Encephalopathy in Children: An Approach To Assessment and Management
Encephalopathy in Children: An Approach To Assessment and Management
Encephalopathy in Children: An Approach To Assessment and Management
ADC Online First, published on December 27, 2011 as 10.1136/adc.2011.300998
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Davies E, Connolly DJ,author (orArch
Mordekar SR. their employer)
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2 of 7 Davies E, Connolly DJ, Mordekar SR. Arch Dis Child (2011). doi: 10.1136/adc.2011.300998
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Seizure related
Seizure activity can be a primary cause of encephalopathy or
can be a consequence of another diagnosis and is important
to recognise promptly. Several studies have linked outcome
to seizure activity in patients with encephalopathy of various
No investigation may be necessary in a child with known
epilepsy who is encephalopathic following a prolonged
seizure/seizure cluster but recovers as expected. EEG how-
ever can help diagnose seizure activity when it is difficult
clinically (eg, non-convulsive status (NCS), electrical sta-
tus epilepticus in sleep). It can also help classify epileptic
encephalopathies. In newly presenting epileptic encephal-
opathies there are a number of other investigations indicated
and seeking the advice of a paediatric neurologist is advised.
It is beyond the scope of this review to detail investigation
of epileptic encephalopathy. Having said that, paired fasting
Figure 6 MRI of the brain showing right middle cerebral artery blood and CSF studies for lactate and glucose can be use-
infarct. ful and given that LP may be performed before consultation
with a paediatric neurologist, ensuring these samples are
taken with a sample to save may avoid the need for repeat
LP. Taking blood for karyotyping and DNA for storage is
It has become clear that autoantibodies are associated with
also appropriate.
encephalitis, particularly limbic encephalitis,12–15 with prom-
ising treatment options with immunomodulatory therapies.
N-methyl- D -aspartate (NMDA) receptor antibodies, voltage Toxins
gated potassium channel antibodies and glutamic acid decar- The history will hopefully give some clues but urine for toxi-
boxylase antibodies have all been implicated in children with cology should be obtained as soon as possible. Blood should
limbic encephalitis and should be considered in children pre- also be taken for paracetamol and salicylate levels, and a heavy
senting with memory disturbance, affective change and sei- metal screen where poisoning could be a possibility. Drug lev-
zures or movement disorders. Testing for these antibodies can els of anticonvulsants in known epileptic children should be
be performed on blood. NMDA receptor antibody encephali- tested in situations of acute deterioration in conscious level, as
tis is associated with ovarian teratomas and any girl in whom toxicity may be the cause.
this is a suspected diagnosis should have a pelvic ultrasound. An MRI scan can be useful and show particular patterns of
MRI of the brain may show changes in the limbic region and brain injury with particular drugs. Discussion with a neurora-
it may be this that fi rst prompts further investigation with diologist is advised.
antibody testing.
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy is a rare cause of encephalopa- Metabolic
thy in children but needs to be considered and thyroid func- This is a broad category and children with suspected metabolic
tion tests as well as thyroid autoantibodies are simple tests disease are at risk of being overinvestigated while missing the
that should be performed in unexplained encephalopathy.16 one crucial investigation necessary for diagnosis. Blood, urine
(figure 3A,B). and CSF results are important in many cases and ammonia,
lactate, venous blood gas, plasma amino acid, urine organic
Trauma and amino acid and sometimes CSF lactate, glucose and amino
Neuroimaging is the pivotal investigation. Non-contrast CT acid tests should be done acutely. Beyond this, discussion with
is often sufficient, identifying bleeds, cerebral contusion and a metabolic specialist or neurologist is advised.
in some case showing hypoxic-ischaemic damage. In non- MRI is also an important diagnostic tool in metabolic dis-
accidental injury there are characteristically subdural bleeds ease, and again it is outside the scope of this review to cover
of differing appearances on CT and MR, fractures and evi- this in detail. When metabolic disease is suspected it is impor-
dence of hypoxic-ischaemic damage. (figure 4) Bleeding for tant to consider the use of spectroscopy. Metabolic causes of
which there is no obvious causes can also raise the possibil- encephalopathy can be suspected when there are symmetrical
ity of metabolic disease such as glutaric aciduria type 1 and changes in white or grey matter or both on MRI and magnetic
Menke’s. Organic and amino acids, copper and caeruoplasmin resonance spectroscopy shows a lactate peak.
and in some cases a skin biopsy may be necessary. Basic inves- Endocrine causes should also be addressed in this category
tigations such as full blood count, clotting and liver function and blood glucose, blood gas and urine dipstick tests will
4 of 7 Davies E, Connolly DJ, Mordekar SR. Arch Dis Child (2011). doi: 10.1136/adc.2011.300998
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Infection Cefotaxime/aciclovir/clarithromycin
Parainfectious/demyelination Steroids (prednisolone, methylprednisolone)
Autoimmune Steroids
Trauma Neuroprotective strategies
Seizures Advanced paediatric life support protocol for status epilepticus
Steroids/clobazam for non-convulsive status
Toxins Organ support: for example, intubation, antiarrthymics, management of hypo/hypertension, correction of electrolyte, acid–base and
clotting derangement, management of hypo/hyperthermia, treatment of seizures
Activated charcoal (may not be possible if reduced Glasgow Coma Score)
Specific antidotes (seek advice from Poisons Information Service)
Metabolic Dietary restriction
Clearance of toxic metabolites (dialysis, sodium phenylbutyrate, sodium benzoate, carnitine, glycine)
Specific enzyme/amino acids supplementation for example, thiamine, biotin, arginine, citrulline
Specific drugs (seek advice from metabolic specialist)
Hypertensive Antihypertensives (eg, labetalol, sodium nitroprusside)
Hypoxic-ischaemic Anticoagulation for arterial dissection, venous thrombosis
Aspirin for arterial ischaemic stroke (secondary prevention)
Haemorrhage Correction of clotting abnormalities
Platelet replacement
Immunoglobulins to be considered in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Malignancy Steroids
identify diabetic ketoacidosis and blood and urine electrolytes vascular tree, most conveniently performed with MRI with
will point to adrenal insufficiency. magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)20 (figure 6). MRI is
also the follow-up imaging modality of choice. 21 A full blood
Hypertensive count and clotting investigation are needed and the erythro-
This diagnosis is largely made on initial observations. The cyte sedimentation rate and an autoimmune screen are help-
underlying cause (eg, haemolytic uraemic syndrome, Henoch– ful in looking for vasculitic causes. Homocysteine, cholesterol
Scohlein purpura) should be investigated by renal function, and triglyceride levels should be checked and prothrombotic
urinalysis, renal ultrasound cardiac echo and endocrine inves- states should also be looked for, in the family history and
tigations (eg, cortisol, renin, aldosterone, catecholamines). by checking protein C, protein S, factor V Leiden, anti-phos-
pholipid and anti-cardioplipin antibodies. Discussion with
haematologists is advised at this stage. An echocardiogram
is also indicated where a cause for infarction is not clearly
Hypoxic-ischaemic damage secondary to trauma, prolonged
resuscitation or multiorgan failure may be suggested on initial
CT by loss of grey/white matter differentiation. MRI is more
sensitive at detecting damage and can show changes within Haemorrhage
hours of injury, although there is often an optimum timing for This is normally secondary to trauma but may be spontane-
scanning. If the child survives, repeat imaging when myelina- ous in children with abnormal clotting/platelets or in children
tion is complete (after 2 years of age) is recommended to look at with arteriovenous malformations (AVM). Platelet count and
the permanent changes once acute oedema and haemorrhage clotting screen are essential. Specific factor assays can be dis-
have resolved. In such children LFTs, urea and electrolyte, clot- cussed with a paediatric haematologist. In the fi rst instance CT
ting and urine dipstick tests are essential to look for evidence will show most haemorrhages but underlying AVM may need
of multiorgan damage. to be considered with MRI/MRA, CT angiography or catheter
In children with stroke the fi rst investigation is usually CT, angiography. AVM are often not visible until the acute bleed
which reliably detects haemorrhagic causes of stroke. Studies has resolved or been neurosurgically managed 22 and therefore
have shown however that CT alone will miss a large num- delayed angiographic imaging may be advised.
ber of acute ischaemic stroke cases20 (CT detection in 10%
compared to MRI detection in 46%). Brain imaging is rec- Malignancy
ommended within 24 h of onset of symptoms suggestive of Brain tumours may present with encephalopathy. Children
ischaemic stroke, along with imaging of the cervicocranial with known brain tumours can also become encephalopathic
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