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This manual was written by Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. primarily for use by Yamaha dealers
and their qualified mechanics. It is not possible to put an entire mechanic's education into one
manual, so it is assumed that persons using this book to perform maintenance and repairs with
an exhaust gas analyzer have a basic understanding of the mechanical concepts and
procedures inherent to motorcycle repair technology. Without such knowledge, attempted
repairs or service to any model may render it unfit to use and/or unsafe.

Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations:

NOTE: ____________________________________________________________________

• A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.


The Safety Alert Symbol means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT!


WARNING: A WARNING indicates special procedures that must be followed to

avoid injury to a motorcycle operator or person inspecting or repairing
the motorcycle.

CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates special procedures that must be followed to

avoid damage to the motorcycle.


Dave Shepherd - Author
2002 Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd.
1st Edition November 2002
All rights reserved. Any reprinting or
unauthorized use without the written
permission of Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. is
expressly prohibited.
Printed in Canada

© Copyright — Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. 2003

All rights reserved. The material in this publication may not
be copied or reproduced without the express written
consent of Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd.
Chapter 1 — EGA Basics
Introduction ................................................................................................................................1
Meter and Controls ....................................................................................................................2
Exhaust Gases ..........................................................................................................................3
Performing the Basic E.G.A. Test ...............................................................................................5
Notes ..........................................................................................................................................7

Chapter 2 — Testing and Tuning

The Idle Check ...........................................................................................................................9
Oil Contamination Check ............................................................................................................9
The Cruise Check .......................................................................................................................9
Tuning for Fuel Economy ...........................................................................................................9
Notes ........................................................................................................................................10

Chapter 3 — Diagnostics
Analysis of Gas Exchange .......................................................................................................12
Troubleshooting Using the EGA ...............................................................................................16
Base Specifications .................................................................................................................19

Chapter 4 — Analyzer Maintenance

Basic E.G.A. Maintenance .......................................................................................................21
Rivnut® Installation ..................................................................................................................22
Notes ........................................................................................................................................22

Appendix ............................................................................................................................23

Glossary .............................................................................................................................24
Chapter 1 — EGA Basics
Introduction ................................................................................................................................1
Meter and Controls ....................................................................................................................2
Exhaust Gases ..........................................................................................................................3
Performing the Basic E.G.A. Test ...............................................................................................5
Notes ..........................................................................................................................................7
An exhaust gas analyzer is a precision tool, which measures the contents of an engine's
exhaust emissions and thereby indicates how well an engine is running. Unlike compression
gauges or valve adjustment measuring tools, the exhaust gas analyzer (EGA) measures how
well an engine converts air and fuel into power. An EGA can be as simple as a 2-gas unit or can
read as many as 5 gases. This manual will primarily refer to the MC700 analyzer from K&L
Supply, (See Appendix) but can be utilized for any EGA.

Valve clearance, compression, carburetor always shows up in the exhaust simply

adjustment, ignition timing, and many other because no engine is perfect. Excessively
factors affect an engine's ability to convert high HC readings, however, mean there is
fuel into power. If any of these adjustments an ignition, carburetion, or mechanical
is incorrect, the engine's efficiency is problem in the engine that needs to be
reduced and part of the fuel is wasted. The corrected.
contents of an engine's exhaust can tell you
a great deal about the engine's efficiency. Oxygen (O 2) is not produced by the engine.
It is merely what is left over by the
The EGA connects to the exhaust system of combustion process. It will also be
an engine, draws in a sample of the exhaust introduced into the exhaust by air injection
gases, and analyzes the contents. The systems (AIS).
meters on a 5-gas EGA can indicate the
amount of hydrocarbons (HC), oxygen (O2), Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the result of the
carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide carbon atoms in the fuel combining with
(CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) present oxygen atoms in the air during the
in the exhaust. HC and NOx are measured combustion process and is a true indicator
in parts per million (PPM). CO, CO2 and O2 of combustion efficiency. When the CO2
are measured in percent (by volume). content is at its highest in the exhaust, the
engine is running at peak efficiency.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is partially burned
fuel; an engine can produce CO only if Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) is a collective term
combustion takes place. The CO meter on used to describe the different nitrogen and
the EGA shows how much CO is present in oxygen compounds. The hotter an engine
an engine's exhaust. runs and the more power it delivers, the
more NOx it produces. The NOx sensor is
Hydrocarbons (HC) are raw (unburned) fuel. optional equipment on the MC700.
HC in the exhaust is wasted gasoline. The
higher the HC reading on the EGA, the The exhaust gas analyzer produces an
more fuel the engine is wasting. Some HC accurate analysis of an engine's exhaust

emissions. Monitoring one or two gases can Chapters 1 and 2 give the procedure and
give fairly reasonable indications of what is the instructions for performing the basic
happening in and around the combustion, EGA test and recording the more specific
but monitoring a larger number of gases will information at idle and cruise RPM. These
give a mechanic a much clearer picture. By EGA tests provide the base data to
comparing the readings taken for an engine diagnose a engine's problems. Chapter 3
with the known good readings for that explains what the data tells you about the
engine type, a mechanic can determine if a state of a motorcycle's engine. These three
problem exists, can diagnose that problem, chapters are the heart of this manual. Study
and can locate its source. them carefully.


Your analyzer comes complete with a The MC700 analyzer connects to a personal
filtering system that will keep particulates computer via an RS232 cable. While the
and moisture out of the unit. Watch carefully EGA can and will run perfectly without
for any slowing of the reading reactions, connection to a PC, the connection to a PC
which may indicate a filter change, is loaded with the software provided with the
necessary. If your analyzer has a filter in the analyzer allows the user to display the
probe end of the sampling hose, change it information being gathered by the analyzer
often. The analyzer often gives a “low flow” remotely (maybe to the owner standing at
reading if a filter is full. Always purge the the service counter), run a measurement
unit when you have completed the exhaust and capture the data and build a customer
analysis to vent moisture and corrosive database complete with EGA history.
gases from the unit.
It also enables the service staff to print a
Do not shorten the hose length as it gives report on the status from an attached printer
time for the water vapor in the exhaust to to supply to the customer for his records.
condense in the hose and become trapped
by the filters. The software is supplied on a CD and
requires very little memory from the
computer. It is an “autorun” so only
CALIBRATION requires the installer to put the CD
Follow the manufacturer’s into the drive and wait for
instructions for calibrating an instructions. Because the software
analyzer. Many analyzers may runs from Microsoft “Windows”,
require calibration for accuracy if you can cut and paste customer
they are being used at elevations data from your dealership data
1700-ft above sea level. (If you banks into the EGA database.
don’t know the altitude of your
location, call the nearest airport for Running an idle and a cruise
this information.) inspection check will automatically
add the inspection data to your
Calibration is performed using a customer’s file. You can show him
canister of gas, which contains a “history” of inspections over a
specific levels of HC and CO. These period of time.
canisters are available from many
automotive tool suppliers. More information
on calibrating is found in the fourth chapter
of this manual.

EXHAUST GASES (Combustion Relationships)
The following is a summary of the monitored exhaust gases and how they relate to each other
and what happens when there are problems relating to the engine management system.

Oxygen (O2)
• Amount of oxygen remaining after combustion
• Measured in percent of volume
• 1st gas emission you should analyze
• O2 is a good lean indicator

Low O2
• Indicates good running engine (if there is no misfire)
• But could be the result of a rich mixture

High O2
• Indicates an overly lean mixture, misfire, air injection system operation
• But could be air leaking into the exhaust (hole or leaking gasket)

Target O2 Reading:
• 3 to 4% on AIS equipped vehicles with AIS blocked or OFF
• Less than 2% — Rich indication
• More than 4% — Lean indication or misfire
• Air injection system in operation will raise O2 to 5 or 6%

Carbon Monoxide CO
• Product of incomplete combustion • CO does not indicate how well the
• Measured by percent of volume ignition system is igniting the fuel
• Toxic, odorless, tasteless gas • High CO level problems usually relate
directly to the fuel system
• Fatal if inhaled in large quantity
• CO is high when the mixture is rich —
• Caused by not enough air (oxygen) for
low when the mixture is stoichiometric
complete combustion
and doesn’t drop much further as the
• CO level indicates how well the Air and mixture continues to lean out
Fuel are being mixed and burned
• CO is a "Rich" indicator
• CO is not produced unless some form of
combustion has taken place

Target CO
• 3.5% — non-catalytic vehicles. 1.5% — catalytic-equipped vehicles
• CO increases with richness
• CO remains low as mixture leans out — CO will decrease with a misfire
• Comparison O2 to CO — When mixture is richer or leaner than 14.7:1 O2 and CO move in
opposite directions. Rich = low O2 & high CO, Lean = high O2 & low CO
• Emission Level Target CO = O2

Carbon dioxide CO2
• Product of complete combustion
• Measured as a percent of volume
• Increases with combustion efficiency
• Excellent indicator of combustion efficiency
• Not a good rich/lean indicator

Low CO2
• Indicates a rich or lean mixture

High CO2
• Indicates a correct mixture for high combustion efficiency

Target CO2
• Above 11.5% or higher
• Air injection system in operation will lower CO2 (to 8~9%)
• Air leak into the exhaust will lower CO2

Hydrocarbons HC
• Unburned fuel as a result of incomplete combustion
• Measured in Parts Per Million (PPM) — Any problem that causes the spark plug not to fire or
a partial misfire or abnormal or incomplete combustion will increase HC emissions
• HC increases when mixtures are too rich or too lean or if the ignition system has a fault.
• The engine has mechanical problems (oil consumption, compression).
• Not a good rich/lean indicator

Target HC
• 80~300 PPM (this will vary)

Oxides of Nitrogen NOx (Optional sensor for MC700)

• A product of combustion under high pressures and temperatures
• Measured in Parts per Million (PPM)
• Nitrogen in the air reacts during combustion to form NOx
• NOx is reduced by engine modifications that lower power (lower compression, valve timing)
or emission controls, (EGR and catalytic converter)
• NOx is a large contributor to the formation of SMOG

Target NOx
• Lowest PPM possible (will vary)

CAUTION: Do not shorten the E.G.A. The multiprobe adapter should be used
probe hose. This hose is of a specific when testing multi-cylinder engines with
length, which allows most of the water collector exhaust pipes. This adapter
present in the exhaust gas to condense isolates the exhaust gases so that each
before it reaches the primary filter. cylinder can be monitored independently.
The adapter attaches to the fittings on the
There are two ways to connect the EGA exhaust header pipes of 1980 and later 4-
hose to a motorcycle or ATV exhaust stroke multi-cylinder Yamaha motorcycles.
system, the multiprobe adapter and the “Rivnuts®” can be installed on the header
tailpipe probe. The tailpipe probe is used for pipes of those motorcycles without fittings.
analyzing single cylinder engines or multi See chapter 4 of this manual. (Rivnut
cylinder engines with separate exhaust Installation)
systems for each cylinder. The probe is
inserted into the tailpipe and held in place
with a spring clamp. If the probe cannot be
inserted due to muffler baffling plates or a
spark arrestor screen, it may be necessary
to install a tailpipe adapter (YM-33357). The
EGA hose on some models attaches to the YM–33357
small fitting on the adapter.


Once the EGA has been prepared and 4. While the engine is warming, this is a
calibrated, it is ready for use. (The MC700 good time to check the hose and fittings
takes approximately 8 minutes to warm up and for leaks that could affect the accuracy
switch over to “Ready Mode”). Carefully follow of your readings. The MC700 has a leak
the instructions given below to obtain an test function. With the multiprobe
accurate analysis of an engine's exhaust. adapter valves closed or the tailpipe
probe tip covered with the supplied seal,
1. Install the appropriate adapter on the run the test and ensure you receive a
motorcycle or ATV, and attach the EGA “pass”. If the test fails, locate the leak,
hose to the fittings on the adapter. Do repair and then test again.
not open multiprobe valves at this time.
NOTE: ____________________________
2. Remove the crankcase breather hose All tests with the EGA must be performed
from the air box. Connect an electronic when the engine oil temperature is 55~75°C
tachometer to the motorcycle or ATV to (126~163°F). Readings taken when the
easily monitor engine RPM. Disconnect engine oil temperature is not within these
or disable any Air Injection Systems specifications will be inaccurate. Changing
(AIS) at this time. mixture settings will affect carburetor
3. Warm up the engine until the oil synchronization. Always confirm carburetor
temperature is between 55°C (126°F) synchronization is OK before, during and
and 75°C (163°F). Measure the oil after EGA tuning.
temperature by inserting a thermometer _________________________________
in the oil filler hole or by watching the
coolant temperature (if shown) on the
engine coolant meter.

5. Place a fan in front of the engine, and temperature, and the number of the
direct the airflow over the pipes, radiator cylinder being monitored.
and/or cylinder fins. This will help control
9. Repeat the procedure for each cylinder
the temperature during the test.
on the motorcycle/ATV. The readings
6. When the engine oil temperature is should be within 1% or 150ppm of each
within specification and with the engine other.
running at the appropriate speed (idle
10. Compare the readings with the
for idle checks and 4000 rpm for cruise
specifications for that machine.
checks), open all adapter valves and
depress the “MEAS” button. The EGA NOTE: ____________________________
will take approximately five seconds to Engine speed and oil temperatures greatly
analyze the exhaust and display the influence EGA readings. Closely watch the
results on the meters. This will be an engine speed and oil temperature during all
averaged reading for all cylinders tests. A cold engine (below 55°C) will
produce excessive HC and low CO2
7. Record the readings on all meters (if
readings. A hot engine (above 75°C) will
you are using the EGA attached to a
produce excessive CO and lower O2
PC, this will be done automatically), the
engine speed (RPM), and engine oil
Remember to keep any shop towels or rags
8. If you are analyzing a multi-cylinder that may be contaminated with fuel or
engine and wish to identify the reading solvents (Varsol, contact cleaner etc) away
of individual cylinders, place the tailpipe- from the EGA and probe as they may affect
probe adapter in the next tailpipe or turn the readings.
the multiprobe selector to only one _________________________________
cylinder. Record the readings on the
meters, the engine speed, oil

This is the basic EGA test for motorcycles and ATVs.

Chapter 2 describes the idle and cruise checks and the oil contamination check.
Chapter 3 explains what the test data means, and gives some troubleshooting hints.

NOTES: ___________________________________________________________________

The Idle Check ...........................................................................................................................9
Oil Contamination Check ...........................................................................................................9
The Cruise Check ......................................................................................................................9
Tuning for Fuel Economy ...........................................................................................................9
Notes ........................................................................................................................................10

The idle check consists of running the first valve clearance etc. all drastically affect the
measurement at the recommended idle EGA readings.
speed. Consult the Service Manual to set
the correct idle RPM and proceed with the After checking the engine at idle, quickly
EGA check as described in the preceding open the throttle, hold it there for 2 seconds
chapter. and watch the readings rise. If a hesitation
occurs carefully observe the CO and HC
Keep in mind that this is only a check readings. If the hesitation is due to lean
procedure first. Do not proceed with any carburetion, the HC will rise faster than the
carburetor or fuel injection mixture changes CO. If the engine is bogging due to a rich
without checking all tuning adjustments. condition, the CO will rise faster.
Carburetor synchronization, ignition timing,


The oil contamination check is performed than 80ppm or if the idle speed changes (up
after an idle check has been completed. or down), then it is possible that the oil is
Watch the idle speed, HC and CO readings diluted with fuel or there is excessive blow-
while temporarily reconnecting the engine by from the combustion chamber. If
breather hose. Reconnection should have changing the oil doesn’t correct the
little or no effect on the HC, CO or idle problem, then a cylinder leak-down test is
speed. If the CO reading increases more required. Disconnect the hose ready for the
than 0.8% and the HC increases by more cruise check.


The cruise check is performed at 4000 best at very low rpm and may become less
RPM. Bring the engine speed up to 4000 efficient (lower CO2) at high rpm).
RPM and hold it there for about 20 seconds.
Within this time, the mixture can stabilize, After completing the cruise check and
and the sample can be analyzed. making any adjustments, reconnect the AIS
Depending on the design of the engine, the (if applicable) and watch to see the O2 rise
CO, O2 and HC may lower from idle to confirm the function of the AIS. Now the
specifications and the CO2 may rise, as the EGA tests are complete; reconnect the
engine becomes more efficient at higher engine breather pipe and any other items
speed. (Some engines are designed to work previously disconnected.


The EGA can be very useful when a If the cruise check did not show any
customer is looking to retain reasonable significant lowering of CO, it may be
performance while increasing fuel mileage. possible to jet down one size on the main to
In this instance, always start with careful obtain improvements in fuel economy at
valve adjustment and carb synchronization. higher RPM.
Adjust the fuel mixture screw and watch the There is a trade-off when setting an engine
CO reading lower. The CO2 should remain for fuel economy. It will make less power
stable and the O2 should rise slightly. Try to and will require longer choking and warm-up
lower the CO from spec by about 0.5%. If during cold starting. If these conditions are
you go too far, the O2 will rise quickly and not objectionable to your customer, then
HC may also start to rise. these settings may be their best choice.

NOTES: ___________________________________________________________________

Analysis of Gas Exchange — What goes in and What comes out ............................................12
Troubleshooting Using the EGA ...............................................................................................16
Base Specifications .................................................................................................................19

Oxygen (O2)
Oxygen is measured in percent of sample The mixture being delivered to the engine,
concentration volume. The engine as defined by the excess-air factor (i.e.
combustion process does not produce Lambda), exercises a decisive influence on
oxygen; it comes directly from the the composition of the exhaust gas. The
atmosphere. It is almost totally consumed engine produces its maximum torque at
by the combustion process. The small approximately Lambda = .90; thus, this air-
amount of oxygen left over from the fuel ratio is generally programmed for full
combustion process makes up the Lambda load operation. Optimum fuel economy is
(?) or excess air factor. Some models use achieved with a mixture of Lambda = 1.10.
additional air which is injected or pumped This coincides with the setting for low CO
into the exhaust stream after the and HC emissions; oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
combustion process to dilute exhaust however are at a maximum at this ratio.
emissions and/or assist in the operation of a When the Lambda value of the exhaust gas
catalytic converter. This is achieved by is equal to 1.00, the engine is deemed to be
either using an air pump or by air induction operating at the optimum air-fuel ratio which
via a “gulp” valve system. If any type of air is neither rich nor lean.
injection system is employed on an engine,
it must be disabled prior to using any The oxygen content of the exhaust is used
exhaust concentration readings for as an indicator rather than a diagnostic
diagnostic purposes as the additional air will value. For example, when CO2 is low and
render null and void any diagnostic value of O2 is high, the air-fuel ratio is usually lean.
the exhaust gas readings. When CO2 is low and O2 is low, the air-fuel
ratio is rich.

Hydrocarbons (HC)
Hydrocarbons (HC) are raw unburned fuel • Insufficient spark duration (This can be
and are the by-product of incomplete or caused by excessively large spark plug
poor combustion. Hydrocarbons are gap/s, faulty ignition primary circuit,
typically measured in parts per million faulty ignition coil, faulty hi-tension plug
(PPM). All engines produce some excess or coil lead/s.)
HC, as some fuel always remains unburned • Over advanced ignition timing
when the (relatively) cold cylinder wall in the
• Low cylinder/s compression.
combustion chamber has cooled it.
Hydrocarbons are an excellent indicator of • Fuel contaminated crankcase lubricant
ignition and/or mechanical problems. fumes or combustion gas blow-by
entering the combustion chamber by
High HC readings can be caused by: induction through the PCV valve or
• Very rich air-fuel ratio engine breather
• Very lean air-fuel ratios (i.e. Lean • Faulty or inoperative cooling system
enough to cause engine misfire) thermostat (i.e. The engine is too cold.)
• Vacuum leaks causing a mixture lean • Hydrocarbons will be very low when the
enough to misfire on one or more catalytic converter "lights up". This of
cylinders course is only applicable to vehicles so
• Spark plug misfire


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide is measured by percentage concentration levels of CO2, indicate a high
of concentration sampled. Carbon dioxide level of efficient combustion. Too little
(CO2) is a compound that is formed when oxygen or too much fuel (rich) during the
one carbon atom from the fuel or combustion process produces less CO2 and
hydrocarbons combines with two atoms of more CO than the ideal air-fuel ratio (for
oxygen (O2) from the air during the premium gasoline: 14.7-lb air to 1-Ib fuel).
combustion cycle of an engine. Because Conversely too much oxygen and too little
one carbon atom can combine with either fuel (lean) will also produce less CO2 than
one or two oxygen atoms, when combustion the ideal air-fuel ratio. However, this lean
efficiency is poor, carbon monoxide (CO) mixture will produce more O2, and if lean
will be formed. If excellent combustion enough, excessive HC will be produced due
efficiency is achieved, carbon dioxide will be to misfire.
formed. The ratio between CO and CO2 in
exhaust emission is a scale of combustion Carbon dioxide is non-toxic and is "breathed
efficiency. Furthermore, to approximate the in" by plants, which convert it back into its
air-fuel ratio, simply add the CO to the CO2 base components of carbon and oxygen.
(e.g. 1.25% CO + 13.50% CO2 represents Although it is non-toxic, it is one of the major
an approximate air-fuel ratio of 14.75 parts greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide is
air to 1 part fuel.) We must point out that present in exhaled human breath.
this formula is to be used as a guide only
and not as an accurate calculation of air-fuel When the carbon dioxide content of the
ratio. As carbon dioxide is a true indicator of exhaust is at the highest achievable level for
combustion efficiency, it therefore follows any one particular engine, that engine is
that exhaust emissions, which have high operating at the highest degree of
combustion efficiency.

Water (H2O)
Water is formed when two hydrogen atoms In addition to water formed by the
combine with one oxygen atom. Premium combustion process, there is a certain
gasoline is 86% carbon and 14% hydrogen. amount of water present in the atmosphere.
If the engine combustion efficiency were This moisture is called absolute humidity
100%, the exhaust gas stream would only and represents the true mass of water
contain carbon dioxide and water. present in the air. Some analyzers calculate
absolute humidity at the standard setting of
Water can make up between 14 and 22 69.8 degrees and 75% relative humidity.
percent of the volume of the exhaust gas Atmospheric moisture is drawn into the
stream depending on combustion efficiency engine with the intake air. The H2O value
and the type of fuel being used. (i.e. LPG displayed on some analyzers is a
generates more water during the calculation of both the water formed by the
combustion process than gasoline due to combustion process and atmospheric
the difference between the molecular moisture.
structure of the two fuels. LPG is 82.5%
carbon and 17.5% hydrogen.) Water will quickly plug filters, sampling hose
and even the infra red optical components
of an EGA. Readings will fluctuate when
excess water is in the hose or filter.


Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon monoxide is measured by High CO readings can be caused by:
percentage of concentration. Carbon
• Rich air-fuel ratio
monoxide (CO) is the by-product of the
incomplete combustion of Hydrocarbons • Low and/or uneven idle
with oxygen. It is formed when fuel tries to • Dirt particles plugging carburetor air
burn, but there is insufficient combustion for bleeds (more common in high-mileage
the fuel to burn completely. Partially burned vehicles)
fuel mixtures always yield CO. Therefore, • Incorrect carburetor float level
the high CO concentration in the exhaust (sometimes caused by high float bowl
indicates that large amounts of partially temperatures)
burnt fuel are present. The key word here is • The choke plate not fully open or a
partially burnt indicating that the engine is leaking starter by-pass valve
not performing at its optimum. There is (enrichener circuit).
something not right, air-fuel ratio (Rich) or
it's density (excess EGR), ignition • Restricted air filter
temperature (weak Spark) or cylinder • Blocked PCV valve or collapsed PCV
mechanical health. valve hose
• Incorrect ignition timing (advanced)
In most cases, carbon monoxide is an during rich mixtures only
indicator of fuel delivery problems. • Charcoal canister saturation
However, the ingress of fuel vapor via a
• Fuel contaminated engine oil or
PCV valve either from engine blow-by or
fuel contaminated engine oil can also effect excessive engine blow-by
exhaust gas CO content. Very low CO is an • Dribbling fuel injectors
indication of a lean air-fuel ratio, whereas • Electronic malfunction in the EFI
very high readings of CO indicate a rich air- system. (e.g. Engine Coolant Temp
fuel ratio. Faulty fuel canister purge valves sensor)
or systems will also effect exhaust gas CO. • Excessively high fuel pressure in fuel
Carbon monoxide should be very low or injected vehicles
non-existent in vehicles equipped with a
properly operating catalytic converter which
has "lit up."
Hydrogen (H2)
Hydrogen is formed in the combustion with one atom of oxygen during the
chamber when engine combustion combustion process. Once the ratio is
efficiency is low (usually below 90%). It is exceeded, free hydrogen atoms, released
formed by incomplete combustion, because by the combustion process, pass into the
there are simply not enough oxygen atoms exhaust gas stream. It remains in the
left to burn the hydrogen off. Premium exhaust gases unable to burn due to the
gasoline is 86% carbon and only 14% lack of available oxygen. However, once the
hydrogen. When combustion efficiency is exhaust gases clear the tail pipe and come
low, the majority of the oxygen present in in contact with the oxygen in the air, the
the combustion chamber combines with the mixture can become explosive and easily
carbon atoms forming carbon monoxide. ignited. Always ensure that flames and
What is left over combines with the sparks are kept away from exhaust tailpipes
hydrogen present in the fuel to form water. It on engines that are cold or have poor
takes two atoms of hydrogen to combine combustion efficiency.


Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)

NOx is a term used to collectively describe The vehicle manufacturers address the
the different compounds of nitrogen and presence of NOx in exhaust gases in two
oxygen that form during the combustion different manners. Some manufacturers
process of an engine. NOx is measured in employ an Exhaust Gas Return (EGR) valve
parts per million. It is also extremely to recycle some of the exhaust gases back
dangerous, since it permeates the lung through the combustion process. This
tissue. Nitrogen monoxide is a colorless, concept has the effect of lowering
tasteless, and odorless gas. Nitrogen combustion temperatures thus reducing
monoxide when placed in contact with pure NOx emissions. The other method, which is
air transforms into nitrogen dioxide (NO2). gaining wider acceptance, is to add a
Pure NO2 is a poisonous reddish brown gas reduction catalyst to the oxidizing two-way
with a penetrating odor. The concentrations catalyst in the catalytic converter. This type
found in exhaust gases and extremely of converter is more commonly known as a
polluted air can produce irritation in mucous three-way catalytic converter and is the type
membranes. It is the transformation of NO used in the FJR1300 and 2002 R1. More
to NO2, which causes the dull brown uncommon methods of dealing with the
photochemical smog so prevalent in our NOx have been the introduction of gasohol,
modern cities. Other oxides of nitrogen are a blend of ethyl alcohol and gasoline, as
nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen trioxide (N2O3)' well as the introduction of hydrogen to the
and nitrogen pentoxide (N2O5). air-fuel mixture. These experimental
Unfortunately, an engine designed and attempts at addressing a major pollution
tuned to produce low CO and HC emissions problem are slowly gaining some degree of
turns out to be a great NOx producer. The credence, but the cost involved is so far
hotter an engine runs and the more power it prohibitive.
delivers the more NOx it produces.

To make this manual easier to use, we have The more general and common reasons
made a table of what the readings could have been listed, but it is up to you to use
mean on the following page. Remember, not this manual and your expertise to diagnose a
all possibilities have been included, problem. Additional space has been made
otherwise the table would have become available for you to add your own symptoms
large and unusable. and readings.

O2 O2 O2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO CO CO HC HC HC NOx NOx NOx Symptom
High Normal Low High Medium Low High Normal Low High Normal Low High Normal Low
X X X X X X X X Rich
X X X X X X X X X Lean
X X X X X X Lean misfire
X X X X X X X Low Compression
X X X X X Ignition Fault
X X X X X X X X X Oil Burning
X X X X X X X X Oil Contaminated with Fuel
Hot Engine (HC level will be high)
Cold Engine
X X X X X X Choke Sticking on
X X X X X X X Intake Valve Tight
X X X X X X Exhaust Valve Tight
X X X X X X X Exhaust Leak
X X X X X X Good set-up Econo
X X X X X X Good set-up Power

Xlfile – i/share/service/school documents/EGA list

* NOx readings available only if sensor (option) installed.

O2 O2 O2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO CO CO HC HC HC NOx NOx NOx Symptom
High Normal Low High Medium Low High Normal Low High Normal Low High Normal Low

Base Specifications

Year Model CO%

2000~ TTR90 3.5~4.5
2000~ TTR125 3.5~4.5
2001~ TTR225/230 3.5~4.5
2001~ TTR250 4~6
1998~ TW200 2.5~4.5
1999~ XT225 3~4
2001~ WR250F 4~6
2001~ WR426F 4~6
1999~ XVS65P- 3~4
1999~ XVS11 4~5 (0.5~1.5)
1999~ XV16/17 4~5
2002~ XV17PC 3.5**
1999~ XVZ13TF 3~4
1996~ XVZ1300 3~4
1998~ YZF600R 3.5~4.5
1999~2002 YZFR6 3.5~4.5
2003~ YZFR6 3.5
1998~2001 YZFR1 3.5~4.5
2002~03 YZFR1 3.5
2004~ YZFR1 2.5~3.5**
2001~ FZS10 4~5
1996~ VMX12 2.5~3.5
2003~ FJR13 3.5**

All Years All 4-Stroke ATVs 3.5~4.5

Note: _____________________________________________________________________

All values are with AIS Blocked. Unblocked value if available is shown in (). ** Denotes a unit
with Catalytic Converter exhaust. Samples must be taken from the head pipe on these models.

Models that meet EU2 emissions standard may not have been fitted with sampling plugs on the
head pipe and may require Rivnut installation.

Basic E.G.A. Maintenance .......................................................................................................21
Rivnut® Installation ..................................................................................................................22
Notes ........................................................................................................................................22

As has been previously described, the Purge the EGA after every use to remove
Exhaust Gas Analyzer will require excess humidity and corrosive exhaust
maintenance to keep running accurately gases.
and efficiently. How you use the equipment
will determine how much maintenance will
be required.

Connection of the EGA to a cold engine will

cause increased condensation amounts to
be ingested by the EGA. Fully warm the
engine before connection. Shortening the
intake hose will allow higher levels of water
to contaminate the EGA. Do not shorten the

The EGA may require occasional re- Calibration gas is available from
calibration. Follow the calibration K&L Tool Supply, BOC or many garage
information in the EGA owner manual. supplies distributors.

Your EGA has a number of filters in the reads higher than normal levels of HC or
intake system. The probe filter will require CO when the probe is in the fresh air, or if
changing often, possibly as often as every readings fluctuate, then the filters should be
10 hours. Other filters include the primary replaced.
and secondary main filters. If the EGA still

The oxygen sensor in the EGA is a part that Cleaning the EGA should be performed
is consumable. With regular EGA use, it using a clean lint-free cloth that has been
should be expected that the O2 sensor will slightly dampened.
require replacement about once per year.

Rivnuts® are used to connect the multiprobe adapter to each exhaust pipe on multi-cylinder
models without factory-installed probe ports. The following procedures explain how to install
Rivnuts® to the head pipe.

A Rivnut® is a threaded insert that locks As with any new process, practice
into a pre-drilled hole. A special tool is installation on scrap material before utilizing
required to thread into the Rivnuts® and the on a customer’s unit.
tool then distorts the body of the nut so that
it produces a flange that prevents the nut
from falling out or rotating.

Mark and drill the exhaust pipes with an Use 6mm x 10mm Chrome bolts (p/n 973-
8.5mm (Q size) drill. Be sure that the angle 13060-10-00) to plug the probe holes. Coat
of the hole is towards the center of the the bolt threads with anti-seize compound. If
motorcycle and the adapter will be able to the plug bolt is too long or not chrome, it
access the finished Rivnuts®. could seize in the Rivnut®.

Follow the tool instructions carefully. Make Rivnuts® are available from Yamaha Motor
sure to lubricate the threaded portions of the Canada Ltd. (under part number ACC-
tool. Do not overtighten the tool or you may 11130-00-26) but distributors of Rivnuts®
damage the nut or the tool. (e.g. Cardinal Components Inc. See
appendix) supply the installation tool.
Inspect the Rivnuts® for proper installation.
If a Rivnut® is loose, repeat the tightening Different tools are available depending on
procedure being careful not to strip the the anticipated usage. Yamaha
threads. recommends a heavy-duty style tool if
Rivnuts® are to be installed on a regular

NOTES: ___________________________________________________________________

Distributor — Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. 480 Gordon Baker Road, Toronto, Canada, M2H 3B4
(416) 498 1911

EGA Tool Supplier K & L Tool Supply Los Angeles, CA. 1-800-727-6767 www.klsupply.com

Rivnut® Tool Supplier — Cardinal Components Inc. Mequon, WI. (262) 242 9030

Rivnut® Tool Part Number Standard Tool: C845, HD Tool: C6000

Rivnut® Insert Part Number ACC-11130-00-26 (from Yamaha)

2-way catalytic converter: The oxidation or C: (see carbon)
two-way catalytic converter reduces
hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide Calibration: Comparison of two instruments
(CO) by converting them into water vapor or measuring devices, one of which is a
(H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The standard of known accuracy traceable to
nitrogen oxide (NOx) remains untouched national standards, to detect, correlate,
and is emitted as exhaust. report or eliminate by adjustment any
discrepancy in accuracy of the instrument or
3-way catalytic converter: A catalytic measuring device being compared with the
converter which can do the job of burning standard. (Calibration gas has known
off hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide quantities of gas measured by the supplier
while reducing nitrogen oxide is called a with a device of known accuracy).
three-way catalyst. The dual-bed or three-
way catalyst, consisting of two chambers, Carbon: A nonmetallic, symbol C, chiefly
reduces hydrocarbons (HC), carbon tetravalent chemical element (atomic
monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) number 6; atomic weight 12.01115)
by converting them to water vapor (H2O), occurring native in the crystalline form (as
carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2). the diamond and as graphite) or
amorphous, and forming a constituent of
Absolute humidity: The weight of water coal, petroleum, and asphalt, of limestone
vapor per unit volume. The amount of vapor and other carbonates, and of all organic
actually present in the air usually expressed compounds.
in grams per cubic meter or grains per cubic
foot. Carbon dioxide: A heavy colorless gas
CO2 that does not support combustion, that
Air injection system (AIS): There are two dissolves in water to form carbonic acid,
kinds of AIS systems. One forces air into that is formed especially by the action of
the exhaust with a belt-driven pump acids on carbonates, by the fermentation of
(Automobile), the other uses exhaust- liquors, and by the combustion and
manifold vacuum to draw air in (motorcycle). decomposition of organic substances (as in
The AIS system's job is to reduce emissions animal respiration, in the decay of animal
by injecting air into the exhaust stream. and vegetable matter, and in the explosion
of firedamp in mines) that is absorbed from
Air-fuel ratio: The ratio of air supply flow the air by plants in the first step in
rate to the fuel supply flow rate, measured photosynthesis, and that is used in the
in the same units under the same gaseous and liquefied forms chiefly in the
conditions. The optimum air-fuel ratio is the carbonation of beverages, in fire fighting, in
minimum ratio that will provide complete therapeutical work, in mining operations, in
combustion of the fuel with enough excess the chemical industry, and as a source of
air to maintain a stable flame envelope. power (as in spray painting and inflating life
rafts) and in the solidified form as dry ice.
AIS: (see air injection system)
Carburetor synchronization: The adjustment
Atmospheric moisture: Water as it occurs of throttle valves or carburetor slides in
in various forms in the air. Moisture in the multicylinder engines so that they open and
atmosphere plays a greater role in weather close at exactly the same rate and time
and climate than any other constituents of inside the throttle bodies. Improperly
the air. It is so significant that it is commonly synchronized carburetors will adversely
considered separately from air pressure or affect idle and throttle response, as well as
temperature. increase internal stresses inside the engine.

Catalytic converter: (see 2-way/3-way EGR: (see exhaust gas recirculation)
catalytic converter)
Electronic tachometer: A diagnostic tool,
Charcoal canister: Gasoline vapor from the for example, an inductive tachometer
carburetor float bowl flows to the charcoal reading engine speed from the spark plug
canister. There, the charcoal particles lead.
pickup (or absorb) the gasoline vapor and
hold it. Emission control: Any number of devices
on a vehicle designed to reduce the
CO2: (see carbon dioxide) emissions of substances that are harmful to
the environment.
Combustion: It is an exothermic chemical
reaction between a reducer (fuel) and Ethyl alcohol: A colorless volatile
oxygen or other electronegative substance. flammable liquid C2H5OH. Also known as
Combustion is controlled inside the ethanol, is it created by fermentation and
combustion chamber to convert an found in beer, wine and spirits. This is the
exothermic reaction into movement by way adjunct, which transforms gasoline into
of a moving piston. gasohol.

Combustion efficiency: Many factors can EU2 emissions standard: A set of strict
influence combustion (e.g. Air-fuel mixture, standards of emissions originating from the
engine temperature, spark timing, etc.) European Union, regulation engines,
which will affect efficiency and emissions. gasoline, exhaust emissions, etc.
The concentration of carbon dioxide divided
by the sum of the concentration of carbon Exhaust gas analyzer: An instrument,
monoxide and the concentration of carbon which measures the quantities of the gases,
dioxide, multiplied by 100. which form the exhaust and thereby
determine the engine's efficiency.
Crankcase breather hose: A conduit that
allows air to circulate through the crankcase Exhaust gas recirculation: A system
and thereby provides crankcase ventilation. which diverts some of the exhaust gases
Any build-up of combustion by-product back to the inlet manifold, so that they are
gases will build pressure causing seals and drawn into the cylinders to reduce NOx
gasket failures if the crankcase is not emission by diluting the combustible mixture
allowed to ventilate. and lowering the maximum temperatures
EGA database: A database of EGA
readings categorized by individual units Exhaust Gas return: (see exhaust gas
allowing the technician to consult past recirculation)
readings and compare them to present
readings. This database can only be Fuel canister purge valve: Allows the
constituted when the EGA is connected to a accumulated gasoline (in liquid form) from
PC. Alternatively, the technician can display the fuel canister/charcoal chamber to enter
EGA database results on his PC without the combustion chamber when specific
being connected to the EGA. conditions have been met.

EGA history: A function of the EGA Fuel mixture screw: Allows to change the
database allowing the technician to build a volume of air-fuel mixture without changing
history of customers’ units. the ratio.

EGA: (see exhaust gas analyzer) Fuel-air mixture: (see air-fuel mixture)

Gasohol: Coined term for a motor fuel Multiprobe valves: Valves allowing to open
blend of unleaded gasoline and 5-10% ethyl and close individual probes, which allows
alcohol. It originated in Europe in the readings of individual cylinders.
1930's. It was introduced in Nebraska in
1974 during the oil embargo, the alcohol N: (see nitrogen)
being derived by fermentation of spoiled
corn. It can also be obtained from such Nitrogen: A chemical element, symbol N,
forms of biomass as cellulosic residues, atomic number 7, atomic weight 14.0067; it
deadfall trees, and agricultural wastes. is a gas, diatomic (N2) under normal
conditions; about 78% of the atmosphere is
HC: (see hydrocarbons) N2; in the combined form the element is a
constituent of all proteins.
Hydrocarbons (HC): Any substance, which
contains hydrogen atoms, bonded to carbon Nitrogen dioxide (NO2): A poisonous
atoms. This includes fuels and oils. Any brownish gas, which is a constituent of
unburned fuels and oils in the exhaust smog. It is produced when nitrogen
gases will give an HC reading. monoxide is exposed to oxygen.

Lean mixture: An air-fuel mixture that has a Nitrogen monoxide (NO): A colorless
relatively high proportion of air and a poisonous gas NO that is obtained by
relatively low proportion of fuel. An air-fuel oxidation
ration of 16:1 indicates a lean mixture,
compared with an air-fuel ration of 13:1. Nitrogen pentoxide (N2O5): Colorless
crystals, soluble in water (forms HNO3);
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): A mixture decomposes at 46°C.
of heavier, gaseous, paraffinic
hydrocarbons, principally butane and Nitrogen trioxide (N2O3): Nitrous anhydride
propane. These gases are easily liquefied at
moderate pressure and may be transported Nitrous oxide (N2O): Colorless, sweet-
as liquids but converted to gases on release tasting gas, soluble in alcohol, ether, and
of the pressure. concentrated sulfuric acid; slightly soluble in
water. Also know as laughing gas, used as
Low flow: The status of the EGA tube an anesthetic.
where exhaust gas flow is insufficient for
proper reading. Probably due to clogged NOx: (see oxides of nitrogen)
filter(s) or kinked hose.
O2: (see oxygen)
LPG: (see liquefied petroleum gas)
Oxidation catalyst: The oxidation or two-
MEAS button: The button the technician way catalytic converter reduces
must press to indicate the EGA to hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide
commence reading exhaust gases. (CO) by converting them into water vapor
(H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Misfire: The absence of combustion in a
cylinder at the power stroke. This condition Oxides of nitrogen (NOx): various
will result in elevated HC readings in the gaseous molecules of nitrogen in different
exhaust gases. states of oxidation. Compounds listed in
ascending states of oxidation: N2O, NO,
Multiprobe adapter: Adapter to fit NO2, N2O, N2O3, N2O5.
multicylinder engines.

Oxygen: Atomic number 8, symbol O, Reduction catalyst: A catalytic converter,
atomic weight 16.014; it is a gas, diatomic which reduces part of the exhaust, gases
(O2) under normal conditions; about 20% of from oxides to their diatomic state (e.g. NO2
the atmosphere is O2; necessary for all reduced to N2 and O2)
aerobic live and to burn fuel in the
combustion chamber. Relative humidity: The (dimensionless)
ratio of the actual vapor pressure of the air
Oxygen sensor: This can be the vehicle’s to the saturation vapor pressure.
own sensor, which measures oxygen in the
exhaust gases to change fuel injection Rich mixture: An air-fuel mixture that has a
duration. relatively high proportion of fuel and a
In an EGA, the oxygen sensor also relatively low proportion of air. An air-fuel
measures the concentration of oxygen in ration of 13:1 indicates a rich mixture,
the exhaust gases. Unlike an engine’s compares with an air-fuel ration of 16:1.
oxygen sensor, this sensor is a consumable
item and must be replaced periodically. Rivnut®: A patented, hollow, blind rivet,
manufactured by the B.F. Goodrich
PCV valve: positive-crankcase-ventilating- Company, in which the inside of the shank
system regulator valve controls the flow of is threaded. The upset rivet may be used as
crankcase vapors in accordance with a blind nut.
ventilation requirements for different engine
speeds and loads. RS232 cable: Parallel port communication
cable for your PC. 32-pin connection.
PPM = parts per million
Secondary main filter: One among a
Premium gasoline: Most refiners market series of filters in an EGA. Keeping these
two grades of gasoline "regular" and filters clean and replacing them as required
"premium". Yamaha qualifies premium will ensure proper and speedy exhaust gas
gasoline as having pump octane equal or readings.
greater than 91 ([R+M]/2).
Spark timing: The production of a spark at
Primary main filter: One among a series of the same crank position during compression
filters in an EGA. Keeping these filters clean stroke can’t provide maximum power, allow
and replacing them as required will ensure for easy starting and rapid engine
proper and speedy exhaust gas readings. acceleration from idle. To make all these
situations possible, the spark timing must
Probe filter: One among a series of filters change according to the engine’s
in an EGA. Keeping these filters clean and requirement (e.g. rpm, load, etc.)
replacing them as required will ensure
proper and speedy exhaust gas readings. Stoichiometric combustion: When all the
This filter requires the most maintenance. components of combustion are balanced
(e.g. C5H12 + 16O2 = 5CO2 + 6H2O). This
Purge: Purging the EGA lines will ensure completely uses all the fuel and all the
latent corrosive gases and any accumulated oxygen.
humidity is expelled from the system thus
ensuring proper working order for the next Tailpipe adapter: An accessory piece to fit
time and longer EGA life. to the tail end of the exhaust system for
fitting the EGA Tailpipe probe tip.
Ready Mode (READ): An EGA message
indicating to the technician that the machine Tailpipe probe tip: The part of the EGA,
is ready to read exhaust gases. which comes in direct contact with the
exhaust gases of the unit you wish to test.

Valve adjustment: This term refers to the
proper valve lash setting; the gap between
the valve stem and the rocker or the valve
stem bucket and camshaft. Improper valve-
lash adjustment will affect engine
performance and will change the make-up
of the exhaust gases.

VOCs: volatile organic compounds.

Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd.
480 Gordon Baker Road
Toronto, ON M2H 3B4

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