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Thursday January 7th (6pm-8pm) Wednesday January 13th (11:30 - Early Release)

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Dates for the Calendar

Parent/Teacher Conferences - Thursday January 7th (6pm-8pm)
Wednesday January 13th (11:30 - early release)
Bishop Spirit Day – Friday, January 8th
No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) – Monday, January 18th
Community PTO Meeting – Wednesday, February 3rd via Zoom
Bishop Spirit Day – Friday February 5th

Respect, Responsibility, and Regard
Hello Bishop Families ~ Happy New Year and Welcome Back
I hope that you and your families were able to spend quality time together over the holiday season
and that everyone is well
It is unfortunate that this first Update of the new year begins with the acknowledgement of the
horrific and unsettling events that took place in our Nation’s Capital yesterday.
Watching the attempted insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was deeply upsetting and overwhelming for
all of us to understand and process.
There are aspects of yesterday’s events that we are still learning about, and I expect that this topic
will be discussed within our APS community well beyond today. What will be consistent in our
messaging to all students is that they are safe and cared for, and that the Arlington Public Schools are
united in our stance against unlawful acts of hatred and violence. I have linked a few resources below
to support you in your conversations with your children at home.
Resources for Families
My Best,

APS Family Technology Tips

Parents/Guardians of K-2 Students

• Get into the habit of shutting down and restarting your student’s iPad completely
on a daily basis.
• Plug in your iPad overnight; turn it on before school begins to make sure any
updates have time to load.
• Periodically close out of all tabs and clear the cache, particularly if you have
problems with any app.

Parents/Guardians of 3-5 Students

• Help your student get into the habit of shutting down their Chromebook completely
on a daily basis.
• Plug in the Chromebook overnight (but don’t keep it plugged in 24/7).
• Periodically close out of all tabs and clear the cache.


Happy New Year Bishop Community!
We hope that everyone had a happy, healthy, and safe holiday break. The PTO continues to work
diligently to map a course forward that balances COVID-related reduced fundraising with greater
demands for classroom and remote program initiatives. Thank you to all who have generously
donated to the Bishop Annual Fund. Your donations are much appreciated.
Volunteers for the many PTO programs are always needed and welcome. This is your organization,
and it is an all-volunteer non-profit. If you'd like to get involved, please reach out to us at

Bishop Spirit Day

Tomorrow, Friday, January 8th, is Bishop Spirit Day! The first Friday of each month students are
encouraged to showcase their Bishop spirit by wearing Bishop Spirit Wear or Bishop school colors
(yellow/gold and blue) whether they are in school or remote. If you need to purchase new Spirit
Wear, please click here: http://www.bishopschoolpto.com/.../spirit_wear_order_form...

PTO Community Meeting

Wednesday, February 3rd, 7:00 pm via Zoom
Please join the PTO for its first meeting of 2021 on Wednesday, February 3rd at 7pm. All are welcome!
These meetings are a great way to meet other parents, stay up to date, and voice your ideas,
concerns, or feedback. Look for more information in the coming weeks.

A Thank You Note from Holiday Help!

Your generosity this year for the gift certificates was just over the top! With your help, we raised
close to $50,000. As a result, we were able to give each child a gift certificate for $175!! We assisted
229 children and 123 families. Thank you to Lori Reck for coordinating Holiday Help this year for the
Bishop Community! If you are interested in coordinating the Holiday Help program for the 2021-2022
school year, please email us at bishopschool.pto@gmail.com.
Below is a special thank you note that we received from one of the Holiday Help recipients:
“I wanted to follow up and let you know we received our packet on Monday. The generosity given
towards my family brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for this program that helps my
children experience the magic of Christmas! I have been receiving your holiday help for years. This
year I have as well. As a single mom, sometimes the holidays have gotten hard. You helped make
Christmas extra special for my daughter. Because of you, she has done fun winter things like gone
snow tubing at Nashoba Valley and has gotten clothes at Helena's, here in Arlington. You gifted her
sheet sets and clothes, gloves and underwear, over the years. These things meant a lot to me (and to
her). This is the last year she will be receiving your Secret Santa help and it is very important to me
that you and all the women who volunteer their time with you, know that what you do matters very
much. I have been so grateful over the years. Your kindness, time and financial help has meant
everything in years when these things have been lacking in my own life.”

Community News:
Interested in getting information to the Bishop community? Information that you’d like to share with
the Bishop community can be included in the weekly Principal’s Update. Please email the relevant
information to Amanda Maltais (Communications Coordinator, Bishop PTO) at aemaltais@gmail.com.

Arlington EATS
Arlington EATS' mission is to eliminate food insecurity by providing nutritious and culturally
appropriate food in a respectful and compassionate manner to any Arlington resident in
need. Arlington EATS estimates there are 4,350 food insecure neighbors here in Arlington. Please
help your neighbors if you are able by helping to fill the shelves at the EATS MARKET. You can either
bring donations to the collection bins in the Bishop front entrance or by donating directly to the
Market on Tuesdays 1-4 PM. You can also make a monetary donation directly to the Market here.
This month, the Market really needs instant oatmeal, almond butter, and mac-and-cheese.
Arlington Eats Market Coordinators: Sarah Popper at sarahepopper@gmail.com and
Please contact us with any questions or to volunteer to help!

Arlington Youth Counseling Center Fundraiser

This year marks an important milestone for AYCC, as they celebrate 50 years of outstanding mental
health care and compassionate service to Arlington’s youth and families. They wish they could
celebrate their golden anniversary with the community.. However, in lieu of their annual gala, you
can renew your commitment to AYCC by supporting their “50k for 50 Years” fundraising campaign.
Now, more than ever, in the face of so much uncertainty, families in Arlington are turning to AYCC for
help—whether for accessible, affordable and high-quality mental health services, or for help with
basic resource needs.
Please visit their website www.aycc50.org to make a donation and to learn more about their
campaign. They will share stories and highlight the many ways that AYCC has impacted the lives of
young people and families over the past 50 years.
They are deeply grateful for your ongoing support and wish you and your loved ones continued
wellbeing and safety during these challenging times.

Arlington Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) Meeting Schedule

Members of the Bishop community are invited to join any of the upcoming SEPAC meetings for the
year. Please see the meeting schedule and Zoom link below:

• January 12th: Morning Meeting (9-10am)

• February 9th: Evening Meeting (7-8pm)
• March 9th: Morning Meeting (9-10am)
• April 13th: Evening Meeting (7-8pm)
• May 11th: Morning Meeting (9-10am)
• June 8th: Evening Meeting (7-8pm)

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86234778319?pwd=ZDFPdDNZZjZxbXVwNUYyZDR1VjJsUT09

Meeting ID: 862 3477 8319
Passcode: 043991

Stay Up to Date
Bishop PTO Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BishopPTO/
Bishop School (general info, links to the school system): http://www.arlington.k12.ma.us/bishop/
Bishop School (news and events): https://bishopschool.net/
Bishop PTO: http://www.bishopschoolpto.com/
DIG website: https://bishopdig.weebly.com/. To join our mailing list, please email

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