Geography Notes Form 4
Geography Notes Form 4
Geography Notes Form 4
Land reclamation is the process of converting wasteland into farm land for growing
of crops and keeping of animals while land rehabilitation is the process of restoring
land to its former productive state.
1. Intensify food production to feed the ever increasing population
2. To overcome land shortage and pressure.
Methods of Land Reclamation
- Artificial method of supplying water to a region which doest receive adequate
rainfall or to ensure continuous crop production.
- Done in dry areas with low rainfall and regions experiencing dry periods to
sustain growth of crops.
- Dams are used to store water.
(a) Can be used for HEP generation
(b)For fish farming
(c) Supply water for domestic use
(d)Control floods.
Negative effects
a) Can be a cause of deaths by drowning
b) Breeding ground for mosquitoes which transmit Malaria.
c) breakage can cause destruction of life and property
Factors Determining the Amount of Water Required for Irrigation
a) Climate: Areas receiving low rainfall require more water.
b) Soils: Sandy soils require more water than clays due to low water retention
c) Crop: Paddy rice requires water logged soils while vegetables require wet and
well drained soils.
d) Size of fields: Small plots require small amounts of water while large plots
require large amount of water.
Methods of Irrigation
(a) Water lifting method
- Lifting water from a source by using a bucket or watering can and pouring it on
the crops.
- Used widely in market gardens and on farms adjacent to the water.
(b)Flood/basin irrigation
- Diverting river water into a canal then to plots where it’s flooded.
- Commonly used in irrigation schemes.
(c) Sprinkler or overhead irrigation
- Taking water to the fields by pipes and applying it on crops by rotating sprinklers
mounted on vertical pipes.
- Used on golf courses and market gardening.
(d)Trickle irrigation
- Plastic pipes with holes laid in the fields through which water trickles to the base
of plant.
- Popular where fruits and flowers are grown.
(e) Canal irrigation
- Directing water through canal to farms.
- Commonly used in areas experiencing low rainfall e.g. Yatta in Machakos
(f) Drip irrigation
- Inverting bottles filled with water into the roots of a plant.
- Used in low rainfall areas to grow trees, fruits and flowers.
Drainage of Swamps
- Process of draining excess water from the land.
- Problems of land with excess water are:
a) Is breeding ground for disease causing vectors.
b) Is water logged and unsuitable for agriculture.
c) Is prone to flooding which destroys life and property.
Processes Involved
(a) Digging ditches for water to ooze into and flow away by gravity
(b)Planting eucalyptus which takes up a lot of water e.g. at Kakuzi in Makuyu.
(c) Laying perforated pipes in ditches which water will seep into and flow away by
- Areas in Kenya with have been reclaimed by draining are:
(a) Yala on lower courses of R.Yala
(b)Bunyala on lower courses of R.Nzoia.
- The project was conceived in 1970.
Objectives of the Project of Draining Them
(a) Free the area of pests.
(b)Prepare land for settlement and agriculture.
(c) Ease population on Kano plains.
(d)Reduce flooding and associated hazards.
(e) Develop the otherwise remote area.
(a) Flooding has been controlled.
(b)About 800 hectares are available for agriculture and settlement.
(c) Water borne diseases have been brought under control.
Control of Pests
(a) Fumigation
(b)Draining of stagnant water
(c) Spraying
(d)Clearing of bushes near settlements.
Rodents, birds, squirrels and porcupines
(a) trapping
(c) hunting
(d)Scaring away
Tsetse flies
- They thrive in damp areas with high temperatures and prefer bushy vegetation as
breeding grounds.
- Examples of tsetse fly infested areas are Lambwe valley in Kenya and Miombo
woodland in Tanzania.
- The control of tsetse fly at Miombo woodland was aimed at:
- The control was done by The International Centre for Insect Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE).
a) Eliminating the pest to obtain land for agriculture.
b) To treat the sick people and animals to check the spread of resultant diseases.
Measures Taken
Bush Clearing
- Selective clearing of bushes was applied to prevent soil degradation.
- Caused tsetse fly to lack a place to breed and killed adult flies and pupae due to
low humidity.
Bush Spraying
- Spraying from the ground or from a low flying aircraft.
- Doesn’t affect other organisms.
a) Some insecticides such as DDT have serious environmental effects.
b) The fly develops resistance and a high dose of chemicals has to be used.
c) Kills other useful organisms.
Sterilisation males
- Making the insect unable to reproduce by obstructing its reproductive organs.
o Luring the male flies to some chemical substance which sterilises them.
o When they mate with the females fertilisation doesn’t occur which reduces insect
(a) Square of black cloth coated with glue on which the insects stick.
(b) Traps impregnated with insecticides which kills the insects.
Creation of Buffer Zones
-Belt of 5 km wide with dense cultivated vegetation to create barrier which the fly
couldn’t cross.
Killing of the Hosts
Wild animals which the fly fed were selectively hunted and killed.
Methods of Land Rehabilitation
Afforestation and Reafforestation
- Improve the productivity of land in the following ways:
a) Controls soil erosion by:
- Acting as wind breakers
- Leaves reduce impact of raindrops on the soil
- Roots hold/bind the soil particles together.
b) Vegetation reduces runoff and increases the rate of infiltration of rain water
ensuring there is a complete water cycle.
c) Decayed vegetation provides humus which restores soil fertility.
d) Roots help moisture to percolate deeply into the ground.
e) Modifies the climate of an area by moisture being released to the atmosphere
causing higher rainfall and lowering the temperature.
Bush Fallowing
- Cultivating a field for a period of 2-3 years then abandoning it for another so that
it may regain fertility naturally by wild vegetation adding humus into the soil.