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Maintenance Information Manual: 6400 Line Matrix Printers

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6400 Line Matrix Printers

Maintenance Information Manual

Cabinet and Pedestal Models

Form Number S246-0117-08

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2000

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6400 Line Matrix Printers S246-0117-08

Maintenance Information Manual

Cabinet and Pedestal Models

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NOTE: Before using the information and the product it works with, make sure
that you read the general information under “Notices” below.
Ninth Edition (August 2000)
This edition applies to the IBM 6400 Line Matrix Printer.
The following paragraph does not apply to any other country where such
provisions are inconsistent with local law:
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or
implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not
apply to you. Requests for IBM publications should be made to your IBM
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You may send your comments by facsimile to 1-800-524-1519, by E-mail to
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IBM Printing Systems Company
Information Development
Department H7FE, Building 003G
P.O. Box 1900
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When you send information to IBM or IBM Printing Systems Company, you
grant a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way IBM
or IBM Printing Systems Company believes appropriate without incurring any
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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1995, 2000.
All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights -
Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


The EPA ENERGY STAR** Computers program is a partnership effort with

manufacturers of data processing equipment to promote the introduction of
energy-efficient personal computers, monitors, and printers, and to reduce air
pollution caused by power generation.
IBM participates in this program by introducing printers that reduce power
consumption when they are not being used. This feature can cut energy use
by up to 50 percent.

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Note: The ENERGY STAR emblem does not represent EPA endorsement of
any product or service.

References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not
imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM
operates. Any reference to an IBM licensed product, program, or service is
not intended to state or imply that only IBM’s product, program, or service
may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that
does not infringe any of IBM’s intellectual property rights may be used instead
of the IBM product. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with
other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the user’s
Any performance data contained in this document was obtained in a
controlled environment based on the use of specific data. The results that
may be obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly.
Users of this document should verify the applicable data in their specific
environment. Therefore, such data does not constitute a performance
guarantee or warranty.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter
in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any
license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM
Corporation, IBM Director of Licensing, 208 Harbor Drive, Stamford,
Connecticut, United States, 06904.

Electrical Safety
This printer is inspected and listed by recognized national testing laboratories,
such as Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL**) in the U.S.A. and Canadian
Standards Association (CSA**) in Canada. Listing of a product by a national
testing laboratory indicates that the product is designed and manufactured in
accordance with national requirements intended to minimize safety hazards.
IBM equipment meets a very high standard of safety in design and
manufacture. Remember, however, that this product operates under
conditions of high electrical potentials and heat generation, both of which are
functionally necessary.

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Trademarks And Service Marks

Trademarks And Service Marks

The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this publication, are
trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:
RISC System/6000
The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this publication, are
trademarks of other companies:
Acrobat Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe Adobe Systems Incorporated
AMD Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Centronics Genicom Corporation
Code V Quality Micro Systems
CSA Canadian Standards Association
Dataproducts Dataproducts Corporation
ECOS ECOS Electronics Corp., Inc., Oak Park, Ill.
EIA Electronic Industries Association
Energy Star United States Environmental Protection Agency
Epson Seiko Epson Corporation
Ethernet Xerox Corporation
Fluke John Fluke Manufacturing Co., Inc.
FX Seiko Epson Corporation
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IGP Printronix, Inc.
Motorola Motorola, Inc.
MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation
MTOS Industrial Programming, Inc.
PrintNet Printronix, Inc.
Printronix Printronix, Inc.
QMS Quality Micro Systems, Inc.
RibbonMinder Printronix, Inc.
Siemens Fujitsu Siemens Corporation
SureStak Printronix, Inc.
Torx Camcar/Textron Inc.
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

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Table of Contents

ENERGY STAR ................................................................................4

Notices ..............................................................................................5
Electrical Safety ................................................................................5
Trademarks And Service Marks ........................................................6

1 Maintenance Overview ........................................ 13

About The Printer...................................................................................13
The IBM 6400 Series Printer Family......................................................13
Hanzi Printers..................................................................................14
Printer Evolution ..............................................................................15
How To Identify The Printer.............................................................15
Important Maintenance Notes .........................................................16
About This Manual.................................................................................16
How To Use This Manual ................................................................16
Notes And Notices ..........................................................................17
Printing Conventions In This Manual...............................................18
Related Documents.........................................................................18
Controls And Indicators .........................................................................20
Electrical Controls, Cabinet Models ................................................20
Electrical Controls, Pedestal Models...............................................22
Mechanical Controls, All Models .....................................................24
Tools, Test Equipment, And Supplies....................................................26

2 Installation ........................................................... 27
Installing And Configuring The IBM 6400 Printer...................................27

3 Preventive Maintenance ...................................... 29

Cleaning The Printer..............................................................................29
Cleaning The Exterior .....................................................................29
Cleaning The Interior.......................................................................30
Cleaning The Shuttle Frame Assembly...........................................31
Cleaning The Card Cage Fan Assembly.........................................33

4 Principles Of Operation ....................................... 35

Line Matrix Printing ................................................................................35
Printing Rates ........................................................................................38

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Table of Contents

Printing Mechanism ...............................................................................38

Shuttle Frame Assembly .................................................................39
Paper Transport System .................................................................41
Ribbon Transport System ...............................................................42
Logical Control Of The Printer ...............................................................43
Printer Electronics ...........................................................................43
Operator Panel ......................................................................................44
CMX Controller Board............................................................................45
Data Controller ................................................................................47
Engine Controller ............................................................................49
Printer Interface .....................................................................................51
10Base2 And 10Base-T LEDs And DIP Switches ..........................52
10/100Base-T LEDs And DIP Switches ..........................................54
Power Supply Board ..............................................................................57
AC Power ........................................................................................57
DC Power ........................................................................................57
Graphics ................................................................................................58

5 Troubleshooting ................................................... 59
Introduction ............................................................................................59
Troubleshooting Aids .............................................................................59
Start Of Call ...........................................................................................60
Troubleshooting Display Messages.......................................................61
Message List ...................................................................................62
Troubleshooting Other Symptoms .......................................................109
General Symptom List...................................................................110
Communications Failures ....................................................................131
Operator Print Tests ............................................................................132
Selecting And Running Tests ........................................................133
Customer Engineer (CE) Tests............................................................134
Boot Diagnostics Menu .................................................................137
Hex Code Printout ...............................................................................140
ASCII Character Set ............................................................................142
Printer Information Menu .....................................................................143
Soft vs. Hard Reset..............................................................................145
Soft Reset .....................................................................................145
Hard Reset (“Cycle Power”) ..........................................................145
The Power On Sequence ....................................................................146
CMX Controller Board Handshake Sequences .............................146
DC Software Initialization And Power Up ......................................150

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Table of Contents

6 Adjustment Procedures ..................................... 151

Introduction ..........................................................................................151
List Of Adjustments .......................................................................151
Preparing The Printer For Maintenance ..............................................152
Returning The Printer To Normal Operation........................................153
Belt, Paper Feed Timing, Adjustment ..................................................154
Belt, Platen Open, Adjustment.............................................................156
Paper Drive Motor Pulley Alignment....................................................158
Paper Scale Alignment ........................................................................160
Platen Gap Adjustment........................................................................162
Platen Open Motor Pulley Alignment...................................................164
Ribbon Guide Alignment......................................................................166
Splined Shaft Skew Adjustment...........................................................168
Adjusting The End Of Forms Distance ................................................169
Hammer Phasing Adjustment ..............................................................173
Downloading 6400 Microcode From The World Wide Web.................175
Loading Flash Memory ........................................................................176
Coil Temperature Adjustment ..............................................................181
Set Shuttle Speed................................................................................182
Ethernet Initialization ...........................................................................183

7 Replacement Procedures
And Illustrated Parts Lists....................................... 185
Organization Of This Chapter ..............................................................185
Section I: Replacement Procedures ....................................................186
List Of Procedures ........................................................................186
Belt, Paper Feed Timing ...............................................................188
Belt, Platen Open ..........................................................................189
Circuit Board: Controller ................................................................190
Circuit Board: Power Supply .........................................................192
Circuit Breaker ..............................................................................193
Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface ...........................................194
Connector Shells ...........................................................................195
Connector Stiffening Clips.............................................................198
Cover Assembly, Hammer Bank / Ribbon Mask ...........................200
Cover Assembly, Shuttle ...............................................................203
Cover Assembly, Top, Pedestal Model .........................................204
Dashpot .........................................................................................205
Doors, Cabinet, Reversing ............................................................206
Ethernet Interface Assemblies ......................................................207
Fan Assembly, Cabinet Exhaust ...................................................208
Fan Assembly, Card Cage ............................................................209

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Table of Contents

Fan Assembly, Hammer Bank ......................................................210

Hammer Spring Assembly ............................................................211
IBM Coax/Twinax Expansion Board..............................................215
Magnetic Pick-up (MPU) Assembly...............................................216
Memory and Security Modules......................................................217
Motor Assembly, Paper Feed........................................................221
Motor Assembly, Platen Open ......................................................223
Motor Assembly, Ribbon Drive......................................................225
Network Print Server .....................................................................226
Operator Panel Assembly, Cabinet Model ....................................227
Operator Panel Assembly, Pedestal Model ..................................228
Paper Guide Assembly .................................................................229
Paper Ironer ..................................................................................230
Platen ............................................................................................231
Resistors, Terminating ..................................................................235
Ribbon Guide Assembly (L/R).......................................................237
Ribbon Hub ...................................................................................238
Shaft, Splined................................................................................239
Shaft, Support ...............................................................................241
Shuttle Frame Assembly ...............................................................242
Spring, Extension ..........................................................................244
Switch Assembly, Cover Open......................................................245
Switch Assembly, Paper Detector .................................................246
Switch Assembly, Platen Interlock ................................................247
Tractor (L/R) ..................................................................................248
Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists ..........................................................249
Illustrations Of Printer Components ..............................................249

A Wire Data .......................................................... 287

Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts .........................................................287

B Printer Specifications......................................... 327

Ribbon Specifications ..........................................................................327
Paper Specifications ............................................................................328
Printer Dimensions ..............................................................................329
Environmental Characteristics .............................................................329
Electrical Characteristics .....................................................................330
Interfaces .............................................................................................336
Duty Cycle ...........................................................................................336

C Metric Conversion Tables ................................. 337

Length ...........................................................................................337
Torque and Force..........................................................................337

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Table of Contents

Mass and Density..........................................................................338

Power ............................................................................................338

D Torque Table..................................................... 339

E Safety Inspection Guide .................................... 341

Safety Inspections ...............................................................................341
Preparation ..........................................................................................341
Prepare The Printer for Inspection.......................................................342
Inspect Mechanical Parts.....................................................................342
Inspect Electrical Parts ........................................................................343

F Abbreviations And Signal Mnemonics............... 347

G Cords And Adapters ......................................... 355

H Part Numbers.................................................... 357

I Noise Suppression Devices................................ 365

J SureStak Power Stacker.................................... 367

Contents ..............................................................................................367
Introduction ..........................................................................................368
Stacker Operation................................................................................368
Removing The Power Stacker .............................................................375
Installing The Power Stacker ...............................................................380
Replacing The Constant Force Spring.................................................391
Replacing The Timing Belts.................................................................394
Illustrated Parts Breakdown.................................................................398

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Table of Contents

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1 Maintenance Overview

About The Printer

The entire system architecture of an IBM* 6400 line matrix printer is contained
on one circuit board. The use of DRAM and flash memory on this board
permits rapid access to stored printer emulations and fast processing of print
data. A variable-speed shuttle and half-step paper control enables the printer
to print a wide variety of high-volume jobs with minimum maintenance and
maximum reliability.
Although technologically advanced, the printer is easy to use. The operator
can select every printer function at the control panel or by sending printer
control codes in the data stream from the host computer.
This is also an excellent graphics printer, with optional features that simplify
the creation of dot images. The IGP** and Code V** Printronix** emulations
are simple but versatile graphics programming languages that load into flash

The IBM 6400 Series Printer Family

The IBM 6400 Line Matrix Printer family consists of pedestal mount and floor
cabinet models that print at different speeds, as shown in Table 1. Some
models are available in either floor cabinet or pedestal housings, while other
models are available only in floor cabinets.
The print speeds listed in Table 1 are the maximum speeds attainable under
controlled conditions. Actual print speed is determined by the interaction of
many variables. For more information, refer to the discussion of Printing
Rates on page 38.


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Chapter 1 The IBM 6400 Series Printer Family

Table 1. The IBM 6400 Series Printer Family

Model Print Hammer Controller
Number Speed Bank

6400-004 475 lpm Cabinet 28 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-04P 475 lpm Pedestal 28 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-005 500 lpm Cabinet 28 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-05P 500 lpm Pedestal 28 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-050 500 lpm Cabinet 28 Hammers 40 MHz

6400-P50 500 lpm Pedestal 28 Hammers 40 MHz

6400-008 800 lpm Cabinet 49 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-08P 800 lpm Pedestal 49 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-009 900 lpm Cabinet 49 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-09P 900 lpm Pedestal 49 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-010 1000 lpm Cabinet 60 Hammers 40 MHz

6400-P10 1000 lpm Pedestal 60 Hammers 40 MHz

6400-012 1200 lpm Cabinet 91 Hammers 25 MHz

6400-014 1400 lpm Cabinet 91 Hammers 40 MHz

6400-015 1500 lpm Cabinet 102 Hammers 40 MHz

6400-C05 585 lpm Cabinet 91 Hammers 40 MHz

6400-C5P 585 lpm Pedestal 91 Hammers 40 MHz

The microprocessor of the Data Controller unit on the CMX controller
board runs at 25 MHz or 40 MHz, depending on printer model. This means
there are two kinds of CMX controller board for IBM 6400 printers, used as
shown in this table. The 40 MHz controller board, however, is backwards
compatible in all models that use the 25 MHz board.

Hanzi Printers
IBM 6400-C05 and 6400-C5P printers have shuttle assemblies, hammer
springs, and software specially designed to print the GB character set and
Song typeface used in the People’s Republic of China. These printers can mix
ASCII and Hanzi characters on the same line, with ASCII characters
occupying half the width of Hanzi character cells. Because of the density and


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Printer Evolution

complexity of Hanzi characters, the highest rated speed for these models is
585 lpm.

Printer Evolution
IBM 6400-050, -P50, -010, -P10, and -015 printers use a redesigned shuttle
frame assembly, hammer bank, and ribbon guides. These models use the
CMX 040 controller board, which has a 40 MHz clock speed on the Data
Controller unit. These models use standard hammer springs, which have 16
MIL (0.016 inch) tips.
IBM 6400-C05 and -C5P printers use a shuttle frame assembly, hammer
spring assemblies, and software specially designed to print complex Hanzi
characters. The hammer springs have 10.5 MIL (0.0105 inch) tips and are
unique to these printers. The 6400-C05 and -C5P printers also use the CMX
040 controller board, which has a 40 MHz clock speed on the Data Controller
Except for the CMX 040 controller board and ribbon guides, which are
backwards compatible with all 6400 printers, the redesigned components of
these newer models are not compatible with earlier models.
When replacing components, be careful to order the correct spares for the
model you are servicing. The next section explains how to identify an IBM
6400 printer.

How To Identify The Printer

The model number of the printer indicates the printer family, speed, and type
of enclosure. (See Figure 1.)

Maximum Speed Rating:

004 = 475 lpm
005 = 500 lpm (25 MHz controller)
050 = 500 lpm (40 MHz controller)
C05 = 585 lpm Hanzi*
008 = 800 lpm
009 = 900 lpm
IBM 6400 Printer Family 010 = 1000 lpm
012 = 1200 lpm
014 = 1400 lpm
015 = 1500 lpm
* Uses hammer springs with 10.5 MIL
(0.0105 inch) tips. Standard hammer
Enclosure Code: tips are 16 MIL (0.016 inch).
P = Pedestal Model
No Code = Cabinet Model

Figure 1. How to Interpret Model Numbers


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Chapter 1 About This Manual

Important Maintenance Notes

To ensure the best performance of the printer, remember these important
maintenance concepts when you service the printer.
Failure to observe the guidelines below can result in damage to the
• Do not adjust the platen gap unless the original shuttle frame assembly or
platen has been replaced with a new or rebuilt unit, or unless instructed to
do so in the troubleshooting chapter.
• Never bend or “tweak” hammer springs. Always handle the hammer
springs by the thick mounting base. The hammer springs and hammer
tips are delicate and precisely aligned.
• Use only the ribbons specified in Appendix B. Use of incorrect ribbons
can lead to ink migration problems, degraded print quality, and expensive
damage to the printer.
• Do not close the forms thickness lever too tightly. Closing the forms
thickness lever too tightly can lead to smearing, degraded print quality,
paper jams, and damage to the platen and shuttle assembly.

About This Manual

This is a field service maintenance manual. It is designed so that you can
quickly locate maintenance information.

How To Use This Manual

1. Find the procedure or information you need in the Table of Contents or
the Index.
2. Read the entire procedure before you do it.
3. Gather the parts and tools you will need.
4. Make sure you understand all safety notices before you start a task.
Notes and notices are defined below.


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Notes And Notices

Notes And Notices

For your safety and to protect valuable equipment, it is very important that you
read and comply with all information highlighted under notes and notices:


<#> The word Danger next to the lightning slash indicates the
presence of a hazard that could cause death or serious
personal injury. Danger and Caution notices are numbered
to help you find the translated versions in the IBM 4400
Safety Notices booklet.


<#> The word Caution next to the exclamation point (!) indicates
the presence of a hazard that could cause moderate or
minor personal injury.


<#> The word Caution next to this symbol indicates a heavy

assembly that requires two or more persons to lift or hold.


<#> The word Caution next to this symbol indicates a part or

assembly that is sharp enough to cut you.

The word Attention indicates the possibility of damage to a program,
device, system, or data.


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Chapter 1 About This Manual

The word Important indicates information vital to proper operation of
the printer.
NOTE: A note gives you helpful tips about printer operation and

Printing Conventions In This Manual

Operator panel keys and LCD messages are set off from regular text in this
• Operator panel keys and indicators are printed boldface.
Example: Press the Cancel key, then press the Start key.
• Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) messages are printed in capital letters inside
quotation marks ( “ ” ).
Example: Press the Stop key. “NOT READY” appears on the LCD.
• Key combinations are denoted by the + (plus) symbol.
Example: Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓
means Press the Scroll↑ key and the Scroll↓ key at the same time.

Related Documents
To ensure complete understanding of important safety notices for technicians
whose native language is not English, the notices have been translated into
many languages in the IBM 6400 Line Matrix Printer Safety Notices: Form No.
This maintenance manual does not explain how to operate or configure the
printer. For that information, refer to the Operator’s Guide and Setup Guide:
• IBM 6400 Line Matrix Printer Operator’s Guide, Form No. S544-5641
Illustrated instructions on daily printer operation.
• IBM 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, Form No. S544-5640
Explains how to install and configure the printer.
• IBM 6400-C05/C5P Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, Form No. S544-
5684. Explains how to install and configure the Hanzi printer.
• Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface Option Installation and Operation
Guide, Form Number S246-0149
Information pertaining to printer control languages, emulations, and control
codes is in the applicable Programmer’s Reference manual:
• IBM 6400 ASCII Programmer’s Reference: Form No. S544-5635
• IBM 6400 CTA Programmer’s Reference: Form No. S544-5636
• IBM 6400 IPDS Programmer’s Reference: Form No. S544-5637
• IBM 6400-C05/C5P Programmer’s Reference-LQ1600K:
Form No. S544-5683
Information pertaining to graphics programming is in the applicable User’s


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Related Documents

• IBM 6400 Code V User’s Manual: Form No. S544-5638

Provides information used with the optional Code V Printronix emulation
enhancement feature. The Code V Printronix emulation allows the user to
create and store forms, generate logos, bar codes, and expanded
characters, create other graphics, and merge graphics with alphanumeric
data as a document is printed.
• IBM 6400 IGP User’s Manual: Form No. S544-5639
Provides information used with the optional IGP Printronix emulation
enhancement feature. The IGP Printronix emulation allows the user to
create and store forms, generate logos, bar codes, and expanded
characters, create other graphics, and merge graphics with alphanumeric
data as a document is printed.
Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of the Network Print Server
and internal Network Interface Card (NIC) are covered in the following
• Print Server User’s Guide,
Part No. 30H4056
• Ethernet** Interface User’s Manual, Form No.S246-0153
(10Base2 and 10Base-T cards)
• Ethernet Interface User’s Manual, Form No. S246-0154
(10/100Base-T card)


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Chapter 1 Controls And Indicators

Controls And Indicators

Electrical Controls, Cabinet Models

Key or Indicator Function

Power Indicator Lit when the printer is on.

Ready Indicator Lit when the printer is in READY mode (on-line), no errors are pending, and the printer is
ready to process data. Off when the printer is in NOT READY mode (off-line).

Processing Indicator Flashes when the printer is receiving data from the host.

Attention Indicator Flashes when an error occurs. After correcting the error, press Stop to turn off this LED.

Power Switch Applies AC power to the printer: (1 = on, 0 = off.) This switch is also a circuit breaker.

LCD The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) displays printer status messages.

Start Puts the printer in the READY (on-line) mode. This key also clears fault conditions, exits
program mode menus, moves paper back to print position after View is pressed, and restores
print position after an eject.

Stop Puts the printer in the NOT READY (off-line) mode. This key also silences the audible alarm,
stops a Printer Test, and restores after an eject. Stop + Enter resets the printer.

Form Feed Advances paper to next Top-Of-Form, as defined by the current page length.

Set Top Of Form Sets TOF and moves paper downward from the tractor alignment notches to the print position.

Line Feed Moves paper up one line, as determined by current line spacing.

View Press to move the current print position up to the tractor area for viewing. Press again to
return paper to original print position.

Cancel Cancels a print job.

Eject / Restore Moves paper for viewing or tear-off. This key is configurable: refer to the Operator’s Guide.

Menu If in the NOT READY mode, this key puts the printer in the PROGRAM mode. If the
configuration menus are locked, the LCD indicates the operator panel is locked.

Enter Selects the option displayed on the LCD. This action either sets a value, moves to the next
lower level of configuration, or starts a self-test. Stop + Enter resets the printer.

Return Returns to the next higher level of a configuration menu.

Micro ↑ In the NOT READY mode, moves the paper upward 1/72 inch (“micro-step” function).

Micro ↓ In the NOT READY mode, moves the paper downward 1/72 inch (“micro-step” function).

Scroll ↑ In the PROGRAM mode, this key moves to the next menu (“Scroll” function).

Scroll ↓ In the PROGRAM mode, this key moves to the previous menu (“Scroll” function).

Printer Configuration Prints the current configuration.

Stop + Enter Soft reset: load power on configuration in memory. Printer must be in NOT READY mode.

Scroll ↑ + Scroll ↓ Toggles the lock on the configuration menus.


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Electrical Controls, Cabinet Models

(Off) (On)

Power Switch


Line Form
Menu Scroll Enter Micro Feed Feed Start Cancel

Attention Printer Con- Set Top Eject/

figuration Scroll Return Micro View Of Form Stop Restore

Figure 2. Electrical Controls, Cabinet Models


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Chapter 1 Controls And Indicators

Electrical Controls, Pedestal Models

Key or Indicator Function

Power Indicator Lit when the printer is on.

Ready Indicator Lit when the printer is in READY mode (on-line), no errors are pending, and the printer is
ready to process data. Off when the printer is in NOT READY mode (off-line).

Processing Flashes when the printer is receiving data from the host.

Attention Indicator Flashes when an error occurs. After correcting the error, press Stop to turn off this LED.

Power Switch Applies AC power to the printer: (1 = on, 0 = off.) This switch is also a circuit breaker.

LCD The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) displays printer status messages.

Start Puts the printer in the READY (on-line) mode. This key also clears fault conditions, exits
program mode menus, moves paper back to print position after View is pressed, and
restores print position after an eject.

Stop Puts the printer in the NOT READY (off-line) mode. This key also silences the audible alarm,
stops a Printer Test, and restores after an eject. Stop + Enter resets the printer.

Form Feed Advances paper to next Top-Of-Form, as defined by the current page length.

Set Top Of Form Sets TOF and moves paper downward from the tractor alignment notches to the print

Line Feed Moves paper up one line, as determined by current line spacing.

View Press to move the current print position up to the tractor area for viewing. Press again to
return paper to original print position.

Cancel Cancels a print job.

Eject / Restore Moves paper for viewing or tear-off. This key is configurable: refer to the Operator’s Guide.

Menu If in the NOT READY mode, this key puts the printer in the PROGRAM mode. If the
configuration menus are locked, the LCD indicates the operator panel is locked.

Enter Selects the option displayed on the LCD. This action either sets a value, moves to the next
lower level of configuration, or starts a self-test. Stop + Enter resets the printer.

Return Returns to the next higher level of a configuration menu.

Micro ↑ In the NOT READY mode, moves the paper upward 1/72 inch (“micro-step” function).

Micro ↓ In the NOT READY mode, moves the paper downward 1/72 inch (“micro-step” function).

Scroll ↑ In the PROGRAM mode, this key moves to the next menu (“Scroll” function).

Scroll ↓ In the PROGRAM mode, this key moves to the previous menu (“Scroll” function).

Printer Prints the current configuration.


Stop + Enter Soft reset: load power on configuration in memory. Printer must be in NOT READY mode.

Scroll ↑ + Scroll ↓ Toggles the lock on the configuration menus.


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Electrical Controls, Pedestal Models

(Off) (On)

Power Switch


Line Form
Menu Scroll Enter Micro Feed Feed Start Cancel

Attention Printer Con- Set Top Eject/

figuration Scroll Return Micro View Of Form Stop Restore

Figure 3. Electrical Controls, Pedestal Models


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Chapter 1 Controls And Indicators

Mechanical Controls, All Models

Control or

Forms Thickness Sets the platen for paper and forms of different thicknesses. Lever must be
Lever fully opened (raised) to load or unload paper.

Paper Supports Help prevent paper jams by supporting inner sections of paper. They are
positioned manually by sliding them along the tractor shafts.

Forms Thickness Indicates relative thickness of forms and paper. Set this lever at A for thin
Pointer and Scale (single-part) forms, B for thicker forms, and so on.

Tractors (2) Hold and feed paper. Used to set side margin and position paper

Tractor Locks (2) Lock tractors in position.

Horizontal Allows fine positioning of left print margin. Moves paper and tractors left or
Adjustment Knob right.

Vertical Position Used to set top of form or first line to be printed. Rotate this knob to move
Knob paper vertically. Works when forms thickness lever is open.

Ribbon Loading Instructions showing how to load the ribbon correctly. One diagram is cast
Path Diagrams in relief on the shuttle cover, and another is printed on the paper scale.

Paper Scale A horizontal scale graduated in tenths of an inch, useful for setting paper
margins counting text columns. (See below.)

1 inch

1 10 20

0.1 inch Column



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Mechanical Controls, All Models

Left Tractor

Adjustment Right Tractor
Tractor Lock
Tractor Lock Vertical

Ribbon Loading
Path Diagrams Forms Thickness
Lever and Scale


Figure 4. Mechanical Controls, All Models


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Chapter 1 Tools, Test Equipment, And Supplies

Tools, Test Equipment, And Supplies

The tools and equipment required for field level maintenance of the printer are
listed below.

Item Part No.

6400 Line Matrix Printer Configuration Utility Disk 63H7379

1-30 Inch-pound Torque Screwdriver 16F1661

ESD Wrist Strap 6405959

Feeler Gauge, .010 inch

Feeler Gauge, .011 inch

Feeler Gauge, .040 inch

Force Gauge, 20 lb. 25F9687

Grip Ring Pliers 9900317

Lubricant, Bearing, IBM #20 117397

DIP Module Extracting Tool 9900764

Nut Driver, 1/4 inch

Nut Driver, 5/16 inch

Open End Wrench, 7/32 inch 1650843

Open End Wrench, 5/16 inch 9900005

PLCC Module Pick Extraction Tool 73G5523

PLCC Module Plier Extraction Tool 10G3902

Screwdriver, Phillips, #1 73G5362

Screwdriver, Phillips, #2 73G5363

Spring Hook, Heavy Duty

Tie Wraps 75X5972

Torque Screwdriver Adapter 39F8449

Torque Screwdriver Hex Adapter 3/32 inch 39F8451

Torque Screwdriver Hex Adapter 5/32 inch 39F8450

Torque Screwdriver Hex Adapter 3/16 inch 39F8455

Torque Screwdriver Hex Adapter 5/64 inch 16F1663

Torx** T-10 Bit 83F2834


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2 Installation

Installing And Configuring The IBM 6400 Printer

Installation and configuration of the printer are covered in the
6400 Line Matrix Printer Set-Up Guide , Form No. S544-5640
Installation, operation, and replacement parts for the optional coax/twinax
interface are covered in the Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface Option
Installation and Operation Guide, Form No. S246-0149.
Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of the Network Print Server are
covered in the following documents:
• IBM Network Print Server Ethernet Administrator’s Guide,
Form No. S246-0111
• IBM Network Print Server Token-Ring Administrator’s Guide,
Form No. S246-0112
• The Network Print Server Technical Reference Manual is included on a
diskette that comes with the Network Print Server. This “softcopy”
document is in Adobe** Acrobat** Reader format.
Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of the internal Network
Interface Card are covered in two manuals:
• 10Base2 and 10Base-T cards: Ethernet Interface User’s Manual,
Form No.S246-0153
• 10/100Base-T card: Ethernet Interface User’s Manual,
Form No. S246-0154


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Chapter 2 Installing And Configuring The IBM 6400 Printer


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3 Preventive Maintenance

Cleaning The Printer

Aside from normal replenishment of paper and ribbons, the only preventive
maintenance required for the printer is periodic cleaning.
Because operating conditions vary widely, the user must determine how often
to clean the printer.
There is no guarantee that the user will clean the printer regularly, however,
so you should clean the printer whenever you are called to service it.


<2> Switch off printer power and unplug the printer power cord
before cleaning the printer.

Do not use abrasive cleaners, particularly on the window.
Do not drip water into the printer. Damage to the equipment will result.
Do not spray directly onto the printer when using spray solutions (spray
the cloth, then apply the dampened cloth to the printer).
Do not vacuum circuit boards.

Cleaning The Exterior

1. Power off the printer.
2. Disconnect the AC power cord from the power source.
3. Wipe the outside of the enclosure with a clean, lint-free cloth dampened
(not wet) with water and a mild detergent or window cleaning solution.
4. Dry the enclosure with a clean, lint-free cloth.
5. Clean the inside of the printer, as described below.


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Chapter 3 Cleaning The Printer

Cleaning The Interior

1. Power off the printer.
2. Disconnect the AC power cord from the power source.
3. Open the printer cover.
4. Remove paper from the printer.
5. Remove the ribbon.
6. Using a soft-bristled, non-metallic brush, wipe paper dust and ribbon lint
off the tractors, shuttle cover assembly, base casting, and ribbon guides.
Vacuum up the residue. (See Figure 5.)
7. Wipe the splined shaft and the ribbon guides with a soft cloth.
8. Vacuum up dust or residue that has accumulated inside the lower
9. Wipe the interior of the lower cabinet with a clean, lint-free cloth
dampened with water and a mild detergent or window cleaning solution.
10. Dry the cabinet interior with a clean, lint-free cloth.
11. Clean the shuttle frame assembly, as described below.

Splined Tractors



NOTE: Cabinet model Thickness
shown. Procedure is the Lever
same for pedestal model. Ribbon
Guide (2)

Figure 5. Cleaning Inside the Cabinet or Top Cover


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Cleaning The Shuttle Frame Assembly

Cleaning The Shuttle Frame Assembly

1. Remove the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
2. Remove the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
3. Remove the paper ironer (page 230).


<2> Over time the upper edge of the paper ironer can become
sharp. To avoid cutting yourself handle the paper ironer on
the sides.

4. Wipe the paper ironer with a soft cloth to remove lint, ink, and paper
5. Install the paper ironer (page 230).
6. Remove the hammer bank / ribbon mask cover assembly (page 200).
The thin plate (ribbon mask) of the hammer bank cover assembly is
fragile. Be careful not to over-bend or kink the ribbon mask when
handling and cleaning the hammer bank cover assembly.
7. Using a clean soft cloth, wipe the hammer bank cover and ribbon mask to
remove lint, ink, and paper residue. Clean the holes in the cover strips.
Carefully wipe between the hammer bank cover and the ribbon mask
(early models).
Do not use solvents or liquids to clean the hammer tips. Clean the
hammer tips gently; too much pressure can chip hammer tips.
8. Using a stiff, non-metallic brush (such as a toothbrush), gently brush the
hammer tips to remove lint and ink accumulations. (See Figure 6.)
Vacuum up any residue.


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Chapter 3 Cleaning The Printer

NOTE: 6400-004 hammer bank

is shown. Procedure is the same
for all hammer banks.
Hammer Tip

Figure 6. Cleaning the Hammer Tips

The hammer bank contains a strong magnet. To prevent damage to the
hammer tips, do not let the hammer bank cover assembly snap into
place as the hammer bank magnet attracts it. Any impact of the cover
against the hammer bank can break hammer tips.
9. Install the hammer bank / ribbon mask cover assembly (page 200).
10. Install the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
11. Install the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
12. Clean the card cage fan assembly, as described on the next page.


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Cleaning The Card Cage Fan Assembly

Cleaning The Card Cage Fan Assembly

1. Cabinet Models: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
2. Vacuum the card cage fan assembly and surrounding areas to remove
paper particles, dust, and lint. (See Figure 7.)
3. Cabinet Models: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
4. Close the printer cover.
5. Connect the AC power cord to the power source.

NOTE: Cabinet model shown.

Procedure is the same for
pedestal model.

Figure 7. Cleaning the Card Cage Fan Assembly


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Chapter 3 Cleaning The Printer


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4 Principles Of Operation

Line Matrix Printing

The printer creates characters and graphics by printing patterns of ink dots on
paper, an entire line at a time. This technique is called line matrix printing.
Every text character is stored in printer memory as a pattern of dots on a
logical grid called the dot matrix. (See Figure 8.) The ink dots are made by a
row of small hammers mounted on a shuttle that sweeps rapidly back and
forth. Printer logic circuits divide every line of incoming data into horizontal dot
rows. The hammers put dots at the required positions for the entire line by
striking an inked ribbon and the paper.

1 Column No. 12
0.10 inch
0.00835 inch
First row and column
of next character column
0.01389 inch (at 10 cpi)

Lowest descender dot line

First row and column of next
character line (at 6 LPI)

0.02 inch

Figure 8. A Dot Matrix


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Chapter 4 Line Matrix Printing

When the shuttle reaches the end of a sweep, it reverses direction, the paper
is advanced one dot row, and the hammers print the next row of dots as the
shuttle sweeps in the opposite direction. After a line of characters is printed,
hammer action stops and the paper advances to the first dot row of the next
print line. The number of dot rows allowed for line separation depends on the
vertical line spacing the user selects.
The dot matrix patterns of text characters vary according to the font the user
selects. For example, in the data processing (DP) font at a line spacing of six
lines per inch (lpi), a dot matrix contains 12 dot rows from the top of one
character line to the top of the next. (See Figure 8 and Figure 9.) At eight lpi
there are nine dot rows per character line, at nine lpi eight dot rows per
character line, and so on.
Each individual hammer spring forms more than one character as the shuttle
moves horizontally. This principle is illustrated in Figure 10.

Direction of Shuttle Movement

5 Paper
One Feed
Text 6 Direction
Line 7
9* *
11 Number of rows determined by line spacing

* This row is used only for lowercase descenders

** This row is used for underlining and lowercase descenders

Figure 9. Standard Character Formation


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Succesive Hammer Strokes Per Scan

Shuttle Dot
Scan Row * *1 3
* 1 3 5
*1 3 5 7
* 1 3 5 7 9
1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

* Even column dot centers within the printed character

area and character space hammer positions are not
illustrated in this diagram.

NOTE: = Hammer Released and Dot Printed

= Hammer Not Released; No Dot Printed

Figure 10. Action of One Hammer Spring in Text Printing


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Chapter 4 Printing Rates

Printing Rates
Because a line matrix printer prints entire lines sequentially, it is faster than a
moving-printhead printer, which prints single characters sequentially. The
printing speed of text is measured in lines per minute (lpm) rather than
characters per minute (cpm).
Many variables affect printing speed, the main ones being the selected font
and the vertical dot density. Lines containing attributes such as bold or
emphasized print, superscripts, subscripts, or elongated characters also
reduce print speed to never less than half the rates of lines without such
attributes. The actual print rate of lines containing these attributes depends on
the specific print job, but software maximizes the throughput by dynamically
determining which dot rows contain adjacent dots and must be printed in two
strokes. Printing speed is not affected by the number of characters in a
character set.
The printing speed of graphics (“plot mode”) is expressed in inches per
minute (ipm).
The ability of the printer to feed paper downwards as well as upwards allows
the printing of multiple densities on a single line. This is useful for printing
forms and text together or for mixing fonts on the same print line. Use of
multiple densities and reverse paper feed also affects throughput.

Printing Mechanism
While the principles of line matrix printing are easy to state, the act of printing
dots accurately from a rapidly oscillating shuttle onto a piece of paper moving
vertically requires complex timing and coordination between printer logic and
the printing mechanism.
The printing mechanism consists of three integrated subassemblies:
• Shuttle Frame Assembly
• Ribbon Transport System
• Paper Transport System.


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Shuttle Frame Assembly

Shuttle Frame Assembly

The central element of the printing mechanism is the shuttle frame assembly,
which houses the hammer bank assembly and the shuttle drive motor. (See
Figure 11.)

Hammer Bank Assembly

Counterweight Assembly

Connecting Rod
Shuttle Frame

Shuttle Guide Shaft


Figure 11. Shuttle Frame Assembly

Hammer Bank Assembly

The hammer springs are grouped in comb-like assemblies mounted on a solid
hammer bank. (See Figure 12.) Both the number of hammer springs per
hammer assembly and the number of hammer spring assemblies on the
hammer bank vary according to printer model:
• 6400-004/-04P/-005/-05P/-050/-P50: seven 4-hammer assemblies, for a
total of 28 hammer springs
• 6400-008/-08P/-009/-09P: seven 7-hammer assemblies, for a total of 49
hammer springs
• 6400-010 and -10P: six 10-hammer assemblies, for a total of 60 hammer
• 6400-012/-014/-C05/-C5P: seven 13-hammer assemblies, for a total of 91
hammer springs
• 6400-015: six 17-hammer assemblies, for a total of 102 hammer springs

Shuttle Drive Motor

The shuttle drive motor is built into the shuttle assembly casting and drives
two connecting rods on a crankshaft. (See Figure 11.) The small end of one
connecting rod attaches to the hammer bank; the small end of the other


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Chapter 4 Printing Mechanism

connecting rod attaches to a counterweight frame surrounding the hammer

bank. (The hammer bank and the counterweight constitute the shuttle
assembly.) The rotary motion of the shuttle drive motor converts to linear and
opposing motion of the hammer bank assembly and the counterweight, in an
arrangement similar to that of a horizontally-opposed gasoline engine.
Mechanically, this design achieves the same benefits as this type of engine:
perfect primary balance, low vibration, and durability.
Each hammer spring is a stiff leaf spring with a cylindrical tungsten carbide tip
on the free end. (See Figure 12.) A permanent magnet is imbedded along the
length of the hammer bank and acts on the hammer springs through
individual pole pieces. The pole pieces magnetically attract and hold the free
end of the hammer spring under tension. This is called the retracted state.

NOTE: 6400-004 hammer bank shown.

Hammer Bank Assembly:

Coils, Magnet, Pole Pieces,
Hammer Spring Assemblies

Hammer Tip

Hammer Spring

Alignment Pin

Figure 12. Hammer Springs and Hammer Bank (Detail)

Two electromagnetic coils are mounted behind each hammer and wound
around each pole piece. The coils are normally de-energized. When hammer
driver logic determines that the hammer must print a dot, a current pulse
energizes the coils. The polarity of the resulting magnetic field opposes the
field of the permanent magnet, canceling its effect and releasing the hammer.
The hammer springs forward, strikes the ribbon and paper, and leaves a dot
impression of the hammer tip on the paper.
While the hammer is in flight the coil is de-energized and its field collapses.
After striking the ribbon and paper, the hammer rebounds and the permanent
magnet recaptures it. When the shuttle reaches the end of a sweep, it
reverses direction, the paper is moved up one dot row, and the hammer
springs print the next row of dots as the shuttle sweeps in the opposite


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Paper Transport System

Paper Transport System

Paper Path

Tractors Vertical
Horizontal Splined Knob and
Adjustment Shaft Splined Shaft
Knob Pulley

Support Shaft

Shuttle Cover
Paper Feed Timing
Belt (under the cover)
Paper Supports

Figure 13. Paper Transport System

A two-phase DC stepper motor, directed by the EC on the controller board,
drives two tractor sprockets by means of a toothed belt and splined shaft
pulley arrangement. The stepper motor permits extremely accurate
incremental vertical paper movement. This drive configuration is designed for
continuous, fan-folded paper three to 17 inches wide and one to six sheets
thick. For reverse paper feeding, the platen open motor opens and closes the
platen via a toothed belt. Opening the platen prevents paper jams when paper
direction is reversed—that is, paper is moved downwards—in order to view
the print area, set top of form, or allow applications to overprint forms.
Paper is positioned horizontally using the tractors and the horizontal
adjustment knob. Each tractor engages paper perforations with six sprocket
pins and locks in place with a friction lock. The horizontal adjustment knob
allows vernier positioning of the left print margin.
Paper can be positioned vertically by hand with the vertical adjustment knob.


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Chapter 4 Printing Mechanism

Ribbon Transport System

Ribbon Hub

Left Ribbon Guide

(Not Shown)


Ribbon Spool

Ribbon Motors Right Ribbon Guide


Figure 14. Ribbon Transport System

An inked ribbon winds and unwinds continuously on a pair of spools latched to
hubs that are driven by the ribbon motors. The hubs and spools are offset
vertically to equalize ribbon wear and prolong ribbon life. The ribbon motors
operate only when the shuttle assembly is moving. Ribbon motion reverses
when a metal strip at either end of the ribbon crosses the left or right ribbon
guide, completing a circuit that causes both motors to reverse direction.
Constant ribbon tension is maintained by controlling each motor with a drive
or drag circuit. While the shuttle assembly is in motion, one motor acts as a
drive motor, pulling the ribbon against the resistance exerted by the other
motor—the drag motor. This system maintains a constant motor speed and
ribbon tension.


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Printer Electronics

Logical Control Of The Printer

The printer is divided into four functional elements: the operator panel, the
CMX controller board, the power supply, and the print mechanism.

Printer Electronics
The functional elements of the printer are diagrammed in Figure 15.

AC AC Operator

Circuit SWITCH

Line 1
Line 2 / Neutral
Power Supply

Serial I/O

Card Cage CMX Controller Board

Fan Parallel

+5 V Remote


Platen Flex Circuits:

Paper Motion Paper Feed
Detector Terminator Board Motor

Shuttle Motor Platen Open

Paper Out
MPU Switch
Hammer Bank Board
Left Ribbon Right Ribbon
Guide Guide
Shuttle Assembly
Left Ribbon Right Ribbon

Hammer Bank
Print Mechanism Fan

Figure 15. Functional Elements of the Printer


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Chapter 4 Operator Panel

Operator Panel
The operator communicates with the printer by pressing keys on the operator
panel. The keys are momentary contact switches. The operator panel
processes and sends key closure information to the controller board and
displays information from the controller on the LCD. A status indicator next to
the LCD also conveys printer status information to the user.
The LCD, status indicator, and keys are mounted on a printed circuit board
assembly enclosed in a protective housing.

Operator Panel

• Data
• Control
• Key (Switch) Closures

CMX Controller Board


Figure 16. Operator Panel Functional Overview


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Printer Electronics

CMX Controller Board

The heart of the printer is the CMX controller board, which monitors and
directs all printer functions. The controller board receives and processes all
data from the host computer, builds the printable images, controls all motors,
and drives the hammer springs. Except for the power supply and final
hammer drive circuits, all logic and drive circuitry for the printer are contained
on the controller board.
The CMX controller board consists of two functional units: the Data Controller
(DC) and the Engine Controller (EC).
The DC is responsible for:
• Host I/O
• Operator I/O
• Security Interface
• Print Image Generation
• Overall High Level (Logical) Control
The EC is responsible for:
• Print Mechanism Operation
• Print Mechanism Fault Monitoring
• Power Shutdown/Power Saving Modes
The EC and DC communicate through semaphore registers. The DC receives
host and operator input and returns dot images and LCD messages to buffers
in memory. Image data are passed to the EC upon request, are processed,
then sent to the hammer bank. The EC synchronizes paper, ribbon, platen,
and shuttle motion as it feeds dot data to the hammer drivers. Figure 17
summarizes this architecture.


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Chapter 4 CMX Controller Board

25 or 40 MHz


Diagnostic RS-232/422





TTL Platen

Figure 17. CMX Controller Board Block Diagram


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Data Controller

Data Controller
The data controller (DC) consists of the following elements:
• 68EC030 microprocessor
• Two flash SIMM sockets, used for up to 30MB of program memory
• Two DRAM SIMM sockets, used for up to 32MB of data memory
• 8K x 8 Non-Volatile Battery-Backed static RAM (NVRAM) for storage of
configuration and system statistical data
• VX ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit)
• Host I/O Drivers/Termination

68EC030 Microprocessor
A Motorola** 68EC030 microprocessor serves as the processor of the DC
unit. This processor runs at 25 MHz on all models except the 6400-050, -P50,
-010, -P10, -015, -C05, and -C5P.
On 6400-050, -P50, -010, -P10, -015, -C05, and -C5P printers the 68EC030
processor runs at 40 MHz and the controller board on these models is called
the “CMX 040.” The CMX 040 controller is backward compatible with any
6400 Series printer, but must be used in 6400-050, -P50, -010, -P10, -015, -
C05, and -C5P printers.
Although this chapter refers to the DC microprocessor as simply the “030,”
remember that two different clock speeds are available.

Flash Memory
The DC stores program and emulation code in flash memory. Flash memory
is erasable, non-volatile, and significantly faster than a disk drive.
The DC uses AMD** 5.0V-only flash memory, which does not require higher
programming and erasing voltages on the board (it has an internal charge
pump to make these voltages itself). This memory supports at least 100,000
write/erase cycles. The flash memory is 32 bits wide. It is byte, word, and
double word readable, but is always written as double words.
Two 80-pin SIMM sockets are provided for flash memory. Up to 30MB of flash
(total), organized as up to four banks, may be installed in the two sockets on
the controller board. The boot code for the 68EC030 processor must reside in
bank 0.
Programs stored in flash memory are changed through the parallel or serial

System DRAM is used for program variables, image buffers, and input
buffers. All DRAM supports page mode operation and is addressable by
individual byte.
Two standard 72-pin DRAM SIMMs are used for expansion memory. The DC,
through the VX ASIC, may address up to 32MB of DRAM in four banks.


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Chapter 4 CMX Controller Board

A 8K x 8 bit Non-Volatile battery-backed static RAM (NVRAM) device
provides for the storage of configuration and system statistical data.

The VX is a multifunction custom gate array ASIC containing all the logic for
the DC that is not contained in the 68EC030 processor. The VX provides the
following services:
• Memory Access Controller
• DRAM Controller
• Flash Controller
• Two DMA Channels
• Operator Panel Interface
• “Dot Plucking” and Adjacent Dot Checking
• “Cajun” Bus Interface
• Host I/O and Diagnostic Port
Memory Access Controller All 030 addresses go through the VX ASIC. The
VX handles all address decoding, chip selects, DTACKs, and so on.

DRAM Controller
The VX supports up to four banks of page mode DRAM.

FLASH Controller
The VX supports up to four banks of flash memory.

DMA Channels
The VX provides two channels for direct memory access. These channels
move data from the host interface or expansion bus to the DRAM and vice
versa. One address is an I/O address, the other is a memory address with

Operator Panel Interface

The VX operator panel interface consists of five lines: serial clock, serial data,
and three select lines. It is the VX that handles all parallel-to-serial (and vice
versa) conversion to and from the panel, as well as any special timing needed
when toggling select lines, etc.

“Dot Plucking” And Adjacent Dot Checking

“Dot Plucking” is a specialized DMA function that removes dot data from a dot
image buffer in DRAM in a programmable manner, serializes it, and sends it
to the hammer bank. This function is actually controlled by the EC (see page
49), which has access to the VX through the “Cajun” Bus Interface.


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Engine Controller

“Cajun” Bus Interface

The “Cajun” bus interfaces the DC, the EC, and the expansion port. The EC
uses this bus to access DC resources, including the semaphore registers.
(The semaphore registers are the primary communications path between the
EC and DC.)

The VX ASIC controls the following I/O functions:
• Interface to an IEEE** 1284 Level 2 host
• Interface to RS-232E serial host
• Interface to RS-422 serial host
All the circuitry required for these host types is provided on the CMX board,
except for the drivers themselves, ESD protection, and terminations.

Host I/O Drivers And Termination

Beyond the 030 processor and VX ASIC, additional support circuitry
completes the serial and parallel interfaces. These circuits include:
• RS-232 drivers and receivers. These circuits use internal charge pumps
to eliminate the need for ±12V power.
• RS-422 differential drivers and receivers
• Parallel port pull up and pull down terminating resistors are DIP-socketed
for easy removal and installation.
All interface ICs and terminations have the following characteristics:
• Provide ESD protection to 15KV for all inputs.
• Less than 0.05V common mode ripple, measured at the power and
ground of the interface ICs.
• Less than 0.02V common mode ripple, measured between chassis
ground and the ground pins of the interface ICs.
• Greater than 200V/µs slew rate for all outputs.

Engine Controller
The engine controller (EC) consists of four main elements:
• 80C166 Microcontroller
• 128KB 5.0V-only FLASH program memory, organized as 64K x 16 bits.
This memory is not expandable.
• MECA (Mechanism Engine Control ASIC)
• Analog drive circuitry

80C166 Microprocessor
The Siemens** SAB 80C166 is a high-integration microcontroller. It has many
features that suit it extremely well to real-time control applications. This


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Chapter 4 CMX Controller Board

controller and the MECA ASIC provide the functionality of three separate
processors used in earlier controller board architectures. In this manual, the
80C166 is referred to as either the EC or the 166.
The 166 used on the CMX board runs at 20MHz and is housed in a 100-pin
metric rectangular flat pack.

Bus Configuration
The 166 bus is configured for 18-bit address, 16-bit data, non-multiplexed and
segmented operation. The flash memory runs with zero wait states. An
external PAL is used for address decoding.

Power Reduction
The 166 chip has two power reduction modes: idle and Energy Star. Idle
mode is not used. In Energy Star mode, +48V and all motors are de-
energized, but the 166 operates as normal.

EC Flash Memory
The EC stores all boot code, program code, and tables in its own local flash
memory. This flash is organized as 64K x16 bits and uses the same
technology as the DC flash: it is +5.0V-only and is rated for a minimum of
100,000 write/erase cycles. EC memory is fixed; it is soldered to the controller
board. Its contents can be updated through the DC (through the serial or
parallel ports). At run time, the EC also stores tables in shared DRAM, which
is accessed through the Cajun bus.

The 166 uses numerous counters, PWM generators, and FIFOs in the MECA
to control many printer motor functions. The MECA is a custom gate array,
specifically designed to drive this system.

Analog Drive Circuitry

The analog drive functions convert 48 and 8.5 volts into the power used to
drive the motors and hammers in the printer. Sensors are used to monitor the
operation and status of critical components within the printer.
The printer uses five motors: two ribbon drive, one paper feed, one platen
open, and one shuttle motor. The shuttle motor is a brushless DC motor
driven by current control. The MPU encoder is used as feedback for motor
commutations, hammer fire timing, and motor stall detection. The paper feed
motor is a DC stepping motor driven by current control. The paper feed motor
may be driven in full, half, or microsteps, depending on print requirements.
The ribbon system uses two DC stepping motors that alternate drive and drag
roles when the ribbon reaches turnaround. The drive ribbon motor is
microstepped in voltage mode, while the drag motor is loaded and monitored
to maintain correct linear speed and tension. The platen motor is driven in
current mode and can be full or half stepped. The overall current level may be
reduced for standby modes.


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Engine Controller

The paper feed, ribbon drive, and shuttle motors are driven in control loops
containing power MOSFETs, voltage and current sensors, the MECA ASIC,
and the EC processor. The platen open motor is driven by a stepping motor
controller IC and the EC processor.
Control of the hammer drive is split between the controller board and the
hammer bank. Common circuits are located on the controller board, while
hammer specific circuitry is contained on the hammer bank. The EC uses the
MECA ASIC on the controller board to set timing and upper drive profiles for
hammer fire events. The controller also contains diagnostic circuitry for the
hammer system. The hammer bank contains HBA ASICs that interpret fire
commands and data from the MECA and VX ASICs. The HBAs control lower
drive MOSFETs on the hammer bank. These determine which hammers will
participate in a fire event generated by the controller’s upper drive.

Printer Interface
The printer interface is the point where the data line from the host computer
plugs into the printer. The printer interface processes all signals and data to
and from the host computer.
The printer supports supports a number of standard and optional interfaces to
the host:
• Centronics** parallel (standard)
• IEEE 1284 parallel (standard)
• EIA**-232-E serial (standard)
• EIA-422-B serial (standard)
• Coaxial/twinaxial “Expansion-CT” (optional)
• Ethernet 10Base2, 10Base-T, or 10/100Base-T adapter (optional)
Selection of the input/output interface is controlled by configuration menus
accessed at the operator panel. It is possible to physically connect more than
one interface, but only one interface at a time can be used electrically.


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Chapter 4 Printer Interface

10Base2 And 10Base-T LEDs And DIP Switches

10Base2 and 10Base-T PrintNet Ethernet interfaces have three LEDs and
three DIP switches, as shown below. The indicators and switches are
adjacent to the data line connectors. LED patterns are defined in the table
below the illustration.

Status Indicator LEDs And DIP Switches


Indicators Grn Red Grn

(Default is all
DIP switches OFF,
Switches as shown.)
1 2 3

Table 2. LED Pattern Indications


(System (System (Data to Mode
Status) Error) Network)




OFF ON ON Network Interface Test



FLASH ON FLASH Auto Reset Mode

FLASH FLASH OFF Firmware Panic

ON FLASH ON Hardware Exception

The PrintNet Ethernet assembly has a self test and two internally controlled
Power-on Self Test: A seven stage power-on self test performs diagnostics
on the Ethernet Interface processor, RAM, ROM, EEPROM, parallel port, and
network interface. The STAT, ERR, and NET LEDs indicate which test is
currently in progress.


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10Base2 And 10Base-T LEDs And DIP Switches

Run Mode and Auto Reset Mode: Run Mode is the normal operating state of
the Ethernet Interface. Auto Reset mode is entered when the watchdog timer
is triggered and the Print Server resets itself. In either mode, the STAT LED
flashes differently, depending on whether the unit IP address is configured:

STAT Rate Indicates

Flashes On once per second Normal Mode, IP address


Flashes On 2.5 times per second Monitor Mode, IP address not


Flashes Off 2.5 times per second Monitor Mode or Download

Mode, IP address not

Flashes Off once per 2 seconds Download Mode, IP address


IMPORTANT Setting both DIP Switch 1 and DIP Switch 2 to the ON (down) position
will clear ALL passwords, specifically passwords in the html webpage.
DIP Switch 1 = EEPROM Enable: Default position is OFF (up). Setting this
switch to the ON (down) position and powering the printer off then on resets
the Ethernet Interface to the factory default settings. This also erases any
previously configured IP address. Before reconfiguring the unit, DIP switch 1
must be set back to the OFF (up) position, otherwise it will lose its
configuration through another power on/off cycle.
DIP Switch 2 = Default IP: Default position is OFF (up). Setting this switch to
the ON (down) position and powering the printer off then on resets a
previously configured IP address to the factory default setting (no IP address).
However, this does not cause the unit to lose its other stored configuration
settings, as happens with DIP switch 1. Before reconfiguring the unit with an
IP address, DIP switch 2 must be set back to the OFF (up) position, otherwise
it will lose its IP address through another power on/off cycle.
DIP Switch 3 = Link Integrity Disable: Default position is OFF (up), which
means link integrity is enabled. This DIP switch determines whether link
integrity is turned on or off in the Ethernet interface. It may be necessary to
turn link integrity off if the unit is connected to an older hub, etc. Link integrity
only applies to the 10Base-T interface option.

For more information . . .

For more information about the 10Base2 or 10Base-T Ethernet interface,
refer to Ethernet Interface User’s Manual, Form No.S246-0153.


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Chapter 4 Printer Interface

10/100Base-T LEDs And DIP Switches

The 10/100Base-T Ethernet interface has two indicator lights and two DIP
switches, as shown below.

DIP Switches
1 Shown in OFF
2 (default) position

STAT (System

NET (Data to

Inspect the two LEDs on the 10/100Base-T Ethernet interface:

1. When an IP address is configured into the printer via the control panel,
the bottom LED should be blinking on and off at the same rate.
2. When a working network cable is installed, the top LED should be on
steadily and will blink off for 1/3 second when data are received.
When these two conditions are met, you should be able to ping the printer
from a network host.
You can test by starting a telnet session (telnet IP address) and sending
start fox prn<Return>
stop prn<Return>
This command sequence sends consecutively numbered lines of text from the
interface to the printer. The “fox” test is resident in the network interface and
verifies that it can receive commands and can transfer data successfully to
the printer.
If no network cable is connected or the cable is defective and the IP address
is configured from the control panel, the top LED will be off and the bottom
LED will blink on/off.


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10/100Base-T LEDs And DIP Switches

STAT (Status) Indicator In Run And Auto Reset Modes

Run Mode is the normal operating state of this interface. Auto Reset mode is
entered when the watchdog timer is triggered and the print server resets itself.
In either mode, the STAT LED flashes at a varying rate, depending on
whether the unit IP address is configured:

STAT Rate Indication

OFF Flashes ON Normal Mode, IP address

once per second configured

OFF Flashes ON 2 IP address not configured

times per second

ON Flashes OFF Download (MOS)

once per second

ON Flashes OFF Error

twice per second

NET (Network) Indicator

The NET LED displays the status of the network link:

NET Rate Indication

ON Constantly Indicates link integrity

ON Flashes OFF 1/3 Flashes off 1/3 second every time a

second data packet is transmitted
OFF Constantly Network connection has been severed

DIP Switches
On the back of the 10/100Base-T interface inside the printer, there are two
DIP switches labeled 1 and 2. The functions of the DIP switches are explained
in Table 3.


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Chapter 4 Printer Interface

Table 3. 10/100Base-T DIP Switch Settings

DIP Switch
1 2

OFF OFF Normal operation. With both DIP switches in the “OFF”
position, the interface boots up using the settings in
flash memory rather than the default settings.

ON OFF Factory default settings. With the DIP switches in this

configuration, the interface boots up and all settings
stored in flash memory are erased except the Ethernet
address and key value.

OFF ON Default IP. With the DIP switches in this configuration,

the interface boots up with factory default settings, but
the stored settings in flash memory remain intact.
Setting DIP switch 2 to “ON” does not clear any
settings stored in flash memory, it boots the unit in a
different state with the settings in flash memory
temporarily ignored.

ON ON If the interface is connected to a network with link

integrity and then reset to MOS, a download will be
forced. If the unit is not connected to a network, it will
print a test page.

For More Information . . .

For more information about the 10/100Base-T Ethernet interface, refer to
Ethernet Interface User’s Manual, Form No.S246-0154.


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AC Power

Power Supply Board

The printer power supply is contained on a printed circuit board mounted in
the card cage. The power supply automatically senses and adjusts to any
commercial electrical system that provides AC mains potential in 50 or 60
Hertz systems. In other words, the printer is fully operational from available
commercial power anywhere in the world.
The power supply converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) at
three voltage levels and sends the DC voltages to the controller board. The
controller board distributes all DC power to the logic and electromechanical

AC Power
The power supply operates on AC voltages ranging from 88 to 270 V. It can
tolerate variations in frequency of 47 to 63 Hz. The power supply is designed
to withstand an AC input overvoltage of 300 VAC for one second with no
degradation of DC output voltage or damage to printer circuits.

DC Power
The power supply board contains two DC power supply systems for the
printer. The first is a +5 V bus for logic. The second consists of +48 V and
+8.5 V buses for the hammer bank and all motors.
The +5 V supply has an isolated return line that connects to the +48 V return
at the printer load. Both returns are tied together in a single-point ground. The
+5 V power supply has its own inverter, separate from the +48 V and +8.5 V
There is an opto-isolated input on the power supply that will shut down and
latch off the +48 V and +8.5 V supplies unless it is pulled up to 5V with a 1K Ω
resistor. This resistor is mounted on the controller board and may be pulled
down or disconnected by software or internal cable interlocks. The +5 V
output will remain stable for reporting and latching the fault condition. The
return for this signal is the +5 V return. In addition, this shutdown circuit
discharges and latches the +48 V down to a level lower than 15 V in less than
200 milliseconds and requires recycling of the circuit breaker (On/Off switch)
to reset the latch.
Loss of +48 V is seen by the EC and reported as a fault.


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Chapter 4 Graphics

The Code V programming language (a QMS** graphics emulation) and the
IGP programming language (a Printronix IGP emulation) are options that
install in flash memory on the CMX controller board.
These programming languages simplify the job of creating forms, bar codes,
logos, expanded characters, and other graphics. These languages enable the
printer to print sideways, upside down, and to make forms combining
graphics, alphanumeric data, and bar codes—all in a single pass. Documents
explaining configuration, operation, and programming are included with each


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5 Troubleshooting

This chapter lists fault messages and symptoms, and provides procedures for
troubleshooting printer malfunctions.
Always have the Operator’s Guide and the Setup Guide handy when you
troubleshoot because this manual does not cover printer operation or
configuration. You must operate the printer to check its performance, and
sometimes you may have to reconfigure it.

Troubleshooting Aids
Troubleshooting is faster and more effective if you understand the equipment
and make use of all available tools.
This manual provides a number of troubleshooting aids to help you isolate
printer malfunctions:
• Start of Call ................................................................................. page 60
• Troubleshooting Display Messages............................................ page 61
• Message List............................................................................... page 62
• Troubleshooting Other Symptoms ............................................ page 109
• General Symptom List .............................................................. page 110
• Communications Failures ......................................................... page 131
• Operator Print Tests ................................................................. page 132
• Customer Engineer (CE) Tests................................................. page 134
• Hex Code Printout .................................................................... page 140
• ASCII Character Set ................................................................. page 142
• The Power On Sequence ......................................................... page 146
• Appendix A: Wire Data ............................................................. page 287


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Chapter 5 Start Of Call

Start Of Call

Are you here because of an Go to Troubleshooting Display

error message? YES Messages, page 61.

Power on the printer and

observe the operator panel
for the following sequence of
events (retry as required): Did Power and IML was
After about 10 successful.
1. All LEDs on and black YES seconds did the YES Ready LEDs YES
squares on the display. come after 10 Other
fans come on ? symptoms are
2. All LEDs off and display seconds?
blank. NO NO listed in Table
3. TESTING HARDWARE 5, page 110.
PLEASE WAIT appears on
Did steps 1, 2, and 3 occur?
Go to Printer does not
NO complete IML, page 115.

Did the fans come on after 10 Press Stop.

seconds? Press Print
NO YES Configuration. YES Go to the Operator Panel
Press Start. section of Table 5, page
Does machine 110
configuration print?


The Operator Panel

is not functioning
(Table 5 page 110)


Printer does not

complete IML, page

Did ANY of steps 1 thru 3 Are there black Go to Black squares on

occur? YES squares on the YES operator panel display,
NO operator panel? page 112.


Go to No power, and Go to Printer does not

operator panel is blank, complete IML, page 115.
and card cage fan is not
running, page 114.


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Troubleshooting Display Messages


<3> Hazardous voltages are present in the printer with the

power cord connected to the power source. Switch off
printer power and unplug the printer power cord before
<4> Do not connect or disconnect any communication port,
teleport, attachment connector, or power cord during an
electrical storm.

<5> Power off the printer and disconnect the power cord before
connecting or disconnecting any communication port,
teleport, or attachment cable connector.

If a fault condition occurs in the printer, four things happen:

• The Attention indicator on the operator panel flashes on and off.
• If enabled, the audible alarm sounds. (Press Stop to silence the alarm.)
• A message describing the fault condition appears on the LCD.
• Certain Unit Check conditions (see below) are automatically recorded in
the error log. The error log is a buffer in NVRAM that stores up to 50
messages as a list. The most recent message is stored at the top of the
list, the oldest message at the bottom of the list. If more than 50
messages occur before the log is cleared, the oldest messages are
deleted, so the log never contains more than 50 messages. You can print
the error log and clear it. (See page 135.)
The LCD displays two kinds of printer conditions:
• An Attention condition halts printing until the operator replenishes
supplies, clears paper jams, corrects a problem of communication
between the printer and host computer, etc.
• A Unit Check condition is a failure detected by self-test and fault circuitry.
Unit check conditions are either recoverable or unrecoverable.
Recoverable unit check conditions are errors detected in the
electromechanical print mechanism that may be temporary and
correctable by cycling power. The printer tries a number of times to
correct the condition before posting the message to the operator panel.
The first thing to do in such cases is to power the printer off, wait 15
seconds, then power the printer back on. If the message reappears,
classify the check condition unrecoverable.
Unrecoverable unit check conditions are “hard” failures such as
overcurrent, component failure, or microcode failures that prevent printing
until the conditions are corrected. Unrecoverable conditions require that


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

the printer be powered off and the condition corrected before powering
the printer back on.

Message List
Find the message in the Message List below and follow the suggested
procedure. After correcting an error, press the Start key to clear the message.
If an error is not cleared, the printer will try to print again but will display the
error message until the error is cleared.

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

001 END OF FORMS Attention message: 1. Load paper. Press Stop. If message
LOAD FORMS the printer is out of does not clear, go to the next step.
paper. 2. Check forms for dark backs or holes/
perforations large enough to cause false
End Of Forms messages. Consider
ordering the black back paper detector
switch assembly.
3. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
Remove the barrier shield (cabinet
model) or the barrier shield and paper
guide (pedestal model, see Figure 45,
page 260). Make sure the sensors are
securely snapped into the bracket, the
mounting screws hold the paper detector
switch assembly securely, and clean the
sensors if they are dirty.
4. Check that connector P106/PMD is fully
seated in connector J106 on the CMX
controller board.
5. Power on the printer. Load paper.
Replace the paper detector switch
assembly if the message appears.
6. Power on the printer. Load paper.
Replace the CMX controller board if the
message appears. Record the message
and return it with the defective board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

002 FORMS JAMMED Attention message: 1. Clear jams. Load paper.

CLEAR JAM AND the printer cannot 2. Press Form Feed several times and
RELOAD FORMS detect paper motion. check that forms feed without erratic
Inspect the paper motion, noise, or pin-hole damage. If
path for jams. forms do not feed, go to Paper feeds
poorly, page 125.
If forms feed, go to the next step.
3. Press View once and check that forms
move up. Make sure the forms thickness
lever is not set too tightly.
4. Press View again and check that the
forms thickness lever rotates and the
paper moves down. If the forms thickness
lever does not rotate and/or the paper
does not move down, refer to Reverse
paper feed: platen does not open, page
5. Check the paper tension between the
tractors. Adjust the right tractor so that it
does not pull paper too tightly or leave it
too loose. The right tractor should hold
the paper under “slight” tension.
6. Inspect the ribbon mask for bends or
deformation that block the paper path or
prevent paper from exiting the pedestal
top cover. Replace a damaged hammer
bank cover assembly.
7. Check and adjust the platen open belt.
Replace the belt if it is damaged.
8. Check the platen open pulley and the
platen pulley for looseness. Bottom out
the platen open motor pulley on the motor
shaft and torque the 1/16 inch set screw
to 9 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.02 ± 0.23 N•m).
Tighten the 7/64 inch setscrew in the
platen shaft pulley, then open and close
the forms thickness lever and check that
the platen pulley setscrew does not hit
the left ribbon guide.
9. Inspect the tractors and tractor door
springs for damage or excessive wear. If
either tractor is worn or damaged, replace
both tractor assemblies.
10. Check and adjust the paper feed belt.
Replace the belt if it is damaged.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

002 FORMS JAMMED 11. Check and adjust the platen gap.
12. Clean the paper motion detector with a
(continued) cotton swab and alcohol. At the control
panel, set the paper motion detector
(PMD) fault setting to DISABLE. Load
paper. Run a print test and observe how
the paper feeds. If the message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with the
defective board. If the message does not
appear, replace the paper detector switch
assembly and set the paper motion
detector (PMD) to ENABLE.
003 FORMS EJECTED Non-error status Press Eject/Restore key to return paper to
PRESS EJECT/ message. print position.

004 VIEW FORMS Non-error status Press View key to return paper to print
PRESS VIEW KEY0 message. position.
006 HOST SYSTEM Host attention Not a printer problem.
REQUEST ATTENTION message: the host
computer or printer
controller requires
007 FM HEADER Applications software Not a printer problem. Have the system
ERROR has violated header administrator correct applications data or
format parameters. configuration.
008 HOLD PRINT Status message: the Press Start to put the printer in the READY
TIMEOUT printer was offline state.
PRESS START more than 10 minutes
and the “Intervention
Required” parameter
is set to “Send to
009 INVALID KEY Attention message No action required.
PRESS informing the
operator that the
wrong key was


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

010 PARAMETER The printer received 1. Press Stop to clear fault. Press Start to
ERROR an illegal parameter go on-line.
value in the command 2. Run the print job that generated the error
code. message. If the message appears, check
the host data for invalid characters.
3. Ask the system operator to verify that the
printer’s Device ID is set to the correct
emulation with respect to the host
4. Run the print job that generated the error
message. If the message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.
011 SCS COMMAND The printer received 1. The printer clears the error.
ERROR an undefined control 2. Run the print job that generated the error
character (hex 40) message. If the message appears, verify
through the coax/ that there are no invalid control codes in
twinax interface. the host data.
3. Ask the system operator to verify that the
printer’s Device ID is set to the correct
emulation with respect to the host
4. Run the print job that generated the error
message. If the message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.
012 STRUCTURED Application software Not a printer problem. Have the system
FIELD ERROR has violated administrator correct applications data or
structured data field configuration.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

013 ACTIVATE LOST The printer detects a 1. Power off the printer. Disconnect the AC
twinax protocol power cord from the printer. Check the
communication error twinax host data cable and twinax I/O
and reports the error. cable connection at the CT board. Reseat
the twinax host data cable connection
and the twinax I/O cable connection at
the CT board.
2. Disconnect the twinax auto-termination
cable from the printer. Test the cable for
the resistances shown on page 306. If
resistances are not correct, replace the
twinax auto-termination cable.
3. Connect the power cord to the printer.
Power on the printer. Send a print job to
the printer. If the message appears,
replace the twinax cable.
4. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.
014 INVALID ACTIVATE The printer detects a 1. Power off the printer. Disconnect the AC
twinax protocol power cord from the printer. Check the
communications error twinax host data cable and twinax I/O
and reports the error. cable connection at the CT board. Reseat
the twinax host data cable connection
and the twinax I/O cable connection at
the CT board.
2. Disconnect the twinax auto-termination
cable from the printer or from the last
device on this twinax port. Test the cable
for the resistances shown on page 306. If
resistances are not correct, replace the
twinax auto-termination cable.
3. Connect the power cord to the printer.
Power on the printer. Send a print job to
the printer. If the message appears,
replace the twinax cable.
4. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

015 The line is not active 1. Power off the printer. Disconnect the AC
COMMUNICATIONS on a twinax interface. power cord from the printer. Check the
CHECK twinax host data cable connection and
CHECK CABLE twinax I/O cable connection at the CT
board. Reseat the twinax host data cable
connection and the twinax I/O cable
connection at the CT board.
2. Disconnect the twinax auto-termination
cable from the printer. Test the cable for
the resistances shown on page 306. If
resistances are not correct, replace the
twinax auto-termination cable.
3. Connect the AC power cable to the
printer. Power on the printer. Send a print
job to the printer. Verify that all other
devices on the twinax line are working
properly. (Refer to line problem
determination procedures, as
recommended by the host system.) If the
message is gone, the host has
reestablished communication with the
printer. If all other twinax devices work
properly and the message still appears,
replace the coax/twinax expansion board.
Record the message and return it with
defective board.
016 INVALID The printer detects a 1. Power off the printer. Disconnect the AC
COMMAND twinax protocol power cord from the printer. Check the
communications error twinax host data cable and twinax I/O
and reports the error. cable connection at the CT board. Reseat
the twinax host data cable connection
and the twinax I/O cable connection at
the CT board.
2. Disconnect the twinax auto-termination
cable from the printer. Test the cable for
the resistances shown on page 306. If
resistances are not correct, replace the
twinax auto-termination cable.
3. Connect the power cord to the printer.
Power on the printer. Send a print job to
the printer. If the message appears,
replace the twinax cable.
4. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

017 STACKER JAM This message is 1. Open the cabinet rear door and check for
CHECK STACKER triggered if there is obstructions preventing elevator
paper inside the movement. Remove any obstructions.
throat of the stacker 2. Check that the wheel of the stacker paper
elevator, but the motion detector rests against the rear
elevator is not brace of the paper throat. Also make sure
moving. the wheel rotates freely. If necessary,
gently bend the brace toward the paper
motion detector wheel until the wheel
contacts the brace. Clean the stacker
paper motion detector.
3. Power on the printer. Operate the power
stacker and check that:
a) all motors are operating,
b) the paddles are rotating,
c) the elevator moves smoothly and
without obstruction,
d) the timing belts are undamaged and
the belt pulleys are not slipping,
e) extension springs are attached and not
bent or stretched),
f) drive rollers are not damaged. Tighten
setscrews and replace damaged
components as necessary.
4. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
path. Disconnect stacker cables from the
CMX controller board, stacker assembly,
and stacker control panel. Check cables
for cuts, breaks, or damaged pins. Check
continuity of cables. (See Appendix A.)
Replace any cable that is damaged or
fails continuity test.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

018 STACKER FULL Status message: the 1. Unload the stacker.

CHECK STACKER power paper stacker 2. Check the stacker limit switches. (See
is full. page 119.) If the limit switches are OK, go
to the next step.
3. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
guide assembly. Disconnect stacker
cables from the CMX controller board,
stacker assembly, and the stacker control
panel (see Figure 68, page 376). Check
cables for cuts, breaks, or damaged pins.
Check continuity of cables. (See
Appendix A.) Replace any cable that is
damaged or fails continuity test.
Reconnect all stacker cables to the CMX
controller board, stacker, and stacker
control panel.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

019 STACKER FAULT Two situations can 1. Open the cabinet rear door and check for
CHECK STACKER trigger this message: obstructions preventing elevator
1. The stacker movement. Remove any obstructions.
elevator is obstructed 2. Power on the printer. Operate the power
while attempting to stacker and check that:
move up or down. a) all motors are operating,
The message will b) the paddles are rotating,
always occur if the c) the elevator moves smoothly and
user presses the without obstruction,
ELEVATOR UP key d) the timing belts are undamaged and
on the stacker control the belt pulleys are not slipping,
panel to move the e) the extension springs are attached and
elevator and the undamaged (not bent or stretched),
elevator is blocked so f) the drive rollers are not damaged,
that it cannot move to g) the constant force springs are tightly
the top of its travel. mounted and undamaged. Tighten pulley
2. Controller setscrews and/or replace damaged
hardware tells components as necessary.
firmware that an over-
current condition 3. Adjust the stacker rails if they are not
exists. This will only vertical and parallel.
occur if the controller 4. Check the stacker limit switches. (See
board or the stacker page 119.) If the limit switches are OK, go
motors are bad. to the next step.
5. Disable the power stacker unit under the
Printer Control menu. (Refer to the User’s
Guide.) If the message occurs, replace
the CMX controller board and download
new function code.
6. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
path. Disconnect stacker cables from the
CMX controller board, stacker assembly,
and the stacker control panel (see Figure
70, page 348). Check cables for cuts,
breaks, or damaged pins. Check
continuity of cables. (See Appendix A.)
Replace any cable that is damaged or
fails continuity test. If the cables are okay,
replace the stacker motors.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

021 RECEIVE BUFFER The print buffer has 1. Make a configuration printout. Verify that
OVERRUN overflowed on a serial the printer matches the host serial
VERIFY interface. The printed interface configuration settings for Data
CONFIGURATION output may contain Protocol, Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits,
random * (asterisk) Parity, Data Terminal Ready, and
characters. Request to Send.
2. Set printer serial interface parameters to
match those of the host.
3. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.
022 UNIT ADDRESS Poll timeout on the Have the system administrator make sure the
NOT RECEIVED twinax interface printer address is correct.
CHECK PRINTER indicating the unit
ADDRESS address is not
recognized by the
024 SERIAL LINE The printed output 1. Make a configuration printout. Verify that
PARITY ERROR may contain random the printer matches host serial
VERIFY ? (question mark) configuration settings for Data Protocol,
CONFIGURATION characters. Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity,
Data Terminal Ready, and Request to
Send. Set printer serial interface
parameters to match those of the host.
2. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, replace the serial data
3. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.
4. If the printer is in a twinax environment,
check the error log for 024 errors and
inspect the customer’s cable hook-ups.
Connect all communications cables
5. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, replace the twinax
auto-termination cable (“T” connector).
6. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, replace the coax/
twinax multi-platform interface. (Refer to
the Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface
Feature Installation and Operation Guide,
Form Number S246-0149.)


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

025 SERIAL FRAMING The printed output 1. Make a configuration printout. Verify that
ERROR may contain random ! the printer matches host configuration
VERIFY (exclamation point) settings for Data Protocol, Baud Rate,
CONFIGURATION characters. Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity, Data
Terminal Ready, and Request to Send.
Set printer serial interface parameters to
match those of the host.
2. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.
026 HEX DUMP MODE Printer attach status No action required.
027 Enable poll timeout. Power off the printer. Disconnect the AC
COMMUNICATIONS The printer was not power cord from the printer. Check data cable
CHECK enabled for one connection and host system. (Refer to line
CALL SYSTEM minute over a coax problem determination procedures, as
interface recommended by the host system.)
028 Poll timeout error. Power off the printer. Disconnect the AC
COMMUNICATIONS The printer was not power cord from the printer. Check data cable
CHECK polled for one minute connection and host system. (Refer to line
CALL SYSTEM over a coax interface. problem determination procedures, as
recommended by the host system.)
029 8344 DIAGNOSTIC Link-level code test 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
TEST FAILED detects a hardware the message appears, download the
failure on the coax/ emulation software again.
twinax expansion 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
board. This message the message appears, replace the coax/
can also occur if the twinax expansion board. Record the
software in flash message and return it with defective
memory is corrupted. board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

031 END OF FORMS On a coax interface, a 1. Load paper. Press Stop. If message
TIMEOUT timeout message is does not clear, go to the next step.
LOAD FORMS sent to the host if 2. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
paper is not loaded guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
within 10 minutes Remove the barrier shield (cabinet
after Stop was model) or the barrier shield and paper
pressed to clear an guide (pedestal model). Check that the
end of forms fault. paper detector switch assembly is
securely mounted in its bracket.
3. Check that connector P106/PMD is fully
seated in connector J106 on the CMX
controller board.
4. Power on the printer. Load paper.
Replace the paper detector switch
assembly if the message appears.
5. Power on the printer. Load paper.
Replace the CMX controller board if the
message appears. Record the message
and return it with the defective board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

032 FORMS JAMMED On a coax interface, a 1. Clear the paper jam. Press Stop.
TIMEOUT timeout message is 2. Press Form Feed several times and
CLEAR JAM AND sent to the host if
RELOAD FORMS check that forms feed without erratic
paper motion has not motion, noise, or pin-hole damage. If
occurred for 10 forms do not feed, go to Paper feeds
minutes after Stop poorly, page 125. If forms feed, go to
was pressed to clear step 3.
a paper jam fault.
3. Press View once and check that forms
move up. Make sure the forms thickness
lever is not set too tightly.
4. Press View again and check that the
forms thickness lever rotates and the
paper moves down. If the forms thickness
lever does not rotate and/or the paper
does not move down, refer to Reverse
paper feed: platen does not open, page
5. Check the paper tension between the
tractors. Adjust the right tractor so that it
does not pull paper too tightly or leave it
too loose. The right tractor should hold
the paper under “slight” tension.
6. Inspect the ribbon mask for bends or
deformation that block the paper path or
prevent paper from exiting the pedestal
top cover. Replace a damaged hammer
bank cover assembly.
7. Check and adjust the platen open belt.
Replace the belt if it is damaged.
8. Check the platen open pulley and the
platen pulley for looseness. Bottom out
the platen open motor pulley on the motor
shaft and torque the 1/16 inch set screw
to 9 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.02 ± 0.23 N•m).
Tighten the 7/64 inch setscrew in the
platen shaft pulley, then open and close
the forms thickness lever and check that
the platen pulley setscrew does not hit
the left ribbon guide.
9. Inspect the tractors and tractor door
springs for damage or excessive wear. If
either tractor is worn or damaged, replace
both tractors.
10. Check and adjust the paper feed belt.
Replace the belt if it is damaged.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

032 FORMS JAMMED 11. Check and adjust the platen gap.
12. Clean the paper motion detector with a
RELOAD FORMS cotton swab and alcohol. At the control
(continued) panel, set the paper motion detector
(PMD) fault setting to DISABLE. Load
paper. Run a print test and observe how
the paper feeds. If the message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with the
defective board. If the message does not
appear, replace the paper detector switch
assembly and set the paper motion
detector (PMD) to ENABLE.S
041 BUFFER The print buffer has 1. Make a configuration printout. Verify that
OVERFLOW overflowed on a serial the printer matches the host serial
interface. The printed interface configuration settings for Data
output may contain Protocol, Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits,
random * (asterisk) Parity, Data Terminal Ready, and
characters. Request to Send. Set printer serial
interface parameters to match those of
the host.
2. Send a print job to the printer. If the
message appears, go to
Communications Failures, page 131.
042 CUSTOM SET Printer configuration: Save the custom configuration set.
DOES NOT EXIST the custom
SAVE FIRST configuration set
does not exist.
043 CUSTOM SET Printer configuration: Delete the existing custom configuration set,
ALREADY EXISTS custom set is write- then save the new set.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

044 EC FIRMWARE/ Application software 1. Cycle power. Run the print job. If the
HARDWARE ERROR tried to perform an message appears, download the
illegal printer function emulation software again.
or damaged memory 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
is detected on the the message appears, replace the flash
CMX controller board. memory with pre-written flash memory.
(If the message (See Table 8 and Table 9 on page 219
appears at power-up, and Figure 35 on page 220.)
replace the CMX
controller board. 3. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
Record the message the message appears, replace the CMX
and return it with controller board. Record the message
defective CMX and return it with defective CMX board.
board.) 4. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message still appears, there
is an application software error. Use your
local support procedure to request
046 EC STOPPED AT Where <state> is a 1. Power off the printer. Remove all flash
STATE <state> number from 0000 to memory and DRAM SIMMs. Inspect the
0010. The Engine SIMM sockets on the CMX controller
Controller processor board. If any socket pins are bent or
has stopped and is in damaged, replace the CMX controller
the state identified by board.
the number 2. Install the flash and DRAM SIMMs,
displayed. making sure they are fully and correctly
(If the EC stops at seated. Power on the printer. Download
state 0000 at power- the emulation. If the message appears,
up, replace the CMX replace the flash memory with pre-written
controller board. flash. (See Table 8 and Table 9 on page
Record the message 219 and Figure 35 on page 220.)
and return it with the
defective board.) 3. Power on the printer. Download the
emulation. If the message appears,
replace the DRAM SIMM(s).
4. Power on the printer. Download the
emulation. If the message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with the
defective board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

057 CLOSE PLATEN The forms thickness 1. Load paper. Close the forms thickness
lever is open. lever. If message does not clear, go to
the next step.
2. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
Disconnect connector P107 from the
CMX controller board. Check continuity of
the platen interlock switch cable from
P107/PLO to the switch. Replace the
platen interlock switch assembly if it fails
the continuity test. (Refer to Appendix A,
Switch Assembly, Platen Interlock.)
3. Check that the platen interlock switch is
not loose.
4. Check and adjust the platen open belt.
Replace the belt if it is damaged.
5. Check the platen open pulley and the
platen pulley for looseness. Bottom out
the platen open motor pulley on the motor
shaft and torque the 1/16 inch set screw
to 9 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.02 ± 0.23 N•m).
Tighten the 7/64 inch setscrew in the
platen shaft pulley, then open and close
the forms thickness lever and check that
the platen pulley setscrew does not hit
the left ribbon guide.
6. Disconnect connector P106 from the
CMX controller board. Check the
resistance of connector P106/PLAT M.
(Refer to the Main Wire Harness Test
Tables on page 306.) Replace the platen
open motor if it fails the resistance test.
7. Run a print test. If the message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with the
defective board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

058 SHUTTLE JAM The shuttle is not 1. Check the forms thickness lever: if it is
SEE USER’S GUIDE moving or is moving set too tightly, it can slow the shuttle
at the wrong speed. enough to trigger the fault message. Set
the forms thickness lever to match the
thickness of paper and provide
satisfactory print quality, but not too
2. Check and adjust the platen gap.
3. Inspect the ribbon mask for bends or
deformation that snag and interfere with
shuttle movement. Make sure the
hammer bank cover assembly is correctly
installed on its mounting pegs.
4. Run a print test. If the message appears,
power off the printer.
5. Remove the shuttle cover. Remove the
paper guide assembly or the pedestal top
cover. Inspect the shuttle mechanism for
obstructions. Check that all cables are
attached at the shuttle and the CMX
controller board. Make sure the MPU
cable is not pinched. (Refer to Appendix
A, Interconnection Diagram, page 289.)
Remove obstructions and reseat all
cables. Check the resistance of MPU in
P107. (Refer to the Main Wire Harness
Test Tables, page 289.) Replace the
MPU if it fails the test.
6. Run a shuttle test and observe shuttle
movement. If the shuttle oscillates too
slowly, adjust the gap between the MPU
assembly and the flywheel to 0.010 ±
.001 inch (0.254 ± 0.025 mm). Torque the
7/16 inch MPU clamp screw to 18 ± 1
inch-pounds (2.03 ± 0.11 N•m).
7. Run a print test. If the message appears,
replace the MPU and the MPU cable
8. Run a print test. If the message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with the
defective board.
9. Run a print test. If the message appears,
replace the power supply board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

058 SHUTTLE JAM 10. Run a print test. If the message appears,
SEE USER’S GUIDE replace the shuttle frame assembly.

059 CANCEL PRINT Non-error status No action required.

ACTIVE message.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

060 PRINTER HOT CMX controller board 1. Inspect printer environment for severity.
sensors report high Advise the user to move the printer to
temperatures on the cooler, cleaner location.
board. This message 2. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
indicates internal guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
temperatures over Check that all fan cables are connected.
60° Celsius (140°
Fahrenheit). Print 3. Inspect vents and fan airways for
jobs do not create obstructions. Look underneath cabinet
such temperatures, models for items blocking the cabinet
so immediately exhaust vents. Remove any obstructions
determine that the from vents and airways.
fans are operating 4. Install the paper guide assembly or
and that all air vents pedestal top cover. Power on the printer.
are unobstructed. It is Load paper. Run the Plot Test for 1/4
crucial that the page. If the message appears, replace
exhaust vents on the the CMX controller board. Record the
floor of the cabinet message and return it with the defective
remain unblocked, board.
since hot air from
inside the printer is
vented through the
cabinet floor. Nothing
must be stored under
the printer. Then
check the operating
environment. A
severe environment
is one with an
ambient temperature
at or above above 40°
Celsius (104°
Fahrenheit) or is dirty
enough to create
blockage of the
cabinet fan vents.
The printer must
never be run at
ambient temperatures
greater than 40°
Celsius (104°
Fahrenheit). If the
printer is located in
such an environment,
relocate it to a cooler,
cleaner area.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

062 EXHAUST FAN Sensors cannot 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
FAULT detect current in the press Stop.
fan circuit. 2. If the message occurs on a pedestal
model, check that the correct operator
panel is installed. The operator panel for
a pedestal model has resistors R18 and
R19 next to the operator panel cable
3. Check that the exhaust fan is connected
to exhaust fan cable connector J307.
4. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
guide assembly. Disconnect connector
P107 from the CMX controller board. Test
connector P107/EHF for shorts or opens.
(Refer to the Main Wire Harness Test
Tables on page 291.) Replace
components that fail test.
5. Make sure connector P107/EHF has a
good connection at J107 on the CMX
controller board.
6. Inspect for obstructions of airways and
vents. Check for items beneath the
printer blocking cabinet vents. Make sure
cabinet exhaust fan vents are not
7. Power on the printer. Check for fan
operation. If the message appears or the
fan doesn’t work, replace the exhaust fan.
8. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

065 HAMMER BANK Hammer Bank Fan 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
FAN FAULT Fault. Sensors cannot press Stop.
detect current in the 2. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
fan circuit. guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
Disconnect connector P107 from the
CMX controller board. Test connector
P107/HBF for shorts or opens. (Refer to
the Main Wire Harness Test Tables on
page 291.) Replace components that fail
3. Make sure P107/HBF has a good
connection at J107 on the CMX controller
4. Inspect airways and vents for
5. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
069 DATA CLEARED This message No action required.
appears when data
are cleared out of
printer after Cancel
key has been


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

080 POWER SUPPLY The printer has 1. Inspect printer environment for severity.
HOT sensor circuits that Advise the user to move the printer to
sample the operating cooler, cleaner location.
temperature of key 2. Check the kinds of print jobs the user is
components of the running: look for very dense graphics and
power supply. When layouts. Advise the user to run jobs in
higher than normal smaller batches.
temperatures are
sensed, print speed is 3. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
automatically guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
reduced. If the printer Check that the power supply guard/air
runs at reduced deflector is correctly positioned over the
speed for an power supply board. CAUTION: DO NOT
extended period of TOUCH THE POWER SUPPLY, but hold
time, the POWER your hand close enough to check for heat
SUPPLY HOT radiating off the power supply board. If
message is sent to the power supply is noticeably hot,
the LCD and printing replace it.
stops, allowing printer 4. Check that all fan cables are connected.
components to cool 5. Inspect vents and fan airways for
down. Pressing the obstructions. Look underneath cabinet
Start key resumes models for items blocking the cabinet
the print task. Check exhaust vents.
the operating
environment. A 6. Install paper guide assembly or pedestal
severe environment top cover. Power on the printer. Load
is one with an paper. Run the “All E’s” print test for 5 to
ambient temperature 10 minutes. If the message appears,
at or above above 40° replace the CMX controller board. Record
Celsius (104° the message and return it with the
Fahrenheit) or is dirty defective board.
enough to create
blockage of the
cabinet fan vents.
The printer must
never be run at
ambient temperatures
greater than 40°
Celsius (104°
Fahrenheit). If the
printer is located in
such an environment,
relocate it to a cooler,
cleaner area.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

081 POWER SUPPLY The power supply has 1. Replace the power supply board.
VOLTAGE FAILURE failed. 2. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller

082 POWER SUPPLY 8.5 Volt Power Failed. 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
8.5V FAILED Internal power failure. replace the power supply board.
2. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
3. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the shuttle frame
083 INTAKE FAN FAULT Sensors cannot 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
detect current in the press Stop.
card cage fan circuit. 2. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
Disconnect connector P106 from the
CMX controller board. Test connector
P106/CCF for shorts or opens. (Refer to
the Main Wire Harness Test Tables on
page 291.) Replace components that fail
3. Make sure P106/CCF has a good
connection at J106 on the CMX controller
4. Inspect for obstructions of airways and
5. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

084 POWER SUPPLY 48 Volt Power Failed. 1. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
48V FAILED Internal power failure. guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
Check that power supply connector P101
is fully seated in connector J101 on the
CMX controller board.
2. If the printer has the coax/twinax
expansion board, check the adapter
connection to the CMX controller board.
Make sure the 60-pin expansion adapter
is correctly seated between the CMX
controller board and the coax/twinax
expansion board.
3. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the hammer bank logic
cable assembly (P108) and the power
cable assembly (P105). (Refer to
Appendix A.)
4. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the power supply board.
5. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
6. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace shuttle frame assembly.
085 CONTROLLER Controller Voltage 1. Cycle Power. Run the print job again. If
VOLTAGE Failure. the message appears, download the
emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the flash
memory with pre-written flash. (See
Table 8 and Table 9 on page 219 and
Figure 35 on page 220.)
3. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the CMX controller board. Record the
message and return it with defective CMX
4. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the power supply board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

086 CONTROLLER 15V Controller Voltage 1. Cycle Power. Run the print job again. If
Failure. the message appears, remove the
hammer bank logic cable, inspect it for
damage, and test it for continuity. (See
Appendix A.) Replace the hammer bank
logic cable if it is damaged or fails
continuity test.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the flash
memory with pre-written flash. (See
Table 8 and Table 9 on page 219 and
Figure 35 on page 220.)
3. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the CMX controller board. Record the
message and return it with defective CMX
board. Also check the resistance of
connectors P106/LRIB M and P107/RRIB
M. (Refer to the Main Wire Test Tables,
page 291.) If ribbon motor resistance is
not correct, replace the motor and/or the
intermediate cable, if installed.
4. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the power supply board.
5. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the shuttle frame


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

087 PLATEN OPEN On a coax interface, 1. Close the forms thickness lever. Press
TIMEOUT the forms thickness Stop.
CLOSE PLATEN lever has been open 2. Run a print test. If a platen open or close
for at least one platen message appears, power off the
minute. Load paper. printer. Remove the paper guide
assembly or pedestal top cover.
Disconnect connector P107 from the
CMX controller board. Check continuity of
the platen interlock switch cable from
P107 to the switch. Replace the platen
interlock switch assembly if it fails
continuity test. (Refer to Appendix A,
Switch Assembly, Platen Interlock.)
3. Check that the platen interlock switch is
not loose.
4. Check and adjust the platen open belt.
Replace the belt if it is damaged.
5. Check the platen open pulley and the
platen pulley for looseness. Bottom out
the platen open motor pulley on the motor
shaft and torque the 1/16 inch set screw
to 9 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.02 ± 0.23 N•m).
Tighten the 7/64 inch setscrew in the
platen shaft pulley, then open and close
the forms thickness lever and check that
the platen pulley setscrew does not hit
the left ribbon guide.
6. Disconnect connector P106 from the
CMX controller board. Check the
resistance of connector P106/PLAT M.
(Refer to the Main Wire Harness Test
Tables on page 291.) Replace the platen
open motor if it fails the resistance test.
7. Run a print test. If a platen open or close
platen message appears, replace the
CMX controller board. Record the
message and return it with the defective


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

088 CONTROLLER Controller Voltage 1. Cycle Power. Run the print job again. If
23.5V Failure. the message appears, download the
emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the flash
memory with pre-written flash. (See
Table 8 and Table 9 on page 219 and
Figure 35 on page 220.)
3. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the CMX controller board. Record the
message and return it with defective CMX
4. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the power supply board.
5. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the shuttle frame


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

089 RIBBON STALL This message occurs 1. Check the forms thickness lever: if it is
when the ribbon fails set too tightly it can inhibit ribbon
to move while movement. Set the forms thickness lever
printing. to match the thickness of the paper being
used, but not too tightly.
2. Inspect the ribbon guides for ink buildup,
which can inhibit ribbon movement.
Clean the printer.
3. Inspect the hammer bank cover/ribbon
mask for bending or damage, which can
inhibit ribbon movement. Replace the
hammer bank cover assembly if it is bent
or damaged.
4. Check the platen gap. If the gap is too
small, it can inhibit ribbon movement.
Adjust the platen gap.
5. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
Check the resistance of connectors
P106/LRIB M and P107/RRIB M. (Refer
to the Main Wire Harness Test Tables,
page 291.) If ribbon motor resistance is
not correct, replace the motor and/or the
intermediate cable, if installed.
6. Power on the printer. Run an Operator
Print Test. (See page 132.) If the 089
RIBBON STALL message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with the
defective board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

090 SHUTTLE COVER The shuttle cover is 1. Inspect shuttle cover for warping,
OPEN missing, damaged, or damage, or missing magnet. (The
CLOSE SHUTTLE not correctly installed. magnet covers the sensor housing when
COVER the cover is installed.) If the shuttle cover
is warped, damaged, or the magnet is
missing, replace the shuttle cover
2. Check shuttle cover installation. Make
sure the cover lies flat and the two
captive screws are fully seated.
3. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, power off the printer. Remove
the paper guide assembly or pedestal top
cover. Disconnect P107 on the CMX
controller board and check the CVO
switch by testing for continuity across
pins 18 and 20. (Refer to the Main Wire
Harness Test Tables, page 291.)
Replace the cover open switch assembly,
as required.
4. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
092 RIBBON DRIVER The CMX controller 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
CIRCUIT board does not detect power off the printer. Remove the paper
a ribbon drive motor. guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
Reseat the cable connections of both
ribbon drive motors.
2. Power on the printer. Using a
screwdriver, short across the ribbon
guide screws to reverse ribbon hub
motion. Check for a ribbon drive motor
that will not wind the ribbon. If the ribbon
will not wind in one or both directions,
replace the defective ribbon drive
motor(s). If the ribbon winds in both
directions, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

101 UPPER DRIVER Hammer driver 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
SHORT circuits on the CMX press Stop. If the message does not
controller board are clear, replace the hammer bank logic
shorted to ground. cable and the hammer bank power cable
2. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
3. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the shuttle frame
102 LOWER DRIVER Circuit(s) on the 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
SHORT hammer bank or in press Stop. If the message does not
the hammer bank clear, replace the hammer bank logic
power cable are cable and the hammer bank power cable.
shorted to ground. 2. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the shuttle frame
3. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
105 HAMMER COIL Electrical malfunction 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
<number> OPEN of one or more replace the shuttle frame assembly.
hammer coils. 2. Power on the printer. Run a print test. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with the defective board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

107 HAMMER COIL One or more hammer 1. Inspect the printer environment for
<number> HOT coils are overheating. severity. Advise the user to move the
The printer has sensor printer to cooler, cleaner location.
circuits that sample the
operating temperature 2. Check the kinds of print jobs the user is
of key components of running: look for very dense graphics and
the print mechanism. layouts. Advise the user to run jobs in
When higher than smaller batches.
normal temperatures
3. Power off the printer. Remove the paper
are sensed, print speed
guide assembly or pedestal top cover.
is automatically reduced
by 50% and a COIL Check all fan cable connections.
HOT message is sent to 4. Power on the printer. Verify that all fans
the LCD to inform the operate. Replace any fan that does not
operator. When the operate.
coil(s) cool down, print
speed automatically 5. Inspect vents and fan airways for
returns to 100% and the obstructions. Look underneath cabinet
message clears from models for items blocking the cabinet
the LCD. This message exhaust vents. Remove any obstructions
is normal for extremely from vents and airways.
dense print jobs, such
6. Install the paper guide assembly or
as the Plot Test. If the
printer often prints at pedestal top cover. Load paper. Run the
half speed, it may be “All E’s” print test for 5 to 10 minutes. If
operating in a severe the message appears, replace the shuttle
environment. A severe frame assembly.
environment is one with 7. Run the “All E’s” print test for 5 to 10
an ambient temperature
minutes. If the message appears, replace
at or above above 40°
the CMX controller board. Record the
Celsius (104°
Fahrenheit) or that is message and return it with the defective
dirty enough to create board.
blockage of the cabinet
fan vents. The printer
must never be run at
ambient temperatures
greater than 40° Celsius
(104° Fahrenheit). If the
printer is located in such
an environment,
relocate it to a cooler,
cleaner area or reduce
the size and duration of
the print jobs.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

110 STACK System stack has run 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
OVERFLOW out of room and the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE overflowed into other emulation software again.
memory. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
111 STACK Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
UNDERFLOW CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
112 UNDEFINED Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
OPCODE CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
113 PROTECTED Protected Instruction. 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
INSTRUCTION Firmware error on the the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE CMX controller board. emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
114 ILLEGAL Illegal Operand 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
OPERAND ACCESS Accessed. Firmware the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE error on the CMX emulation software again.
controller board. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
115 ILLEGAL Illegal Instruction 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
INSTRUCTION Accessed. Firmware the message appears, download the
ACCESS error on the CMX emulation software again.
SEE USER’S GUIDE controller board. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

116 ILLEGAL Illegal External Bus 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
EXTERNAL BUS Accessed. Firmware the message appears, download the
ACCESS error on the CMX emulation software again.
SEE USER’S GUIDE controller board. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
117 A TO D OVERRUN The analog-to-digital 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
SEE USER’S GUIDE converter on the CMX the message appears, download the
controller board has emulation software again.
overflowed. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
118 UNDEFINED Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
INTERRUPT CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
119 TCB CORRUPTED Task Control Block on 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
SEE USER’S GUIDE the CMX controller the message appears, download the
board has been emulation software again.
corrupted. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
120 ACCESS NULL The processor tried to 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
POINTER access a pointer that the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE contains nothing emulation software again.
(null). 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
121 PAPER NOT AT Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
SPEED CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

122 PAPER NOT The paper feed 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
SCHEDULED process is not the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE scheduling on the emulation software again.
CMX controller board, 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
and the printer cannot the message appears, replace the MPU
advance paper. cable assembly.
3. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the power supply board.
4. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the shuttle frame assembly.
5. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the CMX controller board. Record the
message and return it with defective CMX
123 PAPER BUSY TOO Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
LONG CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Run the print job again. If the message
appears, power off the printer. Remove
the paper guide assembly or pedestal top
cover. Make sure connectors P106 and
P107 are fully seated on the CMX
controller board.
3. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the shuttle frame assembly.
4. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, power off
the printer. Make sure the MPU cable, the
hammer bank logic cable, and the
hammer bank power cable are
undamaged and have good connections.
Replace as necessary. (Refer to
Appendix A.)
5. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the CMX controller board. Record the
message and return it with defective CMX


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

124 PAPER FIFO Paper First In First 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
OVERFLOW Out Overflow. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE Firmware error on the emulation software again.
CMX controller board. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
125 PAPER FIFO Paper First In First 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
UNDERFLOW Out Underflow. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Run the print job again. If the message
appears, power off the printer. Remove
the paper guide assembly or pedestal top
cover. Make sure connectors P106 and
P107 are fully seated on the CMX
controller board.
3. Check hammer phasing. Try using a
lower phasing value; sometimes this
message indicates too high a hammer
phase value.
4. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, power off
the printer. Make sure the MPU cable, the
hammer bank logic cable, and the
hammer bank power cable are
undamaged and have good connections.
Replace as necessary. (Refer to
Appendix A.)
5. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the shuttle frame assembly.
6. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the power supply board.
7. Power on the printer. Run the print job
again. If the message appears, replace
the CMX controller board. Record the
message and return it with defective CMX


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

126 PAPER FEED BAD The paper feed 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
TABLE process on the CMX the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE controller board has a emulation software again.
corrupted table. If this 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
message appears the message appears, replace the CMX
during a software controller board. Record the message
download, do the and return it with defective CMX board.
download again. If
the message appears
on the second try,
replace the CMX
controller board.
127 PAPER FEED Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
ILLEGAL STATE CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
128 PAPER FEED Paper Invalid 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
INVALID COMMAND Command. Firmware the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE error on the CMX emulation software again.
controller board. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
129 PAPER FEED Paper Invalid 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
INVALID PARAMETER Parameter. Firmware the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE error on the CMX emulation software again.
controller board. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
130 PAPER FEED Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
PARTLY ENERGIZED CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

131 PAPER FEED Unexpected interrupt 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
INTERRUPT in the paper feed the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE process on the CMX emulation software again.
controller board. 2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
132 RIBBON INVALID Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
COMMAND CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
133 RIBBON INVALID Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
STATE CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
134 PLATEN INVALID Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
COMMAND CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
135 PLATEN INVALID Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
STATE CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
136 PLATEN INVALID Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
PARAMETER CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

137 SHUTTLE INVALID Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
COMMAND CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
138 SHUTTLE INVALID Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
PARAMETER CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.
139 SHUTTLE Firmware error on the 1. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
OVERSPEED CMX controller board. the message appears, download the
SEE USER’S GUIDE emulation software again.
2. Remove the shuttle cover. Remove the
paper guide assembly or the pedestal top
cover. Make sure the MPU cable (P/N
14H5329) is not pinched. Check both the
section of MPU cable coming from the
sensor and the intermediate cable
extension that runs to the controller
board. (Refer to Appendix A,
Interconnection Diagram, page 289.)
Check the resistance of the MPU at
connector P107. (Refer to the Main Wire
Harness Test Tables, page 291.)
Replace the MPU if it fails the test.
3. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. Record the message
and return it with defective CMX board.

990 MACHINE CHECK Host status message. No action required.

998 NON-VOLATILE The non-volatile Replace the CMX controller board. (Do NOT
MEMORY FAILED memory has failed. attempt to replace NVRAM.)
A97 GRAPHIC CHECK The printer received a Press Stop then Start.
ERROR non-printable
PRESS STOP THEN character over a
START twinax interface.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

BOOT DIAGNOSTICS Non-error status No action required.

CLEARING PROGRAM Status message: No action required.
FROM FLASH emulation software
successfully loaded
into printer RAM and
the checksum
matched. The old
program is now being
deleted from flash
DRIVER CIRCUIT BAD The hammer coil 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
count test failed. press Stop.
2. Power off the printer. Remove the shuttle
cover. At the shuttle frame assembly,
disconnect the hammer bank logic and
power cables. Power on the printer. If
“HB NOT INSTALLD” appears on the
LCD, replace the shuttle frame assembly.
If “HB NOT INSTALLD” does not appear
on the LCD, replace the CMX controller
ENERGY SAVER Status message: the No action required.
MODE ACTIVE printer is in low-
energy idle state, all
fans and higher
voltages are off, only
+5Vdc logic circuits
are active.
ERROR: DRAM AT The printer found a 1. Replace the DRAM.
ADDRESS <hex> defective memory 2. Power on the printer. If the message
location. appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
ERROR: DRAM NOT DRAM is defective or 1. Check DRAM on the CMX controller
DETECTED missing. board. If present, reseat DRAM; if
missing, install DRAM.
2. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the DRAM.
3. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

ERROR: FLASH DID The printer 1. Download the program again.

NOT PROGRAM encountered an error 2. If the message occurs again, replace the
trying to program flash memory with pre-written flash. (See
flash memory. Table 8 and Table 9 on page 219 and
Figure 35 on page 220.)
ERROR OCCURRED An interim message Wait. When the asterisk (*) stops rotating, a
FLUSHING QUEUES* that displays while the different fault message will appear:
printer discards host troubleshoot the final message.
data it cannot use
because a fault
condition exists.
While this message
displays, the asterisk
(*) rotates.
ERROR: PROGRAM The printer does not There is no program in printer memory.
NOT VALID see a program in Download the emulation.
flash memory.
ERROR: SECURITY The security PAL is 1. Check the security PAL at location U54
PAL NOT DETECTED missing or has failed. on the CMX controller board. If the PAL is
Power off the printer. absent, install the correct PAL. If a
Remove the paper security PAL is present, replace it.
guide assembly or 2. Power on the printer. If the message
pedestal top cover. appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
ERROR: SHORT AT Hardware failure in 1. Download the program again.
ADDRESS XXXX DRAM or CMX 2. If the message appears again, replace
controller circuitry. the DRAM. If message occurs with new
memory, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with defective CMX board.
ETHERNET ADAPTER Status message that No action required.
BEING INITIALIZED indicates that the
internal Network
Interface Card is
processing the boot
procedure. (May
occur with older
versions of


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

ETHERNET Status message that No action required.

DETECTED indicates that the
internal Network
Interface Card has
FM HEADER ERROR Frame Header Error. Not a printer problem. The system
Application software administrator should correct applications data
has violated header or configuration.
FREEFORM OFF This message can 1. Release any stuck keys. Determine and
appear if an operator correct what made the key(s) stick.
panel key is stuck in 2. Cycle power: power off the printer, wait
the down position. 15 seconds, power on the printer. The
Check the operator message should be gone. If the message
panel for stuck key(s). appears, replace the operator panel.
FREEFORM ON: OFF This message 1. Power off the printer. Hold any control
HOLD KEY @ PWRUP appears if the panel key down and power on the printer.
freeform feature is Hold the key down until the printer
enabled. This feature powers up and the message FREEFORM
is for manufacturing OFF appears on the LCD.
use only and is never 2. If the message reappears after doing step
used by the customer 1, replace the CMX controller board.
or field maintenance Record the message and return it with
personnel. defective CMX board.
HAMMER BANK NOT Self-test routines do 1. Power off the printer. Verify that the
INSTALLED not detect hammer shuttle frame assembly is installed. Install
coils at printer start- the shuttle frame assembly.
up. 2. Remove the paper guide assembly or
pedestal top cover. Verify that the
hammer bank logic cable is connected to
connector J108 on the CMX controller
board and to the shuttle frame assembly.
3. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the hammer bank logic
4. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the shuttle frame
5. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

HAMMER COIL BAD Hammer coil(s) 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
#, #, #, #, ... etc. number #, #, etc. replace the shuttle frame assembly.
failed the current test Record the message and return it with
at power-up. Check the defective assembly.
that the hammer bank 2. Power on the printer. If the message
cables are appears, replace CMX controller board.
connected. Record the message and return it with
the defective board.
INTERRUPT UNUSED This message is 1. Cycle power. If this message occurred
VECTOR 00 generated when the once and never again, you can ignore it.
CMX controller board If the message reappears or appears
gets an interrupt that consistantly check the grounding of the
it does not printer. If the machine is correctly
understand. This grounded, replace the CMX controller
problem can be board.
created by electrical 2. Power on the printer. Cycle power. If the
noise, a software message appears, suspect an application
problem, or by a software error. Request assistance from
hardware problem. your local support group. Install the
original CMX controller board.

LOADING PROGRAM The new emulation No action required.

FROM PORT XX% program is loading
into printer RAM.
XX% indicates how
much of the program
has loaded.
LOADING PROGRAM The printer has No action required.
INTO FLASH deleted the previous
emulation program
from flash memory
and is loading the
new program into
flash memory.
NOT READY Printer state No action required.
message: printer is
offline, not in
communication with
OPERATOR MENU Non-error status No action required.
<menu item> message.
OPERATOR MENU Non-error status No action required, unless you want to unlock
LOCKED message. the Enter key.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

OPERATOR MENU Non-error status No action required, unless you want to lock
UNLOCKED message. the Enter key.
PA1 SELECTED Attach status No action required.
PA2 SELECTED Attach status No action required.
P05 DIAGNOSTIC Non-error status No action required.
TEST PASSED message: the printer
passed its memory
and hardware
initialization tests.
P17 SECURITY Security code of the 1. Remove the paper guide assembly or
VIOLATION PAL on the CMX pedestal top cover. Check that the
controller board does security PAL is correctly installed. (See
not match the code of Figure 35, page 220.) Install correct PAL
the firmware on the for the customer’s emulations with the
CMX controller board. notched end toward the flash and DRAM
SIMM sockets.
2. Run a print test. If the message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with the
defective board.

P60 ERROR: The printer found a 1. Replace the DRAM. (Figure 35, page
DRAM AT ADDRESS defective memory 220.)
<hex> location. 2. Power on the printer. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
P61 ERROR: The printer could not Check flash memory on the CMX controller
FLASH NOT find flash memory. board. If present, reseat the flash SIMMs; if
DETECTED missing, install flash SIMMs. (Figure 35, page
P62 ERROR: The printer cannot 1. Download the program again.
DC PROGRAM NOT find the data
VALID 2. If the message appears, replace flash
controller program or
memory SIMMs with pre-written flash.
the validation
(See Table 8 and Table 9 on page 219
checksum is corrupt.
and Figure 35 on page 220.)


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

P63 ERROR: The printer is not Use the correct emulation software option(s)
PROGRAM NOT compatible with the for this model printer. If the printer is an IBM
COMPATIBLE downloaded 6404-B01, the controller is a CBO board. If
program.(The user the printer is an IBM 6400, the controller is a
may have tried to CMX board.
load a CMX-
compatible diskette in
a CBO-controlled
printer, or vice versa.)
P64 ERROR: The printer received 1. Power off the printer. Download the
CHECKSUM WRONG the complete program program again from the beginning. If the
<hex> but the checksum did message appears, replace the DRAM.
not match. The data (See Figure 35, page 220.)
may have been 2. Download the program. If the message
corrupted during appears, replace the flash memory with
download. pre-written flash. (See Table 8 and Table
9 on page 219 and Figure 35 on page
3. Download the program. If the message
appears, replace the CMX controller
board. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.
P65 ERROR: The printer requires Add flash memory or use a smaller emulation
PROGRAM NEEDS more flash memory in program. (See Figure 35 on page 220.)
MORE FLASH order to run the
downloaded program.
P66 ERROR: The printer requires Add DRAM or use a smaller emulation
PROGRAM NEEDS more DRAM memory program. (See Figure 35 on page 220.)
MORE DRAM in order to run the
downloaded program.
P67 ERROR: Hardware or software 1. Replace flash memory with pre-written
WRITING TO FLASH fault in flash memory. flash. (See Table 8 and Table 9 on page
219 and Figure 35 on page 220.)
2. If message occurs with new memory,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with the
defective board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

P68 ERROR: The printer cannot 1. Download the program again. If the
EC PROGRAM NOT find the engine message occurs again, replace all flash
VALID controller program or memory SIMMs with pre-written flash.
the validation (See Table 8 and Table 9 on page 219
checksum is corrupt. and Figure 35 on page 220.)
2. Power on the printer. Download the
emulation. If the message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with defective
CMX board.
P69 ERROR: Where XXXX is a 1. Power off the printer. Remove all flash
EC STOPPED AT number from 0000 to memory and DRAM SIMMs. Inspect the
STATE XXXX 0010. The Engine SIMM sockets on the CMX controller
Controller hung at a board. (See Figure 35, page 220.) If any
process indicated by socket pins are bent or damaged, replace
XXXX. the CMX controller board.
If the state is 0000, 2. Install the flash and DRAM SIMMs,
replace the CMX making sure they are fully and correctly
controller board. seated. Power on the printer. Download
the emulation. If the message appears,
replace the flash memory with pre-written
flash. (See Table 8 and Table 9 on page
219 and Figure 35 on page 220.)
3. Power on the printer. Download the
emulation. If the message appears,
replace the DRAM SIMM(s). (See Figure
35, page 220.)
4. Power on the printer. Download the
emulation. If the message appears,
replace the CMX controller board. Record
the message and return it with defective
CMX board.
PLEASE WAIT... Status message: the No action required.
RESET IN PROGRESS printer finished
loading the program
into flash memory
and is automatically
resetting itself.
READY Printer state No action required.
message: the printer
is online.
RESETTING... Status message: the No action required.
PLEASE WAIT printer is resetting


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Message List

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

RESTORING BOOT Status message No action required.

CODE when downloading
boot code. Code is
checked then saved
in flash memory.
RIBBON OUT OF INK RibbonMinder** Install a new ribbon and set ribbon life to
CHANGE RIBBON software has 100%.
determined that the
ribbon is out of ink.
SENDING PROGRAM Status message: the No action required.
TO EC PROCESSOR printer is loading the
engine controller
program into the
engine controller.
SERVICE Non-error status No action required.
<service test> message.
SOFTWARE ERROR* Application software 1. Cycle power. If the message appears,
Cycle power tried to perform an power off the printer.
illegal printer function 2. Disconnect the input data line from the
or damaged logic host computer. Power on the printer. If
circuits were detected the message appears, download the
on the CMX controller emulation software again.
3. Cycle power. Run the print job again. If
the message appears, replace the CMX
controller board. If the message is gone,
there is an application software error.
Request assistance from your local
support group.
TABLE MISMATCH An Engine Controller Power off the printer. Download the program
DOWNLOAD AGAIN software update is in again from the beginning.
TESTING HARDWARE Status message No action required.
PLEASE WAIT when printer runs
self-tests and
initialization routines.
TOP OF FORM SET Non-error status No action required.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Display Messages

Table 4. Message List

Operator Panel
Explanation Corrective Action

WAITING FOR Status message that No action required.

ETHERNET ADAPTER appears when printer
is first powered on if
the internal Network
Interface Card is
installed. An Ethernet
adapter must be
detected early in the
power up sequence
so the printer can tell
the adapter it has
been detected and
continue with its own
power up sequence.
Compared to the
printer, the Ethernet
adapter takes a long
time to complete its
internal diagnostic
tests, so the boot
code allows the
adapter to power up
in parallel with the
printer to reduce its
effect on overall boot
WAITING FOR Emulation download No action required.
PROGRAM mode has been
DOWNLOAD activated, but
program download
has not yet begun.


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Message List

Troubleshooting Other Symptoms


<3> Hazardous voltages are present in the printer with the

power cord connected to the power source. Switch off
printer power and unplug the printer power cord before

<4> Do not connect or disconnect any communication port,

teleport, attachment connector, or power cord during an
electrical storm.

<5> Power off the printer and disconnect the power cord before
connecting or disconnecting any communication port,
teleport, or attachment cable connector.

Use standard fault isolation techniques to troubleshoot malfunctions that are

not indicated by display messages. These techniques are summarized below:
1. Ask the operator to describe the problem.
2. Verify the fault by running a diagnostic printer test or by replicating
conditions reported by the user.
3. Look for a match in the General Symptom List that begins on page 110.
If you find a match, go to the troubleshooting procedure and follow the
numbered instructions.
4. If you do not find the symptom in the General Symptom List, use the Half-
Split Method to find the malfunction:
a. Start at a general level and work down to details.
b. Isolate faults to half the remaining system at a time, until the final half
is a field-replaceable part or assembly. (Troubleshooting aids are
listed on page 59.)

Do not attempt field repairs of electronic components or assemblies.

Replace a malfunctioning electronic assembly with an operational
spare. Most electronic problems are corrected by replacing the printed
circuit board assembly, sensor, or cable that causes the fault indication.
The same is true of failures traced to the hammer bank: replace the
entire shuttle frame assembly. It is not field repairable.
5. Replace the defective part or assembly.
6. Test printer operation after every corrective action.
7. Reinstall any parts you replaced earlier that did not solve the problem.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

8. Stop troubleshooting and return the printer to normal operation when the
reported symptoms disappear.

General Symptom List

Table 5 is a list of possible printer problems that are not indicated by
messages on the LCD. Troubleshooting procedures are included for each
If you encounter a problem that is not listed in Table 5, troubleshoot using the
Half-Split Method described on page 109.

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Communications page 131



CLEAR JAM message 1. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide assembly or
instead of LOAD pedestal top cover. Remove the barrier shield (cabinet model) or
FORMS when printer is the barrier shield and paper guide (pedestal model). Check that
out of paper the paper detector switch assembly is securely mounted in its
2. Check that connector P106/PMD is fully seated in connector
J106 on the CMX controller board.
3. Power on the printer. Load paper. Replace the paper detector
switch assembly if either message appears.
4. Power on the printer. Load paper. Replace the CMX controller
board if either message appears. Record the message and
return it with the defective board.


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

CLEAR JAM message 1. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. Make
will not clear and paper sure connector P107/PAPR M is fully seated in connector J107
does not move on the CMX controller board.
2. Check the paper feed motor pulley for looseness. Hold the collar
snug against the motor pulley and torque the 7/64 inch setscrew
to 25 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.82 ± 0.23 N•m).
3. Check and adjust the paper feed timing belt. Replace the belt if it
is damaged.
4. Power on the printer. Load paper. Press Form Feed and View
several times and check that paper moves correctly in both
directions. Replace the paper feed motor if the message
appears or the paper moves erratically.
5. Power on the printer. Press Form Feed and View several times
and check that paper moves correctly in both directions.
Replace the CMX controller board if the message appears or the
paper moves erratically. Record the message and return it with
the defective board.

CLEAR JAM message 1. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide assembly or
will not clear but paper pedestal top cover. Check that connector P106/PMD is fully
moves seated in connector J106 on the CMX controller board.
2. Remove the barrier shield (cabinet model) or the barrier shield
and paper guide (pedestal model). Check that the paper
detector switch assembly is securely mounted in its bracket.
3. Check that the paper detector switch assembly is securely
mounted to the mechanism base. Tighten the two screws
securing the paper detector switch assembly to the mechanism
4. Check that the motion detector wheel rotates. Replace the paper
detector switch assembly if the wheel does not rotate.
5. Power on the printer. Load paper. Replace the paper detector
switch assembly if the message appears.
6. Power on the printer. Load paper. Replace the CMX controller
board if the message appears. Record the message and return it
with the defective board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Operator Panel

Black squares on 1. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide assembly or
operator panel display pedestal top cover. Disconnect the operator panel cable from
the panel and from J110 on the CMX controller board. Check
continuity of the cable. (See Appendix A.) Replace the operator
panel cable if it fails continuity test. Connect the cable. Power on
the printer. If the symptom appears, replace the operator panel.
2. If the printer has the coax/twinax expansion board, check the
adapter connection to the CMX controller board. Make sure the
60-pin expansion adapter is correctly seated in the CMX
controller board connector J111 and the coax/twinax expansion
3. Power off the printer. Make sure the flash memory is seated
properly in J10 and J11. Regardless of memory configuration,
J11 must be used. Reseat flash memory.
4. Power on the printer. If black squares appear on the LCD, the
flash memory could be blank. Replace the flash SIMM in J11
with a pre-written flash SIMM. (See Table 8 and Table 9 on page
219 and Figure 35 on page 220.)
5. Power on the printer. If black squares appear on the LCD,
replace the CMX controller board.

Operator panel blank 1. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide assembly or
pedestal top cover. Check all cable connections into the CMX
controller board; make sure the control panel cable is seated in
connector J110 on the controller board.
2. If the printer has the coax/twinax expansion board, check the
adapter connection to the CMX controller board. Make sure the
60-pin expansion adapter is correctly seated in the CMX
controller board and the coax/twinax expansion board.
3. Power on the printer. Inspect the operator panel display and
cooling fans. If the operator panel is blank and the cooling fans
come on, replace the operator panel cable assembly and/or the
operator panel, as required.
4. Power on the printer. If the operator panel is blank and the fans
do not come on, replace the CMX controller board.

Operator panel display 1. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. Check
shows garbled, broken cable connections into the CMX controller board. Make sure the
characters control panel cable is seated in connector J110 on the controller
2. Make sure the DRAM SIMM(s) is/are seated properly in J15/
J16. Reseat DRAM SIMM(s).
3. Power on the printer. If the control panel shows broken
characters, replace the DRAM.


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Operator panel keys do 1. Power on the printer. Check the operation of the operator panel
not work keys. Replace the operator panel if keys do not work.
2. Power on the printer. Check the operation of the operator panel
keys. Replace the operator panel cable assembly if keys do not
3. Power on the printer. Check the operation of the operator panel
keys. Replace the CMX controller board if the keys do not work.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Power / IML Failures

No power, and the 1. Check that the AC power outlet has power. Restore AC power
operator panel is blank, as required.
and the card cage fan is 2. Unplug the printer AC power cord from the printer (leave it
not running plugged into the power outlet) and check for AC power at the
printer end of the cord. If there is no power through the AC
power cord, replace it. Plug the AC power cord into the printer
and power outlet.
3. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. Verify
that the AC-in power cable and the AC power input cables are
connected to the on/off switch/circuit breaker. (See Figure 46,
page 262 or Figure 53, page 280.) Connect the AC-in power
supply cable and AC power input cables to the on/off switch-
circuit breaker. Make sure all ground connections are clean and
4. Check that AC-in power cable connector P1 is connected to J1
on the power supply board.
5. Check that power supply cable connector P101 is connected to
J101 on the CMX controller board.
6. Check all cable connections on the CMX controller board.
Reseat all cables.
7. If the printer has the coax/twinax expansion board, make sure
the 60-pin expansion adapter is correctly seated in the CMX
controller board and the coax/twinax expansion board.
8. Disconnect AC-in power supply cable connector P1. Set the
circuit breaker to 1 (on). Measure AC voltage at pins 1 and 2 of
connector P1. If no voltage, replace the circuit breaker. If there is
voltage, replace the power supply board.


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Printer does not NOTE: Power-on initialization is explained on page 146.

complete IML 1. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide or pedestal top
cover. Check that all cables are connected to the CMX controller
board. Reseat all cable connectors on the CMX controller board,
especially connectors P106 and P107.
2. If the printer has the coax/twinax expansion board, verify that the
correct microcode is loaded in the machine. If the printer does
not have the coax/twinax expansion board, go to step 6.
Download CT emulation software.
3. Power off the printer. Check that the user has enough flash
memory installed to handle his emulation software. (See Figure
35 on page 220 and the Boot Diagnostics Menu on page 137.)
Install flash memory and download emulation software.
4. Check the coax/twinax adapter connection to the CMX controller
board. Make sure that J111 is correctly seated between the
CMX controller board and the coax/twinax expansion board.
5. Power up the printer. If the printer does not successfully
complete IML, replace the coax/twinax expansion board.
6. Power up the printer. If the printer does not successfully
complete IML, replace the power supply board.
7. Power up the printer. If the printer does not successfully
complete IML, replace the CMX controller board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Power Stacker

Printer does not detect 1. Check that the power stacker is enabled under the Printer
presence of power Control menu. (Refer to the Setup Guide.) If the power stacker
stacker enable/disable option does not appear in the menu, go to the
next step.
-or- 2. Open the rear cabinet door. Check that the ON/OFF indicator
lamp is lit. If the ON/OFF indicator is not lit, go to step 3. If the
Stacker not working ON/OFF indicator is lit, press the ONLINE key and check that
the ONLINE indicator lights. If the ONLINE indicator comes on,
the stacker is detected by the printer. If the ONLINE indicator
does not come on, go to step 4.
3. a) Power off the printer.
b) Unfasten the cable clamp holding the stacker control panel
c) Disconnect the stacker power cable from the back of the
stacker control panel. (See Figure 68, page 376.)
d) Locate pin 1 of connector P106. (See the cable assembly
drawing in Appendix A, page 320.)
e) Power on the printer.
f) At connector P106 check for +48 volts DC between pins 1 and
2 and +5 volts DC between pins 3 and 4.
If the voltages are correct, replace the stacker control panel. If
the voltages are not correct, power off the printer, remove the
paper guide assembly, and disconnect the stacker power cable
from the CMX controller board. (See Figure 73, page 381.)
Check the continuity of the stacker power cable between P105
and P106. If the cable fails the continuity test, replace it. If the
cable is OK, replace the CMX controller board.
4. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide assembly.
Disconnect stacker cables from the CMX controller board,
stacker assembly, and the stacker control panel (see Figure 68,
page 376). Check cables for cuts, breaks, or damaged pins.
Check continuity of cables. (See Appendix A.) Replace any
cable that is damaged or fails continuity test. Reconnect all
stacker cables to the CMX controller board, stacker, and stacker
control panel.
5. Power on the printer. Check that the ONLINE indicator lights on
the stacker control panel. If the ONLINE indicator does not light,
replace the stacker control panel.
6. Power on the printer. Check that the ONLINE indicator lights on
the stacker control panel. If the ONLINE indicator does not light,
replace the CMX controller board.


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Stacker chatters at 1. Check for and remove obstructions preventing elevator

upper or lower limit movement.
2. Check for misaligned stacker rails Adjust the stacker rails if they
are not vertical and parallel.
3. Move the elevator up and down by hand. Check that the limit
switches are tripped when elevator reaches top and bottom of
travel. If necessary, gently bend contact arms to adjust limit
switches. If you cannot adjust a switch that requires adjustment,
replace it.
4. Power on the printer. Operate the power stacker. (Refer to the
Operator’s Guide.)
While the stacker is operating, check that:
a) all motors are operating
b) the paddles are rotating
c) the elevator moves smoothly and without obstruction
d) the timing belts are undamaged and the belt pulleys are not
e) the extension springs are attached and undamaged (not bent
or stretched)
f) the drive rollers are not damaged
g) the constant force springs are tightly mounted and
Tighten pulley setscrews and/or replace damaged components
as necessary.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Stacker does not stack 1. Check for and remove obstructions preventing elevator
properly movement.
2. Check for misaligned stacker rails Adjust the stacker rails if they
-or- are not vertical and parallel.

Stacker elevator does 3. Power on the printer. Operate the power stacker. (Refer to the
not move Operator’s Guide.)
While the stacker is operating, check that:
a) all motors are operating
b) the paddles are rotating
c) the elevator moves smoothly and without obstruction
d) the timing belts are undamaged and the belt pulleys are not
e) the extension springs are attached and undamaged (not bent
or stretched)
f) the drive rollers are not damaged
g) the constant force springs are tightly mounted and
Tighten pulley setscrews and/or replace damaged components
as necessary.
4. Check the stacker limit switches. (See page 119.) If the limit
switches are OK, go to the next step.
5. Check the stacker motors. (See page 120.) If the stacker motors
are OK, go to the next step.
6. Remove the paper guide assembly. Disconnect stacker cables
from the CMX controller board, stacker assembly, and the
stacker control panel (see Figure 68, page 376). Check cables
for cuts, breaks, or damaged pins. Check continuity of cables.
(See Appendix A.) Replace any cable that is damaged or fails
continuity test. Reconnect all stacker cables to the CMX
controller board, stacker, and stacker control panel.

Stacker elevator moves 1. Power off the printer. Inspect all stacker LEDs for dust, chaff, or
by itself dirt. (See Figure 92 through Figure 94, page 405 through page
409.) Clean the stacker LEDs and the sight tubes in the LED
2. Power on the printer. If the stacker elevator moves by itself,
replace the stacker LEDs. (See Figure 92 through Figure 94,
page 405 through page 409.)


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Stacker limit switch NOTE: This procedure tests the motion limit switches at the top and
check bottom of the vertical rails. You will usually be referred to
this procedure from other troubleshooting procedures.
When you have completed this procedure, return to the
procedure that sent you here.
1. Power off the printer. Open the rear cabinet door. Unload the
power stacker. Move the elevator up and down by hand,
checking that it moves smoothly and without chattering or
shuddering. Eliminate causes of chattering or shuddering. (E.g.,
loose, damaged, or broken constant force springs, bent or
misaligned rails, obstructions, etc.)
NOTE: If the elevator assembly or the rails are bent or damaged,
you must replace the entire power stacker assembly.
2. Move the elevator up and down by hand. Check that the limit
switches are physically tripped when elevator reaches top and
bottom of travel. If necessary, gently bend the contact arms to
adjust limit switches. If you cannot adjust a switch that requires
adjustment, replace it.
3. a) Unfasten the cable clamp holding the stacker control panel
b) Disconnect stacker rail cable connector P107 from connector
J3 on the back of the stacker control panel. (See Figure 68,
page 376.)
c) Locate pin 1 of connector P107. (See the cable assembly
drawing in Appendix A, page 321.)
d) Check the stacker rail cable and limit switches for continuity
and shorts. Check continuity of the switch when open and
closed. (See the power stacker control panel PCBA pinout
drawing on page 298. STK FULL is the upper limit switch, STK
LIMIT is the bottom switch.)
Replace the stacker rail cable if it is damaged or fails continuity
test. Replace any switch that fails continuity test.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Stacker motor check NOTE: This procedure tests the four stacker motors and their
cables. You will usually be referred to this procedure from
other troubleshooting procedures. When you have
completed this procedure, return to the procedure that sent
you here.
1. a) Power off the printer.
b) Open the rear cabinet door.
c) Unfasten the cable clamp holding the stacker control panel
d) Disconnect stacker rail cable connector P107 from connector
J3 on the back of the stacker control panel. (See Figure 68,
page 376.)
e) Disconnect stacker frame cable connector P102 from
connector J4 on the rear of the stacker control panel. (See
Figure 68, page 376.)
f) Locate pin 1 of connector P102 and connector P107. (See the
cable assembly drawings in Appendix A, page 318 and page
g) Check both cables for pin damage, continuity, and shorts.
Check all motors for 15.2 ± 1.5 Ohms on both phases. (Refer to
the power stacker control panel PCBA pinout drawing on page
2. Replace any cable that is damaged or fails continuity test.
Replace any motor that fails the resistance test.


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Print Quality
Characters or dots are 1. Check the forms thickness lever: if it is set too loose or too tightly
missing, smeared, too print quality can be affected. Set the forms thickness lever to
light, or too dark match the thickness of the paper being used.
2. Check the paper tension between the tractors. Adjust the right
tractor so that it does not pull paper too tightly or leave it too
loose. The right tractor should hold the paper under “slight”
3. Inspect the shuttle frame assembly for print chaff, debris, or ink
residue that could be causing the problem. Clean the shuttle
frame assembly.
4. Check the ribbon for folds or tears. Check that the ribbon guides
are tight and the ribbon tracks straight across them. Rewind or
install new ribbon. If the ribbon does not track straight across the
ribbon guides, adjust the ribbon guides. If the ribbon guides are
loose, tighten them. If the ribbon guides are damaged, replace
5. Power off the printer. Remove the shuttle cover. Remove the
shuttle frame assembly. Inspect the ribbon mask for bends or
deformation that adversely affect paper feeding. Make sure the
hammer bank cover assembly is correctly installed on its
mounting pegs. Check the shuttle frame assembly for broken
hammer springs, hammer tips, or contaminations. Replace any
damaged hammer spring assemblies. Replace the hammer
bank cover assembly if it is deformed or damaged.
6. Inspect the paper ironer. If the paper ironer has slipped up into
the print line, reposition the paper ironer.
7. Check and adjust the platen gap.
8. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. Make
sure connectors P105 and P108 have good connections on the
CMX controller board. Make sure connectors P04 and P05 have
good connections at the shuttle frame assembly.
9. Print out the configuration. (Refer to the User’s Manual.) Call
support to confirm the correct microcode levels, especially the
DC and EC levels. If the code levels are incorrect, download the
correct microcode (page 175) and reload the flash memory
(page 176).
10. On 475 lpm and 500 lpm printers, check the shuttle speed (page
182). Adjust the shuttle speed as necessary to match the
printer’s rated speed.
11. Power on the printer. If the problem still occurs, replace the
hammer bank logic cable and the hammer bank power cable.
12. Power on the printer. If the problem still occurs, replace the
shuttle frame assembly.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Characters or dots are 13. Power on the printer. If the problem still occurs, replace the
missing, smeared, too power supply board.
light, or too dark 14. Power on the printer. If the problem still occurs, replace the CMX
(continued) controller board.

Horizontal misalignment 1. Take the printer offline and print a test pattern of All H’s. If
of characters (Dots or characters shift left or right from line to line, there might be a
characters move left or proportional spacing problem. If the pattern of H’s prints
right from dot row to dot correctly (i.e., the columns line up), contact your support group
row or line to line) or configuration help desk, because a configuration change may
be necessary. If the pattern of H’s did not print OK, go to the
next step.
2. Check and adjust hammer phasing.
3. If the printer is a model 6400-004, -04P, -005, or -05P, check the
shuttle speed setting (page 182).
4. Inspect the shuttle frame assembly area for ink residue, paper
chaff, or debris. Clean the shuttle frame assembly.
5. Check the MPU gap. Using a feeler gauge, adjust the gap
between the MPU assembly and the flywheel to 0.010 ± .001
inch (0.254 ± 0.025 mm). Torque the
7/16 inch MPU clamp screw to 18 ± 1 inch-pounds (2.03 ± 0.11
6. Power up the printer. Run a print test. If the symptom is not
gone, replace the MPU.
7. Power up the printer. Run a print test. If the symptom is not
gone, replace the CMX controller board.
8. Power up the printer. Run a print test. If the symptom is not
gone, replace the shuttle frame assembly.


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Randomly misplaced 1. Power off the printer. Check and adjust the platen gap.
dots 2. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. On the
left rear wall of the card cage, make sure the nut which secures
the line filter ground line and the AC-In Power Supply cable
leads to the ground stud is tight. (See Figure 53, page 280.)
3. Disconnect the AC power cord and check the ground leads for
continuity. Replace the AC power cord if it fails continuity test.
4. Make sure the printer is plugged in to a grounded power outlet.
Power up the printer. Run a print test. If the problem occurs,
replace the hammer bank logic cable.
5. Power up the printer. Run a print test. If the problem occurs,
replace the flash memory with pre-written flash and replace the
DRAM. (See Table 8 and Table 9 on page 219 and Figure 35 on
page 220.) Load the emulation software again.
6. Power up the printer. Run a print test. If the problem occurs,
replace the CMX controller board.
7. Power up the printer. Run a print test. If the problem occurs,
replace the power supply board.
8. Power up the printer. Run a print test. If the problem occurs,
replace the shuttle frame assembly.

Vertical misalignment of 1. Load paper. Press Form Feed and check that paper feeds
characters: smoothly. Press View to verify that paper moves in both
1. Dots or characters directions. Check the forms thickness lever: if it is set too loose
move up or down from or too tightly print quality can be affected. Set the forms
dot row to dot row or line thickness lever to match the thickness of the paper being used.
to line 2. Check the paper feed motor pulley for looseness. Hold the collar
2. Incorrect spacing from snug against the motor pulley and torque the 7/64 inch setscrew
dot row to dot row or line to 25 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.82 ± 0.23 N•m).
to line
3. Characters randomly 3. Check and adjust the paper feed timing belt. Replace the belt if it
compressed and/or is damaged.
enlarged 4. Check and adjust the platen gap.
5. Inspect the tractors and tractor door springs for damage or
excessive wear. If either tractor is damaged or excessively worn,
replace both tractor assemblies.
6. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. Make
sure connector P107/PAPR M is fully seated in connector J107
on the CMX controller board.
7. Power on the printer. Load paper. Run a print test. If the problem
occurs, replace the paper feed motor.
8. Run a print test. If the problem occurs, replace the CMX
controller board.
9. Run a print test. If the problem occurs, replace the power supply


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Printer Operation

Downloads consistently NOTE: Most download problems are detected by software during
fail the procedure and communicated by LCD messages. If
downloads fail consistently with no messages or with erratic
messages, suspect a hardware failure.
1. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide assembly or
pedestal top cover. Check the I/O cable connections from the
host to the printer. Check the parallel cable connection at J112
on the CMX controller board. Inspect all cables for damaged,
bent, broken, or burnt pins. Replace any damaged cables.
Reconnect all I/O cables; make sure all connections are clean
and tight.
2. Remove the flash SIMMs. Inspect the flash SIMM sockets on the
CMX controller board. If any socket pins are bent or damaged,
replace the CMX controller board.
3. Check that customer has the right size SIMMs for the emulation.
(See Figure 35, page 220.) Install SIMMs that support the
emulation software.
4. Power up the printer. Download the emulation. If the download
fails, activate the Boot Diagnostics Menu (page 137) and run
MISC UTILITIES / RUN MEMORY TESTS. If memory fails test,
replace the DRAM. If memory tests OK, replace the flash
memory with pre-written flash. (See Table 8 and Table 9 on
page 219 and Figure 35 on page 220.)
5. Power up the printer. Download the emulation. If the download
fails, replace the CMX controller board.

Flash SIMM won’t copy 1. Power off the printer. Remove the flash SIMMs. Inspect the flash
SIMM sockets on the CMX controller board. If any SIMM socket
pins are bent or damaged, replace the CMX controller board.
2. Make sure the blank SIMM is the same size as the SIMM to be
copied. Install the SIMMs, making sure they are fully and
correctly seated. Power on the printer. From the Boot
Diagnostics menu, select and run MISC UTILITIES / COPY
DETECTED message appears, the blank SIMM is not a type
supported by the boot code on the original SIMM. If SOURCE
LARGER THAN DESTINATION appears, the blank SIMM is not
large enough to contain the code on the original SIMM. If the
SIMM does not copy or the ERROR WRITING TO FLASH
message appears, replace the blank SIMM.
3. Power on the printer. From the Boot Diagnostics menu, select
SIMM does not copy, replace the CMX controller board.


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Paper feeds poorly 1. Check the forms thickness lever: if it is set too tightly paper
feeding can be affected. Set the forms thickness lever to match
the thickness of the paper being used.
2. Power off the printer. Remove paper. Inspect the paper feed
path for obstructions that could snag paper. Clear paper feed
path of any obstructions.
3. Inspect the tractors and tractor door springs for damage or
excessive wear. If either tractor is damaged or excessively worn,
replace both tractor assemblies.
4. Check the paper feed motor pulley for looseness. Hold the collar
snug against the motor pulley and torque the 7/64 inch setscrew
to 25 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.82 ± 0.23 N•m).
5. Check and adjust the paper feed timing belt. Replace the belt if it
is damaged.
6. Check and adjust the platen gap.
7. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. Make
sure connector P107/PAPR M is fully seated in connector J107
on the CMX controller board.
8. Power on the printer. Load paper. Press Form Feed and View
several times and check that paper moves in both directions.
Replace the paper feed motor if paper does not move in both
9. Power on the printer. Press Form Feed and View several times
and check that paper moves in both directions. Replace the
CMX controller board if paper does not move in both directions.
Printer does not print 1. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide assembly or
self tests pedestal top cover. Disconnect the control panel cable from
connector J110 on the CMX controller board. Disconnect the
control panel cable from the control panel. Check continuity of
the control panel cable assembly. Replace the control panel
cable assembly if it fails continuity test.
2. Connect the control panel cable assembly to J110 on the CMX
controller board and to the control panel. Power on the printer.
Load paper. Run a self test. If the self test does not run, replace
the control panel assembly.
3. Power on the printer. Run a self test. If the self test does not run,
replace the CMX controller board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Reverse paper feed: 1. Raise the forms thickness lever and check that the platen opens.
platen does not open If the platen opens with difficulty, inspect for and remove jams or
2. Check the platen open pulley and the platen pulley for
looseness. Bottom out the platen open motor pulley on the
motor shaft and torque the 1/16 inch set screw to 9 ± 2 inch-
pounds (1.02 ± 0.23 N•m). Tighten the 7/64 inch setscrew in the
platen shaft pulley, then open and close the forms thickness
lever and check that the platen pulley setscrew does not hit the
left ribbon guide.
3. Check and adjust the platen open belt. Replace the belt if it is
4. Check and adjust the platen gap.
5. Power off the printer. Remove the paper guide assembly.
Disconnect connector P106 from the CMX controller board.
Check the resistance of connector P106/PLAT M. (Refer to the
Main Wire Harness Test Tables on page 291.) Replace the
platen open motor if it fails the resistance test.
6. Power on the printer. Press Form Feed and View several times
and check that paper moves in both directions. Replace the
CMX controller board if the platen does not open during paper


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

TOF is lost repeatedly 1. Check that the customer is setting the forms length to match the
size paper used. Set the forms length to match the length of
paper being used.
2. If the customer is using multi-part forms, check that the forms
thickness lever is not being set too tightly. Set the forms
thickness lever to match the thickness of paper and provide
satisfactory print quality, but not too tightly.
3. Check the paper feed motor pulley for looseness. Make sure the
correct pulley is being used: it should have 25 teeth. Hold the
collar snug against the motor pulley and torque the 7/64 inch
setscrew to 25 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.82 ± 0.23 N•m). Replace the
paper feed pulley if it does not have 25 teeth.
4. Check and adjust the paper feed timing belt. Replace the belt if it
is damaged.
5. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. Make
sure connector P107/PAPR M is fully seated in connector J107
on the CMX controller board. Connect P107/PAPR M to J107 on
the CMX controller board.
6. Power on the printer. Load paper and set TOF. Press Form
Feed and View several times and check that paper returns to
TOF. Replace the paper feed motor if paper does not return to
7. Power on the printer. Press Form Feed and View several times
and check that paper returns to TOF. Replace the CMX
controller board if paper does not return to TOF.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action


Ribbon folding or feed 1. Check that both ribbon spools are fully seated on the ribbon
problems hubs and the ribbon runs between the ribbon mask and hammer
bank cover. Install the ribbon correctly.
2. Check that the ribbon spools are not rubbing against the shuttle
cover assembly. Install the shuttle cover assembly correctly, so
that the ribbon spools do not rub against it.
3. Inspect the paper print path for paper chaff, ink residue, and
debris. Clean the shuttle frame assembly.
4. Power on the printer. Run a print test and observe ribbon
movement across the left and right ribbon guides. Adjust the
right and left ribbon guides.
5. Observe ribbon movement at both left and right ribbon posts as
the metal end strip crosses each ribbon post. If the metal strip
moves past either post without reversing the direction of the
ribbon, power down the printer. Remove the paper guide
assembly or pedestal top cover. Reseat connectors P106/LRP
and P107/RRP on the CMX controller board.
6. While shorting across each ribbon post with the ribbon metal
strip or a screwdriver, check for continuity in connector P106/
LRP pins 10 and 12, and connector P107/RRP pins 14 and 16.
(Refer to the Main Wire Harness Test Tables on page 291.)
Replace a ribbon post that fails the continuity test.
7. Check and adjust the platen gap.


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General Symptom List

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Shuttle does not move 1. Power down the printer. Remove the shuttle cover. Adjust the
gap between the MPU assembly and the flywheel to 0.010 ±
.001 inch (0.254 ± 0.025 mm). Torque the 7/16 inch MPU clamp
screw to 18 ± 1 inch-pounds (2.03 ± 0.11 N•m).
2. Check that the MPU cable is connected to J03 on the
mechanism base. Check that the shuttle motor cable is
connected to J02 on the mechanism base.
3. Remove the paper guide assembly or pedestal top cover. Check
that the shuttle motor drive cable is connected to J116 on the
CMX controller board.
4. Check and adjust the platen gap.
5. Inspect the ribbon mask for bends or deformation that snag and
interfere with shuttle movement. Make sure the hammer bank
cover assembly is correctly installed on its mounting pegs.
Reinstall the hammer bank cover assembly. Replace a
damaged or deformed hammer bank cover assembly.
6. Check continuity of the shuttle motor drive cable assembly.
Replace shuttle motor drive cable assembly if it fails continuity
7. Power up the printer. Run a Shuttle Slow or Shuttle Fast test. If
the shuttle does not move, replace the shuttle frame assembly.
8. Power up the printer. Run a Shuttle Slow or Shuttle Fast test. If
the shuttle does not move, replace the power supply board.
9. Power up the printer. Run a Shuttle Slow or Shuttle Fast test. If
the shuttle does not move, replace the CMX controller board.


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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Other Symptoms

Table 5. General Symptom List

Symptom Corrective Action

Shuttle is noisy 1. Check the bolts securing the mechanism base to the base pan.
Tighten the mechanism base mounting bolts if they are loose
enough to permit movement of the mechanism base.
2. Remove the shuttle cover. Check the shuttle frame assembly
mounting/clamp screws for looseness. Torque the 5/32 inch
socket head clamp screws to 20 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.26 ± 0.23
N•m). Torque the center captive 5/32 inch socket head screw to
20 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.26 ± 0.23 N•m).
3. Inspect the shuttle area for loose hardware. Tighten loose
4. Check that the hammer bank cover assembly is correctly
installed, that it has not slipped off the mounting pegs. Check
that the ribbon mask has not partially separated from the
hammer bank cover. Check for debris trapped between the
ribbon mask, hammer bank cover, and hammer bank. Clean the
shuttle frame assembly and hammer bank cover assembly if you
find debris. Replace the hammer bank cover assembly if you
find any damage to the ribbon mask or hammer bank cover.
5. Power up the printer. Run a shuttle test. Replace the shuttle
frame assembly if it is noisy or rattles.


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General Symptom List

Communications Failures
Many host-printer communications problems are complex. With the exception
of a defective interface cable, most communications problems are not a result
of a hardware failure. They usually result from an incompatible configuration
of the host computer system, network (LAN, print server, controller,
multiplexer, etc.), or the printer. Sometimes the print application program itself
is at fault.
If you have limited communications background experience, and the cause of
the problem is not readily apparent, do the following:
1. Print out the printer configuration.
2. Obtain a copy of the Device Host Configuration if possible.
3. Call your support group for assistance in problem analysis.
If you cannot obtain support, or you have previous experience solving host-
printer communications problems, the following additional information is
You can quickly check the ASCII portion of the printer logic by sending a plain
text file from a PC to the printer via the parallel or serial port. For a description
of each of the ASCII interfaces, refer to the Setup Guide.

Table 6. Common Communications Problems

Problem Interface Common Causes

Fails to print from host parallel - Interface cable defective

-or- - Host/Network configuration
Prints incorrect characters - Printer logic
-or- - Terminating Resistors
Prints extra characters
Drops characters

serial - Host/Printer interface cable pinouts incompatible

- Host/Printer/Network configuration
- Set DTR and RTS both True
- Interface cable defective
- Printer logic

twinax - Interface cable defective

- Host-Printer definition
- Controller/Network configuration
- Printer logic

coax - Interface cable defective

- Controller/Network configuration
- Printer logic

Ethernet - Interface cable defective

- Host/Printer/Network configuration
- Printer logic


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Chapter 5 Operator Print Tests

Operator Print Tests

A set of print tests is included in the configuration menu structure for use as
diagnostic tools. These are called the “Operator Print Tests” because they are
available to the user. You can use these print tests to check the print quality
and basic operation of the printer.
The Operator Print Tests are summarized below.
NOTE: Under the description of some tests is a list of items that may need to
be adjusted or replaced if the test produces a bad print pattern. The
items are listed in the order you should check them: simplest items
first, complex items last.
• Printer Demonstration Prints a sample page showing every print mode,
font, and pitch available in the printer.
• Print Error Log Prints the contents of the error log. The error log
automatically records certain unit check conditions in a buffer in NVRAM
that stores up to 50 messages. The most recent message is stored at the
top of the list, the oldest message at the bottom of the list. If more than 50
messages occur before the log is cleared, the oldest messages are
deleted, so that the log never contains more than 50 messages.
• Ripple Print A “sliding” alphanumeric pattern useful for identifying
missing or malformed characters, improper vertical alignment, or vertical
Hammer bank cover
Hammer spring
Shuttle frame assembly
• All E’s A pattern of all uppercase letter E’s useful for identifying missing
characters, misplaced dots, smeared characters, improper phasing, or
light/dark character variations.
Splined shaft skew adjustment
Hammer bank cover
MPU sensor
Hammer springs
Hammer coils (shuttle frame assembly)
• All H’s A pattern of all uppercase letter H’s useful for detecting missing
characters or dots, smeared characters, or improper phasing.
Hammer bank cover
MPU sensor
Hammer springs
Hammer coils (shuttle frame assembly)
• All E’s + FF A pattern of all E’s repeated for ten lines and followed by a
form feed to the top of the next page. This test is useful for identifying
paper motion or paper feed problems.
Hammer bank cover
Power supply board
Paper motion sensor or cable
Paper feed belt or motor


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Selecting And Running Tests

Splined shaft bearings

Tractors or tractor belts
• Underlines An underline pattern useful for identifying hammer bank
Hammer bank cover
Hammer tips
Paper feed belt or motor
Splined shaft bearings
Tractor bearings or belts

Selecting And Running Tests

To run Operator Print Tests you use the printer configuration menus, as
shown below:

Step Press Displayed Result Notes

1. Install the ribbon, load paper, and power on the printer.

2. NOT READY Printer must be in NOT

Stop READY mode to access
the tests.

3. OPERATOR MENU Unlocking ENTER key

Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ UNLOCKED allows you to test the

4. OPERATOR MENU First of series of

Menu PRINTER CONTROL configuration menus.

5. OPERATOR MENU Advances to the Operator

Scroll↑ UNTIL OPERATOR PRINT TESTS Printer Tests menu.

6. OPERATOR PRINT TESTS Advances to first option in

Operator Printer Tests

7. OPERATOR PRINT TESTS Cycles through list of

Scroll↑ UNTIL [TEST NAME] tests. Stop when your test

8. Enter
OPERATOR PRINT TESTS The test you selected
[TEST NAME] starts printing.

9. NOT READY The printer test stops



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Chapter 5 Customer Engineer (CE) Tests

Customer Engineer (CE) Tests

A set of printer tests is included in the configuration menu structure for use as
maintenance tools. These are called “Customer Engineer Tests” (CE Tests)
because they are for your use; they are not available to the user through his
documentation. You will use these tests in various troubleshooting and
adjustment procedures.

NOTE: * = Default Value

CE Tests



Burn In Test 1 -1000 4 - 76, 40* Enter key activates.

Plot Test NOTE: Value is numeric Unit of dot measurement
Shuttle Only unit only. Test defined on is dot rows. Procedure on
Shuttle Slow page 135. Procedure on page 169.
Shuttle Fast page 173.
Hammer Phasing
End of Forms Adjust



ENABLE* 5.25 to 5.75 inches in 475 Procedure on page 181.

DISABLE increments of 0.01 500*
inch. Procedure on page 182.


Procedure on page Procedure on page

207. 183.

Figure 18. CE Tests Menu

The CE Tests shown in Figure 18 are summarized below:

Printer Mechanism Tests:

• Burn In Test Use of this test is not recommended. This test is used by
the manufacturer to burn in the printer prior to shipment, and has no value
as a maintenance tool.
• Plot Test Prints all dot positions, creating a solid black band. Exercises
the shuttle and hammer bank at maximum capacity.
Power Supply board
Hammer bank cover


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Selecting And Running Tests

Hammer springs
Hammer coils (the shuttle frame assembly)
• Shuttle Only This test runs only the shuttle.
• Shuttle Slow Verifies proper operation by exercising the shuttle and
ribbon mechanisms at low speed. You can also use this test to check
ribbon tracking and reversing.
• Shuttle Fast Verifies proper operation by exercising the shuttle and
ribbon mechanisms at high speed. You can also use this test to check
ribbon tracking and reversing.
• Hammer Phasing A hammer timing parameter that permits you to adjust
the vertical alignment of dots in character printing.
• End of Forms Adjust A vertical comb pattern used to determine the
number of dot rows from the completion of a paper out fault to the end of
the paper.

Hammer Phase Value:

The hammer phase value is a timing parameter that permits you to adjust the
vertical alignment of dots in character printing. The numerical units are
relative; they do not represent a physical measurement or value. There is no
“correct” value or range.
The factory prints the initial phase value on the aluminum casting of the
shuttle assembly, next to the motor housing. Use this value as your starting
point when adjusting hammer phasing.

End of Forms Adjustment Value:

This parameter determines where on the paper the printer will stop printing
when an out of paper fault is detected. The unit of measurement is dot rows.
The number of dot rows may be adjusted up or down 1/2 inch from the factory
default of 40 dots.

Clear Error Log:

This menu selection enables you to delete the stored contents of the error log.
The error log automatically records certain unit check conditions in a buffer in
NVRAM that stores up to 50 messages. The most recent message is stored at
the top of the list, the oldest message at the bottom of the list. If more than 50
messages occur before the log is cleared, the oldest messages are deleted,
so that the log never contains more than 50 messages.

Print Partial Line:

If the final line of a data stream has no line feed or carriage return character it
is retained in the buffer. DISABLE holds the line in the buffer; ENABLE
permits the line to be printed after a timeout.


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Chapter 5 Customer Engineer (CE) Tests

Top Exit Tear Distance:

This parameter allows adjustment in 0.01 inch increments of the final location
of page perforations when top paper exit is used.

Shuttle Speed:
Sets shuttle speed in 6400-004, -04P, -005, and -05P printers. See page 182.

Set Coil Temperature:

An automatic sequence in printer software that recalibrates hammer coil
temperature. This procedure applies only to 6400-014 and 6400-15 printers.
See page 181.

Selecting And Running CE Tests

To run CE Tests you use the printer configuration menus, as shown below:

Step Press Displayed Result Notes

1. Install the ribbon, load paper, and power on the printer.

2. NOT READY Printer must be in NOT

Stop READY mode to access
the tests.

3. SERVICE Press all four keys at the

same time.

Return + Enter

4. PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS Press Enter to view the

Enter Burn In Test
different mechanism

5. PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS Cycles through list of

Scroll↑ UNTIL Plot Test
tests. Stop when your test

6. OPERATOR MENU Unlocking ENTER key

Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ UNLOCKED allows you to test the

7. Enter
Plot Test The test you selected
Running starts printing. See
Chapter 6 for instructions
in the use of the Hammer
Phasing and End of
Forms Adjust tests.


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Boot Diagnostics Menu

Step Press Displayed Result Notes

8. NOT READY Stop halts the test, exits

Stop -OR- Start
the menu, and puts the
printer in the NOT
READY state. Start halts
the test, exits the menu,
and puts the printer in the
READY state.

Boot Diagnostics Menu

Printer boot-up software contains a menu structure that you can access by
holding down the Eject/Restore and Stop keys while powering up the printer.
These menus are not intended for the end user, but provide useful information
for manufacturing and maintenance personnel. The boot diagnostic menu
structure is depicted in Figure 19.

Activating The Boot Diagnostic Menu

1. Set the printer power switch to O (off).
2. Press and hold down the Eject/Restore and Stop keys.
3. While holding the Eject/Restore and Stop keys, set the printer power
switch to 1 (on).
4. When “BOOT DIAGNOSTICS / PRESS ENTER” appears on the LCD,
release the Eject/Restore and Stop keys.
5. Press the Enter key. Menu options are shown in Figure 19.

Exiting The Boot Diagnostic Menu

Method 1: Reset the printer from the Menu
1. Using the directional keys, move to the MISC UTILITIES / RESET
PRINTER menu option. (See menu map on page 138.)
2. Press the ENTER key.
Method 2: Cycle power
1. Power off the printer.
2. Wait 15 seconds.
3. Power on the printer.


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Chapter 5 Customer Engineer (CE) Tests

PRESS ENTER > = Scroll↓ key







12Sep95 #158945 11:41:08 07Sep95 #154643 MECA VERSION=F





3.0 154143-001 68E030 AT 25 MHZ


Continued on
ENTER next page





FREE = 0012473 > # ERASES = 000073 > # OF FILES = 000 > USED = 0002048 > DELETED = 0000000

Figure 19. Boot Diagnostics Menu


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Boot Diagnostics Menu

MISC UTILITIES > = Scroll↓ key
From previous
page ENTER









NOTE: You must

cycle power to exit
the file download

PORT = CENTRONIC > PORT = RS232-9600 > PORT = RS232-19.2K > PORT = RS232-38.4K > PORT = RS232-115K >

PORT = CENTRONIC PORT = RS232-9600 PORT = RS232-19.2K PORT = RS232-38.4K PORT = RS232-115K

PORT = RS422-9600 > PORT = RS422-19.2K > PORT = RS422-38.4K > PORT = RS422-115K > PORT =DATAPRODUCT


PORT = RS422-9600 PORT = RS422-19.2K PORT = RS422-38.4K PORT = RS422-115K PORT =DATAPRODUCT

Figure 19. Boot Diagnostics Menu (continued)


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Chapter 5 Hex Code Printout

Hex Code Printout

A hex code printout (“hex dump”) prints every ASCII character received from
the host computer with its corresponding two-digit hexadecimal code. Hex
dumps can be used to troubleshoot printer data reception problems by
comparing the printed hex data to the data sent from the host.
In a hex dump, every character is printed as its assigned ASCII symbol and
as the hexadecimal value of the character. A character that does not have a
printed symbol (for example, a control character) is printed as a period (.) and
the hex value of the control character.
If the printer is using a parallel interface, the letter p before a hex code
indicates an active Paper Instruction (PI) line and a blank space before a hex
code indicates an inactive PI line.
To convert an ASCII character to its corresponding hex code, or vice-versa,
refer to the ASCII code chart on page 142.

Step Press Displayed Result Notes

1. Install the ribbon, load paper, and power on the printer.

2. NOT READY Puts printer in NOT

Stop READY mode.

3. OPERATOR MENU Unlocking ENTER key

Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ UNLOCKED gives you access to the
configuration menus.

4. OPERATOR MENU First of series of

Menu PRINTER CONTROL configuration menus.

5. PRINTER CONTROL Moves down to Interface

Enter INTERFACE SELECTION Selection option.

6. PRINTER CONTROL Moves down to the Hex

Scroll↑ UNTIL HEX PRINT MODE Print Mode option.

7. Enter
HEX PRINT MODE Moves down to Disable,
DISABLE* the active option.

8. HEX PRINT MODE Moves to Enable, the

Scroll↑ ENABLE alternate option.

9. HEX PRINT MODE Asterisk (*) indicates this

Enter ENABLE* choice is now active.

10. NOT READY Returns printer to NOT

Stop READY mode.


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Boot Diagnostics Menu

Step Press Displayed Result Notes

11. OPERATOR MENU Relocks the ENTER key.

Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ UNLOCKED

12. READY Puts printer in READY

Start mode.

13. Send a file from the host computer. The printer outputs a hex dump. Refer
to the ASCII chart on page 142.

14. When the hex dump is complete, take the printer offline and change the
Hex Dump Mode back to Disable. Follow the steps outlined above and
select Disable.


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Chapter 5 ASCII Character Set

ASCII Character Set

The ASCII character set is shown below in chart form.

B7 0
B6 0
B5 1
KEY B4 B3 B2 B1
33 OCTAL equivalent
1 0 1 1 ESC 27 DECIMAL equivalent
1B HEX equivalent
ASCII Character Name
B7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
B6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
B5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
B4 B3 B2 B1 ROW 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 20 40 60 100 120 140 160
0 0 0 0 0 NUL 0 DLE 16 SP 32 0 48 @ 64 P 80 96 p 112
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
1 21 41 61 101 121 141 161
0 0 0 1 1 SOH 1
DC1 17
! 33
1 49
A 65
Q 81
a 97
q 113
1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71
2 22 42 62 102 122 142 162
0 0 1 0 2 STX 2 DC2 18 " 34 2 50 B 66 R 82 b 98 r 114
2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72
3 23 43 63 103 123 143 163
0 0 1 1 3 ETX 3
DC3 19 # 35 3 51 C 67 S 83 c 99 s 115
3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73
4 24 44 64 104 124 144 164
0 1 0 0 4 EOT 4 DC4 20 $ 36 4 52 D 68 T 84 d 100 t 116
4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74
5 25 45 65 105 125 145 165
0 1 0 1 5 ENQ 5 NAK 21 % 37 5 53 E 69 U 85 e 101 u 117
5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
6 26 46 66 106 126 146 166
0 1 1 0 6 ACK 6 SYN 22 & 38 6 54 F 70 V 86 f 102 v 118
6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76
7 27 47 67 107 127 147 167
0 1 1 1 7 BEL 7 ETB 23 ’ 39 7 55 G 71 W 87 g 103 w 119
7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77
10 30 50 70 110 130 150 170
1 0 0 0 8 BS 8 CAN 24 ( 40 8 56 H 72 X 88 h 104 x 120
8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78
11 31 51 71 111 131 151 171
1 0 0 1 9 HT 9 EM 25 ) 41 9 57 I 73 Y 89 i 105 y 121
9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79
12 32 52 72 112 132 152 172
1 0 1 0 10 LF 10
SUB 26
* 42
: 58
J 74
Z 90
j 106
z 122
13 33 53 73 113 133 153 173
1 0 1 1 11 VT 11 ESC 27 + 43 ; 59 K 75 [ 91 k 107 { 123
0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B
14 34 54 74 114 134 154 174
1 1 0 0 12 FF 12 FS 28 44 < 60 L 76 \ 92 l 108 | 124
0C 1C , 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C
15 35 55 75 115 135 155 175
1 1 0 1
13 CR 13 GS 29 - 45 = 61 M 77 ] 93 m 109 } 125
0D 1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D
16 36 56 76 116 136 156 176
1 1 1 0 14 SO 14 RS 30 . 46 > 62 N 78 ^ 94 n 110 ~ 126
0E 1E 2E 3E 4E 5E 6E 7E
17 37 57 77 117 137 157 177
1 1 1 1 15 SI 15 US 31 / 47 ? 63 O 79 _ 95 o 111 DEL 127
0F 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F 7F


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Boot Diagnostics Menu

Printer Information Menu

You can view various printer statistics, such as hours of usage, and refer to
these figures for preventive maintenance purposes. Printer statistics
accumulate continuously; they do not reset when you power off the printer.
All of the printer statistics are set to zero at the factory after burn-in testing.


Installed Memory Power On Time Printing Time 11 Inch Pages

To view options, press:

Scroll↑ Scroll↓ Enter Return

To select an option, press: Enter

To exit the configuration menus and

return to READY, press:
* = Factory Default

Figure 20. Printer Information Menu

Installed Memory
Displays the amount of RAM in Megabytes installed in the printer.

Power-on Time
The cumulative time in hours that the printer has been powered on. The range
is 0 to 30,000 hours.

Printing Time
The cumulative time in hours that the printer has actually been printing. The
range is 0 to 30,000 hours.

Print Strokes
The cumulative number of back-and-forth shuttle strokes the printer has made
during normal operation. The range is 0 to 4,000,000,000 shuttle strokes.

11 Inch Pages
The cumulative number of pages the printer has printed. The range is 0 to
363,000,000 pages.


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Chapter 5 Printer Information Menu

Displaying Printer Information

You obtain printer information by using the configuration menus, as follows:

Step Press Displayed Result Notes

1. Install the ribbon, load paper, and power on the printer.

2. NOT READY Puts printer in NOT

Stop READY mode.

3. OPERATOR MENU Unlocking ENTER key

Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ UNLOCKED gives you access to the
configuration menus.

4. OPERATOR MENU First of series of

Menu PRINTER CONTROL configuration menus.

5. OPERATOR MENU Advances to the Printer

Scroll↑ UNTIL PRINTER INFORMATION Information menu.

6. Enter
PRINTER INFORMATION Advances to the first of
INSTALLED MEMORY the Printer Information

7. PRINTER INFORMATION Stop when the menu you

Scroll↑ [MENU NAME] want is displayed.

8. [MENU NAME] Your selection displays

Enter [STATISTICS OR INFO] the information.

9. NOT READY Returns printer to NOT

Stop READY mode.


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Soft Reset

Soft vs. Hard Reset

Resetting the printer returns it to a previous configuration. There are two kinds
of reset.

Soft Reset
A soft(ware) reset clears printer memory then loads the power-up
configuration into memory. (The procedure for saving configurations is
described in the Setup Guide.) It is called a soft reset because no hardware is
tested. All diagnostic and initialization tests are bypassed and memory is
simply refreshed with the power-up printer configuration.
Put the printer in the NOT READY state to do a soft reset:
1. Press the Stop key to put the printer in the NOT READY state.
2. Press the Stop + Enter keys.
The LCD displays “STANDBY...”, “SOFT RESET” while the printer loads
the power-up configuration.

Hard Reset (“Cycle Power”)

A hard(ware) reset is a power shutdown and restart that runs all initialization
and diagnostic routines. This is also called “cycling power.”
1. Set the printer power switch to O (off).
2. Wait 15 seconds.
3. Set the printer power switch to 1 (on).
NOTE: A hard printer reset causes the +48V power supply (fans, motors,
etc.) to shut down in 1 to 5 seconds, depending on the amount of
memory installed on the controller board.


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Chapter 5 The Power On Sequence

The Power On Sequence

This section describes the normal sequence of events from the time the
power switch is set to 1 until READY (or NOT READY, if so configured by the
user) appears on the LCD.
Use this sequence as a reference baseline to help you isolate problems that
occur before the printer completes its boot and initialization routines.
The power on sequence consists of two sets of routines:
1. CMX controller board handshake sequences (DC hardware initialization)
2. DC software initialization and power up
The routines are listed below, in order of occurrence.

CMX Controller Board Handshake Sequences

The first power-up routines are the handshaking sequences which sample
and test the condition of the CMX controller board. The sequences occur as
• Processor Alive — The green LED marked CR1 on the CMX controller
board is turned on to indicate that the processor received a valid reset
vector and the first instructions to the processor are correct. This LED is
used to report all DC errors and states.
• Test VX Data Bus — A walking zero and one test verifies that all 32 data
lines from the VX bus to the processor are connected. If a bad line is
detected, a 4-1-1-XX blink code is sent to the LED on the CMX controller,
where XX is the data line plus 1. (For example, a bad data line 8 would
blink as 4-1-1-9.)
• Initialize VX ASIC — The boot code detects the processor type and sets
up the internal registers of the VX ASIC.
• Initialize Debug Serial Port — The boot code checks the validity of the
debug serial parameters in NVRAM; if they are valid, it sets the baud rate,
data type, and which messages should be sent out the debug port. If the
values in NVRAM are not valid, boot code initializes NVRAM to 9600
baud, 8 data bits, one stop, bit, no parity bit, and standard messages.
• Turn On Instruction Cache — The instruction cache is turned on to help
speed up memory tests and the entire boot process.
• Enable DRAM Controller — A DRAM controller is built into the VX ASIC.
DRAM must be refreshed a few times to operate correctly. To speed the
boot process, the refresh rate is temporarily increased. The message
“TESTING HARDWARE PLEASE WAIT” is sent to the LCD, during which
time the refreshes run and finish. At this point, the fans start. After
sending the message, the refresh rate is set to the proper rate and DRAM
is ready to be tested.
• Test I/O Clock — The VX ASIC has two clocks for internal timing, a
processor clock and an I/O clock. The processor clock cannot be checked
because the processor will not run without it, but the I/O clock can be
checked. The I/O clock is used for sending data to the operator panel and
to get the time for DRAM refreshes. If the boot code detects a problem


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CMX Controller Board Handshake Sequences

with the I/O clock, the error blink code 4-3-4 is sent to the diagnostic LED
on the CMX board.
• Read Operator Panel Keys — The operator panel keys are read to
determine if the user is requesting that the printer be placed in download
mode, diagnostic mode, or debug SIMM disabled. If Cancel and Start are
pressed during start-up, the printer is placed in download mode. If Eject/
Restore and Stop are pressed during start-up, the printer is placed in
diagnostic mode. If any other combination of keys are pressed, the debug
SIMM is disabled. Key states are put in an internal register in the VX
• Detect DRAM — The VX ASIC supports up to four banks of DRAM
totalling up to 32 Megabytes. Boot code detects how much DRAM is
located in each bank, and relocates the banks to create one contiguous
block of DRAM. The size and location of each bank is then displayed on
the debug terminal through the debug serial port.
• Test DRAM — DRAM is tested by writing a pseudo–random number
sequence to all the DRAM, then reading the pattern back to verify it
against what was originally written. If an error is detected, the message
“ERROR: DRAM AT ADDRESS XXXXXXXX” is displayed on the LCD.
When finished, the DRAM test sets all memory to zero.
• Inform the EC Processor — The first 8 Kilobytes of DRAM are reserved
for the EC processor, which must be notified when DRAM is ready to be
used. This is done by putting the message “DCS1” in the ECDC
communications register in the VX ASIC.
• Detect Ethernet Adapter — An Ethernet adapter must be detected early
in the power up sequence so the printer can tell the adapter it has been
detected and continue with its own power up sequence. An Ethernet
adapter takes a long time to complete its internal diagnostic tests, so the
boot code allows the adapter to power up in parallel with the printer to
reduce its effect on overall boot time.
• Load Boot Messages — The boot code scans flash memory for OEM
boot messages and loads them into DRAM. The manufacturer’s boot
code is the same for all OEMs, and contains a set of default messages.
Boot messages for specific OEMs are stored in the DC code, not the boot
• Load Boot Code into DRAM — Flash memory cannot be accessed
while flash is being detected, cleared, or programmed. This prevents boot
code from running in flash because the opcodes cannot be fetched. This
is solved by copying the program into DRAM and executing the program
out of DRAM. The boot code is position–independent in order for the
program to operate at a different address. The interrupt vector table is
also move to DRAM and the vectors are changed to reflect the new
• Detect Flash — The boot code supports many different kinds of flash
memory, permitting any mixture of flash in the four memory banks. The
only requirement is that flash must exist in bank 0 and have boot code
programmed on it. The boot code displays flash configuration,
manufacturer’s part number, size, and start address out the debug serial


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Chapter 5 The Power On Sequence

• Display VX Registers — The boot code displays the values of the VX

registers out of the debug serial port.
• Check for Pedestal — Boot code uses the operator panel to determine if
the printer is a pedestal or floor cabinet model. Boot code needs to know
the difference so the exhaust fan fault can be disabled on a pedestal
model. “FAN DISABLED” is printed out at the debug serial port of a
pedestal model.
• Check for Download Mode — Boot code checks whether the Cancel
and Start keys were pressed at power up. If so, the printer enters
download mode. If not, the printer continues the boot routines.
• Check for Diagnostics Mode — Boot code checks whether the Eject/
Restore and Stop keys were pressed at power up. If so, the printer
enters the Boot Diagnostics menu. If not, the printer continues the boot
• Check for Remote Download Mode — Boot code checks if the user
remotely requested the printer to enter download mode. If so, the printer
enters download mode. If not, the printer continues boot routines.
• Check for Flash Optimize — Boot code checks if the user requested the
flash file system to be optimized at power up. If so, flash memory is
optimized at this time. If not, the printer continues boot routines.
• Check EC Program — The EC calculates a checksum of the program
stored in its flash memory. If there is problem with its program, the EC
puts the message “nopg” in the ECDC communications register. If the
boot code detects this message, it displays “ERROR: EC PROGRAM
NOT VALID” on the LCD. If the EC processor does not respond within
three seconds, the boot code sends “EC STOPPED AT STATE XXXX” to
the LCD, where XXXX is one of these states:

State Description

0000 Power up

0001 Enter checksum calculation

0002 Enter copy download code from FLASH into shared DRAM

0003 Enter programming FLASH mode

0004 Erase EC FLASH

0005 Program FLASH

0006 Finish programming FLASH

0007 Enter initialization of EC serial debug

0008 Enter EC firmware task initializations

0009 Enter power up coil diagnostic

000A Start running normal EC firmware


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CMX Controller Board Handshake Sequences

• Check Security PAL and NVRAM — The chip select for NVRAM comes
from the security PAL. If the PAL is not installed, NVRAM cannot be
accessed, so the PAL is tested before NVRAM. If the security PAL is not
detected, boot codes displays “ERROR: SECURITY PAL NOT
DETECTED”. If a security PAL is detected, boot code checks for the
presence of NVRAM. If NVRAM is not found, boot code displays
• Test for Powerup File — Boot code checks for a DC executable file
called powerup.sbr. If found, it executes the file, then returns to boot
routines. If the file is not found, boot routines are resumed. If any key was
held down during power up, boot code does not look for the powerup file
and continues the boot sequence.
• Automatic EC Update — Boot code checks whether the automatic EC
update feature is enabled by the DC program. If so, it looks for a copy of
the EC program in the Flash File System. If it has a copy, it compares the
program in EC flash to the program in the Flash File System, and updates
the EC program if they are different. If the automatic EC update was not
enabled, or if any key was held down during power up, automatic EC
update is skipped and the boot sequence continues normally.
• Debug SIMM — The debug SIMM contains fast static RAM that
automatically replaces the flash memory. Boot code checks for the debug
SIMM and, if found, copies the contents of flash memory into the SIMM,
then remaps the address of the SIMM to the location of flash. This allows
breakpoints and single–stepping from the MTOS** debugger. When the
debug SIMM is found, boot code displays “DEBUG SIMM ACTIVATED”
on the panel and out the debug port.
• Verify DC Program — Boot code calculates a checksum at every power
up to verify that the program has not been corrupted. If the checksum
does not match, boot code displays “ERROR: DC PROGRAM NOT
• Check Security — The security check verifies that security PAL supports
the software that is loaded in flash memory. If the PAL does not support
the software, boot code displays “SECURITY CODE VIOLATION”.
• Check Required DRAM — Boot code checks whether the amount of
DRAM required to run the DC program is larger than the amount of
DRAM in the printer. If so, it displays the message “ERROR: PROGRAM
• Tell EC Processor to Finish Booting — Boot code informs the EC
processor that everything is okay and can finish booting up.
• Diagnostics Passed — If all tests pass, boot code displays
“P05 DIAGNOSTIC TEST PASSED”. At this point, the ribbon motors
engage. Boot code then jumps to the start address of the DC software.
• Display DC Program Information — Boot code sends the following
information out the debug port: the compile time, date, and the address it
will jump to to start the DC program.
• Waiting Ethernet — If boot code earlier detected an Ethernet adapter, it
places the message “WAITING FOR THE ETHERNET ADAPTER” on the
LCD so the user will not think the printer has crashed.


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Chapter 5 The Power On Sequence

• Jump Back into Flash and Clear DRAM — Boot code jumps back into
flash memory, then clears the DRAM that held the boot code.
• Jump to MTOS — Jump to start initialization of the MTOS (Multi-Tasking
Operating System).

DC Software Initialization And Power Up

The final part of the power up sequence is initialization and startup of the DC
software, which occurs in the following order:
• Clear Uninitialized RAM Variables
• Set Initialized RAM Variables
• Configure RAM (allocated based upon amount in the printer)
• Jump to MTOS (Multi-Tasking Operating System)
• Initialize the Processor (cache, vector table, etc.)
• Partition RAM for Tasks
• Allocate Peripheral Interfaces (console driver, etc.)
• Start Main Task (supervisor)
• Verify and Initialize NVRAM (statistics are cleared if NVRAM is not valid)
• Initialize Libraries (fault, system, emulation)
• Load Front Panel Menus from ROM
• Initialize these tasks, then start them after all have initialized:
Print Engine Driver Task
CT Driver Task (sends 8344 code to the CT expansion board)
Serial Driver Task
Parallel Driver Task
CT Emulation Task
IGP Task (PGL or VGL)
Base Emulation Task:
Initialize Fonts
Initialize Graphics Library
Complete Emulation Library Initialization
Wait for all emulation tasks to initialize
Front Panel Task
• Display “READY” on operator panel


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6 Adjustment Procedures

The IBM 6400 series printer is a durable, low-maintenance machine, but
some components and systems require occasional adjustment.
Usually, you will be referred to this chapter by a troubleshooting procedure, or
as part of a removal/installation procedure.

List Of Adjustments
Preparing the Printer for Maintenance ............................................ page 152
Returning the Printer to Normal Operation...................................... page 153
Belt, Paper Feed Timing, Adjustment ............................................. page 154
Belt, Platen Open, Adjustment ........................................................ page 156
Paper Drive Motor Pulley Alignment ............................................... page 158
Paper Scale Alignment.................................................................... page 160
Platen Gap Adjustment ................................................................... page 162
Platen Open Motor Pulley Alignment .............................................. page 164
Ribbon Guide Alignment ................................................................. page 166
Splined Shaft Skew Adjustment ...................................................... page 168
Adjusting the End of Forms Distance .............................................. page 169
Hammer Phasing Adjustment ......................................................... page 173
Downloading 6400 Microcode from the World Wide Web............... page 175
Loading Flash Memory.................................................................... page 176
Coil Temperature Adjustment ......................................................... page 181
Set Shuttle Speed ........................................................................... page 182
Ethernet Initialization....................................................................... page 183


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Chapter 6 Preparing The Printer For Maintenance

Preparing The Printer For Maintenance

To prepare the printer for maintenance, always do the following steps before
you do any maintenance procedure:


<3> Hazardous voltages are present in the printer with the

power cord connected to the power source. Switch off
printer power and unplug the printer power cord before

1. Power off the printer.

2. Unplug the printer power cord from the AC power source.
3. Disconnect the host data cable from the printer interface.
4. Open the printer cover.
5. Unload paper.
6. Remove the ribbon.
7. Read the entire adjustment procedure before you begin working on the
8. Gather the necessary parts before you begin working on the printer.


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List Of Adjustments

Returning The Printer To Normal Operation

When you are finished servicing the printer, restore it to operation by following
these steps:
1. Connect the host data cable to the printer interface.
2. Install the ribbon.
3. Load paper.
4. Plug the AC power cord into the power source.
5. Close the cabinet doors.
6. Power on the printer.
7. Set the top-of-form. (Refer to the Operator’s Guide.)
8. Select the emulation. (Refer to the Operator’s Guide.)
9. Test printer operation by selecting and running one of the operator print
10. Close the printer cover.


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Chapter 6 Belt, Paper Feed Timing, Adjustment

Belt, Paper Feed Timing, Adjustment

To make this adjustment, follow these steps:
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Cabinet Model: Loosen four screws and remove the barrier shield. (See
page 258, Figure 44, items 3 and 4.)
Pedestal Model: Remove the four screws securing the paper guide and
barrier shield. Remove the paper guide and barrier shield. (See page 260,
Figure 45, items 3, 4, and 5.)
4. Remove the timing belt cover (1) by squeezing the front and back to
release the plastic tabs from the slots in the side plate.
5. Loosen (do not remove) the motor mount bolts (2).
6. Using the straight end of a force gauge, apply 15 pounds (66.7 N) of
pressure to the paper feed drive motor (3) near the mounting base of the
motor. Use the splined shaft (4) to steady the gauge.
7. Reduce tension to 12 pounds (53.4 N) and torque the paper feed motor
mount bolts (2) to 18 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.03 ± 0.23 N•m).
8. Snap the timing belt cover (1) into the slots in the side plate.
9. Cabinet Model: Install the barrier shield and tighten the four screws. (See
page 258, Figure 44, items 3 and 4.)
Pedestal Model: Install the paper guide and barrier shield and tighten the
four screws. (See page 260, Figure 45, items 3, 4, and 5.)
10. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
11. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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List Of Adjustments

Direction of Force



1) Timing Belt Shield
2) Motor Mount Bolt (2)
3) Paper Feed Drive Motor
4) Splined Shaft

Figure 21. Paper Feed Timing Belt Adjustment


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Chapter 6 Belt, Platen Open, Adjustment

Belt, Platen Open, Adjustment

To make this adjustment, follow these steps:
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Remove the platen open belt cover (1) by squeezing the top and bottom
to release the plastic tabs from the slots in the side plate.
4. Loosen the motor mount screws (2).
5. Close the forms thickness lever all the way.
Too much tension on the platen open belt can cause the platen gap to
change, which can lead to premature wear of the platen, damaged
hammer tips, and poor print quality.
6. Using a force gauge, apply 10 ± 1 pounds (44.48 ± 4.45 N) of tension to
the shank of the platen drive pulley (3), pushing away from the large
platen pulley.
7. Reduce tension to 5 ± 1 pounds (22.24 ± 4.45 N) and tighten the motor
mount screws (2).
8. Snap the platen open belt cover (1) into the slots in the side plate.
9. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
10. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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List Of Adjustments

Direction of Force

1) Belt Cover
2) Motor Mount Screw (2)
3) Platen Open Motor Shaft

Figure 22. Platen Open Belt Adjustment


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Chapter 6 Paper Drive Motor Pulley Alignment

Paper Drive Motor Pulley Alignment

To make this adjustment, follow these steps:
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Remove the timing belt cover (1) by squeezing the front and back to
release the plastic tabs from the slots in the side plate.
4. Loosen the screw (2) in the motor pulley collar (3).
5. Align the paper drive motor pulley (4) with the splined shaft pulley (5).
Make sure there is at least 0.040 inches (1.016 mm) of clearance
between the collar (3) and the motor face plate.
6. Hold the collar (3) flush against the motor pulley (4) and tighten the screw
7. Check for correct tension on the paper feed timing belt (page 154). Adjust
if necessary.
8. Snap the timing belt cover (1) into the slots in the side plate.
9. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
10. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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List Of Adjustments


1) Belt Shield
2) Cap Screw
3) Motor Pulley Collar
4) Motor Pulley
5) Splined Shaft Pulley

Figure 23. Paper Drive Motor Pulley Alignment


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Chapter 6 Paper Scale Alignment

Paper Scale Alignment

To make this adjustment, follow these steps:
1. Open the printer cover.
2. Load paper and ribbon.
3. Connect the power cord to the AC power source.
4. Set the printer power switch to 1 (on).
5. Verify that the shuttle cover (1) is properly installed (page 203).
6. Print a full 136 column line by selecting and running one of the diagnostic
self-tests. (See Chapter 5.)
7. Check alignment of the scale to the print at column positions 1 and 136.
8. If adjustment is necessary, loosen the three button-head 5/64 inch hex
screws (2).
9. Position the scale (3) so that column positions 1 and 136 line up with the
first and last characters on the 136 character printout.
10. Tighten the 5/64 inch button-head screws (2).
11. Close the printer cover.


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List Of Adjustments


1) Shuttle Cover
2) Screw, Button-Head, 5/64 inch hex (3)
3) Paper Scale

Figure 24. Paper Scale Alignment


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Chapter 6 Platen Gap Adjustment

Platen Gap Adjustment

To make this adjustment, follow these steps:
Only do this procedure if the original equipment shuttle frame assembly
or platen has been replaced by a new or refurbished unit.
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
3. Loosen the platen open belt (page 156, steps 2, 3, and 4).
4. Raise the forms thickness lever (1) to the fully open position.
Do not force the platen against the feeler gauge. Damage to the hammer
tips will result.
5. Insert a 0.011 inch (0.28 mm) flat feeler gauge (2) straight down between
the hammer bank cover plate (3) and ribbon mask (4), within four hammer
positions of the left end of the hammer bank.
Adjust the platen set screws less than 1/4 turn on one side, then check
the other side. Adjustment sensitivity is approximately 0.03 inch per
revolution of the set screw. Also, insert the feeler gauge no more than 2
inches down from the top of the ribbon mask.
6. Gently close the forms thickness lever (1). As the platen is closing, gently
slide the feeler gauge up and down, keeping it between the hammer tip
and ribbon mask. If the feel is too tight when the platen is being closed,
adjust the 3/32 inch set screw (5) at the end of the platen
counterclockwise. If the feel is too loose, adjust the set screw clockwise.
With the forms thickness lever closed all the way, the feeler gauge should
contact both the tips and the ribbon mask and move with light friction.
Shift the gauge slightly to verify.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 at the right end of the hammer bank.
8. After adjusting both sides, check the gap again at both ends. Readjust if
9. When the platen gap is correct at both ends of the platen, adjust the
platen open belt (page 156).
10. Install the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
11. Check the hammer phasing adjustment (page 173).
12. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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List Of Adjustments

NOTE: Left side adjustment
shown. Right side is the same.


1) Forms Thickness Lever
2) Feeler Gauge (0.011 inch or 0.28 mm)
3) Hammer Bank Cover
4) Ribbon Mask
5) Set Screw, 3/32 inch hex (2)

Figure 25. Platen Gap Adjustment


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Chapter 6 Platen Open Motor Pulley Alignment

Platen Open Motor Pulley Alignment

To make this adjustment, follow these steps:
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Go to step 3.
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Remove the platen open belt cover (1) by squeezing the top and bottom
to release the plastic tabs from the slots in the side plate.
4. Loosen the 1/16 inch set screw (2) in the motor pulley.
5. Bottom out the platen open motor pulley (3) on the motor shaft and torque
the 1/16 inch set screw (2) to 9 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.02 ± 0.23 N•m).
6. Check the platen open belt tension (page 156). Adjust if necessary.
7. Snap the platen open belt cover (1) into the slots in the side plate.
8. Cabinet Model: Go to step 9.
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
9. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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List Of Adjustments


1) Belt Cover
2) Set Screw
3) Platen Open Motor Pulley
4) Platen Shaft Pulley

Figure 26. Platen Open Motor Pulley Alignment


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Chapter 6 Ribbon Guide Alignment

Ribbon Guide Alignment

To make this adjustment, follow these steps:
1. Open the printer cover.
2. Load paper and install the ribbon. To align a ribbon guide, wind the ribbon
fully onto the ribbon spool on the opposite side. For example, to align the
left ribbon guide, wind the ribbon until the right ribbon spool is full.
3. Check ribbon tracking by running the PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS :
Shuttle Slow (page 134).
4. On the ribbon quide to be adjusted, momentarily short between the ribbon
guide skid screws (1) to verify that the ribbon reverses.
5. Observe how the ribbon (2) passes around and across the ribbon guide. It
should be centered and not folding against either of the two white nylon
washers (3).
6. If the ribbon is not centered, loosen the retaining screws (4) just enough
so that you can rotate the ribbon guide to new positions, but it remains in
place once moved.
7. Rotate the ribbon guide as required to center the ribbon (2).
8. Observe how the ribbon (2) winds onto the ribbon spool of the side you
adjusted. If the ribbon is interfering with the flange of the spool, make sure
the ribbon hub and spool are mounted correctly.
9. Tighten the retaining screws (4).
10. Allow most of the ribbon to wind onto the ribbon spool on the side you
adjusted, then repeat steps 3 through 9 for the other ribbon guide.


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List Of Adjustments

$ Left Ribbon Guide Right Ribbon Guide %



2 Later


1) Screw, Skid (2)
2) Ribbon
3) White Nylon Washer
4) Screw, Retaining (2)

Figure 27. Ribbon Guide Alignment


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Chapter 6 Splined Shaft Skew Adjustment

Splined Shaft Skew Adjustment

If lines of print are not parallel with the edge perforations on the paper,
perform the following adjustment.
1. Open the printer cover.
2. Loosen the screw (1) securing the adjusting link (2).
3. Adjust the link (2) by raising or lowering the horizontal adjustment knob
(3) to obtain print parallel with paper perforations. Tighten the screw (1).
4. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).

1) Screw
2) Adjusting Link
3) Horizontal Adjustment Knob

Figure 28. Splined Shaft Skew Adjustment


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List Of Adjustments

Adjusting The End Of Forms Distance

This procedure tests and sets the distance from the page perforation at which
an END OF FORMS fault message is triggered. This adjustment prevents
printing on the platen when the printer runs out of paper. The measurement
units are dot rows.
You will use the dot row patterns printed by the END OF FORMS ADJUST
self-test to verify that this parameter is set correctly.
NOTE: Do this procedure only if a new paper detector switch assembly has
been installed, or if you are sure that the end of forms adjustment is
incorrect. An END OF FORMS triggering distance of 1 or 2 dot rows
from the perforation is acceptable; 5 to 7 dot rows off indicates
adjustment is required.

Also, although it is not required, it is advisable to test the End of

Forms distance with 6-part paper, in order to verify correct printing
with multi-part forms.
The procedure below describes how to run the END OF FORMS ADJUST
printer test and modify the END OF FORMS ADJUSTMENT VALUE.
1. Power on the printer.
2. Load paper and set the top of form. Make sure the forms thickness lever
is closed. Open the cabinet front door.
3. On the sheet of paper just below the paper entrance slot, tear a four-inch
square on the left side, immediately below the perforation. (See Figure
29.) This creates a hole that will trigger an END OF FORMS condition, but
allows printing to the right of the hole (which would normally be on the
4. Tear a four inch square in the manner described above, on every third
sheet, until you have made 3 or 4 holes.
5. If the printer is in READY mode, press Stop to put it into NOT READY
6. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to unlock the Enter key.
7. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ + Return + Enter to enter the CE Tests menu.
(Press all four keys at the same time.)


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Chapter 6 Adjusting The End Of Forms Distance

Page Perforation

Page Perforation

4 in.
Cut out here 4 in.

Page Perforation

Figure 29. Paper Preparation for Paper Out Adjustment Test


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List Of Adjustments

8. The display will show “SERVICE / PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS”, the

first menu item. Press Enter to enter the mechanism tests menu.
9. Press Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ until
This test will print a vertical “comb” pattern at around column 70, each
long bar separated by three shorter bars. An enlarged example of the
comb pattern is shown below.

Short Bar
Long Bar

10. Press Enter until the END OF FORMS ADJUST test starts.
The comb pattern will print until the display shows
“001 END OF FORMS / LOAD FORMS” and (if enabled) the audible
alarm sounds. If the alarm sounds, press Stop to silence it.
11. Remove the paper from the tractors and examine the area of the page
perforation. (If the alarm sounds when you open the platen, press Stop to
silence it.)
If a bar from the comb pattern just meets the perforation, the end of forms
adjustment distance is correct. (A bar exactly on perforation is ideal; 1 or
2 dot rows off is OK; 5 to 7 dot rows off is too much.) Unless you wish to
restart the procedure with 6-part paper, you may stop the test here, and
skip to step 22. (See the note at the beginning of this procedure.)
If the comb pattern stopped short of the perforation or printed beyond the
perforation, go to step 12.
12. Measure how short or long the comb pattern printed by counting the
number of dot rows needed to reach the perforation, or the number of dot
rows that printed beyond the perforation.
NOTE: You can use the long bars to count the dot rows quickly. There are
three dot rows between each long bar, so each long bar increases the
number of dot rows by four. You can also tear off a small piece of the
comb pattern from the beginning of the pattern and use it as a ruler to
help you measure the dot rows required either to reach the
perforation or back up to it.
13. Reload the paper and set the top of form.
14. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ + Return + Enter to enter the CE Tests menu.
(Press all four keys at the same time.)
15. The display will show “SERVICE / PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS,” the
first menu item. Press Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ until
16. Press Enter. The top line of the display will show
“END OF FORMS ADJUSTMENT VALUE” and the bottom line will show
the current setting for the number of dots.


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Chapter 6 Adjusting The End Of Forms Distance

17. Press Enter. The number of dots will move up to the top line of the
18. Using the Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ key, adjust the XX DOTS value up or down
by the number of dots you counted in step 12. (If the comb pattern
stopped short of the perforation, increase the number of dots. If the comb
pattern printed beyond the perforation, decrease the number of dots.)
19. Press Enter to select the new number of dots as the active value. (The
asterisk that appears tells you that it is now the active value.)
20. Press Stop to put the printer into NOT READY mode.
21. Run the END OF FORMS ADJUST and the
END OF FORMS ADJUSTMENT VALUE tests until the comb pattern
prints at an acceptable distance from the page perforation. (Return to
step 7.)
22. When the End of Forms Adjustment is acceptable, reload the paper, feed
it past any remaining unused holes that you tore in it, and set the top of
23. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to lock the Enter key.
24. Press Start to put the printer into READY mode.


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List Of Adjustments

Hammer Phasing Adjustment

You must check and adjust hammer phasing if the CMX controller board is
replaced, the shuttle frame assembly is removed, or if the MPU is replaced.
The hammer phase value is a timing parameter that permits you to adjust the
horizontal alignment of dots in character printing. The phase value numerical
units are relative; they do not represent a physical measurement or value.
Thus there is no “correct” value or range. But, if the phasing value is far
enough from the theoretical ideal value on a particular printer, errors can
occur. If, for example, you are adjusting phasing and an error such as
124 PAPER FIFO UNDERFLOW occurs, the phase value may be too high.
Try a lower value.
The factory prints the initial phase value on the aluminum casting of the
shuttle assembly, next to the motor housing. Adjust the phasing to this value
and recheck the horizontal alignment. When alignment is acceptable, write
the new phasing value on the shuttle.
Phasing should be adjusted with the printer printing at full paper width.
The printer must be printing the Phase pattern of “H’s” when the
Phasing Value is changed, or the New Phasing Value will not be written
into NVRAM. If the value is changed when not printing, the printer will
return to its default phasing value when powered off then back on.
1. Install the ribbon.
2. Load full width (136 column) paper.
3. Power on the printer and set top of form.
4. Press Stop to put the printer into NOT READY mode.
5. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to unlock the Enter key.
6. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ + Return + Enter to enter the CE Tests menu.
(Press all four keys at the same time.)
7. The display will show “SERVICE / PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS”, the
first menu item. Press Enter to enter the mechanism tests menu.
8. Press Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ until
9. Press Enter. The printer begins printing all Hs, each line preceded by the
phasing index number.
10. Press Return. The display will show
11. Press Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ until “SERVICE / HAMMER PHASE VALUE” is
on the display.
12. Press Enter. The top line of the display will show
“HAMMER PHASE VALUE” and the bottom line will show the current
phasing index number.


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Chapter 6 Hammer Phasing Adjustment

13. Press Enter. The phasing index (followed by an asterisk) will move up to
the top line of the display.
14. Press Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ to increase or decrease the phasing index, then
press Enter to activate the value as it prints. Continue to increase or
decrease the phasing index until the pattern of Hs appears as shown

Needs Correct Needs

Adjustment Adjustment

15. When the print pattern is acceptable, press Stop. Printing stops, and the
printer automatically enters the current phase index value into NVRAM.
The display shows “NOT READY”.
16. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to lock the Enter key.
17. Close the printer cover. Press Start to put the printer into READY mode.
NOTE: If you changed the phasing value, power down the printer, remove
the shuttle cover, and write the new phase value on the aluminum
shuttle casting.


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List Of Adjustments

Downloading 6400 Microcode From The World Wide Web

This section describes the procedure for obtaining microcode for all models of
the 6400 printer. This process is done through Lotus Notes IBM First Service
NOTE: It is helpful to create a directory named 6400 on the laptop to hold
your 6400 code downloads. If you do not know how to create
directories, see your ESPI or someone familiar with PCs.
1. Open Lotus Notes.
2. Open the IBM First Service System II data base.
3. Click on the button at the left of your screen that says “uCode”.
4. “PSC machine and RIM Notes Code Microcode” should now be showing.
5. Highlight “Machine Records” via the WEB (Primary Site)—click on the
“OK” button.
6. When the next screen reads “PSC Machine Microcode” scroll down to the
6400 machine type and click on ICON.
7. Netscape will open the Code download site.
8. Find the code you need in the list, move your mouse pointer so it points to
the icon of the needed file, and double-click with the left mouse button.
9. At the prompt “Unknown File Type” click once on the “Save File...” button.
10. At the “Save As...” window, point to the down arrow just to the right of the
“Save In” pane and select the folder (the directory; for example, the 6400
folder) in which to save the file.
11. After you select the folder to receive the file, verify that the “File name”
window has the the correct name, then click on the “Save” button.
12. The file will download to the directory you requested. You can now load
flash memory (page 176).


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Chapter 6 Loading Flash Memory

Loading Flash Memory

Emulation and operating system software are loaded into flash memory at the
factory, but you will install software in the following situations:
• The customer needs to upgrade printer software
• The customer needs different emulation software
• You have replaced the controller board
• You have added or replaced a flash memory SIMM
Emulation and operating system software are stored as a compressed file.
The file is “executable;” you will expand it and copy it into printer flash
memory with a single command.


<4> Do not connect or disconnect any communications port,

teleport, attachment connector, or power cord during an
electrical storm.

<5> Power off the printer and disconnect the power cord before
connecting or disconnecting a communication port,
teleport, or attachment cable connector.

1. Download the correct level of microcode from the World Wide Web (page
2. If the printer has an internal Ethernet interface card, refer to the Ethernet
User’s Manual for download instructions. If you loading flash memory
through the parallel or serial port, continue with this procedure.
3. Make a printout of all saved configurations. (Refer to the Setup Guide.)
(Installing new software erases all saved configurations. You will use the
printouts to restore printer configuration.)
4. Set the printer power switch to O (off).
5. Unplug the AC power cord from the printer.
6. If the printer’s parallel data cable is connected to the parallel port of an
IBM-compatible computer using the PC-DOS* or MS-DOS** operating
system, skip to step 10. If not, go to step 7.
7. Disconnect all data input cables from the printer interface.
8. Connect the parallel data cable to the default parallel port (LPT1) of an
IBM-compatible computer using the PC-DOS or MS-DOS operating
NOTE: You can connect the data cable to the LPT2 port if the LPT1 port is
already in use. You can also download software through the printer
serial port. The download commands are different if you use these
ports, as described in the note after step 17.


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List Of Adjustments

9. Connect the parallel data cable to the parallel port of the printer.
10. Plug the AC power cord into the printer.
11. Power on the computer.
12. On the printer control panel, press and hold down the Start + Cancel
keys. Without releasing the keys, power the printer on. Continue holding
the Start and Cancel keys down for five seconds, then release them.
NOTE: The port default is CENTRONICS; this is the standard download
through the parallel port. If you want to use the default, continue at
step 17.
13. When you see “WAITING FOR PROGRAM DOWNLOAD” on the LCD,
appears on the LCD.
14. Press Scroll↑ again to cycle through the download ports available in the
DATAPRODUCT (parallel)
CENTRONICS* (parallel) (default port)
RS232-9600 (RS-232 serial, 9600 baud)
RS232-19.2K (RS-232 serial, 19200 baud)
RS232-38.4K (RS-232 serial, 38400 baud)
RS232-115K (RS-232 serial, 115000 baud)
RS422-9600 (RS-422 serial, 9600 baud)
RS422-19.2K (RS-422 serial, 19200 baud)
RS422-38.4K (RS-422 serial, 38400 baud)
RS422-115K (RS-422 serial, 115000 baud)
15. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to unlock the Enter key.
16. When the printer download port you want to use is displayed on the LCD,
press ENTER. “WAITING DOWNLOAD / PORT = <your selection>”
appears on the display.
17. At the DOS prompt on the computer type:
FILENAME.EXE -pb<return>
where FILENAME.EXE is the file you downloaded from the World Wide
Web. This command expands the file and copies it as a binary file into the
flash memory on the CMX controller board.
NOTE: If you are downloading the file using the LPT2 port on the computer,
enter the following DOS command:
FILENAME.EXE -pb 2 <Return>

If you are downloading the file into the printer serial port, enter the
following DOS commands:
MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1,P<Return>
18. While the file is copied into memory, the printer LCD informs you of the
load process and status. (See Table 7 below.)
19. When the file has successfully loaded into memory and the printer has
reset itself, set the printer power switch to O (off).
20. Unplug the AC power cord from the printer.
21. Power off the personal computer.


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Chapter 6 Loading Flash Memory

22. If you had to install a parallel data cable to the computer and printer in
step 8, disconnect it from the computer and printer.
23. Reconnect the customer’s data input cable(s) to the printer, if required.
24. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).
25. Using the configuration printout(s) you made in step 3, reconfigure the
printer. (Refer to the Setup Guide.)
NOTE: A continuous IML cycle indicates coax/twinax code is being loaded
into a printer with a missing, defective, or improperly installed Coax/
Twinax board. If the printer is supposed to have this feature, reseat
the Coax/Twinax board. If the printer is not supposed to have this
feature, install new emulation code without the Coax/Twinax feature.

Table 7. Flash Memory Message Guide

Message Explanation

CLEARING PROGRAM The program successfully loaded into None

FROM FLASH printer RAM and the checksum
matched. The old program is now
being deleted from flash memory.

DIAGNOSTIC The printer passed its memory and None

PASSED hardware initialization tests.

ERROR: DC PROGRAM Printer cannot find the data controller Download the program
NOT VALID program or the validation checksum is again: Power off the
corrupted. printer and start over at
step 12. If the message
occurs again, replace the
flash memory.

ERROR: DRAM AT The printer found a defective memory Replace the DRAM.

ERROR: EC PROGRAM Printer cannot find the engine Download the program
NOT VALID controller program or the validation again: Power off the
checksum is corrupt. printer and start over at
step 12. If the message
occurs again, replace the
flash memory.
ERROR: EC STOPPED Hardware fault in the engine Replace the CMX
AT STATE XXXX controller. controller board.

ERROR: FLASH The printer encountered an error Download the program

DID NOT PROGRAM trying to program flash memory. again: Power off the
printer and start over at
step 12. If the message
occurs again, replace the
flash memory.


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List Of Adjustments

Table 7. Flash Memory Message Guide

Message Explanation

ERROR: FLASH The printer could not find any flash Install flash memory
NOT DETECTED memory. before attempting to
download this program.

ERROR: NO DRAM The printer could not find any DRAM. Check DRAM on CMX. If
DETECTED present, reseat DRAM, If
missing, install DRAM.

ERROR: NVRAM The non-volatile memory has failed. Replace the CMX
FAILURE controller board. (Do
NOT attempt to replace

ERROR: PROGRAM The printer requires more DRAM Add DRAM or use a
NEEDS MORE DRAM memory in order to run the smaller emulation
downloaded program. program.

ERROR: PROGRAM The printer requires more flash Add flash memory or use
NEEDS MORE FLASH memory in order to run the a smaller emulation
downloaded program. program.

ERROR: PROGRAM The printer is not compatible with the Use the correct emulation
NOT COMPATIBLE downloaded program. User tried to software option(s) for this
load CMX-compatible diskette in model. If the printer is an
CBO-controlled printer, or vice versa. IBM 6404-B01, the
controller is a CBO
board. If the printer is an
IBM 6400, the controller
is a CMX board.

ERROR: PROGRAM The printer does not see a program in There is no program in
NOT VALID flash memory. printer memory. Go to
step 4.

ERROR: SECURITY PAL The security PAL is not present or has Check the security PAL at
NOT DETECTED failed. location U54 on the CMX
controller. If the PAL is
absent, install the correct
PAL. If security PAL is
present, replace the CMX
controller board.
ERROR: SHORT AT Hardware failure in DRAM or CMX Replace DRAM. If
ADDRESS XXXX controller circuitry. message occurs with
new DRAM, replace CMX
controller board.


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Chapter 6 Loading Flash Memory

Table 7. Flash Memory Message Guide

Message Explanation

ERROR: WRITING Hardware or software fault in flash Download the program

TO FLASH memory. again: Power off the
printer and start over at
step 12. If the message
occurs again, replace the
flash memory.

ERROR: WRONG The printer received the complete Download the program
CHECKSUM program but the checksum did not again: Power off the
match. The data were corrupted printer and start over at
during download. step 12.

ERROR OCCURRED An interim message that displays Wait. When the asterisk
FLUSHING QUEUES* while the printer discards host data it (*) stops rotating, a
cannot use because a fault condition different fault message
exists. While this message displays, will appear: troubleshoot
the asterisk (*) rotates. the final message.

LOADING PROGRAM The new program is loading into None

FROM PORT XX% printer RAM. XX indicates how much
of the program has loaded.

LOADING PROGRAM The printer has deleted the previous None

INTO FLASH program from flash memory and is
loading the new program into flash

RESETTING . . . The printer finished loading the None

PLEASE WAIT program into flash memory and is
automatically resetting itself.

RESTORING Normal download initialization None

BOOT CODE message.

SECURITY CODE The software running or being Install the correct PAL or
VIOLATION downloaded does not match the program. (PAL and
security PAL code. program must match.)
SENDING PROGRAM The printer is loading the engine None
TO EC PROCESSOR controller program into the engine

TABLE MISMATCH EC software update in process. Download the program

DOWNLOAD AGAIN again: Power off the
printer and start over at
step 12.


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List Of Adjustments

Coil Temperature Adjustment

This procedure applies only to models 6400-014 and 6400-015. Do this
procedure only when the original CMX controller board or shuttle frame
assembly have been replaced. Do not do this procedure if the original CMX
board or shuttle frame assembly were removed and reinstalled as part of
other maintenance tasks.
The shuttle frame assembly must be at room temperature to do this
1. Raise the printer cover.
2. Power on the printer.
3. If the Ready indicator is on, press the Stop key. The printer must be in
the NOT READY state to do this procedure.
4. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ + Return + Enter. (Press all four keys at the
same time.) “SERVICE / PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS” appears on the
5. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to unlock the Enter key.
6. Press the Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ key until “SERVICE / SET COIL
TEMPERATURE” appears on the display.
7. Press Enter. The display tells you to “PLEASE WAIT” while the coil
temperature is set by an automatic calibration sequence in printer
8. When the display again reads “SERVICE / SET COIL TEMPERATURE”
press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to lock the Enter key.
9. Press Stop to exit the menu and put the printer in the NOT READY state.

- OR -
10. Press Start to exit the menu and put the printer in the READY state.
11. Coil temperature is now set. Power off the printer and close the printer


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Chapter 6 Set Shuttle Speed

Set Shuttle Speed

This procedure applies only to models 6400-004, -04P, -005, and -05P.
Do this procedure only when the original CMX controller board or shuttle
frame assembly have been replaced. Do not do this procedure if the original
CMX board or shuttle frame assembly were removed and reinstalled as part
of other maintenance tasks.
1. Install the ribbon and load full-width paper.
2. Power on the printer.
3. If the Ready indicator is on, press the Stop key. The printer must be in
the NOT READY state to do this procedure.
4. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ + Return + Enter. (Press all four keys at the
same time.) “SERVICE / PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS” appears on the
5. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to unlock the Enter key.
6. Press the Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ key until “SERVICE / SHUTTLE SPEED”
appears on the display.
7. Press Enter. “SHUTTLE SPEED / 475* ” or “SHUTTLE SPEED / 500* ”
appears on the display. The asterisk [*] indicates which shuttle speed is
currently active.
8. Press Scroll↑ until the shuttle speed you want appears on the display.
9. Press the Enter. An asterisk [*] appears next to the selection, indicating it
is now the active shuttle speed.
10. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to lock the Enter key.
11. Press Stop to exit the menu and put the printer in the NOT READY state.
12. Power off the printer, wait a few seconds, then power on the printer to
activate the new shuttle speed value.
13. Select and run the Ripple Print printer test (page 132).
14. Examine the printout: if gaps or dark bars appear in the printout, go back
to step 3 and set the shuttle speed to the other option.
15. When the printout is acceptable, power off the printer and close the
printer cover.


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List Of Adjustments

Ethernet Initialization
To initialize the Ethernet interface, do the following steps:
1. Power on the printer.
2. Wait for “READY / ETHERNET ADAPTER IS READY” to display on the
3. If the Ready indicator is on, press the Stop key. The printer must be in
the NOT READY state to do this procedure.
4. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ + Return + Enter. (Press all four keys at the
same time.) “SERVICE / PRINTER MECHANISM TESTS” appears on the
5. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to unlock the Enter key.
6. Press the Scroll↑ or Scroll↓ key until “SERVICE / PRINTER MGMT”
appears on the display.
7. Press Enter. “PRINTER MGMT / DIAGNOSTIC PORT” appears on the
8. Press Enter. “DIAGNOSTIC PORT” (and the current diagnostic port
setting) appears on the display. If the current setting is “DEBUG
ETHERNET*”, go to step 11.
9. Press Scroll↑ until “DIAGNOSTIC PORT / DEBUG ETHERNET” appears
on the display.
10. Press Enter. An asterisk (*) appears next to the selection, indicating it is
now the diagnostic port.
11. Press Scroll↑ + Scroll↓ to lock the Enter key.
12. Press Stop to exit the menu and put the printer in the NOT READY state.
13. Power off the printer, wait a few seconds, then power on the printer to
activate the new diagnostic port.


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Chapter 6 Ethernet Initialization


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7 Replacement Procedures
And Illustrated Parts Lists

Organization Of This Chapter

This chapter is divided into two sections.
• Section I: Replacement Procedures
This section contains written procedures for removing and installing
components that are replaceable at the field service level of maintenance.
The procedures in this section refer you to the illustrations in Section II.
Section I begins on page 186.
• Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists
This section contains drawings of all assemblies comprising the printer.
On the page facing each illustration is a list of the illustrated parts and
their part numbers.
Section II begins on page 249.
The components specified in this chapter are field replaceable units
(FRUs). FRUs must be repaired at the factory. Do not attempt field repair
of these items.


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Section I: Replacement Procedures

This section contains removal/installation procedures for components that are
replaceable at the field service maintenance level. These procedures are
listed below.
Do not attempt field repairs of electronic components or assemblies.
Replace a malfunctioning electronic assembly with an operational
spare. Most electronic problems are corrected by replacing the circuit
board, sensor, or cable that causes the fault indication. The same is true
of failures traced to the hammer bank coils and electronics: you must
replace the entire shuttle frame assembly. It is not field repairable.
(Hammer spring assemblies are the only replaceable components of the
shuttle frame assembly.)

List Of Procedures
Belt, Paper Feed Timing ................................................................. page 188
Belt, Platen Open ............................................................................ page 189
Circuit Board: Controller.................................................................. page 190
Circuit Board: Power Supply ........................................................... page 192
Circuit Breaker ................................................................................ page 193
Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface ............................................. page 194
Connector Shells............................................................................. page 195
Connector Stiffening Clips............................................................... page 198
Cover Assembly, Hammer Bank / Ribbon Mask ............................. page 200
Cover Assembly, Shuttle................................................................. page 203
Cover Assembly, Top, Pedestal Model ........................................... page 204
Dashpot........................................................................................... page 205
Doors, Cabinet, Reversing .............................................................. page 206
Ethernet Interface Assemblies ........................................................ page 207
Fan Assembly, Cabinet Exhaust ..................................................... page 208
Fan Assembly, Card Cage .............................................................. page 209
Fan Assembly, Hammer Bank ........................................................ page 210
Hammer Spring Assembly .............................................................. page 211
IBM Coax/Twinax Expansion Board................................................ page 215
Magnetic Pick-up (MPU) Assembly................................................. page 216
Memory and Security Modules........................................................ page 217
Motor Assembly, Paper Feed.......................................................... page 221
Motor Assembly, Platen Open ........................................................ page 223


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List Of Procedures

Motor Assembly, Ribbon Drive........................................................ page 225

Network Print Server ....................................................................... page 226
Operator Panel Assembly, Cabinet Model ...................................... page 227
Operator Panel Assembly, Pedestal Model .................................... page 228
Paper Guide Assembly ................................................................... page 229
Paper Ironer .................................................................................... page 230
Platen .............................................................................................. page 231
Resistors, Terminating .................................................................... page 235
Ribbon Guide Assembly (L/R)......................................................... page 237
Ribbon Hub ..................................................................................... page 238
Security Module .............................................................................. page 217
Shaft, Splined.................................................................................. page 239
Shaft, Support ................................................................................. page 241
Shuttle Frame Assembly ................................................................. page 242
Spring, Extension ............................................................................ page 244
Switch Assembly, Cover Open........................................................ page 245
Switch Assembly, Paper Detector ................................................... page 246
Switch Assembly, Platen Interlock .................................................. page 247
Tractor (L/R) .................................................................................... page 248


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Belt, Paper Feed Timing

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Cabinet Model: Loosen four screws and remove the barrier shield.
(See page 258, Figure 44, items 3 and 4.)
Pedestal Model: Loosen the four screws securing the paper guide and
barrier shield. Remove the paper guide and barrier shield. (See page 260,
Figure 45, items 3, 4, and 5.)
4. Remove the timing belt cover by squeezing the front and back to release
the plastic tabs from the slots in the side plate (page 258, Figure 44).
5. Loosen (do not remove) the paper feed motor mount screws (page 278,
Figure 52, item 10).
6. Loosen the setscrew in the paper feed motor pulley collar.
7. Remove the paper feed timing belt by sliding the paper feed motor pulley
off the motor shaft and the belt off the splined shaft pulley.

1. Install the paper feed timing belt over the splined shaft pulley and the
motor pulley. Slide the motor pulley onto the paper feed motor shaft (page
278, Figure 52).
2. Holding a 0.040 inch feeler gauge between the pulley collar and the motor
body, torque the 7/64 inch collar screw to 25 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.82 ±
0.23 N•m).
3. Using the straight end of a force gauge, apply 15 pounds (66.7 N) of
pressure to the paper feed drive motor near the mounting base of the
motor. Use the splined shaft to steady the gauge.
4. Reduce tension to 12 pounds (53.4 N) and torque the paper feed motor
mount bolts to 18 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.03 ± 0.23 N•m).
5. Snap the timing belt cover into the slots in the side plate (page 258,
Figure 44).
6. Cabinet Model: Install the barrier shield and tighten the four screws.
(See page 258, Figure 44, items 3 and 4.)
Pedestal Model: Install the barrier shield and paper guide and tighten the
four screws. (See page 260, Figure 45, items 3, 4, and 5.)
7. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
8. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Belt, Platen Open

Belt, Platen Open

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Remove the platen open belt cover by squeezing the top and bottom to
release the plastic tabs from the slots in the side plate. (See page 276,
Figure 51, item 24.)
4. Loosen (do not remove) the two motor mount screws (page 278, Figure
52, item 15).
5. Push the motor toward the front of the printer to loosen the platen open
6. Loosen the setscrew in the platen open motor pulley.
7. Remove the platen open belt by sliding the platen motor pulley off the
motor shaft and the belt off the platen open pulley.

1. Slide the platen open timing belt over the platen open pulley and the
motor pulley and tighten the 1/16 inch setscrew.
2. Slide the motor pulley onto the platen open motor shaft and tighten the
pulley setscrew.
Too much tension on the platen open belt can cause the platen gap to
change, which can lead to premature wear of the platen, damaged
hammer tips, and poor print quality.
3. Using a force gauge, apply 10 pounds (44.48 N) of tension to the motor
shaft by pushing in the direction away from the large platen pulley.
4. Reduce tension to 5 pounds (22.24 N) and torque the motor mount
screws to 11 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.24 ± 0.23 N•m).
5. Snap the platen open belt cover into the slots in the side plate.
6. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
7. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Circuit Board: Controller

NOTE: 6400-050, -P50, -010, -P10, -014, -015, -C05, and C5P printers must
use the 40 MHz CMX controller board.
To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.

1. Make a configuration printout of all configurations. (Refer to the
Operator’s Guide.)
2. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
3. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
4. Disconnect all cable connectors from the controller board. (See page 264,
Figure 47.)
5. Loosen, but do not remove, the screws securing the controller shield near
serial cable connector J201.
6. Loosen, but do not remove, the screw securing the controller shield to the
bottom of the card cage, on the left side near the card cage fan.
7. Slide the controller board to left until the keyway clears the screw
securing the controller board to the bottom of the card cage.
8. Remove the controller board.
9. Remove the DRAM SIMM, FLASH SIMM, and Security PAL from the
controller board (page 217). These will be installed on the replacement
controller board. The Security PAL must be installed on the replacement
controller board to ensure the printer functions correctly.
NOTE: When Flash SIMMs are removed from one controller board and
placed on another controller board, the SIMMs must be placed on the
new board in the same order and location as on the original board.


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Circuit Board: Controller

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
1. Install the DRAM SIMM, Flash Memory, and Security PAL on the
controller board (page 217).
2. Position the controller board assembly in the card cage, shield side down,
component side up. Engage the screw on the bottom of the card cage in
the keyway in the controller shield. Slide the board to right until the serial
cable connector J201 on the board lines up with the cutout in the card
cage. (See page 264, Figure 47.)
3. Tighten the screw securing the controller shield near serial cable
connector J201.
4. Tighten the screw securing the controller shield to the bottom of the card
5. Connect all cable connectors to the controller board, using the
Interconnection diagram on page 289 as your guide.
6. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
If the original CMX board was replaced, you must download the
emulation software again. Installing flash memory from the old board
onto the new board does not transfer all operating system software.
7. Load flash memory (page 176).
8. Models -014 and -015 only: adjust the coil temperature if the original CMX
board was replaced (page 181).
9. Models -004, -04P, -005, and -05P only: set shuttle speed if the original
CMX board was replaced (page 182).
10. Adjust the hammer phasing (page 173).
11. Adjust the end of forms distance (page 169).
12. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).
13. Using the configuration printout you made as step 1 of the removal
procedure, reset and save the printer configuration.


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Circuit Board: Power Supply


<4> To prevent injury from electric shock, wait at least one

minute after powering off before removing the power
supply board.

Do not touch components or flex the board during removal/installation.
Handle the board by the ejection levers and the sides. Wear a properly
grounded static wrist strap when handling the power supply board.

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Disconnect output connector P101 from the controller board and AC input
connector P1 from the power supply board.
4. Loosen three captive screws securing the power supply board to the rear
wall of the card cage. (See page 264, Figure 47, item 15.)
5. Carefully disengage the power supply board from the three standoffs on
the rear wall of the card cage.
6. Remove the power supply board from the card cage.

1. Position the power supply board over the three standoffs on the rear wall
of the card cage and gently push the board until it engages fully on the
2. Install three screws securing the power supply board to the rear wall of
the card cage. (See page 264, Figure 47, item 15.)
3. Connect output connector P101 to the controller board and AC input
connector P1 to the power supply board.
4. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
5. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Circuit Breaker

Circuit Breaker
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Open the printer cover.
3. Remove the card cage fan (page 209).
4. Disconnect the four circuit breaker electrical leads.
(Cabinet Model: See Figure 53, page 280.
Pedestal Model: See Figure 46, page 262.)
5. Press in on the spring clips and remove the circuit breaker from the

6. Press the circuit breaker into the cutout until the spring clips snap into
(Cabinet Model: See Figure 53, page 280.
Pedestal Model: See Figure 46, page 262.)
Make sure the four leads are connected as shown on page 280 and page
7. Connect the four circuit breaker electrical leads.
(Cabinet Model: See Figure 53, page 280.
Pedestal Model: See Figure 46, page 262.)
8. Install the card cage fan (page 209).
9. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface

NOTE: Installation, operation, and replacement parts for this optional feature
are covered in detail in the Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface
Feature Installation and Operation Guide,
Form Number S246-0149.

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Refer to the Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface Feature Installation and
Operation Guide, Form Number S246-0149.

1. Refer to the Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface Feature Installation and
Operation Guide, Form Number S246-0149.
2. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Connector Shells

Connector Shells
Some of the printer cable connectors are grouped inside connector shells.
The procedure below explains how to remove and install cable assemblies
from any connector shell in the printer.
NOTE: There is also a diagram of the P106 / P107 connector shells on the
plastic cover over the power supply. Additionally, later model printers
have stiffening clips attached to connectors P106 and P107. (See
page 198.)

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
NOTE: Later models have stiffening clips on connectors P106 and P107.
3. On later model printers, remove the stiffening clip (page 198).
4. Disconnect the cable connector shell containing the cable assembly that
will be replaced.
5. Pull the side of the connector shell outward and gently pull the cable
connector upward. (See Figure 30.) Notice that two-wire connectors are
grouped across from two-wire connectors in a connector shell. Four-wire
connectors are grouped across from four-wire connectors in a connector
6. Disengage the lock tab(s) on the cable connector from the slots in the
side of the connector shell.
7. Remove the cable connector from the connector shell. (Remove only the
cable connector for the cable you are replacing; leave the rest in the


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

1. Position the cable connector in the connector shell. Two-wire connectors
are always grouped across from two-wire connectors in a connector shell.
Four-wire connectors are always grouped across from four-wire
connectors in a connector shell. (See Figure 30.)
2. Pull the side of the connector shell outward and gently push the cable
connector down into the connector shell.
3. Engage the tabs on the cable connector in the slots in the side of the
connector shell. Press the sides of the connector shell inward to make
sure all cable connector tabs are engaged in the shell slots.
NOTE: Later models have stiffening clips on connectors P106 and P107.
4. On later model printers, install the stiffening clip (page 198).
5. Connect the cable connector shell to its printer connection.
6. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
7. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Connector Shells

P106 Connector Configuration P107 Connector Configuration

19 17 15 13 11 9 7531 (Top View: As seen 19 17 15 13 11 9 7531

when plugged into the
POD CCF PLAT M CMX controller board.) MPU PLO EHF PAPR M


Pin No.
20 18 16 14 12 10 8642 20 18 16 14 12 10 8642

CCF = Card Cage Fan CVO = Cover Open (Switch)

LRIB M = Left Ribbon Motor EHF* = Exhaust Fan
LRP = Left Ribbon Guide HBF = Hammer Bank Fan
PLAT M = Platen Open Motor MPU = Magnetic Pickup
PMD = Paper Motion Detector (Switch) PAPR M = Paper Feed Motor
POD = Paper Out Detect (Switch) PLO = Platen Open (Switch)
RRIB M = Right Ribbon Motor
RRP = Right Ribbon Guide

* JMP on pedestal models: used as a


Later models have

stiffening clips on
connectors P106 and
P107. See page 198.

Key Tab

Typical 4-Wire
Typical 2-Wire Cable Connector
Cable Connector

Pull the sides outward just

enough to release the
connector lock tab from the
slot in the connector shell.

Connector shell
P106 / P107
Key Tab Slot P/N 202362-901

Push here to
remove the shell
from the controller J106 or J107 on CMX
board. Controller Board

Figure 30. Cable Connector Shell, Disassembly/Assembly


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Connector Stiffening Clips

Later model printers have connector stiffening clips on CMX board connectors
P106 and P107. For earlier models, the clips are available in a field kit. The
clips stiffen connectors P106 and P107 and help prevent accidental removal
of wires when the connector shells are disconnected from the CMX board.

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Unsnap the front (open side) of the clip from the connector shell, release
the back of the clip from the lip of connector shell P107, and work the
stiffening clip off the cable bundle. (See Figure 31.)
4. Repeat step 3 for the P106 connector.
5. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
6. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Work the stiffening clip over the cable bundle, engage the back of the clip
under the lip of connector shell P107, then snap the front (open side) of
the clip down over the connector shell. (See Figure 31.)
4. Repeat step 3 for the P106 connector.
5. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
6. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Connector Stiffening Clips



Clip $


Figure 31. Connector Stiffening Clips


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Cover Assembly, Hammer Bank / Ribbon Mask

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
3. Early models:
Lift the thick plate of the hammer bank cover assembly at one end, and
peel the cover away from hammer bank magnets. (See Figure 32, page
4. Later models:
a. Using a Torx T-10 driver, remove the six screws and three ribbon
mask clamp plates securing the ribbon mask to the hammer bank
cover. Remove the ribbon mask. (See Figure 32, page 202.)
NOTE: If you are replacing just the ribbon mask, simply loosen the six screws
until you can slip the ribbon mask off the alignment pins.
b. Using a Torx T-10 driver, remove the 12 screws securing the hammer
bank cover to the hammer bank. Remove the hammer bank cover.
(See Figure 32, page 202.)


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Cover Assembly, Hammer Bank / Ribbon Mask

The hammer bank contains a strong magnet. To prevent damage to the
hammer tips, do not let the hammer bank cover assembly snap into
place as the hammer bank magnet attracts it. Any impact of the cover
against the hammer bank can break hammer tips.
1. Early models:
a. With the thick plate facing the hammer bank, engage the bottom edge
of the hammer bank cover assembly on the alignment pins. Engage
the round hole first, then the oblong hole, to ensure that the cover lies
flat on the hammer bank.
b. Gently lower the hammer bank cover assembly until it lies flush on
the hammer bank.
c. Check that the hammer bank cover assembly is properly positioned
over the alignment pins and hammer tips.
2. Later models:
a. Position the hammer bank cover on the alignment pins on the
hammer bank. Make sure the hammer bank cover is properly
positioned over the alignment pins and hammer tips and lies flat on
the hammer bank.
b. Install all 12 hold-down screws finger tight. Using a Torx T-10 driver,
torque the 12 hold-screws to 14 inch-pounds (1.58 N•m) in the
sequence shown in Figure 32 on page 202.
c. With the seam of the folded lower edge of the ribbon mask facing
inward (toward the hammer bank cover), position the ribbon mask on
the alignment pins on the hammer bank cover. The ribbon mask is
correctly installed when the angled ends of the ribbon mask match
the angled ends of the hammer bank cover. Install the three clamp
plates and six screws finger tight. Using a Torx T-10 driver, torque the
six screws to 14 inch-pounds (1.58 N•m) in the sequence shown in
Figure 32 on page 202.
3. Install the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
4. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Hammer Bank Cover

Early Models (Thick Plate) Ribbon Mask
(Thin Plate)

Hammer Bank Cover


Later Models Ribbon Mask Torque Sequence

4 3 1 2 5 6

Hammer Bank Cover Ribbon Mask

Clamp Plate (3)
Screw (12) Screw (6)

Hammer Bank Cover Torque Sequence

9 5 1 3 7 11

10 6 2 4 8 12

Figure 32. Hammer Bank Cover Assembly / Ribbon Mask


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Cover Assembly, Shuttle

Cover Assembly, Shuttle

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Loosen the shuttle cover screws (page 258, Figure 44, item 2).
3. Grasping the edges of the shuttle cover assembly, tilt up the rear edge
and lift the shuttle cover assembly out of the printer.

1. Place the shuttle cover assembly in the printer. Tilt the forward edge of
the cover down slightly and work the cover into position (page 258, Figure
NOTE: Make sure the holes in the cover are over the locating pins.
2. Tighten the shuttle cover screws (page 258, Figure 44, item 2).
3. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Cover Assembly, Top, Pedestal Model

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the operator panel (page 228).
3. Remove five screws and the control panel bracket. (See Figure 43, page
256, items 3 and 4.)
4. Loosen the two captive #2 Phillips screws in the lower front corners of the
top cover. (See Figure 43, page 256, item 14.)
5. Loosen, but do not remove, the two #2 Phillips hold-down screws on the
rear of the printer. (See Figure 43, page 256, item 8.)
6. Lift the top cover assembly off the printer base.

1. To install the top cover assembly, reverse steps 2 through 6 of the
removal procedure.
2. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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This procedure applies only to cabinet models.



<3> Two persons may be required to do this procedure. Prop or

hold the top cover securely open while disengaging the

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).

2. Open the printer cover.
3. Open the floor cabinet rear door.
4. Pry back the spring retaining clips (page 254, Figure 42).
5. Remove the dashpot from the ball studs.

The dashpot must be installed with the large cylinder uppermost.
1. Position the dashpot against the ball studs on the upper and lower
brackets (page 254, Figure 42). The large cylinder must be uppermost.
2. Push the dashpot onto the ball joints and install the spring clips.
3. Close the printer cover. If necessary, adjust the position of the ball joint
stud in the lower bracket to achieve smooth and complete closure.
4. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Doors, Cabinet, Reversing

NOTE: Floor cabinet printers are assembled with the front door hinged on the
left side so that it opens at the right side. The rear door is hinged on
the right side so that it opens on the left side. This procedure enables
you to reverse this door configuration.
1. Open the front and rear cabinet doors.
2. Mark the top of each door.
3. Remove the screws and wire ropes from the doors and cabinet frame.
(See Figure 40, page 250, item 9.)
4. Lift each door up and off the hinge pins of the upper and lower cabinet
hinge plates. Do not remove the hinge plates from the doors.
5. Remove two screws and the paper fence from the original rear door.
6. Remove the screws securing the hinge pin plates to the front and rear of
the cabinet. Remove the hinge plates and the pads beneath the plates.
7. Install pads and hinge pin plates to the right front side of the frame, with
the hinge pins up and toward the outside edge of the printer frame.
8. Install pads and hinge pin plates to the left rear side of the frame, with the
hinge pins up and toward the outside edge of the printer frame.
9. Move the original rear door to the front of the printer. With the marked top
uppermost, slide the door hinges down onto the hinge pins. Adjust the
position of the hinge pin plates as necessary so the door closes squarely
against the frame.
10. Move the original front door to the rear of the printer. With the marked top
uppermost, slide the door hinges down onto the hinge pins. Adjust the
position of the hinge pin plates as necessary so the door closes squarely
against the frame.
11. Install the paper fence to the “new” rear door with the two screws.
12. Install the wire ropes to the doors and the cabinet frame.


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Ethernet Interface Assemblies

Ethernet Interface Assemblies

NOTE: The Ethernet LAN option is available in one of three configurations:
10Base-T, 10Base2, or 10/100Base-T. These options are available
factory installed or as field kits. Removal and installation is the same
for all versions. The functions of the LEDs and DIP switches on the
various Ethernet interface boards are described on page 52 and page

To convert an Ethernet-equipped printer to a parallel interface,

remove the Ethernet board assembly and install the Centronics
connector in the slot the Ethernet board occupied. The Centronics
cable joins the back of the Ethernet board to the controller board.

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Disconnect Centronics cable connector P112 from connector J112 on the
CMX controller board. (See Figure 47, page 264.)
4. Open the ferrite clamp and lift the Centronics cable out of the ferrite
5. Loosen the two screws securing the Ethernet interface assembly to the
cutout at the rear of the card cage.
6. Slide the Ethernet interface assembly out of the cutout in the card cage
and lift the assembly out of the card cage.

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
1. Reverse steps 2 through 6 of the removal procedure.
2. Initialize the Ethernet interface (page 183).
3. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Fan Assembly, Cabinet Exhaust

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Open the floor cabinet doors and the printer cover.
3. Remove the paper stacker. (See Figure 41, page 252.)
4. Remove the three screws securing the air exhaust duct. (The top screw is
located near the right front of the card cage, in front of the square air
holes in the printer base plate.) (See Figure 42, page 254.)
5. Disconnect the fan cable connector from connector P307 and remove the
air exhaust duct.
6. Remove the fan cable connector from the cutout in the side of the air
exhaust duct.
7. Remove the two fan mounting screws and the cabinet exhaust fan

Make sure to install the fan so that air flow is down.
1. Position the cabinet exhaust fan assembly in the air exhaust duct so that
air flow is down, and install the two screws securing the fan to the duct.
(See Figure 42, page 254.)
2. Snap the fan cable connector into the cutout in the side of the air exhaust
3. Move the air exhaust duct back into position and install the three screws.
4. Connect the cabinet exhaust fan cable connector to connector P307.
5. Install the paper stacker. (See Figure 41, page 252.)
6. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Fan Assembly, Card Cage

Fan Assembly, Card Cage

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Disconnect the fan cable connector:
Cabinet Model, Figure 52, page 278.
Pedestal Model, Figure 46, page 262.
4. Cabinet Model: Remove the two fan mounting screws from the bottom of
the fan. (See Figure 52, page 278, item 2.)
Pedestal Model: Remove the four fan mounting screws and nut. (See
Figure 46, page 262, items 1 through 4.)
5. Remove the card cage fan assembly from the card cage.
6. Remove the screw securing the shield to the card cage fan.

Make sure to install the fan so the label faces toward the inside of the
printer. Air flow is INTO the card cage.
1. Reverse steps 2 through 6 of the removal procedure.
2. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Fan Assembly, Hammer Bank

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
3. Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
4. Trace the hammer bank fan cable assembly back to the controller board
connector J107, releasing it from all cable constraints. (See the cable
routing diagrams on page 299 and page 301.)
5. Disconnect connector P107 from the controller board and remove the fan
connector (HBF) from on the controller board. (See page 197.)
6. Remove the two screws securing the fan to the base casting. Angle the
hammer bank fan assembly up and out of the base casting and feed the
motor wires and cable connector out from between the base casting and
the base pan. (See Figure 52, page 278.)

Make sure to install the fan so the label faces up. Air flow is UP.
NOTE: The hammer bank fan assembly is installed by angling it down and
under the shuttle motor.
1. Feed the hammer bank fan cable connector (HBF) and motor wires
between the fan well of the base casting and the base pan. Reach up
under the base casting and route the fan cable to the right and angle the
hammer bank fan assembly under the shuttle motor and down into the fan
well. (See Figure 52, page 278.)
2. Route the fan motor wires as shown on page 300, connect fan cable
connector (HBF) to P107, then connect P107 to J107 on the controller
board. (See page 197.)
3. Install two screws in the locations shown in Figure 52 (page 278).
4. Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
5. Install the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
6. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Hammer Spring Assembly

Hammer Spring Assembly

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
3. Carefully vacuum the shuttle frame assembly.
4. Remove the hammer bank cover assembly (page 200).
Hammer springs and hammer tips are fragile. Do not touch the hammer
springs or tips. Handle hammer springs by the thick mounting base
only. Apply pressure only to the mounting base.
NOTE: Replace a hammer spring assembly only if there is visible damage or
broken parts can be seen in the assembly.
5. Remove the mounting screws from the old hammer spring assembly.
(See Figure 33, page 212.)
6. Handling the hammer spring assembly by the mounting base only, gently
pry the old hammer spring assembly off its mounting pins. (See Figure 33,
page 212.)
7. Inspect the hammer bank and the old hammer spring assembly:
a. If there is ink on the hammer bank mounting surface, the hammer
spring assembly mounting surface, or the hammer spring neck or
tines, reinstall the old hammer spring assembly and replace the
shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
b. If the old hammer spring assembly and the hammer bank are free of
ink, install the new hammer spring assembly (page 213).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

NOTE: The hammer spring assemblies shown here

are for 6400-004/-04P/-005/-05P printers. The
number of hammer springs and mounting screws
varies among printer models, but removal and
installation are the same.

Hammer Spring
Assembly 7

Hammer Spring
Assembly 1

Discard old screws.

Figure 33. Hammer Spring Assembly, Removal


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Hammer Spring Assembly

NOTE: 6400-050, -P50, -010, -P10, -014, -015, -C05, and -C5P printers must
use the CMX 040 controller board.
1. Using a clean dry cloth, wipe the hammer spring mounting surface on the
hammer bank. Make sure the cloth does not leave lint on the hammer
Hammer springs and hammer tips are fragile. Do not touch the hammer
springs or tips. Handle hammer springs by the thick mounting base
only. Apply pressure only to the mounting base.
NOTE: Replace a hammer spring assembly only if there is visible damage or
you see broken parts in the assembly.
2. Handling it by the mounting base only, remove the new hammer spring
assembly and mounting screws from the box.
3. Handling the hammer spring assembly by the mounting base only,
carefully position the new hammer spring assembly onto the hammer
bank mounting pins and press it into position with the flat end of the stick
supplied in the hammer spring replacement kit. (See Figure 34, page
4. Install the mounting screws from the replacement kit. Using a Torx** T-10
bit adapter, torque each screw to 14 inch-pounds (1.58 N•m). Tighten the
center screw(s) first. (See Figure 34, page 214.)
5. Install the hammer bank cover assembly (page 200).
6. Install the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
7. Install the ribbon and load paper.
Do not attempt to adjust or “tweak” hammer springs.
8. Run a Customer Engineer Test and check print quality (page 134):
a. If print quality is acceptable, return the printer to normal operation
(page 153).
b. If print quality is still degraded, replace the shuttle frame assembly
(page 242).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

NOTE: The hammer spring assemblies shown here

are for 6400-004/-04P/-005/-05P printers. The
number of hammer springs and mounting screws
varies among printer models, but removal and
installation are the same.

Use new screws from the New Hammer

kit. Torque the screws to Spring Assembly
14 inch-pounds (1.58

Figure 34. Hammer Spring Assembly, Installation


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IBM Coax/Twinax Expansion Board

IBM Coax/Twinax Expansion Board

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Loosen, but do not remove, the two screws securing the coax/twinax I/O
plate to the rear of the card cage. Loosen the thumbscrew on the CT
board until the screw is released from the standoff on the controller board.
(See Figure 54, page 282.)
4. Carefully lift the expansion-CT board out of the card cage cutout and off
the expansion connector adapter that attaches the CT to the CMX board.
5. Remove the expansion connector adapter from the CMX controller board
by carefully lifting it straight up and out of the controller connector.

1. Reverse steps 2 through 5 of the removal procedure.
2. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Magnetic Pick-up (MPU) Assembly

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the shuttle cover (page 203).
3. Disconnect the shuttle cable assembly connector (page 272, Figure 49).
4. Disconnect the magnetic pick-up (MPU) cable connector (page 272,
Figure 49).
5. Loosen the 7/64 inch hex MPU clamp screw (page 272, Figure 49).
6. Unscrew the MPU assembly from the MPU bracket.

1. Install the MPU assembly by screwing it into the MPU bracket (page 272,
Figure 49).
2. Using a feeler gauge, adjust the gap between the MPU assembly and the
flywheel to 0.010 ± .001 inch (0.254 ± 0.025 mm). Torque the MPU clamp
screw to 19 ± 1 inch-pounds (2.15 ± 0.11 N•m).
3. Check the gap between the MPU assembly and the flywheel with a feeler
a. If the gap is 0.010 ± .001 inch (0.254 ± 0.025 mm), go to step 4.
b. If the gap is not 0.010 ± 0.001 inch (0.254 ± 0.025 mm), loosen the
MPU clamp screw and go back to step 2.
Make sure the MPU cable is below the extension spring and does not
touch the spring after the cable is connected.
4. Connect the magnetic pick-up (MPU) cable connector.
5. Connect the shuttle cable assembly connector (page 272, Figure 49).
6. Install the shuttle cover (page 203).
7. Adjust the hammer phasing (page 173).
8. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Memory and Security Modules

Memory and Security Modules

1. Make a configuration printout of all configurations. (Refer to the Setup
2. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
3. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
NOTE: If flash SIMMs are removed from one controller board and placed on
another controller board, the SIMMs must be placed on the new
board in the same order and location as on the original board.
4. Gently pry the side locks open, angle the SIMM toward the front of the
printer, and remove the SIMM from the socket. (See Figure 35, page 220
for the locations of memory modules.)
5. Using a module extraction tool, remove the security module. (See Figure
35, page 220.)


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
NOTE: Flash SIMMs from one CMX controller board must be placed in the
same slot on a replacement CMX controller board. Installing flash
memory from one controller board to another does not transfer all
operating system software, so you must download the emulation
NOTE: Part numbers for pre-written flash memory and security modules are
listed in Table 8 and Table 9.
1. Insert the memory module into the correct socket on the CMX controller
a. Position the SIMM so the notched end is toward the right-hand side of
board. (See Figure 35, page 220.)
b. Press the SIMM into the socket with the top of the SIMM angled away
from the center of the board. When the SIMM is seated in the socket,
gently push on the ends until it locks in the upright position.
2. Install the security module. (See Figure 35, page 220.)
3. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
4. Download the emulation (page 176).
5. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).
6. Using the configuration printouts you made as step 1 of the removal
procedure, reset and save the printer configurations. (Refer to the Setup


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Memory and Security Modules

Table 8. Pre-Written Flash SIMMs and Security Modules: Early Models

Pre-Written Flash for models

Security Module
Code Load Description 004, 04P, 005, 05P, 008, 08P,
IBM P/N (Vendor P/N)
009, 09P, 012, 014, C05, C5P

Base ASCII 24H9315 14H5509 (154143-002)

ASCII with IGP 24H9317 14H5490 (154143-001)

ASCII with Code V 24H9329 14H5490 (154143-001)

Base CTA 24H9332 14H5509 154143-002)

CTA with IGP 24H9330 14H5490 (154143-001)

CTA with Code V 24H9331 14H5490 (154143-001)

IPDS Twinax 24H9333 14H5509 (154143-002)

IPDS Twinax with IGP 24H9334 14H5490 (154143-001)

IPDS Twinax with Code V 24H9335 14H5490 (154143-001)

IPDS Coax 24H9336 14H5509 (154143-002)

IPDS Coax with IGP 24H9337 14H5490 (154143-001)

IPDS Coax with Code V 24H9338 14H5490 (154143-001)

LQ-1600K (Hanzi) 24L5211 38L0821 (154143-005)

Table 9. Pre-Written Flash SIMMs and Security Modules: Later Models

Pre-Written Flash for models Security Module

Code Load Description
050, P50, 010, P10, 015 IBM P/N (Vendor P/N)

Base ASCII 02N8319 14H5509 (154143-002)

ASCII + CV/IGP 02N8320 14H5490 (154143-001)

Ethernet IPDS for ASCII 02N8321 14H5509 (154143-002)

Ethernet IPDS + CV/IGP 02N8322 14H5490 (154143-001)


Base CTA 02N8323 14H5509 (154143-002)

Base CTA + CV/IGP 02N8324 14H5490 (154143-001)

Coax/Twinax (Ethernet) 02N8325 14H5509 (154143-002)


Coax/Twinax (Ethernet) 02N8326 14H5490 (154143-001)



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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

CMX Controller Board

CAUTION: <5> Do not remove or replace
the NVRAM. The NVRAM contains a
lithium battery that can explode if it is
replaced incorrectly. NVRAM is replaced
only at the factory.

Bank 1
Bank 0

Bank 1
Bank 0

Notch Notched End

1 Flash: DRAM:
Security PAL*

80-pin SIMM 72-pin SIMM

J11 = Bank 0 (must always J16 = Bank 0 (must always
be filled) be filled)

J10 = Bank 1 J15 = Bank 1

Reserved for upgrades Reserved for upgrades

If 1 Flash SIMM, use Bank 0 If 1 DRAM SIMM, use Bank 0

2 If 2 Flash SIMMs, use both If 2 DRAM SIMMs, use both
banks but put pre-programmed banks (It does not matter which
Latch SIMMs in J11 SIMM goes into which bank

Latch J11 and J16 must always be filled, no matter what
combination of SIMMs is used. The CMX
board does not support EDO RAM.

Blank SIMMs:
4 MB Flash - 24H9009
4 MB DRAM - 14H5508
8 MB DRAM - 24H9010 * Security Module, Base: 14H5509
Security Module, Graphics: 14H5490

CTA IGP (Hanzi)
Code V Code V
Code V

Flash 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 4 MB

DRAM 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB

CT Installed No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Security PAL 154143-002 154143-001 154143-002 154143-001 154143-002 154143-001 154143-005

Vendor P/N (14H5509) (14H5490) (14H5509) (14H5490) (14H5509) (14H5490) (38L0821)

Figure 35. Memory and Security Modules


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Motor Assembly, Paper Feed

Motor Assembly, Paper Feed

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Cabinet Model: Loosen four screws and remove the barrier shield. (See
Figure 44, page 258, items 3 and 4.)
Pedestal Model: Remove the four screws, the barrier shield, and the
paper guide. (See Figure 45, page 260, items 3, 4, and 5.)
4. Remove the timing belt cover by squeezing the top and bottom to release
the plastic tabs from the slots in the side plate (page 258, Figure 44).
5. Loosen the paper feed motor mount screws (page 278, Figure 52, item
6. Loosen the shaft collar setscrew and remove the paper feed motor pulley,
shaft collar, and paper feed timing belt (page 278, Figure 52).
7. Trace the paper feed motor cables back to the controller board, releasing
it from tie wraps. (See the cable routing diagrams on page 300 and page
8. Disconnect connector P107 from the controller board and remove the
paper feed motor connector from connector P107. (See page 195.)
NOTE: Some paper feed motors are mounted with nuts and bolts; other
motors have threaded flanges, eliminating the need for nuts.
9. Remove the motor mount bolts (and nuts, if present).
10. Remove the paper feed motor assembly.


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

1. Position the paper feed motor assembly on the right side plate and install
the motor mount bolts and nuts finger tight (page 278, Figure 52).
2. Connect the paper feed motor cable connector to connector P107, then
connect P107 to J107 on the controller board. (See page 195.)
3. Install the collar, paper feed motor pulley, and timing belt.
4. Align the paper feed motor pulley with the splined shaft pulley.
Make sure there is at least 0.040 inches (1.016 mm) of clearance
between the collar/pulley and the motor face plate.
5. Hold the collar snug against the motor pulley and torque the setscrew to
25 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.82 ± 0.23 N•m).
6. Using the straight end of a force gauge, apply 12 pounds (53.4 N) of
pressure to the paper feed motor. Use the splined shaft to steady the
7. Reduce pressure to 9 pounds (40.0 N) and torque the motor mount
screws to 18 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.36 ± 0.23 N•m).
8. Snap the timing belt cover into the slots in the side plate.
9. Cabinet Model: Install the barrier shield and four screws. (See Figure 44,
page 258, items 3and 4.)
Pedestal Model: Install the barrier shield, paper guide, and four screws.
(See Figure 45, page 260, items 3, 4, and 5.)
10. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
11. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Motor Assembly, Platen Open

Motor Assembly, Platen Open

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Cabinet Model: Remove the card cage fan (page 209).
4. Remove the platen open belt cover by squeezing the top and bottom to
release the plastic tabs from the slots in the side plate (page 276, Figure
5. Loosen the two 5/16 inch motor mount screws (page 278, Figure 52).
6. Loosen the 1/16 hex pulley setscrew and remove the motor pulley and
platen open belt.
7. Trace the platen open motor cables back to the controller board,
releasing the cables from the tie wraps. (See cable routing diagrams on
page 300 and page 302.)
8. Disconnect connector P106 from the controller board.
9. Trace the platen open motor cables to the connector shell and remove the
platen open cable connector from the connector shell (page 195).
NOTE: Some platen open motors are mounted with nuts and bolts; other
motors have threaded flanges, eliminating the need for nuts.
10. Remove the two 5/16 inch motor mount screws (and nuts, if present).
11. Remove the platen open motor assembly.


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

1. Position the platen open motor assembly with the wires toward the rear
(page 278, Figure 52).
2. Install the two 5/16 inch motor mount screws (and nuts, if present) finger
3. Install the platen open belt and motor pulley. Bottom out the motor pulley
on the motor shaft and tighten the setscrew to 9 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.24 ±
0.23 N•m).
4. Connect the platen motor cable connector to connector shell P106.
5. Connect shell connector P106 to J106 on the controller board. Install tie
wraps to secure the motor cable. (See cable routing diagrams on page
300 and page 302.)
6. Close the forms thickness lever all the way.
Too much tension on the platen open belt can cause the platen gap to
change, which can lead to premature wear of the platen, damaged
hammer tips, and poor print quality.
7. Using a force gauge, apply 10 pounds (44.48 N) of tension to the platen
open motor shaft by pushing away from the large platen pulley, reduce
tension to 5 pounds (22.24 N) and torque the motor mount screws to
11 ± 2 inch-pounds (1.24 ± 0.23 N•m).
8. Snap the platen open belt cover into the slots in the side plate.
9. Cabinet Model: Install the card cage fan (page 209).
10. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
11. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Motor Assembly, Ribbon Drive

Motor Assembly, Ribbon Drive

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the ribbon hub (page 238).
3. Remove two screws and washers securing the ribbon drive motor to the
base casting (page 278, Figure 52).
4. Lift and rotate the ribbon drive motor until the motor cable is aligned with
the slot on the base casting.
5. Disconnect the ribbon drive motor cable connector.
6. Cabinet models: remove the heat boot from the motor. You will install the
boot on the replacement motor.

1. Reverse steps 2 through 6 of the removal procedure above.
NOTE: The ribbon drive motor should be secured at the right front and left
rear corners. (See page 278, Figure 52.)
2. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Network Print Server

Installation and operation of this optional feature are described in the Print
Server User’s Guide, P/N 30H4056. This guide describes error messages and
troubleshooting information. Also provided is a section that describes IBM
service procedures.

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Refer to the Print Server User’s Guide (P/N 30H4056) for information on
determining if the print server is operating correctly.

1. Refer to the Print Server User’s Guide (P/N 30H4056) for information on
installing and testing the feature.
2. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Operator Panel Assembly, Cabinet Model

Operator Panel Assembly, Cabinet Model

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Open the printer cover.
3. Remove the four screws securing the operator panel plate to the panel
bracket. (See Figure 42, page 254.)
4. Press down on the plastic tab at the upper rear of the panel and slide the
operator panel downward on the mounting plate until the tabs on the
panel housing slide out of the cutouts.
5. Lift the operator panel assembly and disconnect the phone-style cable

1. Connect the phone-style operator panel cable to the bottom of the
operator panel. (See Figure 42, page 254.)
2. Position the operator panel over the cutouts in the panel plate. Slide the
panel upward until the plastic tab at the upper rear of the panel locks into
the mounting plate.
3. Position the operator panel and plate on the bracket and install the four
screws finger tight. (See Figure 42, page 254.)
4. Slowly lower the printer cover and align the operator panel in the cover
cutout. Open the printer cover and tighten the panel plate screws.
5. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Operator Panel Assembly, Pedestal Model

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Open the printer cover.
3. Tilt the operator panel toward the front of the printer.
4. Disconnect the phone-style cable connector at the rear of the operator
5. Press down on the plastic tab at the upper rear of the panel and slide the
operator panel downward on the mounting plate until the tabs on the
panel housing slide out of the cutouts.

1. Tilt the operator panel mounting plate toward the front of the printer.
2. Position the operator panel over the cutouts in the mounting plate and
slide the panel upward until the plastic tab at the upper rear of the panel
locks into the mounting plate.
3. Connect the phone-style operator panel cable to the bottom of the
operator panel.
4. Close the printer cover.
5. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Paper Guide Assembly

Paper Guide Assembly

This procedure applies only to cabinet models.

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Open the printer cover.
3. Loosen the three paper guide assembly hold-down screws (page 258,
Figure 44, item 6).
4. Slide the paper guide assembly to the left and lift it off the card cage.

1. Position the paper guide assembly offset slightly to the left on the card
cage with the keyway cutouts over the three loosened hold-down screws
(page 258, Figure 44, item 6).
2. Slide the paper guide assembly to the right, engaging the three hold-
down screws in the keyway slots. Slide the paper guide assembly to the
right as far as it will go.
3. Tighten the three hold-down screws (page 258, Figure 44, item 6).
4. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Paper Ironer


<2> Over time the upper edge of the paper ironer can become
sharp. To avoid cutting yourself, handle the paper ironer on
the sides.

1. Remove the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
2. Move the forms thickness lever to the open position.
3. Push the ends of the paper ironer toward the rear of the printer,
disengage the tabs, then lift it up and out (page 276, Figure 51).

NOTE: The black tape on the paper ironer faces the paper detector switch
1. Position the paper ironer so that the black tape is on the side that faces
the paper detector switch assembly. (See page 276, Figure 51.)
2. Push the paper ironer down into the slots until the tabs engage.
3. Install the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
4. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
3. Remove the paper ironer (page 230).
4. Remove the three 1/4 inch screws securing the paper ironer bracket
assembly and remove the assembly. (See Figure 51, page 276, items 4
through 6.)
5. Remove the platen open belt (page 189).
6. Remove the platen pulley (page 276, Figure 51, item 21):
a. Loosen the 7/64 inch collar clamp screw.
b. Pull the platen pulley off the platen shaft.
7. Pull the spring link and white plastic bushing off the platen shaft and
remove the spring link, bushing, and spring. (See Figure 51, page 276,
items 16, 17, and 18.)
8. Remove the forms thickness lever by loosening the 7/64 inch clamp
screw and pulling the lever off the platen shaft. (See Figure 51, page 276,
item 15.)
9. Remove the right side platen support spring by repeating step 7 on the
right side of the platen.
10. Remove the Phillips #1 screw and washer securing the forms thickness
indicator plate from the inside of the right side bracket. (See Figure 51,
page 276, items 9 and 10.)
11. Pull the indicator plate, with the interlock switch assembly attached, off
the platen shaft.
12. Remove the two 7/32 inch screws and washers securing the right ribbon
guide assembly to the side plate. (See Figure 52, page 278, item 11, 13,
and 14.)
13. Slide the ribbon guide assembly out of the side plate.
14. Pull the right side of the platen toward the front of the printer and move
the platen to the right and out of the left side plate. (Hold the black metal
washer on the left side shaft as you remove the platen. Make sure the
copper wear saddles in the platen seat of the mechanism base stay in


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

The dowel pins protruding from the ends of the platen are the platen
shafts, and are not equal in length. The platen must be installed with the
longer shaft on the right side.
1. Wipe the platen shafts clean of grease and debris.
2. Install two washers on the longer (right) platen shaft. (See Figure 36.)
3. Apply bearing lubricant to both platen shafts.

Platen Shaft
(Right Side)

Ironer Bracket
Platen Adjust

Figure 36. Installing the Platen Adjust Bracket

4. Make sure the two wear saddles are set flush into the corners of the
mechanism base platen seat. (See Figure 37.)
5. Apply a layer of bearing lubricant 1/4 inch high to the seat of each wear
saddle, making the layer as wide as the saddle and touching the rear
angled surface.
6. Install one platen adjust bracket onto the longer platen shaft, with the
screw at the top of the bracket.
7. Place the other bracket onto the left side mechanism base platen seat so
that the mechanism base platen seat is between the flanges of the
8. Insert the shorter platen shaft through the left adjust bracket and through
the opening in the left side plate. Rotate the longer shaft into the opening
in the right side plate and position the adjustment brackets as shown in
Figure 36.


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Platen Adjust


Base Platen

Figure 37. Positioning the Platen Adjust Brackets

9. Slide the right ribbon guide assembly into the side plate and install the
two 7/32 inch screws and washers. (See Figure 52, page 278, items 11,
13 and 14.)
10. Install the forms thickness indicator plate:
a. Slide the indicator plate, with the interlock switch assembly attached,
onto the platen shaft and up against the right side plate.
b. Install the Phillips #1 screw and washer securing the indicator plate.
11. Install the black metal washer onto the left side of the platen shaft. (See
Figure 51, page 276, item 26.)
12. Apply bearing lubricant to the nylon bearings in the two spring links, slide
the spring links onto the two platen shafts, and connect the springs to the
spring hooks in the side plates. (See Figure 51, page 276, items 16, 17,
and 18.)
13. Apply bearing lubricant to the two platen shafts on both sides, between
the ends of the platen and the platen adjustment brackets.
14. Install the paper ironer bracket. (See Figure 36, page 232):
a. With the flat part of the bracket facing the front of the printer, place
the two hooks of the upper part of the paper ironer over the platen
The left hook of the paper ironer goes between the left platen
adjustment bracket and the platen.


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

For the right side of the platen, a washer goes on both sides of the
paper ironer hook and the hook goes to the left of the right platen
adjustment bracket. (See Figure 36, page 232.)
b. Install and torque three screws to 20 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.26 ± 0.23
15. Push the platen to the left.
16. Install the forms thickness lever onto the right side platen shaft, pressing
the interlock switch out of the way as the lever slides past it. Tighten the
7/64 inch setscrew. (See Figure 51, page 276.) Open and close the forms
thickness lever to make sure the setscrew does not touch the right ribbon
17. Install the platen shaft pulley with the 7/64 inch setscrew facing up and
tighten the setscrew. Open and close the forms thickness lever and check
that the platen pulley setscrew does not hit the left ribbon guide.
18. Install, but do not adjust, the platen open belt and platen open motor
pulley (page 189).
19. Install the paper ironer with the black tape towards the rear of the printer
(page 230).
20. Install the shuttle frame assembly (page 242).
21. Adjust the platen gap (page 162).
22. Adjust the platen open belt (page 156).
23. Check ribbon guide alignment (page 166).
24. Check the hammer phasing (page 173).
25. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Resistors, Terminating

Resistors, Terminating
For parallel interface configurations, the printer is equipped with 470 ohm pull-
up terminating resistors and 1K ohm pull-down terminating resistors on the
controller board. These are suitable for most applications. (See Figure 38,
page 236.)
If the standard terminating resistor pack is not compatible with the interface
driver requirements of the host computer, other values of pull-up and pull-
down resistors may be required. 220 ohm pull-up and 330 ohm pull-down
alternate terminating resistors are provided with the printer. If you install the
220 ohm pull-up resistor, you must also install the 330 ohm pull-down resistor.
Possible terminating resistor combinations are shown below.

Configuration RP1 (Pull-Up) RP2 (Pull-Down)

Factory Default 470 Ohm 1K Ohm

Alternate 1 220 Ohm 330 Ohm

Alternate 2 1K Ohm None

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Locate the terminating resistor packs. (See Figure 38, page 236.)
4. Using a chip puller, remove the packs.

To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
1. Using a chip installation tool, install the resistor packs in the correct
socket. (See Figure 38, page 236.)
2. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

CMX Controller Board

RP1 Default: 470 Ohm

Alt 1: 220 Ohm
Alt 2: 1K Ohm

Resistor Kit: 14H5525

RP2 Default: 1K Ohm

Alt 1: 330 Ohm
Alt 2: None

Figure 38. Terminating Resistors, Removal/Installation


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Ribbon Guide Assembly (L/R)

Ribbon Guide Assembly (L/R)

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
NOTE: The right ribbon guide is shown in Figure 52. The removal procedure
is the same for the left ribbon guide.
2. Cut and remove the tie wrap from the tie wrap hole to free the ribbon
guide cable (page 278, Figure 52).
3. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
4. Trace the ribbon guide cable back to the controller board, releasing it from
the cable restraints. (See cable routing diagrams on page 300 and page
5. For the left ribbon guide, disconnect connector shell P106 from the
controller board. For the right ribbon cable, disconnect connector shell
P107 from the controller board.
6. Trace the ribbon guide wires to the connector shell, and remove the cable
connector from the connector shell (page 195).
7. Remove the two screws and washers securing the ribbon guide assembly
to the side plate.
8. Slide the ribbon guide assembly out of the side plate.

NOTE: The right ribbon guide is shown in Figure 52. The installation
procedure is the same for the left ribbon guide.
1. Reverse steps 2 through 8 of the removal procedure above.
2. Align the ribbon guides (page 166).
3. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Ribbon Hub
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Loosen the Torx T-10 screw in the ribbon spool hub (page 278, Figure
3. Remove the hub from the shaft of the ribbon drive motor.

1. Install the ribbon spool hub over the motor shaft (page 278, Figure 52).
Tightening the hub screw too much can crack the ribbon hub. Be careful
not to over-tighten the hub screw.
2. Tighten the Torx T-10 hub screw so that it contacts the flat section of the
motor shaft. Make sure the ribbon hub is securely fastened to the motor
shaft and there are no cracks in the ribbon hub around the hub screw.
3. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Shaft, Splined

Shaft, Splined
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Open the printer cover.
3. Remove the paper supports from the splined shaft and support shaft.
(See Figure 50, page 274, item 21.)
4. Remove the paper feed timing belt (page 188).
5. Remove the ground clip (page 274, Figure 50).
6. With grip ring pliers, remove the grip ring from left side of the splined
7. Pull the bearing and spring link with the spring off the left side of the
splined shaft.
8. Unlock the left and right tractors and slide them to the center of the shaft.
9. Remove the bearing clamp on the right side of the splined shaft.
10. Hold the tractors so they do not fall, grasp the vertical adjustment knob,
and slide the splined shaft to the right out of the side plates and the


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

1. Open the doors on the left and right tractors. Position the tractor belts so
the alignment marks are at the top on both tractors. (See Figure 39.)
2. Grasp the vertical adjustment knob and slide the splined shaft through the
right side plate, the tractors, and the left side plate (page 274, Figure 50).
Make sure the same spline passes the marked groove on each tractor.
3. Install the bearing clamp and screw.
4. Apply a thin film of bearing lubricant to the bearing.
5. Slide the spring link and bearing onto the left side of the splined shaft with
the white nylon bushing flange to the outside of the printer.
6. Attach the spring to the left side plate and the spring link.
7. Install the grip ring on the splined shaft with 0.010 inches of clearance
between the grip ring and the nylon bearing.
8. Install the ground clip and screw.
9. Install the paper feed timing belt (page 188).
10. Set the paper feed timing belt tension (page 154).
11. Adjust splined shaft skew (page 168).
12. Install the paper supports on the splined shaft and support shaft. (See
Figure 50, page 274, item 21.)
13. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).

NOTE: Align the marks on

each tractor before inserting
Tractor the splined shaft.

Alignment Mark

Splined Shaft

Figure 39. Splined Shaft and Tractor Installation


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Shaft, Support

Shaft, Support
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Open the printer cover.
3. Unlock the tractors and slide them to the far right.
4. Remove the paper supports from the splined shaft and support shaft.
(See Figure 50, page 274, item 21.)
5. Remove the E-ring (page 274, Figure 50).
Hold the tractors while removing the support shaft, and be careful not to
lose the curved spring washers. (See Figure 50, page 274, item 5.)
6. Slide the support shaft assembly—consisting of the support shaft, two
curved washers, bushing, horizontal adjustment knob, washer and
screw—to the left, out of the tractors and the left side plate.

1. Slide the support shaft assembly—consisting of the support shaft, two
curved washers, bushing, horizontal adjustment knob, washer, and
screw—into the left side plate. (See Figure 50, page 274.)
2. Slide the tractors onto the support shaft.
3. Slide the support shaft assembly through the right side plate.
4. While pushing on the knob to compress the curved washers, install the
E-ring in the groove on the bushing.
5. Install the paper supports on the splined shaft and support shaft. (See
Figure 50, page 274, item 21.)
6. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Shuttle Frame Assembly

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
3. Disconnect the MPU cable connector (page 272, Figure 49).
To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
4. Disconnect the shuttle motor cable connector (page 272, Figure 49).
5. Disconnect the hammer drive and hammer logic cables connectors from
the terminator board on the shuttle frame assembly.
6. Loosen the side 5/32 inch socket head clamp screws and pull the clamps
back and off the guide shaft. Do not remove the clamps.
7. Loosen the center 5/32 inch socket head screw enough to release the
shuttle frame assembly from the base casting.
8. Unlock and slide the tractors outward as far as they will go on the tractor
support shaft.
9. Grasping the support legs cast on both sides of the shuttle motor, lift the
shuttle frame assembly out of the base casting. Lift it slowly and
carefully: the shuttle frame assembly is heavy.


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Shuttle Frame Assembly

1. Install the hammer bank / ribbon mask cover assembly (page 200), if it
was removed.
To prevent electrostatic damage to electronic components, wear a
properly grounded static wrist strap when handling circuit boards, the
shuttle frame assembly, and any other electronic component.
Do not remove the grease from the shaft of the replacement shuttle
frame assembly. The shuttle shaft is aluminum, and the clamped ends of
the shaft must be greased to prevent galling.
2. Holding the shuttle frame assembly by the support legs cast on both sides
of the shuttle motor, set it into the base casting. Use both hands: the
shuttle frame assembly is heavy (page 264, Figure 47).
3. Align the center 5/32 inch socket head screw in the base casting and
hand turn the screw until only two or three threads have started.
4. Pull the shuttle frame assembly toward the front of the printer and hold it
in this position while you do step the next step.
Do not over tighten the shuttle frame assembly hold-down screws.
5. Slide the side clamps over the guide shaft and torque the 5/32 inch socket
head clamp screws to 20 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.26 ± 0.23 N•m).
6. Torque the center captive 5/32 inch socket head screw to
20 ± 2 inch-pounds (2.26 ± 0.23 N•m).
7. Connect the hammer drive and hammer logic cable connectors to the
terminator board on the shuttle frame assembly.
8. Connect the shuttle motor cable connector.
9. Route the MPU cable under the extension spring and connect the MPU
cable connector. (See Figure 49, page 272, item 4.) Make sure the MPU
cable does not touch the extension spring after it is connected.
10. If the shuttle frame assembly is a new or refurbished unit, adjust the
platen gap (page 162); otherwise, skip to step 11.
11. Install the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
12. Models -014 and -015 only: adjust the coil temperature if the original
shuttle frame assembly was replaced (page 181).
13. Models -004, -04P, -005, and -05P only: set shuttle speed if the original
shuttle frame assembly was replaced (page 182).
14. Adjust the hammer phasing (page 173).
15. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Spring, Extension
Do not let the hammer bank rotate toward the platen during spring

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Open the printer cover.
3. Remove the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
4. Unhook the extension spring from the spring lugs on the hammer bank
and shuttle frame. (See Figure 49, page 272.)

1. Put a dab of IBM #20 bearing lubricant on both spring lugs.
Make sure the extension spring does not touch the MPU cable after
2. Hook the extension spring over the spring lugs. (See Figure 49, page
3. Install the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
4. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Switch Assembly, Cover Open

Switch Assembly, Cover Open

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
3. Carefully lift and pry the cover open switch assembly out of its well in the
base casting to the right of the shuttle motor. (See Figure 47, page 264,
item 18.)
4. Trace the cover open switch cable back to the controller board, releasing
the cable from the restraints under the base casting. (See cable routing
diagrams on page 300 and page 302.)
5. Disconnect connector shell P107 (P7) from the controller board.
6. Trace the ribbon motor wires to the connector shell, and remove the cable
connector from the connector shell (page 195).

1. Remove the protective covering from the adhesive backing on the cover
open switch assembly.
2. Feed the switch cable down into the cover open switch well to the right of
the shuttle motor. Position the cover open switch assembly in the base
casting and press it into place. (See Figure 47, page 264, item 18.)
3. Route the cover open switch cable back to the controller board, installing
the cable in the restraints under the base casting. (See cable routing
diagrams on page 300 and page 302.)
4. Connect the cover open cable to the connector shell (page 195), then
connect the connector shell P107 (P7) to the controller board.
5. Install the shuttle cover assembly (page 203).
6. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Switch Assembly, Paper Detector

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Cabinet Model: Loosen four screws and remove the barrier shield.
(See page 258, Figure 44, items 3 and 4.)
Pedestal Model: Remove the paper guide, barrier shield, and four screws.
(See page 260, Figure 45, items 3, 4, and 5.)
4. Remove the two screws securing the paper detector switch assembly.
(See Figure 52, page 278.)
5. Trace the paper detector switch cables back to the controller board,
releasing the cables from the restraints under the base casting. (See
cable routing diagrams on page 300 and page 302.)
6. Disconnect connector shell P106 from the controller board.
7. Remove switch cable connectors PMD and POD from connector P106
(page 195).
8. Remove the paper detector switch assembly.

1. Holding the slotted wheel against the PMD sensor, position the paper
detector switch assembly and install the screws securing it to the printer
base. (See Figure 52, page 278.)
2. Check the PMD sensor arm range: make sure it travels freely and
completely back into the sensing cavity.
3. Route switch cables PMD and POD back to the controller board, installing
the cables in the restraints under the base casting. (See cable routing
diagrams on page 300 and page 302.)
4. Connect switch cables PMD and POD to the connector P106 (page 195),
then connect P106 to controller board connector J106.
5. Cabinet Model: Install the barrier shield and tighten the four screws.
(See page 258, Figure 44, items 3 and 4.)
Pedestal Model: Install the paper guide, barrier shield, and four screws.
(See page 260, Figure 45, items 3, 4, and 5.)
6. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
7. Check and adjust the End of Forms Distance (page 169).
8. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Switch Assembly, Platen Interlock

Switch Assembly, Platen Interlock

1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Cabinet Model: Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Remove the top cover assembly (page 204).
3. Fully close the forms thickness lever (position ‘A’).
4. Trace the platen interlock switch cable back to the controller board.
Remove tie wraps as necessary to free the cable. (See cable routing
diagrams on page 300 and page 302.)
5. Disconnect connector shell P107 (P7) from the controller board.
6. Remove the platen interlock cable connector from the connector shell
(page 195).
7. Remove two screws securing the platen interlock switch assembly. (See
Figure 51, page 276.)
8. Remove the platen interlock switch assembly from the switch bracket.
9. Remove the switch cable from the cutout in the right side plate.

1. Fully close the forms thickness lever (position ‘A’).
2. Position the platen interlock switch assembly on the switch bracket and
install the two screws securing it to the bracket. (See Figure 51, page
3. Route the switch cable through the cutout in the right side plate and to the
controller board. (See cable routing diagrams on page 300 and page
4. Connect the platen interlock switch cable to the connector shell P107 (P7)
(see page 195), then connect the connector shell to the controller board.
5. Cabinet Model: Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).
Pedestal Model: Install the top cover assembly (page 204).
6. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Chapter 7 Section I: Replacement Procedures

Tractor (L/R)
1. Prepare the printer for maintenance (page 152).
2. Remove the splined shaft (page 239).
3. Remove the support shaft (page 241).
4. Remove the tractors.

1. Using the replacement tractors, install the support shaft (page 241).
2. Install the splined shaft (page 239).
3. Return the printer to normal operation (page 153).


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

Only field-replaceable spares are given part numbers in the illustrated parts
lists. Part numbers are not listed for common fasteners and attachment
hardware. Items marked “Ref” in the illustrations refer to parts that are not
spared or are part of another assembly.

Illustrations Of Printer Components

Figure 40. Top Cover, Doors, and Casters, Cabinet Model ............ page 250
Figure 41. Paper Stacker and Chains ............................................. page 252
Figure 42. Control Panel and Cabinet Details ................................. page 254
Figure 43. Pedestal Details ............................................................. page 256
Figure 44. Inside Covers, Cabinet Model ........................................ page 258
Figure 45. Inside Covers and Card Cage, Pedestal Model ............. page 260
Figure 46. Card Cage Detail, Pedestal Model................................. page 262
Figure 47. Print Mechanism and Circuit Boards: Early Models ....... page 264
Figure 48. Print Mechanism and Circuit Boards: Later Models ....... page 268
Figure 49. Magnetic Pickup Unit (MPU) and Extension Spring....... page 272
Figure 50. Tractor Shafts ................................................................ page 274
Figure 51. Platen............................................................................. page 276
Figure 52. Motors, Card Cage Fan, and Paper Detector Switch..... page 278
Figure 53. Circuit Breaker ............................................................... page 280
Figure 54. Expansion Coax/Twinax Board ...................................... page 282
Figure 55. Ethernet Interface Assemblies ....................................... page 284


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

8 2




Figure 40. Top Cover, Doors, and Casters, Cabinet Model


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 24H8961 Top Cover Kit Includes mounting hardware

2 57G1492 Window, Top Cover Not visible in Figure 40

3 14H5567 Wireform Paper Guide Assembly Includes mounting hardware

4 24H8960 Rear Door Kit Includes item 14

5 24H8959 Front Door Kit Includes item 14

6 57G1485 Caster, with Brake Two at front

7 57G1486 Caster, without Brake Two at rear

8 14H5603 Logo, 6400

9 30H4008 Wire Rope, Front and Rear One on each door (Rear not
shown in Figure 40)

10 30H3986 Shipping Container Kit Cabinet models only

(Not shown in Figure 40)

11 14H5572 Hardware Kit Not shown in Figure 40

12 63H7510 Door Seal Kit

13 63H7398 Top Cover Seal Kit

14 93F7037 Hinge Plate, Top Included in items 4 and 5

15 57G1484 Hinge Plate, Bottom


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Figure 41. Paper Stacker and Chains


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 57G7176 Stacker
2 30H3981 Runner, Stacker

3 04H4779 Riser, Stacker Runner

4 Ref Screw (4)

5 14H5296 Spares Kit, Grommet

6 14H5272 Chain Assembly Kit Kit contains eight chains

7 57G7260 Power Cord, U.S.

9 Ref Grommet, Power Cord (2) Included in item 5


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

1 6

9 6

Figure 42. Operator Panel and Cabinet Details


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 14H5299 Operator Panel, Cabinet Includes mounting hardware

2 57G1598 Operator Panel Overlay English
57G1599 Operator Panel Overlay Spanish
57G1600 Operator Panel Overlay French
57G1601 Operator Panel Overlay Italian
57G1602 Operator Panel Overlay German
57G1603 Operator Panel Overlay Dutch
57G1604 Operator Panel Overlay Brazilian Portuguese
3 Ref Screw, Hex w/Lock Washer (4) 6-32x.375

4 14H5300 Cable Assy, Operator Panel

5 57G1481 Dashpot Kit Includes ball studs, spring

clips, and mounting hardware

6 Ref Screw w/Lock Washer (3) 6-32x.375

7 Ref Screw w/Lock Washer (2) 6-32x.175

8 57G1440 Fan Assembly

9 Ref Duct, Air Exhaust


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists



3 6






Item 16: Lid Accessory Kit not shown
Item 17: Pedestal Shipping Container not shown

Figure 43. Pedestal Details


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 63H5124 Operator Panel, Pedestal Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

2 57G1598 Operator Panel Overlay English
57G1599 Operator Panel Overlay Spanish
57G1600 Operator Panel Overlay French
57G1601 Operator Panel Overlay Italian
57G1602 Operator Panel Overlay German
57G1603 Operator Panel Overlay Dutch
57G1604 Operator Panel Overlay Brazilian Portuguese
3 Ref Screw (5) 6-32x.50

4 63H5125 Bracket, Operator Panel Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

5 63H5121 Hinge Lid Kit Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

6 14H5300 Cable Assy, Operator Panel

7 63H5119 Lid, Pedestal Model Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

8 Ref Screw (2)

9 63H5120 Top Cover Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

10 Ref Screw (4) 10-32x.625

11 63H5118 Paper Basket Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

12 63H7509 Caster, Pedestal Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

13 63H5117 Pedestal Kit Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

14 Ref Screw, Captive (2)

15 24H8533 Input Tray Optional item on models 04P,
05P, 08P, 09P

16 63H5122 Lid Accessory Kit Replacement acoustic seals

(Not shown in Figure 13)

17 64H5123 Shipping Container, Pedestal Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

(Not shown in Figure 13)


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

4 3



Figure 44. Inside Covers, Cabinet Model


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 14H5235 Shroud Assembly, Air Shuttle Cover Assembly

2 Ref Screw, Captive (2) 10-24x.62 with O-ring,

3 Ref Screw, Thread Forming (4) 6-32x.25

4 Ref Barrier Shield

5 14H5271 Paper Guide Assembly Models 004, 005, 008, 009,

012, 014

6 Ref Screw, w/Lock Washer (3) 6-32x.25 and #6 Flat Washer

7 14H5174 Platen/Paper Feed Cover Kit Paper feed belt cover shown
in Figure 44. Platen open belt
cover: item 24, page 276.

8 57G1468 Belt, Timing, 050P, 100 Teeth Paper Feed Belt

9 08H7954 Anti-Static Brush Kit

10 Ref Power Supply Shield Taped to card cage along

upper edge

11 14H5179 Paper Scale


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists


See Figure 46,
page 262.

2 $


Figure 45. Inside Covers and Card Cage, Pedestal Model


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 14H5235 Shroud Assembly, Air Shuttle Cover Assembly

2 Ref Screw, Captive (2) 10-24x.62 with O-ring,

3 Ref Screw, Thread Forming (4) 6-32x.25

4 Ref Barrier Shield

5 63H5116 Paper Path Assembly Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P

6 08H7954 Anti-Static Brush Kit

7 Ref Power Supply Shield Taped to card cage along

upper edge

8 57G1468 Belt, Timing, 050P, 100 Teeth Paper Feed Belt

9 14H5174 Platen/Paper Feed Cover Kit Paper feed belt cover shown
in Figure 45. Platen open belt
cover: item 24, page 276.

10 14H5179 Paper Scale


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

From Figure 45, page 260.
Rotated 180 degrees.

To IEC 320 AC
Power Input
J301, White To Connector P1
Wire) (White Wire)

To Connector P1
(Black Wire)

6 To IEC 320 AC Power

Input (Connector J301,
Black Wire)

Figure 46. Card Cage Detail, Pedestal Model


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 Ref Nut, 6-32 (1) Upper right fan corner only

2 57G1440 Card Cage Fan Assembly Air flow is into card cage

3 Ref Fan Guard

4 Ref Screw, w/Lock Washer (4) 6-32x.1.75

5 Ref Card Cage, Pedestal

6 14H5571 Circuit Breaker


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

Two places:
Exploded to show
assembly. Do not 14
remove holddown
clamps and

To J02
Motor) To J03 15
2 8 5

7 4

12 15


To Terminator
Board on Shuttle

Figure 47. Print Mechanism and Circuit Boards: Early Models


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 63H7518 Hammer Bank/Rbn Mask Cover Models 004, 04P, 005, 05P
63H7519 Hammer Bank/Rbn Mask Cover Models 008, 08P, 009, 09P
63H7520 Hammer Bank/Rbn Mask Cover Models 012, 014
2 14H5274 Shuttle Frame Assembly Models 004, 04P
24H8648 Shuttle Frame Assembly Models 005, 05P
14H5516 Shuttle Frame Assembly Models 008, 08P
24H9625 Shuttle Frame Assembly Models 009, 09P
14H5517 Shuttle Frame Assembly Model 012
90H3269 Shuttle Frame Assembly Model 014
14H5275 Hammer Spring Assembly Models 004, 04P, 005, 05P
14H5512 Hammer Spring Assembly Models 008, 08P, 009, 09P
14H5513 Hammer Spring Assembly Models 012, 014
3 14H5644 Power Supply PCBA Models 004, 04P, 005, 05P, 008,
08P, 012
90H3268 Power Supply PCBA Models 009, 09P, 014

4 Ref P101 Cable Connector

5 Ref Cable Assy, AC-In, Power Supply Part of Field Kit, AC Assy
6 14H5643 Controller Board, CMX, V5.0 All models 004 and 04P. Models
008 and 012 with Ser. Nos.
01AXXXX, 01BXXXX and
24H8647 Controller Board, CMX, V5.5, 25 All models 005, 05P, and 08P.
MHz Models 008 and 012 with Ser.
Nos.01DXXXX, 01EXXX, and
higher. All models 009, 09P.
90H3271 Controller Board, CMX, V5.5, 40 Model 014, 050, P50, 010, P10,
MHz 015

7 Ref Motor Sensor, Left, Cable Assy Housing Connector Kit 14H5288

8 Ref Hammer Bank Logic Cable Assy

9 Ref Shuttle Motor Cable Assy

10 Ref Hammer Bank Power Cable Assy

11 Ref Motor Sensor, Right, Cable Assy Housing Connector Kit 14H5288
12 14H5287 Centronics I/O Cable Assy
14H5522 Centronics/Dataproducts Adapter Optional cable assembly

13 Ref Control Panel Cable Assy

14 14H5211 Clamp, Shaft, Receiving

15 Ref Screw, Captive, Power Supply (3)


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

16 Ref SIMM, Flash Memory See also page 217

17 Ref SIMM, DRAM See also page 217

18 14H5282 Switch Assembly, Cover Open


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

(Illustrated parts lists continue on next page.)


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

Two places:
Exploded to show 17 2
assembly. Do not 3 4
remove holddown 1 4
clamps and

To J02 18
Motor) To J03
(MPU) 8
22 7
22 18

9 18


To Terminator
Board on Shuttle

Figure 48. Print Mechanism and Circuit Boards: Later Models


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 24H8872 Hammer Bank Cover Assy, 500 Models 050, P50

24H8886 Hammer Bank Cover Assy, 1000 Models 010, P10
24H8924 Hammer Bank Cover Assy, 1500 Model 015
63H7520 Hammer Bank Cover Assy, Hanzi Models C05, C5P

2 24H8828 Ribbon Mask, 500 Models 050, P50

24H8844 Ribbon Mask, 1000 Models 010, P10
24H8858 Ribbon Mask, 1500 Model 015

3 Ref Ribbon Mask Clamp Plate (3)

4 Ref Screw, Torx T-10 (18) 12 for hammer bank cover

6 for ribbon mask

5 24H8925 Shuttle Frame Assembly, 500 Models 050, P50

24H8927 Shuttle Frame Assembly, 1000 Models 010, P10
24H8929 Shuttle Frame Assembly, 1500 Model 015
24L5207 Shuttle Frame Assembly, Hanzi Models C05, C5P
24H8931 Hammer Spring Field Kit, 500 Models 050, P50
24H8932 Hammer Spring Field Kit, 1000 Models 010, P10
24H8933 Hammer Spring Field Kit, 1500 Model 015
24L5209 Hammer Spring Field Kit, Hanzi Models C05, C5P
6 90H3268 Power Supply PCBA

7 Ref P101 Cable Connector

8 Ref Cable Assy, AC-In, Power Supply Part of Field Kit AC Assy

9 90H3271 Controller Board, CMX, V5.5, 40 MHz Models 050, P50, 010, P10,
014, 015, C05, C5P

10 Ref Motor Sensor, Left, Cable Assembly Housing Connector Kit


11 Ref Hammer Bank Logic Cable Assembly

12 Ref Shuttle Motor Cable Assembly

13 Ref Hammer Bank Power Cable Assy

14 Ref Motor Sensor, Right, Cable Assembly Housing Connector Kit


15 14H5287 Centronics I/O Cable Assembly

14H5522 Centronics/Dataproducts Adapter Optional cable assembly

16 Ref Control Panel Cable Assembly

17 14H5211 Clamp, Shaft, Receiving

18 Ref Screw, Captive, Power Supply (3)


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

19 Ref SIMM, Flash Memory See also page 217

20 Ref SIMM, DRAM See also page 217

21 14H5282 Switch Assembly, Cover Open

22 02N8261 Connector Clip


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

(Illustrated parts lists continue on next page.)


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

Spring Lug (Do not
remove grease)

Spring Lug (Do not

remove grease)

<21> Make sure the extension

spring does not touch the MPU
cable after installation.

0.010 + .001 inch (0.254 + .025mm)

Figure 49. Magnetic Pickup Unit (MPU) and Extension Spring


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 57G1476 Magnetic Pickup Assy (MPU)

2 Ref Screw, Socket Cap, 6-32x.38

3 30H3985 Extension Spring

4 14H5329 Cable Assembly, MPU


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

7 9
4 8
1 20

23 14 13




Item 18: Tractor Shaft Hardware Kit not shown
Item 19: Tractor Shaft Kit not shown

Figure 50. Tractor Shafts


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 Ref Screw, Socket Cap, 4-40x.25 Part of item 19

2 Ref Washer, Flat #4 Part of item 19

3 Ref Knob, Tractor Adjust Part of item 19

4 Ref Bushing, Tractor Adjust Part of item 19

5 Ref Washer, Curved Spring (2) Part of item 19

6 Ref Ring, Grip Part of item 18

7 Ref Bearing, Nylon .626 Part of item 18

8 Ref Link Spring Part of item 18

9 Ref Spring, Extension 1.00L Part of item 18

10 Ref Screw, Hex w/Lock Washer, 4-20x.50 Part of item 11

11 57G1521 Ground Clip, Splined Shaft

12 57G1460 Splined Shaft Assembly

13 Ref Screw, Thread Forming, 6-32x.25 Part of item 18

14 Ref Clamp, Bearing Part of item 18

15 Ref Tractor Support Shaft Part of item 19

16 57G1466 Tractor Set Includes L and R tractors

17 Ref E-Ring Part of item 19

18 14H5217 Tractor Shaft Hardware Kit

19 14H5214 Tractor Shaft Kit

20 Ref Bushing Part of item 18

21 24H8593 Paper Support (2)

22 Ref Link, Splined Shaft Skew Adjustment

23 01P4611 Tractor Assembly, Power Stacker Installed at factory on models

with power stacker.


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

Black tape faces
paper motion 3

1 2

Item 25: Platen 6
Hardware Kit 5

23 2




18 17

Figure 51. Platen


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 Ref Setscrew Part of item 25

2 Ref Bracket, Platen (2) Part of item 25

3 57G1469 Ironer Assembly Reverser Paper Feed

4 Ref Screw, Thread Forming (3) 6-32x.25

5 57G1571 Bracket, Ironer

6 Ref Plate, Ironer

7 08H7936 Platen Assembly

8 Ref Washer, Flat (2) Part of item 25

9 Ref Screw (2) Part of item 11

10 Ref Washer, Flat #4 (2) Part of item 11

11 14H5280 Platen Switch Kit Platen Interlock Switch

12 Ref Screw, Socket Cap, 6-32x.75 Part of item 15

13 Ref Washer Part of item 15

14 Ref Nut Part of item 15

15 63H7478 Platen Lever Kit

16 Ref Spring, Extension 1.12L Part of item 25

17 Ref Link, Spring Part of item 25

18 Ref Bearing, Nylon .376 Part of item 25

19 Ref Bracket, Switch Mount Part of item 11

20 Ref Wear Saddle, Platen (2) Part of item 25

21 57G1514 Platen Pulley, Driven

22 Ref Screw, Socket Cap, 6-32x.44 Part of item 21

23 57G1467 Belt, Timing, 312W, 87 Teeth Platen Open Belt

24 14H5174 Platen/Paper Feed Cover Kit Platen open belt cover shown
in Figure 51. Paper feed belt
cover: page 258, item 7.

25 14H5169 Platen Hardware Kit

26 Ref Platen Washer Part of item 25


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists



Install screws here

Top View

Route cable under

Hammer Bank Fan base casting

3 4


15 2
19 5



21 7


14 13 11

See detail above

Figure 52. Motors, Card Cage Fan, and Paper Detector Switch


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 57G1440 Fan Assembly Air flow is into card cage

2 Ref Screw, w/Lock Washer (3) Two 6-32x1.75 on botton
One 6-32x0.50 on top left

3 14H5281 Paper Detector Switch Assy Standard

14H5570 Paper Detector Switch Assy Black Back forms

4 Ref Screw, Thread Forming, 6-32x.375

5 14H5520 Paper Feed Motor Assy Includes items 7 through 9

6 08H7934 Motor Pulley, Platen Open Part of Platen Open Motor

Assy 57G1509 and includes
collar setscrew 6-32x.25

7 Ref Collar Part of item 9

8 Ref Screw, Socket Head, 6-32x.51

9 57G1421 Motor Pulley, Paper Feed

10 Ref Screw, Hex w/Lock Washer (2) 10-32x.50

11 24H8894 Ribbon Guide Kit Includes left and right ribbon


12 14H5154 Platen Open Motor Assembly Includes item 6

13 Ref Washer, Flat #4 (2)

14 Ref Screw, Hex w/Lock Washer (2) 4-40x.38

15 Ref Screw, Hex w/Lock Washer (2) 10-32x.50

16 Ref Shield, Card Cage Fan

17 14H5521 Motor Assembly, Ribbon

18 Ref Screw, Hex w/Lock Washer (2) 6-32x.50

19 Ref Washer, Flat #6 (2)

20 57G1479 Ribbon Hub Kit

21 Ref Screw, w/Lock Washer (2) 6-32x1.25

22 14H5159 Hammer Bank Fan Assembly Air flow is up

23 Ref Boot Cabinet models only


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists

See inside detail below.

To IEC 320 AC Power
Input (Connector J301,
Black Wire)

To IEC 320 AC Power
$ Input (Connector J301,
White Wire)

To Connector P1
(Black Wire)

To Connector P1
(White Wire)

Black Wire
Card cage fan and
power supply board
removed for clarity.

Black Wire White Wire

3 5

White Wire

Figure 53. Circuit Breaker


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 14H5571 Circuit Breaker

2 Ref IEC 320 AC Power Connector Connector J301

3 Ref Chassis Ground Stud

4 Ref Connector P1 To power supply board

connector J1 AC

5 Ref Cable Assy, AC-In, Power Supply Part of Field Kit, AC Assy


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists


Figure 54. IBM Coax/Twinax Expansion Board


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 Ref Screw (2)

2 Ref Card Cage

3 24H9011 IBM Coax/Twinax Expansion

4 Ref Screw, Captive

5 Ref Standoff, Hex, 3/16 inch M/F, .813 Lg.

6 24H8535 Adapter, Expansion Connector 60-pin

7 Ref CMX Controller Board

8 Ref Controller Board Connector J111


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists


Figure 55. Ethernet Interface Assemblies


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Illustrations Of Printer Components

Item Part No.

Description Notes
No. (Order No.)

1 Ref Screw, Connector Cover (2)

2 Ref Cover Plate, Centronics

3 Ref Ferrite Clamp See also Appendix I

4 Ref CMX Controller Board

5 14H5287 Centronics I/O Cable Assembly

6 24H8995 Ethernet LAN PCBA, 10Base-T

7 24H8994 Ethernet LAN PCBA, 10Base2

8 02N8315 Ethernet LAN PCBA, 10/100Base-T

9 Ref Rear of Card Cage

10 Ref Screw (2)


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Chapter 7 Section II: Illustrated Parts Lists


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A Wire Data

Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

NOTE: Acronyms and signal mnemonics are defined in Appendix C.
Interconnection Diagram ................................................................. page 289
Power Distribution Diagram ............................................................ page 290
Main Wire Harness Test Tables ...................................................... page 291
Circuit Board Pinouts
Controller, CMX ........................................................................ page 292
Power Supply............................................................................ page 296
IBM Coax/Twinax Expansion Board ......................................... page 297
SureStak∗∗ Power Stacker PCBA ............................................. page 298
Cable Routing
Cabinet Model........................................................................... page 299
Cabinet Model, Mechanism Base ............................................. page 300
Pedestal Model ......................................................................... page 301
Pedestal Model, Mechanism Base ........................................... page 302
Cable Assemblies
Centronics I/O........................................................................... page 303
Centronics/Dataproducts Adapter............................................. page 304
+5V Remote Power .................................................................. page 305
Twinax Auto-Termination.......................................................... page 306
AC-In, Power Supply ................................................................ page 307
AC Power Input......................................................................... page 308
Card Cage Fan ......................................................................... page 309
Control Panel ............................................................................ page 310
Exhaust Fan.............................................................................. page 311
Hammer Bank Logic ................................................................. page 312
Hammer Bank Power................................................................ page 313
MPU.......................................................................................... page 314
Ribbon Guide Kit....................................................................... page 315
Ribbon Motor, Extension .......................................................... page 316


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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Shuttle Motor Drive ................................................................... page 317

Power Stacker Cables
Frame Cable, Power Stacker ............................................. page 318
Logic Cable, Power Stacker ............................................... page 319
Power Cable, Power Stacker ............................................. page 320
Vertical Rail Cable, Power Stacker .................................... page 321
Fan Assembly, Hammer Bank ........................................................ page 322
Magnetic Pickup (MPU) Assembly.................................................. page 323
Switch Assemblies
Switch Assembly, Paper Detector ............................................ page 324
Switch Assembly, Platen Interlock............................................ page 325
Switch Assembly, Cover Open ................................................. page 326


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J301 IEC 320

AC INPUT N = Number of conductors Operator Panel
in cable assembly

= Chassis / Frame
On/Off Switch AC to DC earth ground
Power Supply Board
Line 1
Line 2 / Neutral 12


Serial I/O

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GND J201
Controller Board J107 Configuration
19 17 15 13 11 9 7531 J203

Parallel I/O

Card Cage Fan

J106 Configuration MPU PLO EHF PAPR M
19 17 15 13 11 9 7531

J111 Export
P306 20 18 16 14 12 10 8642

PMD LRP LRIB M +5V Remote J102


J101 DC Power
20 18 16 14 12 10 8642
Interconnection Diagram

2 Power * Cabinet

Stacker Models P307

J106 MSL J108 HLP J105 HBP J116 SMD J107 MSR Only
P106 MSL P108 HLP P105 HBP P116 SMD P107 MSR

Platen 10 10 2
Motor J02
4 P04 P05 3 4
Paper Motion Shuttle Paper Feed
J04 J05

Detector Assembly Motor

Terminator Board
Paper Out 4 2
Platen Open
Detector Switch
Shuttle Motor

2 MPU 2
Left Ribbon Right Ribbon
Giude Hammer Bank Board Guide

Left Ribbon 4 4
Right Ribbon


Motor Motor

Hammer Bank Fan
Print Mechanisms
AC Power

IEC 320
CONNECTOR Control Panel Assembly

On/Off Switch * V3.5 Board Pin 1 = N TEMP HI

V4 Board Pin 1 = N AC FAIL
Appendix A

BREAKER Power Supply Board

Line 1
Line 2 / Neutral P101

1 P310
2 N STBY Exhaust
3 +5V Ret Fan*

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GND CMX 5 +5V RET / LOGIC GND *Cabinet
Controller Board +5V RET / LOGIC GND Models
Card Cage Fan
P101 9 +8.5V
10 +8.5V
J101 DC Power
11 +48V
12 +48V
P306 +5V Remote J102
Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Power Distribution Diagram

J106 MSL J108 HLP J105 HBP J116 SMD J107 MSR
P106 MSL P108 HLP P105 HBP P116 SMD P107 MSR
+8.5V +8.5/+48V +48V
Ret J02
Ret Ret
Platen P02
+48V Shuttle P04 P05
Assembly Paper Feed
J04 J05 +48V Motor
Paper Motion Terminator Board
+48V Platen Open
Paper Out Shuttle Motor +5V
+5V Ret Switch
Hammer Bank Board
Left Ribbon +5V Right Ribbon
+5V Guide

Cover Open
Left Ribbon Switch Assy
+48V Right Ribbon

Motor +48V



Hammer Bank Fan

Main Wire Harness Test Tables
P106 Connector Connectors are viewed P107 Connector
from the top, as seen
19 17 15 13 11 9 7531 when plugged into CMX 19 17 15 13 11 9 7531
controller board.


Pin No.
20 18 16 14 12 10 8642 20 18 16 14 12 10 8642

Resistance Resistance

Device P106 Pins Normal Device P107 Pins Normal

LRIB M 2, 4 and 6,8 7.2 - 8.8 Ω RRIB M 2, 4 and 6,8 7.2 - 8.8 Ω

PLAT M 1, 3 and 5, 7 1.35 - 1.65 Ω PAPR M 1, 3 and 5, 7 0.417 - 0.681 Ω

LRP 10, 12 Open across pins HBF 10, 12 2.7 KΩ

Short across post
EHF 9, 11 4.6 KΩ
CCF 9, 11 4.6 KΩ
RRP 14, 16 Open across pins
PMD 14, 16 8 Meg Ω Short across post
18, 20 Open
PLO 13, 15 Continuity: switch closed
POD 13, 15 8 Meg Ω Open: switch open
17, 19 Open
CVO 18, 20 Continuity: switch closed
Open: switch open
CCF = Card Cage Fan
LRIB M = Left Ribbon Motor MPU 17, 19 670 Ω
LRP = Left Ribbon Guide
PLAT M = Platen Open Motor
PMD = Paper Motion Detector (Switch) CVO = Cover Open Switch
POD = Paper Out Detect (Switch) EHF* = Exhaust Fan
HBF = Hammer Bank Fan
MPU = Magnetic Pickup
PAPR M = Paper Feed Motor
PLO = Platen Open (Switch)
P106 RRIB M = Right Ribbon Motor
NOTE: For cable shell RRP = Right Ribbon Guide
connector assembly and
disassembly, see page 195. * Only in cabinet models



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Appendix A


Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Controller, CMX


I/O CNC PN 19 2
I/O CNC PN 2 3 P1
I/O CNC PN 20 4
I/O CNC PN 3 5 P2
I/O CNC PN 21 6
I/O CNC PN 4 7 P3
I/O CNC PN 22 8
I/O CNC PN 5 9 P4
J201 J110 I/O CNC PN 23 10
J107 I/O CNC PN 6 11 P5
RS232/RS422 Front Panel I/O CNC PN 24 12
VCC Motor Sensor Right I/O CNC PN 7 13 P6
2 1 PF 1 I/O CNC PN 8 15 P7
470 PF 3 FP CLK 2 RIB R1 I/O CNC PN 26 16
1 10% I/O CNC PN 9 17 P8
2 HOST TXD 50V 4 3 PF 2
5 N FP LED WR 470 PF 4 RIB R2 I/O CNC PN 27 18
3 HOST RXD 10% I/O CNC PN 10 19 N ACK
4 HOST RTS 6 FP DATA 50V 5 PF 3 +48V
7 6 RIB R3 I/O CNC PN 28 20
PF 4 I/O CNC PN 11 21 BUSY
26 6
8 RIB R4 I/O CNC PN 29 22
9 NC 10
10 NC
0.01 mF I/O CNC PN 31 26 N INIT
11 12 BANK FAN-
12 NC 100V I/O CNC PN 32 28 N FAULT
13 NC 14 R RBN POST+
14 NC
15 DIFF RXD- 16
17 MPU- I/O CNC PN 16 31 VCC
16 NC
27 17 DIFF RXD+ 18 0.1W
19 MPU+ I/O CNC PN 17 33
18 NC I/O CNC PN 35 34 N DP SEL
19 DIFF TXD- 20
22 NC 38 N DP EN
23 NC 39 10K
24 NC 40 0.1W

CAUTION: <5> Do not remove or replace 470 PF

the NVRAM. The NVRAM contains a 50V
lithium battery that can explode if it is
replaced incorrectly. NVRAM is replaced CHASSIS GND
only at the factory.

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CAUTION: <5> Do not remove or replace Diagnostic Port
the NVRAM. The NVRAM contains a
lithium battery that can explode if it is 7
1 NC

replaced incorrectly. NVRAM is replaced 2

only at the factory. 8 4
6 NC

470 PF
10% Online Verifier

Controller (continued)
1 EXT 5V

Paper Stacker J102

J102 EXT 5V 1 PPR

External Power 3 PPR
6 470 PF
470 PF 10%
J102 7 NC
470 PF 50V
4.7K L6 8 NC 10%
4.7K 0.1W 50V
1 + 470 PF 50V 470 PF
10 mF 1000 PF 9 NC

0.1W 10% 10% 10%

2 16V
10% 10 NC
50V 50V
500 OHM
3 1 8 0.1 mF
2 GND OUT1 7
IN1 OUT2 6 20% 1000 PF
PER LOGIC 1 3 IN2 OUT3 5 50V
HIGH 4 10%
2 EN OUT4 50V

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Appendix A

Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Controller (continued)

Expansion Connector
Hammer Bank Power
4.7K 4.7K
J101 0.1W 0.1W
J106 1 PH1
2 Power Supply 1 31 EXP D7
Motor Sensor Left 3 PH2 2 32 EXP D6
NC 3 33 EXP D5
1 PLAT 1
5 35
2 RIB L1 6 3 VCC
PH4 12/10 V 6 36 EXP D3
3 PLAT 2 7 4 NC 7 37 EXP D2
4 RIB L2 8 5
9 LDFB 6 N DMA REQ0 8 38 EXP D1
5 PLAT 3 +48V EXP D0
6 RIB L3 10 7 N DMA REQ1 9 39
PLAT 4 8 10 40 EXP A15
7 NC EXP A14
9 +8.5V 11 41
9 10 EXP NINT 12 42
0.01 mF 11 +48V EXP A13
10% 13 43 EXP A12
11 CC FAN- 100V 12 EXP NWR 14 44
12 EXP NRESET 15 45
13 POD A CAJ NACK 16 46 EXP A10
14 PMD A 470 PF 470 PF 470 PF 470 PF
10% 10% 10% 10%
15 POD K
PMD K 50V 50V 50V 50V 18 48 EXP A9
16 19 49 EXP A8
17 POD C
EXP NDS 20 50 EXP A7
POD E EXP D15 21 51
19 EXP D14 22 52 EXP A5
20 PMD E
23 53 EXP A4
EXP D13 24 54
EXP D12 25 55 EXP A3
EXP D11 26 56 EXP A2
CAUTION: <5> Do not remove or replace EXP D10 27 57 EXP A1
the NVRAM. The NVRAM contains a EXP D9 28 58
EXP D8 29 59
lithium battery that can explode if it is 30 60
replaced incorrectly. NVRAM is replaced
only at the factory. VCC

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J2 3
EC Diagnostics 4 NC

Controller (continued)

+15V J13
Flash: 80-pin SIMM
J108 J116 80-pinJ10 = Bank 1
Hammer Bank Logic DRAM: J11 = Bank 0
4.7V Shuttle Motor DRAM: 72-pin SIMM J10 =(See
page 187.)
72-pin SIMM
J15 = Bank 1 J11 = Bank0
1 J15 =J16 = Bank 0
Bank1 J12
page 187.) (See page 217.
1 50 MHz 2 SHUT B J16 (See
= Bank0
(See page 217. 2-PIN JUMPER




0.01 mF
6 CMD DAT 10%
CAUTION: <5> Do not remove or replace
8 the NVRAM. The NVRAM contains a
9 CMD CLK RET lithium battery that can explode if it is
10 replaced incorrectly. NVRAM is replaced
only at the factory.
50 MHz

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Appendix A


(Line Filter Area)

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Cableable Assy, 1 AC Input
Power Supply

AC-In AC In,
1 AC
Power Supply
ower Supply 2 P1 AC COMMON

Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Controller Board


+5V 4
+5V RET / LOGIC GND 5 470 mF 470 mF
10% 10%
+5V RET / LOGIC GND 6 50V 50V
+5V RET / LOGIC GND 8 470 mF
+8.5V 10% 470 mF
9 50V 10%
+8.5V 10 50V

+48V 11 8.5V

+48V 12

1 NC
2 NC
3 NC
16 4 NC
6 NC
8 NC
9 NC

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17 NC
12 NC
13 NC
15 NC

Expansion Connector
1 31 EXP D7
2 32 EXP D6
NC 3 33 EXP D5
5 35
12/10 V 6 36 EXP D3
NC 7 37 EXP D2
N DMA REQ0 8 38 EXP D1
N DMA REQ1 9 39 EXP D0
10 40 EXP A15
11 41
EXP NINT 12 42
13 43 EXP A13
EXP NWR 14 44 EXP A12
IBM Coax/Twinax Expansion Board


15 45
Coax EXP NACK 16 46 EXP A10
Connector EXP NMSEL 17 47
18 48 EXP A9
19 49 EXP A8
EXP D15 21 51
EXP D14 22 52 EXP A5
23 53 EXP A4
EXP D13 24 54
EXP D12 25 55 EXP A3
EXP D11 26 56 EXP A2
EXP D10 27 57 EXP A1
EXP D9 28 58 EXP A0

EXP D8 29 59
30 60

J1 J2 VCC J3
Test Test Limit Switches and

Elevator Motor
1 1 SKP DB TXD 1
Appendix A

7 SW2 7 N PD FLT 7 EL PHA 2 Elevator MOTOR:

8 SW3 8 N EL FLT 8 EL PHB 1 RESISTANCE = 15.2 ˙ 1.5 W / PHASE
Resistance = 15.2 ± 1.5 Ohm / Phase
9 SW4 9 N PI FLT 9 EL PHB 2
10 HW1 HW3 HW5
10 10


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J6 J6
Supply +5 V

11 J4
22 FRAME Motors
33 + + + + CABLE
and Sensors
44 10 mF 10 mF 10 mF 10 mF
10% 10% 10% 10% 1
10V 10V 10V 10V M1 A1 2 PD PHA 1 M1
M1 B1 4 Resistance = =15.2
15.2± 1.5
PD PHB 1 ˙ 1.5 W / PHASE
J3 Ohm / Phase
M1 B2 5
J5 M2 A1 6 M2 FRONT
Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Resistance ==15.2
15.2 ± 1.5
J7 J6 ˙ 1.5 W / PHASE
M2 B2 9 Ohm / Phase
SureStak Power Stacker PCBA


VCC PI PHB 1 13 PI PHB 1 Resistance
RESISTANCE==15.215.2 ± 1.5
PI PHB 2 14 PI PHB 2 ˙ 1.5 W
/ Phase
LD1 K 17
DT1 E 19
J7 10K 10K 10K 10K LD2 A 20 0.1 mF
0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 0.1W 20%
LD2 K 21 IR LED K 50V
Stacker DT2 C 22
Logic 33 DT2 E 23
0.1W 24
25 PID C
2 33 26
0.1W 0.1 mF
3 LOAD 27 20%
4 33 28 50V
5 0.1W 29 PID E
6 30 PMD C
7 0.1W 31
8 32 PMD A 20%
9 100 PF 100 PF 100 PF 100 PF 100 PF PMD K 50V
10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
10 1K 50V 50V 50V 50V 50V 34
0.1W PMD E
Cable Routing, Cabinet Model


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Front of Printer

Appendix A

Right Side of Printer

Left Side of Printer

Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Routing, Mechanism Base, Cabinet Model

To J106 on CMX board

NOTE: This view shows the underside of the To J107 on CMX board
mechanism base.

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Cable Routing, Pedestal Model


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Front of Printer

Appendix A

Left Side
of Printer Right Side
of Printer

Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Routing, Mechanism Base, Pedestal Model
P306 (Not connected
CAGE FAN on pedestal models)




To J106 on CMX board

on Controller
(See page 166 for
connector detail.) To J107 on CMX board
NOTE: This view shows the underside of the on Controller (See page 166 for
connector detail.)
mechanism base.

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Cable Assembly, Centronics I/O



NOTE: If you replace this cable,

you must
If youalso install
replace the aI/O
cable clamp.
See Appendix I. must install
assembly, you
the ferrite clamp.
See Appendix E.



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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Assembly, Centronics/Dataproducts Adapter



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Cable Assembly, +5V Remote Power



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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Assembly, Twinax Auto-Termination


1 2


Resistance Chart

Pin Pin Ohms

1 2 110
3 4 110
1, 2, 3, 4 Shield 55
5 Shield 0
14 1, 4 0
3 4 7 2, 3 0


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Cable Assembly, AC-In, Power Supply

AC Kit: 14H5289

To Circuit Breaker

To Power Supply J1


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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Assembly, AC Power Input

AC Kit: 14H5289

To Circuit Breaker
Input Power Connector


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Cable Assembly, Card Cage Fan





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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Assembly, Operator Panel


NOTE: If you replace the control panel cable,

you must install two ferrite shielding beads. PIN 8
See Appendix I.



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Cable Assembly, Exhaust Fan





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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Assembly, Hammer Bank Logic



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Cable Assembly, Hammer Bank Power





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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Assembly, MPU





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Cable Assembly, Ribbon Guide Kit


NOTE: Left ribbon guide shown.

Right is mirror image.

Left Guide = P106 / LRP

Right Guide = P107 / RRP

Pin 2
Pin 1

Pin Connection

P106 (LRP) / P107 (RRP) Wire Color

Pin 1 Black

Pin 2 Black


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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Cable Assembly, Ribbon Motor, Extension



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Cable Assembly, Shuttle Motor Drive



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(Reference only: not spared.)
Appendix A

3 M1 A2 Resistance
= 15.2
± 1.5˙Ohm
1.5 W/ Phase
4 M1 B1 / PHASE
5 M1 B2
8 M2 B1 Resistance
= 15.2 1.5 W/ Phase
± 1.5˙Ohm /
9 M2 B2

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Resistance = 15.2
= 15.2 ± 1.5˙Ohm / Phase
13 PI PHB 1 1.5 W / PHASE
14 PI PHB 2
16 LD1 A
17 LD1 K
18 DT1 C
19 DT1 E
20 LD2 A
21 LD2 K
22 DT2 C
23 DT2 E
25 PID A
26 PID K
27 PID C
Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

28 PID E
Frame Cable, Power Stacker

30 PMD C
31 PMD E
32 PMD A
33 PMD K
Logic Cable, Power Stacker



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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Power Cable, Power Stacker



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Vertical Rail Cable, Power Stacker

(Reference only: not spared.)


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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Fan Assembly, Hammer Bank


P107 / HBF


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Magnetic Pickup (MPU) Assembly



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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Switch Assembly, Paper Detector

Black Back Forms Kit: 14H5570

Standard: 14H5281


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Switch Assembly, Platen Interlock



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Appendix A Circuit Board And Cable Pinouts

Switch Assembly, Cover Open



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B Printer Specifications

Ribbon Specifications
The ribbon life figures listed below are based on IBM tests conducted in
accordance with ANSI Standard X3A.182. Actual ribbon life may vary,
depending on the user’s quality criteria, printer condition, machine settings,
paper quality, and bar code requirements. Label yield depends on label
format, bar code symbology, and other parameters. Label yield with high-
performance scanning equipment may exceed these yields. Use only the
ribbons listed below.
• IBM General Purpose Ribbon: P/N 1040990
Used for general text printing such as data and word processing.
Average yield: 20 million DP characters
• IBM General Purpose Ribbon: P/N 1040995
Average yield: 30 million DP characters
• IBM High Contrast Ribbon: P/N 1040993
Used for general text printing as well as OCR, graphics and bar code
Average yield: 20 million DP characters, 2500 AIAG-B3 labels with visible
light source scanning equipment, or 1300 AIAG-B3 labels with infrared
light source scanning equipment.
• IBM High Contrast Ribbon: P/N 1040998
Average yield: 30 million DP characters, 3600 AIAG-B3 labels with visible
light source scanning equipment, or 1800 AIAG-B3 labels with infrared
light source scanning equipment.
• IBM Hanzi Ribbon: P/N 1402739
100 Yard, Hi Resolution ribbon for all Hanzi printing requirements

Ordering Ribbons In The U.S.

Ribbons can be purchased from Lexmark Authorized IBM Supplies Dealers or
directly from Lexmark by calling 1-800-438-2468.
Send fax orders to 1-800-522-3422
Send mail orders to Lexmark International, Inc., 1221 Alverser Drive,
Midlothian, VA 23113.


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Chapter Paper Specifications

Ordering Ribbons Outside Of The U.S.

Order supplies by contacting your local Lexmark International distributor or by
writing to Lexmark International, Inc., P.O. Box 11427, Lexington, KY, 40575-
1427, USA

Paper Specifications
The paper specifications in this section are guidelines only. Always test paper
stock with applications to determine print quality.

Type: Edge-perforated, fan-fold, 3 to 17 inches (7.62 to 43.18 cm) wide*, 2 to
24 inches (5.08 to 60.96 cm) long**
• Single-part: 15 pound (57 g/m2) to 100 pound (377 g/m2) stock.
• Multi-part carbon: 1- to 6-part forms, maximum 12 pound (45 g/m2) ply of
upper plies
• Multi-part carbonless. Verify readability of greater than 4-part.
Thickness: 0.025 inches (0.064 cm) maximum
Drive: Adjustable tractors, 6-pin engagement

On Backing: One-part continuous perforated fan-fold back form. Labels must
be placed at least 1/6 inch (0.42 cm) from the fan-fold perforation. Backing
adhesive must not be squeezed out during printing.
Sheet Size: 3 to 17 inches (7.62 to 43.18 cm) wide*, including the two
standard perforated tractor feed strips. A maximum sheet length of 16 inches
(40.64 cm) between top and bottom perforations.**
Thickness: Not to exceed 0.025 inch (0.064 cm), including backing sheet.

* On pedestal models, when using the rear paper exit, the maximum width is
16 inches (40.64 cm).
** On cabinet models, forms longer than 12 inches (30.48 cm) can be printed
by opening the front and rear printer doors.


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Printer Dimensions

Cabinet Model Pedestal Model

Height 42.5 inches (108 cm) 35.5 inches (90.2 cm)

Width 27 inches (68.6 cm) 24.6 inches (62.5 cm)

Depth 29 inches (73.7 cm) 30 inches (76.2 cm)

32.5 inches (82.6 cm) with
power stacker

Weight 225 lbs. (102.1 kg) 120 lbs. (54.4 kg)

285 lbs. (129.3 kg) packaged 160 lbs. (72.6 kg) packaged

Environmental Characteristics
41° to 104° F (5° to 40° C) up to 5000 feet (1524 meters)
41° to 90° F (5° to 32° C) up to 8000 feet (2438 meters)
-40° to 158° F (-40° to 70° C)

Relative Humidity
15% to 80% (noncondensing)
15% to 90% (noncondensing)

IBM 6400 Series Printers comply with the requirements of the ENERGY
STAR Computers Program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


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Chapter Electrical Characteristics

Electrical Characteristics
Input Voltage

Line RMS Current

Voltage Line
Design Frequency -04, -05, -50, -08, -09, -010, -C05,
Range -012 -014 -015
-04P -05P -P50 -08P -09P -P10 -C5P

88- 47-63 Hz 6A @ 6A @ 6A @ 6A @ 6A @ 6A @ 6A @ 8A @ 8A @ 6A @
135V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V

178- 47-63 Hz 3A @ 3A @ 3A @ 3A @ 3A @ 3A @ 3A @ 5A @ 5A @ 3A @
270V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V

Power Consumption

Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 212 232 80 20

BTU/Hour 723 791 273 71

VA 321 348 133 34

Operating HS Mode Standby

240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 212 227 82 21

BTU/Hour 723 775 279 71

VA 390 426 164 39


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Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 223 244 84 21

BTU/Hour 761 833 287 75

VA 338 366 140 36

Operating HS Mode Standby

240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 223 239 86 22

BTU/Hour 761 816 294 75

VA 410 449 173 41


Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 223 244 84 21

BTU/Hour 761 833 287 75

VA 338 366 140 36

Operating HS Mode Standby

240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 223 239 86 22

BTU/Hour 761 816 294 75


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Chapter Electrical Characteristics

Operating HS Mode Standby

240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

VA 410 449 173 41


Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 330 370 84 25

BTU/Hour 1126 1263 287 85

VA 450 492 140 48

Operating HS Mode Standby

240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 320 360 86 25

BTU/Hour 1092 1228 294 85

VA 528 600 173 55


Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 287 327 80 25

BTU/Hour 980 1116 273 85

VA 425 475 132 48


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Operating HS Mode Standby
240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 281 314 86 25

BTU/Hour 959 1072 294 85

VA 497 569 173 55


Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 332 360 86 25

BTU/Hour 1133 1229 294 85

VA 457 527 143 48

Operating HS Mode Standby

240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 306 360 81 25

BTU/Hour 1044 1229 276 85

VA 554 662 170 55


Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 410 480 81 25

BTU/Hour 1399 1638 276 85

VA 540 624 170 48


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Chapter Electrical Characteristics

Operating HS Mode Standby

240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 400 470 81 25

BTU/Hour 1365 1604 276 85

VA 660 780 170 55


Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 410 430 84 25

BTU/Hour 1399 1468 287 85

VA 540 564 139 48

Operating HS Mode Standby

240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 410 420 81 25

BTU/Hour 1399 1433 276 85

VA 540 768 170 55


Operating HS Mode Standby

120 VAC
60 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 426 513 84 27

BTU/Hour 1453 1751 287 92

VA 587 727 139 50


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Operating HS Mode Standby
240 VAC
50 Hz Not Energy
All H’s Max Typical Energy Star

Watts 424 490 79 27

BTU/Hour 1447 1672 270 92

VA 722 857 163 58


120 VAC
Max Typical
60 Hz
Not Energy Star Energy Star

Watts 341 49 25

BTU/Hour 1163 167 85

VA 475 79 48

240 VAC
Max Typical
50 Hz
Not Energy Star Energy Star

Watts 310 59 25

BTU/Hour 1058 201 85

VA 624 130 55


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Chapter Interfaces


Standard: PC Parallel, RS-232 serial, RS-422 serial

Optional: Coax/Twinax, Ethernet 10Base-T, Ethernet 10Base2,

Ethernet 10/100Base-T

Logic Levels: TTL, EIA-232E, EIA-422B

Data Format ASCII

Compatibility PC Parallel, EIA-232E, EIA-422B

Transfer Up to 200 Kilobytes on parallel interface.

Rates Up to 19.2K baud on RS-232 serial interface.
Up to 115.2K baud on RS-422 serial interface

Duty Cycle
The duty cycles for IBM 6400 printers are listed below. These figures are
averages, subject to the conditions specified following the list.

6400-004, 04P 130, 000 pages per month

6400-005, 05P 130, 000 pages per month

6400-050, P50 130, 000 pages per month

6400-008, 08P 205, 000 pages per month

6400-009, 09P 205, 000 pages per month

6400-010, P10 205, 000 pages per month

6400-012 320, 000 pages per month

6400-014 376, 000 pages per month

6400-015 376, 000 pages per month

6400-C05, C5P 130, 000 pages per month

Under the following conditions:

• Uppercase text characters only (no graphics)
• 6 lines per inch
• 10 characters per inch
• 63% character density or 83 characters per line
• 63% line density or 42 lines per 11-inch page
• Single part (18 lb) paper
• Printer is installed in accordance with the Setup Guide
• Printer is maintained in accordance with this maintenance manual


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C Metric Conversion Tables


Multiply By To Obtain

foot 0.3048* meter

foot 30.48* centimeter

foot 304.8* millimeter

inch 0.0254* meter

inch 2.54* centimeter

inch 25.4* millimeter

meter 3.280840 foot

centimeter 0.03280840 foot

millimeter 0.003280840 foot

meter 39.37008 inch

centimeter 0.3937008 inch

millimeter 0.03937008 inch

* Figure is exact

Torque and Force

Multiply By To Obtain

inch-pound 0.11298 Newton-meter

foot-pound 1.3558 Newton-meter

Newton-meter 8.8511 inch-pound

Newton-meter 0.7376 foot-pound


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Appendix C

Multiply By To Obtain

pound 4.4482 Newton

inch 0.22481 pound

Mass and Density

Multiply By To Obtain

pound* 0.4535924 kilogram

ounce* 28.34952 gram

kilogram 2.204622 pound

gram 0.03527397 ounce

* avoirdupois


From To Use Formula

temperature Celsius (tc) temperature Fahrenheit (tf) tf = 1.8tc + 32

temperature Fahrenheit temperature Celsius (tc) tc = (tf -32)/1.8



Multiply By To Obtain

Btu (International Table) 0.2930711 Watt


Watt 3.412141 Btu (International Table)


Watt 0.001359621 horsepower (metric)

horsepower (metric) 735.499 Watt


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D Torque Table

The table below establishes the torque requirements for routine installation of
threaded fasteners. These requirements apply to fasteners made of steel, at a
minimum engagement of 3.5 threads, including chamfer and countersink. For
the most accurate torquing, apply anti-seize compound to fastener threads
before you torque the fastener.
Fastener sizes are listed as Numbered Size - Threads Per Inch. (For
example, 2-56 represents “No. 2 Screw, 56 Threads Per Inch.)

Carbon Steel Fasteners (ANSI B18.6.3 - 1972)

Into Alum. or
Into Steel Carbon
60,000 psi Into Weld/ Steel
Fastener 25,000 psi
ultimate Press Studs Fasteners
Size ultimate
tensile or Nuts 100,000 psi
strength ultimate

2-56 25 ± 2 in oz 36 ± 2 in oz 30 ± 2 in oz *

4-40 62 ± 4 in oz 75 ± 5 in oz 70 ± 5 in oz *
6-32 122 ± 7 in oz 150 ± 10 in oz 135 ± 10 in oz *

8-32 11 ± in lb 18 ± 1 in lb 18 ± 1 in lb *

10-24 20 ± 1 in lb 25 ± 1.5 in lb 21 ± 1 in lb *

10-32 15 ± 1 in lb 29 ± 2 in lb 29 ± 1 in lb *

1/4 - 20 40 ± 3 in lb 62 ± 4 in lb 62 ± 4 in lb 105 ± 5 in lb

Torque for Routine Tightening of Threaded

Fastener Sizes

4-40 UNC & 4-48 UNF 4 ± 1 in lb

6-32 UNC & 6-40 UNF 11 ± 1 in lb

8-32 UNC & 8-36 UNF 19 ± 1 in lb

10-24 UNC & 10-32 UNF 25 ± 1 in lb


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Appendix D


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E Safety Inspection Guide

Safety Inspections
Safety devices to protect customers, operators, and service personnel from
injury are installed in all IBM 6400 printers. Use this inspection guide as an aid
in identifying possible unsafe conditions in a 6400 series printer.
Perform the inspection steps outlined in this guide before the normal
inspection for Maintenance Agreement Qualification, or any time you are
instructed to make a safety inspection.
If you find any unsafe conditions, determine the severity of the hazard and
whether or not you can continue the inspection without first correcting the
NOTE: The correction of any unsafe condition is the customer’s

You must have completed the “Electrical Safety Training Course for IBM
Customer Engineers” (self-study course 77170 or existing level) to do the
Safety Inspection.
Have the following items available:
• Electrical Safety for IBM Customer Engineers, Order No. S229-8124.
• A Fluke** meter (P/N 8496278) or similar device for resistance and
voltage measurements.
• An ECOS** Electrical Safety Tester (P/N 6339695) in the United States or
a similar safety tester in other countries.
For each safety check on the following pages, do the steps in the order
presented. Do not omit any steps.


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Appendix E Prepare The Printer for Inspection

Prepare The Printer for Inspection

To prepare the printer for a safety inspection, read the safety notices below,
then do the following steps.


<3> Hazardous voltages are present in the printer with the

power cord connected to the power source. Switch off
printer power and unplug the printer power cord before

<4> Do not connect or disconnect any communication port,

teleport, attachment connector, or power cord during an
electrical storm.

<5> Power off the printer and disconnect the power cord before
connecting or disconnecting a communication port,
teleport, or attachment cable connector.

1. Have the operator take the printer off-line.

2. Power off the printer.
3. Unplug the printer power cord from the customer’s power outlet.

Inspect Mechanical Parts

Top Cover And Cabinet Doors
1. Inspect the top cover:
a. Open the top cover. On cabinet models, make sure the gas spring
assembly holds the cover up in the open position.
b. Make sure the window is not cracked or broken.
c. Make sure the seal around the top cover is not cracked or broken.
d. Make sure there are no exposed or sharp edges.
e. Make sure the wireform paper path is undamaged.
f. Make sure the electrostatic discharge (ESD) fingers are not loose or
damaged. Make sure they touch the contact strips on the frame when
the cover is closed.
g. Close the top cover. Make sure the operator panel is centered in the
opening of the cover.
2. On cabinet models, inspect the front and rear cabinet doors:
a. Make sure the seals and magnetic strips are not loose or damaged.


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b. Make sure the restraining cable is attached and unbroken.
c. Make sure there are no exposed or sharp edges.
d. Open the rear cabinet door and inspect the lower rear paper path:
e. Make sure the service panel permitting access to the I/O plate and
circuit breaker (on/off switch) is installed.
f. Make sure the paper stacker tray assembly or optional power stacker
is in place and undamaged.

Print Mechanism
1. Open the printer top cover.
2. Make sure the shuttle cover is correctly installed and undamaged. (See
page 203.)
3. Make sure the paper guide assembly is correctly installed and
undamaged. (See page 229.)

Inspect Electrical Parts

Safety Ground Path
1. Make sure the printer power cord is unplugged.
2. Remove the paper guide assembly (page 229).
3. Make sure the ground cable from the circuit breaker power leads is
undamaged and firmly attached to the ground lug on the wall of the card
cage, as shown in Figure 56.
NOTE: Ground paths for the entire printer are summarized in Figure 57.

NOTE: The card cage fan

and power supply board are
removed here for clarity.

IEC 320 AC Power

Connector (J301)

Ground Lug

Ground Cable (To Power

Supply J1)

Figure 56. Circuit Breaker Ground, Cabinet Models


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Appendix E Inspect Electrical Parts

4. Set a Fluke meter (P/N 8496278) or similar device to the lowest

resistance scale. Measure the resistance between the power cable
ground pin and the printer frame: safety ground circuits should measure
0.1 Ohm or less.
5. Install the paper guide assembly (page 229).

J301 IEC 320
AC to DC
Power Supply 2 N STBY
Line 1 Board 3 +5V

Line 2 / Neutral 4 +5V





6 +5V RET / LOGIC GND P310
9 +8.5V Ret
Ret 10 +8.5V
11 +48V EIA-232-E +5 V
12 +48V Serial I/O


Controller Board


Card Cage
+5 V Remote
Point Power

J101 DC POWER Common


Ground Exhaust
Ret J106 MSL J108 HBL J105 HBP J116 SMD J107 MSR Cabinet
+48V P106 MSL P108 HBL P105 HBP P116 SMD P107 MSR only
+8.5V +8.5/+48V +48V
Ret Ret Ret
+48V Shuttle
Motor Assy Paper Feed
+48V Motor
Paper Motion Terminator Board
Detector +5 V
Platen Open
Paper Out Shuttle Motor +5 V Switch
Detector +5 V

Hammer Bank Board

Left Ribbon Right Ribbon
+5 V +5 V
Guide Guide

Left Ribbon Right Ribbon

Motor +48V
Ret +48V Motor

Hammer Bank

Figure 57. Ground Path Diagram


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Customer Power Source Service Check
Use an ECOS Electrical Safety Tester (P/N 6339695) in the United States or
a similar safety tester in other countries.
NOTE: The ECOS tester will trip ground fault detector protected outlets. This
is a good test of the ground fault detector. Reset the outlet as needed.
Plug the ECOS meter into the customer’s outlet. Follow the instructions
supplied with the meter to test for the following:
• Wiring errors
• Low voltage
• Neutral to ground short
• Ground path impedance
• Neutral impedance
NOTE: The customer is responsible for correcting problems with the power
source. Inform the IBM Installation Planning Representative (IPR) of
any problems with the customer’s power source.
Each branch circuit must be grounded for safety and correct operation of the
printer. This ground must be connected either to the electrical service ground
or to a suitable building ground. The printer power cable has a green or green/
yellow insulated grounding conductor. This is not a neutral line.

Power Cable
1. Make sure the power cable is not damaged.
2. Make sure the power plug is the correct type.

Power On / Off Verification

1. Make sure all covers are installed.
2. Plug the power cable into the customer’s power outlet.
3. Power on the printer and watch the LCD.
4. Verify that the power on diagnostic tests and initialization routines are
5. After successful initialization, the printer should cycle automatically to
either the READY or NOT READY mode, depending on which power on
state was selected when the printer was configured.
6. Power off the printer. Verify that the LCD goes completely blank and all
fans stop.

Print Interlock Service Check

1. Power on the printer.
2. Open the printer top cover.
3. Open the forms thickness lever. The LCD should display
“057 CLOSE PLATEN” and the audible alarm should sound if it is


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Appendix E Inspect Electrical Parts

4. Press Stop. The audible alarm should stop.

5. Close the forms thickness lever. The fault message should clear.


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F Abbreviations And Signal

NOTE: Mnemonics with the first letter “N” are negative true.
or Mnemonic Definition
KΩ 1,000 Ohms
MegΩ 1,000,000 Ohms
µF microfarad (10-6 farad)
µs microsecond (10-6 second)
µsec microsecond (10-6 second)

A0, A1, etc. Address 0, Address 1, etc.

AC Alternating Current
ACC Access
ACK Acknowledge
AMP Amplitude; Ampere
AMPL Amplitude
AN Anode
ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
ATTN Attention

B Buffered
BANK FAN Hammer Bank Fan
BCOM Buffered Communication
BCP Bi-phase Communications Processor
BHSC Buffered Hammer Shift Clock
BN Buffered, Low True
BNLD Buffered, Low True, Lower Driver
BPS Bits Per Second
BSY Busy
BTU British Thermal Unit


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Appendix F

BUD Buffered Upper Driver

CA Cathode
CC Card Cage
CCF Card Cage Fan
CE Customer Engineer
CHNG Change
CIR Circuit
CLK Clock
CO Cover Open
COLL Collector
COMM Communication
CONTLR Controller
CMD Command
CMX Manufacturer’s designation of the controller board
CNC Connector, Connection
CPI Characters Per Inch
CR Carriage Return
CT Coaxial/Twinaxial
CTL Control
CTS Clear to Send
CUR Current
CVO Cover Open (Switch)

D0, D1, etc. Data Bit 0, Data Bit 1, etc.

DAT Data
DC Direct Current, Data Controller (a functional unit of
the CMX controller board)
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DIAG Diagnostic
DIFF Differential
DMA Direct Memory Access
DP Data Processing, DataProducts
DPMC Dot Plucker Memory Controller
DPU Data Processing Unit
DRAM Dynamic Random-Access Memory
DRV Drive or Driver
DRVR Driver


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DSR Data Set Ready
DTR Data Terminal Ready

EC Engine Controller (a functional unit of the CMX board)

EEPROM Electrically Erasable/Programmable Read-Only Memory
EHF Exhaust Fan
EL Elevator (motor), Power Stacker
EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference
EMIT Emitter
EPROM Electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory
ERR Error
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
EX Exhaust, Extra
EXH Exhaust
EXF Exhaust Fan
EXP Expansion
EXPND Expand

FD Feed
FF Form Feed
FIFO First In, First Out
FLT Fault
FLTR Filter
FP Front Panel (Operator Panel)
FTIC Fire Timer Integrated Circuit

GND Ground

HB Hammer Bank
HBA Hammer Bank ASIC
HBF Hammer Bank Fan
HBL Hammer Bank, Left
HBP Hammer Bank Power
HBR Hammer Bank, Right
HD Hammer Driver
HDIC Hammer Driver Integrated Circuit
HDPH Hammer Driver Phase


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Appendix F

HLP Hammer Bank Logic, Signals and Power

IC Integrated Circuit
ID Identification
IGP Intelligent Graphics Processor
IML Initial Microcode Load
INST Instruction
INT Interrupt
I/O Input/Output
IRQ Interrupt Request

(J) Jack connector

L Left
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LF Line Feed
LO Low
LPI Lines Per Inch
LPM Lines Per Minute
LRIB Left Ribbon
LRP Left Ribbon Guide

M1 Rear Paddle Motor, Power Stacker

M2 Front Paddle Motor, Power Stacker
M Motor
MAIN Maintenance Jack, RS-232 (Optional)
MECA Mechanism Engine Control ASIC
MECH Mechanism
MF microfarad (10-6 farad)
MH Mounting Hole
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOT Motor
MPU Magnetic Pickup (Unit)
ms millisecond (10-3 second)
MSL Motor and Sensors, Left
MSR Motor and Sensors, Right


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N Negative True
N/C Not Connected
NC Not Connected
NIC Network Interface Card (an optional Ethernet interface)
NLQ Near Letter Quality
No. Number
NOVRAM Non-volatile Random-Access Memory
ns nanosecond (10-9 second)
NVRAM Non-volatile Random-Access Memory
NT Not

OLV On Line Verify

OP Operand

P5 + 5 V dc
(P) Pin connector
P(1), P(2), etc. Parallel data 1, data 2, etc.
PAL Programmable Array Logic
PAP Paper
PAPR Paper
PARM Parameter
PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assembly
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PE Printer Error, Paper Empty
PER Peripheral Device
PF picofarad (10-12 farad)
PFC Paper Feed Controller
PFM Paper Feed Motor
PHA Phase A
PHB Phase B
PI Paper Instruction
PLAT Platen
PLM Platen Motor
PLO Platen Open (Switch)
PMD Paper Motion Detect (Switch)
PN Pin


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Appendix F

P/N Part Number

PO Paper Out
POD Paper Out Detect (Switch)
PPR Paper
PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory
PS Power Supply
PS5 Power Supply + 5 Volt
PTR Pointer or Printer
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
PWR Power

R Right
RBN Ribbon
RD Read
RET Return
RIB Ribbon
RG Ribbon Guide
RGL Ribbon Guide, Left
RGR Ribbon Guide, Right
RM Ribbon Motor
RML Ribbon Motor, Left
RMR Ribbon Motor, Right
RQ Request
RRIB Right Ribbon
RRP Right Ribbon Guide
RSP Ribbon and Shuttle Processor
RST Reset
RTPU Real-Time Processing Unit
RTS Request to Send
RXD Receive Data

SCS SNA Character Stream

SEC Security (Key)
SEL Select
SEN Sense, Sensor
SF Structured Field
SG Signal Ground


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SHH Shuttle Hall (Effect)
SHM Shuttle Motor
SHUT Shuttle
SHUTL Shuttle
SIMM Single Inline Memory Module
SLCT Select (On-line)
Slew Rapid vertical paper movement
SMD Shuttle Motor Drive
SNA Systems Network Architecture
SPU Shuttle Processor Unit
SRAM Static Random-Access Memory
STAT Status
STBY Standby
STK Power Stacker
SW Switch
SYNC Synchronize

TCB Task Control Block

TEMP Temperature
TOF Top of Form (first print line)
TP Test Point
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
TXD Transmit Data

UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

UDPH Upper Drive Phase
UNDEF Undefined
USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous

V Volts
VCC Voltage at Collector
VDD Voltage at Drain
VSS Voltage at Source
VX A special ASIC containing circuits that help the DC
controller operate. The letters VX do not stand for
anything; they simply designate this ASIC.


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Appendix F

WR Write
w/ With
w/o Without

XMT Transmit


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G Cords And Adapters

Part Number Description

1332167 Line Cord, IBM, Japan

1838573 Line Cord, IBM, 12 Feet, United States, 220 Volt

1838574 Line Cord, 220V 6 Feet Non-Lock, United States, Canada

6952299 Power Cord, 110V 12 Feet Non-Lock, United States, Canada, Brazil, Cayman
Islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico,
Liberia, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Phillipines, Honduras, Peru, Columbia,
Nicaragua, Bermuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bolivia, Guyana, Ecuador, Haiti,
Jamaica, Venezuela, Netherlands, Antilles, Trinidad, Suriname, Taiwan,
Tobago, Saint Lucia, Indonesia

8509386 Cable, PC RS-232, IBM

08H7968 Coax Adapter Cable for use with Multi-Platform Interface

13F9941 Line Cord, IBM, Australia

13F9980 Line Cord, IBM, Europe (EMEA)

13F9998 Line Cord, IBM, Denmark

14F0016 Line Cord, IBM, Pakistan, South Africa

14F0034 Line Cord, IBM, India, United Kingdom

14F0052 Line Cord, IBM, Switzerland

14F0070 Line Cord, IBM, Chile, Italy

14F0088 Line Cord, 9 Feet, Israel

14H5301 Line Cord, 6400, 12 Foot, United States, 125 Volt

14H5303 Line Cord, 6400, 8 Foot, Chicago

14H5305 Line Cord, 6400, 12 Foot, United States, 220 Volt

14H5309 Line Cord, 6400, Denmark

14H5311 Line Cord, 6400, Israel

14H5313 Line Cord, 6400, Chile, Italy


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Appendix G

Part Number Description

14H5315 Line Cord, 6400, Switzerland

14H5317 Line Cord, 6400, India, United Kingdom

14H5319 Line Cord, 6400, Europe (EMEA)

14H5321 Line Cord, 6400, Pakistan, South Africa

14H5323 Line Cord, 6400, Australia

14H5325 Line Cord, 6400, Japan

14H5335 Twinax Auto-Termination Cable (47 Inches)

14H5541 DP Adapter, 6400

21F4342 Cable, AS/400*, RS-232, IBM

38F8254 Twinax Auto-Termination Cable

57G7261 Power Cord, 6 Feet, Non-Lock, United States, Canada,110 Volt

58F2861 Conn, Cable, RISC System/6000*, IBM

63H7362 Cable, RISC System/6000

63H7364 Cable, AS/400, RS-232

63H7366 Cable, PC Parallel

63H7368 Cable, PC RS-232

63H7456 LAN Power Coupling

92F3176 Cable, PC Parallel, IBM


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H Part Numbers

Part Number Location Description

01P4611 page 274 Tractor Assembly, Power Stacker

01P4698 page 401 Fence, Wireform (Power Stacker)

01P4699 page 399 Field Kit, Power Stacker, Limit Switch

02N6214 page 313 Cable Assembly, Hammer Bank Power

02N8261 page 268 Connector Stiffening Clip

02N8315 page 284 Ethernet LAN PCBA, 100Base-T

02N8327 page 409 Field Kit, Power Stacker, PMD

02N8329 page 399 Pivot Arm Block

04H4779 page 252 Riser, Stacker Runner

08H7934 page 278 Platen Open Motor Pulley

08H7936 page 276 Platen Assembly

08H7954 page 258 Anti-Static Brush Kit

14H5154 page 278 Platen Open Motor Assembly

14H5159 page 278, Hammer Bank Fan Assembly

page 322

14H5169 page 276 Platen Hardware Kit

14H5174 page 258 Platen/Paper Feed Cover Kit

14H5179 page 258 Paper Scale

14H5211 page 264 Clamp, Shaft, Receiving

14H5214 page 274 Tractor Shaft Kit

14H5217 page 274 Tractor Shaft Hardware Kit

14H5235 page 258 Shroud Assembly, Air (Shuttle Cover)


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Appendix H

Part Number Location Description

14H5271 page 258 Paper Guide Assembly (Models 004, 005, 008, 009, 010, 012,
014, C05)

14H5272 page 252 Chain Assembly Kit

14H5274 page 264 Shuttle Frame Assy (Models 004, 04P)

14H5275 page 264 Hammer Spring Kit (Models 004, 04P, 005, 05P)

14H5279 page 312 Cable Assy, Hammer Bank Logic

14H5280 page 276, Platen Switch Kit

page 325

63H5133 page 278, Paper Detector Switch Assembly (Standard)

page 324
14H5282 page 264, Switch Assembly, Cover Open
page 326

14H5285 page 309 Cable Assy, Card Cage Fan

14H5286 page 311 Cable Assy, Exhaust Fan

14H5287 page 264, Centronics I/O Cable Assembly

page 284,
page 303

14H5288 page 197 Housing, Connector Kit

14H5289 page 307 Cable Assy, AC-In, Power Supply (Part of AC Field Kit)
14H5289 page 308 Cable Assy, AC Power Input (Part of AC Field Kit)

14H5296 page 252 Spares Kit, Grommet

14H5299 page 254 Operator Panel Assembly (Cabinet)

14H5300 page 254, Cable Assembly, Operator Panel
page 256,
page 310

14H5329 page 272, Cable Assembly, MPU

page 314

14H5330 page 317 Cable Assembly, Shuttle Motor Drive

14H5490 page 220 Security Module, Graphics

14H5509 page 220 Security Module, Base

14H5512 page 264 Hammer Spring Kit (Models 008, 08P, 009, 09P)
14H5513 page 264 Hammer Spring Kit (Models 012, 014)

14H5516 page 264 Shuttle Frame Assy (Models 008, 08P)

14H5517 page 264 Shuttle Frame Assy (Model 012)


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Part Number Location Description

14H5520 page 278 Paper Feed Motor

14H5521 page 278 Motor Assembly, Ribbon

14H5522 page 264, Cable Assy, Centronics/Dataproducts Adapter

page 304

14H5525 page 236 Resistor Kit

14H5589 page 305 Cable Assy, +5V Remote Power

14H5567 page 250 Wireform Paper Path

14H5570 page 278, Paper Detector Switch Assembly (Black Back Forms)
page 324

14H5571 page 262, Circuit Breaker

page 280

14H5572 page 250 Hardware Kit

14H5592 page 194 Cable, Data, Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface

14H5593 page 194 I/O Bracket Assembly, Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface

14H5595 page 194 PROM, Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface

14H5603 page 250 Logo, 6400

14H5643 page 264 CMX Controller Board, V5.0 (All models 004 and 04P. Models
008 and 012 with Serial Nos. 01AXXXX, 01BXXXX, and

14H5644 page 264 Power Supply PCBA, (Models 004, 04P, 005, 05P, 008, 08P,

24H8533 page 256 Input Tray (Optional)

24H8535 page 282 Adapter, Expansion Connector, 60-pin

24H8593 page 274 Paper Support

24H8647 page 264 CMX Controller Board, V5.5, 25 MHz (All models 005, 05P, and
08P. Models 008 and 012 with Ser. Nos. 01DXXXX, 01EXXXX,
and higher. All models 009 and 09P.)
24H8648 page 264 Shuttle Frame Assy (Models 005, 05P)

24H8766 page 18 6400 Operator’s Guide, English

24H8767 page 18 6400 Operator’s Guide, Spanish

24H8768 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, French

24H8769 page 18 6400 Operator’s Guide, Italian

24H8770 page 18 6400 Operator’s Guide, German


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Appendix H

Part Number Location Description

24H8771 page 18 6400 Operator’s Guide, Dutch

24H8772 page 18 6400 Operator’s Guide, Brazilian Portuguese

24H8773 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Operator’s Guide, Japanese

24H8774 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, English

24H8775 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, Spanish

24H8776 page 18 6400 Operator’s Guide, French

24H8777 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, Italian

24H8778 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, German

24H8779 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, Dutch

24H8780 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, Brazilian Portuguese
24H8781 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printer Setup Guide, Japanese

24H8828 page 268 Ribbon Mask, 500 (Models 050, P50)

24H8844 page 268 Ribbon Mask, 1000 (Models 010, 10P)

24H8858 page 268 Ribbon Mask, 1500 (Model 015)

24H8872 page 268 Hammer Bank Cover Assy, 500 (Models 050, P50)

24H8886 page 268 Hammer Bank Cover Assy, 1000 (Models 010, 10P)
24H8888 page 18 6400 ASCII Programmer’s Reference

24H8889 page 18 6400 IGP User’s Manual

24H8890 page 18 6400 Code V User’s Manual

24H8891 page 18 6400 CTA Programmer’s Reference

24H8892 page 18 6400 IPDS Programmer’s Reference

24H8893 page 18 Ethernet Interface User’s Manual

24H8894 page 278, Ribbon Guide Kit

page 315

24H8924 page 268 Hammer Bank Cover Assy, 1500 (Model 015)

24H8925 page 268 Shuttle Frame Assembly, 500 (Models 050, P50)
24H8927 page 268 Shuttle Frame Assembly, 1000 (Models 010, 10P)

24H8929 page 268 Shuttle Frame Assembly, 1500 (Model 015)

24H8931 page 268 Hammer Spring Field Kit, 500 (Models 050, P50)

24H8932 page 268 Hammer Spring Field Kit, 1000 (Models 010, 10P)

24H8933 page 268 Hammer Spring Field Kit, 1500 (Model 015)


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Part Number Location Description

24H8959 page 250 Front Door Kit

24H8960 page 250 Rear Door Kit

24H8961 page 250 Top Cover Kit

24H8962 page 399 Rear Door, Extended, Power Stacker

24H8963 page 399 RE Ship Kit, Printer w/Power Stacker

24H8966 page 399 Paper Deflector (Power Stacker)

24H8968 page 399 Timing Belt (Power Stacker)

24H8969 page 399, Motor (Power Stacker)
page 401

24H8970 page 399 Constant Force Spring (Power Stacker)

24H8971 page 399 Chain (Power Stacker)

24H8973 page 399 Cable (Power Stacker)

24H8974 page 399 Control Panel Assembly (Power Stacker)

24H8975 page 320 Power Cable, Power Stacker

24H8976 page 319 Logic Cable, Power Stacker

24H8978 page 401 Anti-Static Brush (Power Stacker)

24H8981 page 401 Extension Spring (Power Stacker)

24H8982 page 401 Idler Roller (Power Stacker)

24H8983 page 401 Paddle, Power Stacker

24H8985 page 403 Compression Spring (Power Stacker)

24H8988 page 403 Drive Roller (Power Stacker)

24H8989 page 405 LED, IR, T-1, 3/4 (Power Stacker)

24H8990 page 407, Photodarlington, NPN, Rectifier (Power Stacker)

page 409

24H8991 page 409 LED, IR, Rectangular (Power Stacker)

24H8994 page 284 Ethernet LAN PCBA, 10Base2

24H8995 page 284 Ethernet LAN PCBA, 10Base-T

24H8996 page 399 Shaft, Lift (Power Stacker)

24H8997 page 401 Support Shaft (Power Stacker)

24H8999 page 405 Holder, LED, Round (Power Stacker)


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Appendix H

Part Number Location Description

24H9000 page 407, Holder, LED, Flat (Power Stacker)

page 409

24H9001 page 399 Pulley, Motor (Power Stacker)

24H9002 page 399 Pulley, Timing, Belt (Power Stacker)

24H9003 page 401 Collar Clamp (Power Stacker)

24H9004 page 399 Stacker Hardware Kit (Power Stacker)

24H9005 page 401 Shaft, Drive Roller (Power Stacker)

24H9006 page 401 Spacer, Drive Roller (Power Stacker)

24H9007 page 409 Sensor Assembly, PMD (Power Stacker)

24H9009 page 220 SIMM, Flash, Blank, 4 MB

24H9010 page 220 SIMM, DRAM, Blank, 8MB

24H9011 page 282 Expansion-CT PCBA

24H9625 page 264 Shuttle Frame Assy (Models 009, 09P)

24L5203 page 18 6400 Line Matrix Printers Operator’s Guide, Hanzi

24L5204 page 18 6400 -C05/-C5P Line Matrix Printers Setup Guide

24L5205 page 18 6400 -C05/-C5P Line Matrix Printers Programmer’s Reference-


24L5207 page 268 Shuttle Frame Assembly, Models C05, C5P

24L5209 page 268 Hammer Spring Field Kit, Models C05, C5P

30H3981 page 252 Runner, Stacker

30H3985 page 272 Extension Spring

30H3986 page 250 Shipping Container Kit

30H4008 page 250 Wire Rope

30H4056 page 18 Print Server User’s Guide

38F8254 page 306 Twinax Auto-Termination (“Smart T”)

38L0821 page 220 Security Module (Hanzi)

57G1421 page 278 Motor Pulley, Paper Feed

57G1440 page 278 Fan Assembly

57G1453 page 278, Paper Detector Switch Assy

page 324

57G1460 page 274 Splined Shaft


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Part Number Location Description

57G1466 page 274 Tractor Set

57G1468 page 258 Belt, Timing, 050P, 100 Teeth (Paper Feed)

57G1467 page 276 Belt, Timing, 312W, 87 Teeth (Platen Open)

57G1469 page 276 Ironer Assembly, Reverse Paper Feed

57G1476 page 272 Magnetic Pickup Assembly (MPU)

57G1479 page 278 Ribbon Hub Kit

57G1481 page 254 Dashpot Kit

57G1484 page 250 Hinge Plate, Bottom

57G1485 page 250 Caster, with Brake

57G1486 page 250 Caster, without Brake

57G1492 page 250 Window, Top Cover

57G1514 page 276 Platen Pulley, Driven

57G1521 page 274, Ground Clip, Splined Shaft and/or Power Stacker
page 399

57G1571 page 276 Bracket, Ironer

57G1598 page 254 Operator Panel Overlay, English

57G1599 page 254 Operator Panel Overlay, Spanish

57G1600 page 254 Operator Panel Overlay, French

57G1601 page 254 Operator Panel Overlay, Italian

57G1602 page 254 Operator Panel Overlay, German

57G1603 page 254 Operator Panel Overlay, Dutch

57G1604 page 254 Operator Panel Overlay, Braz. Portuguese

57G7176 page 252 Stacker

57G7260 page 252 Power Cord, U.S. (See also Appendix G)

63H5116 page 260 Paper Path Assembly (Models 04P, 05P, 08P, 09P, C5P)

63H5118 page 256 Paper Basket

63H5119 page 256 Lid, Pedestal Model

63H5120 page 256 Top Cover, Complete (Pedestal Model)

63H5121 page 256 Hinge Lid Kit (Pedestal Model)

63H5122 page 256 Lid Accessory Kit (Pedestal Model)

63H5123 page 256 Shipping Container, Pedestal


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Appendix H

Part Number Location Description

63H5124 page 256 Operator Panel (Pedestal)

63H5125 page 256 Bracket, Control Panel

63H7379 page 26 6400 Line Matrix Printer Configuration Utility Disk

63H7398 page 250 Top Cover Seal Kit

63H7464 page 316 Cable Assembly, Ribbon Motor, Extension

63H7478 page 276 Platen Lever Kit

63H7509 page 256 Caster, Pedestal

63H5117 page 256 Pedestal Kit

63H7510 page 250 Door Seal Kit

63H7518 page 264 Hmr Bank/Rbn Mask Cov Assy (Models 004, 04P, 005, 05P)
63H7519 page 264 Hmr Bank/Rbn Mask Cov Assy (Models 008, 08P, 009, 09P)

63H7520 page 264 Hmr Bank/Rbn Mask Cov Assy (Models 012, 014, C05, C5P)

83F2834 page 26 Torx T-10 Bit

90H3268 page 264 Power Supply PCBA (Models 050, P50, 009, 09P, 010, P10,
014, 015, C05, C5P)

90H3269 page 264 Shuttle Frame Assy (Model 014)

90H3271 page 268 CMX Controller Board, V5.5, 40 MHz (Models 050, P50, 010,
P10, 014, 015, C05, C5P)
93F7037 page 250 Hinge Plate, Top

S246-0149 page 18 6400 Coax/Twinax Multi-Platform Interface Option Installation

and Operation Guide


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I Noise Suppression Devices

Ferrite noise suppressors are installed in the printer to reduce radio frequency
interference (RFI) to and from electronic equipment located near the printer.
Two kinds of ferrite noise suppressors are used:
1. Shielding Bead: a cylindrical core, through and around which the control
panel cable assembly is wound. Two are required.
2. Ferrite Clamp: a noise suppression core in a hinged plastic case and
attached to the wall of the card cage with adhesive. The parallel I/O cable
assembly passes through this core.
Figure 58 shows how these devices are installed.
Duplicate the number of turns around the shielding beads when
installing or replacing the control panel cable. See Figure 58.


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Appendix I

Control Panel Cable Assembly

Connector Connector
P110 P310

Shielding Bead
P/N 141445-001

NOTE: Two turns around

each bead.

Parallel I/O Cable Assembly


Ferrite Core with Clamp

and Adhesive Backing
P/N 202049-001

NOTE: This core attaches

to the right rear card cage


Figure 58. Ferrite Core Installation


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J SureStak Power Stacker

Introduction ..................................................................................... page 368
Stacker Operation ........................................................................... page 368
Component Locations............................................................... page 368
Stacker Control Panel............................................................... page 370
Using The Power Stacker ......................................................... page 371
Loading And Starting The Power Stacker................................. page 372
Stacker Troubleshooting........................................................... page 374
Removing The Power Stacker ........................................................ page 375
Installing The Power Stacker .......................................................... page 380
Replacement Procedures:
Constant Force Spring.............................................................. page 391
Timing Belts .............................................................................. page 394
Illustrated Parts Breakdown ............................................................ page 398


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Appendix J Introduction

The SureStak Power Stacker is an option available for cabinet model printers.
Most of the stacker assembly is inside the cabinet, so usually you will have to
remove the stacker assembly from the printer in order to service it or replace
The power paper stacker is designed to work with forms from 5 to 12 inches
(12.7 to 30.5 cm) long. Using longer or shorter paper can cause error
messages and unpredictable behavior of the stacker.
This appendix consists of three parts:
• An overview of stacker operation.
• Removal/installation instructions for the power stacker assembly and
components that require the most frequent replacement.
• An illustrated parts breakdown (IPB) showing how the entire power
stacker unit is assembled. The IPB also lists the part numbers for
replaceable parts.
NOTE: Only replaceable parts have part numbers in the IPB. If you need to
replace a part for which no part number is shown, replace the entire
power stacker assembly.

Stacker Operation
The power stacker mechanically directs the paper from the printer to the
paper stack. It is mounted in the rear of the cabinet and has its own control
This section explains briefly how to use the power stacker.

Component Locations
Figure 59 shows the names and locations of the major components of the
paper stacker.


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1) Pinch Rollers
2) Paper Throat
3) Stacker Control Panel
4) Elevator Assembly
5) Motor Bracket
6) Wire Paper Tent
7) Paddle Shaft
8) Alignment Rod (2)
9) Bearing Bracket
10) Paper Length Indicator

Figure 59. Power Stacker Component Locations


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Appendix J Stacker Operation

Stacker Control Panel

To gain access to the stacker control panel, open the rear door of the cabinet.
The control panel has two indicator lamps and four keys. (See Figure 60.)


1) ON/OFF Indicator Lamp
2) On Line Indicator Lamp
3) On Line Key
4) Form Feed Key
5) Stacker Elevator Up Key
6) Stacker Elevator Down Key

Figure 60. Power Stacker Control Panel

• ON/OFF Indicator Lamp—Lit when printer power is on. Unlit when
printer power is off.
• ON LINE Indicator Lamp—Lit when printer is online to host computer
(READY). Unlit when printer is offline (NOT READY).
• ON LINE Key—Toggles the printer between the READY and NOT
READY operational states.
• FORM FEED Key—Moves paper one form length as defined by the
currently active form length. This key is active only when the printer is in
the NOT READY state.
• ELEVATOR UP Key—Moves the elevator to its highest position. This key
is active only when the printer is in the NOT READY state.
• ELEVATOR DOWN Key—Moves the elevator to its lowest position. This
key is active only when the printer is in the NOT READY state.


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Using The Power Stacker
1. Set the printer power switch to | (On).
2. Open the rear door of the cabinet.
3. On the stacker control panel, press ON LINE to take the printer to the
NOT READY state. (See Figure 60.)
4. Press the ELEVATOR UP key and wait for the stacker to reach the top of
its travel. (See Figure 60.)
5. Make sure the wire paper tent is in the base of the stacker with the
alignment rods against the vertical rails. (See Figure 61.)

1) Vertical Rail
2) Paper Tent
3) Alignment Rod

Figure 61. Positioning the Paper Tent

6. Push or pull the paddle shaft toward the front or the rear of the printer and
set the paper length by aligning indicator notch on the bearing bracket
with the paper length indicator. (Length range: 5 to 12 inches.) (See
Figure 62.)


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Appendix J Stacker Operation


1) Paper Length Indicator
2) Paddle Shaft
3) Bearing Bracket

Figure 62. Setting Paper Length

Loading and Starting the Power Stacker

1. Press the FORM FEED key on the the stacker control panel and hand
feed the paper down into the paper throat. Continue to advance the paper
until it reaches the wire tent and there are 3 to 5 extra sheets in the
stacker. Make sure the paper passes through the throat of the paper
stacker. (See Figure 63.)

Figure 63. Paper Path in the Power Stacker

2. Stack the 3 to 5 sheets of paper on top of the wire paper tent, making sure
the paper lies with the natural fold.


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3. Press the ON LINE key on the rear control panel or the Start key on the
front control panel to put the printer in the READY state. The stacker
elevator will descend to its lowest position. (See Figure 64.)

Figure 64. Power Stacker in Print Position

4. Check that the paper is still centered between the paper guides.
5. Close the cabinet rear door.
6. If necessary, set Top Of Form.


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Appendix J Stacker Operation

Stacker Troubleshooting
The power stacker augments the paper feed system of the printer. The most
frequently occurring problems in the paper feed system are paper jams.
Because of the electromechanical nature of the system, other problems that
can occur are worn or poor electrical connections and cabling, worn or
defective feed motors, worn or damaged mechanical components, or
incorrect installation of the stacker assembly. Table 10 shows some of the
problems that may occur with the power stacker and the page where you can
find the troubleshooting procedure.

Table 10. Power Stacker Troubleshooting

Symptom Origin of Symptom Explanation Solution

Printer does not detect Reported by customer. Various causes possible. page 116
presence of power

017 STACKER JAM Message on control Paper is bunching above the page 68
CHECK STACKER panel LCD. elevator or the paper motion
detector is not working

018 STACKER FULL Message on control Status message: the power page 69
CHECK STACKER panel LCD. paper stacker is full.

019 STACKER FAULT Message on control This message is triggered page 70

CHECK STACKER panel LCD. when the elevator cannot
reach the top or bottom limit
switch before timing out.

Stacker “chatters” at Reported by customer. Various causes possible. page 117

upper or lower limit

Stacker does not stack Reported by customer. Various causes possible. page 118

Stacker elevator does Reported by customer. Various causes possible. page 118
not move

Stacker elevator moves Reported by customer. Various causes possible. page 118
by itself

Stacker not operating Reported by customer. Same symptom as “Printer page 116
does not detect presence of
power stacker”


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Removing The Power Stacker
1. Set the printer power switch to O (off).
2. Unplug the power cord.
3. Unload paper from the stacker area. (Refer to the Setup Guide.)
4. Remove the paper tent. (See Figure 65.)

1. Paper Tent
Figure 65. Removing the Paper Tent
5. Cut the tie wrap and remove the paper fence. (See Figure 66.)


1. Paper Fence
2. Stacker Base
Figure 66. Removing the Paper Fence


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Appendix J Removing The Power Stacker

6. Remove three screws and washers from the stacker control panel. (See
Figure 67.)


1. Long Screw
2. Washer
3. Short Screw
Figure 67. Removing the Stacker Control Panel
7. Remove four cables from the stacker control panel, and remove the
stacker control panel. (See Figure 68.)

1. Logic Cable (P104)
2. Power Cable
3. Frame Cable (P102)
4. Rail Cable (P107)
Figure 68. Removing Cables from the Stacker Control Panel


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8. Remove the two 5/32 x 3/4 inch screws and washers securing the vertical
rails to the upper frame cross-member at the rear of the cabinet. (See
Figure 69.)
9. Raise the elevator assembly.

1. Vertical Rail
2. Washer (2)
3. Screw, 5/32 x 3/4 inch (2)
4. Screw, 7/64 x 1/2 inch or Torx T-10 (2)
5. Washer (2) but no washers with Torx T-10 screws
6. Stacker Base
Figure 69. Preparing the Stacker for Removal


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Appendix J Removing The Power Stacker

10. Loosen one turn—DO NOT REMOVE—the Torx T-10 screws securing
the vertical rails to the stacker base. Each rail is secured by two screws.
(See Figure 70.)

1. Screw, 6-32x1/4, Torx T-10: two at bottom of each rail
2. Vertical Rail
3. Stacker Base
Figure 70. Loosening the Lower Screws in the Vertical Rails
11. Remove the 7/64 x 1/2 inch screws and washers (or Torx T-10 screws)
securing the base plate to the cabinet floor. (See Figure 69.)
12. Lower the elevator assembly to its lowest position.
13. Slide the stacker assembly slightly to the right to clear the air exhaust
duct. Tilt the vertical rails toward the front of the printer until they clear the
upper frame cross-member. Slide the stacker assembly to rear and angle
it out of the cabinet, as shown in Figure 71.


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1. Upper Frame Cross-Member
2. Elevator Assembly
3. Stacker Base
4. Vertical Rail
Figure 71. Removing the Stacker Assembly


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Appendix J Installing The Power Stacker

Installing The Power Stacker

NOTE: This procedure is for complete installation of the power stacker,
including cable assemblies and the stacker control panel.
1. Set the printer power switch to O (off).
2. Unplug the power cord.
3. Remove paper.
4. Loosen the three paper guide hold-down screws. Slide the paper guide to
the left and lift it off the card cage. (See Figure 72.)

1. Paper Guide
2. Hold-Down Screw (3)
Figure 72. Remove the Paper Guide


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5. Connect the power stacker logic cable P103 to connector J17 on the CMX
controller board. (See Figure 73.)
6. Disconnect the power supply cable from connector J101 on the CMX
controller board. (See Figure 73.)
7. Connect power supply cable connector P101 to the stacker power cable,
then connect the stacker power cable to connector J101 on the CMX
controller board. (See Figure 73.)
8. Route the stacker power cable and the stacker logic cable in front of the
CMX board and through the cutout beneath the card cage fan, as shown
in Figure 73.


1. Power Supply Connector P101
2. CMX Board Connector J101
3. Connector P103
4. CMX Board Connector J17
5. Stacker Logic Cable
6. Stacker Power Cable
7. Cutout Beneath Card Cage Fan
Figure 73. Stacker Power and Logic Connections on the CMX Controller Board


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Appendix J Installing The Power Stacker

The paper stacker assembly mounts to the rear upper frame cross-
member and the cabinet floor. It is a snug fit. During installation, take
care to avoid scratching painted surfaces or damaging the stacker.
9. Loosen one turn—DO NOT REMOVE—the Torx T-10 screws securing
the vertical rails to the stacker base. Each rail is secured by two screws.
(See Figure 74.)

1. Screw, 6-32x1/4, Torx T-10: two at bottom of each rail
2. Vertical Rail
3. Stacker Base
Figure 74. Loosening the Lower Screws in the Vertical Rails


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10. Position the elevator assembly at the bottom of the vertical rails. (See
Figure 75a.)
11. Position the stacker assembly slightly to the right in order to clear the air
exhaust duct, insert the vertical rails inside and under the upper frame
cross-member, then slowly swing the base of the stacker assembly into
the cabinet. (See Figure 75a.)
12. Work the stacker base rearward and engage the upper brackets of the
vertical rails under the upper frame cross-member. (See Figure 75b.)
13. Align the holes in the vertical rail brackets with the holes in the upper
frame cross-member. (See Figure 75c and Figure 76.)


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Appendix J Installing The Power Stacker

a b

4 2

1. Upper Frame Cross-Member
2. Elevator Assembly
3. Stacker Base
4. Vertical Rail
Figure 75. Stacker Installation


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14. Align the holes in the stacker base with the holes in the cabinet floor. (See
Figure 75c and Figure 76.)
15. Install finger tight the two 5/32 x 3/4 inch screws and washers securing
the vertical rails to the upper frame cross-member.
16. Install and tighten the four 7/64 x 1/2 inch screws and washers (or Torx T-
10 screws) securing the stacker base to the cabinet floor. (See Figure
17. Move the elevator assembly up and down on the vertical rails until it
travels smoothly with no binding.
18. Tighten the two 5/32 x 3/4 inch screws and washers securing the vertical
rails to the upper frame cross-member.
19. Move the elevator assembly up and down again to make sure it travels
smoothly with no binding.
20. Tighten the screws securing the vertical rails to the stacker base. Each
rail is secured by two screws. (See Figure 74.)
21. Move the elevator assembly up and down to make sure it travels
smoothly with no binding. If the elevator binds or catches anywhere along
its path of travel, slightly loosen the upper and lower rail screws and
repeat steps 17 through 20 until the elevator moves smoothly.


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Appendix J Installing The Power Stacker

NOTE: The stacker assembly is

exploded to show mounting screws
and locations.



1. Washer (2)
2. Screw, 5/32 x 3/4 inch (2)
3. Stacker Base
4. Screw, 7/64 x 1/2 inch or Torx T-10 (2)
5. Washer (2) but no washers with Torx T-10 screws
6. Vertical Rail
7. Upper Frame Cross-Member
Figure 76. Stacker Fasteners


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22. Install the paper fence. (See Figure 77.)

1. Paper Fence
2. Stacker Base
Figure 77. Paper Fence


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Appendix J Installing The Power Stacker

23. Gather the rail cable, frame cable, logic cable, and power cable. Route
the cables outboard of the elevator assembly.
24. Connect the stacker cables to the rear of the stacker control panel
assembly, as shown in Figure 78.

1. Logic Cable (P104)
2. Power Cable
3. Frame Cable (P102)
4. Rail Cable (P107)
Figure 78. Stacker Control Panel Cables


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25. Position the stacker control panel as shown in Figure 79, and install the
mounting screws.

1. Stacker Control Panel
2. Long Screw
3. Short Screw (2)
Figure 79. Installing the Stacker Control Panel


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Appendix J Installing The Power Stacker

26. Bundle the stacker control panel cables in the wire harness clips located
under the card cage. (See Figure 80.) Tie wrap the cables so they do not
catch in the stacker mechanism as it moves up and down. Route the
stacker rail and frame cables so they move without snagging as the
elevator assembly moves up and down.


1. Wire Saddle (2 places)
2. Cutout Beneath Card Cage Fan
3. Cable Bundle
Figure 80. Securing Stacker Cables
27. Install the paper path that you removed in step 4.
28. Install paper and test stacker operation. (Refer to the Setup Guide.)


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Replacing The Constant Force Spring
1. Remove the stacker assembly from the printer. (See page 375.)
In the next step, do not over-tighten the tie wraps or string. Tighten the
tie wraps or string just enough to hold the elevator up.
2. Raise the elevator assembly to its highest position and secure it to the
vertical rails using tie wraps or string. (See Figure 81.)

1. Tie Wrap
2. Elevator Assembly
Figure 81. Securing the Elevator Assembly


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Appendix J Replacing The Constant Force Spring


The constant force spring is a high tension spring. To avoid

pinching your fingers, coil the spring slowly and carefully.
Do not let the spring twist or crimp.

3. Remove the shoulder screw, washers, and spacer from the constant force
spring and drum. Let the spring coil itself up until it reaches the screw that
secures it to the vertical rail. (See Figure 82.)
4. Firmly gripping the spring and drum, remove the screw securing the
spring to the vertical rail. (See Figure 82.)



1. Rail Screw
2. Washer
3. Constant Force Spring
4. Large Washer
5. Spacer
6. Drum
7. Shoulder Screw
Figure 82. Removing the Constant Force Spring


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5. Lift the loose end of the constant force spring and let it curl up on the
outside of the remaining spring and drum. (See Figure 83.)
6. While holding the drum tightly, continue to curl the spring until it is
completely unwound from the drum. (See Figure 83.)
7. To install a new constant force spring, reverse the steps of this procedure.

1. Spring
2. Drum
Figure 83. Removing the Constant Force Spring from the Drum


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Appendix J Replacing The Timing Belts

Replacing The Timing Belts

1. Remove the stacker assembly from the printer. (See page 375.)
2. Raise the elevator assembly to its highest position and secure it to the
vertical rails using tie wraps or string. (See Figure 81, page 391.)
3. If you are removing the left timing belt, remove the shoulder screw from
the pulley at the bottom of the left vertical rail, and remove the pulley.
(See Figure 84.) Go to step 6.
4. If you are removing the right timing belt, remove the two metric Allen
screws that secure the timing belt motor to the right vertical rail. (See
Figure 84.) Go to step 5.


7 4


1. Metric Allen Screw and Washer
2. Right Vertical Rail
3. Timing Belt Motor
4. Stacker Base
5. Bushing
6. Pulley
7. Shoulder Screw
8. Left Vertical Rail
Figure 84. Removing the Timing Belt Pulley and Motor


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5. Loosen the two setscrews on the motor pulley and remove the pulley.
Unplug the motor cable, if necessary. (See Figure 85.) Go to step 6.

1. Timing Belt Motor
2. Setscrew
3. Pulley
Figure 85. Removing the Timing Belt Motor Pulley
6. Remove the shoulder screw, washers, and spacer that secures the
constant force spring to the vertical rail. (See Figure 86.)

NOTE: Left is shown.

Right is the same.


1. Large Washer
2. Spacer
3. Constant Force Spring
4. Shoulder Screw
Figure 86. Releasing the Constant Force Spring


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Appendix J Replacing The Timing Belts

7. Remove two Allen screws from the belt clamp that secures the timing belt
to the stacker frame. (See Figure 87.)

1. Allen Screw
2. Belt Clamp
Figure 87. Removing the Belt Clamps


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8. Remove the timing belt by working it around the vertical rail and constant
force spring. (See Figure 88.)

NOTE: Left timing

belt is shown. Right is
the same.

1. Timing Belt
Figure 88. Removing the Timing Belt
9. To install a timing belt, reverse the steps of this procedure.


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Appendix J Illustrated Parts Breakdown

Illustrated Parts Breakdown

The Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) consists of exploded drawings of the
power stacker assembly and subassemblies. Parts are listed next to each
Only replaceable parts are assigned part numbers. If a part or assembly is
damaged but does not have a part number, replace the entire power stacker
The IPB starts on the next page.


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See page 401.

$ 38

14 10




40 9
7 38

20 25


37 5

Figure 89. Stacker Assembly


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Appendix J Illustrated Parts Breakdown

Part No. Description Notes

5 Ref Flanged Bearing Part of item 36

6 24H8966 Paper Deflector

7 Ref Clip-On Bearing Part of item 36

8 Ref Screw, Torx, 6-32 x .25 Part of item 36

9 Ref Screw, Shoulder, 10-32 Part of item 36

10 24H8968 Timing Belt

11 24H8996 Shaft, Lift

12 24H9002 Pulley, Timing Belt

13 24H9001 Pulley, Motor

14 57G1521 Clip, Grounding

15 24H8969 Motor

20 24H8970 Constant Force Spring

25 24H8971 Chain Mount chains outboard of


30 Ref Nylon Plug

35 24H8973 Cable

36 24H9004 Stacker Hardware Kit Kit not illustrated

37 Ref Screw, Shoulder, 8-32 Part of item 36

38 01P4699 Power Stacker Limit Switch Kit Replaces earlier limit


40 170870-901 Limit Switch Assembly Replacement switch if item

38 is installed

24H8974 Control Panel Assembly Figure 78, page 388

Ref Rail Cable, Power Stacker See page 321

24H8975 Power Cable, Power Stacker See page 320

24H8976 Logic Cable, Power Stacker See page 319

Ref Frame Cable, Power Stacker See page 318

24H8962 Rear Door, Extended, Power Stacker Not illustrated

24H8963 RE Ship Kit, Printer w/Power Stacker Not illustrated


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From page 399.
15 $
See page 403. 51
See page 405.
& 15


40 46

50 50
See page
46 60

54 55




See page 407. 65

' See page 407.

Figure 90. Stacker Detail: Motors, Rollers, and Paddles


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Appendix J Illustrated Parts Breakdown

Part No. Description Notes

15 24H8969 Motor

36 24H9004 Stacker Hardware Kit Kit not illustrated

40 24H8978 Anti-Static Brush

45 Ref Shear Grommet Part of item 36

46 Ref Cap Nut Part of item 36

47 24H9005 Shaft, Drive Roller

48 24H9006 Spacer, Drive Roller

49 Ref Bearing, Flanged Part of item 36

50 Ref Bearing Part of item 36

51 24H9003 Collar Clamp

52 Ref Collar, Setscrew Part of item 36

53 24H8997 Support Shaft

54 01P4698 Fence, Wireform

55 24H8981 Extension Spring

60 24H8982 Idler Roller Five on early models

65 24H8983 Paddle, Power Stacker


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From page 401.

% 80






Figure 91. Stacker Detail: Rollers


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Appendix J Illustrated Parts Breakdown

Part No. Description Notes

36 24H9004 Stacker Hardware Kit Kit not illustrated

75 24H8985 Compression Spring On left end of shaft on early


80 Ref Friction Washer Part of item 36

85 Ref Flanged Bushing Part of item 36

90 24H8988 Drive Roller Five on early models


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From page 401.





Flat Side



Figure 92. Stacker Detail: Motor Bracket


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Appendix J Illustrated Parts Breakdown

Part No. Description Notes

36 24H9004 Stacker Hardware Kit Kit not illustrated

95 Ref Clip-On Bearing Part of item 36

96 24H8999 Holder, LED, Round

100 24H8989 LED, IR, T-1, 3/4


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From page 401.

' 105

Connector Nib



Figure 93. Stacker Detail: Elevator Bracket


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Appendix J Illustrated Parts Breakdown

Part No. Description Notes

36 24H9004 Stacker Hardware Kit Kit not illustrated

95 Ref Clip-On Bearing Part of item 36

97 24H9000 Holder, LED, Flat

105 24H8990 Photodarlington, NPN, Rectifier


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From page 401.

Rotated 180 Degrees








108 116


Figure 94. Stacker Detail: Paper Motion Detector


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Appendix J Illustrated Parts Breakdown

Part No. Description Notes

36 24H9004 Stacker Hardware Kit Kit not illustrated

97 24H9000 Holder, LED, Flat

105 24H8990 Photodarlington, NPN, Rectifier

106 Ref Retaining Ring, External, 0.093 inch Part of item 115

107 Ref Screw, Panhead, Type B, 2 x 3/16 Part of item 36

108 Ref Shaft, Paper Detector Switch, Long Part of item 115

110 24H8991 LED, IR, Rectangular

115 02N8327 Field Kit, Power Stacker, PMD

116 Ref Spring, Torsion Part of item 115


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Numerics OPERATOR, 72


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GUIDE, 94 Abbreviations, 347
122 PAPER NOT SCHEDULED / SEE USER’S About the printer, 13
GUIDE, 95 Acronyms, 347
123 PAPER BUSY TOO LONG / SEE USER’S Adapters and Cords, 355
GUIDE, 95 Adjustments, 151
124 PAPER FIFO OVERFLOW / SEE USER’S coil temperature, 181
GUIDE, 96 end of forms distance, 169
125 PAPER FIFO UNDERFLOW / SEE USER’S Ethernet initialization, 183
GUIDE, 96 hammer phasing, 173
126 PAPER FEED BAD TABLE / SEE USER’S loading flash memory, 176
GUIDE, 97 paper drive motor pulley alignment, 158
127 PAPER FEED ILLEGAL STATE / SEE USER’S paper feed timing belt tension, 154
GUIDE, 97 paper scale, 160
128 PAPER FEED INVALID COMMAND / SEE platen gap, 162
USER’S GUIDE, 97 platen open belt, 156
129 PAPER FEED INVALID PARAMETER / SEE platen open motor pulley alignment, 164
USER’S GUIDE, 97 ribbon guide, 166
130 PAPER FEED PARTLY ENERGIZED / SEE set shuttle speed, 182


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software upgrades, 176 Cleaning the printer, 29
splined shaft skew adjustment, 168 CLEARING PROGRAM FROM FLASH, 100, 178,
ASCII Character Set chart, 142 180
Attention condition, 61 CMX controller board See Controller board, 45
B Coax/twinax expansion board
replacement, 215
Belt Coax/twinax multi-platform interface, replacement,
paper feed timing, replacement, 188 194
paper feed timing, tension adjustment, 154 Coil temperature adjustment, 181
platen open, replacement, 189 Communications failures, 131
platen open, tension adjustment, 156 Configuration, 27
Block diagram Control panel See Operator panel, 227
operator panel, 44 Controller board
Boards principles of operation, 45
layouts, connections, and pinouts, 287 Controller circuit board
BOOT DIAGNOSTICS, 100 replacement, 190
C Controls and indicators, 20
mechanical, all models, 24
Cabinet, doors, reversing, 206
printing conventions, 18
Cable assembly
Conversion, metric measurement, 337
interconnections, 287
Cords and Adapters, 355
part numbers, 287
Cores, Noise Suppression, 365
routing diagrams, 287
Cover assembly
shell and cable replacement, 195, 198
hammer bank / ribbon mask, replacement, 200
Cable connectors and shells
shuttle, 203
replacement, 195, 198
top, pedestal model, 204
Call, start of, 60
Customer Engineer (CE) tests, 134
Card cage
Cycle power, 145
fan assembly, replacement, 209
CE tests, 134 D
Character Set Dashpot, replacement, 205
U.S. ASCII, 142 Data controller (DC), 47
Checks, service DC (Data Controller, CMX board), 47
customer’s power source, 345 Diagnostic menus
power on/off verification, 345 boot, 137
print interlock, 345 Diagnostic self-tests
print mechanism, 343 customer engineer (CE), 134
printer power cable, 345 operator print, 132
Circuit board printer information menu, 143
replacement Diagnostics
controller, 190 10/100Base-T, 54
power supply, 192 DIAGNOSTICS PASSED, 178
Circuit breaker Diagrams
replacement, 193


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cable routing, 287 Error log
ground path, 341 clear, 135
interconnection and cables, 287 print, 132
Dimensions Error messages, 61
printer, 329 Error messages, list of, 62
10/100Base-T, 55 101, 180
list of messages, 62 ETHERNET DETECTED, 102
Display messages, list of, 62 Ethernet interface assemblies
Display messages, printing conventions, 18 initialization procedure, 183
Documents related to this manual, 18 LEDs and DIP switches, 52
Doors, cabinet, reversing, 206 replacement, 207
Duty cycle, 336
Fan assembly
card cage, replacement, 209
EC (Engine Controller, CMX board), 49 hammer bank, replacement, 208, 210
Electrical characteristics, 330 Fault messages, 61
End of Forms Adjust list of, 62
procedure, 169 Fault symptoms
ENERGY SAVER ACTIVE, 100 not from messages, 110
Energy Star compliance, 329 Flash memory
Engine controller (EC), 49 pre-written, part numbers for early models, 219
Environmental characteristics, 329 pre-written, part numbers for later models, 219
ERROR Flash memory, loading, 176
DC PROGRAM NOT VALID, 178 Flash messages


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WRITING TO FLASH, 178, 180 10/100Base-T, 54
WRONG CHECKSUM, 180 Information menu, printer, 143
ERROR OCCURRED / FLUSHING QUEUES*, Inspection, safety, guide, 341
180 Installation, 27
LOADING PROGRAM FROM PORT XX%, 180 Installed memory, 143
RESETTING... PLEASE WAIT, 180 coax/twinax multi-platform, replacement, 194
RESTORING BOOT CODE, 180 specifications, 336
180 cabinet models, 20
FM HEADER ERROR, 102 pedestal models, 22
Labels, specifications, 328
G LAN interface assemblies, replacement, 207
Gap, adjustment Levers and knobs, 24
magnetic pick-up (MPU), 216 Line matrix printing explained, 35
Ground path diagram, 341 180
phasing adjustment, 173 Magnetic pick-up assembly
spring assembly, replacement, 211 gap adjustment, 216
Hammer bank replacement, 216
cover assembly, replacement, 200 Maintenance
fan assembly, replacement, 208, 210 adjustments, 151
wiring diagram, 287 cleaning the printer, 29
HAMMER COIL BAD #, #, #, #, ... etc., 103 preventive, 29
Hammer phasing adjustment, 173 Manual
Hanzi models, 14 how to use, 16
Hard reset, 145 notes and notices, 17
Hex code printout, 140 printing conventions, 18
Hub, ribbon, replacement, 238 related documents, 18
Mechanical controls and indicators, 24
Memory modules, location and replacement, 217
IBM Coax/twinax expansion board, replacement, Memory, flash
215 loading software, 176
Illustrations, replacement procedures, 249 Memory, installed, 143
Indicators Menus


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boot diagnostics, 137 P62 ERROR
Customer Engineer (CE) tests, 134 DC PROGRAM NOT VALID, 104
Messages P63 ERROR
Metric measurement, conversion tables, 337 P64 ERROR
Mnemonics, 347 CHECKSUM WRONG, 105
Mode P65 ERROR
auto reset, 55 PROGRAM NEEDS MORE FLASH, 105
run, 55 P66 ERROR
Models, printer, 13, 15 PROGRAM NEEDS MORE DRAM, 105
Module, security, location, 220 P67 ERROR
paper feed drive, replacement, 221 P68 ERROR
platen open, replacement, 223 EC PROGRAM NOT VALID, 106
ribbon drive, replacement, 225 P69 ERROR
MPU See Magnetic pick-up assembly, 216 EC STOPPED AT STATE XXXX, 106
Multi-platform interface, replacement, 194 PA1 SELECTED, 104
Panel, control See Operator panel, 227
Network print server, replacement, 226 Paper
Noise Suppression, 365 detector switch assembly, replacement, 246
NOT READY, 103 drive motor pulley alignment, 158
Notes and notices, 17 feed drive motor, replacement, 221
Numbers feed timing belt replacement, 188
replacement parts, 357 feed timing belt tension adjustment, 154
O ironer, replacement, 230
scale adjustment, 160
Operation, principles of, 35
specifications, 328
stacker, power, 367
tractor (L/R), replacement, 248
Paper detector switch
Operator panel
replacement, 246
block diagram, 44
Paper guide assembly, removal, 229
cabinet model, 227
illustrations, 249
pedestal model, 228
replacement part numbers, 357
P replacement procedures, 186
P05 DIAGNOSTIC TEST PASSED, 104 Phasing adjustment, 173
P17 SECURITY VIOLATION, 104 Pinouts, 287
P60 ERROR Platen
DRAM AT ADDRESS, 104 gap adjustment, 162
P61 ERROR interlock switch assembly, replacement, 247
FLASH NOT DETECTED, 104 platen open belt adjustment, 156


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platen open motor, replacement, 223 troubleshooting, 59
Platen replacement, 231 Printer information menu
PLEASE WAIT ... RESET IN PROGRESS, 106 11 inch pages, 143
Power installed memory, 143
cycle, how to, 145 poweron time, 143
on/off verification, 345 print strokes, 143
start up sequence, 146 printing time, 143
Power consumption, 330 Printing
Power on sequence, 146 conventions is this manual, 18
Power Paper Stacker line matrix printing explained, 35
component locations, 368 problems, 59
loading and starting, 372 Printing time, 143
setting up, 371 Printouts
Power supply hex code, 140
circuit board replacement, 192 Procedures
Power supply board adjustment, 151
principles of operation, 57 cleaning, 29
Poweron time, 143 safety inspection, 341
Principles of operation, 35 R
Print server, network, 226
Print strokes, 143 READY, 106
Printer Replacement
adjustments, 151 card cage fan assembly, 209
boot diagnostics menu, 137 circuit breaker, 193
cleaning, 29 Coax/twinax expansion board, 215
configuration, 27 Coax/twinax multi-platform interface, 194
description, 13 connector shells, 195
dimensions, 329 connector stiffening clips, 198
duty cycle, 336 controller circuit board, 190
installation, 27 cover assembly, shuttle, 203
logical control of, 43 cover assembly, top, pedestal model, 204
maintenance overview, 13 cover open switch assembly, 245
models, 13 dashpot, 205
evolution, 15 doors, cabinet, reversing, 206
Hanzi, 14 Ethernet interface assemblies, 207
how to identify, 15 extension spring, 244
power paper stacker, 367 hammer bank /ribbon mask cover assembly,
principles of operation, 35 200
reset, 145 hammer bank fan assembly, 208, 210
self-tests hammer spring, 211
customer engineer (CE), 134 IBM Coax/twinax expansion board, 215
operator print, 132 LAN interface assemblies, 207
specifications, 327 magnetic pick-up assembly, 216


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memory modules, 217 S
multi-platform interface, 194
network print server, 226 Safety
operator panel assembly inspection guide, 341
cabinet model, 227 notices, defined, 17
pedestal model, 228 SECURITY CODE VIOLATION, 180
paper detector switch assembly, 246 Security module, location, 220
paper feed drive motor, 221 Self Test
paper feed timing belt, 188 10/100Base-T, 54
paper guide assembly, 229 Self-tests
paper ironer, 230 customer engineer (CE), 134
platen, 231 operator print, 132
platen interlock switch assembly, 247 printer information menu, 143
platen open belt, 189 SENDING PROGRAM TO EC PROCESSOR, 107,
platen open motor, 223 180
power supply circuit board, 192 SERVICE /, 107
print server, network, 226 Service checks
resistors, terminating, 235 customer’s power source, 345
ribbon drive motor, 225 power on/off verification, 345
ribbon guide assembly (L/R), 237 print interlock, 345
ribbon hub, 238 print mechanism, 343
shuttle frame assembly, 242 printer power cable, 345
splined shaft, 239 Set shuttle speed, 182
support shaft, 241 Shaft
tractor (L/R), 248 splined, replacement, 239
Reset Mode, 55 splined, skew adjustment, 168
Reset, soft vs. hard, 145 support, replacement, 241
RESETTING... PLEASE WAIT, 180 cover assembly, replacement, 203
Resistors, terminating frame assembly, replacement, 242
location of, 236 speed setting, 182
RESTORING BOOT CODE, 107 Signal mnemonics, 347
RESTORING BOOT CODE (message), 180 SIMMs, location and replacement, 217
Ribbon Soft reset, 145
drive motor, replacement, 225 Software
guide assembly (L/R), replacement, 237 loading into flash memory, 176
guide assembly, alignment, 166 SOFTWARE ERROR* / Cycle power, 107
hub, replacement, 238 Specifications
mask, replacement, 200 dimensions, printer, 329
specifications, 327 duty cycle, 336
RIBBON OUT OF INK / CHANGE RIBBON, 107 electrical, 330
Run Mode, 55 environmental, 329
interfaces, 336


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paper, 328 Tension adjustment
ribbon, 327 paper feed timing belt, 154
Speed platen open belt, 156
shuttle, set, 182 Terminating resistors
Splined shaft location of, 236
replacement, 239 replacement, 235
skew adjustment, 168 Test
Spring equipment, tools, and supplies, 26
extension, replacement, 244 TESTING HARDWARE / PLEASE WAIT, 107
Stacker, power, 367 Tests
control panel, 370 boot diagnostics menu, 137
installation, 380, 398 customer engineer (CE), 134
loading and starting, 372 print, operator, 132
operation, 368 printer information menu, 143
replacing Time
constant force spring, 391 poweron, 143
timing belts, 394 printing, 143
Start of call, 60 Tools, test equipment, and supplies, 26
Start up sequence, 146 TOP OF FORM SET, 107
Supplies, tools, and test equipment, 26 Torque
Support shaft conversion to or from metric, 337
replacement, 241 table, 339
Switch Tractor
cover open switch assembly, replacement, 245 replacement, 248
paper detector switch assembly, replacement, Troubleshooting, 59
246 aids, 59
platen interlock switch assembly, replacement, communications failures, 131
247 fault messages, 61
power, replacement, 193 symptoms not indicated by messages, 62
Symptom list, troubleshooting, 110 U
from LCD messages, 62 Unit check condition, 61
not from messages, 110 Upgrading software, 176

Temperature, coil, adjustment, 181 Wiring diagrams, 287


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