Scheme & Syllabus of Undergraduate Degree Course: B.Tech. VII & VIII Semester

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Scheme & Syllabus of


B.Tech. VII & VIII Semester

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Rajasthan Technical University, Kota

Effective from session: 2020 – 2021
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Teaching & Examination Scheme

B.Tech. : Electronics & Communication Engineering
4th Year - VII Semester
Contact Marks
SN Category Cr
Code Title L T P IA ETE Total
Program Elective
7EC5-11 VLSI Design
1 PEC 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
7EC5-12 Mixed Signal Design
7EC5-13 CMOS design

2 OE Open Elective-I 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3

Sub Total 6 0 0 60 240 300 6

3 7EC4-21 VLSI Design Lab 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 2
Advance communication
4 7EC4-22 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
PCC lab (MATLAB Simulation)
Optical Communication
5 7EC4-23 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
6 7EC7-30 Industrial Training 1 0 0 75 50 125 2.5
7 7EC7-40 Seminar 2 0 0 60 40 100 2
Social Outreach, Discipline
8 SODECA 7EC8-00 & Extra Curricular 0 25 25 0.5
Sub Total 3 0 8 255 195 450 9
TOTAL of VII SEMESTER 9 0 8 315 435 750 15

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits

ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Teaching & Examination Scheme

B.Tech. : Electronics & Communication Engineering
4th Year - VIII Semester
Contact Marks
Course hrs/week
SN Category Course Title Cr
Code Exm
L T P IA ETE Total
Program Elective
Artificial Intelligence And
Expert Systems
1 PEC 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
Digital Image and Video
8EC5-13 Adaptive Signal Processing

2 OE Open Elective-II 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3

Sub Total 6 0 0 60 240 300 6

3 8EC4-21 Internet of Things (IOT) Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
4 8EC4-22 Skill Development Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
5 PSIT 8EC7-50 Project 3 0 0 210 140 350 7
Social Outreach, Discipline
6 SODECA 8EC8-00 25 25 0.5
& Extra Curricular Activities
Sub Total 3 0 4 270 205 475 9.5
TOTAL of VIII SEMESTER 9 0 4 330 445 775 15.5

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits

ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

List of Open Electives for Electronics & Communication

Subject Title Subject Title
Code Code
Open Elective - I Open Elective - II
Human Engineering and
7AG6-60.1 8AG6-60.1 Energy Management
Environmental Engineering Waste and By-product
7AG6-60.2 8AG6-60.2
and Disaster Management Utilization
7AN6-60.1 Aircraft Avionic System 8AN6-60.1 Finite Element Methods
7AN6-60.2 Non-Destructive Testing 8AN6-60.2 Factor of Human Interactions
7CH6-60.1 Optimization Techniques 8CH6-60.1 Refinery Engineering Design
7CH6-60.2 Sustainable Engineering Fertilizer Technology
Introduction to Ceramic Electrical and Electronic
7CR6-60.1 8CR6-60.1
Science & Technology Ceramics
Plant, Equipment and
7CR6-60.2 8CR6-60.2 Biomaterials
Furnace Design
7CE6-60.1 Environmental Impact 8CE6-60.1 Composite Materials
7CE6-60.2 Disaster Management 8CE6-60.2 Fire and Safety Engineering
Quality Management/ISO
7CS6-60.1 8CS6-60.1 Big Data Analytics
IPR, Copyright and Cyber Law
7CS6-60.2 Cyber Security 8CS6-60.2
of India
Electrical Machines and Energy Audit and Demand side
7EE6-60.1 8EE6-60.1
Drives Management
7EE6-60.2 Power Generation Sources. 8EE6-60.2 Soft Computing
7ME6-60.1 Finite Element Analysis 8ME6-60.1 Operations Research
Simulation Modeling and
7ME6-60.2 Quality Management 8ME6-60.2
7MI6-60.1 Rock Engineering 8MI6-60.1 Experimental Stress Analysis
7MI6-60.2 Mineral Processing 8MI6-60.2 Maintenance Management
Unconventional Hydrocarbon
7PE6-60.1 Pipeline Engineering 8PE6-60.1
Water Pollution control
7PE6-60.2 8PE6-60.2 Energy Management & Policy

Material and Human Resource

7TT6-60.1 Technical Textiles 8TT6-60.1
Garment Manufacturing
7TT6-60.2 8TT6-60.2 Disaster Management

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

7EC5-11: VLSI Design (program elective-3)

Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours

SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 INTRODUCTION TO MOSFET- Basic MOS transistors, Enhancement 12
Mode transistor action, Depletion Mode transistor action, NMOS and
CMOS fabrication. Aspects of threshold voltage, threshold voltage with
body effect.
Ids versus Vds relationship, channel length modulation. Transistor
Trans-conductance gm. MOS transistor circuit Model, Model parameter
(oxide and junction capacitor, channel resistance) variation with
scaling and biasing.
High order effects (i.e. sub threshold conduction, hot electron effect,
narrow channel effect and punch through effect.
3 CMOS LOGIC CIRCUITS- NMOS inverter (resistive and active load), 11
Pull up to Pull-down ratio(βp/βn) for a NMOS Inverter and CMOS
Inverter, determination of inverter parameter (VIL, VIH VOL VOH) and
Noise Margin.
Speed and power dissipation analysis of CMOS inverter. Combinational
Logic, NAND Gate, NOR gate, XOR gate, Compound Gates, 2 input
CMOS Multiplexer, Memory latches and registers, Transmission Gate
(TG), estimation of Gate delays, Power dissipation and Transistor
Basic physical design of simple Gates and Layout issues. Layout issues
for CMOS inverter, Layout for NAND, NOR and Complex Logic gates,
Layout of TG, Layout optimization using Eular path. DRC rules for
layout and issues of interconnects, Latch up problem.
4 Dynamic CMOS circuits- Clocked CMOS (C2MOS) logic, DOMINO logic, 08
NORA logic, NP(ZIPPER) logic, PE (pre-charge and Evaluation) Logic.
Basic Memory circuits, SRAM and DRAM.
5 Physical Design- Introduction to ECAD tools for front and back end 08
design of VLSI circuits. Custom /ASIC design, Design using FPGA and
VHDL. VHDL Code for simple Logic gates, flip-flops, shift registers.
Total 40

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Text/Reference Books:
1 Cmos Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis And Design. Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang,
Yusuf Leblebigi, McGraw Hill (2008)
2 N.Weste and K. Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI, 2e, Pearson Education,
3 VLSI Design, P PSahu , , McGraw, 2013
4 VLSI Design, D.P. Das, Oxford, 2011
5 Chip Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout & Simulation, Uyemura,
cengage learning, 2009

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

7EC5-12: Mixed Signal Design(program elective-3)

Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)

3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours

SN Contents Hours

1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01

2 Analog and discrete-time signal processing, introduction to sampling

theory; Analog continuous time filters: passive and active filters; 10
Basics of analog discrete-time filters and Z-transform.
3 Basic logic gates with BJT and MOSFET combination,
Switched-capacitor filters- Non idealities in switched-capacitor filters; 07
Switched-capacitor filter architectures; Switched-capacitor filter
4 Basics of data converters; Successive approximation ADCs, Dual
slope ADCs, Flash ADCs, Pipeline ADCs, Hybrid ADC structures, 08
High-resolution ADCs, DACs.
5 Mixed-signal layout, Interconnects and data transmission;
Voltage-mode signal aligned data transmission; Current-mode 08
signaling and data transmission.
6 Introduction to frequency synthesizers and synchronization; Basics
of PLL, Analog PLLs; Digital PLLs; DLLs

Total 40

Text/Reference Books:
R. Jacob Baker, CMOS mixed-signal circuit design, Wiley India, IEEE press,
reprint 2008.
Behzad Razavi, Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, McGraw-Hill,
R. Jacob Baker, CMOS circuit design, layout and simulation, Revised second
edition, IEEE press, 2008.
Rudy V. de Plassche, CMOS Integrated ADCs and DACs, Springer, Indian
edition, 2005.
5. Arthur B. Williams, Electronic Filter Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1981.
R. Schauman, Design of analog filters by, Prentice-Hall 1990 (or newer
M. Burns et al., An introduction to mixed-signal IC test and measurement by,
Oxford university press, first Indian edition, 2008.

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

7EC5-13: CMOS Design (program elective-3)

Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Review of MOS transistor models, Non-ideal behavior of the MOS
Transistor, Transistor as a switch, Inverter characteristics
3 Integrated Circuit Layout: Design Rules, Parasitic, Delay: RC Delay
model, linear delay model, logical path efforts, Power, interconnect 07
and Robustness in CMOS circuit layout
4 Combinational Circuit Design: CMOS logic families including static,
dynamic and dual rail logic.
NAND Gate, NOR gate, XOR gate, Compound Gates, 2 input CMOS
Multiplexer, Memory latches and registers, Transmission Gate,
estimation of Gate delays, Power dissipation and Transistor sizing.
Basic physical design of simple Gates and Layout issues. Layout
issues for CMOS inverter, Layout for NAND, NOR and Complex Logic
5 Dynamic CMOS circuits- Clocked CMOS (C2MOS) logic, DOMINO
logic, NORA logic, NP(ZIPPER) logic, PE (pre-charge and Evaluation) 08
Logic. Basic Memory circuits, SRAM and DRAM.
6 Physical Design- Introduction to ECAD tools for first and back end
design of VLSI circuits. Custom /ASIC design, Design using FPGA
and VHDL. VHDL Code for simple Logic gates, flip-flops, shift
Total 40

Text/Reference Books:
1. N.H.E. Weste and D.M. Harris, CMOS VLSI design: A Circuits and Systems
Perspective, 4thEdition, Pearson Education India, 2011.
2. Sung-Mo-Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits
Analysis &Design, McGraw Hill
3. C.Mead and L. Conway, Introduction to VLSI Systems, Addison Wesley, 1979.
4. J. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective, Prentice Hall
India, 1997.
5. P. Douglas, VHDL: programming by example, McGraw Hill, 2013.
6. L. Glaser and D. Dobberpuhl, The Design and Analysis of VLSI Circuits,
Addison Wesley, 1985.

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

7EC4-21: VLSI Design Lab

Credit: Max. Marks: 100(IA:60, ETE:40)
SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
PART-A Step1 Write the VHDL/Verilog code using VHDL software for following
experiment and simulate them.
Step 2. Burn the Written code in Xilling Board and test the output with
real input signal
1 Design and simulate all the logic gates with 2 inputs using
2 Design and simulate 2-to-4 decoder,3-to-8 encoder and 8X1 multiplexer
using VHDL/Verilog.
3 Design and simulate half adder and full adder using VHDL (data flow
4 Design and simulate D, T and J-K flip flop using VHDL/Verilog.
5 Design a 4bit binary Asynchronous and synchronous counter. Obtain its
number of gates, area, and speed and power dissipation.
6 Design a 4- bit Serial in-serial out shift register. Obtain its number of
gates, area, and speed and power dissipation.
PART-B Step-1 Design and simulate following experiment using ECAD software
Viz. Mentor graphics, Orcade Pspice, Cadence etc.
Step-2 Draw the layout (without any DRC error)of the schematic obtain
in step 1 and obtain post layout simulation using appropriate ECAD
1 Design and simulate all the logic gates (NOT, NAND and NOR) with 2
inputs in CMOS Technology.
2 Design and simulate Y = AB (C+D), Y = A+B(C+D) and 4X1 multiplexer
using CMOS Technology.
3 Design and simulate half adder and full adder using CMOS Technology.
4 Design and simulate SR flip flop using CMOS Technology.
5 Design and Simulate any DRAM cell.

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

7EC4-22: Advance Communication Lab (MATLAB Simulation)

Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 50 (IA:30, ETE:20)
SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
Part-A Analog-to-digital conversion

1. Generate a sinusoidal signal. Sample and reconstruct a signal

through interpolation. Vary the sampling rate below and above the
Nyquist rate and hence verify the Sampling theorem.
2. Generate a sequence of length 500 of zero-mean, unit variance
Gaussian random variables. Using a uniform PCM scheme,
quantize this sequence to 16, 64 and 128 levels.
(a). Find and compare the resulting signal-to-quantization noise
(b). Find the first ten values of the sequence, the corresponding
quantized values and the corresponding code words for each
(c). Plot the quantization error and the quantized value as a
function of the input value for each case.

Digital modulation techniques

3. Simulate the transmitter and receiver for QPSK. Plot the signal
and signal constellation diagram. Plot the average probability of
symbol error as a function of SNR Eb/No, where Eb is the
transmitted energy per bit and No/2 is the double sided power
spectral density of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with zero
4. Simulate the transmitter and receiver for 16-QAM. Plot the signal
and signal constellation diagram.Plot the average probability of
symbol error as a function of SNR Eb/No, where Eb is the
transmitted energy per bit and No/2 is the double sided power
spectral density of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with zero

PART-B 1. Find all the code words of the (15,11) Hamming code and verify
Attempt that its minimum distance is equal to 3.
any four 2. Generate an equiprobable random binary information sequence of
experime length 15. Determine the output of the convolutional encoder
nt shown below for this sequence.

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

3. Generate the L=31 Gold sequences. Consider a time-synchronous

CDMA system (direct sequence spread spectrum) having four
users, each employing a distinct Gold sequence of length L=31 and
the binary (±1) modulation of their representative Gold sequences.
The receiver for each user correlates the composite CDMA received
signal, which is corrupted by AWGN (added on a chip-by-chip
basis) with each user’s respective sequence. Using 10000
information bits, estimate and plot the probability of error for each
user as a function of SNR.
4. Consider a MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output) system with
NT = 2 transmit antennas
and NR = 2 receive antennas. Generate the elements of the
channel matrix H for a Rayleigh fading (frequency nonselective)
AWGN channel and the corresponding inputs to the detectors for
the two receive antennas.
5. Perform feature extraction from a given Image and use Principal
Components as image descriptors.
6. By using an image dataset, train a Neural Network to recognize a
given Image. Apply this in context to face/object recognition and
calculate recognition accuracy of the training set.
7. Develop a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) by using a set of fuzzy rule
base between some key image parameters and calculate output after

8. Design a Fuzzy PID controller using Matlab for a Dc Motor.

9. Classify ECG signals using Neural networks.

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

7EC4-23: Optical Communication Lab

Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 50 (IA:30, ETE:20)
SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.
Hardware based experiment;
1 To set up Fiber Optic Analog and fiber Optic Digital link.
2 Measurement of Propagation loss and numerical aperture.
3 Measurement of optical power bending loss in a plastic optical fiber.
4 Study and measure characteristics of fiber optic LED’s, LDR and Laser
5 OTDR Measurement of Fiber Length, Attenuation and Dispersion Loss.
Software based experiment;
6 Design and simulate of single and multimode transmission in optical fiber
7 Show and simulate the optical system performance analysis using Eye
diagram and measure the value of Q-factor & BER of optical signals.
8 Study and simulate the linear and parabolic waveguide structure use in
optical fiber communication.
9 Design and simulate the Dispersion compensators for fiber optic
10 Design and calculate the power budget for optical communication link.
11 Design and simulate the DWDM and WDM techniques use in optical
12 Design and simulate the Fiber Bragg grating and find its transmission
characteristics and optical band-gap.

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)


(program elective-4)
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent Agents, State
Space Search, Uninformed Search, Informed Search, Two Players 08
Games, Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
3 Knowledge Representation: Knowledge Representation And Logic,
Interface in Propositional Logic, First Order Logic, Reasoning Using 07
First Order Logic, Resolution in FOPL.
4 KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION: Rule based System, Semantic Net,
Reasoning in Semantic Net Frames, Planning
5 KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS: Rule Based Expert System, Reasoning
with Uncertainty, Fuzzy Reasoning.
6 KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION: Introduction to Learning, Rule
Induction and Decision Trees, Learning Using neural Networks, 08
Probabilistic Learning Natural Language Processing.
Total 40

Text/Reference Books:
1. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence 3/e, TMH (1991)
3. James A Anderson, An introduction to Neural Networks. Bradford Books
4. Dan. W Patterson, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, PHI 1990
5. Kumar Satish, “Neural Networks” Tata Mc Graw Hill 2004
6. S. Rajsekaran& G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and
Genetic Algorithm: Synthesis and Applications” Prentice Hall of India. 2006
7. SimanHaykin, “Neural Netowrks” Prentice Hall of India 1990
8. Artificial Intelligence, Kaushik, cengage learning 1997

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

8EC5-12: Digital Image and Video Processing (program elective-4)

Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)

3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Digital Image Fundamentals-Elements of visual perception, image
sensing and acquisition, image sampling and quantization, basic
relationships between pixels neighborhood, adjacency, connectivity,
distance measures.
3 Image Enhancements and Filtering-Gray level transformations,
histogram equalization and specifications, pixel-domain smoothing
filters – linear and order-statistics, pixel-domain sharpening filters – 03
first and second derivative, two-dimensional DFT and its inverse,
frequency domain filters – low-pass and high-pass.
4 Color Image Processing-Color models–RGB, YUV, HSI; Color
transformations-formulation, color complements, color slicing, tone
and color corrections; Color image smoothing and sharpening; Color
5 Image Segmentation- Detection of discontinuities, edge linking and
boundary detection, Thresholding – global and adaptive, 04
region-based segmentation.
6 Wavelets and Multi-resolution image processing- Uncertainty
principles of Fourier Transform, Time-frequency localization,
continuous wavelet transforms, wavelet bases and multi-resolution
analysis, wavelets and Sub-band filter banks, wavelet packets.
7 Image Compression-Redundancy–inter-pixel and psycho-visual;
Lossless compression – predictive, entropy; Lossy compression-
predictive and transform coding; Discrete Cosine Transform; Still
image compression standards – JPEG and JPEG-2000.
8 Fundamentals of Video Coding- Inter-frame redundancy, motion
estimation techniques – full search, fast search strategies, forward
and backward motion prediction, frame classification – I, P and B;
Video sequence hierarchy – Group of pictures, frames, slices,
macro-blocks and blocks; Elements of a video encoder and decoder;
Video coding standards – MPEG and H.26X.
9 Video Segmentation- Temporal segmentation–shot boundary
detection, hard-cuts and soft-cuts; spatial segmentation – 06
motion-based; Video object detection and tracking.
Total 40

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Text/Reference Books:
1. R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Second Edition,
Pearson Education 3rd edition 2008

2 R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods and S.L. Eddins, Digital Image Processing using
Matlab, McGraw Hill,2nd Edition
3. Anil Kumar Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of
India.2nd edition 2004
4. Murat Tekalp , Digital Video Processing" Prentice Hall, 2nd edition 2015

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

8EC5-13: Adaptive Signal Processing (program elective-4)

Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 General concept of adaptive filtering and estimation, applications
and motivation, Review of probability, random variables and
stationary random processes, Correlation structures, properties of
correlation matrices.
3 Optimal FIR (Wiener) filter, Method of steepest descent, extension to
complex valued The LMS algorithm (real, complex), convergence
analysis, weight error correlation matrix, excess mean square error
and mis-adjustment Variants of the LMS algorithm: the sign LMS 07
family, normalized LMS algorithm, block LMS and FFT based
realization, frequency domain adaptive filters, Sub-band adaptive
4 Signal space concepts - introduction to finite dimensional vector
space theory, subspace, basis, dimension, linear operators, rank and
nullity, inner product space, orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt 08
orthogonalization, concepts of orthogonal projection, orthogonal
decomposition of vector spaces.
5 Vector space of random variables, correlation as inner product,
forward and backward projections, Stochastic lattice filters,
recursive updating of forward and backward prediction errors, 08
relationship with AR modeling, joint process estimator, gradient
adaptive lattice.
6 Introduction to recursive least squares (RLS), vector space
formulation of RLS estimation, pseudo-inverse of a matrix, time
updating of inner products, development of RLS lattice filters, RLS
transversal adaptive filters. Advanced topics: affine projection and
subspace based adaptive filters, partial update algorithms, QR
decomposition and systolic array.
Total 40

Text/Reference Books:
1. S. Haykin, Adaptive filter theory, Prentice Hall, 1986.
2. C.Widrow and S.D. Stearns, Adaptive signal processing, Prentice Hall, 1984.

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

8EC4-21: IOT Lab

Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 50 (IA:30, ETE:20)
1. Study the fundamental of IOT softwares and components.
2. Familiarization with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and perform necessary software
3. To interface LED/Buzzer with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to
turn ON LED for 1 sec after every 2 seconds.
4. To interface Push button/Digital sensor (IR/LDR) with Arduino/Raspberry Pi
and write a program to turn ON LED when push button is pressed or at
sensor detection.
5. To interface DHT11 sensor with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to
print temperature and humidity readings.
6. To interface motor using relay with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a
program to turn ON motor when push button is pressed.
7. To interface OLED with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to print
temperature and humidity readings on it.
8. To interface Bluetooth with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to
send sensor data to smartphone using Bluetooth.
9. To interface Bluetooth with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to
turn LED ON/OFF when ‘1’/’0’ is received from smartphone using Bluetooth.
10 Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to upload temperature and
humidity data to thingspeak cloud.
11. Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to retrieve temperature and
humidity data from thingspeak cloud.
12. To install MySQL database on Raspberry Pi and perform basic SQL queries.
13. Write a program to create UDP server on Arduino/Raspberry Pi and respond
with humidity data to UDP client when requested.
14. Write a program to create TCP server on Arduino/Raspberry Pi and respond
with humidity data to TCP client when requested.


1. Vijay Madisetti, Arshdeep Bahga, Ïnternet of Things, “A Hands on Approach”,
University Press.
2. Dr. SRN Reddy, Rachit Thukral and Manasi Mishra, “Introduction to Internet
of Things: A practical Approach”, ETI Labs.
3. Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman, “The Internet of Things: Enabling
Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases”, CRC Press
4. Jeeva Jose, “Internet of Things”, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
5. Adrian McEwen, “Designing the Internet of Things”, Wiley
6. Raj Kamal, “Internet of Things: Architecture and Design”, McGraw Hill

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Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

8EC4- 22 Skill Development Lab

Credit: 1 Max. Marks : 50 (IA:30,ETE:20)
Part A: Training
SN Contents
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the lab.
Every student has to learn any two software from the following list, with
consultation of their lab in charge. Students may get online certification
or is advised to learn these from available freeware. Students may register
online training courses from institutes of repute i.e.
IITs/NITs/AICTE/MHRD, etc. Industrial experts /professional may be
deputed to train the students in department.
1 Network simulator (NS2)
2 Lab view
3 Software for Robotics/Artificial intelligence (AI) /machine learning
4 Java
5 Python

PART B: Implementation
SN Contents
1 Student has to complete any one assignment with detailed project report
based on the software/tool learn in part A.
2 Student cab select any Social engineering project: Any problem of the society can
be taken which can be solved with the help of electronics engineering software
and gadgets.
3 Student can select Startup for innovation/entrepreneurship.
4 Engineering solution of any Industrial problem. Sufficient number of such
problem may be identified by the department from nearby industry and may be
given to the student for innovative solutions under guidance of faculty.
This lab may be evaluated by an external examiner from industry along
with internal faculty.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (EIC) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 18

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