Arduino Uno-Based Water Turbidity Meter Using LDR and LED Sensors
Arduino Uno-Based Water Turbidity Meter Using LDR and LED Sensors
Arduino Uno-Based Water Turbidity Meter Using LDR and LED Sensors
Arduino Uno water turbidity gauge has been successfully designed and manufactured. This tool is made using LDR as sensor and led as
a light source to measure the water turbidity value and Arduino Uno for data processing. The existence of this tool is already familiar and
comfortable to find. However, the price is relatively higher to make this tool is only owned by certain circles only. Nephelometric Meth-
od is a method of measuring the turbidity of water by passing a light source on water so that the intensity of light reflected by the sub-
stances causing turbidity can be known. With the use of led as a light source and photodiode as a light detector, and combined with pro-
cessing using Arduino Uno then the voltage obtained from the LDR sensor in the form of analog data is processed into digital data and
can be displayed in the LCD.
that can detect water turbidity, the output of the tool is displayed
1. Introduction on an LCD. Once the tool is packed, it is expected to help the
related parties to determine the quality of water so that water
An electronic device inevitably requires a power source, and this productivity is increasing and feasible to consume.
applies to the turbidity test equipment [1] [2]. Without electricity,
the test equipment cannot works properly. It is an information
retrieval tool to get important information. [3]–[11] [12]–[15]. A
2. Theories
valuable information is hiding on this tool and must be extracted
[16] [17]. Turbidimeter is a tool used as a standard test device 2.1. Nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU)
serves to determine the level of turbidity of water [18]. Test
equipment sold in stores is relatively expensive to make this tool Water is cloudy when the it contains many particles of suspended
is only owned by certain parties. To test whether the water we material giving it a brownish color. The ingredients that cause
consume has a good quality should be done in the laboratory test- turbidity include sludge, well-defined organic materials, and other
ing of drinking water. Not everyone has the time and cost to do a suspended particles. A nephelometer is a tool for measuring
test to find out water quality, especially drinking water. turbidity that gives results in units of Nephelometric Turbidity
The study attempts to make a simple drinking water test kit. This Unit (NTU) [35]–[37] it is the standard unit for measuring
tool is made by using a microcontroller [19]–[21]. The break- turbidity. In nephelometry and turbidimetry, light sources are
through in question is a tool with a dynamic form based Arduino projected through liquid samples stored in transparent sample
Uno in which has planted the program to determine how much containers. Generally, nephelometry uses light sources that have
value of turbidity of water in a glass container. A program de- relatively short wavelengths between 500 to 800 nm and are
signed on a microcontroller must have high security and accuracy effectively used to detect microscopic particles. Whereas,
[22]–[28] Every person and health worker can easily see the value turbidimetry generally uses light sources that have longer
of turbidity of water in a container and with a simple display, and wavelengths between 800 and 1100 nm and are effectively used to
a good data process makes all walks of life can use this tool. detect particles of larger size. If a beam of light is passed through
The author will create a tool to measure the level of turbidity of a cloudy sample, its intensity is reduced by scattering, and the
water. This system consists of Arduino microcontroller module as amount of light scattered depends on the concentration and
a data processor and Analog Digital Converter (ADC) [29]–[34] distribution of the particle size. In nephelometry, the scattered
as an analog to digital converter signal because Light Emitting light intensity is measured while in the turbidimetry, the intensity
Diode (LED) transcribes analog data. This tool is used as a system of the light transmitted through the sample is measured.
Copyright © 2018 A. P. U. Siahaan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which per-
mits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2114 International Journal of Engineering & Technology
3. Methodology
Arduino Uno has 14 digital pins and six analog pins that can be Fig. 3: PCB Design.
used as input and output. In this circuit, the LDR sensor is
connected to an Arduino analog pin. In the design of this tool LED The component layout is the arrangement of the electronic
is used as a light transmitter to be received by the color sensor. components of the schematic diagram drawing to be mounted on
LED is connected to digital pin seven on Arduino. The sensor the PCB surface in contrast to the PCB path. The arrangement of
circuit connected to Arduino can be seen in the following picture. the electronic components must correspond to the PCB path. Each
component to be installed has a size to correspond to the PCB
path. Each component to be installed has the proper size and
sufficient space on the PCB surface.
Fig. 4: LCD circuit.
The whole circuit has been connected with each pin on Arduino Table 2: NTU Comparison
Uno. The various tools and materials used are Arduino Uno, PCB, Test Number NTU Value
resistor, potentiometer, 16x2 LCD, LDR (Light Dependence 1 429
Resistance), LED, USB port, 9V Battery Socket and 9v Battery. 2 446
3 461
Overall can be seen circuit system based on Functions and their 4 483
goals on each pin Arduino Uno. The whole set of Tools can be 5 494
seen in the following figure.
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