Presenting New Product in The Process Innovation: Hamid Tohidi, Mohammad Mehdi Jabbari

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Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000 Sciences
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 31 (2012) 891 – 893

WCLTA 2011

Presenting new product in the process innovation

Hamid Tohidi*, Mohammad Mehdi Jabbari
Department of Industrial Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Electrical Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


A company to provide new product innovation in the process of announcing readiness should always have the necessary actions
in this direction can lead to the organization by two things to get access to new product. The first, direct study and The second,
designing new product also in here for the new product, advanced, reformed and other types.
One of the most important factors of economic growth and innovation role in developing economics success based on
Keywords: Innovation ; Process ; Organization

1. Introduction

Innovation include some technological changes which according to Schumpeter definition include: producing
products or services or utilizing methods or inputs that are new for firms [5,11]. The main point is that the first one
who use the methods or ways is innovative and others who use these ways later are followers.
Slatter gave the following definition of innovation: innovation means change and process improvement for product
or system in a way that this change will be new for the firm.
Creativity creates something and innovation will cause utilizing it [5,12].
Advadya introduce innovation as creation, developing and successful introduction of products, processes or new
services [2,14].
Product Innovation includes successful exploitation of a new knowledge [6,7,13]. And so it depends on two
conditions: Freshness and usefulness. Product innovation is a process which includes industrial design, management,
R&D, production and economic activities related to marketing or improved product.
Foxal defines production as "the capacity and willingness to purchase new products and services". Foxal definition
focus on customer-innovation that is how much a new product or service which introduced to the market is
accepted. So it is defined from the perspective of psychology.
Endosamor defines innovation as a form of a innovative product or new process in the market.
Department of tourism industrial DIST in Australia defines innovation:"innovation in the enterprise level is the
application of an Idea for a new firm whether it may be used for producing products , processes services or
organizational management or marketing.
Porter argues that companies need to innovate to achieve competitive advantage and innovation is in the form of
new technologies or new solutions of doing jobs.

* Hamid Tohidi
E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Prof. Hüseyin Uzunboylu.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.12.163
892 Hamid Tohidi and Mohammad
Hamid Mehdi Social
Tohidi / Procedia Jabbariand
/ Procedia - Social
Behavioral and Behavioral
Sciences Sciences 31 (2012) 891 – 893
00 (2011) 000–000

Dumenpor and Koopalakrishman define innovation as a tool, system ، program or created or purchased service of an
organization which is new for organization.
Holt and Hurly define innovation as a firm culture for cooperation in terms of availability and readiness of the plant
in the acceptance of new ideas – company access to new ideas is not enough but range of acceptance and implanting
new ideas define the level of innovation[21].
Wang and Ahmed (2004) have defined organizational innovation as "organization public ability to introduce new
products to market or opening new markets through innovative processes and behavior [8,15].
Rogers in 1998 defined innovation as ″a term for defining a series of vast changes in business activities, which will
lead to firm performance improvement .These changes may be related to new or improved goods or services, invest
in new machinery, opening new markets ،investment on education, creating intellectual assets or technologies

2. The Comprehensive production and presenting new product in the process innovation

The organization can be in two ways to get access to new product to the first, direct study is to say, the company to
buy another company is right or privilege monopoly or other new production brings. The second, designing new
product in the research and development company with increasing the related expenses for designing new product
companies also have preferred to supply products instead of new kinds of existing commercial parables to imitate
some of the existing commercial brands similar kinds of production, or that old parables to a revival.

3. Method of measuring innovation

According to different methods for measuring innovation and the Cline- Rosenberg value chain related to innovation
process we see that using techniques that simply introduce some factors which are effective in innovation process
such as measuring inputs and outputs, are not able to envisage a good image of the innovations within an
enterprise[1,2,18]. Hence the analysts, researchers and the policy makers should be provided with information from
the whole process in studying the company’s innovative activities [9,20]. So the appropriate procedure would be the
subjective survey procedure because in survey exemplary procedures and invention registry the statistics are not
enough. On the other hand the two procedures mentioned above focus on the outputs which originate from
innovation process and are not aware of the other parts regarding innovation process, so the procedure used in this
research would be the subjective survey procedure[10,16]. Although this procedure has some considerable problems
but firstly, considering the time for this research, the collection of data by means of this procedure was more
possible and secondly, the information received from this procedure would analyze the whole innovation process.
For studying the situation of companies regarding the innovation process we need a framework based on which we
would be able to identify the factors that affect the innovation process.

4. Disconfirmed method

This method of the important innovations (in other words radical innovation) is concentrated. The study of
innovation products is new. In other words for measuring innovation companies according to this technique, the
number of innovations (radical) presented by companies’ during the first-rate is estimated to be innovative
innovations, analysed by experts. Measurement method with the disconfirmed approach uses similar methods of
patents data measuring technological changes industries much. The difference is that in case of censorship, you
innovate commercial criteria in the market analysis and investigation. While in the method of patents, the statistics
inventions registered companies criterion is measuring innovation.

5. Conclusion

It is universally accepted that innovation is the key to ensure the future growth and survival of any firm. Innovation
allows organizations to coordinate themselves with the changes of the environment, market and costumer demand. It
is found that there is a relationship between organizational culture innovations and the adoption of information
system. The innovation is described as a critical factor in organization performance and survival of the firms in a
competitive environment. The importance of product innovation for good long-term company results is now widely
Hamid Tohidi and Hamid
TohidiMehdi Jabbari
/ Procedia / Procedia
Social - Social and
and Behavioral Behavioral
Sciences Sciences
00 (2011) 31 (2012) 891 – 893
000–000 893

recognized and has been extensively reported in the literature.. In result, because of the importance of innovation,
many researchers have analyzed its antecedents, hoping to determine what a firm must do if it hopes to become
more innovative.
Innovation was the subject of organizations for long times, Although by producing a new product you may be able
t6 attract customers temporarily but more important than innovation and invention is the process which can be
flowing like time cycle and by reaching to maturity period other competitors could Gain its production technology
and you could benefit from it.
In this article we intended to investigate innovation and its necessity in this regard from researcher point of view and
presented definitions. Some of them saw innovation from new perspective and some from treatment.
Innovation is one of the most important and most complex issues organizations faced with today. Innovation is the
success key for organizations.

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