HAP - Block Load
HAP - Block Load
HAP - Block Load
Computer Requirements: Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista or NT compatible.
Processor: Pentium or higher. RAM: 64 MB minimum. Video: SVGA or higher.
Climate Analysis Features Plant Equipment Features
x Provides a database of design weather data for over 800 x Performs detailed hour-by-hour simulations of plant part-
cities worldwide. load performance.
x Uses TMY2, IWEC, CWEC, TMY and TRY-type hourly x Plant types include:
weather data for energy simulations. - Chiller plants.
x Provides a library of simulation weather data for over - District chilled water.
500 cities worldwide (included on CD-ROM). - Hot water boiler plants.
- Steam boiler plants.
Load Calculation Features - District hot water.
x Uses ASHRAE procedures for Transfer Function cooling - District steam.
load calculations, design heating load calculations, solar x Models the following chiller types:
radiation calculations. - Water-cooled centrifugal
x Calculates room and zone loads 24 hours a day for - Water-cooled rotary screw.
design days in all 12 months. - Water-cooled packaged screw
x Identifies peak room, zone, and coil loads. - Water-cooled packaged reciprocating
x Permits hourly and seasonal scheduling of occupancy, - Water-cooled packaged scroll.
internal loads, and fan and thermostat operation. - Water-cooled single-effect absorption
- Water-cooled double-effect absorption.
- Water-cooled direct-fired absorption.
System Design Reports
- Water-cooled engine chiller.
x Provides features for copy-and-paste from displayed
- Air-cooled packaged screw.
reports into other documents, and for saving reports as
- Air-cooled packaged reciprocating.
RTF-format documents.
- Air-cooled packaged scroll.
x Chiller plants can be configured with the following
Air System Analysis Features components and controls:
x Performs detailed hour-by-hour simulations of the - Three types of sequencing controls.
thermal and mechanical behavior of air handling - Free cooling by strainer cycle or plate-frame HX.
systems for both system design and energy analysis. - Chilled water distribution systems including
x Equipment types include: primary/secondary and variable speed pumps.
- Packaged Rooftop Units
- Packaged Vertical Units
- Split DX Air Handling Units
Utility Rate Features
- Chilled Water Air Handling Units
x Models five common types of electric energy charges.
- Packaged and Split DX Fan Coils
x Models demand charges for both electric and fuel rates.
- Hydronic Fan Coils
x Permits seasonal and time-of-day energy and demand
- Water Source Heat Pumps
pricing to be defined.
x System types include:
- Single Zone CAV Energy Analysis Reports
- CAV with Terminal Reheat x Summary reports compare energy use and energy cost
- Multizone CAV of alternate building designs.
- Bypass Multizone CAV x Detailed reports provide annual, monthly, daily and
- Dual Duct CAV hourly performance data.
- 4-Pipe Induction x Extensive use of graphics allows patterns of equipment
- Tempering Ventilation performance to be quickly understood.
- VAV and VAV with Reheat, Series Fan Powered x Features provided for copy-and-paste from displayed
Mixing Boxes, Parallel Fan Powered Mixing Boxes, or reports to other documents, and for saving reports as
mixed terminals. RTF documents.
- 1-Fan Dual Duct VAV x Feature for exporting simulation results to ASCII text
- 2-Fan Dual Duct VAV disk files makes importing results into spreadsheets
- VVT simple.
x Systems are configurable with many controls and
components including: Miscellaneous
- Supply air temperature reset. HAP energy analysis exceeds the minimum
- Ventilation airflow control. requirements for the Energy Cost Budget compliance
- Outdoor air economizers path for ASHRAE Standard 90.1.
- Ventilation air heat reclaim devices.
- Humidistats and humidifiers.
- Preheat and precool coils.
- Perimeter baseboard and fan coil heaters.
x Permits scheduling of thermostats, fans, cooling and
heating on an hourly, daily and monthly basis.
What is Block Load?
Carrier's Block Load program is a powerful, fully featured HVAC load
estimating program suitable for commercial buildings of any size.
Report Features
• Provides many well-formatted reports listing calculation results as
well as input data
• Key system sizing report summarizes data needed for equipment
selection on 1-2 pages
• Key ventilation report summarizes requirements for each zone in
the system
• Additional reports provide zone and system component loads,
hourly zone and system load profiles, detailed hourly
psychrometric data and a graph of the psychrometric process
• Provides features for copy-and-paste from displayed reports into
other documents.
• Provides features for saving reports as files in RTF-, PDF- or
HTML- format documents.
• Advanced output reports available to help in the diagnosis of load
results and system behavior.
Computer Requirements: Operating System: Windows 98, NT, ME, or 2000 compatible.
RAM: 64 MB minimum. Video: VGA w/ 800 x 600 resolution and 256 colors.
Other Program Features How to Order
• Tree view in main window allows for easier program Block Load is available on a license basis. The first
navigation and data viewing year and all subsequent annual license fees entitles
• Choice of conventional input format or spreadsheet the licensee to regular program updates and
style input for building data technical support from our HVAC Systems
• Runs in English and SI Metric units Engineers.
• Suitable for new construction and retrofit
applications. To license Block Load, please contact your local
• Provides a database of design weather data for over Carrier sales office, or, in the US and Canada,
700 cities worldwide. contact Carrier at:
• Provides feature for archiving and retrieving project Phone: 1-315-432-6838
data Fax: 1-315-432-6844
• Provides feature for converting Block Load v3.0 data email: [email protected]
into Block Load v4 data Web: www.commercial.carrier.com
• Provides a global search and replace feature for all
building data
• Provides a feature to automatically change the
orientation of the entire building
• Program is network compatible