Are Urban Teens Interested in Staying at A Homestay Through Instagram

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Volume 5, Issue 12, December – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Are Urban Teens Interested in Staying at a Homestay

Through Instagram?
Mimi Engriani Nuryadin Savitri Hendra Dewi
Trisakti School of Tourism Trisakti School of Tourism
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Amalia Mustika Lestari Ningrum

Trisakti School of Tourism Trisakti School of Tourism
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract:- Instagram is one of the most widely used social Instagram is a location-based social network mobile
media today, due to increasingly advanced technological application for sharing photos and videos. This service allows
developments. The research uses quantitative approach. users to apply digital filters and share their photos and videos
The questionarry distributed by google form and face to on other social networks and social media platforms. The
face with 100 urban teenagers as respondents who live in service was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in
Jakarta city. The result of this research that 80 % of the San Francisco, California, and officially launched exclusively
teenagers almost agree if using Instagram can help find for the iPhone on October 6, 2010. The original name of the
out information about homestay in the tourist village application was Burbn, which aimed to combine several
area. 92% respondents agree if sharing photos / videos of characteristics of popular social media services like Foursquare.
a homestay in instagram can attract consumers to stay. When Krieger joined the project, the two programmers
Approximately 58% respondents said positive way to decided to focus exclusively on photo sharing [4].
confirm that using hashtag can help to find a homestay
out. The result of this research for gender, young female Interaction on Instagram is by following followers of
used on Instagram more than young male did, mostly to other Instagram users' accounts. Interaction with non-private
look at posts. 92% teenager agree if sharing photos or accounts can also be done when followers have to be
videos of a homestay in instagram can attract them to followers. [5].
When going on vacation, in planning travel trip people
Keywords:- Instagram, Homestay, Tourist Village. tend to choose tourist destination and the accommodation
Accommodation is not always hotel, especially if the
I. INTRODUCTION destination is more related towards nature, mountain and
beach which still have not been visited by many tourists,
Social media is one of the internet developments.Has a many people in the city who are always looking for unique
high quality camera on smartphones make a lot of people destination and tourism site. Some tourists choose the type of
have a new activity fun, easy going people take pictures accommodation which the price tends to be cheaper from
anywhere and anytime, after that it is uploaded to the media hotel, such as inn, villa, guest house and homestay. [6].
social. The usual type of social media used, among others,
Facebook, Twitter, path and instagram. [1]. Homestay tourism is popular in many destinations; it
adds authentic sociocultural richness to the tourist's
Instagram is a photo sharing application allows users to experience. For a nation that cannot make extensive
retrieve photos, applying digital filters, and share it across infrastructural investment a priority but which possesses an
various services social networking. [2]. Brand Development abundance of tourism richness in remote communities,
Lead Paul Webster's APAC Instagram revealed, that since homestays are an attractive alternative tourism product. [7].
launched in 2010 application Instagram already has over 400
million active users from all over the world. [3]. “Distinction between homestay and hotel is the
boundaries of private area. The private space of homestay is
Indonesia itself is one country by number of users opened to visitors that would not fall under the term of
Instagram with 89 percent Instagrammers who are 18-34 hotel”. [8].
years old access IG (Instagram) at least once a week.
Instagrammers the majority of young people, educated, and Homestay program can be implemented in the village
established. Their average age is 18-24 years as much as 59 because most of the houses of the people have met the
percent, aged 45-34, 30 percent years, and those aged 34-44 homestay criteria based on cleanliness, comfort and security
11 percent year. IG users the most active women as much 63 [9].
percent and men 37 percent. [1].

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Volume 5, Issue 12, December – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Homestay is a special term used variously to refer to II. MATERIAL AND METHOD
types of accommodation where visitors of guests pay directly
or indirectly to stay in private (commercial) homes, where The research uses quantitative approach. The
interaction takes place to a greater or lesser degree with a host respondents of this research are 100 urban teenagers. The
and/or family who usually live upon the premises and with following tools have been used for data collection; Surveys
whom public space is shared to a greater or lesser degree through questionnaire and In-depth interviews. The survey
[10]. method used was a questionnaire distributed by google form
and face to face with 100 urban teenagers as respondents who
In Indonesia, homestay is one of the efforts live in Jakarta city.Each question included in the
incommunity empowerment in rural tourism that continues to questionnaire was selected based on the literature review.
be supported by the government in achieving the goals ofthe
Ministry of Internal Affair Regulation (Permendagri) No III. THEORY
66/2007 which target the village development planning [6].
a) The Social Media: Instagram
The planned development in the village is a Instagram was founded in 2010. It is a mobile
participatory development model, which is a application for Smartphone which is freely available in the
developmentmanagement system in the village together Application Store (App Store) and Google Play [14].
throughdeliberation, consensus and mutual cooperation which Essentially, Instagram is a mobile-based application that
is away of life of the community which has long been rooted enables users to take photos or pictures, apply the
inculture in Indonesian. As mentioned in article 5 (1) different manipulation tools to transform the appearance of
Permendagri No. 66 of 2007, the characteristics of images, and share them instantly with friends on different
participatory development include planned withempowerment social networking sites [15].
and participatory. Empowerment, which isan effort to realize
the ability and liberty of the communityin the society and Instagram first started off with providing functions on
nation, while participatory, that is theactive participation and editing and sharing photos and later on added in the
involvement of the community inthe development process. functions of sharing videos and photo messaging directly to
[11]. another user. Instagram allows users to snap photo or video
anywhere they are at anytime and share it with their
Teenagers are usually social-minded, gregarious, and followers nationally and also internationally [16].
sociable. Thus, peer groups have teenagers' self-evaluation
and behavior. To gain group acceptance, early adolescents Instagram has provided a function known as “hash tags”
usually totally align themselves in various ways such as dress, for the convenience of indicating the relevant photos and
hairstyle, musical taste and grammar, which make them often videos to the products of a business. By clicking the hash
sacrifice their individuality and self-indulgence. Everything tags, it allows the Instagram users to view pictures and videos
in teens is measured by the reaction of peers. [12]. that are relevant to the hash tag. Therefore, many fashion
companies are now having an Instagram account to promote
The youths showed their involvement in the homestay their products. [17].
or CBT is caused by several factors that researchers have
stated in addition to the findings above, the youth also has its b) Marketing by Instagram
own reasons to join and participate in activities at their Nowadays, some companies use social media as a brand
homestay. Overall, the youth have shown a keen interest in promotion tool, such as Facebook, Twitter and even
managing homestay due to interesting reasons that tare Instagram
income, parental encouragement and comfort her workplace.
Therefore, efforts should be made by the responsible The point that makes Instagram different from other social
authorities to support youth so that they can show their media is that Instagram is applying a visual based strategy.
opennes to improve the economy and their households at the Everything about Instagram is about photograph. Instagram
maximum level. [13]. marketing is an effective way to advertise a product as it is
said that a picture speaks a thousand words [18].
Teens are currently being loved by various kinds of
social media, from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As Instagram is entirely visual it allows brands to promote
Therefore, to attract teenagers in making decisions to stay their products in a totally new way. Not only can marketers
overnight, homestay activists have created Instagram to use Instagram to publish their own photos And videos, but
promote their homestays. also to highlight what consumers are doing with their
products. [19]. The followers on Instagram also appreciate
when their content is liked or commented on [20].

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Volume 5, Issue 12, December – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
c) Homestay
One of the criteria for a village that has been determined
and made into a tourist village by the government is the
existence of lodging. This lodging can improve the economy
and empower local communities. So that community
participation is needed in that village, namely homestay. [21].

Homestay as a form of tourism accommodation plays an

important role in developing tourism in tourist villages.
Homestay is a product of the tourism industry where tourists
can meet directly with local residents [7]. [22].

Based on its homestay function”is a residential house that Based on the table, 64% of teens who use Instagram are
has an empty room that can be rented to guests, and between 16 and 25 years old. This shows that Instagram is
homeowners can interact with guests, so they can learn the preferred by teenagers in Jakarta
local culture or a certain routine activity. Homestay criteria
that must be met are circumstances, facilities and cleanliness Research has suggested that teens are more active and
of the house, bedroom and bathroom. Homestay must also engaged than adults on social media. Teens post fewer photos
have promotions so they can be known by the wider than adults; teens remove more photos based on the number
community, by in collaboration with OTA, has social media of likes that the photos received; and teens have less diverse
such as Facebook, Instagram and others. [7]. photo content. [23].

IV. RESULT c) Interested in Homestay

42% of respondents agree if they go to a tourist village,
Respondents in this study were urban teenegers who live they are interested in a homestay for accomodation and 38%
in Jakarta. Samples are taken randomly, where teenagers who of respondents stated that they quite agree and then 20%
use Instagram social media and are interested in becoming a stated they disagree
homestay as accommodation

a) Gender
Data on gender, out of 100 teenagers were 63% female
and 37% male. It means young female used on Instagram
more than young male did.

The respondents are motivated to stay in village

homestay because they can have fun and relax. Interests in
homestays, the respondents were obtained from review with
virtual reality or augmental reality. These generations spend
their money on vacation with impromptu way because they
are able to get relatively cheap price in short time due to
The results of the study stated that many young women media online. [6].
use Instagram, because Instagram is a social media that posts
photos such as scenery, travel and even photos of themselves d) The photo or video of a homestay in Instagram
for others to see. A statement regarding the photo or video of a homestay
can attract teenagers to stay. Respondents, who answered
b) Age strongly agreed 36%, agreed 45%, quite agree 17%, disagree
Result for the age, 34% for 16-20 years, 30% for 21-25 2%. It means that 92% respondents agree if sharing photos or
years and 19 % for 26-29 years 17% for over 29 years. videos of a homestay in instagram can attract teenagers to

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Volume 5, Issue 12, December – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
f) . Like

40% 31%
30% 20%
10% 1%
strongly agreed quite disagree
agreed agree
Photos that have been uploaded are automatically
shared to followers at the same time central server. Everyone The statement in giving likes at instagram because of
can "communicate" with photos. [24]. their interesting posts. Respondents who answered strongly
agreed 31%, agreed 48%, quite agreed 20%, disagreed 1% . It
e) Using hashtag can be concluded that 99% respondents agreed if they liked
A statement by using hashtag in Instagram can make it other users because their posts were interesting.
easier to find a homestay. Respondents who answered
strongly agreed at 48%, agreed 43%, simply agreed 7%, It means that there is a like tag on an Instagram,
disagreed 2% and approximately 58% respondents said meaning that someone sees the photo or image, they like it
positive way to confirm that using hashtag can help to find a without having to comment that I like the photo or image
homestay out. posted. Like is a signal that someone liked the photo in

g) Choose Homestay Through Instagram


16% 17%

strongly agreed quite agree disagree

The main key to Instagram is the hashtag; hashtags can agreed
function as descriptive elements in the image, or can be
related to its caption, explaining its content better. [25].
Maintain that the use of certain hashtags can allow certain Statement in the questionnaire regarding positive
types of communities to emerge and form, including ad hoc comments can provide recommendations to fellow Instagram
publics, forming and responding very quickly in relation to a users when looking for a homestay so interested in renting.
particular event or topical issue [26]. Respondents, who answered strongly agreed 16%, agreed
45%, quite agree 22%, disagree 17%. This means that 83%
Hashtags on Instagram are a desire to be seen by other respondents agree if positive comments can provide
Instagram users, so they can be described as a place, feeling, recommendations to fellow Instagram users when looking for
and / or a group that is already famous. a homestay.

Tagging is an activity that provides rich ground for In this case, The number of positive comments, it is a
observation because the uses and the meaning of tags appear good thing for homestay owners to follow up on their
to be far from trivial [27]. accommodation through posts on Instagram, so that other
people who see the Instagram can choose their homestay to

A statement about a follower, you are willing to be an

Instagram follower of a tourist village homestay, to get
information about the homestay. Respondents, who answered
strongly agreed 5%, agreed 25%, quite agree 30%, disagree

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Volume 5, Issue 12, December – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
40%. This means that 60% respondents agree if they are There are still disadvantages to be possibly gained by
willing to be an Instagram follower of a tourist village using Instagram as a marketing tool. The customers’
homestay, to get information about the homestay information could not be fully protected and the interaction
between customers and marketer are always through a media
V. DISCUSSION platform, so there are probability of the marketer for not
knowing who are their customers because fake identity may
43% of respondents agree if using Instagram can help to be created for online businesses. [31].
find out information about homestay lodging in the tourist
village area and 30% of respondents stated that they quite VI. CONCLUSION
agree and then 27% stated they disagree
Now Instagram is one of the popular social networking
The results of the study which 100 respondents of 73% sites and very useful marketing tool in this era. Instagram is
state using Instagram can help to find out information about increasingly favored by women teenagers who is active in
homestay lodging in the tourist village. They give an using social media. Then the most widely used social media
example, when they open Instagram and look for a homestay, today, due to increasingly advanced technological
one of the results is the homestay of Kampung Tajur, West developments.
Java, one of the villages that have become tourist villages by
the government. Kampung Tajur provides a homestay that Instagram as a communication tool by using various
has been well managed by the Head, where if there are photos when they upload, besides that Instagram can also be
tourists who come will be placed in the homes of residents. used by business people to market their business, such as
[28]. accomodation business. Homestay is a accomodation in a
tourist village, has started to use Instagram as a tool to
promote their lodging.

Data on gender, out of 100 respondents who were

female 60% and 40% were male. It meant women prefer
Instagram than men. Then 43% of respondents agree if using
Instagram can help to find out information about homestay
lodging in the tourist village area and 30% of respondents
stated that they quite agree and then 27% stated they disagree.
The other result is homestay of Cibuntu Tourism The statement in giving likes at instagram because of their
Village, West Java. It is the best tourism village in the order interesting posts. Respondents who answered strongly agreed
of five ASEAN levels in 2016 for the homestay field. In 31%, agreed 48%, quite agreed 20%, disagreed 1% . It can be
2017, Cibuntu was chosen as the second-best tourism village concluded that 99% respondents agreed if they liked other
in Indonesia in the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism's users because their posts were interesting. 83% respondents
Community Based Tourism (CBT) event. In Cibuntu Village agree if positive comments can provide recommendations to
there are a number of bathrooms that have been renovated fellow Instagram users when looking for a homestay.
using the sitting lavatory [29].

We want to say thank you to tenagers in Jakarta who

had taken their time to fill out the questionnaires and some
people who were willing to be interviewed for our journal.


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