McGraw-Edison Area Lighting Division Product Catalog 1972

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K 6, n',rt o /-/77{

founder of today's
McGraw-Edison Com-
pany, gave the com-
pany a heritage of
engineering leader-
produced the first engineered roadway lighting
equipment . . . and over the years has continued
to make contributions to the lighting arts.
the Area Lighting Division
now offers new lighting systems that compli-
ment their surroundings by day . . . while creat-
ing a better visual environment by night.
New light sources now make it possible to achieve higher light
levels with dependable low-cost operation. McGraw-Edison lumi-
naires, {or Mercury, Metal-Halide, and High-Pressure Sodium
lamps have design and mechanical properties that create excep-
tional tools lor the lighting designer.
Whether the installation be Roadway, Commercial or lnstitutional
-McGraw-Edison Luminaires provide you with assurance of high
perf ormance and lifetime dependability.

INDEX A 3;:;:""
", RG
Appric.,iol dara.... r4

Il t

Cubes .........28-33
E]I]pse ............34

Tradllionaire ....36-37
Lawn-Glo ......38-41
Slyleking .......42-45
lvjansard ... -...46-47
Lawnaire .. ....48

SV Series . .....50-51
ss Series ......52-53
So Series ......54-55
Hi-Lit6 ..........56

Resilite-PPT ....68'69
Drsk-to-Dawner -..70
Sub0rbanaire ......71
W.!-Mount . ......72







Sharp Cut-Oll Down Lights-Attractive by Day-Functional by Night
r Lights without distraction
r lmproves see-ability
Concourse presents today's lighting designer
with new opportunities to create more
Cafdela Values tor 400 Walt

dramatic lighting installations with equipment
Metal Halide Lamp
that complements architectural su rround ings
-oifers highest lig htlng eliiciency.
with lvlercury, lMetal-Halide and High-
Pressure Sodium light sources, Concourse
is ldeal for commercial, area, street, and
highway lighling.
72" 224
60' 8200 IVaximum Candlepower
45' 13500 Candelas
at 67" Vertical


Diagram illustrates how the Concourse
optical system makes it possible to provide
high-level illumination with pole spacings
4 times the mounting height. Nilaximum
candlepower is at 67' with complete light
cttoll al72' .

Sharp cutof f eliminates discomfort brightness

Light source
creates a d ramatic-looking low-brightness
light source. Reduced glare
facilitates pedestrian and
vehicular traffic-
increases ability to see Ma
surroundings, objects cand IV ou nting
and buildings. t H eig ht

400 Twin, Style A


Application Concourse-Style A
For installations where brightness conirol is
important and where product slyling must be
consistent with surroirnding architecture, the Pole-Top Mounling
Concourse Style A offers a viable soluiion.
A variety of lighi sources, sizes and rnounting Sinsle Sinqle
possibilities make it an excellent choice for a wide cH11032 cH11034 cH14031 100
variety of area and street lighting applications. cHl :041 cHl1042 cH11044 cH14041 175
cH11051 cH11052 cHl1054 cH14051 250
Features cH1206't cH 12062 cH12064 cH15061 400
cH130a1 cHt 3082 cH13084 cH160a'l 1000
r Optics- Reflector is anodized specular
aluminum, parabolic in shape. Lens is tempered,
clear flat g1ass. Syslem is gasketed, filtered to cH1125l cH11252 cH11254 cH14251 High- Pressure Sodiurrl
cH1226',1 cH12262 cH12264 cH15261 400
inhibit entrance oi external contaminants. cA132a4 cH162A1 1000
cHr 3281 cH13282
r Light Pattern-Asymmetric-Type lll.
r Ballasl - Constant-Wattage Autotransfo rmer for cH l2161 cHl2162 cH12164 cH15161 Metal-Halide CWA
Mercury and Metal-Halide lamp operation - cH13181 cH13182 cH13184 cH161a1 1000
Reactor for High-Pressure Sodium. lnternally
mounted in separate compartment. Additional Ordering lnlormalion
r Phoiocontrol- NEIIA Twist-lock type. Pole-Concourse 250 and 4OO pole-top luminaires Iit McGraw Edison poles with 3 inch O D. t€non
Concourse ]OOO pole-top lum na re lils poles with 4% inch O D. tenon. AIL mast arm mounted
r Conslruclion - Pole-to p fitter is cast aluminum, lumlna res lit 2-lnch pipe brackels. See d mensions and wind oading tab e lor luminaire w nd
mounting arm is high-strength extruded loading class raiing. See pole seciion ior appropriale pole.
aluminum pipe and housing is heavy dLlty aallast-Ava Lable 120 through 480 vo ts. Specily voliag€ as cataLog number suiilx e.g l cH11031l20
aluminum. All are treated and painted to resist Phoroconlrol Receptacle Availabl€ on !nils through 277 volls. Add suflix R lo calalog number.
corrosion. e g.: CHl l031 i20F
Finish BLack (BK) Bronze (Bz) Spec fy as calaloq number suifix. e.g : cH1103l l20RBK
r Finish Black or bronze baked acrylic enamel.
Dimension and Wind Loading Table
Wind Loadins Class
Pole-Top Mounting

B o DD Singl€ Singl6

20 1 14 31 62 c E J B
400 26 I 2a 37 74 D K K c
1000 36 12 26 50 100 K M

NOTEi Djmensions D and OD apply 10 pole_1op rnounting units onlv.

Pole-Top mounlinq-Dimensions

------------] F_c__l
i i +l-l
. F1J
Masr-arm Founlins-Dimensions l<- e -----.1 F-c ---l

400 Single, Style B

400 Twin, Style B


Application Concourse-Style B
For qeneral outdoor lighting applications where
d:st,ncl ve day ard nignt-time appedrance s
deslred, the Concourse Style B with drop refractor Pole-Top Mounting
offers vis!al delineation w th concealed optics.
Sins le Sinsle
Features cH21031 cH21032 cH21034 cH24031 100
! Optics Reflector is anodized specular cH21041 cH21042 cH21044 cH24041 175
aluminum, parabolic in shape. Refractor is ultra' cH21051 cH21052 cH21054 cH24051 250
violet inhibited prismatic acrylic. (Opal on cH22061 cH22062 cH22064 cH25061 400
request) Systern is gasketed, filtered to inhibit cH23081 cH23082 cH23084 cH260al 1000
enlrance of external contaminants.
r cH21251 cH21252 cH21254 cH24251
Light Pattern - Asy m melic Type 1ll. cH22261 cH22262 cH22264 cH25261
High- Pressure Sodium
r Ballasl - Constant-Waltage Aulotransformer for cH232a1 cH232A2 cH232A4 cH262A1 1000
[,4ercury and Metal-Halide lamp operation -
Reacior for High-Pressure Sodium. Jnlernally cH22161 cH22162 cH22164 cH25161 400
mounted ln separate compartment from optics. Metal,Halide- cwA
cH231A1 cH231A2 cH23184 cH26181 1000
r Photocontrol - NElvlA Twist-lock type.
D r Construclion Pole-top iltter is cast aluminurn, Additional Ordering lnformation
mount ng arm is high-strength extruded Pole Con.ourse 250 and 4OO po e-lop lum na res 1il McGraw-Edison poles with 3-inch O O. tenon.
Concourse lOO0 po e-top Lminaire jlls poles with 4% inch O.D. tenon. All mast arm mounted
aluminum pipe and housing is heavy duty l!minaires f I 2-inch p pe brackels See dimenslons and w nd loading lable ior l!minaire w .d
aluminum. All are treated and painled to resist loadlng class ralirg.
corrosion, Ballast-Alailab e120 through 480 lolts. Speciiy voltage as calalog number suitix. e g.: CH21031 120
r Finish-Black or bronze baked acry c enamel. Phorocontrot Receplacle Ava lable on urits lhro!gh 277 volls. Add sullix R to caialog n!nber.
e 9.: CH21031-120R
Finish-B ack (BK) B.o.ze (BZ) Speciiy as catalog number sulilx. e.g.: CH21031l20RBK

Dimension and Wind Loading Table

Win.l Loadinq Class
Pole-Top Mounting

B D DD Single Sinsle

250 2A 9% 14 31 62 c E J B
400 26 11% 20 31 74 D K L D
1000 36 11% 26 50 100 K N o
NOTE: Dlmenslons D and DD apply to pole-top mounling unils only.
Pote.Top mounrin9-Dimensions


F_ DD -l

t F
Masl-Arm mounlinq-Dimensions
D l*_A___-l "*--l


Deluxe White Mercury Lamp

Application Data
Single Luminaire-Style A and Style B
For mulliple conligurations multiply tootcandle
values by number of units per pole (2 or 4).



50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Spacing in F€€1
Maximum spacinq 4llmes pole hsight
A. 1000-walt. 3511, nominal pol€ hoight
B, 400-wait, 30 fl- nominal pole heighi
C. 250-waii, 25 tt, nominal pole heisht
o. 175-watt,25 fl- nominal polo heighl

Metal Halide Lamp High-Pressure Sodium Lamp


g 10

50 60 70 80 90 '100
Spacing in Fe€t
110 124 130 140 90 100
Maxim!m spacing 4 timos pole heiqht Maximum sDacinq 4 times pole heighl
A, 1000-watt,35 ft. nominal pole helght A. looo-watt,35 ll. nomlnal pol€ h€ighl
B. 400-walt, 3011. nominal pole helqhl B, 400-wall,30 ft, nominal pols heighi
C. 250-watt, 25 rt. nominai pole heighl


Application G eomei rics-S in g le Spheres
Geometric spheres enhance ihe appearance of
a ry a cl-ile.lurdl scl_erre'l^ereb/ c'eat 1q d
D ia.
memorable visual environment.

Features GS1001 GS6001 14 lnc. A23 200

r Globes Clear, smoke and opal spheres of GSl021
14 Metc. - E231/,
nc.- PS25
ultra-violet lnhibited acrylic. Also available GSI023 GS6023 18 M-"rc. E28 175
in olher plastic rnaterials. opa
GS1005* 24 lnc. PS25 300
r Relraclor (where specified) Combines GS1025* Merc.- E28 250
prisrnatlc lighi control wjth pleasant sphere GS1006* 30 Inc.- PS35 500
styling, borosilicate g ass. G S l026* 30 Merc.-E37 400
r Sealed oplical system Gasketed globe
prevents entrance of outside contaminants
creates positive moisture seal. GS1201 GS6201 14 lnc. 'Al 9 100
C ear
r Filter unique device holds globe sec!rely with GS t221 GS6221 14 Merc.-El7 15
in piace by means oi three concealed keepers GS1203 GS6203 18 lnc. A23 200
activated by captive screws. Pole clamp GS1223 GS6223 18 Metc E23'l 100
fastefs fitter to pole expands as center boLt
is t ghtened- ocks iltter in place. Fjts 3-inch
O.D. tenon.
G 51101 GS6101 14 li G25 25
r Ballasl-Constant-Wattage Autoiransf ormer Sing le J ln. 1G40 60
in-pole, encased, potled baLlast ls suspended I G51103 GS6103 18 I ar sr 60
from fitter. Provides mechanical and electrlcal Clea r
protection. lnsures heal dissipation, quiet
r 'i'\ operation. Also ava lable with hlgh-reactance
or reactor ballast.
G51113 G56113 18
( G25
ln. < T1O
r Construclion Ba lasl, socket and fltter are
fuily assemb ed and pre-wired. Fitter is cast
aLum num. Ali metal finished in baked acrylic
enamel- GS1401 GS6401 14 lnc.-A19 100
wllh GS1421 GS6421 14 Merc E1 7 15
Application Data GS1403 GS6403 18 lnc -A23 200
3 GS1423 GS6423 18 M€rc -E23% 100

a ,.'0," {(
GS1301 GS6301 14 IlG40
G25 25
!u GS1303 GS6303 18 Lcr s

3 ( c2s 4-25
: a r*", I
G51313 GS63l3 ln c. { T10
I arq

Additional Ordering lnlormation

Poles Post lop umlna res with 14- and 1a inch spheres hale. ass A w nd oadi.l] rat ng 24-inch
sDheres have class C ralifq and 30-inch spheres have c ass O rat ng. Wa I mo!nt um na res wilh
1,1-and18-inchsphereshavecassDratng Posllop umn.resJital poLeswlh
3- nch O D tenon. For appropr ale po es see po e secl o..
20 30 .10 50 60 7A
Ballasr Ava lab e 120 throuqh 480 volts. Specily voltaqe as catalog.umber suil x
Spacin9 in Feet e g.: GS]021 120
Finish Black (BK), Bronze (BZ), A umin!m (AL). Specify as catarog number s!llix
M?r mum spac ng 6 t mes lhe pole hei!ht e g.: GSl021-1208K
A. 14" Opal Sphere. 100 watt De uxe White Me.cury Lamp
l2 ii nom nal pole heiqht. Wall-lvlount Dimensions
For olher *allaqes: MuLl p y loolcand e !a ues by 68lor Backplaie 4" x 8% ". Wa I lo sphere cenlerlire 14".
150-watl fcandescent by .7 lor 75-wall mercury and by 'S1ra qht Jltter s!pp ied .-sDhereba ast lurrished w th 30- nch opa sphere
2.0lor 175-watt merc!ry. (175 watt mer.!ry lor 18' sphere )

R 1


Smoke with Refractor


Applicalion Geomelrics -Twin Spheres

Twin spheres cornplement the iorm and shape
of associated structures. Suitable for areas
having a formal or informal style.

r Globes- Ultra'violet-inhibiled acrylic available
GS2001 14 ln c-A23 2AA
ln clear, smoke and opal. Other plaslic materials GS2021 14 Metc E23L 100
available. opa
GS2003 18 lnc PS25 300
r Oplical System Globe is gasketed to prevent GS2023 18 Merc-E28 115
entrance ol moisture, and other outside
r Light Conlrol lnternal borosilicate glass
reiractor available jn clear and smoke spheres.
lmproves light control, retains integrity of sphere GS2201 14 lnc-A19 100
C ear
styllng. G52221 14 Merc-E17 l5
r Arms-Delivered pre-wired and completely GS2203 18 lnc A23 200
assembled ior ease of installation. G52223 18 Merc E23'/. 100
r Ballast- Constant-Wattage Autolransf ormer
(CWA), in-pole type suspended from fitter which
is allached to stem. Stem enclosed mountino G S210 t 14 ( c25 25
insures cooler operation, facilitates installation si"qre I ln c. { G30 60
and maintenance. High-reactance and reactor t GS2103 T8 { er s 60
versions available.
\ .t r Conslruction -Fitter is cast aluminum. arms 425
t^r extrLded aluninur. All exposed netal is
trealed and painted wilh baked acrylic enamet
a r*", I
GS2113 18
"" i f,'f t ets
4- 60
to resist corrosion.

Applicalion Data
GS2401 14 lnc A19 100
GS2421 14 75
GS2403 18 lnc-A23 200
GS2423 18 Merc-E23% 100

GS2301 14
lnc a G30
!- GS2303 1a t nrs 60
( c25
a r.a, I GS2313 ln. < T'l O
I ar q
t 4- 60

Additional Ordering lnf ormation

5a 60 Poles-L!m naires have C ass K w nd Load ns rating, and iit a I McGraw-Edlson poles w th 3-inch
20 30 40 70
O D. lenon. See pole seclion.
Spacinq in F€et aallasl-AvaiLable l20lhrouqh 480 volts Spec ly voltage as catalog nunber suiiix.
Max mum sDacifa 6 times lhe po e heighl eq: G52021-120
spheresr i00-wall De uxe Wh te Mercurv
Finish Back(BK) Bronze(Bz) Al!min!m (AL) spec ty as catalos numbersuiilx.
A. Two 14" opaL
eq: G52021-1208K
Lamp 12 rl. nom naL pole he qhl
For olher wallaqes: mu lio v iootcandle !a ues by .68 ior
150-watl ncandescenl. by T lor 75-vratt mercury and by 2 0
ior I /5 watl mercury (175-watt m€rc!ry io. 18" sphere) Twin Sphere Dimensions

14" 19y,'

tsr 18" 23%"


Application Geometrics-Three Spheres

Ma ls, shopping centers, bui ding surrounds
benefit from the i luminatlon and style added D ia.
by this lnlerestlng lripie configuration.

r Globes U tra-vlolet-inhib led acryllc in clear,
smoke and opa. Other plastic materials GS300t 14 lnc A23 200
GS3021 14 Metc E23Y. 100
available. opn GS3003 T8 nc PS25 300
r Optical system-Globe ls gasketed to prevenl GS3023 Merc- E28 115
entrance of mo sture, other outside
contam nants.
r Light Conlrol . lnle ral boros licale glass
refractor avai able in clear and smoke spheres,
lmproves light contro , retains integr ty of
C ear
GS3201 14 lnc'A1 I 100
sphere slyling. GS3221 14 Merc El7 15
r Fitter and Arms Extruded arms set at 120 GS3203 18 lnc A23 200
GS3223 T8 Merc " E23'L 100
degrees. Delivered completely assembled and
pre-wired lor ease of installation.
a Ballast ConstanFwattage A!lotrairsformer
(CWA), in-pole type suspended from fitter which
is attached to stem. Siem enclosed mounting Slns e
j GS3101 14
ln. I1G30
G25 25
insures cooler operat on and faci itates I GS3103 18 [.aro 60
insta ation and maintenance. High-reactance Clear
and reactor verslons ava lab e.
f)- r Construction-Fitter and arms are sturdy, C uster
GS3113 ln.
( c25
1 Tl0
corrosion-resistant a uminum. Finlsh is baked I larq
acry ic enamel.

Applicalion Data
GS3401 14 nc-A19 r00
Smoke 14 Merc- E17 l5
GS3403 18 lnc A23 2AO
GS3423 Metc E23Y. 100

GS3301 14 ( G25 25
Sing le J lnc 1G30 60
l GS3303 18 t rrg 60
( ( c25 4-25
C Lster GS3313 t8 lnc I Tl0 4- 60
t t nrs 460

Additional Ordering lnlormation

Poles Lum na r€s have C!ass K w nd oading rallnO and iit a I McGraw Edlson poles w lh 3-inch
Spacins in O D
tenon. See pole sectlon.
Ballast Ava able 120 lhro!oh 480 volts specily vo laoe as.atalog n!mber sufl x
Max mum spac ng 6 times lhe poie he ght eg: GS3021-120
A. Three 14" opa spheres: i00-wan De!uxe White Merc!ry Finish B ack (BK) Bron26 (Bz)Al! {AL) Spec Jy as cata os n!mber sllr x
Lamp. 12 it. nomina po e he tht eg G53021-l20BK
For olher wattaqes: huli ply lootcand e va ues by 68 lor
r50-warr ncandescenl. by.7 lor 75 vralt mercLry a.d by 2 0
lor 175 watl mercury (175 walr me.c!ry lor 13" sphere) Three Sphere Dimensions
Arms | 20' Apart

14" 19L"
14" 23,/l',


Application Geometrics - Four Spheres

Beautifully bold Four sphere multiples comblne
imagjnation with practical construcllon-add D ia.
character to any modern architeclural setting.

r clobes Ullra-violet-inhiblted acrylic in clear, GS4001 14 lnc-A23 200
smoke and opal. Other plastic materials GS4021 14 Merc-E23% 100
available. Opal GS4003 18 lnc'PS25 300
I Optical System-Gasketed globe creales GS4023 18 Merc E28 115
moisture seal, prevents entrance of
oulside contaminanls.
r Light Control- lnternal borosilicate glass
refractor available in c ear and smoke spheres
lmproves light control, retains integrity of GS4201 nc-A19 100
Clear GS4221 14 Merc El7 /5
sphere sty ing.
GS4203 18 200
r Filter and Arms-Delivered compleiely GS4223 18 M.t.-E23'/, '100
assembled and pre-wired for ease of
r Ballast Constant-WaltageAutotransiorrner
(CWA) in-pole type suspended irom fitter which GS41o',l 14 1G25 25
is attached to stem. Stern enclosed mounting ,,"n," lnc. I G30 60
insures cooler operation, facilitates installation { GS4103 18 I ntg 60
and maintenance. High-reactance and reactor Clear
versions available. 1G25 4-25
r Conslruction FrllF d'lo ar'ns are corrosion a r.*, I GS4113 18 ln. < TI0 460
t larq 460
resistant alum nu m. Fin sh ls baked acrylic
Application Data
GS4401 't4 lnc-A19 100
12 Smoke GS4421 14 M erc'E 1 7 15
GS4403 T8 lnc'A23 2AO
GS4423 18 Merc-E23Y. 100

!8 25
GS430',l 14 I G25
Sing le ) ln. { G30 60
E I GS4303 18 tnts 60

5 Smoke
GS4313 18 ,". 1f,if 4-60
{ larg 4-60

Additional Ordering lnformalion

Poles-Lum .aires w th 14 inch have class K w nd loading raling. 18-inch spheres have
20 30 '10 50 60 70
c ass L rat nq and iit poLeswllh3 nch O D. tenon See po e sect o'.
alL McGraw-Edison
Spacing in Feet Sallasl Ava volts Spec iv !oltaqe as calalog number sullix. e s I G5402r 120
abLe 120 thro!9h 4so

Maximum spacinq 6 t mes the po e heighi Finish Black(BK) Bronze(BZ) AL!niium(AL) Specilv ascataloq n!mbers!lrx e.g rGS402l-120K8
A Four 14" opal spheres lOO watt Dellre Whlle Mercury
Lamp. 12 ,l nom .al Po e he ght
Four Sphere Dlmensions
For olher wallases: mu lLp y roolcand e val!es bv 68 ior
150,wa1t incand€scent, by .7 io. 75 wall mercurv and bv 2 0
lor 175-watl me.cury. (175 watt mercLrv ior 13'sphere)'

14" 19L"
18" 23t "

Application Geomelrics- Five Spheres
[,4ajestjcaLly simple Five spheres are ideai ior
larger areas. Attractive by day and night Dia.

r Globes- LJltra-violet-inhibited acrylic in clear,
smoke and opal. Other plaslic materials GS5001 14 200
available- GS5021 14 100
Opal 300
r Oplical System Gaskeied globe. Prevents GS5003 18 lnc - PS25
Merc- E28 115
GS5023 18
enlrance of moisture, other outside
! Light Control- lnternal borosilicate glass
refractor availabie in clear and smoke spheres.
lmproves light control, retains integrity of
sphere slyling. GS520',l 14 lnc-A19 100
r Fitter and Arms-Delivered completely
Clear GS5221 't4 Merc El7 l5
GS5203 18 lnc'A23 2AA
assembled and pre-wired for ease of G S5223 18 Merc-E23% 100
r Ballasl Constant-Wattage Autotransformer
(CWA) in-pole type s!spended Irom fitter which
ls attached to stem. Stem enclosed mounting GS5101 14 25
insures cooler operation, f acllilaies installation ,,"n," i
"" I nrs
333 60
and maintenance- High-reactance and reactor { GS5',t 03 18 60
versions available. C lear
r Conslruction Fitter is cast alLlminum, arms
extruded aluminurn. All exposed metal is lreated
a'r.,", I GS5113 18
".1f,'". 460
and painted with baked acryLic enamel to resist
t t rrg 4- 60

Application Data
GS5401 14 lnc A19 100
15 Smoke GS5421 14 Merc E17
GS5403 18 lnc-A23 200
GS5423 't8 Merc-E23% 100

,9 ro
GS530',l 14 I G25 25
Sinsle lG30 60
E t GS5303 18 I arc 60
! Smoke
II T10
Clusler GS5313 18 lnc 4- 60
t ars 4- 60

Addilional Ordering lnformation

60 Poles L!minaires have class L wind oadins ratlng, and f t alL McGraw-Ediso. po es wllh 3- nch
20 3tJ 40 50 70
o.o. ienon. see pole sectlon.
Spacing in Feet
Ballast-Avai able 120 thro!gh 480 voLls. spec Jv vo lage as calalog n!mber sullix' e o : Gs5021-120

Maxlmum soacinq 6limes lhe pole heighl. Finish-Black (BK) Bronze (BZ)Altm num (AL) Specilv as cata og n!mber s!J, x
A Five 14" opal spheres:100-wan Deluxe While Mercurv e.g.: GS5021-1208X 12 it. nom nal Po e he ght
For olher wallaces: multlDlv iootcand € values bv 68 lor Five Sphere Dimensions
l50 ratt incandescent, by .7 ior 75-wait mercury and bv 2 0
lor 175-walr mercury (175 wa11 merc!rv lor 18" sphere)

14" 19y,"

14" 23y."


Prismatic Sphere

Application G eo met r ics- P r is m at ic Spheres

Spheres with mjniature molded prlsms for
maximum llght control and crystal like appearance Sinsle
enhance any scene both day and nighi
Combines lorm with iunction foT various GS1503 cs6503 lnc PS25 300
achitectural app lcations. G51523 GS6523 Mer.- E29 'n5

i GIobes-18" ultra-violet nhibited injeciion 1B'
mo ded acrylic spheres. Other nraterials
r Oplical System G obe ls gaskeled to preveni

entrance of Tnoisture and olher oulside
r Light control-Control prisms re-direct light
nto usable areas provid ng a synTmetric light
d stributlon. Reduces wasted upward light.
r Fitters and Arms- F tler secures g obes with
!nique system oi concealed keepers. Pole
clamp sec!res fltter lo 3" O.D. pole activated
by a s ng e hldden bo t. Arms for m!liiple units
are delivered completely assembled and pre-
wired for installat on ease.
r Ballast-Consiant Wattage Autotransiormer
(CWA) in pole type s!spended from fitter wh ch
fl)n ls attached lo po e tenon or arm stem. Stem
enciosed mount ng insures coolel operation,
f acrlilates installation and maintenance. High

reactance and reactor versions avai ab e.

I Construction-Frtter is cast alumillum arms GS2503 GS3503 GS4503 GS5503 n c-PS25 300
extruded a umin ! m. Exposed metal surfaces are GS2523 G S3523 GS4523 GS5523 Merc E28 115
treated and painted wilh baked acrylic enamel.
Additional Ordering Information
Application Dala Poles Luminaires have the io Low ns w nd load ng ralinsi Sinq e-C ass A. Tw n and Three
Class K FoLr a.d F !e C ass L Wa I mounl Class D. A posl top un ls lit McGraw Ed son po es
w th 3 nch O.D tenon Fo. spproprlale pole see pole secllon
Ballast Ala abLe l20 through 480 voLts Spec Jy vo tase as cala oq n!mbcr suJl x e q: GSls23 120
Finish-B ack (BK) Bronze (Bz)Alumin!m (AL). specily as cala og numbe. suil x e g. Gsr523 l20BK
Wall Mounl Oimensions back p alc,1"x8f2"


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
S pacing in feet
Max mlm spac nq 7 t mes pole he ght
A l8" Pr smat c sphere 175 vratt De ure White Merc!ry Lamp
l2 it .om na po e height.
For other wallages: mu llply fooicandle va ucs by 0.34 for
150 watt ncafdescent by 0 35 Jor 7s watt merc!ry and by .5
lor 100 lvatt mercury.
For mu t p e conl quralion mult ply ioolcandLe va ues by the
n!mber oi spheres on pole.


Application Geometrics-Single Cubes
Formal in appearance, cubes lend strength,
difitension to areas-

r Cubes- u ltra-vio let-inh b ted acrylrc in c ear,
smoke and opa versions. Also avallable in other
plasl c malellal". GC1000 GC6000 10 lnc-A23 150
r Relractor- (W he r F "pec;fiedl P o. der pr s- OpEl
GC1020 GC6020 10 Merc- E17 l5
GC1002 GC6002 16 lnc- PS25 300
mat c light controi. Complemenls cube styling. GC'|O22 GC6022 Merc E28 175
I Oplical System Gaskeled cube prevents
entrance of moisture olher outside contami-
r Fitter- Holds cube in place with three
.olcealed keeper, acLivat6d by cdpt ve "Lrews.
Pole clamp fastens fi1ler securely to pole- Ciear
GC1202 GC6202 16 lnc-A23 200
expands as center bolt rs tightened to lock GC1222 GC6222 16 Merc-E231, 100
irtter in place.
r Ballast ConsianlWattageAutotransformer
(CwA) in-po e, encased, potted ba last is
s!spended from fitler. ofiers superior heat
dissipation, quiet operation. A so aval able
with h gh-reactance or reactor balLast.
Sing le ! GC1102
Merc G40
r Construction Ballast, socket and fitter fuLly
assembled and pre-wired. Fitter is cast I G25 4-25
aluminum. All exposed metal treated and ) GC1112 GC6112 16 nc < Tl0 4-60
painted with baked acrylic enamel to resist t I ar q 460

Application Data
Smoke lnc-A23 200
GC1402 GC6402 16
GCl422 GC6422 16 Metc E23% 100
GC1302 GC6302 16 lnc-A23 200
; Sing e I
GCl322 (jc6322 16 Merc-G40 100
o2 ( G25 425
Cluster i GC1312 GC6312 16 lnc I T10 4-60
i l,rrq 4-60

Additional Ordering lnformation

20 30 40 50 60 70 Poles Pos1'Top lum naires wilh lO" c!bes have class A wind_ oading.atins l6" cubes class D
Spacing in Feet WalMounl !minalreswlhl0"c!beshaveclassDraling, 16" c ass K. Fost-Top lum na res I t
al McGraw Edison poles wirh 3 inch O.D. lenon Seepoeseclon.
Maxlmum spac ng 6 i mes po e he ghl
Ballasl-Availab e l20 lhrouqh 480 volts spec iy voltages as cata og number s!llit e.s : GC1020_120
A.16" Opal cube 175-watt De uxe wh te r"lerc!ry Lamp
l2 fl. .omina pole he 9ht Finish Back(BK)Bronze(Bz)Aluminum(AL).Specijvascataosnumbersuilx es:Gc1020-1208K
For other wattages: mu r ply rootca.d e values by.34 ior Wall Mount Dimensions
r50 uJarl ncandescenl. by.35 lor 75-watt merc!ry and by 5
1o/ 100-walt merc!ry. Back plale 4" x 8% ", walL to c!be cent€r ine i4"

App lication Geometrics-Twin Cubes
Twin c!bes are sized right. W ih cube, color, amp,
and refractor variatlons. twin cubes go anywhere. S ize

a Cubes-tl tra violet inhlbited acrylic ava lab e
in clear, smoke and opal. A so avaiLable in
GC2000 10 lnc-A23 T50
other plastic materials. GC2020 10 Merc-817 75
r Oplical system - Gaskeied cubes preveni opa lnc PS25
GC2002 16 300
enirance of moisture. olher outside GC2022 16 I\jlerc E28 115
I Arms De ivered pre-w red and assembled.
Ballast is located n siem of each arm.
r Ballast-Consiant-Wattage Autotransiorrner
(CWA), in-poLe type suspended from fitier, Clear
which s attached lo stem. Stem enc osed GC2202 16 lnc A23 200
wiih Merc E23'l 100
mounting nsuTes cooler operation, lacilitates GC2222 16
nstallatlon and maintenance, H gh reactance
and reactor vers ons availab e.
! Construction-F tteT s cast a !minum, arms
extruded alumlnum. All exposed meta is treated
and painted with baked acrylic enarnel Sins le ) GC2102 16 lnc A23
Me'.- G40
il GC2122 100
to resist corrosion.
,} Application Data
C uster iI GC2112 l,. lG25

Smoke nc A23 200
GC2402 16
with GC2422 '16 Metc E23Y, 'too


Sins Le ) GC2302 16 lnc-A23 2AA
GC2322 16 M€rc-G40
S moke
I lG25
20 30 40
Spacin q in Feet
50 60 70 Cl!ster
i GC2312 16 lnc
I ar s
4- 60
4- 60

Maxlm!m spac ng 6 t mes po e he ght Additional Ordering lnf ormalion

a Tao 16" Op. crbes. 175 wall De !t. wh lc Mercu,y
Poles-Luminaires with 10" cubes hale c ass K w nd load.O rat nq 16' c!bes have. ass L-aid
Lamp l2 Jt nom,na pole he tht rlal M.Graw-Ed sor po es rv lh 3" O D leno. Seepoesecllon
For other watlages: mull pLy lo.rcend e !alues 34 iorb! B.llasl Avaiat'le 120lhro!gh 480 vo Is Spec fy voLlaqes as cata og numbe. srii x e s : GC2a20_120
r50 wall n.andesccnl by 35 lor 75-!1a11 m.r.ury afd by 5
lor 100{ali m.r.!.y Finish-B ack (BK) Bronze (BZl A un n!m (AL) Speclty as cataLos n!mber s!ll x e g : GC2020-1208K

Twin Cube Dimensions

10" 19y,"
16', 23y,"

r$1 sll

Four Opal
Application Geometrics- Four and Five Cubes
Elegant lour- and five-cube rnLt tiples in smoke
and clear, project an aura of quiet formalily.
Opal cubes enhance any setting.

r Cubes Ultra-violet-inh blted acrylic available
in clear, smoke and opal. Also available in GC4000 G C5000 10 lnc A23 150
other plastic mater als. opa
GC4020 G C5020 TO Merc El7 15
I Oplical System Gasketed cubes prevenl GC4002 G C5002 16 lnc PS25 300
GC4022 GC5022 16 Mer.- E28 175
entrance of moisture, other outside
r Arms- Delivered pre-wired and assembled for
ease oi installation. ln m!ltiples of five, fifth
ballast is located in center husk.
! Ballast- ConstanFwattage Autotransformer C ear
GC4202 GC5202 16 lnc A23 2AA
(CwA) in-pole lype suspended irorn fitter, which GC4222 GC5222 l6 Metc F23L 100
is attached to stem. Stem enclosed mounling
insures cooler operation, facililales installation
and maintenance. High-reactance and reactor
versions ava lable.
r Construction Fitler is cast alumlnum, arms i
qle { GC4102 G C5102 16 lnc-A23 2AA
S n
extruded aluminum. Allexposed metal is I
GC4122 GC5122 16 M erc- G40 100
treated and painted with baked acrylic enamel
to resist corrosion.
GC4112 GC5ll2
I G25
lnc I Tl0
Application Data I I Ar 9 4-60
Four cube data
lMulliply footcandles by 1.25 for live cubes

Smoke lnc A23

with GC4402 GC5402 16 2Aa
GC4422 GC5422 16 Merc E231, 100

;t ."0" I
lnc A.23
Merc G40
t Smoke

{ G25 4-25
a","r- I GC4312 GC5312 16 n. I TIo
t 4,60

Additional Ordering lnformation

20 30 40 50 60 70 Poles L!mlnalres with 10" c!bes have C ass L wifd oad nq .aling Luhiralres with lo!r 16" c!bes
SPaci.g in Feet have C ass P rarins and Luminaires with i !e c!bes have C ass Q rat ng. A I !n ls I I McGraw Ed son
, t O D F.or '6e po p.p o-
^r. )
po "s
Max mum spacing 6 limes lhe po e he shl Ballasl-Avallab e 120 lhrough 480 vo ls. Spec ty vo laqe as cata o9 nonber sull x. es: GC4020 120
A Four 16" Opal cubes,175-wa11 Del!xe Wh le MercuryLamp. Finish B ack (BK) Bron2e (BZ) A (AL) Spec iy as cata oO n!mber s!liix eg: GC4020-1208K
12 il
nomlna po e heighl
For olher watlages: Mu I ply iootcand e values by .34 for Pubqr
150 wart lncandescenl by .35 lor 75-wall mercu.y and by .5 Sze Four and Five Cube Dimensions
lor 100-wall mercury.

10' 191,"
i 16', 231,',
Add a touch of the unusual. The ellipse
complements other shapes, is atlractive when
!sed independently.
. Globes-Opal, ultra-violet-inhibited acrylic. Also
available in other plastic materials.
r Optic.l System-Gasketed globe prevents
entrance of moisture-other outside
I Fitle.- Holds globe in place with concealed
retainers. Pole clamp fastens securely to pole-
expands, as hidden cenler bolt is tightened, to
lock fitter in place.
r Ballast-Constant-Wattage Autotransformer
(CWA) in-pole type js suspended from fitter.
High-reactance and reactor versions available.
r Construction- Ballast, socket and fitter are
completely assembled and pre-wired. Fitter is
cast aluminum. Al! metal parts furnished in
baked acrylic enamel.

Application Data

Globe Size-lnches

GE1000 22x11 lnc-,A23 2AA

GE1020 22x11 Metc-E23% 100
GE1001 34x17 lnc PS35 500
Spacing in leet. GE1021 34x17 Merc-E28 175
Maximum spac nC 6 t mes pole hei!ht
A. are 22" x 11" apal El ipse, 1oo-watt De uxe White Mercury Additional Ordering lnformation
Lamp. 12 i1. nomira pole heighl.
Poles-LLm na res w lh 22"x11" e lipse have class A wlnd loadinq .atinq. 34"x17" e llpse has
For other wallages: mulliply footcand es by .68 tor 1so-wall class B rating. Lum naires iit a I Mccraw Edlson poles with 3 inch O.D. tenon. See pole seclion.
incandescent, by .T lor 75-wall mercury and by 2.0 ior
Ballast-Ava lab e l20lhro!gh 480 volts. Specily voltase as calalog number suilix. e.g.r GE1020 120
Finish-Black (BK) Bronze (BZ) Alumin!m (AL). Specliy as cata os number s!ll x. e s.: GE1020-1208K



' .,'..:
Application Tradilionaire
Early American styling adds authent c charm to tight
period structures, commerclal areas, campuses,
building facades, parking lots, walkways and
res dential and park roadways. T11211 Tr2211 Mercury- H R 75
TT1311 Tr2311 Synrmetric (120'volt)
r Oplics Refractor consjsts ol shatier-resrstant Tr1212 TT2212 100
pri-rrar c acryl ' pa're s posiliored for 'narirrum T'11312 rT2312 Symnretric
opt cal efi clency. Polycarbonate refraclors
available. TT1213 TT22l3 115
r Ballasl-ConstanFWattage A!toiransformerfor TT1313 rr2313 Syrnmetric
l\,4ercury lamp operation-Reactor for High-
Pressure Sod iLrm, "fr1214 TT22t 4 250
I Conslruclion Cover and base of posl-top unit TT1314 Tr2314 Symmelric
are corrosion-res stant cast a uminu m. Pendant
unit has hinged, cast a uminu m cover- Cupola "111224 f-t2224 High Pressure Sodium 250
houses N EMA twistlock photocontrol. Tr1324 Tr2324 Symmetric
r lnstallalion Post-top unlt has selFa igning
slipfitter, pendant un t has 1 /a -inch threaded Tr1200 TT2200 300
pipe assembly for cross-arm mounting. TT1300 TT2300 Symmetric
r Finish B.dch. baked acrylic erarre .

Addilional Ordering lnformalion

Application Dala Pole-L!minalres have Class E wind loading ral ng Post-top unils I t McGraw-Ed son poles w lh
3 inch O.D. lenor. Pendant !nlls may be mo!nted on wood cross arm. See pole section.
Ballasl*Availab e l20lhrough 480 volls. Speclly voltage as cataLoo n!mber suif r. e.q. TTl2l1.120
Pholoconlrol Receptacle Availab € on posuop unirs rared lhrough 277 voLls Adds!llxFto
cata oa n!mber, e.q. TT12l1l20R (Not avallab e on p€ndant unil )

17' sq.
33 +

Spacing in Feet
Maximum spacinq 6 times po e he sht
A 175wall De lxe Wh le Mercury Lamp, l4lt romina poe
h€ sh1. symmelr c ighl patte.n.
For olher wallages: Mu 1ip y ioolcand e va ues by .58 ior
300 watl inca.descenl lamp, by .34 for 75-walt mercury by.5
lor 100-wat merc!ry, by 1.49 fo.250-watt mercury and by 3.0
ior 250'walr H qh Press!re sodium Lamp.

App lication Lawn-G lo - Trad itional
A faithfu reproductlon of an early Amer can Catalog Number
carriage lantern, Traditlonal Lawn-Glo provides (All Mercurv Units 120 Volts)
appealing low-leveL I umination for residential
yards, walks, driveways, entrances. A so suitable
for cornmercial app icalion ln aparlments, T 11100 T11200 nc 150
condominiums, molels, hotels and clubs. Merc-50
TL1 111 T L1211
Fealures T L1112 T L1212 Merc-75
r Optics-One-plece, shatier-reslstant prismatic T L1't 23 T L1223 Merc-100
acrylic reJractor.
Additional Ordering Inf ormation
r Ballasl Hlgh-reactance. Pole Lum naires have C ass B wind Loadi.g ral.c Posrlop !n ls I t McGravr_Edlson poles wilh
r Photoconlrol- lnte al photocontrol prov des
rn 3 nch O.D. tenon See po e secl on
automatic dusk-to-dawn operation. Pholoconlrol-Add suii x P lo cata oO n!mber e q:TL1100P
r Construction - Base and coverare hiqh- Finish Black (BK) Wh le (WT) Speciiy as catalog number sullix. e q : TL 11008K
ilrenglh corrosioT-res s_drl .asl JlJrri l-r. a5
is wall-mountlng bracket.
r Finish-Baked acry ic ename in black and goLd
or white and gold.

Application Data


Wall-Mount Dimension
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Mercury Back plate 5" x 9'1 Wal to f lle. center l.e 15y2"
Spacing in Foet ncandescent-Back p ale 6" x 7yi", Wa l-to litter cenl€r
Max mum spac ng 7 t mes po e helght
A 1OO'watt Del!xe White Merc!ry Lamp 811. nomina poL€
he 9ht, symmetric ighl patle.n
For other waltages: M!ltlpLy iootcand e values by 65 ior
l50 wall incandesce.l, by 39 ior 50 wall mercury by.75 lor
Application Lawn-Glo-Tudor and Mansard
Smart Tudor and Mansard styling complements the Catalog Number
architectLrre of a wide variety of residential, (All Mercury Units 120 Volts)
commercial, institutional and private buildings.

Features A T13100 T13200 lnc-150

r Optics-one-piece,
acrylic refractor.
shatter-resistant prismatic

Ballast-H igh-Beactance.
Tudor V
tr TL3111
T L3211
r L3212
r L3223

r Photocontrol-lnternal photocontrol provides

automatic dusk-to-dawn operation.
Construction-Base and cover are high-strength,
fl) T12100
f L2112
corrosion-resislant aluminum, as is Mansara \/ T L2123 r L2223 Merc-100
wall-mounting bracket.
r Finish BJack, baked acrylic enamel. Addilional lnformalion
Pole-lncandescenl luminaires have class B wind-Loadino.ating, me.curv l!minaires hale C ass C
rating. Posl-top !nils fit McGraw-Edlson poles with 3_inch O D tenon See pole sectlon
Application Data Pholoconkol-Add sLlllx P lo calalog number. € g.: TL2100P


Tudor lncandescenl
20 30 40 50 60 70 Mercury
Spacinq in F6el Wall-Mount Dimension
Mercury-Back plate 5' x 9". wa L-lojitler cenier l ne 15y2"
nq 71,mes pol€ lre qrrl lncandescent-Back p ate 6" x 7y4". Wa ltoj ller center llne
A 10o-vralr De !re Wh Ie Mer.ury Lahp 3ll nonr na pole
he !rh1 symmelr. qlrl p.llern
For other waltages: Mulr p y roor.afd e !alues by a5 lor
r5il w.ll ..andes.enr by 39 lo,50-wnrr mcr.!ry by 75 lor



Application Styleking
Excellent for commercial or rnstitutional
applications. Slyleking assures soit, conlrolled
Style G
illumination-offers a variety of styles and colors
des,gned lo blend witn a wide range o' TS3111 TS411',l Mercury HR
architectural forms. (120 vo t ly)
TS3211 TS4211 Symmetric on

Features TS3112 T54112 100

r Optics-One-piece,shatter-resistant prismatic T53212 Symmelric
acryljc relractor. System is sealed to prevent
entrance of external contaminants. TS3113 TS4113 175
TS3213 TS4213 Symmetric
r Ballast-Constant-Wattage Autolransf ormer for
Mercury lamp operation. Reactor for High-
TS3114 TS4114 250
Pressure Sodiu m. TS3214 rs4214 Symmet. c
r Conslruction Base is cast aluminum, cover,
spun aluminum treated and painted to resist TS3124 T54124 Hish Pressure SodiLm
corrosion. Five distinct cover styles available. 250
T53224 T54224 Symmetric
r lnstallation-Slipfitter is self-leveling. Fits poles
with 3 inch O.D. tenon- TS3300 TS4300 200
I Finish Textured aluminum, baked acryiic TS3400 TS4400 Symmetric
Additional Ordering lnformalion
Application Data Pole H.l D. um nai.e slyles F and G have class C wind oadinq rali.g. lncandescenl um na re
styles F and G have c ass B rat ng. Llm na res iit McGraw-Ed son poles with 3 lfch O D. tenoi.

ft -9 Ballasl-AvailabLe l20lhrough 480 volls ior H LD. !m.aires. SpecllyvolaOe as catalog suliix.
e s. TS3111120.
Phoroconlrol Receptacle-Availab e o. H I D. units.ated ihroush 277 volls a.d on
uf rs. Add sulJix F to cata o! number. e g :TS3111 120F.
all ncandescenl

s Y

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
SPacinq in Feet

MaximLm spacinO 6 t mes pole he sht

A 175 wait De lxe white Mercury lamp 1411. nomina
pole he oht symmetr c !ight patterf.
For olher wallaqes: mulliply lootcandl€s by 341or75-watt
Mercury by .51or 100-watr Mercury, by ] 4€ lor 250-watt
Merc!ry and by 3 5 lor 250-walt ll gh PressLre Sod um.
a. 200-watt A23 incandescent amp. nside irosled, l4 ll. Style G
nomlna po e heiqhl. svmmerric lisht patlern

High lntensity Discharge
x X

F 22 241V6 16-/- 2arA6

G 2A% ii% 247.



Application Styleking
Excel ent for comrnercial or institutional
appl cations. Styleklng assLrres soft, controlled Style D Style J
illurnination-offers a variety of sty es and co ors
designed 10 blend wlth a wide range ot TS',t 111 rs2111 TS5111 M€rcury HR
architectural forms. TS1211 rs2211 TS5211 Symmetr c (120'volt on y)

Features TS1112 rs2112 TS5112 100

rs1212 rs2212 rs5212 Symm€rr c
r Optics One-piece, shatter-resistant prismatic
acrylic refractor. System js sealed to prevent TS1113 TS2l r 3 TS5113 115
entrance of externa conlamlnants. TS1213 TS2213 TS5213 Symmetric
r Ballast Consianl-Wattage Autolransformer for
TS1114 TS2114 TS5114
Mercury lamp operatlon. Reactor for High- TS1214 rs2214 rs5214 Symmetric
Pressure Sodiunn.
r Conslruclion Base is cast alumin!m, cover, TS1124 rs2'124 TS5124 High Press!re Sodium 250
spun aluminum treated and palnled to resist T51224 rs2224 155224 Symnrelric
corrosion. Five dlsiinct cover styles available.
r lnstallalion Sliplitter is self-ievel ng. Fits po es TS1300 TS2300 TS5300 200
w th 3 inch O.D. tenon. TS1400 TS2400 TS5400 Sym etr c
r Finish-Textlrred aluminum, baked acrylic
Additional Ordering lnlormalion
enamel. ratn!
Pole H LD. l!mifaire srylesAand D have c ass Bvr.d loadrnq ralins slv e J hascl:ss C
Application Data nca.descent lumlna re slyles A and D have class A rating and slv e J has c ass C ral nq
Lum na res Jit McGraw Edison po es w lh 3 nch O.D. lenon. Sec pole sect on
Aallasr AvailabLe l20 through,lSO vo 1s lor H l.D !mifaires Speciiv vo tage as cala oq sull I

9 e ! rTS1111'120.
Phoroconlrol Recepiacle Ava ab e on H.l.D. !nlts raled lhrough 277 !olls and on a ln.andescenl
!nits. Add slli x R to.ata og n!mber. e 9.r TSl111 120R

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Spacinq in Feet

MaximLm spacing 6 t hes poLe he thl

A. 175-watt De !xe while Merc!ry lamp, l4 ft. noninal pole
heiqht. symmelric Iight patter.
For other wallagesr mulliply Joot.andles by .34 lor 75 watl
Me.c!ry by.5 ior 100 wa1l Merc!ry by 1.48 ior 250-wall
Mercury and by 3 5lor 250-watt Flgh Prcssurc sodium
B 200-watt A23 incandes.ent lamp inside jrosled, 14 Jl
nominal oo e helqhl. svmmetric qht parlern Styie J
H. LD.

Dimensions lnches
Style High lntensity Discharge
X x
22 23146 16^/- 2311"
D 22% 11%
J 21% )2 i6 22


Arm-Mounled Style B Post-Top

Application Mansard
Timeless IVansard sty lng is compatible wiih
modern or perlod architeciure. Lamps from 250 DESC R IPTIO N Stylo Style
1o 400 watis permit applicalion in commercial, a
industrial and institutional areas. Post-Top TM1 114
r Optics-Ref raclor is ultra-violet-inhibited

High Pressure Sodium

Mercury CWA

pr smalic acry ic. Syslem on Style B (pictured) TM1126 Hish Press'.,re Sodium 400
js gaskeied and sealed 1o lnhibit entrance
of outside contaminants. T styreA TM',t',t 36 Meral Halide-cwA
Arm-Mounted T liJ,!'2114 T M3114
r Ballast-Constant-Wattage Autotranslormer
Single Unit Trlr'l.2124 TM3124 High Pressure Sod um 250
for Mercury and I/elal-Halide lamp operation-
Reactor for High-Pressure Sodium. Concealed ffi,-. T M2116 TM3116

and protected by hood.
Construction Hood and filter are heavy duiy
yeA Slyle
r M2126
T M2136
T M3126

High Pressure Sodium

M€ial Ha ide- CWA


a u rni num. N,4ou nlin g arm-extruded alurni nLr m. B

All are rrear-.d ard pailted to resist corros on. Tllr'l2214 TM32r 4
TllJ!'2224 r i!1'3224 High Pressur€ Sodium 254
r lnstallation-Post-lop iitter and mounting arm
fit 3-inch O.D. poles- Unit ls conrp etely T M2216 TM3216
pre-wired. T M2226 r M3226 High Pressure Sodium 400
r Finish Black or bronze baked acry lc enarnel.
r|l/!'2236 T M3236 Metal Halide cwA
7M2414 I M3414
Applicalion Data r M2424 I M3424 Hlsh Pressure Sodium 254

m Single Unit-For multiple contigurations multiply

footcandle values by number of unils per pole. TM2416
M34t 6
M3426 Hish Pressure Sodium 400
7 M2436 TM3436 Metal Hallde-cwA
34 Additional Ordering lnlormalion
Pote L!minaires f l McGraw-Ed son poles with 3 inch o.D. lenon. see wind oadins lab e lor
w nd loadinq class. Reler io pole seclion lor appropriate po es.
Aallasl Availab e 120 lhrough 480 volts. Speciiy voltaOe as cata os nunber suf ix.
33 e.g.:TM1114120
Photoconrrol Feceptacle Avaiable on !nils raled through 277 volls. Add suifix R to cata og
!tz n!mbe. e.O: TM1114120R
Finish-B ack (BK) Bron2e (BZ). Specily as catalog n!mber s!ll x e g : TM1114-l20nBK

50 60 70 80
Spacing id Feet
Max mum spacinq 4 times pole heisht
A.4OO-watt DelLXe White Mercury Lamp,25J1. nomlnal pole
height symmelric lqht pattern. For 400 wall Hiqh
Pressure Sodi!m Lamp m! lip y loolcand es by 2.4. For
400 wall Meial-Hal de m!ltip y jootca.d es by 1.7.
B 250 wall Deluxe Wh le Merc!ry Lamp, 25-il. nominal po e
heiqht, symmetrlc Lishl pattern. For 250-watt High-
PressLre Sod um mu iip y loorcandles by 2 4

Wind Loadins C lass

Styl€ Style

n S nqle Arm-Mounted
Twin Arm-Mounted
Four Arm-Mounted



Application :
Distinctive styling and precisely-designed optics
make Lawnaire luminaires right for offices,
restaurants, small parking lots, churches,
campuses, walkways and residential streets.

r Optics-Reflector is anodized specular sheet
aluminum-refractor, prismatic borosilicate
r Ballast-Constant-Wattage Autotransformer for
mercury lamp operation Reactor for High-
Pressure Sodium.
r Pholocontrol-lnternal photocontrol provides
automatic, dusk-to-dawn operation.
r Construclion-Fitter is cast aluminum, cover
spun aJuminum. All electrical components are
located on diaphragm and are concealed and
protected by the cover.
r lnstallation Self-leveling slipfiiter fits poles
with 3-inch O.D. tenon.
r Finish-Black, baked acrylic enamel.

Application Data


; Lawnaire

TW1111 Mercury- H R
50 15
60 TW1211 Symmetric (120-volt only)

rw1112 100
lVaximum spacinq 6 tim€s pole height TW1212 Syrnmetric
A, 17s-walt D€ uxo White lvercury Lamp, l4Jt. nominal pole
hei9ht, symmetric lighl pallern, TW1113
Tl/l./1213 175
For other waUaqes: L4u lip y footcand es by .46 ior 200-watt Symmetric
incandescent lamp, by.34lor 75-walt mercury amp, by.5
ior 1oo-walt mercury lamp, by 1.48lor 250-watt mercury lanp TWl114
and by 3.0 tor 250-watl h sh-press!re sodium lamp.
TW1214 Symmetric

Tll^./1124 High- Pressure Sodium

TW1224 Symmetric

TW1200 lncandescent 2AA

Addilional Ordering lnformalion

Poles-Lumlnaire has Class B wlnd loading rallns and iils Mccraw-Edison ooles with 3'lnch O.D.

Photoconkol Available or uniis rated lhrough 277 volls. Add sulllx P. e.s.: TW]111r20P

Application Series SV
Versatile Series SV luminaires provide high ight
levels and good visibility for street, highway and
area lighting. Excellent for shopping centers,
parking lots, perimeter lighting, acce!s roads and sv1104 175
major downtown streets. sv'|105 250
sv2106 Mercury CWA 400
Features sv3t 08 1 000
r Optics-Sealed, filtered systern incorporates
polished, anodized sheet aluminum reflector, sv1125 250
borosilicate glass ref ractor. sv2126 Hiqh-PressureSodium Reactor 400
I Light Patlerd-Asymmetric. sv31 28 1 000

r Ballast Constant-WaltageaLttotransiorrner sv211 6 400

for rnercury and meta halide lamp operation- sv3118 Metal Halide- CWA
reactor lor high-pressure sodium.
1 000
r Construclion All-aluminum hood, diaphragm Additional Ordering lntormation
and support arms help keep rnaintenance low. Pole-Fitters have a mounling tenon rarqe oi 3.l75lo 4.625 nches O.D. Co tets must be ordered
r Finish- Long-lasting textured aluminum baked separalely from 1ab e below. See d mension and wind toading iable ior w nd toading class
acrylic enamel. and reier to po e seclio. lo. app.opriate po e.

Application Data Pole-Top O,D, Limits

Catalos Number (Collers)
For use with Tapered Poles
6 10
LM95Y1 3.875 4.625
F} e
LM95Y2 3.115 3.9? 5

For use with Non Tapered Poles

B L M1 63Y1 3.87 5 4.625
Ballasl Avalablel20 lh.ouOh 480 vo ts. Spec ty vollage as cata oq n!mber slif x e q.r SVt104
<50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 I60 170 Pholoconlrol Feceplacle Aval able on un ls raled lhroLqh 277 vo[s Add suilix R io

Spacjns in Feet cataloq fumber. e SVl104'120R

Maxim!m spacing 4.5 t mes po e hcisht Dimension and Wind Loading Table
A 1000 watl De uxe White Merc!ry Lamp.35ll nom na
pole helghl For High Pressure Sodi!m, mutr p y Dimensions-lnches
ioolcand es by 2.37. For Meial ila de, mu t p y
iootcand es by 1.60. B c
B 400 watt De uxe White Mercury Lamp 30 it nom na poLe
height. For Hiqh-Pressure Sod um, mu t pty toolcafd es Series SV
by 2.58. For [4erat Halide mu]|p y tootcandles by 1.62. 1100 48 30 41 D
C 250 wait De uxe Wh te Merc!ry 25 it nom .a po e 2100 59 4A 51 J
height. For 175-watt, m! I p y foorcandtes by 1.48. For 250- 12
watt High Pressure Sod um, mu tiply foolcand es b! 2 74 3100 50 64 K

l-- B

Main beam direclion

Series SV2100

n Series SV

ss 2100


Application Series SS
Single and twln unrts in sizes irorn 250 through
1000 watts, efficienlly light shopping centers,
parking lots and other large areas. Twin units S€ries SS Sinqle
light two parallel vehicle lanes from one pole.
Single Lrnits are excellent ior perimeter lighting. ss1104 ss1204 1t5
ssl 105 ss1205 Mercury- 250
Features ss2106 ss2206 400
ss3108 ss3208 1000
r Optics-Refractor is borosi cate glass
retlector, anod zed specular alurninLrnT. System
ss11 25 ss1225 High- Pressure 250
is sealed.
ss2'126 ss2226 Sodium 400
r Light patlern c lor a lv.rsro_s. ss3128 s s3228 1000
r Ballasl-Cof stant-Wattage Autotranslormer for
Mercury and IVeial-Ha ide lanrp operation ss2116 ss2216 Metal'Halide 400
Reactor ior High-Pressure Sodiu m. ss311 I ss3218 c.w.A. 1 000
I Conslruction-All external componefts
corros on-reslstant aluminurn. Curved arms Additional Ordering lnlormalion
perm t 3-ioot setback from curb or perimeter- Pole Lum .aire i llers have a le.on mo!nting range ot 3.175 to 4.625 inches O.O. Mo!nting cot ets
protects poles, cars from damage. rnust be ordered separalely lrom rable below. See dimensions and wird-toadinq labe tor wind
loadiFg class and reter to pole sectlon lor appropriale pote.
r lnstallaiion-Bu lt-in riser arms permtt use oi
shorter pole, eliminates need for separate Pole-Top O.D. Limits
Cataloq Numb6r (Collets)
support arms. M in.
t Finish-Baked acryLic enarnel textlrled
aluminum. Retalns beauty for years. For Tapered Poles L M95Y1 3.875 4.625
L M95Y2 3.175

F) For Non-Tapered Poles LM l63Y1 3 875 4.625

Ballasl Ava lable 120 through 480 volls. Spec iy vollaqe as cataloq nLmber suitix
e s:SS1104-120
Pholoconl.ol Receplacle-Availab e on units rated ihrough 277 voLts, Add sultix h to cata og
n!mber, e.g:SSl104 120F (2 pholoconrro s requlred lor 1000-Warl Series SS Twin)
Note: Ser es SS uniis ill!slraled are Series S52000 and 3000 !ersions. Serles SSl000 vers ons have
sifO e arm, per cover.
Dimensions and Wind Loading lnformalion

Spacing in Feet
140 150 160 170 S eries
SS Single
c D

SS Twin
B BB c D

1100 48 30 41 30 E 1200 48 30 90 41 30 K
Max mum spaclnq 4.5 limes pole height.
fl. nomlnal pole
2100 56 40 4A 32 J 2200 56 40 104 48 32 L
A, 1000-watt De uxe White Mercury Lamp 35 3100 65 50 57 44 3200 65 50 138 57
heiqhi. For lliqh Pressore Sod !m m! i p y tootcandles by
K 44 M
2.37. For Meial Ha de mulliply ioolcandles by 1.60.
g.400-wax Deluxe Wh le Mercury Lamp 30 tt nominal po e
helshl. For H qh-Pressure Sod !m m! t p y lootcand es by
2.58. For Metal-Halide nulliply lootcandl€s by 1.62.
C. 250-watt De uxe White Mercury Lamp 25 tt. nomlna pole
he ght. For 17s-wall, nullip y footcandles by .67. For 250-
walt High Pressure Sod Lm mulliply lootcandles by 2.74.

Main Beem Direction



Application Series SD
These units assure high light levels, few po es for
area and slreet lighting. Series SD 3200 units are
excellent for major downiown slreeis and
per meter area lighling. sD3208 2 1000
Mercury CWA 4-1000
Series SD 3400's produce high light levels, good
visibility for shopping centers, stadium and other
parking lots other large areas. Cover provides sD322A High- Pressure Sodium- Reactor 21000
excellent shjelding for high leve I ghting
applications. sD321A Metal Halide CWA 2- 1 000

Features Additional Ordering lnformalion

r Optics-Sealed system incorporates poiished, Pole Fllters have a mo!nlinq tenon range ol 3175 lo 4 625 inches O D. Col ets musl be ordered
separalely lrom lab e below. Poles ior Series SD 3400 unils m!st have t.ansrormer base
anodized aluminum reflector, borosilicate glass See d me.sion and wind loading lab e jor w nd loadlng c ass and refer lo po e seclion Jor
t Light Patterns Series SD 3200 produces
Pole-Top O.D. Limits
asymmetric pattern series SD 3400, symrnetric.
r Ballasl Constant-Wattage autotransformer
ior mercury and melal-halide lamp operation
reactor for high-pressure sodium. For use wrth Tapered Poles
r Conslruclion-Cast-aluminu m bases contain L M95Y1 3.87 5 4.625
ballast and terminal board. Support arms are L MS5Y2 3.175 3.S25
made from expanded aluminum lubing welded
to cast-aluminum shoes. For use with Non-Tapered Poles
l\ r Finish Textured aluminum oaked acrylic L M1 63Y1 3.87 5 4.625
Vl enamel.
Aallasr Avai abel20lhrolsh4S0vots.Specliyvotaseascataloqnumbersullix eg.:S03208 120-
Applicalion Data (Note SD3400series ncludes a two-lamp enc.sed lype t'allasl lor po e base mou.l ng )
SD 3200 data-mulliply by 2lor SD 3400 Pholoconirol Feceplacle Ava labie on Ser cs SD 3200 !n ls raled throush 277 vo ls. (Two
photoconlro s requ red ) Add slii x R to cata og number e g.: SD 3203-F
i {Noter Nol availab e lor Ser es SO 3400.)

Dimension and Wind Loading Table

F c D E
Series S D320o 61 33 58 116 M
Series S D3400 69 61 33 116 144 o
50 60 70 80 90 100 110120130140150160170180
Spacin9 in Feet

Maxlmum spac ng 4.51imes pole helghl

A. 1000-walt De uxe Wh 1e Mercury Lamp.35 it. nom na pole
lreiqht. For Hlqh-P.essu.e sodium m! t p y lootcand es by
2 37. For Meta -Ba de mulriply lootcandLes by ] 60.

\dr. 'if

Main Beam Direction


Promotes greater spacing, fewer poles, increased
pedestrian and motorist safety. Provjdes bright
light for commercial attraction and good vislbility
in large, high-activity areas such as malls and
plazas, shopping centers and parkifg lots.

r Oplics Single upper reflector and iour curved
lower reflectors positioned behind each lamp,
provide superior light control. Glass panels
inslalled between each lamp and the acrylic
diffuser prevent overheating, produce unilorm
llg ht.
r Ballasi Constant-Watlage Autotransiormerfor
Mercury and lletal-Hal de lamp operation
Reactor for High-Pressure Sodiurn.
r Construclion Top hood and cover are heavy-
duty sheet aluminum treated and painted to
resisi corrosion. Enclosed liftlng p ate is of steel
and globe is vacuum-tormed lranslucent acrylic.
C'obe iq co-rlprba,d1, .d ior p"sy se'v c rg
Unit is pre-wired with pigiails extending frorn
base casting.
I Finish-Top hood, cover and base are textLlred
alu minum baked acrylic enamel.
Applicalion Data

; 10
sE3108 Mercury CWA 4 1000
sE3128 High PressurP Sod um Beactor 4,1000
sE3118 Meial Halid-" CWA 4 1000
90 110 130 150 170 190 200
Spacing in Feet Additional Ordering lnformation
Poles-LLminaires have Class L w nd loadlnq ratins and lit McGraw-Edison poles with 4 to
Maxlmum spaci.! 55 I mes po e hei9ht 4.s inch O.D. lenons. See po e sect on.
A. Fo!r 1000-watt De Lxe White MercLry Lamps 35 it. Aallasr-Ava ab e l20lhrough 480 vo ls Spec iy voltage as calalog nrmber sulfix.
nominaL pole he sht e.g. SE3l08r20
For HiSh-Pressure Sod !m m!lt p y lootcandLes by 2 65 For
Meral rla id€ m! 1p y roolcand es by r 76





Hi-Mast luminaires-mou nted at

8O-feet and higher-offer you these
unique advantages . . .
I Superior uniformity
r Greater salety
I Better visibi ity
a lmproved area appearance
The combined advantages of o!tstandlng
uniformity, reduced glare and irnproved area
appearance set Hi-l\,4ast lighting apart from
conventional methods. When applied n roadway
inierchange and commercial area ighting, H -lvlast
offers the fol owing specific advantages:

Roadways and lnterchanges

,r] I Reduces glare from wet pavement.
r Neutralizes the halo effect that rain and foq Five 1oo-loot po es, each wilh a clusle. ol6 Roloshie ds, wi I ishl a typ cal highway
create around lumlnaires mounted at i.terchanqe lo 85 iootcand es nllial.
conventional heights.
I llluminates and makes vlsible ground adjaceni
lo roadway ro give nolorisls a palorarr;. v ew
which enables them to anticipate turns wel in

Commercial Areas
I Makes more space available for vehicles in
parking areas.
r Fewer poles mean fewer obstructions.
r High mounting height oi luminaires results in
greater commercial attraction.
r Reduced glare makes stores and ldentlfying
signs easily d istinq! ish able.

C uster oi 6 Rotosh eld um naires per pole at 100-loot mouni ng helghl, will
parking lot lo 2 ioolcandles n lial with 500 ioot spac n9


App lication R oiosh ield

Provides high light levels and effective, Lrniform
illumination al B0- thro!gh 150-ioot and higher
(Sinsle Luminaire)
mourring heighls. Bolatable opIi.' allow p'
light controL and provide a variety of distrlbution
patterns for large areas, highway interchanges H R108 1000
H R118 High Pressurc SodlLrnr Reactor 1000
and highways. HR128 Meral Halid-" cwA T 000

Features Addilional Ordering lnformation

r Optics-ReJlector is hlghly po ished anodized Pole Lrmnareshave a C ass F w nd Loadlnq ratnO andiit.2 nchppebrackel Seepocscclion
specular aluminLrm refractor, borosilicate lor appropr ale poLes.
glass. Rotatable feature permits each unit io be Ballasl Ava ab e 120lhro!sh 480 !olls Sp.cify vo laqe as cataloO number s!flix. e s : HFl08'120
o.iented ro oi lr.bJIp lrqrl in lh. opli--n
direction. Large lower houslng creates exce eni Here's how it works
cutoft-reduces glare. Sysiem is sealed. llnique rotatab e opilcs prodLrce an inlinite varicty of ight patlerns. Opl cs are aitached
r Light patlern Adjustab e. lo rotatable support casl nq having cal brated or entation rnarks placed 30" aparl.
r Ballasl ConstanFwattage Auiotransforme|for

Rolalable Oplics
lvlercury and Metal-Ha ide lamp operal on
Reactor for High-Pressure Sodium. Mounted -=fl
under top cover. ,-
r Construclion-Top cover and hood are corro- ./-----.-7 '\ l-s--_\
l-eavy durv sp Jn d lumir u n. 0'Rolation 90" Rotalion 180o Rolalion
" on_te5i"tant. is cast
S!pport casting aluminLrm.
lnstallation-Two band-type clamps fit
2-ilcf p pe. De''l1 l dlla hnenl ro lun_i.d;rp
I /^-1 \
/t\ \<--\
/ )i\
lowering ring.
Finish-Baked acrylic enamel textured
\ \.- \/ /
\ .x----/ /
al!minum. --./
Solation ol Lminaires n a cluster perm t w de !arial ons in lghr dislrib!llon afd ntensity.

Oflsel Circle
Reclangle Rectangle

Typlcal Liqhl Palterns which can be oblained with 6 Fotoshields of One Pole
Dotted cLrves show lumen utilization (in %)
10 20 30 40 50 60

lsof ootcandle diagram lor

one Rotoshield "l E

(initial lootcandles on pavement)

1000-watt Melal-Halide lamp,
10o-tt. pole height. .2


[* uo " Diamet

itu.linal distanceto orounting height

lsolootcandle diagrams lor cluster of six Rotoshieldso

(initial tootcandles on pavement) t000-walt Melal-Halide lamps, 100-ft. pole ht.
Nole: Orientation of individual Rotoshield shown by arrows"

400 400 400

300 300
300 300

200 200 200 200

100 100



E 0 0

100 100 100 100

.2 200 200
o 200 240 i5

300 300 300 300

400 300 200 100 0 100 ?00 300 400 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400
Distance from pole in Jeet Distance from Pole in Ieet

400 400 400 400

300 300 300 300

200 200 2AO 200

.t .g
g 100 100 100 100
0 0 0 0

100 100 100 100

.9 .9
200 200 o 200 200

300 300 300 300

400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 400

Distance from pole in feet Distance lrom pole in feet



Unidor 400

Applicalion Unidor 250 & Unidor 400

Primarily designed for street and highway lighting,
Unidor lurninaires can also be successfully used in
such areas as parking lots, access and service u u'1104 115
roads, perimeters and commercial ocations.
uu1105 Mercury CWA 250
Features uu2206 400
r Oplics Refractor s borosilicate glass u u1225 250
reilector, polished anodized specular aluminurn. High Pressure Sodium Reactor
System is sealed and gasketed to inhibit
uu2226 400
enlrance oi outside contaminants. u u2216 Mera Hal .le cwA 400
r Light Pattern Asymrnetric.
r Ballast-Constant-Wattage Autotransiormer to Additional Ordering lnformation
operaie IVercury or l\letal Ha ide lamps, Reactor Pole-Sl plitters have a !minaire s!pport tenon range oi t1t thro!gh 2 inches See d me.sion
and wi.d load nq lab e tor wind toadlng. See pote and support sect o. ior approprare
to operate High-Pressure Sod um amps.
I Conslruclion Exclustve lower power deck and Ballasl-A!allab e l20 through 480 volts Spe. ty vo lage as cara os n!mber s!ti x. e.g. UUlt04120
upper housing are corrosion-resistant cast Pholoconlrol Receplacle Avai ab e or units rated rhroulrh 277 lotls. Add sufi x F lo cara og
a !mrnurn. Lower deck conlains ballast, number. e.O: UUl l04 l20R
capacitors, optica assembly for easy installation. Level lndicalor-Avai .beon a l!.its. Add suil x L io.alatoa numt,er eo: llLlil04 12oFL
majntenance and Ltpgrading. Unique hinge
permits quick remova of ower deck. Positive Dimension and Wind Loading Table
atch visib y secures lower deck and refraclor-
reduces possibility of accidents. Oimensions lnches
a lnstallation Lighiweight upper hous ng feaiures

)n ;i::l:"t;i""'1J,1:l,",i.'J^iJ'i",iii","n,n"
.Lre5s po ris. p.pv.rr'd se s_op-. A'ler -pper
Unidor 250
U n idor 400
housing is instal ed and leveled, lower deck can
be quickly, easlly attached. Exclus ve photo-
control receptac e can be adjusted without use
oi tools.
I Level lndicator Opt onal device ind cates
whether urn naire is level. Clearlv visible
lrom 5o-feet.
r Finish Baked acry c enameltextured

Application Data

lsofoolcandle Diagram Dotted curves show
400 wa tt Deluxe White lumen utilization (in %l
-e Me.cury Lamp, 30ft.mount-
: inq heig ht. For 25 ft. mount-
ins height multiply Joot-
candles by 1.44. For 35 ft.
mou.ting height multiply
Jootcandles by.74. ,0 -.
100 1r0 ;9 -"
Spacing in Feet
Maxim!m spacifq,l l mes the nounllng he qht
A.400 watt Dellxe Wh le MercLry Lamp 30 lr mount n9
height For 400 wall F l]h-Pressure Sod um mu I p y 99
lootcand es by 2 46 For 400 watt Metal Hal de mu tip y
loolcandtes by 150
B 250 watt Del!x. While Merc!ry Lamp.25 ft. mount ng
he ght For 175-ralt. mu lirly lootcand es by 67
) For 250-watt H qh Presslre Sodium m!lliply iootcand es
by 2.56.
Ratio of longitudinal distance
to nrou ntin g height

o 1


Unistyle 1000

Application Unistyle 1000

Street and highway lighting is but one of the
applications for whjch the versatile Unistyle
luminaire is outstanding. ln large areas such as u N3208 Mercury ConstantWaitage Autorransiormer 1000
parking lots, freight or terminal yards, and
recreation areas where high light levels and good
L' N322a High- Pressure Sodium-Reactor 1000
distribution are important, Unlstyle is a sound
cho ice.
uN3218 Metdl Hal de C.W A. 1000
Additional Ordering lnlormalion
r Optics Refractor is heat-resislant borosilicate Poles L!minaires have class D wind oadinq rat.g and tit 2- nch p pe brackers. See po e and
glass reflector is highly pollshed. anodized suppolt sectlon ior appropriate po es and suDporls
aluminum. System is sealed and incorporates a BallEsl-Avaiiab e 120 rhroLgh 480 volts, Spec ly loiiage as calatog numb€r sutfix.
fiberglass filter which reslsls entrance of e g.: UN3206-120
outside contarninants- Pholoconrrol Receplacle Availabre on al units raled through 277 votrs. Add s!ijix R lo calaloO
r Lighl pattern Asymmetric. nLmber. e.g.: UN3208 l20F
Level lndicalor Ava lable on al l!minaires Add s!ii x L lo catatoq n!mber. e q : UN32O8-l20FL
r Ballasl-Constant-Wattage Autotransformer for
lvlercury and Metal Halide lamp operation-
Beactor for High-Pressure Sodiurn.
r Construction - Corrosion-resistant cast
aluminum housing incorporates integral leveling
strips. Positive external toggle latch visibly
secures refraLtor lng lo upper housi.lg.
r lnslallation Support clamp fits 2 inch support
permits external leveling of fixtures.
) I Level indicalor Optional dev ce indicates
whether luminaire is level. Clearly visible
lrom 50 feet.
I Finish-Baked acrylic enamel textured aluminum.

Application Data
3 i1
i; -
6 10

lsotootcandle Oiagram :5 1

.! 1000-watt Delux€ Whit6 *E

55 M6rcury Lamp 35 ft. nouot- 3e
ing height, For 30 ft, mount-
ing multiply Jootcandles by
1.36. For40 ft, multiply foot- ! E:

50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Spacinq in F6et
Mar mum spacirs 4limes mounli.g he 9hr. 12345
A. 1000-watt De !re Wh te Merc!ry Lamp 35 Jt mo!nling
Ratio ot longitudinal distanco
hei9ht For Hi9h-Pressure Sod !n m!lt p y iooicaodles by to mountins height
2 48, ior Meta Halide multlp y roolcand es by I 68

f e

Resilite provides the best in controlled
environmental illuminatlon of residential streets.
It evenly distributes illumination on roadways,
sidewalks and the fronl yards of residences
ln addilion, it is excellent {or use in areas such as
moderate traffic volume parking lols, malls,
walkways, and perimeters.

r Oplics-Enclosed and filtered. Provides efficient,
glare-shielded illumination- N.4 in irn izes dirt
deprecialion. Ref ractor is prismatic borosilicate
glass-ref lector, highly polished specular
anodized aluminum with fi!ted design.
r Light patlern-Symmelric and asymrnetric
r Ballast lnternally mounted Constant-Watiage
r Construction-Housing and mountlng arm are
high-strength, lightweighl corrosion-resistani
cast alurninLrm.
r lnslallation-Fast, simple-support arm altaches
to 3-inch O.D. pole-top. Models also avai able
for mounting on 174-jnch pipe bracket.
r Finish Baked acrylic enameltextured aluminum I
Application Dala


i Resilite
; Light

uR1013 u82013 100

uR1033 u R2033 Symmetric
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Spacins in Feet
uR1024 u R2024
uR1034 uR2034 Symrnetric
Max m!m spacing 6 t mes pole he qht
A. 175 walt Oe uxe Wh te Mercury Lamp 20 it nom na Additional Ordering lnlormalion
po e he 9ht. For 100-wat1 De lxe Wh te Merc!ry Lamp Poles Posrtop um na res have class C wlnd Loading ralinq and 11al McG12w Edison poLes
mult p y tootcand es bY .5 with 3- nch O.D. lenon See pole seclion.
aallasr Avai abL€ 120 lhrouah 480 vo Is. spec ly !oltaqe as cata og n!mber sulii)(.

Dltted s ilros tuh ltftzlion (ir %) Photo.ontrol Feceptacle-AvalLable on u. ts rat€d throLgh 277 voLts. Add sulfix R to cala og
n!mber. € a. UF1013-r 204

175-watt D6lux6
F_,,,,, l--,, , *l
Wh it6 Morcury
-I-ft_ ___l \. I

by 1.74. Fo. 25

g 9t
Mounting Box
53/a" H x 65/s" W f I
RaUo ol hntiludiial drdzir. h m!uitiit he tht

Designed for use with 17s-watt mercury lamps al
12-to 2ojoot mountinq heiqhts. Dependable PPT
lLrminaires provide soft, controlled, low-level
lighting for malls, walkways, parks, campuses,
country clubs, etc.

r Oplics Reiractor is si!rdy, lightweight, one
piece prismatic acryl c, available for symmetric
and asymn'retrlc light distr bution.
I Ballast Hlgh-reaclance, rated 175 watts,
120 volts.
I Lamp-175-walt Deluxe White Mercury.
! Conslruclion-Base is cast aluminum-cover.
spun aluminum painted and treated to resist
r Two-to-carlon packing. RFd.ces sr ipping
costs. requires less storage space. Package
contains two pre-wired units comp ele with
mercury lamps, and photocontrols.
a lnstallation-Sim ply aliach wires. place on pole,
and tighten set-screws on self-aligning tapered
r Finish-Baked acrylic enamel textured aluminurn.
)'l Application Data


uP1104 175
uP1204 Symmetric 120 volt Hlgh Reactance
rL!minaires packed 2 per carton.
Spacing in Feet
Additional Ordering lnformation
Maxim!m spac na 6limes po e he ght. Pores Llninaires have class B wind oad nq ratlnq and iil al McGraw Ed son po es wilh 3- nch
A. 175 watt De ure Wh le MercLry Lamp, 14 it nominal pole O D. tenon See po e seclion.
he qhl. symmetric lqht pattern



Provides automatic security and perimeter
illumination for boildings, loading docks, parking
lots, farms and residential streets.

r Oplica-Beflector is anodized specular sheet
aluminum-relractor is prismatic borosilicate
glass and can be removed without tools. System
is sealed to resist entrance of contaminanls.
r Lighl patlern-Symmelric and asymmetric.
I Ballast-175-watt, 120-volt High-Reactance.
Constanl-wattage and reactor ballasts also
r Construclion-Casl-alu min u m housing is treated
and painted to resist corrosion. Lower housing
swings down for easy re-lamping. Positive
external lalch visibly secures upper and lower
I Packaging-Shipped completely pre-packaged.
Single carlon contains pre-wireo iLm,natre,
175-watt clear mercury lamp, NEMA
twistlock photocontrol and mounting hardware.
r lnstallalion - Attaches directly to pole, wall or
other flat surlace, merely requires connection to
power supply.
r Finish-Baked acrylic enamel textured aluminum.

Applicalion Data

33 Dusk-To-Dawner Package
; u Dt 204
uD1304 Symmetric 1
20'volt Hiqh Reactance

'See features ior package componenls.

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Additional Ordering lnformation
Spacins in Feet Pole Luminaire has class A wind loadinq and fio!nls directly lo wood pote o. t at surJace.
See pole sect on lor app.opr ate pole.
Maxlmum spacing 5 t mes mountins helghl.
A, 175-watt C ear Mercury Lamp 20-it mourring he qhr,
symmetric liohl oatlern.

11Y2" 111/,

Suburbanaire is an inexpensive, dependable
answer to a variety ot lightinq iobs. Suitable for
parking lots, alleys, loading docks, farm yards,
security perimeters and residential streets.

r Optics-Aluminum reflector. Belractor is one-
piece, open-bottom prismatic acryljc for
symmetric and asymmetric light patterns.
. Ballasl-High-reactance, rated 175 watts,
20 volts.
r Lamp-17s-watt Clear Mercury.
r Pholoconlrol-NEMA twist-locktype.
r Construction-Head is corrosion-resistantcast
alu min u m.
. Packaging-Shipped complete in single
package. Carton conlains lead wires, support,
mounting hardware, mercury Jamp and
r lnstallalion-Eve ryth ing required lor installation
contained in package.

Application Data

i2 Suburbanai.e
E'r Suburbanaire Package

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 us1104 Mercury-

Spacing in Feet 115
us1204 Symmetric 1 20-volt Hiqh-Reactance
Maximum spacing 51ifiies mounling he qhl. lSee leatures for packase componenis.
A 175 walt Clea. Mercu.y Lamp. 20-ll. frounlinq heiqhl,
symmeV c light patl€rn. For 250 walls m! t pLy loolca.dl€s Additional Ordering lnlormation
by 1 43.
Pole-Lumjna res have Class A wind load ng raling and li1 1y4-ifch pipe brackels.

Mounts on any flat surface-excellent for lighting
building entrances, siairways, tunnels,
underpasses, store fronts, loading docks, public
garages, vehicle and pedestrjan ramps, exposed
and covered walkways. Designed to provide
superior illumination without annoying glare.

r Optics - Reflector is highly polished specular
anodized aluminum-refractor, prismatic
borosilicate glass. System is completely sealed
and gasketed to protect against entrance of
moisture. other outside contaminants.
r Lighl pattern-Area and underpass.
r Ballast Constant-WattageAutotransiorrner.
r Construction-Corrosion-reslstant die-cast
aluminum housrng and door frame, and
stainless-sleel pressure-type latches.
r lnstallation-Pre-wired. I\lounts easily on any
flat surlace.
r Finish-Aluminum baked acrylic enamel.

Application Data
Area Luminaire

iz \
T, Wall-Mount Luminaire

10 30 40 50 00 70
Spacing in Fsot
Maximum spacinq 6 times rirounting heighl.
uw1104 uw1204 115
17s-wart Osluxe whiie Mercury Lamp, 15-ll. mountlng
helght. For 250 walt mercury mu I ply ioolcandles by 1,48. uw'! 105 uw1205 250
Aioa width-A 20 ll., B-30 lt., C-40 ii.
Additional Ordering lnlormalion
Ballast Availab e 120 through 480 vo ls Speciiy voltaOe as calalog number suliix. e.g : UW1104 120
Application Data Photoconlrol Available on uniis rated through 277 vo 1s. Add s!llix P lo cata og nurnbe..
egr UW1l04-120P
Underpass Luminaire
casr Guard casl alum num refractor gLard ava lable Add sull x G 10 catalog nurnber.

! \ >..:\

10 30 40 50 60 7A

Max mdm spacing 4.5lim6s mounling h€ighl.

17s-walt Deluxe White Mercury Lamp, 15Jt. mountlnq
height. For 250-wan hercury mulliply loolcand es by 1.48
Roadway width-A-2o it,, B 30 ll., C-40 it.

Wind Loading Classilication System

Poles and brackets used for supporting system is used. This system uses a series of
luminaires must have sufficient strength to letters in ascending order to indicate increasing
withstand the windage and other loads developed size when applied to luminaires, and increasing
by the application. Luminaire weight, projected strength when applied to poles or brackets. Each
area, and distance lrom the mounting termination McGraw-Edison luminaire and supporting device
to its load center are some ol the lactors that is given such a classification rating.
must be considered.
The loading classitication ratings are based on
To simplily selection of an adequate pole or the values indicated in the following table.
supportjng device, a loading classification

Loading Classifications lor Luminaires and Supporting Structures (1)

For Pol6 Top Mount€.| Applications For Horizonial T€.on Applicalions

sq. Ft. (2) lonsth,lnchss (3) sq. Ft. (2) Lensth.lnches (3)

A 1.5 12 30 1.5 12
B 2 12 40 2 12
c 3 60 3 '18

O1 75
D 4 ; 80 4 24
E 5 24 100 5 24
F 115 8.35 24
G 130 14.2 24
H 150 18.4 24
J 6 30
K 9 30
L 12 30
M 15 30
N 18
P 21
o 25

(r) Supportins structur€ strenqlh cileria based on 100MPH wind velocity.

Values indicated are m6ximum luminaire size.
12) Bas€d on luminane coetticienl of dng, CD : 0.6
(3) Djslsnce from end of mounling tenon to luminane loading center.

To determine whether a pole or a.m has sufficient Classiflcations do not insure that the dimensions of the
strength, select one having a load classification letter mounting tenon will be compatible with the luminaire
as high as, or greater than, the classification ol the involved. This should be separately determined from
luminaire preferred. Befer to luminaire catalog section the luminaire fitter and lenon dimensional information
lor luminaire wind loading class. in the catalog.

Wood Poles
Application: Fealures:
r Functional by night r Laminated wood standards and crossarms
r Harmonious by day r Prossu16 treated with pentachlorophenol in light
hydrocarbon solvents to protect wood lrom
For new residential sub-divisions, decay and insects.
establ ished residential areas. r Smooth planed surface requires ho finish or
shopping centers, malls, parks, maintenance after installation.
recreation areas, campuses and I Weathers to natural, silver-gray color. :f color is
desired, semi-t.ansparent stains can be applied
all areas where the beauty ol in lield.
natural wood will enhance I Can be directly embedded in firm soil-
today's environment. embedded in concrete in poor soil under
heavy loads.

Series PW1000 cast
Wood Pole tot Aluminum
Pole-Top ."H::l
3" Dia.Tenon 3" Hish

Abovo Ground-Ft.

PW1000 8 11
PW1001 10 13y,
PW1002 12 15V
PW1003 15 19
Pt/vlO04 20 2414

Poles accommodats McCra*Edison Luminaires wilh 3" dia.

tilt€rc and wind loadlng ralins lhrouqh class E.
Poles will not accomnodate luninaires with in-pol€ ballast
or Po €-top mounl6d multlple conliguration units.
Ground Line Luminaire not included.

a l.iil
Raceway Entrance 1.7 iil
{30" lo Vertical) 1 | irl

I 1Ys"

Pole Cross Section

Series PW2000
Wood Poles
and Metal Bracket


Pole H€ight
cxD Loading
A+ B Bating

PW2000 8 '11 4'h x 5% o

PW2001 10 13.4 4Y" x 5% o
PW2002 12 15% 4%x5]/ o
PW2003 '15 19 4hx5% N
PW2004 20 2414 4'A x 5% K
pw2005 30 5%x6 J
P\/v2006 30 36 6 x 6/r J

Meral bracket accommodatss Mcgraw-Ed'son Pole-Top Luminaires

with 3" titter through wind loadins ratings indicated.
For multiple mountings contacl lactory.
Luminaire noi included.


Series PWSU)0,
PW4000, PW5000
wood Pole wilh Crossarm

Hsisht cxD
A+a Sh6f: Siz€-
Above Ground-Ft. Tot6l-Ft.
PW3000 PW4000 PW5000 I 't1 4%x516
PW3001 PW4001 PW5001 10 13y2 4'A x 5',1
PW3002 PW4002 PW5002 12 15% 4hx5%
Ground PW3003 PW4003 PW5003 15 19 4%x5%
Line PW3004 PW4004 PW5004 24% 411 x 5%
/ PW3005 PW4005 PW5005 30 5%xo
PW3006 PW4006 PW5006 30 36 6 x6%

M (30 " to Wind Loading Rat:ngs

Verlicali Pendanl mou.t-pol6s accommodale McGrcw-Edison pendant luminaires through
wind loading raling class F. mount-poles accommodate McGraw-Edison pole-lop luminairss wilh 3" litler
F"--{ PW3000
lhroush wind loadans raling class E.
Horizonlal mo!nl-poles accommodaie McGraw-Edison hoizo.tal mo!nted luninairos
with 1%" slipflttor th.ough wind loadinq .aling class D.
!umlnaires nol included.
Double Crossahs Ava'labls
Scries PA1000
Nsn-Tapered, Round 3"Dia.'.l
Extruded Aluminum Poles l*
3-inch and A-inch Dia. Shalt
3-inch Dia. Tenon Shaft Dia. fi
PA1000 8 3 .06s E
PA1001 .8 4 .125 L
PAl002 10 3 .083 c
PA1003 10 4 .125 K
PA1004 't0 4 .188 M
PA1005 10 4 .2sa N
PA1006 12 t 3 .125 c
PAl007 12 4 .125 J
P41008 12 4 .'l 88 L
' PAl009 12 .250 M
PA1010 14 4 .125 J
3" Dia_ P41011 't4 4 ,1BB K
'PAlo12 14 4 .250 L
PA1013. 16 4 .188 J
PA1014 16 4 .250 K
PA]015 18 4 .188 J
PA1016 18 4 .250 K
PA1017 2A 4 .188 E
PAl01A 20 250 J
Handhole-Available on 4-lnch shall. Add H to calatoq number.
po PA'ooi H
Finish Baked enamel, black (BK) bronze {Bzl, aluhinum (AL). Ctear anodized
al'rminum (AA). Specity as cataloq numb€r suriix: es: pAlObiHBK.
7" Dla, Boll Circle

13) V2" Dia. x 12" ls 7" Oia. Aoll Circle

(4) \z'Ota. 15 ls lor poies w th
(4\ 5h' D)a. ' 17 lo lor ooles w
125 watt
rh 1as warr
10" Dia. 6) h a a. ^\ 24- ld fo' ;oles w rh 250 watt

Series PA2000 3" Dia. x 3.8" Lg.

Hon-Tapered Square
Ext uded Aluminum Poles
3-l,noh and 4-inch Sq, Shaft
3-it'tch Dia. Tenon

Loadins Fating

3 .125 J
I 4 .125 M
10 3 .125 J
10 4 L
10 .250 o
12 3 .125 D
:i: T'
-r.! 12 4 .125 K

Boll Ckcle
q+.1' PA2010
7" Oia. 1o.3" Sq. Pole. 4 .250 M
9" Dia. 1or 4" Sq- Pole.
Base {a) Sq. $ \ P 42011
P 42012
1112 lot 4" Sq Pole. PA2013 20 4 .250 K
Handhole-Avallabie on 4-inch shafi. Add suftix H to catatog number. eg: pA2OOlH
\4) 1/2' Dia. x 15" Ls tot 3t' .') Finish -e"'ed e."met. btdc(,B^, b,orze.a2,. otLai. rm {A.). C ear dnodi?ed
$) %" aia. x 1-l" Ls tot 4,' al.-ir rm/A!l Soec,.v a\ c:latog luroe' sr,.r,. eg: PA2OO.tBK.
Poles lhrough 14 Fr-
(4) Ya" Dia. t 24't Lstot 4"
Poles l0lhrouqh 20
t-l )
t\ -dl t\
1\ ('
Series PA3000
Non-Tapered, Square
Extruded Aluminum Poles
6-inch Sq. Shatt
3-inch Dia- Tenon


if - ,'19'l')
. {:;l
o"'dlllit*:t ')\
Handhole-Add sullix H to calalog nunber. eqr Pd€000H
Finish-baked enanel. black {BK) bronze (BZ), aluminum (AL)- Clear
an.dized alumlnum (AA). Specity as catalos numb€r sultix osi

Base cover (B) Sq!are

13" lor .i25 Wall Po es
15%" lor .250 Wall Poles

\4) ya" Dia. )< 24" Lg lor 20 Fl. Poles (.125 walD
(4) 1" Dia. x 36" Lg ror 20-30 Ft. Poles (.250 Wall)
Boll Circle
10" Dla. lor 20 Ft. Poles (.125 Wa l)
12" Oia. lor 20-30 Ft. Po es {.250 Wa l)

Boll Circle
Collet "A" Pole Base
Series PS Cast Aluminum Base and
Non-Tapered Round Steel Collet Assembly
Yard Lighl Pole
3-inch Dia,-lor
Direct Embedmenl PA1 Collet "A' Base-Com-
plete with anchor bolts

Bolt Circle Dia. 7"

1/2 Dia.x12'Lg
! a,u' - oi".1
GolleI A Pole Baae-A unique can be obiained locally.
syslem ol collet-lype clamps within The collet assembly provides a
a cast alumrnum base permits use wedging action resulting in high
catalog oi 272-jnch IPS pipe or 3-inch
Outlet I clamping lorces belween the
O.O. tubing up to 14 ft- long as collets and pole shall. The forces
PSI shafts to make a compl€le pole are applied over a large surface
. assembly for posl-top luminaires. area elirninating concenlrated
PS3 ; The base and anchor bolts are
packaged in a single compact
high stress areas. Bsses and
shalls are assembled without
PS4 X X carton tor easy handling-and drilling, threading or welding.
storage. Appropriate pole shalls
Finish*Baked enamel, Brack (BK)
Whrle IWT), Specily as caralog wind Loading Class Ratings tor various Shatl Lenglhs and
number sulli\ eq Ps1BK.
2%-inch 2'A-inch 3-inch O.D. 3-inch O.D.
rPs - tPs St€ol
Shaft St66l Tubino Tubtng
Loadin9 Loading Loading
Si2s- Siz€-
3-inch dia. sleet pol€.049 class (1) class i1)

For !se with po erop 6 L K .049 .065 J

Lawn-Glo Luminaires 8 K J .065 D .065 D
10 J E .083 D .083 c
12 E c .120 E .125 c
14 D B

(1) Loading c ass oased on slandard w6i9ht lschedule 40) pipe size and
6061-T6 Eluhinum alloy
Series P44000
Tapered Round
Aluminum Poles
3-inch Top Dia.

Catalos Numb€r Po16 H6ight- Load B.ting


P44000 10 K
PA4001 12 J
PA4002 14 J
P44003 19 J
PA4004 24 c
Flnlsh-Satin ground aluminunr.
arss.'..Cast aruminun pedestal base. Accass door opening 7y2" x 5y1,, x 71/st'-
Ancnor Boltr-3-salvaniz€d sleel-yl" dia. x 18" lons. Anchor nuls concsaled in base.
Bolt Chclo Dla.-878".

Series PA5000
Tapered Round Aluminum Shalts " Dia. Non-Tapered Tenon

4% -inch Top Dia.

_I Catalog Fisuro Bolt Circls Bas€ Siz6- Raiing
Hoight-Ft. lnches Sq.

PA5000 1 20 9-10 97. K

PA5001 1 20 10-11 101l
PA5002 1 10-11 10k K
PA5003 1 11-12 11% L
PA5004 1 30 11-12 11% K
PA5005 1 30 11-12 11y.
P45006 2 14-'15 14 N
PA5007 2 14-'15 14 o
PA5008 35 14-15 14 L
PA5009 2 35 14-15
PA5010* 35 15 2014 o
PA5011 2 40 14-15 14 K
i PA5012 2 40 14-15 14

"F!mishsd with 24-inch high nansformer baso to house remolely mounl6d ba ast, for use
Circle I
wilh Shield€d H.l.D. luminsirc SD2408.4ccess openins 13-inches hiqh,8y.-inch€s wld€
at top, 9Y4-inches wids at bollom.
Dla. I
FlDi.h-Satin ground aluminum.
B!!3 -Cast siurninum 6.chor base.

Hrndhol.-3" x 5" on polos psr llg. 1 snd 4, x 6'l on poles p€r rig. 2.
Ancho. Bollr-Garvaniz€d sreol 1t-1" dla. x 36" 19 lor pol€s 10 30 ft. long.
4-1" d,a, x 4A" ls lor 33, 35 and 40 ft. polos.

F'-l I'i"
I {t
Series PA6000
Tapered Round
Aluminum Shatls
+ Tap€red Elliptical Brackels
Single 4-ll, Long Brackel*

catalog Solt Circlo 8a!6 Siz€-
Dia.- lnchs3 Sq. R€tlng
H€ight-Ft. Clr.g

PA6000 20 9-10 9.8 DI

PA6OOI 10-11 10.5 D,
PA6002 30 11-12 't 1.3 DI
PA6003 35 11-12 11.3 DI
PA6004 40 11-12 11.3 D1

'All Brackels hav€ 2" NPS l€nons.

Shr(-Tap6rcd, round aluminum.
Flnlrh-Satin sround aluminum.
Bolt CIrcle Bricketr-Tapsrod 6lliptical typ6,
Dla. Handho16--4" x 6".
I BasFcast aluminrm anchor bass.

lshl Anchor BoltF:t-1" dia. x 36" long.

Ltr-/ ]



Tapered Round Steel Shalts
41/2-inch Top Dia,

catalog Pole H6isht
Bolt Circl6 Bas6 Siz€-
Dia.-lnches Baiing

PS1000 20 th t0 1x36 N
PSlO01 10 10v N
PS1002 30 11 11% 1x36 N
PS1004 11y, 12 1x36
PS1005 12v" 13 1%x42 o
PS1006 40 12:A 13
PS1007 40 13 13% 1%x 42 o
PSl008 45 1314 14 1%x42
P51009 45 1514 114 x54 o
P51010 50 13]l 14 1%x42 L
PSIOl',l 50 15% 16 1Y, x 54 o
PS1O05T (1) 37 22 1%x 42 o
PSl007T (1) 42 22 22 1%x42 o
(1) For us6 wilh Shielded H.l.D. luminalre SD24o8. F!misnsd-with 2Jl. hioh translormor bas€ to house
remolely mo!nted ballast, Access door opsning 15/r-inchos hi9h, 8%-inch6s lop 10%-in'hes bdttom
shatt-nound tapored sleel. Polos 45 t66l aud ovsr havo lwo'pisc6 shatts Top s€ction is lan lil ass€mbl€d
ro botlom section in ti€ld.
Finllh-Shop coal or rust'lnhlbitiv€ prim6r-inside and oul.
Prare Bals-ligh srr€nsth sl€€l plsle. Bolt covs.s includ€d.
Hindhol€--4" x 6Y2".
Anchor Bolti-Four, hot dipp€d gslvanlzed wlth plated anchot nuls-

Dia- -bi

Series PSl00
High-Masl Steel Pole
for multiple Roloshield
luminaires ?
r Pole-Pole is a series oftapered octagonal sect,ons,
fabricated ol high strength, low alloy steel or Corten
(weathering) steel. Sections are telescoped in field
without weldjng.
r Base-Tapered octagonal high style, welded construction.
Houses winch for lowering device. Has access opening with
tamper-proof cover.
r Anchor bolls-8-High strength bolts equipped with double
nuts for plumbing shaft.
r Lowering device- Luminaire ring supports 1 to 8 Rotoshield
luminaires on 2-inch O.D. bracket fitters. The lowering
assembly is supported by three X6-inch stainless steel
aircraft cables connected to a main 7a -inch stainless steel
cable wound on a winch in the base of the pole. The winch
with an 18/1 gear ratio is powered by a reversible 240 RPM
electric drill (not included with pole) with adjustable torque
limiter. Winch contains a safety brake. Electric power to
luminaires is supplied by a 4 conductor #8 flexible power
cord. A latching device at pole-top insures positive latching.

Catalog aass Sizo- Bolt Circl€

H6ight- Dia
- Siz€-
PS100 80 2 2A 24 (8) 11,L x 60
PS',l01 '100 3 2A 24 (8) 1% t60
PS102 120 4 (8) 1Y, x 60
PS',t03 140 4 33 28 (B) lYa x 60
PS104 150 5 32 (8) 2%xSG

wind load rating class on applic.tion.

Additional Ordering lnlormalion
Brackeb-Available tor mounting 1 to I Rotoshield luminair€s. Spociiy as calalog
number sul!ix. e.s. r PS100-6
Maleri.l-High strength low alloy stesl or Co{on (woalherins) sleel Speclty on order.
Finl.h-Prim€ paintod or salvaniz€d on low alloy sleel-Specily on order.

Luminaire Supports Galvanized Steel

Pip6 B
lor Wood Pole and Caialog Siz€- L€n9th FatiDg
Flat Surtace Mounting
MBlOO 1% 2% D
M 8101 1% 4 I c
M8102 1% 6 17 B
M8103 4 9 F
M8104 2 6 17 D
M8105 2 I 27 c

M8106 1y4 2 6
+Ground Lus-Available on 6ll ssppods. Add GL ro
,l catalog number. e.g.: MA100GL
Mornllng-Pol€ plat€ dsslgnsd lor wood pole or tlat su(ace
mountln9. Only two bolts r€qulr€d.
Wrlng-Supply wiros can enlor pole €nd ol supporl trom
Twist-Lock Type
Controls provide automatic, dusk-to-dawn
operation of McGraw-Edison lum inaires
with twist-lock receptacles.
A twist-lock shorting cap is also available
Jor use with luminaires with receptacles
when photocontrol is not used.

(50/60 Hz.)

ItltP27 105-135 1t ooo wans tnc.

MP28 105-285
[1800 v.a.- H.r.D.

MPI7 Shonins Cap

Shorting CaP

Multiple Relays
tor Control of Multiple
Lighting Circuits
All relays furnished with 120-volt control coils.
Relays with photocontrol receptacle are lor use with 120-volt photocontrol.
All relays have normally open contacts and include lightning
arresters and load fuses.
All jn weatherproof enclosures tor direct pole or wall mounting.

Catslog Load Sating Number ot Luminair€s P€r R€lay ('l)

175-watts 250-W6tts 400"Watt3 1000-Watts
MR186 1 120 30 YES 13 8 5 2
MR182 1 120 30 NO 13 8 5 2
MRl45 1 120 60 YES 17 11 5
MRl41 1 120 60 NO 26 17 11 5
M8151 240 40 Y€S 23 '15 6
M Rl49 2 240 40 NO 15 6
MRI72 2 240 60 53 34 10
MR170 2 240 60 NO 34 't0
MR2O2 2 480 60 YES 107 69 44 19
M R2OO 2 480 60 NO 107 69 44 19

(1) Maximum number ot luminaires bas€d on hiqh - intensily discharge lamps and conslancwanass {CWA) or rosulatorlypo ballasts. Capacity
will bo less for luminaires wi:h no.-r€g!latins type ballasts.
High-lntensity Discharge Lamp Ballast Data
Mercury Lamp Ballast
lnput Characteristics Approrifr ate
ANSI ln put Current-Amps
Circuit Maximuh Startinq
50 H46 HR 124 114 126 1.3 2.O 62
l5 H43 124 148,132 Hish 0.8 90
HR 120 '| 4 126 Norma 2.4 98
208 141,229 High 0.45 90
CWA 244 216-264 HiSh 0.40 90
2/1 249-345 Hiqh 0.35 90
100 H38 CWA 124 1 08-132 High T.05 120
HR 120 114-126 N orrna 2.1 3.5 120
208 147 -229 Hish 0.60 120
240 216 264 High 0.53 120
cwA 277 249-305 High 0.45 124
480 432-524 Hiqh 0 26 124
115 H39 cwA 124 108-132 H lgh 1.8 2AA
HR 124 114-126 3.5 6.0 214
208 141-229 Hlgh 1.1 2AA
24A 216 264 Hish 0.9 200
2ll 249 305 Hish 0.8 204
4aa 432 528, Fl qh 0.45 200
250 H3l 124 108 132 High 2.6 245
CWA 2QA 181 -229 High 1.5 285
244 216 -264 H igh 1.3 285
211 249 345 Hish 1.1 285
CWA 432 528 Hiqh 0.65 245
400 H33 124 104 132 H sh 4.0 455
248 181 229 Hish 2.3 455
244 216 -264 High 2.0 455
CWA 217 249-305 High 1.8 455
480 432-52a lliqh 10 455
1000 H36 CWA 120 108-132 High 9.6 1112
cwA 248 181-229 H sh 5.6 1112
244 218,264 Hsh 4.4 1112
CWA 2ll 249 345 High 42 1112
CWA 480 432-5?A Hi.rh '111?

Melal-Halide & Mercury Lamp Ballast

lnp!tCharacteristics Approrimate
ANSI lnput Current-Amps
Maximum Startinq
115 120 148 132 Hish 1.8 210
208 181 229 High 1.0 210
244 216 -264 Hsh 0.9 214
CWA 271 249,345 Hish 0.8 214
CWA 480 432 528 Hicrh 0.45 210
400 cwA 124 1AA-132 Hish 4.4 460
CWA 208 '181 229 High 2.3 460
CWA 244 216 264 High 2.O 460
271 249,305 High .1.1 460
484 432-52a H lsth 10 460
1 000 CWA 124 108 132 H jgh ' 9.2 1410
CWA 208 18t -229 High 53 1070
CWA 240 216 -264 H ish 4.6 1070
2tt 249 305 High 4.4 1070
4aa 432-524 Hiqh 23 10la

High-Pressure Sodium Lamp Ballast

lnDUi Characteristics-ADDroximate
ANSI lnput Current-Amps

25A 120 114-126 High 3.3 4.2 288

208 198-21I High 1.6 1.9 2.4 242
240 228 252 H igh 1.4 1.7 2.1 2aa
271 263 -291 High 1.2 1.4 '1.8
480 456- 504 Hiqh o.l 0_8 1.0 2AA
400 124 114-126 High 5.0 5.9 460
208 1 98-218 H lgh 2.4 3.8 455
240 228 252 Fl sh 2.1 2.5 3.0 460
ATR 2ll 263 291 Hish 1.9 2.2 2.5 460
ATR 4AO 456-504 H ish 1.1 125 15 460
1000 12A 't't 4 126 High 9.9 1 t.7 15.8 1124

198-2r 8
263 251
480 456 504 Hiqh 24 2.1 4.1 1080
:Less tha. opera1i.9 c! ert. HR: Hish Reaclance.
NOTE: HiSh Power Faclor Ba ast--Power Facror over 90% ATF : A!lot.ansformer Reactor
CWA ConsranrWaitaqeAutolranslormer
5215 21st Street . Racine, Wisconsin 53406

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