UAE Halal Requirement GSO 993 - 2015 E GAC

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‫ﻫﻴﺌﺔ اﻝﺘﻘﻴﻴس ﻝدوﻝ ﺠﻤﻠس اﻝﺘﻌﺎون ﻝدوﻝ اﻝﺨﻠﻴﺞ اﻝﻌرﺒﻴﺔ‬


GSO 993/2015 (E)

‫اﺸﺘارطﺎت ﺘذﻜﻴﺔ اﻝﺤﻴوان ﺒﻘﺎ ً ﻝﻸﺤﻜﺎم اﻹﺴﻼﻤﻴﺔ‬

Animal Slaughtering Requirements
According to Islamic Rules

ICS: 67.120.10
Animal Slaughtering Requirements According to Islamic Rules

Date of GSO Board of Directors' Approval : 23/01/1437h(05/11/2015)

Issuing Status : Technical regulation


GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) is a regional Organization which consists of

the National Standards Bodies of GCC member States. One of GSO main functions is to
issue Gulf Standards /Technical regulations through specialized technical committees
GSO through the technical program of committee TC No (5) "Technical committee for
standards of food and agriculture products" has updated the GSO Technical regulation
ISLAMIC RULES" The Draft Technical regulation has been prepared by United Arab
Emirates .
This Technical regulation has been approved by GSO Board of Directors in its meeting
No. (22), held on 23/01/1437h (05/11/2015), the approved standard will replace and
supersede the standard No. GSO 993/1998.


Animal Slaughtering Requirements According to Islamic Rules

1. Scope
This Standard is competent with the general requirements of animal
slaughtering (permissible), including birds, according to Islamic rules.

2. Complementary References
2. 1 GSO 9: Labeling of prepackaged food stuffs.
2. 2 GSO 2055-1: Halal products - Part one: General Requirements for Halal
2. 3 GSO 2055-2: Halal products - Part two: General Requirements for Halal
Certification Bodies.
2. 4 GSO 2055-3: Halal products - Part three: General Requirements for Halal
accreditation bodies accrediting Halalcertification bodies.
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given below shall
be used:
3.1 Islamic Sharea
The Revelation on Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in relation to the beliefs,
sentiments and acts of the ordered, whether conclusive or presumptive.
3.2 Halal Food
Food and drinks, which are allowed to be consumed according to Islamic
rules by eating, drinking, injecting or inhaling, should comply with the
requirements mentioned in the standard in item (2.2).
3.3 Tazkeya (slaughtering according to requirements in Islamic rules)
It is the slaughtering by a Muslim, Christian or Jew of a permitted-to-eat
animal, using a slaughtering tool or machine for the sake of Allah, by any of
the following methods:
3.3.1 Cutting the throat of the animal (Dhabh)
It involves cutting the esophagus, two jugular veins and the pharynx of the
3.3.2 Slaughtering (Nahr)
It involves plunging a Knife in libah (the base of the neck) and cutting till top
of chest.
3.3.3 Immolation (Aqr)

Wounding an uncontrolled animal in any part of its body. This is applicable
for wild animals that are permitted to hunt (Halal) or ferocious domestic
animals. If the animal is captured alive, it should be slaughtered or have its
throat cut.
3.4 Dead Animal
An animal that has perished without being slaughtered. Meat pieces cut from
the animal before being slaughtered are considered dead. Excluding dead
animals of the sea and locusts.
3.5 Suffocated Animals
An animal which died as a result of suffocation by itself or the act of others.
3.6 Fatally beaten animals (Mawqouza)
An animal which died as a result of beating by stick or any other item that kill
with its weight.
3.7 Falling Animals (Motaradiah)
An animal which died as a result of falling from a high place or falling in a
hole, etc.
3.8 Butted Animals (Nateehah)
An animal which died as a result of butting.
3.9 Eaten by Beast of Prey
The animal eaten by a beast of prey or a predatory bird of those not marked
for hunting, which dies before being slaughtered.
3.10 Animals for which the name of Allah is not mentioned:
The animals, when slaughtered, a name other than the name of Allah is
mentioned or a name is mentioned with the name of Allah or with the
intention to approach not Allah, while the name of Allah is mentioned.
3.11 Animal
All animals permitted to be eaten according to the Islamic rules, including
3.12 Halal Certificate
Certificate confirms that the product, the service or the regulations specified
meets Halal requirements in the Islamic Sharea such as : Halal Tazkeya
certificates, facilities and farms certificates, slaughterhouses certificates,
facilities classified as Halal, primary products components, additives
containing meat/poultry and their derivatives, rennet, gelatin, animal fats and
oils and their derivatives.
3.13 Halal Certification bodies

The issuers of Halal certificates accredited by the accreditation authorities in
the GCC countries and Republic of Yemen.
3.14 The Accreditation Authorities of Halal certification bodies:
The official agencies which are authorized to accredit Halal certification
in the GCC countries and Republic of Yemen .
3.15 Forages
Any material/s of a vegetable or Halal animal origin (in its raw condition or
as finished or semi-finished products), used directly for feeding the food-
producing animals, including fish powder, secretion milk, dried whey, whale
liver oil, additive and fully or partially treated or untreated materials, being
used as forage, concentrators and forage supplements for animal feeding.
4. Sharea tazkeya requirements according to Islamic rules
4.1 Requirements of Slaughtered Animals
4.1.1 Animals shall not be of prohibited species as per the standard mentioned in
item 2.2.
4.1.2 The animal should be examined before and after slaughter by a specialized
veterinarian to verify their health condition and to ensure that the animal is
free from any diseases, which would make the meat harmful.
4.1.3 Before slaughtering, animals shall be alive. Slaughtering method must not
torture the animal, and to be dying from slaughter.
4.1.4 The animals should be fed forages from Halal sources.
4.2 Tazkeya Performer Requirements
4.2.1 The Slaughterer shall be a Muslim, and may be a Jew or Christian, sane, and
aware of slaughtering related requirements.
4.2.2 The slaughterer shall hold a competency certificate that qualifies him for the
job, issued by an Islamic center/institution accepted by the official agencies.
Such certificate shall be presented at request.
4.3 Devices and tools requirements
4.3.1 The appliances, tools, production lines and auxiliary materials used in the
course of slaughtering shall be clean and not contaminated with any non
Halal materials. They may not be made of or contain non-Halal materials.
4.3.2 The tools used for slaughtering shall be sharp and cut by its blade, not by
weight or pressure. They may not be made of bone, nails or teeth (stainless
steel is preferable).
4.3.3 When transforming any appliances, tools or production lines that have been
used or came in contact with non-Halal foods, they shall be cleaned according

to general cleaning rules as to finally remove the effects of non-Halal foods
before use it again to produce Halal food.
4.3.4 When cleaning or maintaining machinery or devices that comes in contact
with Halal foods, there shall be no use of any detergent liquids, oils or fats
that contain non-Halal or improper components or materials for being used
with foods.
4.4 Slaughtering procedure Requirements
4.4.1 There shall be a literal mentioning of 'In the Name of Allah' without
mentioning any other name beside or without the name of Allah. If slaughter
forgot mentioning name of Allah, slaughter is considered Halal.
4.4.2 Skinning, immersing or feather removal shall only be carried out after making
sure that the animal has perished. The warm water, not up to the boiling
degree, may be used provided that meat is not placed in it for a long time.
4.4.3 The animal shall be slaughtered by tazkeya, Suffocated, fatally beaten
animals (Mawqouza), falling animals (Motaradiah), butted animals
(Nateehah) and animals eaten by beast of prey are prohibited. However, if
any animal of the above is found alive, it can be slaughtered.
4.4.4 Cutting or breaking animal's neck or any other part must not be carried out
until bleeding stops and the animal is proven dead.
4.4.5 Slaughtering and throat cutting shall be done only from the chest side (front),
neither from the neck nor the back sides. The mechanical blade in
slaughterhouses adopting mechanical slaughtering system shall be adjusted in
order to only cut pharynx, esophagus and jugular veins, not other parts of the
4.4.6 General Slaughtering Morals The slaughtered animal shall be placed directed towards the Qibla and
mentioning of 'Allah Akbar' before 'In the name of Allah'. Slaughtering shall be done by the right hand and cutting shall be done
quickly. The slaughtering tool must not be sharpened in front of the animal to be
slaughtered. The slaughtered animal shall be treated mercifully. It must not be tortured or
slaughtered improperly and the slaughtering tool must not be moved in many
directions. An animal must not be slaughtered in front of another animal. If the animals have travelled long distances, they shall be given a rest before
slaughtering. Camels are preferably slaughtered while standing and their left front limb

GSO STANDARD GSO 993/2015 The animal should be clean (from dirt and mud) or need to be washed before
slaughter. If animal was wet, it should be isolated from animals that will be
4.5 Slaughtering Practice Requirements
4.5.1 Stunning and Unconsciousness
In general, all forms of stunning and unconsciousness of animals are disliked.
However, if it is necessary to use these means to calm down or mitigate
violence of large size animals, low voltage shock can be used on the head
only for the durations and voltage as per Table 1. Stunning through a device
with a non-penetrating round head, in a way that does not kill the animal
before its slaughter, is permitted, provided that the following conditions are
adhered to: There shall be no use of electric shock, all forms of shock and
unconsciousness when slaughtering birds. Animals shall remain alive during and after shock and on slaughtering, which
is marked with the post-slaughtering movement. If they are dead before
slaughtering, they shall be deemed fatally beaten animals (Mawqouza). Any animal which dies before slaughtering for any reason shall be dead
animal. There shall be no stunning and unconsciousness using all kind of penetrative
captive bolt pistol, ax /hammer (which crash the animal head) or air blowing.
Table 1 – Guideline parameters for electrical stunning
(On head only and with frequency 1500 HZ)
Type of Animal Current (ampere) voltage (Volt) Time (seconds)
Small Sheep 0.50-0.90 300 2.00-3.00
Goats 0.70-1.00 300 2.00-3.00
Large Sheep 0.70-1.20 300 2.00-3.00
Male Calves 0.50-1.50 300 3.00
Castrated calves 1.50-2.50 300 2.00-3.00
Cows 2.00-3.00 300 2.500-3.500
Bulls 2.50-3.50 300 3.00-4.00
Buffalos 2.50-3.50 300 3.00-4.00
Note: current and time shall be set by the establishment as
per the type, weight and condition of animal.

4.5.2 Mechanical Slaughtering

Mechanical slaughtering may be used, provided that the following conditions
are adhered to: The operator of mechanical slaughtering machine shall meet the conditions in
clause 4.2 of the Slaughterer.

GSO STANDARD GSO 993/2015 All the requirements under clause 4.4 regarding the slaughtering method shall
be adhered to. The slaughterer shall mention the name of Allah before operating the
mechanical knife. Recorders must not be used for mentioning the name of
Allah on slaughtering animals. The slaughterer may only leave the place of
slaughtering after stopping the machine. On resumption of operation, the
name of Allah shall be re-mentioned. The mechanical knife shall be of the one sharp blade type, made of any
material, except form bones, nails and teeth. Stainless steel is preferable. All cleaning, cutting and other processes shall be deferred after the animal is
proven dead and sufficient time is given to bleed out completely at least in
chicken 180 seconds. Ensure poultry slaughtering is done correctly. The poultry that have not been
slaughtered by the mechanical knife shall be checked if alive in order to be
slaughtered manually. If poultry are completely beheaded during mechanical slaughtering, they shall
be disposed.
4.6 Slaughtering Place Requirements
4.6.1 A slaughterhouse dedicated to the slaughter of Halal animals only.
4.6.2 Sufficient spaces shall be allocated for slaughtering and storing Halal animals
separately from each other and implementing veterinary and health
examination before and after slaughtering.
4.6.3 Special places shall be allocated for weighing and washing slaughtered
animals with compressed water or washing and sterilizing slaughtering tools
with hot water.
4.6.4 Cleaning shall be done using appropriate liquids and detergents to be used for
Halal foods, and produced by Halal sources.
4.6.5 There shall be no mixing of different species of animals during transportation,
cleaning or slaughtering.
4.6.6 Animals shall be moved to the slaughtering space by a trained professional
person in order to avoid torture of animals.
5. Supervision, Monitoring and Stamping Slaughtered Animals:
5.1 Each meat consignment or products shall be accompanied with a Halal
certificate certified by the consulates of the GCC countries and republic of
Yemen, provided that it shall be issued the issuers of certificates or an Islamic
center or institution accredited by the concerned agencies as per the
requirements mentioned in the standard stated in item 2.4. Such certificate
shall reflect that slaughtering and production have done as per the
requirements of this standard and the standard stated in the item 2.2 and as
per GCC countries and Republic of Yemen legislations and regulations.

5.2 There shall be an affixed stamp of the issuers of the certificates or an Islamic
center or institution on meat and meat products, in such a way that it cannot
be counterfeited and the ink shall be stable with a food degree. Each cooled
or frozen slaughtered animal or end packets of meats of special pieces shall
stamped with the stamp of the Islamic center or institution and its
5.3 Slaughtering shall be done by or under the direct actual supervision of the
representatives of the Islamic center or institution. The slaughterhouses shall
be periodically controlled in order to ensure compliance with the
requirements in this standard.
6. Labeling
Without prejudice to the GSO standard in item 2.1, the slaughtered animal’s
labels, in all forms, shall declare the following information:
6.1 The name of product and type of animal.
6.2 Date of slaughtering (in day, month and year).
6.3 Date of packaging or processing.
6.4 Reference number of veterinary/ health certificate containing slaughtered
animal information.
6.5 Mechanical slaughtering, when used.
6.6 Electric stunning, when used.

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