My Father Watches Over Me
My Father Watches Over Me
My Father Watches Over Me
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.
Are ye not much better than they? Mt. 6:26
1. I trust in God wher - ev - er I may be, Up - on the land, or on the roll - ing sea,
2. He makes the rose an ob - ject of His care, He guides the ea - gle through the path -less air,
3. I trust in God, for, in the li - on’s den, On bat - tle - field, or in the pris - on pen,
4. The val - ley may be dark, the shad -ows deep, But, oh, the Shep -herd guards His lone - ly sheep;
For come what may, from day to day, My heav’n - ly Fa - ther watch - es o - ver me.
And sure - ly He re - mem - bers me; My heav’n - ly Fa - ther watch - es o - ver me.
Through praise or blame, through flood or flame, My heav’n - ly Fa - ther watch - es o - ver me.
And through the gloom He’ll lead me home, My heav’n - ly Fa - ther watch - es o - ver me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me; On moun - tain
He cares for me; On
bleak or on the storm - y sea; Though bil - lows roll,
moun - tain bleak the storm - y sea; though bil - lows roll
He keeps my soul; My heav’n - ly Fa - ther watch - es o - ver me.
WORDS: William C. Martin, pub.1910. MUSIC: Charles H. Gabriel, 1910. Public Domain.