Grammar Bank: El C:J
Grammar Bank: El C:J
Grammar Bank: El C:J
1 Anna ¡ like music [1] Does Anna like music? 2 ever h er Kate sees family hardly kate hardly ever sees her family
2 my sister / have a lot of hobbies G My sister has a lot of hobbies 3 Sarurday never shopping on go we we never go shopping on saturday
I don't get along very well with
3 1/ gee along very weH wirh my parenrs c:J my parents 4 a ro 1 d enti st year go twice rhe i go to the dentist twice a year
they sometimes have breakfast in the yard
4 my brother / study at school El my brother studies at school 5 in rhey break fase rhe someeimes yard have
we usually listen to the
5 111y nei ghbors ¡ have any children c:J My neighbord don't have any 6 usually morning rhe we rhe li sten in radio roradio in the morning
m children
6 when ¡ the movie start When does the movie start?
alan runs in the park
7 in day park every AJan rhe runs ever day
7 he / go out twice a week G He goes out twivce a week 8 after drink 1 coffee 4:00 never I never drink coffe after 4:00
8 we I often talk about politics c:Jwe don't od ten talk about politics 9 often John ro go doesn'r movles rhe John doesn't often go te the movies
9 how often / you ema il yom brorher [l] how often do you email your 10 visir l o nce my month a m om I visit my mom once a month
10 I , go on Facebook very ofren c:::J i don't go in gacebook very often
-< p.7
le b Complere the sentences \Virh the simp le present or present
a Write senrences \Vith the present
The girl in rhe painring isplayillB rhe gu itar. (play)
com inuous.
1 My dog's not dangerous. He . (not bire)
Ir ¡ rain c:::J Ir isn't raininlJ. 2 Why you su n glasses? It (wear, rain)
1 John / wear a shirt roday! G 3 You ca n rurn offrhe radio. I ro ir. (nm li sten)
2 Ir 's hor. Why I wear a coae m 4 ro go ro rhe bank.1 any money. (need, n or have)
3 Anna I sit rrext to Jarre today c:::J 5 Be ca reful! The baby rhar pen in her mourh! (pur)
4 H ey! You I srand on my foor! El 6 A you usually on weekend s? (cook)
5 w har book I you read m B No, we normally out. (ear)
6 we I think of you right now G 7 A What you here? (do)
7 s he / wear makeup m B I for Emma. She's late, as usual. (wair)
8 they I make a big mistake G 8 1 usually drink tea, bur 1 a coffee today. (want)
9 yom morher / shop at rhe mall rn 9 My sister from 9:00 ro 5:00. She's a secrerary. (work)
10 she / live wirh her parents right now c:::J 10 We in C hi cago, but we in Los Angeles righr
now. (live, stay)
-< p.a
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