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Savage Warhammer V3 (2014)

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A conversion guide for

ROLEPLAY 2nd Edition
SAVAGE WORLDS Deluxe Edition

3rd Edition 2015

Conversion Guide Version 3
Mr Slayer

Based on the previous work done by:

Jason J Patterson
Clint @ Pinnacle Games
Graig Harvey

So why another version? One of the most iconic elements of

the Warhammer system was the Careers and character
advancement system – some people liked it, some definitely
didn’t like it, but all remember it well. Yet it was missing
from the previous conversion guides.
In short, this version translates Advanced Careers into
Professional Edges. If this Careers system is not to your
liking, you can just ignore it.

2014 Golden Apple Productions.

o Ostland: Bonus Language
Warhammer Races (Kislevian), Survival, Tracking
o Reikland:
The races of the Old World are not balanced as o Stirland:
they are in Savage Worlds. Instead of forcing o Talabecland:
them to conform to Savage Worlds standards, o Wissenland:
we have instead left them somewhat o Tilea, Brettonia, Estalia, Kislev
unbalanced. For the most part, the only races
that ended up a little more powerful than the
others (without being offset by Hindrances) are Dwarf
elves and halflings.
• Low Light Vision: Dwarfs ignore attack
If you want to ‘balance’ it out, you can give the
penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
other races a free advance.
• Dwarf Magic Resistance: Dwarfs are
highly resistant to magic as if they have
the Arcane Resistance edge. If they also
take the Arcane Resistance edge their
Human resistance doubles, if they also take the
• As per Savage Worlds Deluxe. Improved Arcane Resistance edge their
• Region of Origin: Humans may choose resistance triples.
one of the following Regional Traits in • Tough: Dwarfs begin play with a d6 in
place of the Human Bonus Edge during Vigor.
character creation. • Sturdy: Dwarfs have a load limit equal to
The edge gives a +1 bonus to multiple 10x their Strength instead of 5x their
skills or to some circumstantial Ability Strength.
checks. The character must have at least • Slow: Dwarfs have a Pace of 5".
d4 in the relevant skill to gain the bonus. • No Nonsense: While not "mean" per se,
If a language is specified, the character Dwarfs are straightforward and direct,
gains it as a bonus in addition to any literal-minded, quick to hold grudges, not
gained from the Speak Language skill. particularly forgiving (to say the least)
In addition to the specific skill bonuses, a and cannot grasp the meaning of
character gains a +2 bonus on any allusions and metaphors. While most
Knowledge skill checks that relate to people in the Empire respect their
their region of origin. sturdiness and dependability, it does
o Averlander: Handle Animal, make them difficult to get along with or
Riding, Streetwise. hold a decent conversation with, and
o Hochlander: Shooting, Stealth, hence dwarfs have a Charisma -2. The
Streetwise. Charismatic edge will offset this, though
o Middenlander: Fighting, few dwarfs care enough to learn how to
Intimidate, Streetwise. be charismatic.
o Nordlander: Resisting alcohol and
poisons [Vigor], Resisting the
effects of cold [Vigor], Speak
o Ostermark: Streetwise, Bonus
Language (Kislevian), Resisting
alcohol and poisons [Vigor].
Elf Warhammer Skills
• Low Light Vision: Elves ignore attack
The equivalent Warhammer skills are given in
penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
square brackets. There is no distinction between
• Sharp eyes: Elves gain a +2 to vision-
Basic and Advanced skills.
based Notice rolls. This can stack with
• Agile: Elves begin play with a d6 in
Agility. Skill List
• Quick: Elves begin with a Pace of 7". • Boating (Agl) [Row, Sail]
• Outsider: Other races sometimes see • Climbing (Str) [Scale Sheer Surface]
Elves as somewhat arrogant and • Disguise (Smt)
secretive. On top of that, many elven
• Driving (Agl) [Drive]
lands fall within the Empire, yet the Elves
• Faith (Spi)
refuse to acknowledge the sovereignty of
• Fighting (Agl) [Weapon Skill]
the Emperor. Hence, Elves are not
• Handle Animal (Spi) [Animal Care,
altogether trusted in the Empire.
Animal Training]
• Healing (Smt) [Heal]
• Intimidation (Spi) [Intimidate, Torture]
• Investigation (Smt)
• Knowledge (Smt)
• Lockpicking (Agl)
Halfling • Magic Sense (Smt)
• Notice (Smt) [Perception, Search]
• Low Light Vision: Halflings ignore attack • Perform (Spi) [Performer]
penalties for Dim and Dark lighting. • Persuasion (Spi) [Blather, Charm,Haggle,
• Resistance to Chaos: This works the same • Read & Write (Smt)
as Arcane Resistance, except that it works • Repair (Smt)
on any force of Chaos, including
• Riding (Agl)
mutations and insanities caused by Chaos
• Runecasting (Spi)
energy as well as any spells from the
• Shooting (Agl)
Realm of Chaos.
• Speak Language (Smt)
• Agile: Halflings begin play with a d6 in
• Spellcasting (Smt)
• Stealth (Agl) [Concealment]
• Sociable: Halflings are happy, well-
• Streetwise (Smt) [Gossip]
tempered and easy to like. They gain a +2
• Survival (Smt) [Outdoor Survival]
to their Charisma. This can stack with
• Swimming (Agl) [Swim]
• Taunt (Smt)
• Small: Halflings are small and subtract 1
from their Toughness. Furthermore, their • Throwing (Agl)
maximum Strength is d10. • Tracking (Smt)

Altered Warhammer skills.

Charm Animal: Now an Edge.
Command: Use Leadership Edges. you have detected). You may make a Magic
Sense check to find a spot where the Winds of
Consume Alcohol: Use Vigor.
Magic will benefit the casting of a spell. The TN
Hypnotism: Now an Edge. for this check is the CN of the spell you want to
Ventriloquism: Now an Edge cast. If successful, you find a spot 2d6 squares
away from you (roll d8 for direction),which will
boost your casting roll by +1 (plus a further +1
per raise). This bonus will last for 1d6 rounds
and is specific to the chosen spell. To continue to
New Skills benefit from the beneficial Wind, you may only
move 1 square per round.
Faith (Spirit)
Used by Priests to call on the gods for aid.
Perform (Spirit)
Choose a specific form of entertainment, such as:
Handle Animal (Spirit)
Acrobat, Actor, Clown, Comedian, Dancer, Fire
Use this skill to take care of farm and domestic Eater, Jester, Juggler, Mime, Instrument, Singer,
animals. If you have d6+, you may also train etc. This is the art you have studied the most, for
animals to perform tricks and obey simple this particular use of the skill; you make skill
commands. rolls at the full skill level. However, you may still
make other Perform checks but your Perform
die is reduced one step.
Knowledge (Smarts)
Each knowledge
Academics of the skill represents a Read & Write (Smt)
specific area of
Old World. expertise.
Literacy is not
common in the Languages of the
• Apothecary Purchase and Empire. While most
• Arcane Languages increase each skill people can sign their
Old World.
• Astronomy separately. See the name, do very basic • Breton
• Daemonology Academics of the maths and recognise • Classical
• Engineering Old World words with a strong • Dark Tongue
• Heraldry sidebar. relevance to their • Eltharin
• Law jobs, few are truly • Estalian
• Magic educated. You are • Goblin
• Merchant Magic Sense among the few who • Grumbarth
• Navigation (Smarts) are able to read and • Halfling
• Necromancy write and do
• Khazalid
• Philosophy anything more than
Novice, Arcane • Kislevian
• Runes basic maths.
Background OR • Norse
• Science Elf You can read and • Reikspiel
• Strategy write all of the
You may make a • Tilean
• Theology languages that you
Magic Sense roll to
can speak. Additionally, with enough written
see magic on item, area or person, and strength
material to study, you may be able to decipher
in area (use Knowledge: Magic to analyse what
basic concepts from material written in other

Speak Language (Smt)

All characters can speak their own local
language. In the Empire, Reikspeil is the official
language. How well you speak a language is
determined by your Smarts die type. . For each
die step you have in this skill, you know one
extra language. Some humans gain a bonus
language depending on their region of origin.
Additionally, with enough exposure, you may be
able to communicate and understand basic
concepts in other languages.
Typical examples of a Minor mutation are
Warhammer patches of scale or fur, an extra mouth
somewhere on the body or webbed feet.
Hindrances As a Major Hindrance, the character sports a
much more significant mutation. Roll a d20 on
Inappropriate the Major Mutation table. Some Mutations may
be concealable, some not, some may actually be
Hindrances useful. In addition to the Charisma penalty
described above, a character with a Major
The following Edges from the core rules are not mutation causes Fear in any person when the
appropriate and should not normally be used in mutation is first discovered. This may lead to a
Savage Warhammer. pitchfork and torches scene.
• Illiterate – literacy is not the norm in the
Orders (Minor)
The character is a member of a highly structured
organization and while the character may have
New Hindrances his own plans, he has sworn service to a higher
power and is expected to follow orders when
Fragile Mind (Minor) they are issued. Such orders should, of course,
lead to an exciting adventure but may be in
You have already seen things that would make conflict with the characters own goals or the
most men cry and you are still here. But the goals of his freinds.
things you have seen have taken their toll on
your mind. You start the game with d4+1
Insanity Points. Unstructured Caster (Major)
Requirements: Arcane Background (Wizard) OR
Arcane Background (Priest)
Mutant (Minor or Major)
Whenever you cast a spell, roll an extra d6 - the
At some point in the past, the character has been Chaos Die. If either the Chaos Die or the Wild Die
exposed to the corrupting power of Chaos and come up a One, you suffer mystic backlash -
now suffers a mutation as a result of this check for Tzeench's Curse or Wrath of the Gods
exposure. Any social interaction with an Extra as appropriate for your character.
who is aware of your mutation will suffer a -2
penalty to your Charisma. In some
circumstances, you may suffer most severe
social and even physical consequences.
As a Minor Hindrance, the character has a non- Warhammer Edges
obvious but still incriminating mutation that is
useless. The blemish can be hidden under
normal and since the mutation is small, it
Inappropriate Edges
requires a Notice check to detect it, even when The following Edges from the core rules are not
the character is naked. appropriate and should not normally be used in
Savage Warhammer.
• Arcane Backgrounds other than those Your studies have advanced to the point
presented below. where you must choose one of the Arcane
• Linguist Lores available to Collegiate Wizards to
• Martial Artist advance any further. Each Lore has 3 spell
• Rock and Roll lists associated with it (see Realms of
• New Power Sorcery), choose one of the 3 spell lists –
• Power Points you learn a number of spells from this list
• Rapid Recharge equal to half your Spellcasting die type
• Soul Drain (when your Spellcasting die increases, you
automatically gain additional spells from
• Adept
your chosen Lore spell list). The maximum
• Gadgeteer
die type for your Spellcasting skill is raised
• McGyver
to d10, you must pay to raise the skill
• Mentalist
• Mr Fix It
• Wizard
Master Wizard
Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Lore,
Spellcasting d10
New and Modified Your knowledge of your chosen Lore

Edges increases, choose a second spell list

from the 3 available to your chosen
Lore, you now learn any spells on that
Arcane Edges
second list that you don’t already know.
Arcane Background (Wizard) The maximum for your Spellcasting die
type is raised to d12. But your mastery
Requirements: Novice, Spellcasting skill d4+, of magic permanently marks you: roll
Smarts d8+, Human OR Elf once on the Arcane Mark (Realms of
You are an Apprentice Wizard, studying either at Sorcery p175) table appropriate for
the Colleges of Magic or under a tutor your chosen Lore.
somewhere else in the Empire. Alternatively,
you may be an Apprentice Hedge Wizard, self
taught from forbidden tomes of arcane lore or Arcane Background (Priest)
secretly studying under a hidden Master. At this
Requirements: Novice, Faith skill d4+, Spirit
level of your studies, your Spellcasting skill is
limited to a maximum of d6. Choose 5 spells, you
can choose from the Petty Magic: Arcane and the You are an Initiate of one of the Cults of the
Petty Magic: Hedge Magic lists. Collegiate Empire serving under a Priest at a city temple or
Wizards also gain the Orders hindrance while at a small shrine somewhere else in the Empire.
Hedge Wizards gain the Unstructured Caster At this level of your studies, your Faith skill is
hindrance (for no extra benefit). limited to a maximum of d6. Choose 3 spells, you
can choose from the Petty Magic: Divine and
Petty Magic: Hedge Magic lists. Priests
Arcane Lore automatically gain the Orders hindrance.

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane

Background (Wizard), Spellcasting d6 Divine Lore
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Requirements: Novice OR Heroic (see
Background (Priest), Faith d6 description), Arcane Background, Special
Your studies have advanced to the point This Edge reduces Magic penalties while
where you must choose one of the Divine wearing armour by 2. A character with Arcane
Lores available to priests of the Old World Background (Priest) or Arcane Background
Cults to advance any further. Each Lore has (Rune) can take this as a Novice; a character
3 spell lists associated with it (see Realms of with Arcane background (Wizard) cannot take
Sorcery), choose one of the 3 spell lists – this edge until at least Heroic.
you learn a number of spells from this list
equal to half your Faith die type (when your
Faith die increases, you automatically gain Dark Magic
additional spells from your chosen Lore
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background,
spell list). The maximum die type for your
Special, GM’s approval
Faith skill is raised to d10, you must pay to
raise the skill normally. Villains, and foolish heroes, can gain more
power by tapping into Dhar energy, the energy
of dark magic. Characters may use this Edge
Anointed Priest when casting any spell they like, but if they have
this Edge and cast an actual spell from the Dark
Requirements: Veteran, Divine Lore, Lore list then they must use it. This allows the
Faith d10 caster to roll 2 wild dice and take the two
Blessed by your chosen deity, your highest results of all three dice! However, both
knowledge of the divine increases, wild dice count for the purposes of Tzeench's
choose a second spell list from the 3 Curse: if either one comes up a 1, then they will
available to your chosen Lore, you now feel the effects. If both come up as a 1, then the
learn any spells on that second list that Chaos Manifestation that occurs is 1 category
you don’t already know. The maximum higher. If it is already a Catastrophic Chaos
for your Faith die type is raised to d12. Manifestation, then add +10 to the die roll on
But your god has permanently marked that chart. Either way, he automatically takes 1
you: roll once on the Mark of God table Insanity Point. To take this Edge, a character
appropriate for your chosen Deity must either be taught by someone who knows
(Tome of Salvation p242). how to use Dhar energy, or he must have seen a
glimpse of the Realm of Chaos through a Chaos
Arcane Background (Rune)
Requirements: Novice, Runecraft skill d4+,
Spirit d8+, Dwarf
Dark Lore
Requirements: Seasoned, Dark Magic, GM’s
A character who fulfils all the requirements may
pick any 3 Runes from the lists (See Realms of
Sorcery). At this level of his studies, his Your studies have delved into the darkness
Runecraft skill is limited to a maximum of d6. to the point where you must choose one of
the Dark Lores – Necromancy or
Daemonology to advance any further. Each
Lore has 3 spell lists associated with it (see
WFRP core and Tome of Corruption),
Armoured Casting choose one of the 3 spell lists – you learn a
number of spells from this list equal to your Spend a Benny to activate Berserk, ignore -2
Spellcasting die type (when your to roll to end rage, and won't hit an ally on a
Spellcasting die increases, you automatically roll of 1.
gain additional spells from your chosen
Lore spell list). The maximum die type for
your Spellcasting skill is raised to d10, you Brave
must pay to raise the skill normally.
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6
Those with this Edge have learned to master
Extra Spells their fear. Or perhaps are so jaded or stupid
they’ve just lost their normal “fight or flight”
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background
responses. Your hero adds +2 to Fear tests and
You may select 2 additional spells from any of is never required to Flee or Cower as a result of
the Petty Magic lists you have access to. a Fear check. Exception: Brave cannot be used if
Alternatively, you may select 1 new spell from a the character has a Phobia of the source of Fear.
Lore that you have studied.

Resistance to Disease
Mighty Missile Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+
Requirements: Novice This character gains a +2 on Vigor rolls against
+1 to damage with missile spells Disease.

Resistance to Poison
Background Edges Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+

Alley Cat This character gains a +2 on Vigor rolls against

Requirements: Novice, Stealth d4+
This character has spent most or all of his life in
the wild and dangerous streets of Old World Super Numerate
cities. He gains a +2 on Notice, Tracking,
Survival, and Stealth rolls in urban Requirements: Novice
environments. +1 Gamble, +1 Knowledge (Astronomy,
Engineering, Merchant, Navigation,) and +1 to
anything else requiring estimation or math,
Barbaric Blood distances, time, etc.
Requirements: Novice
Spend a Benny to activate Berserk. Trapcraft
Requirements: Novice
Improved Barbaric Blood +1 Notice, Pick Locks, etc. when locating,
repairing, setting or disarming traps, including
Requirements: Barbaric Blood
when avoiding and reducing damage (Agility roll
for example) of those which have been
triggered. This applies to normal game traps as
well as more elaborate and unusual Some heroes have a natural affinity with
architectural and man traps. firearms, or have trained for years to load
quickly even while under fire. Characters with
this Edge can reload a firearm in a single action.
Trick Riding They may walk while reloading, but may not run.
The Edge does not apply to cannon, only to
Requirements: Novice
personal arms.
+2 to Riding, Driving and acrobatics and
nimbleness based Agility related stunts on
moving animals and carriages. Point Blank Shot
Requirements: Novice

Tunnel Rat +1 on Shooting and Throwing at Short range.

Requirements: Novice
+2 Notice, Tracking, Survival, Stealth while Rapid Reload
underground Requirements: Novice
Reduce reload time for ranged weapons by ½

Combat Edges Routine Disarm

Eagle Eyes Requirements: Novice, Fighting d6+
Requirements: Novice, Shooting d6 May designate a melee attack as a Disarm;
Disarm penalty only -1; opponent makes a Str
All ranges increased by 50%.
test vs damage or drops his weapon.

Firearms Training
Improved Routine Disarm
Requirements: Novice, Shooting d6
(Flashy Disarm)
Firearms are a new and powerful technology but
Requirements: Seasoned, Routine Disarm
you have received training in how to use them
properly. Any character attempting to use a As Routine Disarm, but allows you to catch
firearm without this edge reduces his shooting the weapon, instead of it falling to the
die by 2 steps. ground, if you are sufficiently close to the
opponent. The penalty for your Disarm
attempt is reduced again to zero.
Mighty Shot
Requirements: Novice
+1 to damage with mundane ranged non-
Requirements: Novice
firearm weapons.
+1 to Shooting when Aiming (+2 when Aiming
instead of +1).
Requirements: Firearms Training
Strike to Injure
Requirements: Novice Swashbuckling
+1 to Injury table results when your attack Requirements: Novice
causes an opponent to roll on it.
+1 stunts/Pace or distances for jumps.

Strike to Stun
Requirements: Novice
Professional Edges
The character gains d4 extra damage (which can
stack with the extra d6 for a raise) on a Surgeon
successful attack if he calls "Strike to Stun"
Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Smarts d8+,
before attacking. However, they take a -2 on
Healing d8+
Fighting and this can NEVER wound an
opponent, but only Shake them. A character with Surgery can attempt to save a
character from temporary or permanent injury.
A character who receives such an injury must
Sunder first take a normal Healing roll, as per the
standard rules. Afterwards, the Surgeon
Requirements: Novice character must make another Healing roll,
Ignore 1 Armour Bonus for melee attacks, applying his own Wound modifiers as well as
allowing character to strike through armour any Wound modifiers left on the character.
efficiently, and on a raise, 2 AB are ignored. This • Temporary injury: On a success, the temporary
has no effect on un-armoured targets but does injury is instantly repaired, even if the character
effect even magical armour. has wounds remaining.
• Permanent injury: On a success, the permanent
Improved Sunder injury becomes temporary instead. On a raise, it
is instantly repaired, even if the character has
Requirements: Sunder wounds remaining. This roll must be made
Ignore 2 Armour Bonus for melee attacks, within 24 hours of the injury, and supplies such
allowing character to strike through armour as bandages, splints, or various other medical
efficiently, and on a raise, 4 AB are ignored. supplies must be available(i.e. a set of trade
This has no effect on un-armoured targets tools, found under equipment). This Edge may
but does affect even magical armour. also allow characters to perform other acts as
determined by the GM (perhaps such as
removing mutations).
Sure Shot
Requirements: Novice
Ignore 1 Armour Bonus for ranged attacks.
Social Edges
Improved Sure Shot (Crack Shot)
Requirements: Novice
Requirements: Sure Shot
+1 to Persuade, Streetwise, Stealth or any other
Ignore 2 Armour Bonus skill when used appropriately among high
society, nobility, royalty, and such.
+1 to Persuade when addressing 10 or more
Friends in Low Places
Requirements: Novice
+1 to Persuasion and Streetwise (and possibly
Improved Public Speaking
other skills) where assistance from your (Master Orator)
criminal friends may be beneficial. Requirements: Public Speaking
+2 Persuade when addressing 10 or more
Gambler people.

Requirements: Novice
The character knows any reasonable form of Schemer
gambling in his culture. If the form of gambling Requirements: Novice
is outside his culture, he knows it on a Smarts
roll, or can learn it within a few games (let him +1 Persuade, resist Intimidation and other skills
play at -1 for 1d4 games). or bonuses when dealing with intrigue. Also +1
to detect and resist any sort of subterfuge,
Gambling is an opposed Smarts test. Characters deception or other manipulation in conversation
can attempt to cheat; this is an opposed Agility or general behaviour and treatment, including
vs. Notice. On a success, he may add +1 to his by staff, nobility or businesses. This can be used
Gambling roll, or +2 on a raise. On a failure, he is as a very primitive form of psychology to make
not able to cheat this game. vague educated guesses about general intents,
If his opponent gets a raise, he catches him inclinations, motivations, worries, etc.
cheating. On a botch, pretty much everyone
within eyesight catches him. Start dealing
Initiative cards, because a fight is about to break

Grudgeborn Fury
Requirements: Novice
Your hero hates greenskins with undying rage.
Weird Edges
Attacks against any type of Orc, Goblin, Aetheryic Attunement
Hobgoblin, or Snotling is at a +1 Fighting. The
GM could decide that characters can take this Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background OR
Edge against other types of enemies too, such as Elf
Undead, but the most common Grudge is against Your ability to see the Winds of Magic enables
greenskins. This Edge should be justified in a finer control of your spells, all your arcane skills
character's background, though Dwarves have gain a permanent +1 bonus. If you successfully
been at war with greenskins forever and simply use your Magic Sense to find a beneficial Wind, it
being a Dwarf is more than enough to justify it. will be only 1d6 squares away from you.

Public Speaking Charm Animal

Requirements: Novice
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8, Handle Animal
You have a natural gift with animals. Domestic
animals are always friendly to you. Wild animals
Wild Card Edges
or those trained to be hostile (like attack dogs) Mentally Sound
can be calmed with a successful Handle Animal
test. GM’s may apply a penalty if the animal is Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+
especially ornery or loyal. Your character gains a +2 bonus to his Spirit roll
when rolling for Insanity.

Requirements: Novice, Persuasion d8+ Seasoned Traveller
Use this skill to put another into a trance. The Requirements: Seasoned
subjects attention must be kept focussed on you +1 to CK or no penalty for reasonably knowable
for a minute, often a spinning bauble or other information even for other cultures, and +1 for
such device is used. An unwilling subject may all language related skill tests.
resist with a Spirit roll.
Once in a trance, most subjects will truthfully
answer any questions you ask, exceptional
subjects may resist with a successful Spirit roll. Legendary Edges
You may also attempt to implant a post-hypnotic
suggestion – a command and trigger - but the
Legendary Strength
subject will attempt a Spirit roll to resist this. Requirements: Legendary, Str d12+, special
A few heroes throughout time have gained a
strange, almost supernatural strength beyond
that of normal humans. Heroes engaged in
incredible, epic adventures, who already have an
emphasis on Strength, such as barbarians,
incredibly pious and powerful war priests, and
various legendary heroes may attain upwards of
Strength d12+3. A character who is of
Legendary rank, has a Strength of d12 already,
and who has gained permission from the GM
Ventriloquism may purchase this Edge, which increases his
Strength to d12+1. A character with many years
Requirements: Novice, Perform d6+, Persuasion
of intense fighting might increase it further to
Strength d12+2, and in extreme circumstances
+1 to Persuade or Stealth or other skill when (decades of intensive training, fighting,
used to impersonate another culture or person. extremely heavy labour, etc) might attain
Additionally, the character can attempt to speak Strength d12+3. The Edge would need to be
without moving his or her lips, making the taken 3 times, of course.
sound appear to come from somewhere else.
Onlookers get an opposed Notice test to realize
the unreality of the situation and are baffled. On
a raise they recognize the source of the sound.
Advanced Career Edges
In Savage Warhammer, Advanced Career Edges The character has +1 parry and the Dodge edge
are used to represent expertise and dedication against creatures at least 3 size categories
to a particular field and as such Advanced Career greater than him. Typically combined with the
Edges may only be taken by Seasoned Giant Killer edge.
They have significant entry requirements but
grant bonuses to multiple skills so may be worth
Guild Master
the effort. Requirements: Seasoned, Persuasion d8,
Below are a sample of some Advanced Career Streetwise d6
Edges, use them in conjunction with the The character is well-respected in his city and
Warhammer Career Compendium to create your province and gains +2 on Persuasion, Streetwise
own. and Intimidate while in his home province. Also,
the character has a steady income of $50.000
(that does not stack with Rich or Filthy Rich).
Requirements: Seasoned,
The character can attract followers that are not
wild cards. When one of the followers suffers Requirements: Seasoned, Heal d8+
damage, the Demagogue can spend a benny and The character gains +2 on heal checks.
roll his Persuasion to soak the damage. Characters under the supervision of the
Physician can add +2 to their natural healing
Requirements: Seasoned,
Witch Hunter
The character can use experimental weapons
without the risk of failure. Requirements: Seasoned, Spirit d8+, Intimidate
d8+, Fighting d8+
The character does +1d4 damage vs. mutants
Flagellant and followers of Chaos.
Requirements: Seasoned,
When wounded, the Flagellant automatically
passes all Guts checks.

Ghost Strider
Requirements: Seasoned, Elf,
The character gains +2 to Survival and +1
Stealth in wild areas. When using bow-like
ranged weapons, add 5 to each range band.

Giant Slayer
Requirements: Seasoned, Dwarf, Trollslayer,
Combat Mutants
The power of Chaos is mutative. Many Chaos
creatures have mutations, and exposure to
Armor Degradation Chaos and certain types of magic can also cause
Armor protects you from deadly attacks - for a
Provided here is a fairly short list of common
while. If the damage roll gets a raise, instead of
mutations; the Old World Bestiary contains
doing extra damage, the armor of the victim is
some longer lists, and the Tome of Corruption
reduced by 1 per raise.
has an incredibly extensive list of mutations that
Unarmored victims or victims who’s armor has can easily be adapted to SW.
been reduced to 0, take the extra damage as
normal. d20 Major Mutation
1 Short Legs: Pace -1
Damaged armor can be repaired; this requires
an appropriate toolkit and one day’s work. A 2 Long Legs: Pace +1
successful Repair roll restores 1 point of armor, 3 Third Leg: +2 vs Push
each raise restores an additional point. A failure 4 Beast Legs: +2 Pace, cannot ride
on the roll means the armor is beyond your skill
Skeletal: Strength die (and maximum
to repair, however someone with a higher repair 5 Strength) reduced 1 step.
skill could attempt a repair. The armor does not
Bloated: Toughness +1, Agility (and
degrade on a failed roll.
6 maximum Agility) reduced 1 step.
On a botched roll, the armor is ruined beyond Horns: Can be used to make an attack
repair and loses any remaining armor points. 7 doing Strength damage. Counts as Armed.
Natural Armor does not suffer from degradation. 8 Scaly skin: +1 Natural Armor.
Fur: Counts as ‘improved warm clothing’,
9 +2 to resist environmental cold.
Rising from Prone 10 Boils, lesions, rash: -2 Charisma.
11 Skull Face: Causes Fear +1.
This requires an Action.
Beast Face: +2 Tracking if character can
12 follow a scent trail. Cannot speak.
Tiny Head: Smarts die (and maximum
13 Smarts) reduced 1 step.
Tail: Can be used to make an attack doing
14 Strength damage.
15 Tentacle Arm: +1 Grapple.
One Eye: -2 to any roll that relies on
16 depth perception.
17 Third Eye: +2 Notice.
18 No Eyes: Blind.
19 Roll twice: Poor bastard.
Innate Spell: The GM assigns a Petty
Magic spell. If the character does not have
20 the appropriate skill (either Spellcasting
or Faith), it may be cast with a successful an Insanity (either determined by the GM or
Spirit roll. However, rolling a One on the randomly).
Spirit die earns the character an Insanity
Point. And the skin over every inch of When his Insanity Points once again reach 6, the
your body is covered in runic symbols. process repeats.
If any mutations reduce any statistics below d4,
the character dies in the throes of his mutation.
Insanity Certain circumstances and creatures may be
fearsome to behold and are described as causing
Insanity Points represent how far off the deep Fear. When exposed to such things, a character
end the character is, or how close to insanity makes a Spirit check to determine if he is
they have come. affected. This is a free action and happens first
on a characters turn.
Characters receive an Insanity Point:
• Raise: FIGHT ON! An adrenalin surge
• Each time they are incapacitated. kicks in; you get +1 to all rolls until the
• Botching a spellcasting roll. source of Fear is Dead or Fled. You do
• Any time any rule specifically states that not need to roll again unless the roll is
they do. triggered by something with a higher
• Any time the GM feels they've viewed Fear Rating.
something sufficiently terrible enough to • Pass: the character is unaffected and may
warrant it. In this case they may be act normally.
allowed a Spirit roll. If they fail they • Scared: Failure. The character is shaken
receive a number of Insanity Points as but may act normally otherwise. You may
determined by the GM based on the check again next round.
nature of the horror. This is usually only • Terrified: Rolled a One. You must flee the
1, 2, or 3 Insanity Points, but could be as source of Fear for 1 round, if you reach a
many as 6 if faced with something point where you cannot flee any further,
horrible beyond all belief, such as a you stop and cower. You are shaken for
Daemon Prince. The number of Insanity the duration of the encounter (you may
Points is doubled if they botched the not re-roll next turn). Gain 1 Insanity
Spirit roll. In the case of a Daemon Prince Point.
or similar horror, this would replace, and
not add to, the normal roll made for Fear Rating: Some creatures or situations are
facing a monster with a Fear modifier of truly terrifying, described as ‘causing Fear +X’
+2. where X is a number. The mind finds it hard to
deal with such horrific sights: The threshold for
When a character reaches 6 Insanity Points, he Pass and Terrified results are raised by X. Also,
must make a Spirit roll or suffer an Insanity. If he on a Terrified result, the character must Flee/
passes, he remains sane, but he's a man on the Cower for X+1 rounds and gains X+1 Insanity
edge. He must make this roll again every time he Points.
takes another Insanity Point until he finally
succumbs to its effects. Phobias: If a Fear check is triggered by
something of which a character is phobic,
When he eventually fails the Spirit roll, his increase its Fear modifier by +2. Note, that
Insanity Points are reduced by 6 and he suffers under normal circumstances, mundane phobias
shouldn’t trigger fear checks – seeing a spider
doesn’t require a fear check however, being
locked in a box full of spiders would.
A character with any Leadership Edge can
command an ally to ‘snap out of it’. This
requires an action from the Leader and the
subject must be able to both see and hear the
Leader. This raises the subjects Fear state by
one step.

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