Annotation Template For Teacher I
Annotation Template For Teacher I
Annotation Template For Teacher I
2.Used a range of Classroom observation tool(COT) rating The MOV presented was a lesson In this topic I encourage learner to
teaching strategies that sheet and /or inter-observer agreement plan that used teaching strategies give their ideas on business
enhance learner form about teaching strategies that enhance that enhances learners achievement organization. I asked them to identify
achievement in literacy learner achievement in literacy and in literacy and numeracy skills in different business establishment in
and numeracy skills numeracy skills Organization and Management our province especially here in our
subject.( Forms of Business municipality. After that I discussed the
Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed
Organization ) lesson. To enhance their achievement
highlighting integration of content
in literacy I asked them what form of
knowledge within and across subject areas.
business organization they want to
Instructional materials highlighting mastery pursue in the future and why?. and
of content and its integration in other to make a sample of SWOT and PEST
subject areas analysis. In numeracy skills I showed
them the data of different
Performance task/test material(s) establishment present in our locality
highlighting integration of content for them to have ideas in what form
knowledge within and across subject areas of business organization is successful
Results of assessment used in teaching in province