60 Best Chrome Extensions For Modern Sales Professionals
60 Best Chrome Extensions For Modern Sales Professionals
60 Best Chrome Extensions For Modern Sales Professionals
Become a Google Chrome Powerhouse: 60+ High-Performing Chrome Extensions for Sales Professionals
Samantha McKenna
(https://www.saleshacker.com/library/?author=Samantha McKenna)
October 16th 2017
If you’re a sales professional and you use Google Chrome, you may want to stick around for this. More than 3.8 billion people access the Internet through
browsers and nearly 60% of them do so with Chrome. Chances are – your competitors are likely using Chrome too. That’s why we’ve built the complete list of
best Chrome Extensions to help you get ahead of the ru e.
Sales professionals should not give their web browsers a backseat behind the company’s o cial technology stack; namely superstar tools
(https://www.saleshacker.com/sales-tools/) such as CRMs and big data software.
While you should use and optimize every sales enabler in your tech stack – don’t miss out on the most enhanced, streamlined, and powered-up versions of your
favorite browser.
It’s called Chrome Extensions, baby. Just like mobile apps, there’s a browser extension (also called add-ins) for just about any purpose. Chrome in itself already
comes as a fully functional tool. However, you can still add extensions on top of it to make it more powerful and better aligned with your work ow.
There’s a host of specialized Chrome extensions that can help you get things done faster and improve your sales performance dramatically.
Some extensions enable you to generate more leads, others help you save time, and a few can help you engage customers with greater impact.
You can search for what you need in the Chrome Web Store (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions), or just browse our list below.
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24/10/2017 60 Best Chrome Extensions For Modern Sales Professionals
Here are some of the best Chrome extensions and add-ins that sales professionals should consider:
Collaboration/Project Management
CRM Sync
Email Management
Productivity/Time Management
Social Selling
Collaboration/Project Management
CRM Sync
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Email Management
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Mail Control (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mail-control/ejlhiijedldjjdmjg ainenegbkokhn?hl=en). Never be left in the dark again. This
extension keeps you noti ed every time a new message arrives even when you’re not running your email. It displays the number of unread messages and even
shows mail previews.
Messaging Creativity
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Productivity/Time Management
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Noisli (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/noisli/klejemegaoblahjdpcajmpcnjjmkmkkf?hl=en). it’s just too easy to get distracted these days.
Digital distractions abound and so do analog ones such as everyday noises and focus-sapping ambient sounds. Regardless of your location, Noisli improves your
focus and productivity by blocking out noise and creating a relaxed acoustic environment. Listen to background sounds that empowers you to concentrate on
the tasks at hand.
Taco (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/taco/aogabobfbepcehdkbfagd inolncebh?hl=en). With all the digital tools your sales team is using,
things can get incredibly fragmented, cluttered and confusing. Good thing Taco centralizes all your activities, checklists and priority tasks into one Chrome tab so
you won’t miss anything important ever. See all your tasks from Salesforce, Pipedrive, Trello, Gmail, Evernote, Wunderlist and other services neatly arrayed in a
single browser tab. Don’t worry, you can also hide them at will to keep yourself from panicking.
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Unomy (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unomy/blojdfachpmefbl melhgjommikjcag?hl=en). B2B sales professionals can use this extension
to take their prospecting work ow to the next level. Gather comprehensive information about prospect organizations easily via their websites. Collect relevant
email addresses, news, competitor pro les, and other reports to lend actionable insight to your engagement plans.
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Social Selling
Ri e.tv (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ri etv/hhaioggmknhfkeckfehpjepmjkbkmncl?hl=en). Made for both video streamers and their
viewers, this extension lets brands and audiences to have meaningful interactions. Ri e.tv provides Q&A, rewards, gami cation, polling, playlist, and other
engagement-boosting features.
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Lumosity Break (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lumosity-break/nl addiadejinmdmnmcfciecomjd i?hl=en). Have fun and get smart while
taking a break. This extension from the popular Lumosity website provides a host of brain games that challenge or stimulate your memory, focus, mental
processing speed, language abilities, and problem-solving skills.
Sales is a highly competitive world (https://www.saleshacker.com/competitive-advantage-sales/). Professional sellers need to consistently improve their
skills, tools, and social connections just to remain in the game. In this eld, mediocrity is a sure recipe for failure. if you want to succeed, you must always keep
your skills sharp, build stronger relationships, and regularly upgrade the tools you are using.
Many sales professionals use the Chrome web browser but as it is, you only get standard capabilities. Chrome extensions allow you to expand its features so you
can become faster and more e ective at lead generation, social selling, email outreach, analytics and other important areas that your role covers.
The foregoing list is by no means complete and there are many other Chrome extensions that will help you deliver high performance. But many of them serve as
great starting points. Whether your purpose is to work smart, get better organized, develop focus, or save time, extensions will help you move the needle. Give
some a try and discover how each can up your game.
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24/10/2017 60 Best Chrome Extensions For Modern Sales Professionals
Samantha McKenna
(https://www.saleshacker.com/library/?author=Samantha McKenna)
Sam rose from being an individual contributor in sales to running an enterprise sales
team. She also created ON24’s mentorship program, and has seen these tactics
successfully used over the course of many years and across all industry types and
company sizes.
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24/10/2017 60 Best Chrome Extensions For Modern Sales Professionals
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