1.0 - 5.0
1.0 - 5.0
1.0 - 5.0
Our products are very comfortable and quality. Our lenses are very stylish
again popular among teenagers, that what makes them look stylish and at the
same time can help the strength of their eyes see. We have received approval
from the health office that this product is safe to use.
Investors are really important in our business to keep the business running
with the funds provided by them. An important part of starting a business is
getting funds for management purposes. Therefore, we prepared this business
plan with the aim of raising funds for business operations. The presentation of
this business plan is important as it is a tool to gain the trust of the bank to
provide adequate loans for our business start-ups.
Along with the quality raw materials supplied by the best suppliers in the
market, we will make full use of the purchased assets to accumulate maximum
profit for this business with customer satisfaction as an important part of the
business. At the request of the manager of Candysoftlens byTihani, we will
ensure that this business can get a satisfactory profit for us and can repay our
loan provider including with timely interest
Website: www.Candysoftlens.com.my
The main vision Candysoftlens is to sell beauty and health products with an
open concept that is easier and simpler while having quality and affordable
prices that can be afforded by all groups.
Helping women and men who face internal and external myopia to appear
more confident and stylish
3.1 LOGO
1) Woman eyes: To show that our products are more used by women
1. To make customer recognize our company
2. To create a minimalist yet stylish logo
3. To let observer know what we are providing.
AGE : 21
GENDER : Female
TEL NO : 01140384011
EMAIL : [email protected]
AGE : 21
TEL NO : 0102660748
EMAIL : [email protected]
ACEDEMIC QUALIFICATION : Diploma in Landscape Architecture
5.2 Advantages
1. Walking distance from residential area.
2. Centre of Bandar Baru Sentul
3. Strategic area.
(Convenience Store)