GSM Frequency Planning
GSM Frequency Planning
GSM Frequency Planning
Frequency Planning
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Frequency Planning
Frequency Planning
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Frequency Planning
Frequency Planning
(1.0) Introduction:
The Cellular concept is a system with many low power transmitters, each providing coverage
to only a small portion of the service area. Each base station is allocated a portion of the total
number of channels available to the entire system, and nearby base station are assigned
different group of channels so that the interference between base stations is minimised. The
channels assignment in case of GSM900, E-GSM900 and DCS1800 (or GSM1800) is as
shown in Figure-(1.1) below,
45 MHz
45 MHz
880 890 915 925 935 960
GSM900 GSM900
E-GSM900 E-GSM900
95 MHz
DCS1800 DCS1800
As shown the Uplink and Downlink band are separated by 20 MHz of guard band in case of
GSM and DCS and 10 MHz in case of E-GSM. The channel separation between Uplink and
Downlink is 45 MHz in case of GSM and E-GSM and is 95MHz in case of DCS network. Each
channel(carrier) in GSM system is of 200 KHz bandwidth, which are designated by Absolute
Radio Frequency Channel Number (ARFCN). If we call Fl(n) the frequency value of the carrier
ARFCN n in the lower band(Uplink), and Fu(n) the corresponding frequency value in the
upper band (Downlink), we have:
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Hence we have 124 channels in GSM900, 174 channels in E-GSM900 and 374 channels in
S = 3kN
This explains N base stations each having three sectors and each sector having k channels.
The N base stations, which collectively use the complete set of available frequencies, in
which each frequency is used exactly once is called a Cluster. If the cluster is replicated M
times then the total number of channels, C, can be used as measure of capacity and is given
C = M3kN = MS
The Cluster size N is typically equal to 3, 4, 7, or 12. Deciding a cluster size posses a
compromise between capacity, spectrum allocated and interference. A cluster size of 7 or 12
gives least interference frequency plan but as the cluster size is big enough hence re-use at
far away distance hence lesser capacity and would also require bigger frequency spectrum.
Consider an example where k equals 1 that is one frequency per sector. With a cluster size of
7 would require minimum spectrum of,
S = 3 x 1 x 7 = 21 ARFCN
21 x 0.2 MHz = 4.2 MHz of spectrum that is about 16% of total available spectrum in
Adding one more frequency per sector would take the requirement to 42 ARFCN or 33% of
total spectrum. On the other hand a cluster size of 3 would require (k = 1),
S = 3 x 1 x 3 = 9 ARFCN
9 x 0.2 MHz = 1.8 MHZ which is about 7% of total spectrum available.
Addition of one more frequency still results in about only 14% of spectrum required. But here
a big compromise is made on interference, as the cells are quite closely located hence re-use
would pose a major problem. Studies have revealed that cluster size of 4 gives the best
balance between capacity & interference, with k equal to 2 meaning two frequencies per
sector gives,
S = 3 x 2 x 4 = 24
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24 x 0.2 MHz = 4.8 MHz that is about 19% of total spectrum available.
Figure 1.2 illustrates the frequency reuse for cluster size of 4, where cells labelled with the
same letter use the same group of channels.
D1 A1
D3 A3
B1 C1 B1
D2 A2
B3 C3 B3
D1 A1 D1
B2 C2 B2
D3 A3 D3
C1 B1 C1
D2 A2 D2
C3 B3 C3
A1 D1 A1
C2 B2 C2
A3 D3 A3
B1 C1 B1
A2 D2 A2
B3 C3 B3
D1 A1 D1
B2 C2 B2
D3 A3 D3
C1 C1
D2 A2 D2
C3 C3
C2 C2
In a cellular system where the size of each cell is approximately the same, co-channel
interference is independent of the transmitted power and becomes the function of the radius
of the cell (R), and the distance to the centre of the nearest co-channel cell (D). Figure- (1.3)
explains the relation between the cell radius R, cluster size N and the re-use distance D,
Outer Cell radius: R
Inner Cell radius: r = 0.5 x (3)1/2 x R.
Re-use distance: D = R x (3 x (i2 + j2 + ij))1/2
D/R = (3 x N)1/2
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D j
i D
R i
Where i and j are non-negative numbers. To find the nearest co-channel neighbour of a
particular cell, one must do the following: (1) move i cells along any chain of hexagons and
then (2) turn 60 degrees counter-clockwise and move j cells. This is illustrated in the figure
above for i = 1 & j = 2 for a cluster size of 7.
By increasing the ratio of D/R, the spatial separation between co-channel cells relative to the
coverage distance of a cell is increased. Thus interference is reduced due to improved
isolation from the co-channel cells. The relation between the re-use distance ratio D/R and
the co-channel interference ratio C/I is as below,
(D/R) = 6 (C/I)
specified limit, called the reference interference ratio. The reference interference ratio shall be
for base station and all types of MS,
For the network planning purpose it is recommended that a value of C/Ic ≥ 9 dB and the first
adjacent channel C/Ia ≥ -9 dB. This implies that the first adjacent channel should not be used
in the same sector cell or the same base station.
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(4.1) Example:
As an illustration let us consider that we require to design a system with C/I of 12 dB and we
have from field drive test results the value of γ as 3.5, inserting these values in equation
(D/R) = 6 (C/I) we have,
(D/R) = Antilog(1.81/3.5)
With this we can back calculate the required cluster size from equation D/R = (3 N)1/2 as,
N = (3.29)2 / 3 = 3.61
Hence a cluster size of 4 will satisfy our required C/I criteria rather if we back calculate for
Cluster of size 4 then we get C/I of 19dB.
The re-use may differ for both the groups, as little or no compromise is made for BCCH
frequency interference whereas certain compromise could be made for TCH frequency
interference. Typically a cluster size of 4 or 7 is considered for BCCH re-use whereas a
cluster size of 3 or 4 is used for TCH re-use. The number of channels in each group depends
on the spectrum allocated and C/I criteria for re-use in each case.
(5.1) Example:
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As an example consider C/I criteria of 12 dB for BCCH then the cluster size of 4 gives the
better result whereas if the C/I criteria is 9 dB for TCH, gives the cluster size of 3. The figure
(1.1) illustrates the case 4 x 3 re-use pattern for BCCH and the figure (1.4) below illustrates
the case of 3 x 3 re-use pattern for TCH,
A1 A1 A1
A3 A3 A3
C1 C1 C1
A2 A2 A2
C3 C3 C3
B1 B1 B1
C2 C2 C2
B3 B3 B3
A1 A1 A1
B2 B2 B2
A3 A3 A3
C1 C1 C1
A2 A2 A2
C3 C3 C3
C2 C2 C2
A1 B1 C1 D1 A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3
BCCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 A3 B3 C3
TCH 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
For DCS1800 planning with cluster size of 7 the frequency grouping is as follows,
In case of DCS1800 where a large band of spectrum is available the BCCH and TCH re-use
can be kept the same.
Set A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3
BCCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
TCH1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
TCH2 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
(6.1) Example:
Assume a network with 100 base stations each having three sectors. The BCCH and TCH
share the same re-use plan 4 x 3. Which means we have cluster of 4 base stations, and in all
we have 100/4 = 25 clusters. Assume NCC code allocated is 6, which gives us clusters
starting from number 61 to 67. Hence seven clusters form a group and hence we have 25/7
that is 3 groups of 7 clusters plus additional 4 clusters which form part of the 4 th group. The
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reuse of these 7 clusters group for BSIC numbered from 61 to 67 is shown in the figure (1.5)
Represent a
cluster of 4 sites
each having 3
62 67 63
67 63 61
61 66 64
66 64 65
65 62
62 67 63
63 61
61 66 64
64 65
It should be noted that since BSIC are defined at cell (sector) level, hence there are every
possible chances that the three sectors within the same site can have different BSIC. The
reason being as BSIC is used for cell identification hence cells with same BCCH frequency
but different BSIC can be easily discriminated by the MS.
The effect of frequency hopping is that link quality may change from burst to burst, ie a burst
of high BER may be followed by a burst of low BER, since
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The results of frequency hopping are improvement in the received quality in fading situation
and interference averaging.
The hopping techniques can be broadly classified into two main categories. They are,
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