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Portfolio Theory

Lecture 14: Portfolio Theory

MIT 18.S096

Dr. Kempthorne

Fall 2013

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 1

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures


1 Portfolio Theory
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 2

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Markowitz Mean-Variance Analysis (MVA)

Single-Period Analyisis
m risky assets: i = 1, 2, . . . , m
Single-Period Returns: m−variate random vector
R = [R1 , R2 , . . . , Rm ]0
Mean and Variance/Covariance of Returns:
α1 Σ1,1 ··· Σ1,m
   
 . 
E [R] = α =  ..  , Cov [R] = Σ =  ... .. .
 
. 
αm Σm,1 ··· Σm,m
Portfolio: m−vector of weights indicating the fraction of
portfolio wealth held in each P asset
w = (w1 , . . . , wm ) : i=1 wi = 1.
Portfolio Return: Rw = w0 R = i=1
wi Ri a r.v. with
αw = E [Rw ] = wα 0
σw = var [Rw ] = w0 Σw
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 3
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Markowitz Mean Variance Analysis

Evaluate different portfolios w using the mean-variance pair of the

2 ) with preferences for
portfolio: (αw , σw
Higher expected returns αw
Lower variance varw
Problem I: Risk Minimization: For a given choice of target mean
return α0 , choose the portfolio w to
1 0
Minimize: 2 w Σw
Subject to: w0 α = α0
w 0 1m = 1
Solution: Apply the method of Lagrange multipliers to the convex
optimization (minimization) problem subject to linear constraints:

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 4

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Risk Minimization Problem

Define the Lagrangian
L(w, λ1 , λ2 ) = 21 w0 Σw +λ1 (α0 −w0 α)+λ2 (1−w0 1m )
Derive the first-order conditions
∂w = 0m = Σw − λ1 α − λ2 1m
∂λ1 = 0 = α0 − w0 α
∂λ2 = 0 = 1 − w 0 1m
Solve for w in terms of λ1 , λ2 :
w0 = λ1 Σ−1 α + λ2 Σ−1 1m
Solve for λ1 , λ2 by substituting for w:
α0 = w00 α = λ1 (α0 Σ−1 α) + λ2 (α0 Σ−1 1m )
1 = w00 1m = λ1 (α0 Σ−1 1m ) + λ2 (10m Σ−1 1m )
α0 a b λ1
=⇒ = with
1 b c λ2
a = (α0 Σ−1 α), b = (α0 Σ−1 1m ), and c = (10m Σ−1 1m )
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 5
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Risk Minimization Problem

Variance of Optimal Portfolio with Return α0
With the given values of λ1 and λ2 , the solution portfolio
w0 = λ1 Σ−1 α + λ2 Σ−1 1m
has minimum variance equal to
σ02 = w00 Σw0
= λ21 (α0 Σ−1 α) + 2λ1 λ2 (α0 Σ−1 1m ) + λ22 (10m Σ−1 1m )
λ1 a b λ1
λ2 b c λ2
λ1 a b α0
Substituting = gives
λ2 b c 1
 0  −1  
2 α0 a b α0 1 2

σ0 = = ac−b 2 cα0 − 2bα0 + a
1 b c 1
Optimal portfolio has variance σ02 : parabolic in the mean
return α . MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 6
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Equivalent Optimization Problems

Problem II: Expected Return Maximization: For a given choice
of target return variance σ02 , choose the portfolio w to

Maximize: E (Rw ) = w0 α
Subject to: w0 Σw = σ02
w 0 1m = 1
Problem III: Risk Aversion Optimization: Let λ ≥ 0 denote the
Arrow -Pratt risk aversion index gauging the trade-ff between risk
and return. Choose theportfolio w to
E (Rw ) − 21 λvar (Rw ) = w0 α − 12 λw0 Σw

Subject to: w0 1m = 1
Problems I,II, and III solved by equivalent Lagrangians
Efficient Frontier:{(α0 , σ02 ) = (E (Rw0 ), var (Rw0 ))|w0 optimal}
Efficient Frontier: traces of α0 (I), σ02 (II), or λ (III)
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 7
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures


1 Portfolio Theory
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 8

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset

Risk-Free Asset: In addition to the risky assets (i = 1, . . . , m)
assume there is a risk-free asset (i = 0) for which
R0 ≡ r0 , i.e., E (R0 ) = r0 , and var (R0 ) = 0.
Portfolio With Investment in Risk-Free Asset
Suppose the investor can invest in the m risky investment as
well as in the risk-free
Pm asset.
w 1m = i=1 wi is invested in risky assets and
1 − w1m is invested in the risk-free asset.
If borrowing allowed, (1 − w1m ) can be negative.
Portfolio: Rw = w0 R + (1 − w0 1m )R0 , where
R = (R1 , . . . , Rm ), has expected return and variance:
αw = w0 α + (1 − w0 1m )r0
σw 2 = w0 Σw
Note: R0 has zero variance and is uncorrelated with R
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 9
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset

Problem I’: Risk Minimization with Risk-Free Asset
For a given choice of target mean return α0 , choose the portfolio
w to
1 0
Minimize: 2 w Σw
Subject to: w0 α + (1 − w0 1m )r0 = α0
Solution: Apply the method of Lagrange multipliers to the convex
optimization (minimization):
Define the Lagrangian
L(w, λ1 ) = 12 w0 Σw + λ1 [(α0 − r0 ) − w0 (α − 1m r0 )]
Derive the first-order conditions
∂w = 0m = Σw − λ1 [α − 1m r0 ]
∂λ1 = 0 = (α0 − r0 ) − w0 (α − 1m r0 )
Solve for w in terms of λ1 : w0 = λ1 Σ−1 [α − 1m r0 ]
and λ1 = (α0 − r0 )/[(α − 1m r0 )0 Σ−1 (α − 1m r0 )]
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 10
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset

Available Assets for Investment:
Risky Assets (i = 1, . . . , m) with returns: R = (R1 , . . . , Rm )
E [R] = α and Cov [R] = Σ
Risk-Free Asset with return R0 : R0 ≡ r0 , a constant.
Optimal Portfolio P: Target Return = α0
Invests in risky assets according to fractional weights vector:
w0 = λ1 Σ−1 [α − 1m r0 ], where
(α0 −r0 )
λ1 = λ1 (P) =
(α−1m r0 )0 Σ−1 (α−1m r0 )
Invests in the risk-free asset with weight (1 − w00 1m )
Portfolio return: RP = w00 R + (1 − w00 1m )r0
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 11
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset

Portfolio return: RP = w00 R + (1 − w00 1m )r0

Portfolio variance:
Var (RP ) = Var (w00 R + (1 − w00 1m )r0 ) = Var (w00 R)
= w00 Σw0 = (α0 − r0 )2 /[(α − 1m r0 )0 Σ−1 (α − 1m r0 )]

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 12

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Market Portfolio M
The fully-invested optimal portfolio with
wM : w0M 1m = 1.
wM = λ1 Σ−1 [α − 1m r0 ], where
− 1
λ1 = λ1 (M) = 10m Σ−1 [α − 1m r0 ]
Market Portfolio Return: RM = w0M R + 0 · R0
(α0 Σ−1 [α−1m r0 ])
E (RM ) = E (w0M R) = w0M α =
(10m Σ−1 [α−1m r0 ])
0 −1
[α−1m r0 ] Σ [α−1m r0 ])
= r0 +
(10m Σ−1 [α−1m r0 ])
Var (RM ) = w0M ΣwM
(E (RM )−r0 )2 [α−1m r0 ]0 Σ−1 [α−1m r0 ])
= =
[(α−1m r0 )0 Σ−1 (α−1m r0 )] (10m Σ−1 [α−1m r0 ])2

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 13

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Tobin’s Separation Theorem: Every optimal portfolio invests in

a combination of the risk-free asset and the Market Portfolio.

Let P be the optimal portfolio for target expected return α0 with

risky-investment weights wP , as specified above.
P invests in the same risky assets as the Market Portfolio and
in the same proportions! The only difference is the total
weight, wM = w0P 1m :
λ (P ) (α0 −r0 )/[(α−1m r0 )Σ−1 (α−1m r0 )]
wM = λ 1(M) = −1
1 (10m Σ−1 [α−1m r0 ])
(10 Σ−1 [α−1m r0 ])
= (α0 − r0 ) [(α−1m r )Σ−1 (α−1 r
m 0 m 0 )]
= (α0 − r0 )/(E (RM ) − r0 )
RP = (1 − wM )r0 + wM RM
σP2 = var (RP ) = var (wM RM ) = wM
2 Var (R ) = w 2 σ 2 .
E (RP ) = r0 + wM (E (RM ) − r0 )
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 14
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Mean Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset

Capital Market Line (CML): The efficient frontier of optimal
portfolios as represented on the (σP , µP )-plane of return
expectation (µP ) vs standard-deviation (σP ) for all portfolios.
CML = {(σP , E (RP )) : P optimal with wM = w0P 1m > 0}
= {(σP , µP ) = (σP , r0 + wM (µM − r0 )), wM ≥ 0}
Risk Premium/Market Price of Risk
E (RP ) = r0 + wM [E (RM ) − r0 ]
= r0 +
σhM [E (RM ) − r0 ]
E (RM )−r0
= r0 + σP
h i
E (RM )−r0
σM is the ‘Market Price of Risk’
Portfolio P’s expected return increases linearly with risk (σP ).
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 15
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Mean Variance Optimization

Key Papers
Markowitz, H. (1952), “Portfolio Selection”, Journal of
Finance, 7 (1): 77-91.
Tobin, J. (1958) “ Liquidity Preference as a Behavior Towards
Risk,”, Review of Economic Studies, 67: 65-86.
Sharpe, W.F. (1964), “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of
Market Equilibrium Under Conditions of Risk,” Journal of
Finance, 19: 425-442.
Lintner, J. (1965), “The Valuation of Risk Assets and the
Selection of Risky Investments in Stock Portfolios and Capital
Budgets,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 47: 13-37.
Fama, E.F. (1970), “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of
Theory and Empirical Work,” Journal of Finance,” 25:
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 16
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures


1 Portfolio Theory
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 17

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory

Rational portfolio choice must apply preferences based on

Expected Utility
The optimal portfolio solves the
Expected Utility Maximization Problem
Investor: Initial wealth W0
Action: Portfolio choice P (investment weights-vector wP )
Outcome: Wealth after one period W = W0 [1 + RP ].
Utility Function: u(W ) : [0, ∞) −→ <
Quantitative measure of outcome value to investor.
Expected Utility: E [u(W )] = E [u(W0 [1 + Rp ])]

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 18

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Utility Theory
Utility Functions
Basic properties:
u 0 (W ) > 0: increasing (always)
u 00 (W ) < 0: decreasing marginal utility (typically)
Defnitions of risk aversion:
Absolute Risk Aversion: λA (W ) = − uu0 (W
(W )
Relative Risk Aversion: λR (W ) = − Wu (W )
u 0 (W )
If u(W ) is smooth (bounded derivatives of sufficient order),
u(W ) ≈ u(w∗ ) + u 0 (w∗ )(W − w∗ ) + 12 u 00 (w∗ )(W − w∗ )2 + · · ·
= (constants) + u 0 (w∗ )[W − 12 λA (w∗ )(W − w∗ )2 ] + · · ·
Taking expectations
E [u(W )] ∝ E [W − 21 λ(W − w∗ )2 ] ≈ E [W ] − 21 λVar [W ]
(setting w∗ = E [W ])
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 19
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Utility Functions

Linear Utility: u(W ) = a + bW , b>0

Quadratic Utility: u(W ) = W − 21 λW 2 , λ > 0,

( and W < λ−1 )
Exponential Utility: u(W ) = 1 − e −λW , λ > 0
Constant Absolute Risk Aversion (CARA)
Power Utility: u(W ) = W (1−λ) , 0 < λ < 1
Constant Relative Risk Aversion (CRRA)
Logarithmic Utility: u(W ) = ln(W )

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 20

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures


1 Portfolio Theory
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 21

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Portfolio Optimization Constraints

Long Only:
w : wj ≥ 0, ∀j
Holding Constraints:
Li ≤ wi ≤ Ui
where U = (U1 , . . . , Um ) and L = (L1 , . . . , Lm ) are upper and
lower bounds for the m holdings.
Turnover Constraints:
∆w = (∆w1 , . . . , ∆wm )
The change vector of portfolio holdings satisfies
∆wj | ≤ Ui , for individual asset limits U
i=1 |∆wj | ≤ U∗ , for portfolio limit U∗

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 22

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Portfolio Optimization Constraints

Benchmark Exposure Constraints:
wB the fractional weights of a Benchmark portfolio
RB = wB R, return of Benchmark portfolio
(e.g., S&P 500 Index,PNASDAQ 100, Russell 1000/2000)
|w − wB | = m i=1 |[w − wB ]i | < UB
Tracking Error Constraints:
For a given Benchmark portfolio B with fractional weights wB ,
compute the variance of the Tracking Error
TEP = (RP − RB ) = [w − wB ]R
var (TEP ) = var ([w − wB ]R)
= [w − wB ]0 Cov (R)[w − wB ]
= [w − wB ]0 Σ[w − wB ]
Apply the constraint:
var (TEP ) = [w − wB ]0 Σ[w − wB ] ≤ σ̄TE
2 .
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 23
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Portfolio Optimization Constraints

Risk Factor Constraints:

For Factor Model P

Ri,t = αi + K
k=1 βi,k fj,t + i,t
Constrain P
Exposure to Factor k
| mi=1 βi,k wi | < Uk ,
NeutralizePexposure to all risk factors:
| mi=1 βi,k wi | = 0, k = 1, . . . , K
Other constraints:
Minimum Transaction Size
Minimum Holding Size
Integer Constraints
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 24
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

General Linear and Quadratic Constraints

w : target portfolio
x = w − w0 : transactions given current portfolio w0
wB : benchmark portfolio
Linear Constraints: Specify m-column matrices Aw , Ax , AB
and m-vectors uw , ux , uB and constrain
Aw w ≤ uw
Ax x ≤ ux
AB (w − wB ) ≤ uB
Quadratic Constraints: Specify m × m-matrices Qw , Qx , QB
and m-vectors qw , qx , qB and constrain
w0 Qw w ≤ qw
x0 Qx x ≤ qx
(w − wB ) QB (w − wB ) ≤ qB
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 25
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures


1 Portfolio Theory
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 26

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance

Sample Means and Covariance
Least squares estimates
Unbiased estimates
Maximum likelihood estimates under certain Gaussian
Choice of estimation period
Impact of estimation error (!!)
Apply exponential moving averages
Apply dynamic factor models
Conduct optimization with alternative simple models
Single-Index Factor Model (Sharpe)
Constant correlation model
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 27
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures


1 Portfolio Theory
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 28

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Alternative Risk Measures

When specifying a portfolio P by wP , such that

RP = w0P R, with asset returns R ∼ (α, Σ).
consider optimization problems replacing the portfolio variance
with alternatives
Mean Absolute Deviation:
MAD(RP ) = E (|w P(R p − α)|)
= E (| i=1 wi (Ri − αi )|)
Linear programming with linear/quadratic constraints
SemiVar (Rp ) = E min(Rp − E [Rp ], 0)2

Down-side variance (probability-weighted)

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 29

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Alternative Risk Measures

Value-at-Risk(VAR): RiskMetrics methodology developed by JP

Morgan. VaR is the magnitude of the percentile loss which
occurs rarely, i.e., with probability  (= 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001)
VaR1− (Rp ) = min{r : Pr (Rp ≤ −r ) ≤ }
Tracking and reporting of risk exposures in trading portfolios
VaR is not convex, or sub-additive, i.e,
VaR(RP1 + RP2 ) ≤ VaR(RP1 ) + VaR(RP2 )
may not hold (VaR does not improve with diversification).
Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVar): Expected shortfall, expected tail
loss, tail VaR given by
CVaR1− (Rp ) = E [−RP | −RP ≥ VaR1− (Rp )]
See Rockafellar and Uryasev (2000) for optimization of CVaR

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 30

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Alternative Risk Measures

Coherent Risk Measures A risk measure s(·) for portfolio return

distributions is coherent if it has the following properties:
Monotonicity: If RP ≤ RP 0 , w .p.1, then s(RP ) ≥ s(RP 0 )
Subadditivity: s(RP + RP 0 ) ≤ s(RP ) + s(RP 0 )
Positive homogeneity: s(cRP ) = cs(RP ) for any real c > 0
Translational invariance: s(RP + a) ≤ s(RP ) − a, for any real a.
Var (Rp ) is not coherent ( not monotonic)
VAR is not coherent (not subadditive)
CVaR is coherent.

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 31

Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Risk Measures with Skewness/Kurtosis

Consider the Taylor Series expansion of the u(W ) about
w∗ = E (W ), where W = W0 (1 + RP ) is the wealth after one
period when initial wealth W0 is invested in portfolio P.
u(W ) = u(w∗ ) + u 0 (w∗ )(W − w∗ ) + 21 u 00 (w∗ )(W − w∗ )2
1 (3) 1 (4)
+ 3! u (w∗ )(W − w∗ )3 + 4! u (w∗ )(W − w∗ )4
+O[(W − w∗ )5 ]
Taking expectations
E [u(W )] = u(w∗ ) + 0 + 12 u 00 (w∗ )var (W )
1 (3) 1 (4)
+ 3! u (w∗ )Skew (W ) + 4! u (w∗ )Kurtosis(W )
+O[(W − w∗ ) ]5

Portfolio Optimization with Higher Moments

Max: E (RP ) − λ1 Var (RP ) + λ2 Skew (RP ) − λ3 Kurtosis(RP )
Subject to: w0 1m = 1, where RP = w0 RP
MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 32
Markowitz Mean-Variance Optimization
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risk-Free Asset
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theory
Portfolio Theory
Portfolio Optimization Constraints
Estimating Return Expectations and Covariance
Alternative Risk Measures

Portfolio Optimization with Higher Moments

Higher positive Skew is preferred.
Lower even moments may be preferred (less dispersion)
Estimation of Skew and Kurtosis complex: outlier sensitivity;
requires large sample sizes.
Optimization approaches
Multi-objective optimization methods.
Polynomial Goal Programming (PGP).

MIT 18.S096 Portfolio Theory 33

MIT OpenCourseWare

18.S096 Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance

Fall 2013

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