Program Lanset DM Sebagai Strategi Intervensi Keperawatan Komunitas Dalam Pengendalian Masalah Diabetes Melitus Pada Lansia
Program Lanset DM Sebagai Strategi Intervensi Keperawatan Komunitas Dalam Pengendalian Masalah Diabetes Melitus Pada Lansia
Program Lanset DM Sebagai Strategi Intervensi Keperawatan Komunitas Dalam Pengendalian Masalah Diabetes Melitus Pada Lansia
Elderly with diabetes mellitus (DM) are a vulnerable population due to multiple risks factors
that need special attention in terms of prevention and treatment. This final scientific papers describing
the program of healthy elderly who suffer from Diabetes Mellitus (LANSET DM) as an intervention
strategy to give service and community nursing care to control DM through the application of
management theory, community as a partner, family entered nursing, preceed - proceed model and
the theory of functional consequences in KelurahanCisalakPasar. Data were collected by interview,
observations, and questionnaires to 106 respondents with a total sampling. Intervention strategies
implemented through: complementary therapies, therapy modalities, family therapy, coaching,
guidance, counseling and health education to self-help groups and support groups for 8 months.
The result shows a significant changes in 47,2 % decreasing of blood sugar levels. The conclusion,
LANSET DM is effective and applicable to be used in the management of service and nursing care
for elderly with DM in terms of prevention, health promotion, and controlling Diabetes. I recommend
that the need for community nurse to develop the program and actively involved in primary, secondary
and tertiary prevention in controlling DM especially in Depok.
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