- Liturgy refers to the public worship and work of the Christian church, especially the Eucharist. It involves rituals, ceremonies, and communal services that unite worshippers in the body of Christ and point to God.
- Liturgy has a triple meaning - it is the work of the people, the work of Christ on behalf of the people, and the work of God in which people participate. It is central to Christianity as the way people glorify God and receive blessings.
- For Catholics, liturgy occurs through participation in sacramental celebrations like Mass and rituals of the liturgical year that mark important events in the life of Christ. It plays a key role in worship, tradition, and
- Liturgy refers to the public worship and work of the Christian church, especially the Eucharist. It involves rituals, ceremonies, and communal services that unite worshippers in the body of Christ and point to God.
- Liturgy has a triple meaning - it is the work of the people, the work of Christ on behalf of the people, and the work of God in which people participate. It is central to Christianity as the way people glorify God and receive blessings.
- For Catholics, liturgy occurs through participation in sacramental celebrations like Mass and rituals of the liturgical year that mark important events in the life of Christ. It plays a key role in worship, tradition, and
- Liturgy refers to the public worship and work of the Christian church, especially the Eucharist. It involves rituals, ceremonies, and communal services that unite worshippers in the body of Christ and point to God.
- Liturgy has a triple meaning - it is the work of the people, the work of Christ on behalf of the people, and the work of God in which people participate. It is central to Christianity as the way people glorify God and receive blessings.
- For Catholics, liturgy occurs through participation in sacramental celebrations like Mass and rituals of the liturgical year that mark important events in the life of Christ. It plays a key role in worship, tradition, and
- Liturgy refers to the public worship and work of the Christian church, especially the Eucharist. It involves rituals, ceremonies, and communal services that unite worshippers in the body of Christ and point to God.
- Liturgy has a triple meaning - it is the work of the people, the work of Christ on behalf of the people, and the work of God in which people participate. It is central to Christianity as the way people glorify God and receive blessings.
- For Catholics, liturgy occurs through participation in sacramental celebrations like Mass and rituals of the liturgical year that mark important events in the life of Christ. It plays a key role in worship, tradition, and
LESSON 1: - Ex Poseidon-the best way to salvation is remembered,
worship is to go fishing celebrated, and dispensed.
AN INTRODUCTION TO LITURGY - God of Salvation, Mercy and - Both in liturgical and sacramental Liturgy Forgiveness, sings the eternal love celebrations, the Church makes - recent times, it is defined as the use of signs, symbols, and sacred songs- then in the liturgy, we work of the people but in order to actions which communicate to us imitate God and thus worship God fully participate in the liturgy we've the mystery of faith that we as God wants to be worshipped got to have a deeper commemorate (Panganiban and de understanding of it. Guzman, 2017). The Meaning of Liturgy - it's not simply the people's work - “an exercise of the priestly office of Liturgy because there is "the triple nuance Jesus Christ” according to The - comes from the combination of two of the word 'liturgy' in which these Church’s Constitution or solemn Greek words: laos which means 3 things come together and God is document on the Sacred people and ergon which means praised Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium, in work. Leitourgia means “public which our human “sanctification is work”. Triple Nuance Of The Word Liturgy manifested by signs perceptible to - Thus, from its root words, it the senses and is effected in a way 1. Liturgy is the work that the people signifies “public service” in the proper to each of these signs,” so means that the people have got to be sense of serving and worshipping that “full public worship is engaged in it. God as a people or a community. performed by the Mystical Body of It is made up of two Greek words: - In the early Church, it meant Jesus Christ, that is, by the a. Lit - Laos or Lau's (people), in everything that all Christians did in Head and his members” (SC 7) english it means 'laity taking part in “God’s work,” the - The Council acknowledged that b. Urgy-Ergon (work), in english it divine “plan to sum up all things in “the liturgy does not exhaust the means cognate 'energy' Christ” (Jn 17:4; Eph 1:10). This is entire activity of the Church” included not only divine worship, 2. Liturgy is the work of Christ, done on preaching the Gospel, inviting all to but the proclamation of the Gospel behalf of the people. faith, conversion, observance of (Rom 15:16) and service of one’s Christ Christ’s commandments and works neighbor (2 Cor 9:12). - principal liturgist of charity, are explicitly mentioned - he is the one doing the work for the (cf. CCC 1072). The Nature Of Liturgy people because they are not able - Nevertheless, the Council went on Liturgy to affirm that “liturgy is the summit to accomplish salvation on their - is more than just the rituals, own. towards which the activity of the ceremonies, or communal services Church is directed, and the - he is the one that can say the we perform as an expression of our fountain from which all her power perfect prayer to the Father devotion to and worship of God. flows” (SC 9-10; CCC 1074). 3. Liturgy is the work of God in which the - It is a wellspring of our relationship - But for the ordinary Filipino people participate. with God as His people or family Catholic, liturgy means being - In Greek mythology, the best way gathered together to glorify Him caught up in the yearly cycle of to worship God is to imitate God and to receive blessings from Him. liturgical Seasons like Advent, Lent, - Ex: Dionysus-the best way to - is central to Christianity, for in it Holy Week, Easter time, and in worship is to have a drink and through it the mystery of our celebrating feast days like Christmas, Sto. Niño, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Good - a way of pointing to what is valued in - language that lets people move Friday, Easter, Pentecost, the someone's life; what we worship together Immaculate Conception, etc. shows what we value - actions that point beyond Filipino popular religiosity has - worshipping shows what happens themselves helped enormously to bring the when someone lives out what they - rooted in a life of tradition in the liturgical year down into the hearts truly value to be a Christian and to church * and souls of simple worshippers be a part of the life of the Catholic - everyone has rituals (CFC, 1505). Church means that you are called to - helps bring order and meaning to worship and to be part of the body of life Eucharist Christ - give us a way to do things - The center of the Church’s liturgy - commemorates the Paschal - as a catholic, it means that you are - very valuable in worship Mystery of our Lord Jesus Christ - involved in something called liturgy his Passion, Death, Resurrection, - for catholic, it is a sacramental action Tradition Ascension, and the sending of the which unites the worshipers in the - it's active engagement with the Holy Spirit (SC 5). body of Christ as they are presented family tree of saints - Through this Mystery, the power of to God, to join in the divine life of - the genetic understanding of the God’s salvific love is offered to all. love present Since this salvation touches all of - when we go to mass, we participate - passing the baton creation in its entirety, liturgy in its - something dead, cold, static, old broadest, deepest sense is the Liturgy but it isn't true * proclamation, manifestation, and - work + people celebration not only of Christ and - participation of people with God Inculturation His Paschal Mystery but also of the - rooted in Greek words which is a - gathering what is good Church’s own mystery and mission combination for work and people and - leaving aside what isn't helpful as the universal sacrament of was used in early context when - it allows the worship of the church salvation, and of the whole world someone did a public work of service to be communicated in tangible and the temporal order, consecrated and ordered to its on their own but on behalf of the ways Creator and Final Goal (CFC, 1504). people in early - the process in which the seed of - in Christian history, the Christians worship nourished by the cultures Catholic Liturgy began to see their worship as a that practice Worship liturgical action. they were joined - the Christian tradition begins back - an act of love that highlights what with Jesus Christ which was offering before Jesus we value most his body, the church, to God as an - Jews -first Christians who had - an action that grabs hold of what we act of worship Jewish concerns in Jewish rituals value and demonstrates it in a - worship in the Catholic and ways to worship tangible way - it's a movement of the heart, of a Church- presented to God with Christ Christian Worship love and it's something that all - rooted in people do and worship in one way or Ritual a. The Liturgy of the Word another - the how, why, what we do - God is speaking - this prophetic action makes alive The Church’s liturgical prayer is collaborative activity grounded on anew the old testament. (word of directed to the Father, through His son, Christian discipleship rather than merely God), psalms, new testament, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Its specific social relationships (CFC 1507). gospels Trinitarian form takes on a Paschal quality - the word of God since the liturgy celebrates the Good News Sacramental b. The Liturgy of the of our actual salvation worked by the Basically, the liturgy celebrates the Sacrament/Eucharist Blessed Trinity through Jesus Christ’s Church’s prayer through a pattern of - the Body of Christ sharing in the feast Paschal Mystery. The Trinity, then far from symbolic, ritual movements, gestures, and of Christ being an abstract God of the theologians, verbal formulas that create a framework - Thanksgiving, sacrifices, union is the concrete living, saving God who within which the corporate worship of the - Eucharisteo which means comes to us in the Risen Christ and the Church can take place. By participating in thanksgiving Spirit, within the Christian community, the the liturgy’s sacramental, symbolic Church (CFC 1506). activities, the Church members both Union with God express their faith in Christ and their - we are invited to join in the life of God Ecclesial desire to deepen it and actually share in - worship is a foretaste of the Heavenly Liturgy is the prayer of the Church the reality signified namely, salvation Kingdom gathered in assembly, an ecclesial through forgiveness and communion with activity, celebrated by the whole Christ, the Risen glorified Christ in the Spirit. Head and members. That is, it is the Among the predominant symbols action of Jesus Christ the Priest, and at the used in the liturgy are the gathering of the same time an activity of the community, a baptized assembly itself, the natural gathering together in an ordered assembly symbols from a creation like light, and communion of the baptized. darkness, water, oil, and fire, as well as Moreover, the liturgical assembly is humanly produced symbols like the LESSON 2: Essential Qualities of arranged according to different roles: reading and interpretation of Scripture as Liturgy, Consequences, And priest, deacon, readers, ministers of music the living Word of God, the Sign of the and communion, etc. While we all share Cross, the Paschal Candle, laying on of Obstacles the one Holy Spirit of love, different hands, etc. But the liturgy’s use of these spiritual gifts or charisms are given to symbols always involves persons, for they Jesus said: “The hour is coming, and is community members for the good of all. express the personal mystery of God’s already here, when authentic worshipers Thus, the power of salvation is mediated love manifested in Christ’s Paschal will worship the Father in through various relationships within the Mystery (CFC 1509). Spirit and truth. . . God is Spirit, and those Church. who worship Him must worship in Spirit This ecclesial quality is especially and truth.” important for Filipino Catholics because it (Jn 4:23-24) draws them beyond family bonds of Ethically Oriented intimacy toward community solidarity The liturgy related directly to moral based on faith in Christ. Ecclesial solidarity life since it empowers the people of God to Essential Qualities Of Liturgy is a community that has moved beyond full Christian discipleship. Concretely, the circle of intimacy toward unity and liturgical worship, and Christian morality, Trinitarian and Paschal both personal and social, go together. One Nativity of the Ascension, to Pentecost and by the very nature of the liturgy, and to goal of liturgical celebrations is that we, the expectation of the blessed hope of the which the Christian people, “a chosen the faithful, return to our ordinary coming of the Lord (SC 102). race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a activities, newly strengthened in faith, redeemed people” (1 Pt 2:9, 4-5) have a confirmed in hope and inspired with the This cycle includes five stages: right and obligation by reason of their power to love. Far from separating us from 1. The Lord’s Day baptism (SC 14). our ordinary work, duties, recreation, and 2. Holy Week, Prepared for by Lent For Filipino Catholics today, this relationships, the liturgy aims at 3. Advent, Preparing for Christmas desired full, conscious, and active confirming our mission as Christians to be 4. The 33 Sundays of The Ordinary participation in the liturgy presents a real the light of the world and leaven of the Time challenge. Though great strides have been mass (SC 9). 5. Special Feasts, Especially of Christ made in the past few years, particularly and Mary through the Basic Ecclesial Communities Eschatological (BECs), the average Sunday Mass The liturgy’s ethical dimension just Surely, a practical and informed attendance statistics reported by in the described reveals its eschatological personal understanding of the liturgical liturgy can only come about when ordinary characteristic as well. The liturgy makes seasons is one chief means for achieving Filipino Catholics grasp personally how present Christ’s saving Paschal Mystery the enthusiastic, active participation of the their personal lives, especially their prayer whereby He inaugurated God’s rule, the faithful in the Church’s worship, called for lives, and the Church’s liturgy are Kingdom. The liturgy, then, at once by the Second Plenary Council (PCP II 176- mutually entwined and ultimately commemorates Christ’s past saving 82). inseparable. Ordinary Filipino Catholics Mystery, demonstrates the present grace have to see and personally experience the effects brought about by Christ, and points Consequence: Participation value and worth for them of prayer, to the future glory yet to come. The liturgy, then, is: worship, ritual, and liturgy (CFC 1515). But this future orientation is 1. The official public worship of the operative now, and every moment of our Blessed Trinity Obstacles daily lives. The liturgy, far from being 2. By the whole Church, through the Such active participation has to some escape from the world, calls us to celebration of Christ’s Paschal overcome rather formidable obstacles. share in Christ’s own mission of saving the Mystery There is, first, our general human laziness world. Again, we see the intrinsic 3. In a sacramental, symbolic activity and weakness of which St. Paul connection between authentic worship 4. With intrinsic moral/ethical links complained, fortified by the growing and Christian moral witness, which PCP II and secularist materialism of our age. describes as the thrust for justice and 5. In a built-in eschatological Secondly, are the more personal obstacles preferential option for the poor. orientation toward perfect of “growing-up” complaints of children Both the eschatological future and fulfillment in the future and youth (why do I have to…?) and the now dimensions are effectively common superficial reasons for Mass brought together in celebrating the feasts No wonder, then, that: attendance - to be with the crowd, show and seasons of the Liturgical Year (CCC The Mother Church earnestly off my new clothes, etc. Thirdly, are the 1163-73). Vatican II describes how in the desires that all the faithful be led to that obstacles posed by the liturgy itself: the course of the year, the Church unfolds the full, conscious, and active participation in many routines, uninspiring liturgies, whole mystery of the Incarnation and liturgical celebrations which is demanded lacking all spirit and heart. But even well- celebrated liturgies have to face the problem that praise does not come “natural” to many “modern” persons. So many have lacked any experience of genuine praise in their personal lives, or have so suffered from insincere, manipulative flattery that they distrust their emotions. But most fundamental is the current stress on “self-development”, “self-fulfillment” etc. There is little chance of praising and “taking delight” in God and others when we are so focused on ourselves (CFC 1516). LESSON 3: CELEBRATING THE priesthood) is the one presiding at the Roman calendar that begins on January 1 LITURGY Holy Mass. Therefore, it’s the whole and ends on December 31, the Church’s assembly that celebrates the liturgy liturgical year begins on the First Sunday Who Celebrates the Liturgy? (Panganiban and de Guzman, 2017). of Advent and ends on the celebration of In the life of the Church, The Church celebrates the liturgy the Solemnity of Christ the King held on sacramental and liturgical celebrations are by employing signs and symbols that the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. From its the fundamental occasions in which we serve as “bearers of the saving and beginning end, there are liturgical seasons gather together as God’s assembly. We sanctifying action of Christ.” These signs that denote the unfolding of the various could ask a question, “Who celebrates the and symbols are related to creation aspects of the one Paschal Mystery (CCC liturgy? Many years ago, people would (candles, water, fire), human life (washing, 1171). point to the priest as the celebrant of the anointing, breaking bread), and the history liturgy. Back then, there was a of salvation (the rites of the Passover). connotation that the word “celebrant” Interwoven with faith and taken up by the means one who is celebrating one’s own power of the Holy Spirit, these cosmic occasion. Many people thought that the elements and human rituals used in a Liturgical seasons in the Church’s priest was the only one who was liturgical celebration help us capture the calendar: celebrating the liturgy. Because of this mystery of God and the divine pedagogy Advent Season confusion, some liturgists prefer to use the of salvation (CCC 1189). - It is the time of joyful term “presider” in referring to the priest The Catechism of the Catholic expectation in which we prepare who leads the people in the celebration of Church describes a sacramental in the spirit of penance both for the liturgy. This is because the liturgy is a celebration as a meeting of God’s children the celebration of Jesus’ birth celebration not only of the priest but all with their Father, in Christ, and the Holy and for His coming again in glory the people of God who are gathered Spirit. This meeting takes the form of “to judge the living and the together as a liturgical assembly dialogue through actions and words. The dead” as we profess in the (Panganiban and de Guzman, 2017). Word of God and our response of faith Creed. We should remember that in all give life to the signs and symbols so that - There are four Sundays in this liturgies, Christ the Lord Himself is the one the liturgical actions may express what season. who celebrates the cosmic liturgy, which they signify (CCC 1153). There are signs encompasses angels and human beings, and symbols in the liturgies because “God - It marks the beginning of a new the living and the dead, the past, present, knows that we men are not only spiritual year in the liturgical calendar. and future, heaven and earth. Priests and but also bodily creatures, we need signs Christmas Season believers participate in different ways in and symbols in order to perceive and - It begins from the vigil of the Christ’s divine worship” (YouCat 179). describe spiritual or interior realities” Lord’s birth and ends with the According to the Catechism of the (YouCat 181). feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Catholic Church (CCC), “it is the whole - It is the long-awaited birth of the community, the Body of Christ united with When to Celebrate the Liturgy? Son of God, the Word made its Head, that celebrates the liturgy”. The Church has her own calendar Flesh, the promised Messiah, the Liturgical services pertain to the whole that she follows faithfully. It is her Savior of all mankind, Jesus Body of the Church. By virtue of baptism liturgical calendar that marks the events Christ, true God and true Man that makes one share in the sole in the lives and mysteries of our Lord Jesus who came into the world to lay priesthood of Christ, one likewise shares in Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the down His life for our redemption. the common priesthood. On the other angels, and the saints. Different from the Ordinary Time hand, the ordained minister (ministerial - It is the period of thirty-four Mystery, that is, His Passion, living in this place, the dwelling of God Sundays referring to the “hidden Death, and Resurrection. with men reconciled and united in Christ life of Jesus” the stage in the - The day of Resurrection is the (CCC 1180). Lord’s life in which the Gospels apex of the Church’s calendar. “The beauty of the church building are silent about Him. “It is called the Lord’s day directs our attention to the beauty, - This period has two phases. The because the Lord rose victorious greatness, and love of God. Churches are first phase begins after the to the Father” (CCC 1166). It is not just stone messengers of the faith, but Christmas Season and continues Easter Sunday. “Therefore dwelling places of God, who is really and until Tuesday before Ash Easter is not simply one feast truly and substantially present in the Wednesday. It resumed again on among others, but the “Feast of sacrament of the altar” (YouCat 190). We Monday after Pentecost and feasts”, the “Solemnity of Catholics give due reverence to our ended at the beginning of solemnities” (CCC 1169). church as a “house of God” when upon Advent. Easter Season entering, we bless ourselves with the holy - It is called “Ordinary” because it - It is the fifty-day celebration of water and genuflect in front of the refers to the time of the year in the joyful exultation of the tabernacle. We know our church to be a which the Church is not Lord’s Resurrection from Easter “house of prayer” not a place where to celebrating the more prominent Sunday to Pentecost. meet friends or where we can spend time seasons of Advent, Christmas, to stand by. Lent, or Easter. The “sanctoral” in the liturgical Our churches may vary in size and calendar year refers to the annual cycle of shape, but they are all symbolic of our Lent celebrating mysteries of Christ, the Christian faith. At the onset of Christianity, - It begins on Ash Wednesday and memorial of martyrs and saints, especially the first Christians would usually meet at ends on Holy Thursday. the Mother of God. homes for their fellowship and worship. As - This penitential season is in Along with the liturgical seasons, time went by, large buildings were used as preparation for the celebration we have mentioned earlier that there are places of religious gatherings. The of Easter. certain days to be observed as “Holy Days church’s exterior speaks voluminously - We spend forty days of prayer, of Obligation” such as: about the signs and symbols of fasting, and almsgiving January 1 - Solemnity of Mary as Christianity. Noticeably, artistic structure, commemorating the forty days the Mother of God and architectural designs typically spent by Jesus in the desert in December 8 - Solemnity of the represent the cultural, social, and spiritual preparation for His public Immaculate Conception characteristics of a certain period in ministry. December 25 - Solemnity of the churches. The church’s interior is usually Paschal Triduum Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ fixed in its framework. The main - It commences with the Mass of parts of a church’s interior are the nave the Lord’s Supper on Holy Where to Celebrate the Liturgy? where the assembly is gathered and the Thursday and ends with the We have churches to celebrate the sanctuary where the priest or bishop and celebration of Easter Sunday. liturgy. However, as the Catechism of the other altar ministers perform their - During this most sacred time, we Catholic Church explains, “these visible respective functions. The church must focus on the Lord’s Paschal churches are not simply gathering places always be in order and clean in such a way but signify and make visible the Church that is inviting to prayer and recollection The Chair- It is reserved for the for everyone who enters it. bishop (cathedra) or for the priest The church is the house of prayer to express his office of presiding in which the Holy Eucharist is celebrated over the assembly and directing and reserved, where the faithful assemble, prayer. and where our Savior is worshipped. This The Lectern (ambo) - This is a house ought to be beautiful and a worthy suitable place in a church intended place for prayer and sacred celebrations for the proclamation of the Word of (SC 122-127; CCC 1181). God. It is imperative for us Catholics to The Baptistry- The gathering of be able to identify the important parts of the People of God begins with the church that manifest the presence and baptism, thus a church must have action of Christ. The Catechism of the an appropriate place for the Catholic Church (CCC 1182-1185) celebration of baptism. enumerates these parts: The Confessional The Altar - The renewal of the baptismal - It is the center of the church life requires penance. where the sacrifice of the Cross - It is an appropriate place to is made present under receive penitents for the sacramental signs. expression of repentance and - It is the table of the Lord to the reception of forgiveness. which the People of God are invited to share in the banquet of the Lord. The Tabernacle - It is the boxlike receptacle where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. - The dignity, placing, and security of the Eucharistic tabernacle should facilitate the adoration of the Lord really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar. - The sanctuary lamp must be kept burning before the tabernacle.