Science 5: Learning Activity Sheet Modes of Reproduction in Animals

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Modes of Reproduction in Animals

Background Information for Learners:

Reproduction the process by which plants and animals give rise to offspring and which
fundamentally consists of the segregation of a portion of the parental body by a sexual or an
asexual process and its subsequent growth and differentiation into a new individuals. Sexual
reproduction is the production of a new organism from two parents. A sperm cell from a male and
an egg cell from a female join into a single unit in a process called fertilization. Dogs, cats,
butterflies, mosquitoes, and frogs reproduce sexually. Fertilization in dogs and cats takes place
inside the female’s body (internal fertilization) occurs when male animal releases sperm cell into
the body of the female animal to fertilize the egg cell inside the body of the female animal. The
embryo develops inside the female body until it is born or develop inside an egg laid by the
female. Fertilization in frogs happens outside the body; that is, in water where they live (external
fertilization) occurs when female releases egg into the water or attaches them to a plant or rock.
Male animal releases sperm cells over the eggs to fertilized them. Asexual reproduction is the
production of new individuals from a single parent. This type of reproduction is generally
observed in single-celled organisms. Here, no fusion of gametes is involved and a single parent
divides into two or more daughter cells. The offsprings produced are genetically and physically
identical to the parent and are known as clones. Asexual reproduction takes place in different
ways. The different asexual reproduction examples include:

Binary fission. In this type of reproduction, parent cell divides into two equal parts each
containing a nucleus. These are called daughter cells. The daughter cells are genetically and
physically like the parent cell. This type of asexual reproduction can be seen in organisms such as
amoeba, bacteria, euglena, etc.

Budding is another method of asexual reproduction where a new organism develops from
an outgrowth from the parent body known as a bud. These derive nutrition from the parent for
growth and development. Once grown, the new organism detaches from the parent body. This
process is called budding. This type of reproduction can be seen in Hydra.

Fragmentation, this type of asexual reproduction is exhibited by Planaria. In this, the

parent body breaks into several pieces where each piece grows into a new individual. The
detachment of the body parts is intentional.

Lastly, Regeneration, if a part of the body of an organism is detached, the detached part
grows into a completely new individual. Regeneration is observed in Echinoderms.

Directions: Encircle T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.

1. Sexual reproduction is making a copy of the organism with a single parent.

2. Some tiny animals and marine animals like sea anemone reproduce by Regeneration.
3. Reproduction is the ability of a living organism to make copies of itself.
4. Hydras reproduce themselves through the process of budding
5. When a worm is cut into different segments, it undergoes budding.
6. Budding happens when the parent organism divides itself into two.
7. When a frog loses it leg, it can regenerate its own leg.
8. Regeneration happens when another organism is produced from the outgrowth of the
parent organism.
9. Fission happens when an organism develops from a detached part of the parent
10. when a starfish loses its arm, its detached arm undergoes regeneration.

How do animals such as butterflies, frogs, mosquitos, dogs, cats grow in number?
Animals grow in number through the process called reproduction. Reproduction is
the biological process by which an organism/s reproduce another individual (offspring) that is
biologically similar to the organism. All of these animals
– the butterflies, frogs, mosquitos, dogs, and cats reproduce sexually.
Sexual reproduction takes place when sex cells from two-parent animals (one male
and one female) unite to form a new animal through fertilization. The fertilized egg is called
a zygote. Examples of animals that undergo sexual reproduction are butterflies, frogs,
mosquitos, dogs, and cats. Though all of them reproduce sexually, they have different modes
of reproduction.

The following are their modes of reproduction:

The mating begins when the male
butterfly detects a female butterfly releasing
pheromones at close range. When the female
accepts the male, the male attaches to the female's
abdomen, injecting a sperm packet into her
stomach that she stores until she decides to lay
eggs. They may go on a courtship flight during
mating that can last for an hour or more. As the
eggs pass down the female butterfly's egg-laying
tube, the sperm fertilizes them. Although male
butterflies can mate more than once, female butterflies only mate once throughout their lives.
About four days a female butterfly lays from 100 to 300 eggs during her life. The eggs hatch
about four days after they are laid. When larvae first hatch, they are less than 1 centimeter
(cm) and grow to be about 5 cm.
FROGS All frogs reproduce sexually. The fertilization
in frogs happens outside the female’s body. The
female releases her eggs and the male releases his
sperms at the same time. The male and female get
into a mating posture called amplexus in which the
male climbs onto the females back and clasps his
forelegs around her middle to make sure that the
sperms reach the eggs. They can stay in amplexus
for hours or even days as the female releases as few
as one or as many as several hundred eggs. Usually,
about 6-21 days (average!) after being fertilized, the
egg will hatch. Most eggs are found in calm or static
waters, to prevent getting too rumbled about in
infancy! Some frogs, like the Coast
foam-nest tree frog, actually mate in tree branches overlooking static bonds and streams. The
gestation period is approximately 33 days, for frogs gave birth 33 days after they were found
in amplexus.

MOSQUITOES Reproduction by mosquitoes begins with

courtship. During mating, the male deposits sperm
into the female through a small pouch in her
abdomen. The female sucks the blood used to feed
the fertilized egg. After mating and sucking down
some blood, the female will rest for a few days to
lay eggs in water, swamps, or anywhere with
sufficient moisture.
Male mosquitoes only live for about a week
and have no purpose after mating with a female so
mosquitoes only mate once. The female mosquito
only requires the sex cells of one male for the rest
of her life to produce a
few batches of eggs. The entire life cycle, from an egg to an adult, takes approximately 8-10
days. Pupae develop into adult flying mosquitoes in 2-3 days. Female mosquitoes lay eggs
inside containers holding water. Eggs are ready to hatch from a few days to several months
after being laid.
DOGS Dogs experience heat cycle which lasts for 3
weeks. It is the period when they ovulate, and can
get pregnant which is common every 5-12
months. During the first week (Proestrus cycle)
female’s vulva (outer part of their reproductive
organ) swells and secretes blood and aromas that
attract males. They act moody during this stage to
both people and other dogs, swinging from
affectionate to "snappy" and seem to like to
"tease" the males cruelly: they'll lift their tail to
allow a sniff, but will bite the male's head off if he
tries to mount. In the second week (Estrus cycle)
her vulva will still be swollen, but her vaginal
discharge will usually stop having visible blood in
it, she will ovulate, and
is very ready for reproduction. Lastly, in week 3 (Diestrus cycle) or the last stage of being in
heat, the female has already ovulated and is losing interest in reproduction. The length of
pregnancy in dogs is 61-65 days average 63 days. This means that about 63 days after a dog
is impregnated it will have its litter. Small dogs should always be bred with a male dog that
is smaller than the female.

CATS Cats can go into heat at any time of year, just

like dogs. They stay in heat about 5-15 days but
unlike dogs will keep going back into heat every 1-
3 weeks until they ovulate and are unlikely to
ovulate until there is contact with a male cat. This
means that they do not ovulate (pass an egg) unless
they are bred. Reproduction begins through the
estrous (reproductive) cycle when they reach
puberty. They are likely to ovulate until there is
contact with a male animal. When in heat they
make more noise or meows louder and more
frequent. They become much more affectionate
toward people, weaves in and out of their legs, rubs
against them, shakes her pelvis, and rolls about on
the floor, and "flags" her tail. A cat
pregnancy last about 63-65 days. So, a cat can have kittens when they are young as 4 months
or 6 months old.

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