Bicknell BLTN 1-10-2021 Baptism of The Lord Sunday

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Worship 10:30 a.m.

Sunday January 10, 2021 Scripture Mark 1:4-11

First Sunday after the Epiphany/Baptism of the Lord color: white L: This is the Word of the Lord.
“The Schedule of this bulletin is subject to change at any time by the C: THANKS BE TO GOD!
direction of the Holy Spirit.”
Let us affirm our faith together: Apostles’ Creed #881
PRELUDE Gloria Patri #70
*Lighting of the Altar Candles ……………….Acolytes
Welcome & Announcements……… Sermon: “To Fulfill All Righteousness”

Hymn: “My Hope Is Built” UMH 368

Opening Prayer: God of all wilderness wanderers, you sent John
to prepare the way for Jesus Christ, your beloved son. Pour out Taking the Light of Christ into the World
your Holy Spirit upon us so that, like John, we may proclaim the
time to turn from sinfulness and the good news of your grace; Benediction
through Christ, the water of life. Amen
Postlude: Shalom to You” UMH #666
L: This is a day of new beginnings.
P: This is a time to remember how Jesus’ ministry began.
L: From the moment of his Baptism by John
P: Jesus understood his call from God.
L: Lord, open our hearts and spirits to hear your call to us.
P: Give us wisdom and courage to follow you always.

Children’s Time

Hymn “He Touched Me” Hymnal 367

Our Church At Prayer: Joys & concern followed by Lord’s


Worship In Giving
Offertory *Doxology #95

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