Ajplung 1993 265 3 l286
Ajplung 1993 265 3 l286
Ajplung 1993 265 3 l286
Abbinante-Nissen, Joan M., Leigh G. Simpson, and Gene regulation of an antiprotease by a proteolytic
George D. Leikauf. Neutrophil elastaseincreasessecretory enzyme has been examined previously, wherein neutro-
leukocyte proteaseinhibitor transcript levels in airway epithe- phi1 elastase produced a dose- and time-dependent in-
lial cells.Am. J. Physiol. 265 (Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 9): L286- crease in transcript levels and rate of synthesis of one of
LX& 1993.-Airway inflammation is often associatedwith the its own inhibitors, al-AT (23). Because neutrophils re-
infiltration of activated neutrophils and subsequentprotease
lease significant quantities of protease in the airway,
release.Although aiding in the digestion and phagocytosis of
foreign proteins and microorganisms,neutrophil proteasescan SLPI transcript levels also may be responsive to local
indiscriminately damagehealthy lung tissue.In the conducting changes in neutrophil protease concentrations. To ex-
airway, proteases,particularly neutrophil elastase,are counter- amine whether neutrophil proteases can increase SLPI
balancedby severalantiproteases,including secretory leukocyte synthesis, SLPI transcript levels were measured in hu-
proteaseinhibitor (SLPI). SLPI can be produced locally by a man airway epithelial cells treated with various neutro-
number of cells including the airway epithelial cell. To examine phi1 and nonneutrophil proteases.
the effects of neutrophil granule components on SLPI tran-
script levels, airway epithelial cells were treated (up to 96 h) METHODS
with elastase,other proteases,or enzymesisolatedfrom human
sputum. We found that neutrophil elastaseincreased SLPI Experimental design. Airway epithelial cells at confluency
transcript levels in primary and transformed human airway were washedthree times with Dulbecco’sphosphate-buffered
epithelial cells in a time- and dose-dependentmanner. Other saline (PBS) and placed in MCDB-153 containing 110 PM cal-
neutrophil products, suchascathepsin G, myeloperoxidase,and cium and antibiotics for 36 h, then cells were incubated in
lysozyme, had little or no effect on SLPI transcript levels.How- control or enzyme-containing medium. Two transformed air-
ever, two nonneutrophil proteases, trypsin and pancreatic way cell lines, SHTEo- and BEAS-2B, were comparedwith
elastase,also increasedSLPI transcript levels at higher doses primary humanairway epithelial cellsderived from three donors
than that required of neutrophil elastase.Two inflammatory for SLPI transcript levelsin the presenceand absenceof human
cytokines, tumor necrosisfactor-a and interleukin-8, produced neutrophil elastase (derived from human sputum). The
little or no effect on SLPI transcript levels. This study demon- SHTEo- cell line respondedsimilarly to human primary cells
strates one way in which SLPI is regulated,via a proteasethat and was therefore used in subsequentexperiments. To deter-
it inhibits, neutrophil elastase. mine time to maximal accumulation of SLPI transcript, cells
were continuously exposedto 2 U/ml elastaseand total RNA
antileukoprotease;antiprotease; asthma; bronchiectasis; bron- harvested from 8 to 96 h. In the remaining experiments, RNA
chitis; inflammation; serineprotease was harvested 48 h after the initiation of treatment. The dura-
tion of exposureto elastasenecessaryto alter SLPI transcript
AIRWAY INFLAMMATION, present in asthma, bronchitis, levelswasdeterminedby incubating cellswith elastase(1,2, and
and bronchiectasis, is characterized by the presence of 10 U/ml) for 1, 8, and 48 h.
activated neutrophils in the epithelium. Neutrophil To examinethe specificity of the responseto elastase,several
products normally function to digest microorganisms additional tests were conducted with SHTEo- cells. To deter-
and necrotic tissue (27). The neutrophil’s armamentar- mine whether the effect of elastaseon SLPI transcript levels
ium is comprised of 40 components, localized to the could be due to proteolytic activity, cells were treated with
plasma membrane or to intracellular granules. Azuro- elastasein the presenceand absenceof a protease inhibitor,
philic (intracellular) granule components include neu- either rSLP1 or al-AT. Each inhibitor wasmixed and incubated
tral serine proteases, elastase and cathepsin G, as well as with elastasefor 15 min at room temperature in either a three-
fold molar excessor equimolar to elastasebefore addition to
other enzymes such as myeloperoxidase and lysozyme SHTEo- cells. To compare responsesto several neutrophil
(27). The concentrations of these enzymes can be ele- azurophilic granule components, SLPI transcript levels were
vated in diseased airways, with elastase, for example, measuredin cells treated with either elastase(0.1-30 U/ml),
ranging from 3 to 30 PM (18, 30). Elastase is counter- cathepsinG (0.1-30 U/ml), lysozyme (0.1-30 pg/ml), or myelop-
balanced by two major antiproteases, secretory leuko- eroxidase (0.1-30 pg/ml), each isolated from purulent human
cyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) and ai-antitrypsin (ai- sputum. This responsewas compared with that produced by
AT) (6). SLPI is a single nonglycosylated polypeptide other nonneutrophil proteases:bovine pancreatic trypsin (O.l-
chain of 107 amino acids (-11,700 Da) (9, 20, 29, 31) 100 U/ml) and porcine pancreatic elastase(0.1-100 U/ml).
with a boomerang-shaped tertiary structure comprised SLPI transcript levels were alsomeasuredfollowing treatment
of two domains, with the antiprotease active site for with tumor necrosisfactor-a! (TNF-(x) (0.1-100 rig/ml) or inter-
leukin-8 (IL-B) (0.01-100 rig/ml) for 72 h or lipopolysaccharide
elastase and trypsin residing in the COOH-terminal do- (10 or 100 pg/ml) derived from either Escherichiu coli or
main (4, 8). SLPI is produced locally in the airway ep- Pseudomonasaeruginosafor 48 h and comparedwith the re-
ithelium (3, 20, 32), unlike al-AT, which is predomi- sponseobservedwith elastase.To examinewhether the effect of
nantly produced by the liver and to a lesser extent by neutrophil elastasecould be attributed to possiblelipopolysac-
peripheral blood monocytes and alveolar macrophages charide contamination, polymyxin B (50 pg/ml) was preincu-
(15, 22). bated with elastasebefore treatment of cultured SHTEo- cells.
L286 1040-0605/93 $2.00 Copyright 0 1993 the American Physiological Society
bovine serum, 0.8 PM insulin, 0.1 FM hydrocortisone, 0.3 PM hybridization buffer-l) and the blots hybridized according to
P-retinol acetate, 1 mM glutamine, and antibiotics (1.0 pg/ml the method of Church and Gilbert (2). Each blot wasexposedto
amphotericin B, 50 pg/ml gentamicin, 10 U/ml penicillin, and Kodak XAR-5 X-ray film for autoradiography.
10 pg/ml streptomycin) (50% 02-45%N2-5% Co,). Data analysis. Autoradiographs were analyzed with a scan-
After lo-14 days, eachpiece was further dissectedinto 0.25- ning densitometer(modelGS 300) and the total areaunder each
cm2 explants and transferred to coated dishes. Dishes were peak integrated by the associateddata system (model GS 350,
coated by incubation (2 h, 36.5”C) with 3 ml MCDB-153 me- Hoefer Scientific Instruments, San Francisco, CA) or the Jan-
dium containing collagen (Vitrogen 100, 30 pg/ml), fibronectin de1Video Analysis Software (JAVA 1.4,Jandel Scientific, Corte
(10 cLglml),and bovine serumalbumin (100 pg/ml). Excessso- Madera, CA). The Student’s t test of independentsampleswas
lution wasremoved and the dish washedoncewith PBS before usedto determinesignificance(P < 0.05) of the SLPI transcript
use.Cellsweregrown in MCDB-153 mediumcontaining 110 pM levels following normalization to @actin, and all data are pre-
calcium and supplementedwith 0.9 PM insulin, 0.2 PM hydro- sented as the mean t SE SLPI-to-&tin ratio. Blot analysis
cortisone, 0.8 nM epidermalgrowth factor, 0.1 PM transferrin, conductedwith 24 control and 24 elastase-treatedRNA samples
0.5 PM each phosphoethanolamine,and ethanolamine, 10 nM from SHTEo- cells showed no increasein p-actin transcript
3,3’,5-triiodo-L-thyronine, 30 hg/ml bovine pituitary extract, levels following elastasetreatment.
and antibiotics (3.5% CO, at 36.5”C). Once the epithelial cells Materials. SLPI cDNA probe and recombinant human secre-
had radiated to >5 mm, they were removed using 0.025% tory leukocyte proteaseinhibitor (rSLP1) were provided by R.
trypsin, 0.02% ethylene glycol-bis(P-aminoethyl ether)- C. Thompson (Synergen, Boulder CO). CMRL-1066, Dulbec-
N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), and 1% polyvinylpyrroli- co’s PBS, amphotericin B (Fungizone), and gentamicin were
done in 25 mM N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N’-2-ethane- from GIBCO/BRL, Grand Island, NY. DMEM, MCDB-153,
sulfonic acid (HEPES) -buffered saline solution. Cells were glutamine, penicillin/streptomycin, insulin, hydrocortisone,
seeded(10,000ce11s/cm2) on coated60-mm dishesand grown for P-retinol acetate, bovine serumalbumin (fraction V/fatty acid
5-13 days in supplementedMCDB-153. free), bovine pancreatic trypsin (Type XI, 6700 U/mg protein,
Transformed cell lines were obtained from two sourcesand mol wt 23,345), cu,-antitrypsin (humanplasma),lipopolysaccha-
maintained in our laboratory. Human tracheal epithelial cells ride, E. coli, serotype055:B5, P. aeruginosa, serotype 10 (Habs),
transformed with replication-origin defective simian virus 40, polymyxin B sulfate, Antifoam A, and Kodak XAR-5 film were
SHTEo-, were obtained from D. C. Gruenert (7), and human from Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO. Fibronectin, transferrin,
bronchial epithelial cells transformed with an adenovirus-12/ and epidermalgrowth factor were from Collaborative Research,
simian virus 40 hybrid virus, BEAS-2B, were obtained from C. Bedford, MA. Collagen(Vitrogen 100)wasfrom CollagenCorp.,
C. Harris and J. Lechner (25). The SHTEo- cells were grown Palo Alto, CA. Fetal bovine serum(Defined) wasobtained from
(passage126-150) on collagen-fibronectin-coatedculture flasks Biocell, Ranch0 Dominguez, CA. Human neutrophil elastase
containing Dulbecco’smodified Eagle’smedium (DMEM) sup- (875 U/mg protein, mol wt 27,000), cathepsin G (4,115 U/mg
plemented with 5% fetal bovine serum and antibiotics. The protein, mol wt 25,000),porcine pancreatic elastase(135U/mg
BEAS2B cells were grown (passage55-66) on coated culture protein, mol w-t25,500),myeloperoxidase(31 U/mg protein, mol
flasks containing supplementedMCDB-153 medium as above. wt 120,000),and lysozyme (80,000U/mg protein, mol wt 27,000)
Both cell lines were seededlO,OOO-50,000cells/cm2on coated were from Elastin Products, Owensville, MO. Interleukin-8 (re-
35-mm dishes. combinant, monocyte) and tumor necrosisfactor-a (recombi-
Isolation and measurement of steady-state mRNA. After ex- nant) were from Promega, Madison, WI. [a-32P]dCTP (3,000
posure, each culture was washed once with PBS. Cells lifted Ci/mmol) was from Du Pont-New England Nuclear, Boston,
from the culture dish during protease treatment were centri- MA. Randomprimer extension kit (hexamers)wasfrom Boeh-
fuged (150g for 10 min) and returned to the dish. Cellsremain- ringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN. Magnagraph nylon mem-
ing on the dish and nonadherent cells were lysed using 4 M brane was from Micron Separations,Westboro, MA.
guanidinium thiocyanate, 25 mM sodium citrate (pH 7), 0.5%
Antifoam A, and 100 mM 2-mercaptoethanol.Total RNA was RESULTS
isolatedby the method of Chomczynski and Sacchi (1) and the
RNA resuspended in 10 mM tris(hydroxymethyl)ami- Primary human and SHTEo- cells respond to elustase.
nomethane hydrochloride (pH 7.5), 1 mM EDTA, and 0.5% Primary human airway epithelial cells and SHTEo- cells
sodiumdodecyl sulfate. Total RNA yield wascalculatedby mea- possess basal levels of SLPI transcript as demonstrated
suringthe absorbanceat 260and 280nm (assumingthat an A260 by dot blot [Fig. 1: control (C)] and Northern analysis
of 1 = 40 pg RNA)(model DU46, Beckman Spectrophotometer, with constitutive levels being greater in the primary cells
Fullerton, CA). than in the SHTEo- cells (Fig. 2: larws 1 and 3). Elastase
The levels of steady-state SLPI and P-actin transcripts were
evaluated by Northern and dot-blot analysisusing the Magna- treatment (2 U/ml for 48 h) produced a similar increase in
graph nylon membraneaccording to the manufacturer’sproto- SLPI transcript in both the primary human and SHTEo-
col. For Northern analysis, 1.5 pg total RNA were denatured cells [Fig. 1: elastase (E) and Fig. 2: lanes 2 and 41. An-
(65°C for 15 min) in a buffer solution containing 8.4% formal- other transformed cell line, BEAS-BB, also possessed
dehyde,51.6% formamide, 10.4mM 3-(N-morpholino)propane- basal levels, but was relatively unresponsive to elastase
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