Khem Bahadur BK 222
Khem Bahadur BK 222
Khem Bahadur BK 222
Relationship Certificate
Mr. Khem Bahadur B.K. Mr. Gun Bahadur B.K. Mrs. Tilisara B.K.
(Applicant) (Applicant's Father) (Applicant's Mother)
Purna Bahadur Bakabal
Ward Chairperson
Nisdi Rural Municipality
2 No. Ward Office
Sahalkot, Palpa
5 No. Province, Nepal
Telephone No. 075620062
Note: The income tax is excluded for the agricultural income, according to Income Tax Act
2058 B.S., Chapter 4 Section 11 Clause 2 (Source:, Therefore, Mr. Gun Bahadur B.K. does not need to pay the income tax of
his agricultural activities.
11-02- 2019
Purna Bahadur Bakabal
Ward Chairperson
Nisdi Rural Municipality
2 No. Ward Office
Sahalkot, Palpa
5 No. Province, Nepal
Telephone No. 075620062
The total annual income is converted as per today’s exchange rate according to Nepal Rastra
Bank that is US $1 = NRs.114.43.
11-02- 2019
Purna Bahadur Bakabal
Nisdi Rural Municipality Ward Chairperson
Occupation Certificate
He has also income form House Rent as per documents submitted in this office.
11-02- 2019
Purna Bahadur Bakabal
Ward Chairperson
Birth Certificate
Purna Bahadur Bakabal
Ward Chairperson
11-02- 2019
Purna Bahadur Bakabal
Ward Chairperson
Nisdi Rural Municipality
2 No. Ward Office
Sahalkot, Palpa
5 No. Province, Nepal
Telephone No. 075620062
For example:-
1. Fiscal Year 2016/2017 A.D. (For the period of 16 July, 2016 to 15 July, 2017 A.D.
2. Fiscal Year 2017/2018 A.D. (For the period of 16 July, 2017 to 16 July, 2018 A.D.
3. Fiscal Year 2018/2019 A.D. (For the period of 17 July, 2018 to 16 July, 2019 A.D.
Please feel free to contact us for any further information required in this regard.
Purna Bahadur Bakabal
Ward Chairperson