17 - Chapter 9
17 - Chapter 9
17 - Chapter 9
In the real world data grow exponentially and it is practically impossible to benefit
from this data without mining or extracting useful rules or interesting patterns
from the data. The data mining in tum utilizes many techniques. Any single
technique is not found suitable for all kinds of data and for all types of domains
(No free lunch theorem holds true). Hybrid techniques have been designed to
hybridized approach based on rough set theory and classical decision tree
work and present the conclusions with directions for future research.
9.1 Summary
The thesis facilitates an important task of data mining namely classification using
decision tree induction. RDT framework, the hybridization of the rough set theory
and the decision tree induction, is proposed to address various data mining issues
for classification. The performance of the RDT has been investigated to handle
inconsistency, continuous attributes, large datasets, and noisy domains. In the first
phase, the benchmarking datasets from UCI repository have been used for the
research community and their corresponding algorithms have the chances of being
fine tuned to perform well on these datasets, therefore in the second phase RDT
model is also employed to mine two real world datasets from the agricultural
domain. Machine learning based data mining applications for agricultural domain
have not been in focus, hence useful applications need to be identified and
approach. From the review on decision tree induction ID3 and C4.5 algorithms
were adjudged suitable as the base for the hybridization. Using these two
for comparison of classifiers obtained for the small datasets. Some additional
in the resulting classifier were also given due weights for the moderate or the large
size datasets. The selections of datasets for further study were based on the issues,
in this dataset of large number of attributes also prevailed. Further Iris, Vehicle,
Australian-credit-card, Adult and Cover type datasets were selected to deal with
the problems of attributes with continuous and missing values using rough set
assumption is that the dataset includes all kinds of noise, inconsistency or any
other imperfection that usually occur in the real world. To address issues in such
datasets dynamic RDT was employed. Finally RDT was tested for prediction of
epidemic outbreak in mango using another real dataset including the data over a
period of eleven years. At a prior stage this problem has been studied by the
There is no algorithm that dominates all other algorithms for all types of
domains. For every problem, there is no such perfect algorithm that guesses the
target function with no error. The best that can be hoped for is to understand the
the best algorithm for the data being studied and not an average performance
here is to execute various models for classification and estimate the accuracy,
complexity, size of the rule-set and the number of attributes required for each of
them. In addition to this, the cumulative score may be utilized for the comparisons
No system is foolproof. The performance of RDT was not always the best
datasets from a domain can not disprove the validity of the RDT model because
decision tree induction algorithm was insignificant. Implementation of RDT
algorithm is automated with the help of interface programs, script files and batch
files which are not as efficient as the fully automated module for RDT model
are required on the part of the user to use CS for performance comparison. The
results of classification using the RDT model and its variants are compared with
the results obtained from the rough set approach, the decision tree induction
Other models based on neural networks or genetic algorithms are not attempted.
conditions for updating the prior predictive model was not possible at this stage
due to non availability of more instances of the data. As evident from the removal
1. A new hybridized model for classification namely RDT, based on rough set
theory and decision tree induction, is proposed. For a decision system that has
is O(m2n log n)+ O(n( log n/. However, RDT removes irrelevant attributes at
2. The accuracy, the complexity, the number of rules, and the number of
To deal with such a case, the formulation of Cumulative Score (CS) mainly for
reducts might exist. In order to fine tune the RDT to extend its applicability to
such datasets too, the concept of approximate core is proposed along with the
algorithm for its computation. All possible reducts, denoted by R, are obtained
4. The rough set based discretization offers additional utility of rough set theory
compares well with the popular standard algorithm for handling continuous
attributes namely C4.5. The experimental results obtained from using RDT
and its variants exhibited the potential to trade off between complexity and
5. Dynamic RDT model is based on dynamic reduct and is observed to be
suitable to handle real world datasets containing noise. The algorithm for the
6. For the real world prediction problem, RDT algorithms are observed to
the RDT. The resulting classifier obtained from hybrid framework is simple
Our experiments in the dissertation suggest that RDT or any of its variants
i.e. the RDTcoreu, DJU, DJP, RJU, RJP, DRJU or DRJP, outperforms other base
algorithms. The results indicate the suitability of RDT model to yield a classifier
~exploring the potential of rough set theory to hybridize it with the conventional
datasets from real world domains. Experimental results obtained from real world
the predictive modelling using RDT, more applications for agricultural domains
statistical methods for prediction, and RDT and its variants or other machine
learning algorithms, may increase the credibility base of the proposed RDT
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List of Publications
1. Sonajharia Minz, Rajni Jain, Rough Set based Decision Tree model for
5. Sonajharia Minz, Rajni Jain, Refining Decision Tree Classifiers using
2005 (accepted)
6. Rajni Jain, Sonajharia Minz, P. Adhiguru, Rough Set based Decision Tree
7. Rajni Jain, Sonajharia Minz, Dynamic RDT Model for Data Mining, 2nd
2005 (submitted)