The Science of Project Management: Project Controls Systems Integration
The Science of Project Management: Project Controls Systems Integration
The Science of Project Management: Project Controls Systems Integration
The article
presents the The Science of Project Management:
of a suite Project Controls Systems Integration
of software
that together by Frederick Cramer, Susanne Keller, Christopher Law,
provide a total Thomas Shih, and Britton Wolf
This article presents the implementation of
enentech is among the world’s lead- the software packages and covers:
ing biotech companies with multiple
products on the market and a drive to • Estimating and Benchmarking
discover, develop, manufacture, and • Cost Management
commercialize new medicines to treat patients • Schedule and Risk Management
with serious or life-threatening medical condi- • Small Project Portfolio Management
In 2005, Genentech was ramping-up a build Challenges are discussed, such as organizational
program due to increased demand for existing resistance to change, and advantages are listed
and new medicines about to come to market. By for having an integrated Enterprise wide project
that time, Genentech had grown from a small management system.
biotech company with less than 3,000 employees
in 1995 to more than 9,000 employees. Introduction to PCSI
It quickly became apparent that an ad hoc Project Controls System Integration or PCSI
approach to project management of capital con- (pronounced Pixie) was the vision of the head
struction projects would no longer be sufficient. of Project Engineering in 2005. The basic idea
To keep pace with growth, an intensive effort formed from a desire to bring together discrete
was launched to investigate and then imple- tools that dealt with cost control, estimating,
The concepts in ment a set of integrated tools and approaches benchmarking, change and risk management,
this article were to facilitate project planning and execution. and moving from a series of misaligned spread-
applied to the Investing in a full suite of project plan- sheets to a database driven model.
ECP-1 Facility, ning, monitoring, and control mechanisms is a One of the goals of PCSI was to avoid manual
Overall Winner prudent and necessary step to ensure project re-entry of data when moving from one spread-
of the 2010 delivery. This investment must start in the sheet to another, consequently reducing human
Facility of the front end planning stage to ensure the most error. Furthermore, having all the project in-
Year Awards. appropriate execution strategies are selected formation in a common tool based on real-time
For further and to put into place the necessary software data would enable management to make better
information on platforms and resources to provide support decisions.
this project, see during the entire project life cycle. A special As the idea germinated and additional detail
“Case Study: focus on end-to-end project planning, cost, and was developed, the decision was made for the
Genentech’s schedule integration with comprehensive feed- modules to be “off-the-shelf” solutions that could
ECP-1 Bacterial back is an absolute necessity if project goals are be supported by the in-house IT department. A
Manufacturing to be met. In addition, an integrated estimating concept map shown in Figure 1 was developed
Facility, Overall and cost control scheme must be developed in with a holistic approach.
Winner, 2010 tandem with the execution plan and early phase The concept map was developed to provide an
Facility of the schedule development to ensure costs remain overall vision for the capital planning and proj-
Year Awards” in within the original authorized amount. ect delivery teams. The “Project Controls” and
the March/April The result of this effort was a suite of tools “Benchmarking” sections of the map were to be
2011 issue of and approaches known as Project Controls considered as a suite of integrated, off-the-shelf
Pharmaceutical System Integration, which was spearheaded tools that would communicate and pass data. A
Engineering. by a newly formed Project Services group. set of requirements for these tools was identified
and the project was initiated. The first was an increased competency estimates or review/challenge external
Concurrently, a cross functional in development of high level cost ideas/ costs estimates for large projects in
team developed a set of Good Engineer- options with a +/- 50% accuracy for long execution.
ing Practices (GEPs) that detailed all of range planning. The second required a This requires both a tool that devel-
the business processes underlying the flexible way to develop detailed internal ops, stores, and reports information in a
Project Services functions of estimat-
ing, scheduling, cost, change, and risk
management. The GEPs incorporated
much of the native knowledge of the
Project Management group along with
industry best practices. After intensive
vetting by an extensive review process,
these practices served as the basis for
engagement of PCSI.
After considering these require-
ments and implementing a strict bid
and award phase, the solutions chosen
were Skire Unifier for cost and change
management, Primavera and Microsoft
Project for project and portfolio plan-
ning, Timberline for estimating, and
Advisor for benchmarking - Figure 2.
Estimating and
During Genentech’s rapid growth pe-
riod, a focus on capital efficiency and
planned, predictable performance re-
quired the development of accurate cost
estimates. Two major considerations
Figure 2. Tool implementation.
were examined to meet these needs.