams where sucrose is
(jams 2), and the lowest the jams with sorbitol (jams 3). completely replaced with another sweetener (fructose,
The difference in the content of total dry matter that sorbitol, and agave syrup) the values for the content
occurs between the jams with different sweeteners in of sucrose are lower as a result of inversion performed
the year of testing, depends on the sweetener applied during the heat treatment to fructose and glucose [6,
during production. The resulting values for the average 28]. It should be mentioned the possible caramelization,
content of total dry matter in the jams (43.29 - 44.36%) which can also occur during the heat treatment [9].
correlate with average values obtained for soluble sol-
Based on the determined values for the content of glu-
ids (42.04 - 42.89%). The content of total dry matter,
cose in the jams (jams 8), can be concluded that jams
soluble solids and total sugars in the produced jams
with reduced amounts of sucrose (jams 1) in the three
is dependent on the sweetener that is applied during
years, are characterized by the highest content of glu-
production, but the amount of total dry matter, solu-
cose (16.19%, 16.20%, 16.40%), due to using sucrose as
ble solids and total sugars contained the fruits and the
a sweetener and its inversion during processing.
influence of heat treatment should not be neglected.
Figure 9 presents the results obtained for the content
For obtaining jams with reduced energy value, sucrose
of fructose and sorbitol in jams (1, 2, 3, and 4).
is added in a reduced amount or it is completely re-
placed with another sweetener. It should also be noted Of the reported values for the content of fructose in
that when sucrose is completely replaced with another the jams it can be concluded that jams with fructose
sweetener, the production process shall use only the (jams 2) in the three years are characterized by higher
sucrose contained in the processed fruits. During the content of fructose (31.92%, 31.86%, 31.76%), com-
fruit heat processing, in slightly acidic environment, pared to jams with other sweeteners, owing to the use
sucrose hydrolyzes to fructose and glucose [28]. of fructose as a sweetener.
Data on the content of sucrose and glucose in the jams The content of glucose and fructose in jams is cor-
(1, 2, 3, and 4) are shown in Figure 8. related with the content of glucose and fructose in
Figure 7. The results obtained for total sugar Figure 8. The content of sucrose and
in produced jams glucose in produced jams
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
fruit which is processed, the content of sucrose that agent), and within the limits of the permitted [4, 32].
inverts, as well as sweetener used in their production.
Data on the percentage of soluble pectin’s and pro-
We should not overlook the impact of thermal process-
teins in the plum jams of variety Stanley (1, 2, 3, and 4)
ing of fruit, which can cause certain chemical reactions,
are shown in Figure 11.
degradation and creating new compounds and there-
by to cause a reduction in sugars represented [29, and The jams are featured with average content of solu-
30]. As a reducing sugar, fructose can undergo non-en- ble pectin’s from 0.81 - 0.82%. The content of soluble
zymatic browning reactions such as the Maillard reac- pectin’s in the produced jams is in the accordance with
tion and caramelization [31]. established content of soluble pectin’s in raw materials
and with the added quantity of pectin.
According to the announced results in Figure 9, it can
be concluded that in the three years sorbitol is pres- The average proteins content in the fruit jams for three
ent only in the jams where is used sorbitol (jams 3) years ranges from 0.67 to 0.72%. The resulting values
(26.41%, 26.10% and 26.17%), due to the replacement for the content of protein in jams deviate from the
of sorbitol as the sweetener. specified values of raw materials due to the degra-
dation of proteins and possible interactions with the
With regard to the values of total acids is found that the
components present in the fruit jams [33, 34].
jams 1, 2 and 3 are characterized by an average content
of total acid of 0.99% and the jams 4 by the average con- The resulting values for the content of vitamin C and an-
tent of total acids of 1.00% (Figure 10). The content of thocyanins in the fruit jams (1, 2, 3, 4) according years of
total acids in the produced jams is in accordance with production are shown in Figure 12.
the determined content of total acids in fruits used, as
Lower average values for the content of vitamin C
well with the added quantity of citric acid.
(11.35 - 11.73 mg/100 g) and of anthocyanins (5.56
In the jams there have been detected a pH of 3.07 to - 28.19 mg CGE/100 g FW) in the fruit jams has been
3.17 (Figure 10). Determined pH values of the pro- detected, compared with the established values in the
duced jams enabled proper jellying in accordance with fresh plums (13.93 mg/100 g and 34.81 mg CGE/100 g
the conditions set forth in their production (use of var- FW, respectively). Part of vitamin C and anthocyanins is
ious sweeteners and low esterified pectin as a gelling lost during processing.
Figure 9. The content of fructose and Figure 10. The values obtained for total acids
sorbitol in produced jams and pH in produced jams
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
Figure 11. The values obtained for proteins Figure 12. Amount of vitamin C
and soluble pectin’s in produced jams and anthocyanins in produced jams
The data indicate great instability of vitamin C, espe- dose of sucrose (40 - 50%) stabilizes anthocyanins during
cially when in presence of oxygen the fruit has been heating, while fructose can perform degradation of an-
treated at higher temperatures, so in very short time, thocyanins during the heating process. To the same con-
the greatest part of the vitamin C in the product is oxi- clusion, that anthocyanins are lost during the process of
dizing [35, 36]. Issuing the loss of vitamin C during the jam production and the jams produced are character-
process of jam production and the lower percentage of ized by lower content than the starting raw materials,
vitamin C in jams obtained from the initial raw materi- have come many other authors [3, 37, 38]. The reason
als, many other authors have come to the same conclu- for this phenomenon are probably the previously men-
sion [37, 38, 39, 40, and 41]. tioned factors which affect the stability of anthocyanins.
In the references, as factors which affect the stability of It should be noted that in the jams with agave syrup,
anthocyanins, are mentioned the following: pH value, the lower content of anthocyanins (4.55 mg CGE/100
temperature, presence of: enzymes, ascorbic acid, sug- g FW, 7.43 mg CGE/100 g FW, 4.71 mg CGE/100 g FW,
ars, metals and others. When the fruit is thermally treat- 5,5 mg CGE/100 g FW) may be due to the reaction of
ed at higher temperatures in presence of oxygen, the the minerals present in agave syrup with anthocyanins
present anthocyanins can degrade. Sugars in higher from the raw materials. Then, new compounds will be
concentrations increase the stability of anthocyanins. formed, that can affect the chemical composition and
At low concentrations, fructose, arabinose, lactose, and sensory characteristics of the final product [43, 45].
sorbose has a greater impact on anthocyanins degra- The content of fats and minerals (ash) in the jams (1,
dation than glucose, sucrose and maltose. Disaccha- 2, 3, and 4) by years of production is shown in Figure
rides protect the anthocyanins until they break down 13. The jams are characterized by low content of fats,
into sugars. The speed of degradation of anthocyanins according to the determined fats content of the fresh
follows the speed of degradation of sugars to furfural fruits used as material for the jams. This is underlined
and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) [42, 43]. by Tepić et al., [43] and Pavlović [46]. The results have
Ścibisz and Mitek [44], explain the effect of sugars on the shown stability of fats, despite the use of high tem-
stability of anthocyanins in the production of jam. This perature during the production process. The content
is in agreement with earlier reports showing that a high of mineral substances is within the established content
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
Figure 13. The content of ash and fats in produced jams Figure 14. The energy values of produced jams
Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
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