V82-1,65 MW GB Exchange Compl. Us Vers
V82-1,65 MW GB Exchange Compl. Us Vers
V82-1,65 MW GB Exchange Compl. Us Vers
R3 Date 2007-07-23
Issued by: Technology Class: II
Replacement of Gearbox with Fixture, V82 – 1.65MW
Type: Work Instruction Page 1 of 62
Table of Contents
1 Safety.......................................................................................................................................................3
2 Educational Requirements of Technician............................................................................................3
3 Required Documentation.......................................................................................................................3
4 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................3
5 Risk Assessment....................................................................................................................................3
6 Note..........................................................................................................................................................5
7 Tools ........................................................................................................................................................5
8 Spare Parts..............................................................................................................................................8
9 Weights....................................................................................................................................................8
10 Estimated Time Use ...............................................................................................................................8
11 Procedure................................................................................................................................................9
11.1 Preparing of rotor lock ..............................................................................................................................9
11.2 Preparing of fixture ...................................................................................................................................9
11.3 Lifting equipment for the Gearbox and adjustment to the right angle ...................................................14
11.4 Various preparing in the nacelle............................................................................................................15
11.5 Stripping of gearbox ...............................................................................................................................23
11.6 Slip ring unit and rotating union..............................................................................................................29
11.7 Rotor lock ...............................................................................................................................................31
11.8 Centa Link Coupling ...............................................................................................................................36
11.9 Moving the generator .............................................................................................................................39
11.10 Preparing in the hub ...............................................................................................................................39
11.11 Hoses to the coolers on the roof ............................................................................................................42
11.12 Cables and wires....................................................................................................................................44
11.13 Shrink disc ..............................................................................................................................................45
11.14 Torque arms ...........................................................................................................................................48
11.15 Nacelle cover..........................................................................................................................................49
11.16 Mounting the main shaft fixture ..............................................................................................................53
11.17 Preparing the new gearbox ....................................................................................................................58
11.18 Switching gearboxes ..............................................................................................................................61
11.19 Installing the nacelle cover .....................................................................................................................62
11.20 Tightening the shrink disc.......................................................................................................................62
12 Reinstalling the nacelle and hub components..................................................................................62
12.1 Dismounting the rotor lock......................................................................................................................62
13 Alignment of gearbox and generator .................................................................................................62
14 Preparation of the old gearbox ...........................................................................................................62
15 Check points .........................................................................................................................................62
16 Start up ..................................................................................................................................................62
1 Safety
Vestas safety rules must be followed. See the Health and Safety Manual:
1000711. See also Risk Assessment.
Maximum wind speed when using an external crane: 10m/s.
Maximum wind speed at alignment of the generator: 8m/s.
Wear protective glasses, hearing protector, hand protection (heat
resistant gloves), safety helmet and safety shoes.
3 Required Documentation
4 Purpose
5 Risk Assessment
Electric shock
Risk of death or severe injury when touching wires with power.
: Do not touch wires unless you are sure that the power supply is off.
X Switch off power and check with a voltmeter that there is no power supply to
the wires.
Hearing damages
Risk of hearing damages when using an electric impact wrench or similar tools.
X Use hearing protector when working with very noisy tools.
6 Note
Z Before starting the job, read this work instruction carefully and prepare all
the things you can do in advance, like packing/ordering the necessary
tools and spare parts
Z This instruction is on the basis of a V82-1.65MW turbine. For
NM64/NM72/NM82 turbines there are some differences.
Z It is recommended that the rotor is not locked for more than 48 hours;
otherwise there is a risk of stand still marks on the main bearing.
Z It is recommended to use a safety railing as described in this instruction.
It is however allowed to carry out the work without safety railing if the
technicians in the open nacelle are properly hooked onto approved
anchor points.
7 Tools
8 Spare Parts
9 Weights
Gearbox: approx. 17 T
The time use is dependent on the number of service technicians and how
experienced they are. The time use is also dependent of the weather, and
situations like if the shrink disc and the brake disc have to be swapped
over to the new gearbox or if these components are pre mounted.
11 Procedure
1. Prepare the rotor lock on the ground, and lift it up to the nacelle.
2. Prepare the fixture so it fits the main shaft (Figure 11-5, p. 12). For a V82 or
a NM 72/82 Artic model, use the medium thick plates. For a NM 64 1.5 MW
use the thick plates.
Figure 11-6: Mounting the distance plates Figure 11-7: Crescent shaped flange against the
gearbox side
NOTE Do not mount the bottom distance plates until the fixture is up on the main shaft.
Pack relevant set of bolts in a tool bag, ready to be lifted up with the fixture, and
the bottom distance plates.
4. Stop the turbine and switch to “Service mode” .Yaw the nacelle into position
for the mobile crane.
6. Prepare the lifting equipment on the ground. Let the crane lift the lifting
equipment onto the new gearbox and mount the equipment.
7. Let the crane lift the gearbox free from the ground and adjust the angle of the
gearbox in the chain hoists according to the angle measured on the old
8. Get the total weight of the gearbox from the crane driver. If the new gearbox
comes without shrink disc and brake disc, do not perform the test lift to get
the weight until the shrink disc and the brake arrangement have been
swapped over.
9. Dismantle the shielding on the main shaft and hang it on the generator as
shown (see Figure 11-11, p. 16). Tighten it with cable ties to the generator.
10. Disconnect the main power at the main disconnectors and the circuit breaker
(see Figure 11-12, p. 17) and (see Figure 11-13, p. 17).
11. Cut off the power to the slip ring unit in the top controller and in general for all
the electrical parts which are to be dismantled. Check with a multi-meter that
the power supply is off.
12. Cut off the power to the AN6 cabinet and the big fan that the service
technician is holding in the picture (see Figure 11-14, p. 18). Check with a
Fluke that there is no power.
13. Dismantle the fan/heater in the right side of the main shaft and put it away
(The fan is not mounted in all turbines, only in Artic models) (see Figure
11-14, p. 18)
14. Dismantle the AN6 cabinet and put it away e.g. at the yaw gears (The
cabinet is not mounted in all turbines, only in Artic models).
NOTE The AN6 cabinet is heavy and two service technicians must lift it together and
place it out of the way.
15. Dismantle a yaw motor in each side next to the two front yaw gear motors, to
make room for the fixture (see Figure 11-15, p. 19).
16. Dismantle the oil hose to the main bearing. Dismantle the fitting on the main
17. Dismantle the shielding at the main bearing around the main shaft (see
Figure 11-16, p. 20).
18. Dismantle the thread rods for the main bearing shielding (because the fixture
is to face the edge of the main shaft.
20. Dismantle the inductive sensors for rotor rpm (see Figure 11-19, p. 22).
Figure 11-18: Lightning conductor Figure 11-19: Inductive sensor for rotor RPM
21. Dismantle the 230V / 110 V, CE sockets at the yaw gears (in the right side of
the nacelle). Loosen the cable trays in both sides over the yaw gears and let
them hang loosely (to get room for the fixture) (see Figure 11-20, p. 23).
22. Loosen the shrink disc: The 8 bolts in the top and the 11 bolts in the bottom.
Put off loosening the bolts in the sides. Use a Hytorc with a 50mm socket
and an electrical impact wrench.
23. Dismantle the wiring to the AN 12 junction box on the gearbox. Dismantle the
Figure 11-21: AN12 junction box Figure 11-22: Dismantling wires in the AN12 box
24. Dismantle the wires to the PT 100 sensors in the gearbox. Some are placed
on top of the gearbox and some in the bag end of the gearbox (see Figure
11-24, p. 25). Make sure that there is no power!
25. Dismantle the plug for the oil level sensor (see Figure 11-23, p. 25).
26. Dismantle the heating elements in the bag end of the gearbox (see Figure
11-23, p. 25). Make sure that there is no power!
27. Dismantle the cable tray and cables in the bag end of the gearbox (see
Figure 11-23, p. 25).
28. Dismantle the gear oil hoses (70mm fork spanner) (see note below) and the
off line filter hoses (if the turbine is equipped with an off-line filter).
NOTE Suction hose is placed on the bottom of the gearbox and pressure hose at the
left side of the gearbox.
NOTE Oil will drip out when dismantling the hoses. Place a waste tray or a bucket under
the hose fittings and blank off the hoses with plugs or twisted rags with a plastic
bag around tied up with a cable tie (see Figure 11-25, p. 26).
29. Dismantle the oil pump from the base frame and move it as much as possible
back against the generator (see Figure 11-29, p. 28).
NOTE Use straps, service crane, and a small ratchet lever hoist to lift the oil pump. Put
a strap between the pump, and the service crane. Mount a ratchet lever hoist in
the big generator lifting eye and to the strap (see Figure 11-27, p. 28).
Loosen the SAE flanges on the pump and turn the two hoses a bit up, in order
not to have the pump standing on the hoses on the bottom of the nacelle floor
(see Figure 11-26, p. 27).
Figure 11-27: Lifting the oil pump Figure 11-28: Lifting point for ratchet lever hoist
Figure 11-29: Gear oil pump drawn back against the generator.
30. Switch off the power to the slip ring unit (see Figure 11-30, p. 29).
31. Remove the plastic cover over the slip ring unit and measure with a Fluke
Multi meter, that the power is off (see Figure 11-31, p. 30).
32. Dismantle the grille “3” and the bracket “5” (see Figure 11-30, p. 29).
33. Dismantle the plugs / cables to the slip ring unit and the two safety
disconnectors on the gearbox and place them away in a safe place (see
Figure 11-30, p. 29).
34. Dismantle the rotating union and hoses (see Figure 11-33, p. 31).
NOTE The hoses and pipes must be blanked off or closed with a plastic bag secured
with cable ties.
NOTE Note down how the wires are placed, for correct remounting.
Electric shock
Risk of death or severe injury when touching wires with power.
: Do not touch wires unless you are sure that the power supply is off.
X Switch off power and check with a voltmeter that there is no power supply to
the wires.
Figure 11-31: Check that the power is off. Use Live Figure 11-32: Dismantling the pipe holders
working gloves!! (not gloves as in the
picture !)
37. Dismantle the slip ring unit.
38. Cut out the necessary piece of the nacelle cover to get room for the rotor
lock. Afterwards, the two cut off pieces must be mounted again with
aluminium plates and be put on with pop rivets and sealant, and finally
painted (see Figure 11-34, p. 32) (see Figure 11-35, p. 32).
Figure 11-34: Make a cut out in the nacelle cover with a bayonet saw
Figure 11-35: Cut out following the yellow line in this figure
39. Position the rotor with 2 blades up (“bunny ears”), so that the yellow rotor
hooking point is pointing up. Check through the hatch that it is positioned
40. Dismantle the necessary bolts on the main shaft/hub connection to mount the
rotor lock flange pieces (55mm socket): Counting from the upper middle bolt
and 4 bolts down, so there are 9 bolts between the 2 flange pieces,
dismantle the following 8 bolts. Turn the rotor for access and mount the first
flange piece. Do the same in the other side for mounting the other flange
41. Turn the rotor back to “bunny ears” / V position, position with the yellow
hooking point upwards.
42. Loosen and dismantle the 4 M60 nuts and washers on the main bearing
pedestal (90 mm socket).
43. Loosen and dismantle the 4 M60 stud bolts for the main bearing pedestal. It
may be necessary to mount two nuts counter tightened with two 90mm
impact wrenches or even with the Hytorc and the MXT 3 (see Figure 11-37,
p. 34).
NOTE If it is impossible to loosen the bolts, make a special tool of a M60 nut with a
10mm plate welded on with two M12 holes in it. Then mount the nut, mark up
through the M12 holes, take it off, drill 11.5 mm holes in the stud and make a
M12 thread. Mount the nut again and screw in the M12 bolts in the stud. Then
you are able to loosen the stud bolt (see Figure 11-38, p. 34).
44. Mount the rotor lock frames. They must turn with the thread holes in the ends
to the back.
45. Mount the new long stud bolts, and screw them down so that 50mm thread is
sticking up.
46. Mount the M60 nuts and new washers. Tighten them up with the hytorc and
the MXT3 or MXT10 to 2000Nm.
47. Mount the rotor lock pins (see Figure 11-40, p. 36).
NOTE When the first lock pin is inserted, turn the rotor a little bit to centre the other
flange piece and the lock frame before inserting the other lock pin.
48. Lock the lock pins with the bolts in the end of the blocks and with the pins
going through the block and lock pins
50. Dismount the bolts going through the brake disc to the distance tube for the
coupling (See Figure 11-41, p. 37).
51. Dismantle the bolts from the distance tube to the rubber element.
53. Take down the distance tube. Make room for this by lifting the element in
over the generator shrink disc temporary. Use a service crane to hold the
element. The service crane is hung up in a strap in the skylight around a big
torque wrench key or similar. One can also hang the crane up in a long strap
fastened at the cooler arrangement on the roof or on one of the rails (see
Figure 11-43, p. 38).
55. Mark the generator shrink disc inner and outer elements to be sure to be able
to mount it correctly again. Dismantle it by manoeuvring it out with a crowbar
when the bolts are dismantled.
NOTE When mounting the coupling again, lift the element up over the generator shrink
disc, mount the distance tube to the brake disc. Lift the element in place and
tighten it to the distance tube. Mount the link elements first at the generator, then
at the coupling. Never do it in the top, first in the sides and bottom.
NOTE If a link element is damaged and has to be replaced, all the link elements must
be replaced at the same time, because they are balanced together.
56. In some of the turbines (twin speed) there is not much room to get the
gearbox out; therefore the generator has to be pushed backwards as far as
possible. Loosen the generator and push it with the hydraulic jacks from the
NOTE Secure the generator with bolts, to prevent it from falling out of the nacelle.
57. Relief the hydraulic pressure in the hub on the 4 needle valves for the pitch.
58. Dismount the pipes at the pitch distributor block, and plug up the block and
pipes with blind plugs or small rags
59. Mount a little ratchet lever hoist around the distributor block to lift it away
(see Figure 11-45, p. 41).
61. Use a bayonet saw to saw off plate behind the distributor block as shown in
the picture, to get room for pulling out the pitch pipe in the hub (see Figure
11-45, p. 41),(see Figure 11-46, p. 41).
62. Pull out the pitch pipes in the hub and at the same time another service
technician is guiding it in from the gearbox back (communicating by walkie
63. Make sure that there is no pressure in the cooling water system.
64. Mount hose clamps on the two cooling water hoses as shown in the picture
(see Figure 11-48, p. 43).
65. Dismantle the other hoses which will be necessary for lifting off the nacelle
cover and blank them off with blanking plugs or with rags and plastic bags.
66. Loosen and dismantle the water hose under the water pump and hold a
bucket underneath to collect approx. 5L of coolant.
67. Dismantle the right rear fluorescent lamp and the necessary cables.
71. Dismantle the wires at the ice sensors (see Figure 11-51, p. 45).
72. Loosen the bolts in the shrink disc in the following way: Loosen the bolts one
by one ¼-½ revolutions at a time (3-5 times on the Hytorc). It is
advantageous that two service technicians carry out the work. A service
technician on each side of the shrink disc with a Hytorc each (50mm
Breaking bolts
If a shrink disc bolt is loosened entirely one at a time, the big tension on this bolt
will cause it to break and be shot out like a missile.
X Keep your body away from the bolts.
X Loosen the bolts one by one a little at the time as described above in point
NOTE Make sure that the shrink disc is totally loosened and there is no more tension
inside the shrink disc!
NOTE The next 3 steps can be carried out when the nacelle cover has been dismantled
and the mobile crane has lifted up the small torch set.
73. Warm up the two plugs (one in each side of the shrink disc) for the thread
rods with a torch and dismantle them with a proper chisel and a wrench (see
Figure 11-54, p. 46) (see Figure 11-55, p. 47).
74. Tap the threads with a 27mm or 30mm tap, depending of the shrink disc
model (see Figure 11-56, p. 47).
75. Screw in a bolt or a threaded rod with a nut welded on, or as shown in the
picture with a counter nut. The bolts are screwed in to secure, that the shrink
disc is completely loosened.
77. Loosen and remove the nuts, upper parts of the rear torque arms and stay
bolts. Use a Hytorc to loosen it enough before using an electric impact
wrench. Only loosen the front torque arms. It is not necessary to remove the
upper parts on those.
79. Mount lock nuts on the stay bolts in order to loosen the whole stay bolt (see
Figure 11-61, p. 49).
80. Loosen the stay bolts with a hytorc (hydraulic wrench) just enough to screw it
completely off with an electrical impact wrench (see Figure 11-61, p. 49).
81. Dismantle the bolts for the upper part of nacelle cover (nacelle roof) (see
Figure 11-63, p. 50).
83. Mount the safety rail in the nacelle. It can be done before or after lifting off
the nacelle cover / roof (see Figure 11-65, p. 51).
85. Let the crane lift the roof free and down. It is necessary to use crowbars and
knives to help releasing the roof where it is stock in the Sikaflex. Start
releasing from the middle of the nacelle and move forward.
NOTE For more information, see WKI 1001821: Dismantling and lifting Nacelle Cover -
86. When the crane has lifted up the fixture, loosen the bolts for the lower parts
of the fixture body from beneath and turn the two parts out 90° (see Figure
11-70, p. 54)
87. Make sure that the right top and side and bottom distance blocks are
Figure 11-69: Loosening bolts Figure 11-70: Lower parts turned out
88. Turn the lower parts in under the main shaft and tighten it together with the
upper part loosely.
NOTE On some turbines it is necessary to put a distance block between the base frame
and the fixture to get it mounted properly. The distance blocks come with the
fixture (see Figure 11-71, p. 55).
5 2
89. Hook the lifting equipment onto the gearbox and lift up the gearbox and main
shaft with fixture a little just until the gearbox is clear of the base frame
(otherwise it can not get out).
90. Tighten the bolts for the fixture properly, first the bolts no. 1, then bolts no. 2
and then bolts no. 4 (see Figure 11-71, p. 55).
91. Tighten the four bolts in the sides for sideways fixation and support against
the base frame (see Figure 11-73, p. 56).
Figure 11-72: Fixture seen from below Figure 11-73: Bolt for sideways adjustment fixation
(seen from above)
94. When it is clear of the main shaft, base frame and generator, the crane can
lift it out of the nacelle and down to the ground.
NOTE Before the gearbox is out of the nacelle, tighten a couple of bolts in each side of
the shrink disc to secure it from falling off.
95. Clean the rust protected surfaces with benzine, rags and possibly Scotch
Brite 3M.
96. If the new gearbox comes without a shrink disc, swap the shrink disc over
from the old gearbox. Use the special lifting tool for this (see Figure 11-76,
p. 59).
NOTE The shrink disc must go straight on; otherwise it is impossible to mount it!
97. Mount the shrink element for the brake disc and the brake disc if the new
gearbox is not with premounted brake disc. Tighten to the right torque setting
according to I&S data.
98. Mount the anchor plate with the brake calibre arrangement.
99. Warm up the hollow shaft evenly all over with a gas burner for at least half
an hour (see Figure 11-78, p. 60).
100. Mount the lifting equipment for the gearbox.
101. Let the crane lift the new gearbox from the ground, and check with a digital
spirit level that the gearbox is hanging in the right angle. If not, adjust it.
102. Lift the gearbox to the nacelle and guide it carefully over the main shaft
and draw it into place with two ratchet lever hoists mounted via straps in
the eyes on the main bearing pedestal and around the torque arms. It is
crucial, to draw evenly in both lever hoists and at the same time be rotating
the brake disc. If the brake disc is hard to turn, it is because of an oblique
angle (see Figure 11-79, p. 61).
Figure 11-79: Drawing the new gearbox in place with two ratchet lever hoists
103. Let the gearbox rest on the torque arms and mount the rubber bushings,
the stop plates and the upper parts. Tighten loosely by hand.
104. Dismantle the lifting equipment from the gearbox.
105. Loosen the fixture and lift it down.
106. Torque tighten the torque arms to the specified setting in the I&S data.
107. Lift the nacelle cover up and secure it with bolts in both ends and
sides of the nacelle.
108. Take off the lifting equipment from the nacelle roof and let the crane go
109. Tighten all the bolts and seal the nacelle cover with Sikaflex or similar
where it was sealed before.
110. Tighten the shrink disc to the specified torque setting depending on the
kind of element:
– MSD 720-81-1, M33, 12.9, See label: 2650 Nm
– MSD 720-22-7, M33, 10.9, See label: 1985 Nm
– TAS 317,1-720, M33, 12.9, See label: 2150 NM
– FSD 720, M30, 10.9, See label: 1500 Nm
Z Take 4 bolts in each side of the element, then up to eight in each side
and so on until all the bolts have been tightened. Use the MXT3 or the
MXT10 if the MX3 can not do the work.
112. Dismantle the rotor lock when it is possible to have the brake activated.
113. Check the alignment of the generator and adjust it if necessary. See
instruction in Service and Maintenance Manual.
114. The old gearbox must be rust protected with Eli sol or a similar product
on all bare surfaces (E.g.: in the hollow shaft, torque arm surface).
15 Check Points
115. Before starting up the turbine, check that all the points in the check list
1001818 that are possible to do before start-up have been carried out.
16 Start up
116. During start-up, check the remaining points in the IRF: 1001818