Coal India Task - 1

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Amit Chandel, Ashish Jain, Alok Kumar

Coal India Bidding Process

23 December 2020

White Paper : Coal India Bidding Process

The Coal Mine is being auctioned strictly for the purpose of sale of coal. The mining

operations are required to be conducted strictly in accordance with all Applicable Law, including

without limitation the Act, the Rules, the Vesting Order / Allocation Order and applicable Tender

Document along with document referred therein.

The Press Note 4 of 2019, issued by the Central Government, amended FDI Policy 2017, to

permit 100% FDI under automatic route in coal mining activities, including associated

processing infrastructure subject to the Act and other Applicable Laws, for sale of coal. The

Press Note 3 of 2020, issued by the Central Government, further amended the FDI Policy to

prescribe a requirement to seek prior Government approval if such foreign direct investment is

by an entity from a country which shares land borders with India or where the beneficial owner

of such foreign direct investment into India is situated in or is a citizen of any such country.

Subsequently, the Mineral Laws (Amendment) Act, 2020 has been notified on March 13, 2020,

with effect from January 10, 2020 to amend the Act so as to permit auction of Coal Mines for

own consumption, sale or for any other purpose as may be determined by the Government.


In accordance with Section 11A of the Act, following entities shall be eligible to participate in

the auction of the Coal Mine:

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i. a Government company or corporation or a joint venture company formed by such company

or corporation or between the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may

be, or any other company incorporated in India; or

ii. a company or a joint venture company formed by two or more companies.

Limitations on total number of Bids: A Bidder shall submit only 1 (one) bid for a

particular Coal Mine. No Affiliate(s) of such Bidder shall submit a bid for the said Coal Mine. In

case an Affiliate(s) of a Bidder also submits a bid for the said Coal Mine, the bids submitted by

both the Bidder and its Affiliate(s) shall be rejected.

Instructions to Bidders


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Tender Document, in the event of any

conflict between this Tender Document and the Agreement, the relevant provisions of the

Agreement shall have overriding effect.

The documents including this Tender Document and all documents attached, as provided by the

Nominated Authority are and shall remain or become the property of the Nominated Authority

and are being transmitted to the Bidders solely for the purpose of preparation and the submission

of a Bid in accordance herewith. The Bidders are required to treat all such information as strictly

confidential and shall not use it for any purpose other than for preparation and submission of

their Bid.

Any Agreement executed pursuant to this Tender Document shall be subject to the terms hereof

and any documents issued pursuant to the Act, the Rules, this Tender Document or any other

document referred herein.

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Subject to Applicable Laws, the Successful Bidder shall be entitled to create security over the

Coal Mine through mortgage for the purposes of availing financing from a bank or financial

institutions for the purposes of financing mining operations at the Coal Mine and such security

creation shall not require prior approval by the Nominated Authority or the Central Government.

In the event of a default, the financial creditors, shall be entitled to enforce their security interest

in the manner provided by Applicable Law, including the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,

2016, provided that any transferee of the Coal Mine meets all the Eligibility Conditions.


The Bidders shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the preparation of their Bids

and their participation in the tender process. The Nominated Authority will not be responsible or

in any way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tender process.

Bidders are also encouraged to mine at an accelerated rate, to the best of their capabilities and are

permitted to increase mine production to the maximum possible extent. After the Coal Mine is

exhausted Bidders are encouraged to bid for new coal mines.


Sale of Coal: There shall be no restriction to carry on mining operations for own consumption,

sale or for any other purpose. The coal produced from the Coal Mine may be sold by the

Successful Bidder in any manner as may be decided by the Successful Bidder including sale to
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Affiliates and related parties, utilisation of coal for any purpose including but not limited to

captive consumption, Coal Gasification, Coal Liquefaction and export of coal.


In case there is presence of CBM in the Coal Mine, the Successful Bidder may choose to

commercially exploit the CBM present in the mining lease area. The lease/license in respect of

CBM operations shall be governed by Applicable Law. The Successful Bidder shall report the

existence of CBM to the Nominated Authority and other relevant authority.

In case the Successful Bidder decides to exploit the CBM present in the coal mining lease area, it

shall be required to approach the Directorate General of Hydrocarbon (DGH), MoPNG for its

technical approval followed by the grant of CBM mining lease by State Government.


The Bids shall be submitted in accordance with the process specified in Annexure of Tender.


Technical Bids and the Initial Offer should be submitted/ uploaded before the Bid Due Date in

accordance with the process specified in Annexure.


Technical Bids and the Initial Offer received by the Nominated Authority after the specified time

on the Bid Due Date shall not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.
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The Bidder may modify, substitute or withdraw its Technical Bid after submission, provided that

written notice of the modification, substitution or withdrawal is received by the Nominated

Authority prior to the Bid Due Date in accordance with the process specified in Annexure. No

Technical Bid shall be modified, substituted, or withdrawn by the Bidder after the specified time

on the Bid Due Date.

Any alteration or modification in the Technical Bid or additional information supplied

subsequent to the Bid Due Date, unless the same has been expressly sought for by the Nominated

Authority, shall be disregarded.


The Bids shall be valid for a period of not less than 210 (two hundred and ten) days from the Bid

Due Date. The validity of Bids may be extended by mutual consent of the respective Bidders and

the Nominated Authority.

In the event that pursuant to the tender process a Bidder has been declared to be the Preferred

Bidder or the Successful Bidder, then the validity of Bids submitted by such Preferred Bidder or

Successful Bidder shall stand extended by the mutual consent of the Preferred Bidder or the

Successful Bidder, as the case may be and the Nominated Authority.


The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall be included in terms and conditions of the

Mining Lease for the Coal Mine along with any other terms and conditions that the Central

Government or the State Government may deem fit under the Mineral Concession Rules, 196033
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and upon grant of the mine opening permission under rule 9 of the Colliery Control Rules, 2004,

the Agreement shall stand terminated. Upon termination of the Agreement, the rights of the

Nominated Authority under the Agreement shall vest into State Government.

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