HAP - Block Load

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What is HAP?

Carrier's Hourly Analysis Program (HAP) is two powerful tools, in one

package. HAP provides versatile features for designing HVAC systems
for commercial buildings. It also offers powerful energy analysis
capabilities for comparing the energy consumption and operating costs
of design alternatives. By combining both tools in one package,
significant time savings are achieved. Input data and results from
system design calculations can be used directly in energy studies.

Who Can Benefit From HAP?

HAP is designed for consulting engineers, design/build contractors,
HVAC contractors, facility engineers and other professionals involved in
the design and analysis of commercial building HVAC systems.

System Design Features

x HAP uses a system-based approach to design calculations, which
tailors sizing procedures and reports to the specific type of system
being designed. This offers productivity advantages over simple
"load calculation" programs which require the engineer to apply
calculation results to size system components.
x Features are suitable for sizing systems involving central station air
handlers, packaged rooftop units, vertical units, split systems, DX fan
coils, hydronic fan coils and water source heat pumps.
x Sizing data is provided for central cooling and heating coils, preheat
and precool coils, fans, humidifiers, terminal reheat coils, CAV and
VAV air terminals, fan powered mixing boxes, perimeter baseboard
units, fan coils and terminal heat pumps plus chillers and boilers.
x The ASHRAE Transfer Function Method is used to calculate building
heat flow.
x Key sizing reports summarize data needed for equipment selection in
2 simple pages.
x Additional reports provide component loads, hourly load profiles,
detailed hourly performance data and psychrometric charts.
x The program is suitable for new construction and retrofit applications.

Energy Analysis Features

x HAP performs a true hour-by-hour energy analysis, using measured
weather data for all 8,760 hours of the year to calculate building heat
transfer and loads, air system operation, and plant equipment
x Hourly energy consumption by HVAC components (e.g.,
compressors, fans, pumps, heating elements) and non-HVAC How to Order
components (e.g., lighting, office equipment, machinery) is tabulated HAP is part of Carrier’s E20-II family of HVAC
to determine the total building energy use profile as well as daily and design programs. For information and to order
monthly totals. the software, please contact your local Carrier
x Energy consumption data and utility rate information is used to sales office, or, in the US and Canada, contact
calculate the energy cost for each energy source or fuel type. Carrier at:
x Because energy analysis reuses input data from the system design Phone: 1-315-432-6838
work, typically 50% to 75% of the input work needed for an energy Fax: 1-315-432-6844
analysis is complete once you finish system design. email: [email protected]
Web: www.commercial.carrier.com

Computer Requirements: Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista or NT compatible.
Processor: Pentium or higher. RAM: 64 MB minimum. Video: SVGA or higher.
Climate Analysis Features Plant Equipment Features
x Provides a database of design weather data for over 800 x Performs detailed hour-by-hour simulations of plant part-
cities worldwide. load performance.
x Uses TMY2, IWEC, CWEC, TMY and TRY-type hourly x Plant types include:
weather data for energy simulations. - Chiller plants.
x Provides a library of simulation weather data for over - District chilled water.
500 cities worldwide (included on CD-ROM). - Hot water boiler plants.
- Steam boiler plants.
Load Calculation Features - District hot water.
x Uses ASHRAE procedures for Transfer Function cooling - District steam.
load calculations, design heating load calculations, solar x Models the following chiller types:
radiation calculations. - Water-cooled centrifugal
x Calculates room and zone loads 24 hours a day for - Water-cooled rotary screw.
design days in all 12 months. - Water-cooled packaged screw
x Identifies peak room, zone, and coil loads. - Water-cooled packaged reciprocating
x Permits hourly and seasonal scheduling of occupancy, - Water-cooled packaged scroll.
internal loads, and fan and thermostat operation. - Water-cooled single-effect absorption
- Water-cooled double-effect absorption.
- Water-cooled direct-fired absorption.
System Design Reports
- Water-cooled engine chiller.
x Provides features for copy-and-paste from displayed
- Air-cooled packaged screw.
reports into other documents, and for saving reports as
- Air-cooled packaged reciprocating.
RTF-format documents.
- Air-cooled packaged scroll.
x Chiller plants can be configured with the following
Air System Analysis Features components and controls:
x Performs detailed hour-by-hour simulations of the - Three types of sequencing controls.
thermal and mechanical behavior of air handling - Free cooling by strainer cycle or plate-frame HX.
systems for both system design and energy analysis. - Chilled water distribution systems including
x Equipment types include: primary/secondary and variable speed pumps.
- Packaged Rooftop Units
- Packaged Vertical Units
- Split DX Air Handling Units
Utility Rate Features
- Chilled Water Air Handling Units
x Models five common types of electric energy charges.
- Packaged and Split DX Fan Coils
x Models demand charges for both electric and fuel rates.
- Hydronic Fan Coils
x Permits seasonal and time-of-day energy and demand
- Water Source Heat Pumps
pricing to be defined.
x System types include:
- Single Zone CAV Energy Analysis Reports
- CAV with Terminal Reheat x Summary reports compare energy use and energy cost
- Multizone CAV of alternate building designs.
- Bypass Multizone CAV x Detailed reports provide annual, monthly, daily and
- Dual Duct CAV hourly performance data.
- 4-Pipe Induction x Extensive use of graphics allows patterns of equipment
- Tempering Ventilation performance to be quickly understood.
- VAV and VAV with Reheat, Series Fan Powered x Features provided for copy-and-paste from displayed
Mixing Boxes, Parallel Fan Powered Mixing Boxes, or reports to other documents, and for saving reports as
mixed terminals. RTF documents.
- 1-Fan Dual Duct VAV x Feature for exporting simulation results to ASCII text
- 2-Fan Dual Duct VAV disk files makes importing results into spreadsheets
- VVT simple.
x Systems are configurable with many controls and
components including: Miscellaneous
- Supply air temperature reset. HAP energy analysis exceeds the minimum
- Ventilation airflow control. requirements for the Energy Cost Budget compliance
- Outdoor air economizers path for ASHRAE Standard 90.1.
- Ventilation air heat reclaim devices.
- Humidistats and humidifiers.
- Preheat and precool coils.
- Perimeter baseboard and fan coil heaters.
x Permits scheduling of thermostats, fans, cooling and
heating on an hourly, daily and monthly basis.

What is Block Load?
Carrier's Block Load program is a powerful, fully featured HVAC load
estimating program suitable for commercial buildings of any size.

Who Can Benefit From Block Load?

Block Load is a tool for consulting engineers, design/build
contractors, HVAC contractors, facility engineers and other
professionals involved in the design, analysis or installation of
commercial building HVAC systems.

How Does It Work?

Block Load asks you to supply basic information about your building,
and then provides you with all the sizing and load information you
need to analyze and design the HVAC system and select all of the
air conditioning equipment.

Load Calculation Features

• Uses ASHRAE procedures for Transfer Function cooling load
calculations, design heating load calculations, solar radiation
• Calculates room and zone loads 24 hours a day for design days in
all 12 months.
• Identifies peak room, zone, and coil loads.
• Suitable for sizing systems involving central station air handlers,
packaged rooftop units, self-contained units, split systems, DX fan
coils, hydronic fan coils and water source heat pumps.
• Sizing data is provided for central cooling and heating coils,
preheat coils, fans, terminal reheat coils, CAV and VAV air
terminals, fan coils and terminal heat pumps.
• Analysis of ventilation requirements using procedure described in
ASHRAE Standard 62-2001.
• Provides a database of design weather data for over 700 cities

Report Features
• Provides many well-formatted reports listing calculation results as
well as input data
• Key system sizing report summarizes data needed for equipment
selection on 1-2 pages
• Key ventilation report summarizes requirements for each zone in
the system
• Additional reports provide zone and system component loads,
hourly zone and system load profiles, detailed hourly
psychrometric data and a graph of the psychrometric process
• Provides features for copy-and-paste from displayed reports into
other documents.
• Provides features for saving reports as files in RTF-, PDF- or
HTML- format documents.
• Advanced output reports available to help in the diagnosis of load
results and system behavior.

Computer Requirements: Operating System: Windows 98, NT, ME, or 2000 compatible.
RAM: 64 MB minimum. Video: VGA w/ 800 x 600 resolution and 256 colors.
Other Program Features How to Order
• Tree view in main window allows for easier program Block Load is available on a license basis. The first
navigation and data viewing year and all subsequent annual license fees entitles
• Choice of conventional input format or spreadsheet the licensee to regular program updates and
style input for building data technical support from our HVAC Systems
• Runs in English and SI Metric units Engineers.
• Suitable for new construction and retrofit
applications. To license Block Load, please contact your local
• Provides a database of design weather data for over Carrier sales office, or, in the US and Canada,
700 cities worldwide. contact Carrier at:
• Provides feature for archiving and retrieving project Phone: 1-315-432-6838
data Fax: 1-315-432-6844
• Provides feature for converting Block Load v3.0 data email: [email protected]
into Block Load v4 data Web: www.commercial.carrier.com
• Provides a global search and replace feature for all
building data
• Provides a feature to automatically change the
orientation of the entire building
• Program is network compatible


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