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' सीएसआईआर-केन्‍द्रीय कांच एवं सिसरासि क अनुसंधान संस्‍थान Csir-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute

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`सीएसआईआर-केन्‍द्रीय कांच एवं सिरामिक अनुसंधान संस्‍थान


HRD/SUM-INT/2020 28 January 2020

Sub: Summer Internship Programme for Engineering (3rd/4th year BE/B.Tech., 1st
Year ME/M.Tech. and 2nd Year M. Sc.) students

To offer opportunities to suitable students to participate in ongoing applied and
technology-oriented projects and obtain practical research training experience at CSIR-
CGCRI in the fields of Specialty Glass and Advanced Ceramic Technology.
Period: 6-8 weeks during summer vacation. Tenure: 15 May 2020 -14 July 2020.

Eligibility and application procedure:

 The student must be pursuing Engineering (3rd/4th year B.Tech., 1st Year
M.Tech.,) or 2nd Year M. Sc. in a recognized University/ Institute /College in
the relevant area.

 He/She should have secured at least 60% marks throughout his/her

academic career (from High School onwards). Self-certified copies of
academic records of the applicant mentioning percentage of marks obtained
in different examinations from Madhyamik/School Final onwards must be
submitted; the name of the college/university/institute must be mentioned.

 The student must have adequate theoretical background (through regular

coursework) in relevant area.

 Bio-Data (as per enclosed proforma)

 Original Recommendation Letter of the Principal/ Registrar /Head of the

Institution/University on the INSTITUTE”s letterhead, mentioning the
training programme being applied for and the date & period of the proposed
training. [See the ‘SAMPLE REQUEST LETTER’].

 Request letter from ONLY the candidate, without supporting

documents/Application without Recommendation from the
Institution/University on its letterhead will not be considered.
 Area(s) in which training is requested must be mentioned. Different areas of
ongoing Research work can be viewed on the CSIR-CGCRI website:

 One-page write-up framing the research proposal along with the

application is required. This proposal, apart from Bio-Data, is an important
criterion for selection.

 The envelope containing the Application (and all supporting documents) must
be sent by POST ONLY (no soft copies) to:
Coordinator, Summer Training Programme,
(Room 228A)
CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute
196, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata- 700032.

 No phone call/email/personal query will be entertained in this regard.

Guardians/students are requested not to contact over phone or visit personally
regarding application and selection.
 Students of 1st year or 2nd year B.Tech., are NOT eligible for
this programme.
 No stipend will be provided for the Internship.
 Applications MUST be sent in ORIGINAL (HARDCOPY) by
POST only. Wording of Recommendation letter must not be
altered in any way.
 Applicants MUST sign the applications.

When to Apply:
Final applications must be received latest by 31 March 2020. The list of selected candidates
(also, wait listed ones) will be notified through CSIR-CGCRI website.
Training Fees & Accommodation:
 There are no fees or tuition costs associated with participation in the summer
training/project work.
 No Fellowship will be provided by CSIR-CGCRI for the period of Internship.
 Kolkata-based students will not be provided accommodation, even if selected.
Limited provision for accommodation may be available ONLY for outstation
candidates on payment basis. Food is on payment basis.
 The training period will be 6 weeks (minimum) to 8 weeks (maximum).
Undertaking to complete the Internship is required. No interim leave will be
allowed for academic reasons.

Instruction to students:
1. Submit request letter on the original letterhead of the university/institute where you
are enrolled. Hardcopy has to be submitted in original.
2. Certificates without signature of the recommending authority or without intended
period/dates of project/internship will be rejected.

The Director
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Jadavpur, Kolkata- 700032
(Attn: Coordinator, Summer Training Programme)

Sub: Summer Internship request.

Mr/Ms....................................... (Roll/Registration No……….) is a bonafide student
of....................... (Name and Address of the Institute/College) affiliated to ………………….
(Name of the University) and is currently studying in ……….year in the Department of
…………of this Institute /College.
Mr /Ms........................... is studying in our college/department and has good moral character
and conduct.

This is to certify that the dissertation is part of his/her course curriculum and will be
evaluated by examiners and shall carry the name of the supervising CSIR-CGCRI
Scientist /Technical Officer on the submitted document. It is our responsibility to protect the
confidentiality of the data presented in the dissertation and it shall not be published without
the written consent of supervising CSIR-CGCRI Scientist/ Technical Officer.
The student has been instructed to strictly follow the discipline of your institution. We will
take the responsibility for damage (if any) caused to your laboratory’s property by negligence
of the student. It is understood that the student will receive NO STIPEND from CSIR-
CGCRI for the Internship period.
Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely
(Signature of College Authority)
(Name in full & Date and Designation) with Official Stamp
N.B: Even if a Guide at CSIR-CGCRI has expressed his/her interest in taking you as an Intern;
you will still need to apply. There is also NO GUARANTEE of Selection-which depends on the
decision of the Selection Committee constituted by the Competent Authority for the purpose.

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