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Ramework Uality LAN: F EU, L
Ramework Uality LAN: F EU, L
B-TRAIN 3 TAXUD/2015/AO-01
B-Train 3 - Framework Quality Plan
This document is the Framework Quality Plan (FQP) for the European Commission's
Taxation and Customs Union Directorate, DG TAXUD, which will cover the execution
of Framework Contract B-Train 3. The FQP also defines the quality expectations for
the scope and duration of the contractual relationship under this Framework Contract
This FQP defines the conditions applying to the working relationships between the
contractor and DG TAXUD in the context and the duration of the FWC. It defines the
standards, rules and procedures applicable to the execution of this FWC. In
particular, it defines the procedures that will govern the delivery of the services
along with their monitoring mechanisms and follow up actions, as well as the rules
for measurement of the quality of services rendered and products delivered by the
The purpose of the FQP is to ensure that contractual requirements are met and
TAXUD satisfaction is obtained.
For each Specific Contract drawn under this FWC the contractor will prepare a
Specific Quality Plan (SQP) to demonstrate that he/she:
Understands the project, its characteristics, peculiarities, risks and
Has selected the proper project organisations, techniques, resources and
tools to cope with the above;
Has defined the deliverables, Quality Control, approval, responsibilities and
processes involved;
Has identified the major risks and the corresponding mitigation actions.
More specifically, the SQP defines the following items:
Roles and responsibilities;
Content, format, sign-off, review process and responsibilities for the project
Management of changes and problems;
Working procedures, i.e. handling of incidents, change requests and requests
for estimate;
Measurement and monitoring of service quality;
Content and structure for reporting to DG TAXUD;
Interaction processes between the different entities involved in DG TAXUD
It is the responsibility of the Contractor’s Portfolio/Project Manager to ensure that
the key principles and procedures defined in the SQP are communicated and well
understood by all Project Managers and team members.
Abbreviation Meaning
AP Activity Package
BT3 B-TRAIN 3 Framework Contract
Coms Communications
DD Design Description
DLV Deliverable
DTM Deliverables Tracking Matrix
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FWC Framework Contract
GQI Global Quality Indicator
ITT Invitation to Tender
Mgt Management
MPR Monthly Progress Report
PC Participating Countries (includes Member states and Candidate
QA Quality Assurance
FQP Framework Quality Plan
SQP Specific Quality Plan
QP Quality Plan
QP/A Quality Plan / Addendum
RD Requirements Description
RfA Request for Action
RfE Request for Estimates
SC Specific Contract
SfA Submitted for Acceptance
SfR Submitted for Review
SP Service Proposal
GQI Global Quality Inidicator (or Overall Quality Indicator)
SQI Service Quality Indicator
TA Technical Annex
TE Test Event
ToR Terms of Reference
WP Work Package
WPM Project Weekly Progress Meeting
WPR Weekly Progress Report
The overall project planning for each SC will be annexed to each specific Quality
Plan, with the major milestones of the deliverables and the dates of the review
cycles, defined according to T1/T2/T3 method as defined in section 5.1 of this
document. Dates of deliverables and review cycle have to be reflected in the DTMs.
The planning and the DTMs will be maintained all along a SC project life and will be
delivered on a monthly basis as annexes of a SC dedicated Monthly Progress Report.
This section is provided as an example and should be adapted in line with selected
contractor's offer. The titles and the different responsibilities hereunder are neither
exhaustive nor complete.
This should not be understood as being TAXUD's preferred organisational solution!
The B-TRAIN 3 Portfolio Manager is the person responsible for the successful
completion of the contracted activities, reporting to DG TAXUD. During the projects,
he/she will be the person who manages contractor staff working under this SC.
This person’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following items:
Collaborate closely with DG TAXUD appointed Project Management team for
all questions regarding the B-TRAIN 3 projects;
Perform the Portfolio Management activities under WP.1 and take ownership
of the MPR;
Draw up the Quality Plans (QP) for the projects, in compliance with this
Framework Quality Plan and the SQP;
Plan, control and report on the production of deliverables;
Ensure that all work is performed to the agreed standards and quality;
Manage the budget, work plan and all contractual management procedures
(contract management, scope management, issues management, risk
management, etc);
Ensure the coordination with all involved actors;
Provide Leadership on the projects, ensuring a long-term vision.
The Project Manager is responsible for the services delivery of the individual project
The main responsibilities of the Project Manager cover:
The detailed planning of the project activities;
The assignment of his team’s resources on specific tasks;
The monitoring of the progress on each activities;
The organisation of detailed planning meeting (e.g.: every 2 weeks) with its
team to identify possible slippage in delivery dates;
The coaching of his team;
The preparation of the required information to support the B-TRAIN 3
Portfolio Manager in the delivery of the Monthly Progress Report (e.g.:
progress on milestones and budget consumption);
The escalation to the B-TRAIN 3 Portfolio Manager of issues, risks and
potential delays. All delays will have to be reported on a timely manner to the
B-TRAIN 3 Portfolio Manager and discussed with TAXUD Project team;
The ownership of weekly Project Progress meetings. The frequency of these
meetings will vary in fu whenever these are requested for close follow up
purpose. The normal frequency would be weekly,
The Project Manager manages day-to-day operations through the support of several
key individual roles:
The Project Manager is also responsible for organizing the important Take Over and
Hand Over work packages.
The Technical Architect is responsible for all content related Technical activities.
His main responsibilities cover:
Setting up the work environment for the Design and Development team:
configuration of the PCs and the Collaborative Content Development Server
and the basic LCS features required in the BT3 project;
Supporting and fixing issues related to content dissemination in the various
countries (due to the diversity of LMS in the countries). Especially all the
AICC and SCORM LMS compliance potential issues;
Interfacing with the development teams whenever there is a requirement for
new components.
The Lead Pedagogue is responsible for the global pedagogic vision and consistency of
the whole B-TRAIN 3 project. He/she has a key role in setting up the Standards
Specifications, and then in all the content projects.
His/her main responsibilities cover:
The development of all the pedagogy-related sections of the Standard
Supporting the project manager for important demos or workshops, where
pedagogical expertise will be required to make decisions;
Assessing the pedagogical elements in the Feasibility Studies;
Defining the high-level pedagogical outline of all the content development
projects, using the content development environment;
Supervise and manage the other pedagogues on the design team;
Coordination with the content development team.
Having a role of consolidating all the key learning elements provided during a
specific project, the lead pedagogue has to prepare intensively on the subject, based
on all available material given prior to the start of the project. (Technical Annexes,
available legislation, etc) During Project Group Meetings the Lead Pedagogue has to
come up with already digested information and present implementation ideas and
suggestions for a group validation and/or further elaboration.
The quality assurance is made of all actions taken to ensure that standards and
procedures are adhered to and that delivered products or services meet performance
The quality control is made of all the operational techniques and activities that are
used to fulfil the requirements for quality.
The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for all Quality Management activities
under WP.0.3 (Internal QA and QC and Risk Management). He/she first confirms the
quality objectives with DG TAXUD and supports the Project Manager in the
implementation of the Framework Quality Plan by defining the quality procedures
and the checklists to be applied.
The main responsibilities cover:
The Quality Reviews of the deliverables;
The planning and organisation of the Quality Inspections;
The organisation of the Internal Quality Audits;
The support to DG TAXUD during the external Quality Audits;
The organisation of the Quality Meetings;
The follow-up of the non-compliances and of the associated corrective
The follow-up of the Quality Improvement action plan.
The Quality Assurance Manager supervises the Quality Controllers for the different
specific projects.
The Quality Controller (QC) works under the direction of the Quality Assurance
Manager and is the key role for day-to-day quality management.
In B-TRAIN 3 the QC has to cope with different complications regarding the quality
There are several distinct types of common training modules that are being
created under several pedagogical models;
There is a complex Quality Management lifecycle that will have to be
observed in parallel with the consortium’s own quality requirements.
The Quality Controller has an active role in setting up the QP for the different sub-
The Quality Controller is the liaison factor as long as quality is concerned between
the management of the project and the project teams.
The Quality Controller plays an active role to support the Commission in conducting
quality and security audits.
For each SC the QP will contain a list of responsible persons from the DG TAXUD
team for a specific AP.
In the QP for each SP the contractor will provide DG TAXUD with a list of persons
assigned to a specific project together with their roles and the AP to which they are
assigned in the framework of the specific project.
Status of the Request for Estimate (RfE) and Requests for Action (RfA)
(Reference to the annex attached to the MPR);
Log of Decisions taken in the course of any B-TRAIN 3 project, that will be
valid for the whole duration of the Framework Contract
List of Change Requests as identified as deviation from the original Offer and
RfA assumptions. Those Changes should be listed with an explanation, an
impact analysis, a cost estimate and a status.
The MPR is the supportive document of the monthly progress meeting, which will be
held after the end of the reporting period. The minutes of the monthly progress
meeting include a section for review of the MPR, and therefore need to be reviewed
prior to amending and submitting the MPR SfA version.
The submission and review cycle of this management document is the following:
After the end of the reporting period, the MPR is submitted to DG TAXUD for
With the MPR as supportive document, the Bilateral monthly meeting (BMM)
is organised. This meeting is also the place where the MPR is discussed and
the comments collected for amendment of the MPR;
The minutes of the BMM are submitted to DG TAXUD for review;
DG TAXUD provides the comments on the minutes of the BMM;
The minutes of the BMM and the MPR are then amended with those
comments then submitted to DG TAXUD as a bundle for acceptance.
The timeline is summarised here below:
T0: End of the reporting period;
T0 + 5 working days: SfR version of the corresponding MPR;
T1 = T0 + 5 working days (first suitable date): Bilateral Monthly Meeting
T1 + 3 working days: SfR version of the minutes of the Bilateral Monthly
T1 + 5 working days: Comments on the SfR version of the minutes of the
T1 + 8 working days: SfA version of MPR and Minutes of BMM submitted as a
The MPR is accompanied by a list of annexes, as defined in last section of the MPR:
Annex 1: Project Plan;
Annex 2: Delivery Tracking Matrix, Status of the SQI and GQI.
Annex 3: On Demand/Additional Fixed Price Budget Follow-up; RfE/RfA
Status, including RfA for technical meetings, Training, workshops and
Annex 4: Actions Log; Issue Log; Risk Management Log; Decision Log;
Change Requests details.
The annexes are further described in section 9.2.
Each week, B-Train 3 Project Managers are reporting on the status of their project.
This weekly Project Progress Report (PPR) summarizes all activities performed within
past week and details the following projects outcomes:
Project Summary
Project Status
Project Actions/Issues/risks/Decisions
The PPR is initially submitted prior to the Weekly Progress Meeting, then updated
with any information that is needed for follow up after the meeting. Typically, PPR
are initially distributed to the Portfolio Manager and DG TAXUD at the end of the
week. This rule can be adapted per project.
During the whole course of the development process, the Contractors plan a weekly
checkpoint with DG TAXUD. The PPR is reviewed and project items are discussed
(actions, planning, deliveries, milestones, issues, changes, risks). These meetings
can either be held as phone conferences, webcasts or face to face meetings at DG
TAXUD’s premises.
After the weekly PPM, the contractor sends an updated version of the PPR, whenever
An example of PPR is given in Point 13.3
While the MPR itself follows the Documentary Review cycle for acceptance, the
acceptance of the MPR implies the acceptance of the services which are integrated in
the MPR (see WP 1.3).
Any document will be assigned an author who will keep the ownership of the
document all along the life cycle of this document. In case of shared document, the
author of the document remains the accountable person for this document.
During the development of the deliverable, peer-to-peer reviews will be organised
internally with the purpose to ensure a consistency of the document in itself (self-
consistency) and a conformance with the documents which the document being
developed depends on.
The Review and Acceptance of documents by DG TAXUD is based on the SfR and SfA
However, in order to ensure that the deliverables match DG TAXUD expectations,
additional drafts could be produced for review before the SfR delivery, at the
discretion of the contractor but in coordination with DG TAXUD’s Project Coordinator.
The objective is to avoid extensive rework of the SfR version. Therefore, it is
essential that the decisions on the content and structure of the documents are taken
on the draft documents and not questioned during the formal SfR/SfA review cycle.
The draft versions will be working documents. There will be no formal quality review
by the contractor and no Comments database or Author’s Positions for those
documents. The review of those documents will take the form of embedded revision
marks and comments.
DG TAXUD should deliver all feedback on any draft document within 4 working days
from delivery via one single consolidated e-mail.
When relevant, the informal working/validation meetings will be organised within 2
days after reception of the comments on the draft document. Those meetings will be
considered as technical meetings.
The objective of the Quality Assurance process is to ensure that the contractor
follows a thorough analysis and elaboration phase in order to produce a deliverable
which is of very good quality and within the scope defined by DG TAXUD. This
objective should be attained before the deliverable is submitted for review. During
this analysis and elaboration phase the contractor has to make sure that the content
of the deliverable is in line with DG TAXUD's expectation by any appropriate means.
The Quality Control process includes the review of the deliverable by DG TAXUD and
possibly other contractors with the aim to detect and eliminate any possible quality
flaws or scope deviations. The review aims at assuring the quality of the document.
The review and acceptance process of project documents by DG TAXUD is based on
the SfR / SfA mechanisms as illustrated in section 8.5 of the Service Proposal [A5].
Table 1 shows the activities that will be carried on during every step of the review
and acceptance cycle.
When the document is finalised, reviewed by the Quality Reviewer and authorised by
the Project Manager, it is submitted for review to DG TAXUD and potentially to other
DG TAXUD and/or other experts review the document and communicate their
Documents produced in the frame of the project may be reviewed by several people
from different contractors or national administrations. This creates the need for a
synchronisation between all the remarks and recommendations of the different
review teams.
As a general rule, the “Deliverable Comments Excel Sheet” will be used to support
the DG TAXUD review process of the SfR version. This sheet/database must be
consolidated with all comments from DG TAXUD and/or other contractors prior to
being sent to B-Train 3 development team.
However, applicable to both major and common deliverables as well as to PM related
deliverables, DG TAXUD may decide to use the Ms-Word/Ms-Excel comment/revision
marks facility instead of the Comments sheet. This facility can only be used by DG
TAXUD to communicate their review comments. Document SfR and SfA issued by
BT3 may include neither comments nor revision marks.
Whatever the facility used in support of the DG TAXUD review process, the
comments must be consolidated in a single file (Ms-Word Document or Ms-Excel
table). If not, the date of reception of the last comment is used for the calculation of
the following deadlines.
No matter what the format of the file is, the comment document should ALWAYS
contain the minimum following information:
Reference to Chapter/LU/Section/slide/Page/Paragraph
Proposed solution
Reviewer's name
Review Date
Comment type:
Change: Assumptions and/or decisions have changed and will require an adaptation of
the delivered item
Comments: Advice; information that may help the author with further development of
the deliverable
Blocking: The identified issue causes the delivered product to malfunction and makes
it impossible to go further with providing comments on parts of this delivery. E.g.:
Technical limitation of a delivered training application that does not allow to proceed
further within the quiz part of the module
Will block: The identified issue has only consequences limited to itself. The problem
has no effect on the rest of the delivered product but still HAS TO be resolved. E.g.: A
Voice-over is de-synchronized with written text.
Non blocking: The reported comment consists more in a "nice to have" or does not
have to be implemented at all (question/comment/enhancement suggestion…). E.g.:
discussion on the background colour of a text box
A great number of relevant comments are being produced, showing at evidence that
input from DG TAXUD was not adequately collected although this input was
available. Comments resulting in “no action” could not be invoked for rejection of the
document. That is why the review process must be completed before DG TAXUD
decision for rejection.
When a deliverable is rejected during the review step, DG TAXUD must notify the
issue to the project manager of the contractor, in order to agree on the corrective
actions to perform. The time between the delivery of the SfR version and the
communication of rejection of the deliverable is taken out of the SQI computation.
When receiving the consolidated review report database, the author addresses the
comment by providing, in this database his position for each one. The author
indicates his overall position (whether he agrees or disagrees with the comment) or
request for clarification, if needed. The author proposes a solution or correction to
the text, when relevant. The Author’s position is included in the comments database.
When all the comments are addressed, the author sends the review comments
sheet, completed with his/her position, to DG TAXUD who dispatches it to all
concerned reviewers.
After reception of the comments database, DG TAXUD walks through and analyses
the author’s positions provided.
A review meeting is organised by DG TAXUD with the reviewers and the author of
the document, with the objective to come to a common agreement on all comments.
A decision is made for each comment; this decision and the solution to be
implemented, are mentioned in the meeting decision field of the database. The
author of the document is responsible for filling in this field of the comment sheet.
The sheet completed with this field is considered as the minutes of the meeting and
is distributed to all reviewers of the document.
The date of the Review Meeting must be planned for and agreed, as early as possible
and be depicted in the contract dedicated DTM.
Any comments raised during the review of the deliverable for which the decision has
been taken to implement, must be consistently implemented throughout the
deliverable with the aim to submit for acceptance a deliverable that is of excellent
quality. That is why meeting decisions should be logged in the Comments Database.
Based on the decisions gotten from the review meeting and logged in the comments
Database, the author amends the original document.
All the agreed changes are implemented in a correct way and consistently
throughout the document. The updated version shall contain the agreed changes
If the author has implemented some changes differently than agreed during the
review meeting, or if specific changes are needed although not decided during the
review meeting, the author must submit those changes to prior agreement from DG
TAXUD. Those changes are documented in the Implementation Information field of
the database.
An internal quality control is applied to the document, with the purpose to check that
all the decisions taken during the review meeting have been reflected adequately in
the documents.
After this process, the document is submitted for acceptance submitted for formal
Acceptance (SfA) to DG TAXUD together with the database.
19 Acceptance of the deliverable
For the deliverables submitted to acceptance through DLV-0.5 (MPR), the acceptance
of the MPR implies the acceptance of all the deliverables included in the MPR in
which they have been listed as "Deliverables proposed for acceptance with this MPR".
DG TAXUD has the possibility to reject the document at this stage if:
At least one of the decisions agreed during the review meeting and reflected in the
comments database has not been implemented in the document;
At least one of the decisions agreed during the review meeting and reflected in the
comments database has not been implemented in a correct or consistent manner
throughout the document;
Other changes have been made to the document without prior agreement from DG
TAXUD and without being reported in the implementation notes of a relevant review
comment in the review database.
for the calculation of SfR-related SQIs: the date of submission of the last SfR-version
of the deliverable that led eventually to an SfA;
for the calculation of SfA-related SQIs: the date of submission of the last SfA-version
of the deliverable that was eventually accepted by DG TAXUD.
In case of dependency between two deliverables (or two versions of a deliverable),
the SC or the RfE offer must mention the targeted deadline of the second deliverable
(or the second version of a deliverable, i.e. SfA version) in reference to the actual
delivery date of the first deliverable (or the first version of a deliverable, i.e. SfR
version) by a relative number of additional working days.
The following review cycle described is proposed for the documents delivered in the
frame of the SC:
T1 T2 T3
Contractor Writing
AP Preparing Document Update
DG TAXUD Document Review AP Analysis
Author’s Review
Delivery - SfR Comments Delivery - SfA Acceptance
position Meeting
T2 represents the time needed to the review cycle, from the provision of the Author’s
position up to the document amendment and delivery for acceptance
The timelines (T1/T2/T3) are agreed on between DG TAXUD and the contractor and
are managed through the DTM. The latter will mention the applicable review cycle
for each deliverable and include the derived T0/T1/T2/T3 dates.
Any change of the SfR (T0) or SfA (T2) dates towards an earlier date should be
proposed in an update of the DTM and agreed upon between the contractor and DG
TAXUD in advance. The relevant documents must be referenced to in the DTM.
DG TAXUD reserves the right to keep the initial duration of its T1 and T3 activities
regardless of any delays of the contractor in submitting a deliverable for review or
for acceptance. In the event of a delay by the contractor to submit a deliverable for
review, DG TAXUD reserves the right to arrange a possible review meeting at a
convenient date. In any case the initially planned contractual SfA date remains valid
for the calculation of related SQIs.
For the SQI computation, it is necessary to further split the T2 period into the
following three sub-periods:
T2A: This period covers the time needed for the contractor to prepare the Author’s
position from the comment received from DG TAXUD;
T2B: This period covers the time for DG TAXUD to analyse the Author’s position
provided by the contractor, the review meeting and the communication of the related
meeting decisions;
T2C: This period covers the time needed for the contractor to update the document
from the review meeting decisions, to perform an internal QA of the document and to
submit the document for acceptance to DG TAXUD.
In the frame of the SC’s, the following timelines are an example of how the review
cycle can be applied to the documents review cycle (this depends per deliverable):
SfA – 20
Delivery – SfA – 12 SfA – 10
Contractor working
SfR working days working days
SfA – 10 SfA – 7 SfA – 5
Comments DG TAXUD
working days working days working days
AP SfA – 6 SfA – 4 SfA – 3
Submission working days working days working days
SfA – 4 SfA – 3 SfA – 2
AP Analysis DG TAXUD
working days working days working days
Review SfA – 2
DG TAXUD / SfA – 3 SfA – 2
Meeting and working
Contractor working days working days
Decisions days
Delivery –
Contractor According to Specific Contract or RfA
SfA + 10 SfA + 10 SfA + 5
Acceptance DG TAXUD
working days working days working days
Table 2: Document Review Cycle Common Timeframes
Other review cycles may be used if defined in a SC contract or Estimates submitted
by the Contractor and accepted by DG TAXUD.
DG TAXUD accepts any major learning software product delivery in the project
following the rules defined in this chapter.
The acceptance test cycle is used to accept the main release of the learning
software. Preceding the Test Event (TE) is the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT).
If the learning module is rejected by DG TAXUD, the contractor will have to modify it
and submit a new version to DG TAXUD who decides the type of acceptance cycle to
SAT kick-off
Test Plan submitted meeting
for review FAT
Test Plan End of FAT
Review report
End of SAT
FAT meeting
Test Plan
Decision on Acceptance
by Taxud
FAT QA report
The objective of the FAT is to make sure that the BT-2 developments are ready to
enter the TE with the expectation of passing the acceptance test cases described in
the FAT report.
For eLearning course production, the FAT is considered as integrated
element of the mandatory quality assurance and control to be provided by
the contractor. Only on specific request from DG TAXUD will the TAXUD
project team participate in the FAT and the related TE. The following FAT
process description is therefore to be seen as a reserve for the supply of
other products and services deliverables, requiring a closer involvement of
DG TAXUD in such quality tests.
The acceptance can start when:
The FAT has been performed successfully. Any issue is recorded and documented in
the FAT Report;
The results of the FAT are available; the FAT report is sent for review;
An estimate of the time to fix the issues raised during FAT testing is available in the
FAT report.
DG TAXUD will proceed to the acceptance of the FAT after the planned termination of
the FAT. This is concluded by the acceptance of the FAT report.
The FAT can be made into three steps:
The contractor elaborates its test scenarios, including:
The definition of the test scenarios, including the definition of the test cases, with the
corresponding expected results;
The set-up of the environment for the tests, including the definition of tests data.
The particular testing of the delivered package, including optical disk completeness,
source files usability, optical disk cover, structure and content…
The contractor performs its tests
Test data, describing all measures used and giving all results must be generated
whenever possible. This data must also identify who did the testing when and how
long it took;
SCORM compliance/LMS Integration tests are done and documented (test software
used, results).
A FAT mission is held at the premises of the contractor. The contractor in charge of
the development notifies, by e-mail, DG TAXUD that the FAT mission can start. DG
TAXUD may request the support of the contractor in charge of the Quality Assurance.
The learning module matches the quality criteria and best practice standards;
All the required users and technical documentation are available for review;
The tests documentation (test scenarios and test cases) is issued by the contractor and
available for review.
When the contractor has executed the test scenarios, the FAT Report must be
completed with the actual results of the tests then delivered to DG TAXUD for
The QA Contractor will deliver separate QA FAT reports when he is involved in this
The results of the FAT activity are discussed and actions on issues are agreed on and
A closing meeting will end the validation phase of the FAT. DG TAXUD and the
development contractor attend the kick-off and closing meetings. The QA contractor
attends these meetings if he is involved in the activity in question.
Depending on the case, DG TAXUD may accept a deliverable under the conditions
that any issue or bug, invalid text and any functional/technical malfunction gets
repaired after the Test Event. This may be the case whenever the SfA delivery date
is distant from the Test Event date.
24 Responsibilities
The contractor is delivering the FAT Report for DG TAXUD approval. Other
responsibilities include:
Training the testers in the specific technical procedures and techniques required to
execute the tests and manage the test environment;
Performing the necessary FAT on any corrected release of a software before the
software enters the TE;
Developing related scenarios, heuristics and metrics measuring freeness from errors,
the instructional quality and the usability;
Maintaining the traceability and consistency between the ATS and the didactical,
instructional design and usability specifications;
Secure FAT test execution by involving at least a second test profile (external)
The QA contractor is attending the FAT activity and is delivering a QA FAT Report if
he is assigned to the task.
In case the FAT is not accepted, the identified issues should be resolved and a new
FAT cycle will be scheduled subject to new acceptance.
The FAT acceptance is under the responsibility of DG TAXUD and may be repeated
until DG TAXUD pronounces that the learning module under test is ready to enter in
a TE. The FAT acceptance is made by DG TAXUD after the planned termination of the
FAT. DG TAXUD may request the support of the contractor in charge of the Quality
If there are still major issues remaining after the last run of the FAT, DG TAXUD may
reject the FAT.
The TE is performed by a testing team independent from the developer team and
done in a site different from the development site. TE Objectives
Identify, raise and log issues regarding the tested learning module;
Identify and raise issues regarding the accompanying technical and user
documentation (ATS, Installation guide, Operation Guide, etc.) and the used testing
material (Metrics, Heuristics, etc.). TE Prerequisites
The team responsible for testing has set up its evaluation group with the necessary
level of experience and competency for running the evaluation; TE Activities
A starting kick-off meeting will precise the main objectives of the TE. These include:
Running the tests and recording and maintaining the result in a test log;
Identifying and raising issues having an impact on the tested e-learning software or
A closing meeting is organised, during which the results are discussed and actions on
issues are assigned. This marks the end of the evaluation. The participants in this
meeting should be the same.
The contractor invites all necessary participants to the closing meeting. Output
26 Responsibilities
The contractor responsible for development enables the transfer of testing duties to
the team performing the TE. This is done by:
Participating in all relevant meetings to take action on issues and change requests.
The team responsible for carrying out the TE performs the evaluation activities and
produces the Test Report for DG TAXUD acceptance. In addition to planning and
describing the testing activities in detail, it will be:
If requested, the QA contractor provides the requested quality control and produces
the Testing Quality Control Report for DG TAXUD acceptance.
Based on the TE Report from both the contractor who did the tests and the QA
contractor, DG TAXUD will decide whether the module under test:
Can be accepted.
Can be accepted with reserves (which will be implemented in future releases of the
learning module).
Cannot be accepted.
In the latter case, the changes agreed in the meeting will need to be implemented
and a new evaluation will be planned.
DG TAXUD reserves the right not to conduct a TE. In this case the procedures
defined in chapter applies right after the completion of the FAT procedures
described in chapter
Service quality indicators (SQI) indicate the quality and timeliness of the specific
deliverables. Aggregated per AP, they are computed into a Global Quality Indicator
(GQI) which provides a measurement for the quality of the delivered service/project
as a whole.
The following sections describe a method of computation for the SQI and GQI.
However, this should not be understood as being TAXUD's preferred organisational
The applied method must be designed in mutual agreement and has to comply with
following principles:
Quantified quality measurements and timeliness are normalised and weighted when
computed into a general quality indicator (GQI) per AP;
A grace window is foreseen in case the quality of service is below target but within a
M Target
M Norm
Target Limit
Where the M, Target and Limit are values expressed in the same unit and part of the
SQI definition.
SQIprof as a result of the Profiling function
Once the Measurement has been normalised to MNorm, it is profiled (using the f
function) to an SQIprof, which has the following effects:
It limits the SQIprof upwards, versus irrelevant over-performance of QoS above
It defines linear proportionality between the SQIprof and the under-performance of
QoS below Limit;
It sets a grace period (interval defined by the Target and the Limit) which is setting
the SQIprof to a neutral level, immunising the SQI from any positive or negative
The profiling function (f) is applied on all occurrences of the normalised
Measurements. Those calculations are provided in detail in the SQI report attached
to the Monthly Project Report.
The profiling function f is defined as follows:
If M Norm 0 SQI prof f (M Norm ) 1 i.e. the QoS leads to a Measurement
above or on Target
If 1 M Norm 0 SQI prof f (M Norm ) 0 i.e. the QoS leads to a Measurement
between Target and Limit – neutral
grace window
If M Norm 1 SQI prof f (M Norm ) 1 i.e. the QoS leads to a Measurement
on Limit
If M norm 1 SQI prof f (M norm ) M norm i.e. the QoS leads to a Measurement
below the Limit
This profiling function is plotted in the figure below.
Profiling Model "linear penalties w/ a neutral grace window"
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Profiled SQI
At limit At target
Normalised Measurement
n n
Where n is the number of occurrences of the given SQIprof during the applicability
The GQI can be defined as the weighted average of all SQI1 defined on the
applicability period, allowing a global assessment of the QoS for all services and
deliverables during the whole period (e.g. the duration of a Specific Contract).
To each SQI defined on an applicability period, and participating in the GQI
calculation, a normalised weight factor2 (w) has to be associated.
For sake of clarity, as of now, profiled SQI will be simply called "SQI".
"Normalised weight" means that the sum of all the weights for all SQI participating in a GQI equals 1.
In formula, the General Quality Indicator for the Specific Contract (GQISC) is defined
GQI SC ( SQI i wi )
The liquidated damages related to deficient QoS during an applicability period are
derived directly from the GQI calculation.
The GQI and the liquidated damages will be calculated at the end of the applicability
period. Nevertheless, over the applicability period, some "intermediary" GQI can be
calculated, in order to assess the QoS at any time.
Liquidated damages may be applied to the Service Provider in the framework of the
Service Level Agreement.
The amount of liquidated damages for an applicability period (in this case the
duration of a Specific Contract) is defined by the following "P" function:
1 Penalty = 20 % * SC/IS (SC/IS is the Fixed
Price budget for
Informatics Services)
If 1 GQI
0 Penalty = 20 % * SC/IS * abs(GQISC);
GQI SC 0 Penalty = 0
Liquidated damage
20% SC/ISBudget
GQI -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5
Liquidated damages are calculated at the end of each Specific Contract and applied
on the last payment related to the Specific Contract, when applicable.
The liquidated damage will take the form of an amount to be deducted from the last
invoice for the Specific Contract.
This section aims at providing a general view on how SQIs will be used throughout
this contract, by:
Identifying the main categories of SQIs;
Mapping of the SQIs to their deliverables or services defined in this Framework
Defining their relative importance, i.e. attaching their weights which will intervene in
the GQI calculation.
Note also that non-contractual SQIs could be defined in the CQP or by any mutual
agreement, for the sole purpose of having a convenient normalised instrument to
measure the level of the QoS provided by the contractor. They will not be taken into
account in the calculation of the GQI.
Category of SQIs
The following points are describing the main categories of SQIs, without prejudice to
new categories to be defined at a later stage during the period of the contract:
(1) Delivery date-related SQIs reflect whether those deliverables were delivered in
due time or if there were any delay in their submission (usually for acceptance).
The sensitive factors of the SQIs will be the target set, and moreover the limit,
which for instance, is what will differentiate the SQI on "major deliverables",
from the SQI on "common deliverables".
(3) Service-related SQIs: the range of definition of those SQIs, which are measuring
the quality of the service provided, is very broad, and can be easily extended.
Some sub-categories are presented here, for the sake of illustration:
(4) Training/workshop/demo performance-related SQIs: measure the level of the
quality of those types of services. Note that some of those SQIs are calculated on
the evaluation made by the attendees.
(5) Response time-related SQIs: measure if the response time to a service request has
taken place in the range specified. Typical examples of this are SQIs related to the
time needed to produce SC/RfA offers.
(6) Availability-related SQIs, measuring the availability of the services, or any SQI
related to absence/delay of the contractor at a planned meeting.
This list of categories should not in any way be considered as limiting / complete and
Mapping of the SQIs to their deliverables or services
The mapping between the SQIs and the deliverables or services they relate to is
provided by the column "SQI" in the deliverables table. The mapping is only
indicative and will be contractually defined at the SC level, unless otherwise stated.
SQIs’ weight in the GQI
The relative importance of an SQI, in comparison to the other SQIs, will be given by
the definition of the weights for the calculation of the GQI.
The precise definition of those weights will be given in the SC. The intention of this
section is to provide a general indication of the importance of the SQI’s weightings,
by defining three categories of weights: the high - medium - and low weights.
Under the high weight category would fall the SQI related to the Take-Over and the
main system specification deliverables.
Under the medium weight category, would fall the SQI related to, in decreasing
order: the other system specifications.
Under the low weight category, would fall the SQI related to all other deliverables
and services for which the Technical Annex specifies SQIs, including the MPRs, the
response time to request of services etc.
SQI Attribute SQI Attribute description
Target Target, which sets the level of the measurement, that, if reached,
would demonstrate good QoS.
Limit Together with the Target, the Limit defines the "grace window" ",
within which although the QoS is below target, the SQI is still
immunised from negative impact.
Normalised Measurement A normalised Measurement is the result of the transformation of a
(Mnorm) measure (see formula below), which renders a number
independent from the unit of measure of the QoS.
SQI Profiled (SQIprof) A profiled SQI is the result of a profiling function applied to a
normalised SQI (see function f below).
Applicable Defines the set of services and deliverables, to which SQI will
services/deliverables apply.
Minimum number of Minimum number of measurements or set of measurements
Measurements necessary for an SQI to be computable.
The following definitions are provided only as indications of what the final SQI will be
at the moment of signing the Specific Contract.
SQI Name: On time delivery of major deliverables
SQI Results: Measures the on-time delivery of a major deliverable
Calculation Deliverable SfA
formula: Difference between the actual delivery date3 for acceptance
(time stamp of e-mail, post or delivery note) and the planned
delivery date for acceptance.
Deliverable SfR
Difference between the actual delivery date3 for review (time
stamp of e-mail, post or delivery note) and the planned delivery
date for review.
Calculation Once per delivery
Unit: Working Days
Target: 0
Limit: 5% of delivery time (working days, rounded up); if under 200
working days; 10 working days; if delivery time is equal or larger
than 200 working days.
Weight: (high) The weight will be decided by the European Commission
during the handover process.
Applicability SC
3 For the SQI computation, a working day starts at 08H00 and ends at 20H00 on the same day.
SQI Attribute SQI Attribute Description
Minimum 1
Number of
Comments All measures will be averaged to provide the SQI measure from
the beginning of the SC to the end of the reporting period.
The liquidated damages will be calculated per GQI and related
budget: per project budget (if GQI per major project) and/or per
horizontal Management & support service budget (if GQI per
Management & service deliveries other than major projects).
The following rules apply as exceptions in SQI calculation:
(1) Any delay in the delivery date of the comments related to the
SfR version4 will postpone the delivery of the SfA version by
the corresponding number of days;
(2) Any delay in the analysis of the AP, the review meeting and
the transmission of meeting decisions versus initial schedule
will postpone the delivery of the SfA version by the
corresponding number of days;
SQI Name: Didactical adequacy – DG TAXUD’s evaluation
SQI Results: Measures the didactical quality of a learning product (e.g. EN
module) based on the scores obtained during an evaluation
against predefined criteria and quality levels
Calculation Actual average score according to project group evaluation.
Calculation Once per learning session
Unit: %
4 The date of the last comments received from DG TAXUD is taken as the basis for the date of reception of the comments.
SQI Attribute SQI Attribute Description
Target: 85%
Limit: 50
Weight: The weight will be decided by the European Commission during
the handover process.
Applicability SC
Minimum 1
Number of
Comments -
Good topic balance
Content consistency
In order to measure the value of each KPIs, it is key to determine the levels of
expectations that are required on the final version of the delivered product.
Prior to the start of the development phase, at the latest, DG TAXUD will formulate
its requirements with respect to dimensions across KPI001, KPI002 and KPI003.
For each KPI, it should be explained in details all tangible elements that will
determine whether a quality criteria belongs to one of the following judgment value:
(1) Significantly below Expectations (Value = 25%): Major improvements are
(2) Needs some Improvement (Value = 50%): Limited Corrections have to be made.
(3) Good and Reliable (Value = 75%): Acceptable Solution that serves its purpose.
DG TAXUD may decide to remain very generic on these KPI’s definition or very
detailed in translating these into many quality criteria. The level of granularity is to
be determined upfront.
1: Low Category
2: Medium Category
3: High Category
Counting the number of anticipated events constituting the given SQI for the
concerned Project;
Multiplying this number by the relative importance of the deliverables of the SQI;
Translating this value in a percentage vis-à-vis the overall value for all SQIs.
However, as the number of events is known only after the execution of a SC or
project, the resulting value presented in the following tables must be considered as
indicative operational values to be used all along the contract, while the contractual
values, and the resulting contractual GQI (or project GQI), will be re-calculated at
the end of each SC, according to the actual number of events of the concerned SC
(or project).
Normally, one indicative table per project is needed. The sum of all weights in a
project GQI is 1.
Every Learning Module from the beginning to the issue of the English Optical Disk
version is considered as one project.
The translation and localisation, if done by one stakeholder of the consortium under
an SC is also considered as one project.
Other deliverables fall under the horizontal management (common) GQI.
New projects and related GQIs can be agreed on and defined in RfE/RFA or RFA
All the actions, issues and risks that have been identified during any of the meetings
of any of the projects part of the sub-contract will be logged in a central repository,
which will be delivered on a monthly basis as part of the MPR.
In order to ensure a full follow-up of the projects, all those actions, issues and risks
will be walked through during the BMM.
Evidence that the project is under control: information is accurate and up to date
enabling the managers to take effective decisions;
A clear set of recommendations for immediate and future action.
A Project Audit will definitely be carried out if TAXUD doubts the contractor's
commitment to quality work and realises the contractor's managerial review
mechanisms fail to provide good quality.
The Project Audit shall be carried out by a qualified Auditor at the request of DG
This Auditor shall design an Audit Plan of intended audit activity and will discuss it
and agree on it with DG TAXUD which will accept it before the audit activity takes
The Audit execution includes one or several meetings between the Auditor and the
Audited for a detailed discussion of the input material identified during the Project
Audit preparation.
The Auditor prepares the Audit Report. All Project Audit topics identified in the Audit
Plan must be addressed in the Audit Report.
For each topic, the Auditor identifies specific deficiencies as "Negative Results".
Topics that are well implemented are identified as "Positive Results". Each
observation shall be sequentially numbered. These observations will be collected
together and at the conclusion of the audit, after any necessary investigation has
been concluded, the Auditor shall classify each observation as either:
'Serious' (Category 1) - indicating a total lack of control of a key quality feature (this
will have an impact on the contract);
All Audit observations will be appended to the Audit Report, together with
recommended corrective actions for each of the observations.
The Audit Report is presented to DG TAXUD at a conclusion meeting that is
organised between DG TAXUD and the Auditor.
After having accepted the audit report, DG TAXUD translates some or all
recommendations of the Audit Report into Actions and discusses them with the
Audited and the Auditor during an Action Plan Meeting to take place.
The minutes of this meeting will state the duties and responsibilities of all project
partner(s) as well as the target dates for implementing the actions agreed upon.
Level 2 involves:
Issues: Contractual issues and complaints on the quality of service provided by the
service provider.
Level 1 involves:
The Comments Excel Sheet will be used to support the review process of the
deliverables covered by the SC (Refer to section for review cycle and
process). This table gathers the following information:
Reviewers Comments:
Reviewer Id;
Comment date;
Comment Location;
Comment Type:
Will Block
Author Position:
Issue Type
Change Request
Implementation Cost
Meeting Decision;
Meeting comments.
Verification Comments.
The Excel sheet is used for the deliverables identified as part of the Activity
Packages. The other deliverables, such as the PM documents (MPR, minutes of
meeting) are reviewed using the mechanism of revision marks in the document.
The Comments sheet is presented as annex I to this document.
The Project Plan presents the overall planning of the different activities covered by
the SC, including reviewing activities and major milestones (milestones of the
deliverables (SfR and SfA versions).
The Project Plan is maintained all along the project with the percentage complete for
all the activities and the plan resulting from the RfA that are launched during the SC.
The deadlines are not part of the monthly update of this deliverable, as those
deadlines are maintained as part of the DTM. (Refer to next section)
Annex 2: Deliverables Tracking Matrix
The Delivery Tracking Matrix (DTM) provides the detailed status of each deliverable
and of each service provided in the context of the SC.
The DTM contains, on the "per deliverable / service" basis:
The identification and short description of the deliverable or service;
The starting date, with the corresponding event;
The review cycle mechanism and timeline;
The planned delivery dates for every step of the delivery and of the review
The acceptance mechanism and the status of the deliverable
Where applicable, The automated computation of the time-based SQI’s up to
the reporting period on a per deliverable basis;
A free comment used, for instance, in case of change of deadline for a given
The DTM is used to follow-up the deliverable deadlines and review cycles.
If a new RfA is issued, the related deliverables have to be included in the DTM.
Annex 3: On Demand Budget Follow-up
Annex 3 will detail the progression of the on demand budget all along the contract.
This annex will detail the overall on demand budget, the budget that is reserved in
the context of RfE and corresponding offer, and the budget that is consumes as a
result of the approval of the response to the offer.
The travel and subsistence budget is included in this annex.
Annex 4: RfE / RfA Status
This annex will detail the overall status, of the RfE that have been issued all along
the SC, of the offers submitted as response to those RfE, and of the RfA that have
been launched as a result of those offers, or as a result of the activation of the
Additional Fixed Price related activities.
This annex will clearly indicate the RfA that have been ordered for the missions,
technical meetings and workshops. All the budgets will be included as well on a per
RfE / RfA and WP basis.
Annex 5: Actions Log
The actions log annex presents the consolidated list of the actions that have been
raised in the different project meetings and management meetings of the SC,
including the assignee, due date, status and resolution description.
Annex 6: Issue Log
The issue log annex will provide all the issues that have been encountered all along
the SC. The issues will be presented with a description, a qualification of their
priority, and the resolution progress.
Annex 7: Risk Management Log
This annex will present all the risks that have been identified all along the SC. The
risks will be presented with a description, a qualification of their priority, the
probability of happening and the potential impact on the deliverables and on the
activities concerned.
Annex 8: Status of the SQI and GQI
This annex presents a complete analysis of the SQI and GQI from the beginning of
the SC. This annex will present the current status on a per SQI basis, including the
number of events and the value of each SQI. An overall value of the GQI per project
will be provided as well.
In a separate sheet, this annex will present the evolution of the SQI and GQI all
along the SC.
Annex 9: Decision Log
This annex presents the different decisions that will be made during the course of
the SC and that will further be valid for further SC’s. An example would be to decide
on the reuse-ability of some developed asset (mascot, template, process…)
Annex 10: Change Request Details
This annex lists each outstanding requested change and summarizes additional
budget cost and planning change.
All electronic projects’ artefacts (documents, code, applications – SfR and SfA
versions) will be kept on a fileserver and are subject to the contractor's standard
backup strategy. (Incremental Daily backups, full weekly backups)
All physical projects’ artefacts (documents, CD/DVD-ROMs, tapes) documents will be
stored in the contractor’s office.
This chapter presents a formal approach for managing risk in the project.
Managing risk tries to ensure that adverse events are avoided and/or their negative
impact is minimised. The objective of the project Risk Management is to capture
these possible events and provide a mechanism to control and mitigate them.
Figure 6: Risk Management Process
Plan Risk
New Risk
Risks Mitigation
• Mitigation
• Contingency
• Triggers
• Categorisation
• Probability
• Impact & cost
• Owner assignment
Enter Comments
Value Definition
Error in delivered product, in contradiction with previously defined
elements. Assumptions and décisions are not properly reflected in
Defect the delivery
Assumptions and/or décisions have changed and will require an
Change adaptation of the delivered item
Question Request for explanation or clarification
Advise, information that may help the author with further
Comments development of the deliverable
General Comment Add a teaser animation as introduction to the final evaluation test (compare to NetAGREX) DGT 1 - Defect 3 - Non-Blokking
Improve the transitions between the screens. The module as it is gives too much of the
General Comment impression that it has been cut and pasted from the Customs' Module DGT 1 - Defect 3 - Non-Blokking
General Comment Create additional content / slides according to the structural comments on 'Sheet3' DGT 1 - Defect 3 - Non-Blokking
Old: Hello, i am Max. I am a trader and I need to know more about AEO legislation. I will
follow this course with you. - New: Hello, I am Max. I am a trader and I need to know more
U00-A00-S01 - E11 about AEO legislation. I will follow this course with you. DGT 1 - Defect 3 - Non-Blokking
Old: Hello, I am Stefan. I work for the customs authorities and I need to know more about
AEO legislation. I will follow this course with you. - New: Hello, I am Max. I am a trader and
U00-A00-S01 - G11 I need to know more about AEO legislation. I will follow this course w DGT 1 - Defect 3 - Non-Blokking
Old: The library to access other resources. - New: The library button to access other
U00-A00-S01 - E37 resources. DGT 1 - Defect 3 - Non-Blokking
The following template is used during a common Test Event in order to evaluate
produced eLearning modules. This questionnaire can serve as a basis to evaluate the
actual quality of an e-Learning Module by computing a KPI a SQI value for each
Container Examination eLearning Course
Test Event, Vienna, Austria, 15th and 16th November, 2007
Participant Details
1. Name of Test
2. National
Container Examination e-Learning Course
Test Event, Vienna, Austria, 15th and 16th November, 2007
When you have finished studying the entire course and fully completed the scoring
sheet , you should only then complete this overall evaluation of the course.
your level of agreement or disagreement
with that statement
Ease of Use
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
The course is easy to use, even
for someone with no e-learning
It is easy for a learner to move
around within the course
It is easy for a learner to find
what he/she needs in the course
A learner on his/her own could
use this course without help
Learning Content
Visual Interface
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
Agree nor Disagree
The course is visually attractive
and engaging
Learner asked to choose correct
answer to text questions
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
The use of sound in this course
supports learning
Use of the Course and Blending the Course With Other Materials and
Agree Agree Disagree
It will help learners if this
course material is
supplemented with national
training materials relevant to
the national context
It will help learners if this
course is blended with
classroom training
It will help learners if this
course is blended with
practical 'hands- on' training
It will help learners to have
the support of a trainer
Learners will require
technical support to be able
to use the course
Overall Reaction
This is a useful, relevant and
well designed learning
resource that addresses real
learning needs
for Customs staff
My national Customs administration has a written training policy
that include support for e-learning
The aspects of this course that work The shortcomings of the course, in my
well, in my opinion are………. opinion are…..
Project: Name
Date: 01/01/20XX
Project Data
Current stage:
Project planned end date:
Since last
Planned for next
Overall Status
Red: (Risk of) impact on whole Project – Amber: (Risk of) Impact on Key Milestones
Stage deliverables /Actual Notes
Scope Specification
Instructiona Technical Specification
l Design
n Functional prototype
Storyboard Storyboard