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An Investigation of Physico-Mechanical Properties of Some Chosen Concrete Mixtures by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) Techniques

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An Investigation of Physico-Mechanical Properties of Some Chosen Concrete

Mixtures by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) Techniques

Article  in  International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) · February 2015


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Paramasivam Kuppuraj


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

An Investigation of Physico-Mechanical Properties

of Some Chosen Concrete Mixtures by Ultrasonic
Pulse Velocity (UPV) Techniques
P.Kuppuraj1, S.Gunasekaran2
PG & Research Department of Physics, Pachiyappa’s College, Chennai-30, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Research and Development, St.Peter’s University, Avadi, Chennai-54, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract: On a human time-scale, small usages of concrete go back for thousands of years. Structures made of concrete can have a
long service life. Concrete is the most widely manufactured and durable construction material. Use of concrete produces a wide range of
environmental and social consequences. Some are harmful, some welcome, and some both, depending on circumstances but the
evaluation of concrete properties is of great interest, whether to detect altered areas or to control the concrete quality and estimate its
compressive strength i.e. Physico Mechanical Properties. The standard methods used to assess the quality of concrete in concrete
structures on specimens cannot be considered. The disadvantage of destructive technique is that results are not immediately known, the
number of specimens or samples is insufficient for an economic reason, still does not reflect the reality of the structure [1]. One of the
principal objectives of the development of Non Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques is a reliable assessment of defects of concrete
members even when they are accessible only from a single surface. The Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) and Rebound Hammer (RH)
tests are often used for assessing the quality of concrete and estimation of its compressive strength. Several parameters influence this
property of concrete as the type and size of aggregates, cement content, the implementation of concrete, etc. The main advantage of
Ultrasonic Pulse velocity method is to avoid the concrete damage on the performance of building structural components. Additionally,
their usage is simple and quick and the test results are available on site and also the cores cannot be drilled. So that, In this present
study, we would like to investigate the Physico-Mechanical Properties of the chosen five numbers of Concrete Specimens namely, C1,
C2, C3, C4 and C5 i.e. Aggregates replaced by broken bricks, Waste ceramic tiles, Aggregates Partially replaced by waste tyres,
Aggregates with Quarry dust and Addition of Sisal fibres and Addition of Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) 400 respectively by using the NDT
Techniques of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) and Rebound Hammering (RH). We also interested to correlates the Macro level futures
of these chosen Concretes to their micro properties and conclude which is the best replacer of partial aggregates to made eco friendly
and quality as well as economically suitable concrete mixtures for general purpose building constructions.

Keywords: Quality of Concrete, UPV Test in Concrete, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Rebound Hammer Test, Concrete with PEG400, Civil
NDT, UPV, RHT, etc.,

1. Introduction calcium oxide (CaO), silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3) and

ferrous oxide (Fe2O3). The clinker is ground finely to a
Ultrasonics is one of the major branch in Physics and most powder. This anhydrous powder is in a high energy state,
powerful tool in Non destructive Testing (NDT). Nowadays which will undergo hydration to form the stable, waterproof
worldwide all type of Industries like, Automotives, hydration product. The hcp consists of a highly crystalline
Railways, Aerospace, Petrochemical, Power plants, calcium hydroxide (CH) and amorphous calcium silicate
Fertilizers, Chemicals, Solar, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & hydrate (C-S-H). The curing process can take 6-12 months
Electronics are widely using Ultrasonics for Flaw until full strength is achieved. Admixtures such as fly ash,
Detections, Thickness gypsum, and pozzalonic materials influence the amount of
cement paste required for a given strength and the reaction
Measurement, Velocity Measurement, NDT, Welding, time, but they do not change the overall hydration reaction
Cleaning, Sieving, Particle Size Reducing and atomization, process. The density of the final product (normal concrete) is
etc., But its contribution has major important in Non between 2600 and 3200 kg/m3 [2, 3]. Several parameters
Destructive Testing and Civil Engineering. Concretes takes influence this property of concrete as the type and size of
place a major role in civil engineering and building aggregates, cement content, the implementation of concrete,
constructions. We know that, the Concrete is a three-phase etc.,[1]. One of the principal objectives of the development
composite: hydrated cement paste, aggregate, and the of NDT techniques is a reliable assessment of defects of
transition zone between the two. Hydrated cement paste concrete members even when they are accessible only from
(hcp) functions as the matrix that holds the composite a single surface [4]. Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) and
together. The aggregate serves as filler which normally Rebound Hammer (RH) tests are often used for assessing the
occupies 70% of the volume of the concrete. The transition quality of concrete and estimation of its compressive
zone is the interface between the hcp and the aggregate, and strength.
is one of the critical factors in establishing the composite’s
strength. Most concrete used in buildings is based on Increasing population density and building wastages and
Portland cement. Portland cement is made by combining pollutions are caused as well as accelerated to the civil
limestone and clay, which is then fired in a cement kiln until engineers and researchers to develop an environmentally,
a “clinker” is formed containing the following compounds: eco friendly, economically suitable concrete mixtures. So
Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015
Paper ID: SUB151077 229
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
that, we interested to partially replace the aggregates by 3. Results and Discussions
broken bricks, Waste ceramic tiles, waste tyres, Quarry dust
and Addition of Sisal fibres and Addition of Poly Ethylene 3.1 Rebound Hammer Test
Glycol (PEG) 400 respectively C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 are
made as 150 mm cubes of concretes at various mixing ratio The Prepared Specimens C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 were taken
of grades. All these chosen concrete samples are taken for and the Rebound Hammer Test was carried out at
Ultrasonic Pulse velocity studies and Rebound hammering M/s.Hitech Concrete Solutions and the results are given in
Studies and correlates the results i.e. macro level futures of Table 3.1. The observed results are found satisfactory but
these chosen Concretes to their micro properties and the replacement of aggregates by fibre is very low 14 RH
conclude which is the best replacer of partial aggregates to Value comparatively other Replacement Items and
made eco friendly and quality as well as economically Aggregates Replaced by PEG400 is obtained Maximum of
suitable concrete mixtures for general purpose building 30 RH Value. It gives authenticate results of PEG 400 is
constructions. improve excellent physical Properties of Concrete.

2. Experimental Methodology Table 3.1: Observed values of Rebound Hammer Test

S. No Identification Aggregates No .of Average Rebound
In this present study, we investigate the Physico-Chemical Replaced Material Points Hammer Value
Properties for chosen five numbers of Concrete Specimens 1 C1: Brick 36 19
namely, C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 shown in Fig.2.1. Test 2 C2: Tile 36 23
specimens were made of concrete cube of 3 C3: Fibre 36 14
150mmx150mmx150mm. The details of specimens along 4 C4: Tyre 36 16
5 C5: PEG 400 36 30
with their Mix proportions was made for Mix Design of
M30 & M40 Grade of concrete as per IS 10262 [5] and the
NDT Methods Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) (Used
Pandit lab model, Proceq Make Equipment was shown in
Fig2.2) and Rebound Hammer Test (Used Schmidt model,
Proceq Make Equipment shown in Fig 2.3) were carried out
as per IS 13311(Part1) and (Part2) [6, 7]. The age of
Concrete specimens is 28 days.

Figure 3.1: Comparisons of Average Rebound Hammer


3.2 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)

Figure 2.1: Chosen Specimens C1, C2, C3, C4 andC5 We are Prepared Specimens C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 were
taken and the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test was carried out
at M/s.Hitech Concrete Solutions. The observed results are
found satisfactory but the direct and Semi Direct method of
UPV supports PEG 400 has excellent for Concrete and
bricks are Moderates remaining Tyre, Fibre, Tile are good
for concrete. The Obtained results are tabulated in Table 3.2
and the table is given below also sketched graph for the
same shown in Fig 3.2.

Table 3.2: Observed values of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocities

Figure 2.2: UPV Tester
S. Identification No .of Average Concrete quality
No Replacement UPA UPA as for IS 13311-
Material Points (km/s) 1992 (Part 1)
1 Brick 4 3.73 Good
2 Tile 4 4.49 Excellent
3 Fibre 4 4.38 Good
4 Tyre 4 3.70 Good
5 PEG 400 2 5.01 Excellent

Figure 2.3: Rebound Hammer

Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015

Paper ID: SUB151077 230
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
Author Profile

P. Kuppuraj received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in

Physics from University of Madras in 2005 and 2007,
respectively. During Nov.2007- Sep.2011, he stayed in
M/s. Aero Laboratories, Chennai, India as an Quality
Manager of Posts and the same year of sep. 2011; he
shifted to M/s. Roop Telsonic Ultrasonic Ltd., as a Sr.Engineer
from Sep.2011 to May 2012 then shifted to M/s.Vibrant NDT
Services Pvt.Ltd., Chennai, India as a Sr.Manager –Development
from May 2012 to Nov.2014. Right now, he is a Director -
Technical at M/s. NICE Inspections India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India
and also he is pursuing his Research work in physics by Part Time
at PG & Research Department of Physics, Pachiyappa’s College
under the University of Madras from August 2012.
Figure 3.2: Comparisons of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocities

4. Summary and Conclusion

From the results of Rebound Hammer and Rebound
Hardness Test, The replacement of aggregates in concrete
mix by fibre is very low 14 RH Value comparatively other
Replacement Items C1, C2, C3 & C5 and Aggregates
Replaced by C5 i.e. PEG400 is obtained Maximum of 30
RH Value.

From the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Measurement, The

observed results are found satisfactory but the direct and
Semi Direct method of UPV supports PEG 400 has excellent
for Concrete and Moderated for bricks remaining Tyre,
Fiber, Tile are good.
From the Overall Study, We conclude that the Best
Replacement of Aggregate is PEG400 in Concretes Eco
friendly, environmentally as well as economically from the
selected Specimens C1, C2, C3 and C4. Replacement of
aggregate by Fiber and Tyre are not gives much effect of
physico-mechanical property comparatively other chosen
specimens and also we conclude the Ultrasonic Pulse
Velocity (UPV) Techniques are the Best Qualitative
Techniques for assessment of life of Concretes.

[1] Samia Hannachi, Mohamed Nacer Guetteche,
Application of the Combined Method for evaluating the
compressive of strength on Site, Journal of Civil
Engineering, 2012,2,16-21.
[2] A.M.Neville CBE, J.J.Brooks, Concrete Technology,
International Student Edition, Addison-Wesley,1999
[3] Abrams, D.A, Design of Concrete Mixtures, lewis
insititute, Structural Material research laboratory,
Bullatein No.1 Chicago,1918,20 pages.
[4] S.Ashok Kumar, M.Santhanam, Detection of concrete
damage using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
Method,Proc.national Seminar on Non-Destructive
Evaluation Dec.7-9, 2006,Hydrabad.
[5] IS 10262:2009, R.2014, Indian Standard Recommended
Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design, BIS, New Delhi.
[6] IS 13311 (Part 1):1992, R.2013, Non-Destructive
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[7] IS 13311 (Part 1):1992, R.2013, Non-Destructive
Testing of Concrete-Methods of Test Part 2- Rebound
Hammer Test.

Volume 4 Issue 2, February 2015

Paper ID: SUB151077 231
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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