Soft Skills Among Students: A Case Study of Uitm Cawangan Kelantan
Soft Skills Among Students: A Case Study of Uitm Cawangan Kelantan
Soft Skills Among Students: A Case Study of Uitm Cawangan Kelantan
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This article contributes to ongoing debates about soft skills among students. In 2017, the unemployment rate in
Malaysia was at 3.42 percent as compared to 2.85 percent in 2014. Education system must aim towards
employability and ensure quality in education to reduce the percentage of unemployment. Thus, this study aims to
investigate the development of soft skills among students through co-curriculum activities in UiTM Cawangan
Kelantan. The sample were 113 students from UiTM Cawangan Kelantan. Questionnaires adapted from previous
research to measure the communication skill, problem solving skill, team building skill, leadership skill and soft
development of soft skills among students through co-curriculum activities. SEM-PLS 3.0 were employed in this
study. The findings revealed only team building skill has significant influence on developments of soft skills among
students through co-curriculum activities. However, the study indicates that communication skill, problem solving
skill and leadership skill are not significant towards development of soft skills among students through co-
curriculum activities.
Soft skills are a combination of people’s skills, social skills, communication skills, character traits,
attitudes, career attribute, social intelligence and emotional intelligence quotients among others that
enable people to navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals
with complementing hard skills (Robles, 2012). Soft skills are the most frequent term that we have heard
everywhere we go and have been the number one requirement in the job application. Soft skills are
important because we are able to gain a further understanding of tasks and successfully engage with them,
enabling them to gain more control over their learning. As well as playing an important role in the
development of students’ overall personality and performance, soft skills also amount to good skills in
communication; presenting information in a clear and concise manner; team-building ability; leadership;
time management; group discussions; and interviews and interpersonal skills. All of which are important
for students’ academic development and growth (Schulz, 2008).
Youth unemployment rate is three times higher than the national average unemployment rate – 10 in 100
youths are unemployed compared to three in 100 workers of all ages. While the World Bank reported that
Malaysian employers are struggling to source talent, one in four graduates has remained jobless six
months after graduation (Bee Yin, 2018). Moreover, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (2006), said,
Muhammad Faizal Samat, Norazlan Annual and Raznee Atisya Md Rashidi
as graduates must have the element of soft skills to measure their abilities to communicate in English
language (communication), critical thinking and problem solving, must work as teams, develop business
proposals and identify business opportunities (entrepreneurial skill), apply ethical principles and have,
plan, supervise, monitor and lead (leadership) ,build relationship, interact and work effectively (lifelong
learning and information management) and professional ethics. Therefore, this study is aimed to address
the development of soft skills in students through co-curriculum activity and its relation with employment
nowadays. The study used the students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Kelantan
who were asked about the soft skills that they acquired through co-curriculum activities in university.
Literature Review
According to Evenson (1999), the term soft skills has been around a long time in both business and
educational fields, in corporate meetings, and in curriculum development. The real soft skills definition is
not about skills in the traditional sense. The Collins English Dictionary as cited by Heckman and Kautz
(2012) defines the term soft skills as “desirable qualities for certain forms of employment that do not
depend on acquired knowledge: they include common sense, the ability to deal with people, and a positive
flexible attitude”. Soft skills are character traits, attitudes, and behaviors—rather than technical aptitude
or knowledge. Soft skills are the intangible, nontechnical, personality-specific skills that determine one’s
strengths as a leader, facilitator, mediator, and negotiator. Soft skills are character traits that enhance a
person’s interactions, job performance, and career prospects (Parsons, 2008). The greatest feature of soft
skills is that the application of these skills is not limited to one’s profession. Soft skills are continually
developed through practical application during one’s approach toward everyday life and the workplace
(Arkansas Department of Education, 2007; Magazine, 2003). Unlike hard skills, which are about a
person’s skill set and ability to perform a certain type of task or activity, soft skills are interpersonal and
broadly applicable (Parsons, 2008).
Much research has been done on the importance of soft skills in the workplace (Klaus, 2008; Maes,
Weldy, & Icenogel, 1997). One study found that 75% of long-term job success depends on people skills,
while only 25% is dependent on technical knowledge (Klaus, 2008). Another study indicated that hard
skills contribute only 15% to one’s success, whereas 85% of success is due to soft skills (Watts & Watts,
2008, as cited in John, 2009). As employers are progressively looking for employees who are mature and
socially well adjusted, they rate soft skills as number one in importance for entry-level success on the job
(Wilhelm, 2004).
Problem Development
Solving Skill of Soft Skills
Team Building
Leadership Skill
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This study used quantitative approach to test the questionnaires in order to get reliable results. Judgmental
sampling was used and the subjects are chosen to be part of the sample with a specific purpose in mind.
For this study, subjects were chosen among the students who actively involved in co-curriculum activity.
The study involved 113 numbers of students from UiTM Cawangan Kelantan. The data was collected by
using questionnaires. After the major data collection, 113 completed questionnaires were returned and the
raw data was manually keyed in through SPSS version 22.0 and analyzed by using the Structural
Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square 3.0.
A total of 113 respondents involved in the study and summarized in Table 1 as above. For age of the
respondents, 7.0 percent were 18 years old and below, 85.0 percent were 19-20 years old, and 8.0 percent
were 21-22 years old. For the 74.3 percent of the total numbers of respondents were female, while 25.7
percent were male. For the 32.7 percent of the respondents were from faculty of accountancy, 28.3
percent were from faculty of information management, 18.6 percent were from faculty of computer
science and mathematics, 11.5 percent were from faculty of business management and 5.3 percent were
from faculty of administration. When the respondents were asked about the involvement in
club/association, 91.2 percent of the respondents were involved in club/association, while 8.8 percent do
not involve in club/association in university.
Muhammad Faizal Samat, Norazlan Annual and Raznee Atisya Md Rashidi
Normality test was conducted and measure using skewness and kurtosis. Normality test was used to
determine if a data significantly deviate from a normal distribution.
Based on the above Table 2, the result of normality test range was from -0.641 to 0.027, considered that
all value is acceptable. According to George and Mallery (2016) the value between -2 and +2 are
acceptable and consider as normal. It means that all variables that were used in this study are normal.
Thus, the researcher can proceed to further analysis.
Reliability Analysis
In common, Cronbach’s alpha was used to measure the reliability and value of less than 0.60 are
considered to be poor, whereas the value that close to 0.70 are considered good and the value that over
0.80 are considered to be high (Amiri et al., 2010). The average alpha values of variables for every
section are shown in Table 3 below.
According to the Reliability Test, the overall value of Cronbach’s Alpha for developing soft skills in
students through co-curriculum activities was 0.936 or 93.6 percent. According to Cronbach’s Alpha, the
value of Communication Skills was 0.932 or 93.2 percent. Moreover, Cronbach’s Alpha’s value of 0.932
or 93.2 percent was for Problem Solving Skills. Moreover, the Cronbach’s Alpha value shown for
Leadership Skills was 0.936 or 93.6 percent. Lastly, the value of Cronbach’s Alpha for Team Building
Skills was 0.932 or 93.2 percent. To conclude Table 1.2 below, the Cronbach’s Alpha values were higher
for all variables with the Cronbach’s Alpha value 0.946 or 94.6 percent.
Advances in Business Research International Journal
Multicollinearity occurs when there are correlations among variables. According to Tabachnick and Fidell
(1996) this happens if a correlation between two or more variables is 0.9 or greater and in order to
overcome this problem, one of the variables is removed from further analysis.
As all of the measures of correlation for the variables are below 0.9, it can be concluded that there is no
multicollinearity problem. This is illustrated above in Table 4.
Construct Validity
Hair, Ringle and Sarstedt (2011) claimed the quality of the measurement model was assessed by
examining convergent validity includes factor loading, average variance extracted (AVE) and composite
reliability (CR). The above Table 5 shown that, results show that indicator loadings for all items exceeded
the recommended value of 0.5 (Hair, Black, Babin & Anderson, 2010). AVE were in the range of 0.755 to
0.850, which is above the recommended value of 0.5, and CR ranged from 0.903 to 0.944 which exceeded
recommended value of 0.7 (Hair et al., 2010).
Muhammad Faizal Samat, Norazlan Annual and Raznee Atisya Md Rashidi
Discriminant Validity
The utmost common method of validating the discriminant validity as suggested by Hair et al. (2010) and
Fornell and Larcker (1981) the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE) for each construct is
greater than the correlation between the constructs. The below Table 6 indicate that there is adequate
discriminant validity since the diagonal elements are significantly greater than the off-diagonal elements
in the corresponding rows and columns.
Commu- Leader- Problem
Soft Buildi
nication ship Solving
Skills ng
Skill Skill Skill
Commu-nication Skill 0.869
Leader-ship Skill 0.776 0.891
Problem Solving Skill 0.808 0.797 0.922
Soft Skills 0.782 0.743 0.769 0.869
Team Building Skill 0.794 0.775 0.789 0.800 0.916
Path analysis was performed to evaluate the structural model. Based on Hair et al. (2011), the primary
evaluation criteria for structural model are R2 values and the level of significance of the path coefficients.
Based on Cohen (1988) for a good model, the value of R2 of endogenous latent variable should be more
than 0.26. The R² was found for this path model is 0.718, indicating that communication skill, problem
solving skill, team building skill and leadership skill can account for 71.8 percent of the variance in soft
skills among students, which represent a substantial range.
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For H1, the result indicates (β = 0.115, t-values=2.210), which shows communication skill was found to
not has a significant relationship with the development of soft skills among students through co-
curriculum activities. Hence H1 was not supported. For H2, problem solving skill also does not have a
significant relationship with the development of soft skills among students through co-curriculum
activities with result indicates (β = 0.138, t-values=1.328). Hence H2 also was not supported. For H3, the
result indicates (β = 0.133, t-values=2.699), which shows team building skill was found to has a
significant relationship with development of soft skills among students through co-curriculum activities.
Hence H3 was supported. Finally, for H4, leadership skill does not have a significant relationship with the
development of soft skills among students through co-curriculum activities with result indicates (β =
0.133, t-values=0.902). Hence H4 was not supported.
The study was conducted to investigate the development of soft skills among students through co-
curriculum activities. In the data, team building skill are concluded to be significantly linked to the
development of soft skills among students through co-curriculum activities, while the communication
skill, problem solving skill and leadership skill are concluded to be not significant in this study. To
conclude, the skills that are not significant can be developed when the students do assignments in class or
when they join the training camps. Other than that, the skills stated above have a big impact because the
factors employed high R squared value.
In a nutshell, the issues of unemployment among students increase due to the lack of soft skills can be
fixed by exposing to students about the importance of soft skills in employment. It is also recommended
that teachers or academicians will come out with more interactive ways to develop soft skills among
students at every stage to make them become more confident with themselves and prevent them from
being unemployed in future.
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