CNS: Dizziness, Assessment History: Allergy To
CNS: Dizziness, Assessment History: Allergy To
CNS: Dizziness, Assessment History: Allergy To
Teaching points
Record alternate-day
therapy on a calendar, or
prepare dated envelopes.
Take the drug early
because of increased
Encourage patient to
complete full 8 wk of drug
Teaching points
Generic Name: 20 mg/tab Classification: Adjunct to diet in the Contraindicated CNS: Headache, Assessment
OD treatment of elevated with allergy to asthenia, sleep
Simvastatin Antihyperlipidemic total cholestrol and simvastatin, disturbances History: Allergy to
LDL cholesterol with fungal byproducts, simvastatin, fungal
Brand Name: primary pregnancy, GI: Flatulence, byproducts; impaired
MOA: hypercholesterolemia lactation. diarrhea, abdominal hepatic function;
Zocor (types IIa and IIb) in pain, cramps, pregnancy; lactation
Inhibits HMG-CoA those unresponsive Use cautiously constipation, nausea,
reductase, the to dietary restriction with impaired dyspepsia, heartburn,
enzyme that of saturated fat and Physical: Orientation,
hepatic and renal liver failure affect; liver evaluation,
catalyzes the first cholesterol and other function,
step in the nonpharmacologic abdominal examination;
cataracts. Respiratory: lipid studies, LFTs
cholesterol measures
synthesis pathway, Sinusitis, pharyngitis
resulting in a To reduce the risk of Interventions
decrease in serum coronary disease, Other:
cholesterol, serum mortality, and CV Rhabdomyolysis, Ensure that patient has
LDLs, and either events, including acute renal failure, tried a cholesterol-lowering
an increase or no stroke, TIA, MI and arthralgia, myalgia diet regimen for 3–6 mo
change in serum reduction in need for before beginning therapy.
HDLs. bypass surgery and
angionplasty in Give in the evening;
patients with highest rates of cholesterol
coronary heart synthesis are between
disease and
Treatment of patients midnight and 5 AM.
with isolated
hypertriglyceridemia Advise patient that this
drug cannot be taken
Treatment of type III during pregnancy; advise
hyperlipoproteinemia patient to use barrier
Treatment of
adolescents 10-17 yr Arrange for regular follow-
with heterozygous up during long-term
familial therapy. Consider reducing
hypercholesterolemia dose if cholesterol falls
below target.
Teaching points